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初二英语短文填空练习 篇1


call , swim , anything , clever , bear , can , his , give , girl , something , read , take

Many years ago , there was a family ___1___ Franklin. They lived in Boston. There were five ___2___ and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1760, another baby boy ___3___. They boy’s mother and his father ___4___ the boy a name ― Benjamin.

Benjamin was the ___5___ of all the children. He could read when he was five and he ___6___ write by the time he was seven. When he was eight he was sent to school.

In school Benjamin had been good at ___7___ and writing but not good at math. He read all of ___8___ father’s books. And whenever (每当)he had a little money, he bought a book with it . He liked books. They told him how to do ___9___. At that time he invented the paddles (脚蹼)for ___10___ .

初二英语短文填空练习 篇2

这个新题型失分率高, 区分度大, 笔者根据自己多年的教学实践, 整理出以下答题思路、技巧和方法, 希望能给广大考生以帮助。



(一) 名词:主要有三种变形

1. 单数变复数, 如child-children, leaf-leaves, boy-boys;

2. 名词所有格, 如teacher-teacher’s, school-schools’;

3. 名词变为形容词, 如friend-friendly, danger-dangerous。

(二) 动词:动词变化最多也最为复杂, 要从时态、语态、主谓一致等几个方面考虑

1. 如果动词在句中作谓语, 首先要考虑时态的变化, 以动词do为例:

(1) 在有every day, often, always, usually等时间状语的一般现在时的句子中, 主语为I, you, we, they等非“单三”时保持不变, 主语为he, she, it等“单三”时变为does。

(2) 在含有yesterday, last week, five days ago等表示过去的一般过去时态的句子中变为did。

(3) 含有now, at the present, look, listen等现在进行时态标志词语的句子中, 变为am/is/are doing。

(4) 在含有already, yet, ever, never, just, for+时间段, since+时间点, in the last/past few years, so far, by now等现在完成时态的句子中, 变为have/has done。

(5) 在含有tomorrow, next month, in three days等表示将来的句子中, 变为will/be going to do。

(6) 在含有this time yesterday, when the teacher came in等表示过去某个时间点的过去时态的句子中, 变为was/were doing。

2. 我们在考虑时态的同时, 也要考虑语态。

当句子的主语是谓语动词动作的承受者时, 用被动语态;反之则用主动语态。如,

(1) The old should be respected (respect) by the young.

(2) The young should respect (respect) the old.

3. 如果所给的动词在句子中不作谓语, 就应该考虑用动词的非谓语动词形式。

(1) avoid, consider, enjoy, finish, keep, practice, suggest, spend+doing;

(2) want, would like, decide, learn, plan, hope, wish, agree, choose, manage, offer+to do;

(3) 在有复合宾语的情况下tell, ask, order, encourage, advise, teach, want, wish, allow+sb.+to do;

(4) 感官动词feel, hear, see, watch, notice, find, look at+sb.doing强调动作当时正在进行, +sb.do强调看到、听到动作的全过程或经常看见某人做某事。

(5) 情态动词can, may, must, would, could, should+do (主动态时) /be done (被动态时) 。

(6) 三大使役动词make/let/have后边的动词如果是宾语发出的动作, 则+sb.+do, 如若宾语是其后动词的承受者, 则+sb.+done。

4. 在介词和一些习惯用法和固定搭配中需将动词变为-ing形式。

如:feel like, what/how about, be interested in, look forward to, succeed in, pay attention to, stop sb.from, can’t help, be busy, be worth, have fun/problems, give up, be worth+doing sth.等。

5. 同时, 动词还要考虑词性的变化, 如work—worker, invent—invention, read—reader等。

(三) 形容词/副词

主要从原级、比较级、最高级这几个方面去考虑, 还要考虑形容词、副词两者间的互换, 以及形容词变名词或反义词的可能性也要考虑进去。如:happy—happier—happiest—happily—happiness—unhappy.

(四) 介词:此类词无需变形, 关键是从上下文的意思、逻辑以及固定搭配等方面来考虑

如wait一词, 后边到底用介词for, to还是at, 取决于后边所跟的对象和句意。如:

1. He waited for me for an hour.他等了我一个小时。

2. He waited at the bus stop for an hour.他在公交车站等了一个小时。

3. He waited to go to the cinema.他等着去看电影。

(五) 连词:从句中需用哪个连词要从逻辑关系上来判定, 如:

1.He got good grades because he always worked hard.“努力学习”是因, “取得好成绩”是果。

2.He always worked hard so he got good grades.“取得好成绩”是因, “努力学习”是果。

(六) 代词:代词有人称代词主格/宾格, 形容词性/名词性物主代词, 反身代词及复数的变化

如:I—me—my—mine—m yself—we;they—them—their—theirs—themselves.

(七) 数词:数词主要有三种变形, 基数词、序数词及频度副词



(一) 预览目标词

首先, 把所给的十个词汇细细研究一遍, 对每个词的词性逐一了解, 分清楚所给词汇到底是动词 (-v.) , 名词 (-n.) , 形容词 (-adj.) , 数词 (-num.) , 副词 (-adv.) , 还是代词 (-pron.) 等, 然后再对词义进行初步地理解。 (2014年九年级中考)

(二) 跳读全文

带着空白把文章完整地细读一遍, 从整体上把握全篇文章的大意主旨, 为进一步理清思路作好准备。

(三) 复读短文

在理清全文脉络的基础上复读短文, 根据上下文的逻辑及语境, 用所学知识判断空白处所需的句子成分及意思, 从而来确定所要填词汇的词性, 再根据语法词法规则来判断所填词的正确形式。

(四) 三读短文

带着答案三读短文, 逐一验证答案。查看全文是否合乎逻辑, 上下文的思路是否连贯通顺, 语法、拼写、固定搭配和习惯用法是否都准确无误。


短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 使短文完整、正确 (每个单词限用一次, 每空只填一个单词) 。


Every year, on her way to work, Amelia had to pass a slum (贫民窟) .As a social worker, she had not paidmuch attention to it.This changed one day when she met a ragged (衣衫褴褛的) boy named Sam.Sam knew she was the head of social services, and that she could help.He reached out his hand and said, “Can you help me?I am looking for my dad?”His hands were so cold.Amelia said, “What’s up?”“My mom is terribly sick.Her birthday is coming.I know my father’s coming back would be the best present.My father had left us before I was two years old, ”said the boy.

Amelia was deeply moved and asked Sam to take her to his home.He led her to a small house.Amelia saw a woman lying on the bed.The woman knew she would dying.She said to Amelia, “Please find a home for my son.”

Amelia took her hand and nodded with tears (眼泪) .She had an idea!Her husband and she had no children and looked forward to having one.Later Amelia brought Sam home.Ever since then, the new family had happiness and laughter.

1.【解析】填worker, a social worker一位社会工作者, 冠词、形容词后需要一个名词;

2.【解析】填changed, 主、从句的时态需保持一致;

3.【解析】填could, 句意为“男孩知道她会帮忙的”;

4.【解析】填looking, 固定搭配look for的进行时态;

5.【解析】填cold, 系表结构, 意为“他的手那么冷”;

6.【解析】填father’s, 名词所有格, 句意为“爸爸的回来是最好的礼物”;

7.【解析】填years, 考查名词的单复数, two years old“两岁”;

8.【解析】填deeply, 考查形容词变副词以修饰动词, “Amelia被深深地打动了”;

9.【解析】填home, 冠词后必加名词, 句意为“请为我的儿子找个家”;

10.【解析】填took, 在句子中作谓语, 需与其后nodded在时态上取得一致, 句意为“她抓住她的手, 含泪点了点头”。

总之, 考生们在考前复习中要加强短文填空题的练习, 把语法知识灵活运用于其中, 不断地实践、不断地总结, 熟练答题方法和策略, 提高阅读理解能力以及对问题的理解、分析和逻辑推理能力。

摘要:紧随中考改革的步伐, 陕西省的中考也在20112014年推陈出新, 创设了短文填空这一新题型。这个题型要求学生在保证短文意思完整, 逻辑通顺合理的前提下, 把十个打乱次序的词汇用其正确形式填入文中空白处。较之以前的“用所给词的适当形式填空”难度增加, 导致考生在此题上失分率增高。所以, 知识的储备, 答题策略的提高是做好这道题的关键。作者从中考短文填空的命题特点、答题技巧和方法出发, 系统阐述了学生应具备的基础语法知识, 解答短文填空题的策略、步骤。

初二英语短文填空练习 篇3








5.掌握5种基本的句子结构,如主谓结构、主谓宾结构、主系表结构、主谓宾宾补结构、There be结构等。


I a student. (缺谓语 is )

I by bus to school.(中式英语、缺谓语动词、结构错乱)





2.看英文电影猜对白。观看英文电影选段,对部分情节的英文对白进行留空,并发动学生根据上一句对白和场景,猜测下一句对白会怎样说。如《博物馆之夜》 中男主角伸手向猴子要回钥匙,男主角说:Can I have the keys? What a good boy! Thank you!然而猴子却向男主角撒尿,然后是一句男主角的对白,猜猜他会怎么说,很多学生会选破口大骂的词语,而电影的对白是:Oh, bad monkey!Stop that!这样的课堂既锻炼了学生的逻辑推理能力,又让课堂生动有趣,并充满了欢声笑语。平时我们可以多做一些类似的推理练习。学生很感兴趣。


Now I’m a __1__ of three children. I have to __2__ at home. I?蒺m just busy doing housework every day. My husband works hard, too. He wants to make more __3__ for the family. (答案:1.mother 2.stay 3.money)



·1.You?蒺d better take some ____ clothes with you because it?蒺s cold in China now. (答案:warm)

·2.At the school, students studied hard. They got up at five in the ____. (答案:morning)


仁爱英语七年级下短文填空 篇4

David is a middle school school student.He is thirteen years old.He loves p________ soccer very much.And he plays soccer in the Children’s Soccer Club(少年足球俱乐部)on Sundays.He usually gets up at a q______ to six.Then he goes running in his school from six to six fifty.It’s seven o’clock now.he is h________ breakfast with his parents.A_______ breakfast, he goes to school by bike.At school, he likes r______ and often b_______ some books from the school library.Danny, a friend of David’s, loves reading books, t______.So he often goes to the library w______David.(三)

Dear Steve,I’m very happy in my new school.I hope you’re enjoying it.The teachers and students here are f________ to me.We go to school five days a week.I get to school at seven thirty, and w_______ time do you get to school? We have s_______ classes every day, and how many classes do you have? On Monday and T_______, the first class is Chinese.We have Chinese, m_____,and English every morning.We have computer science, art, g_______ and biology twice a week, and we have h_____ three times a week.We have politics only o______ a week.My f_______ subject is art, and it’s on W_________and Friday.Which subject do you like best? How are you going with your lessons?


(四)Hi!My name is Shen Gang.I ______ a schoolboy.My _______ is far from(离。。远)my home.I must______ up early in the morning.I usually go to school by________.Every day it takes(花费)me about half an hour to get there.I have no ________ for breakfast at home.I often have some bread________ breakfast on my bike.I don’t _______ to be late for the morning exercises(早操)。I have lunch_______ school.Sometimes I _____ basketball with my classmates after school.I often get home ________ about 5:30.(五)

小学四年级英语小短文练习 篇5





用适当介词填空英语练习题 篇6

1.The fur coat is not ____ fashion now.2.The boss is busy now.Can you wait ______ two o’clock in the afternoon?

3.Have you seen the film “Murder on the orient Express” ______ a B.B.C.Television programme?

4.The examiner asked the students to write their names ____ the top of paper.5.In many countries people can buy things ______ installments.6.Please turn ______the light, it’s dark now.7.When the boy got ______ the bus, he found that two policemen were walking towards him in the street.8.I took three books ______ me when I came out of the library.9.Last year I travelled ______ a very large and beautiful ship to Hong Kong.10.Have you made _____ your mind where to go during the summer vacation?

11.When I am ______ work, don’t bother me.12.When Miss Jones came _________.She found the doctors and nurses standing by her bed.13.Mary went to open the door and looked out _______ the garden.14.This monkey belonged ______ an old man who was fond of monkeys.15.She spent two evenings _______ playing chess.16.I am looking forward _______ your visit here.17.He is sitting at the table covered _______ flowers.18.What’s ______ today’s newspaper?

初中英语完形填空自测练习题 篇7

So he had 8 . He 9 the picture in the dining room and invited the painter of the picture to 10 . When the painter came, the American said 11 to him about the picture. 12 they went into the dining room to have dinner. He looked 13 at the picture several times. Then he put on his 14 and looked at the picture again and again. At last he 15 that the picture was up side down.

1. A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took

2. A. map B. cap C. picture D. kite

3. A. looked after B. looked at

C. looked for D. looked up

4. A. tell B. say C. talk D. speak

5. A. painted B. turned C. used D. wrote

6. A. that B. it C. one D. another

7. A. see B. read C. decide D. look

8. A. a way B. a pen C. a road D. an idea

9. A. put B. hung C. stopped D. lent

10. A. tea B. rice C. bread D. dinner

11. A. nothing B. something C. hello D. sorry

12. A. At first B. At last C. At once D. at all

13. A. heavily B. loudly C. straight D. carefully

14. A. glasses B. coat C. trousers D. hat

15. A. watched B. understood C. sat D. opened




1. C。上文说:他认为这画很好。 推断下文:因为他买这画付了许多钱。句中的介词for是个重要提示。

2. C。上文说:那美国人买了画。推断下文: 回到旅馆,当然要把画挂起来欣赏。

3. B。意思说“他看了好长时间,还是分不清上下”。

4. A。短文最后一句说:画被挂倒了。 推断此句:因此,那美国人辨别不出哪边是画的顶部, 哪边是画的底部。

5. B。由于上下不分,所以那美国人就把画反复颠倒看。

6. A。句中的this是个重要提示。

7. C。尽管颠来倒去,还是不能断定上下。

8. D。他最后想出了办法。

9. B。他先在餐厅挂上画。

10. D。接上文(他在餐厅中挂了那副画)可推断下文: 美国人邀请画家来进餐。

11. A。美国人邀请画家的目的是:看画家本人有什么反应。 因此,对那副画他一言不发。

12. A。首先他们进入餐厅吃晚饭。 下文中的短语 At last是个重要提示。

13. C。look straight at 表示“盯着……看”。

14. A。画家也被搞糊涂了,他戴上眼镜并将画看了又看。

小学六年级英语填空题练习附答案 篇8

Passage 1

Mr Hu __1___ us English this term. He is nice . He __2___ wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He __3___ very good English . He often __4___ with us. We all like him very much.

Mr Hu __5___ two little sons. They’re twin brothers. They are only five. They often __6___ the same clothes. __7___ Betty goes to Mr Hu’s home. She loves to __8___ the twins and play with __9___ . Mr Hu __10___ his sons, Bao Bao and Bei Bei.

1. ( )

A. tells

B. teaches

C. speaks

D. works

2. ( )

A. is

B. likes

C. want

D. does

3. ( )

A. speaks

B. says

C. tells

D. teaches

4. ( )

A. says

B. speaks

C. talks

D. tells

5. ( )

A. wants

B. has

C. looks after

D. teaches

6. ( )

A. wear

B. put on

C. have

D. in

7. ( )

A. But

B. And

C. Then

D. Sometimes

8. ( )

A. look

B. think

C. take

D. see

9. ( )

A. twins

B. ones

C. they

D. them

10 ( )

A. calls

B. name

C. thinks

D. think


Passage 1

1. B 句型teach sb sth意为“教某人……”

2. A 此空填is补全现在进行时结构:主语+be+动词ing的形式。

3. A 说某种语言用speak.

4. C talk with sb表示“和某人交谈”。

5. B 表示某人有某物,主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用has.

6. A wear = be in表示“穿着”、“戴着”,强调状态。

7. D Sometimes意为“有时”,本句意思是贝蒂有时去胡先生的家。

8. D 此处see sb表示看望某人。

9. D with为介词后面要用代词的宾格形式。

10.A 此处call表示“称呼、叫”

Passage 2

Mike and Lucy __1___ brother and sister. They live __2___ a big house. The house stands at the foot __3___ a hill. Near the hill is a big lake.

There __4___ four people in their family. Mike, Lucy, their father and mother. Their father is a farmer. __5___ mother is __6___ home. Mike goes to school, __7___ little Lucy does not. She is only five.

Mike likes sports. He swims and skates __8___ . But he likes football best. After school he often plays football __9___ his friends.

Lucy likes __10___ , but he doesn’t like sports.

1. ( )

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be

2. ( )

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. to

3. ( )

A. for

B. on

C. at

D. of

4. ( )

A. have

B. has

C. is

D. are

5. ( )

A. His

B. his

C. their

D. Their

6. ( )

A. by

B. at

C. on

D. in

7. ( )

A. so

B. but

C. or

D. and

8. ( )

A. fine

B. good

C. nice

D. well

9. ( )

A. to

B. of

C. with

D. at

10. ( )

A. sing

B. to sing

C. singing

D. sings


Passage 2

1. C Mike 和Lucy是联合主语,为复数,故be动词应用are,即C选项。

2. B “live in……”意为“住在……”,侍定用法,故本题选择B选项。

3. D “at the foot of a hill”意为“在山脚下”,为固定用法,故本题选择D选项。

4. D 首先There的后面不能用has和have ,故A、B选项不对;又后面是four people,为复数,故应用are,即D选项。需要了解There be句型强调所在位置,结构为:There be sth. /sb. + 介词短语,意思为“在某处有……”;而have句型强调归属问题,结构为:主语have /has宾语,意思是“某人(物)有……”。要注意这两个句型的区别用法。

5. D 本题主要考查对上下文的理解和代词的选择问题。上文提到“他们爸爸是位农民”,这里说的应是他们的妈妈,故应用their,即D选项。

6. B at home侍定用法,意为“在家”,故本题选择B选项。

7. B 本题主要考查对句意的理解和连词的用法。本句意为“Mike上学,而Lucy不上”,两句之间应是转折关系。在A、B、C、D四选项中,so表因果关系,but表转折关系,or表选择关系,and 表并列关系。故本题应选择but,即B选项。

8. D 本题主要考查形容词与副词的区别用法。本题四个选项意思均为“好”,但词性不同,A、B、C三选项均是形容词,D选项是副词。此处“好”是用来修饰动词“skates”和“swims”的副词,故本题选择D选项。

9. C play with sb。与某人一起玩,为固定用法,故本题选择C选项。

10.C like一般有两种用法:like to do sth. 和like doing sth. 前者强调一次性动作,后者则强调习惯、兴趣。此处“Lucy喜欢唱歌”应理解为兴趣、爱好,故属于后一种情况,应用 singing ,即C选项。

Passage 3

What do you do at the weekend ? Some people like to __1___ at home, but others like to go __2___ a walk or play football. My friends Jack works hard in a factory during the __3___ . At the weekend, he always __4___ the same thing. On Saturday he __5___ his car and on __6___ he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn’t a __7___ one, but there’s always __8___ to do on a farm. The children help with the animals and give them their __9___ . Jack and his wife help in the fields . At the end of the day, they are all __10___ and Jack’s aunt gives them a big meal.

1. ( )

A. play

B. stay

C. live

D. enjoy

2. ( )

A. to

B. in

C. at

D. for

3. ( )

A. day

B. time

C. autumn

D. weekdays

4. ( )

A. does

B. make

C. borrows

D. has

5. ( )

A. watches

B. washes

C. driving

D. sells

6. ( )

A. Monday

B. Saturday

C. Sunday

D. Tuesday

7. ( )

A. big

B. small

C. hard

D. short

8. ( )

A. little

B. much

C. fast

D. far

9. ( )

A. clothes

B. places

C. food

D. balls

10. ( )

A. clean

B. late

C. hungry

D. friendly


Passage 3

1. B 与下文go for a walk or play football相对应,此处应用stay at home呆在家里,即B选项。

2. D go for a walk意为“外出散步”,为常用法,故本题选择D。

3. D 此句意为:我的朋友Jack在工作日努力在工厂工作。此处的weekdays是相对于下文的weekend而判断出的,故本题应选择D选项。

4. A 此句意为:他总是做同一件事。其英文表达应为“does the same thing”,即A选项。

5. B 此处应用谓语动词。C选项不正确;在其余三选项中washes符合句意“洗车,擦车”,故本题选B选项。

6. C 此处这一日子应是周末,即Saturday或Sunday, 而Saturday前文已叙述过,故此处应用Sunday, 即C选项。

7. A 本句意为:农场不大,但却有许多活要干。故此空应分别选择A选项。

8. B much 在本句中意为“许多”。

9. C 此处food符合题意,即“给动物喂食”,故本题应选择C选项。

10.C 由下文“Jack的姑妈给他们准备了丰盛的晚餐”,可以判定此处应用hungry,即C选项

Passage 4

Mr Smith __1___ from London. Now he is in China. He is __2___ .He teaches __3___ a middle school. He works very hard. His students like __4___ very much. He can __5___ a little Chinese . His students often teaches him Chinese __6___ Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football . He often plays football __7___ his students.

Mr Smith __8___ a son. His name is Jack. He is student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school __9___ bike everyday. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes __10___ TV in the evening.

1. ( )

A. come

B. comes

C. are

D. coming

2. ( )

A. a teacher

B. a worker

C. a driver

D. a farmer

3. ( )

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. from

4. ( )

A. he

B. him

C. she

D. her

5. ( )

A. say

B. speak

C. talk

D. tell

6. ( )

A. at

B. on

C. of

D. in

7. ( )

A. for

B. to

C. with

D. at

8. ( )

A. has

B. have

C. there is

D. there are

9. ( )

A. on

B. by

C. in

D. of

10. ( )

A. seeing

B. looking

C. watching

D. looking at


Passage 4

1. B 本题主要考查动词短语“来自”的表达come from或be from .此句主语Mr Smith是第三人称单数,故应表达为comes from或is from .B选项符合语法要求,故本题选择B选项。

2. A 本题主要考查对Mr Smith 身份的理解。由下文可知Mr Smith 是位教师。故本题选择A选项。

3. B “在一所中学”应表达为in a middle school.故本题选择B选项。

4. B Mr Smith 是男性,like 后应用宾格,故本题应选择him,即B选项。

5. B say 强调说话内容,speak强调语种,talk侧重“交谈”,talk with sb.。tell意为“告诉”,tell sb. sth. 。根据句意,本题应选B。

6.B on Sundays在星期天,侍定用法,故本题选择B选项。另外,在星期的前面都用介词on,表示“在星期……”

7. C play……with sb. 与某人玩,侍定用法。故本题选择C选项。

8. A There be和have的区别用法。前者强调某物或某人所处的位置,而后者则强调归属问题。本题属于后者,又因Mr Smith是第三人称单数,故应用have的单数第三人称形式has,即A选项。

9. B by bike骑自行车,侍定用法,故本题选择B选项。by加交通工具表示方式,类似的用法如: by bus 乘公共汽车,by ship乘船,by air乘飞机。
