
2024-06-23 版权声明 我要投稿


新目标七年级短语 篇1

1.be from = come from 来自于…

2.speak Chinese 说中文

3.write to sb.给某人写信

4.want to do sth.= would like to do sth.想做什么

5.on Centre street 在中央大道

6.next to the bank 银行隔壁

7.across from the park 在公园的对面

8.go straight 直走

9.turn left 向左转

10.in front of the library 在图书馆前面

11.be busy 忙的12.be quiet 安静

13.take a bus 乘坐公交车

14.take a walk = have a walk 散步

15.between … and … 在两者之间

16.have fun = have a good time = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴

17.next Sunday 下个星期天

18.kind of = a little 有点儿

19.at night 在晚上

20.What other animals 其它什么动物

21.be friendly to sb 对某人友好

22.during the day 在白天期间

23.eat leaves 吃树叶

24.live in somewhere 居住在某地

25.14 years old14岁

26.a very interesting country 一个非常有趣的国家

27.be hungry 饥饿

28.You’re welcome 不用谢

29.Thank you all the same 仍然感谢你

30.walk through the park 步行穿过公园

31.work late 工作得晚

32.a good place to have fun 一个好玩的地方

33.play with …与…一起玩

34.Where is your pen pal from? = Where does your pen pal come from?你的笔友来自于哪儿?

35.What language do they speak? 他们说哪一种语言?They speak Japanese.他们说日语.36.Where does she live? 她住在哪儿?She lives in Paris.她住在巴黎.37.Where’s the park? 公园在哪儿?

38.talk to sb.与某人交谈

39.Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.40.This is the beginning of the garden tour.这是花园之旅的开始.41.Why do you like pandas? 你为什么喜欢熊猫?Because they’re very cute.因为它们很可爱.42.want to be an actor 想成为一名演员

43.in the day 在白天

44.help sb.do sth.帮助某人做某事

45.an interesting job 一项有趣的工作

46.in a hospital 在一所医院

47.go out to dinners 外出吃饭

48.work hard 努力工作(学习)

49.as a teacher 作为一名教师

50.sing and dance 唱歌、跳舞

51.watch TV 看电视

52.do homework 做家庭作业

53.go to the movies 去看电影

54.read a book 看书

55.be at school 在校

56.be at home 在家

57.Thank sb.for doing sth.感谢某人做某事.58.take a photo 照像

59.some of my photos 我的一些照片

60.at the pool 在游泳池

61.on the beach 在沙滩上

62.on vacation 度假

63.wait for sb 等待某人

64.in this heat 在这样热(的气候中)

65.a boy of 10.一个10岁的男孩

66.How is the weather? = What’s the weather like? 天气怎样?

67.look like 看起来像

68.How is it going? 一切都好吗?

69.medium height 中等身高

70.medium build 中等身材

71.short hair 短发

72.straight hair 直发

73.a little bit quiet 有点儿文静

74.stop talking 停止讲话

75.a new look 新形象

76.some water 一些水

77.What does he look like 他长得什么样

78.like doing sth.喜欢做某事

79.would like to do sth = want to do sth.想做某事

80.What size 多大号(尺寸)

81.What kind of noodles? 哪一种面?

82.tomato noodles 西红柿面

83.a small/medium/large bowl of … 一小(中、大)碗

84.green tea 绿茶

85.two glasses of juice 两杯果汁

86.How many +可数名词复数… 多少?

87.How much +不可数名词… 多少?

88.last weekend 上个周末

89.How about = What about = Let’s …… , … 怎样?(询问、征求)

90.on Saturday morning 在周六上午

91.practice doing 练习做某事

92.spend …(in)doing sth.做某事花(时间, 钱)

93.How was your weekend? 你的周末过得如何?

94.the students at NO.3 Middle School.三中的学生

95.have fun doing sth.做某事愉快

96.go shopping 去购物

97.be kind to sb.对某人和善

98.find sb.doing sth.发现某人正在做某事

99.make sb do sth 使某人做某事

100.decide to do sth.决定做某事

101.enjoy doing sth = like doing sth.喜欢做某事

102.be friendly 友好

103.be lost 丢失, 迷路

104.show sb.sth.= show sth.to sb.将某物给某人看

105.feel happy 感到高兴

106.I can’t stand it 我无法忍受

107.How do you like … ? = What do you think of … ? 你认为如何?

108.mind doing sth 介意做某事

109.nothing = not … anything 没什么

110.something interesting 一些有趣的东西111.welcome to somewhere.欢迎到某地 112.a thirteen-year-old boy = a boy of thirteen 一个13岁的男孩

113.the coolest thing 最酷的东西

114.in the school magazine 在学校杂志上

115.Don’t eat in class 别在课堂上吃东西

116.have to = must 必须

117.arrive late for … = be late for …迟到于…

118.an interesting talk show.一个有趣的谈话节目

119.What are the rules at your school? 你们学校的规章制度是什么?

120.too many +可数名词太多

121.too much +不可数名词太多

122.on school nights 在有课的晚上

123.in bed 在床上

124.arrive in/at somewhere 到达某地

125.in the hallway 在走廊里

126.What position do you play? 你打什么位置?

127.pick up 捡起

128.He plays for … 他效力于…

129.hundreds of years ago 几百年前

130.be good at = do well in 善于…

131.leave for somewhere.动身去某地

新目标七年级短语 篇2
















摘要:英语是学生了解世界的窗口, 也是走向世界的必经之路。世界在变化, 一切都在进步, 英语教学, 特别是七年级英语教学, 承小学英语教学之先启初中英语教学之后, 显得特别重要。

新目标七年级短语 篇3

1. space station 太空站 2. barber shop 理发店

3. train station 火车站 4. report card 成绩单

5. sea level 海平面


1. fall in love with 爱上 2. go skating 去滑冰

3. come true 实现,达到 4. look for 寻找

5. keep out 不让……进入 6. argue with... 与……争吵

7. call sb. up 打电话给某人 8. pay for 付款

9. get on (well) with sb. 与某人相处融洽

10. borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物

11. buy sth. for sb./ buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物

12. have a quarrel/ fight with sb. 与某人吵架/打架

13. complain about 抱怨 14. compare with... 与……比较

15. get out 出去;离开 16. take off 起飞

17. run away 逃跑 18. come in 进来

19. hear about/ of 听说 20. take place 发生

21. pass on 传递 22. get over 克服;恢复

23. open up 打开 24. care for 照料,照顾

25. make a living 谋生 26. get injured 受伤

27. run out of 用完 28. raise money 筹集资金

29. come along 出现;发生 30. be interested in/ take an interest in 对……感兴趣

31. be far from... 离……远 32. turn down 调小;拒绝

33. wait in line 排队等候 34. cut in line 插队

35. take care 当心,小心 36. break the rule 违反规则

37. put out 熄灭 38. pick up 捡起

39. get annoyed 生气 40. fall asleep 入睡

41. give away 赠送;分发 42. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人去做某事

43. make progress 取得进步 44. make friends with... 与……交朋友

45. end up 结束 46. leave school 毕业

47. wake up 醒来 48. look through 浏览


1. in the future 未来;将来 2. in five years 五年后

3. on the phone 在通话中 4. in style 时髦的

5. on the one hand... 一方面…… 6. on the other hand... 另一方面……

7. in the tree 在树上 8. in silence 沉默

9. in good health 身体健康 10. around the world 在世界各地

11. by the way 顺便问一下 12. in a minute 过一会儿

13. at a meeting 开会 14. on board 在船(火车、飞机)上


1. be able to 能够 2. hundreds of 数以百计的

3. out of style 过时的 4. as much as possible 尽可能多地

5. all kinds of 各种;许多 6. as...as 像……一样

7. first of all 首先 8. be supposed to 应该;被期望

9. all the time 一直 10. right away 马上,立刻

11. three and a half years 三年半 12. no problem 没问题

13. rather than 而不是 14. so many/ much 如此多的

15. three quarters 四分之三 16. such as 例如

17. all year round 一年到头 18. at least 至少


Ⅰ. 根据句意,用适当的介词填空。

1. Last summer I went to Dalian and fell ______ love ______ the city.

2. Ill be an astronaut and Ill go to the moon ______ spaceship ______ the future.

3. My clothes are very old. They are out ______ style.

4. The poor man wanted to borrow some money ______ his cousins.

5. I have to care ______ my friend. He fell off his bike and hurt himself.

Ⅱ. 选择方框中所给的短语,并用其适当形式填空。

[wait in line/ make a living/ get over/ take care of/ complain about/

end up/ take off/ be in style/ run out of/ be supposed to \&]

1. Please ____________ your old clothes and put on the new suit.

2. The teachers came up with two solutions to ____________ the difficulties in computer programming.

3. Why do you ____________ your parents? In fact, they are right.

4. When we are waiting for a bus at the bus stop, we must ____________.

5. My father likes to keep goldfish because they are easy to ____________.

6. —What color ____________ last spring?

—It was blue. But I think it should be green this spring.

7. To ____________, he had to sell newspapers in the street.

8. As a student, I ____________ do my homework every day.

9. I didnt finish writing the composition because I ____________ time.

10. We enjoyed ourselves during the whole night, and we ____________ the party with a song.

Ⅲ. 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。

1. On the one hand, you should study hard; ____________ (另一方面), you should exercise more.

2. ____________ (为了) get there in time, they have to get up early.

3. You should look after yourself ____________ (而不是) others.

4. —____________ (顺便问一下), whats your hobby, Sonia?

—I like flying kites.

5. The boy has been collecting shells for ____________ (三年半).

6. More than ____________ (四分之三) of the students in our class are boys.

Ⅳ. 写出下列句子的同义句(每空一词)。

1. Jack returned them last Sunday.

Jack ______ ______ ______ last Sunday.

2. There are over two thousand living things in the aquarium.

There are ______ ______ two thousand living things in the aquarium.

3. Thanks to your help, I passed the math exam.

I passed the math exam ______ ______ your help.

4. He is so tall that he can reach the apple.

He is tall ______ ______ reach the apple.

5. Is your sister interested in keeping pets?

Does your sister ______ ______ ______ ______ pets?

Ⅴ. 根据汉语意思,翻译下列句子(每空一词)。

1. 他不想和他弟弟打架。

He doesnt want to ______ ______ ______ ______ his brother.

2. 迈克是新来的,但他与同班同学相处融洽。

Mike is new here, but he can ______ ______ ______ ______ his classmates.

3. 在我们学校图书馆,总是有这样的事发生在我身上。

This ______ ______ me all the time in our school library.

4. 你能马上从浴室出来吗?

Would you mind ______ ______ ______ the bathroom ______ ______?

5. 世界各地的人们都来参观长城。

People from ______ ______ ______ ______ come to visit the Great Wall.


Ⅰ. 1. in; with 2. by; in 3. of

4. from 5. for

Ⅱ. 1. take off 2. get over 3. complain about

4. wait in line 5. take care of 6. was in style

7. make a living 8. am supposed to 9. ran out of

10. ended up

Ⅲ. 1. on the other hand

2. In order to 3. instead of

4. By the way 5. three and a half years/ three years and a half

6. three quarters/ three fourths

Ⅳ. 1. gave them back 2. more than 3. because of

4. enough to 5. take an interest in

Ⅴ. 1. have a fight with

2. get on well with

3. happens to

4. getting out of; right away

新目标八年级上册短语归纳 篇4

Unit 1 1.go to the movies=go to the cinema 去看电影

2.look after=take care of 照顾 3.surf the Internet 上网

4.healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 5.go skateboarding 去划板

6.(be)in good health =(be)healthy身体健康

7.keep healthy=stay healthy=keep in good health 保持健康

8.as for至于

9.exercise=take/do exercise=play sports=do sports锻炼,做运动 10.eating habits 饮食习惯

11.the same as 与……相同 12.once a month一月一次 13.be different from 不同 14.twice a week一周两次

15.make a difference to 对什么有影响 16.how often 多久一次 17.although=though虽然

18.most of the students=most students大多数学生 19.activity survey活动调查

20.shop=go shopping=do some shopping 购物 21.do homework做家庭作业 22.do housework做家务事

23.junk food垃圾食物

24.be good/bad for 对……有益(害)

25.on/at weekends 在周末

26.want to do sth=would like to do sth=feel like doing sth 想做某事

27.want sb to do sth= would like sb to do sth想某人做某事 28.try to do sth 尽量做某事

try doing sth.试着做某

try one’s best to do sth.尽力做某事 29.come home from school放学回家

30.of course=certainly=sure当然 31.get good grades取得好成绩

32.help sb(to)do sth 帮助某人做某事,33.help sb with sth在某方面帮助某人

34.a lot of =lots of=many /much许多,大量的 Unit 2 1.have a cold =catch a cold =have got a cold 感冒 2.a sore back/throat 背(咽喉)痛 3.have a stomachache 胃痛 4.lie down and rest 躺下休息 5.see a dentist 看牙医 6.drink lots of water 多喝水

7.hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶

8.a good idea 好主意.9.stressed out 筋疲力尽

10.a healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式

11.traditional Chinese doctors传统中医医生 12.a balance of yin and yang阴阳调和 13.too much yin 阴气太盛

14.a balanced diet饮食平衡

15.healthy/yin/yang food 健康(阴性,阳性)食品

16.at the moment = now 此刻

17.stay healthy =keep healthy

=keep in good health = keep fit 保持健康

19.enjoy oneself = have a good time =have fun =have a wonderful time 玩得高兴,过得愉快 20.host family 寄宿家庭

21.conversation practice会话练习

26.enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事,like doing sth 喜欢做某事,practice doing sth.练习做某事,mind doing sth.介意做某事,finish doing sth.完成某事,give up doing sth.放弃做某事, keep doing sth.坚持做某事.can’t stand doing sth.忍不住做某事 have fun doing sth.做某事很愉快

即:practice, mind, finish, give up, keep, can’t stand, have fun等与enjoy用法基本相似。

Unit 3 1.spend time with friends和朋友们一起度过时光 2.a sports camp 运动野营

3.how about= what about ……怎么样

4.go camping 去野营,go shopping 去买东西,go swimming 去游泳, go boating去划船,go skating 去溜冰,go walking去散步, go climbing 去登山,go dancing去跳舞,go hiking 去徒步远足, go sightseeing 去观光, go bike riding 骑自行车旅行, go fishing 去钓鱼 5.do some shopping 买东西,do some washing 洗衣服, do some cooking 作饭,do some reading读书, do some speaking训练口语

6.how long 1)多长时间(询问动作在时间上所延续的长度)2)多长(询问事物的长度)

7.show sb.sth.= show sth.to sb.出示某物给某人看 give me the book=give the book to me 给我书, pass me the cup=pass the cup to me 把杯子递给我, sell me the house=sell the house to me 把房子卖给我 buy me a book =buy a book for me 给我买书, make me a cake=make a cake for me给我做蛋糕 8.get back=come back回来 9.take walks=go for walks散步 10.think about 考虑

11.decide on= decide upon 决定计划 12.something different 不同的事情

13.a great/exciting vacation 一个愉快的(令人激动的)假期 14.can’t wait to do sth.等不及做某事

15.a famous movie star 著名的影星 16.ask sb.about sth.向某人询问某事 17.forget to do sth.忘记要做某事

forget doing sth.忘记做过某事

Unit 4 1.get to school = arrive at school= reach school 到校

2.a bus stop公共汽车站, a train/ subway station火车(地铁站)站,a bus station客运站,a TV station 电视台 3.take the subway 乘地铁

4.ride a bike 骑自行车

5.take the/a bus乘公共汽车 6.want to do sth.想做某事 7.take a taxi乘坐出租车

8.walk to school 步行上学

9.go in one’s car 坐(某人的)车 10.in North America 在北美

11.by bike/ bus/ subway/ car/ train乘坐……车 12.in other parts of the world在世界的其他地区 13.have a quick breakfast迅速吃早饭 14.depend on=depend upon 依靠,靠……决定 15.the early bus 早班车

16.leave for 起程(动身)前往…… 17.take sb.to sp.带某人到某处

18.a number of=many 许多 19.the number of ….的数量

20.Doing sth.takes sb.some time/ money.=It takes sb.some time/money to do sth..=sb.spends some time/money(on sth.).=sb.spends some time/money(in)doing sth...=sth.costs sb.some time/money.=sb.pay some money for sth..某人花费多少金钱/时间做某事

21.worry about(sth./sb.)=be worried about(sb/sth.)


22.around the world= all over the world 世界各地,全世界

23.be different from 与……不同 24.how far 多远

Unit 5 1.come to one’s party 参加某人的聚会 2.on Saturday afternoon 在星期六的下午 3.study for a test为测验而学习

4.go to the doctor=see a doctor 去看医生

5.have/take a piano/guitar lesson 上一堂钢琴(guitar)课 6.much too 太,过于

7.too much 太多

8.birthday party 生日聚 9.soccer practice 足球训练 10.look for 寻找

11.find out 找到,弄清楚,查明 12.be(go)on vacation 度假

13.join sb.加入某人(的行列)14.a football match足球比赛

15.keep quiet 保持安静,(keep+形容词表示“保持某种状态”)

keep+(sb.)+doing 表示“(使某人)不停地做某事” keep sth.保存某物,饲养某物 16.a culture club 文化俱乐部 17.“给某人打电话”的几种说法:

call sb.(up),phone sb.(up),phone to sb., telephone sb.(up), telephone to sb., ring sb.(up),give sb.a ring,give sb.a phone, make a telephone(call)to sb.18.have to 不得不,必须

19.the day after tomorrow 后天 20.a science report 科学报告

Unit 6

1.talk about


2.in some ways

在某些方面 3.more than


4.in common


5.be good at =do well in



(不)如……一样…… 7.in school


8.make sb.do sth.让某人做某事 9.look the same


10.talk to/with


11.stop doing sth.停止做某事

12.stop to do sth


13.begin / start with


14.end with


15.in the middle of


16.a swimming poor


17.on the other hand =on the opposite


18.be good with=get on well with

和……相处得好 19.use… to do…


20.around China=all over China

全中国 21.after that


Unit 7 1.milk smoothie


2.turn on 打开

turn off

turn up 调大,调亮

turn down

调小,调暗 3.pour…into…

把……倒人 4.put…into/in...

把……放入……内 5.2 teaspoons of relish

两茶匙调味品 6.cut up



把……加入……中 8.mix up


9.make a banana smoothie


Unit 8 1.go to the aquarium

去水族馆 2.take photos

照相,拍照 3.hang out with sb.和某人闲逛 4.win a prize


5.take the bus back to school

乘公共汽车回学校 6.ice cream


7.at the end of

在……的尽头 8.go for a drive


9.thanks for doing sth.感谢某人做了某事 10.day off


11.have fun doing sth.很高兴做某事 12.have a yard sale

进行庭院旧货出售 13.school trip

学校组织的旅行 14.in the future


Unit 9 1.learn to do sth.学会做某事

2.start doing(to do)sth.开始做某事 3.have a party

举行一次聚会 4.be born


5.stop doing sth.停止做某事 stop to do sth.停下来去做某事 6.for example

例如…… 7.too…to…


8.a professional soccer player 一个专业的足球运动员 9.a movie star


10.free time

空闲时间,业余时间 11.see sb.do sth.看见某人做了某事 see sb.doing sth.看见某人在做某事 12.begin doing(to do)sth.开始做某事 13.a skating champion

一位溜冰冠军 14.the first prize


15.the 70-year history


16.the International Piano Competition

国际钢琴比赛 17.at the age of

在……(多大年龄)的时候 18.major in sth.


19.take(an active)part in

(积极)参加 20.because of


21.the number one women’s singles player 女子单打头号选手 Unit 10 1.grow up成长

2.a basketball player


3.a computer programmer

一位电脑程序设计师 4.take(acting)lessons

上(表演)课 5.somewhere interesting


6.a part-time job

一份零工,一份兼职工作 7.a/one year or two=one or two years 一两年 8.save money

省钱;攒钱 9.make money

挣钱、赚钱 10.at the same time

同时 11.all over the world

全世界 12.send… to…


13.get good grades

取得好分数(成绩)14.communicate with sb.与……交际;与……交流 15.a teaching job


16.a foreign language teacher一位外语教师 Unit 11 1.take out


2.make the bed


3.sweep the floor

扫地,清洁地面 4.fold one’s clothes


5.clean the living room

打扫起居室 6.like to do sth.喜欢干…… 7.invite… t0…


8.take care of = look after

照顾 9.forget to do sth.

忘记要去干…… forget doing sth.忘记做过某事 10.work on

从事 11.on vacation


Unit 12 1.close to home

离家近的 2.a movie theater


3.comfortable seats

舒适的座位 4.do a survey of


5.play a piano piece

弹一支钢琴曲 6.the price of

……的价格 7.the radio station

广播电台 8.think about


9.a talent show


10.a boring TV show

乏味的电视节目 11.a 1ot


12.make mushroom soup


13.a speech contest

一次演讲比赛 14.a creative job

富有创造性的工作 15.an elementary school

新目标七年级短语 篇5

学习目标 5’

1 能准确读出并默写下列词汇:how much , sock, shirt, T-shirt, shorts

sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt, sale, dollar.

2 能熟练说出常见服装的名称。

3 会运用以下句型来询问所喜欢服装的价格

----What is it/ what are these?---- It’s a shirt./ They are trousers.

----How much is it/ are they? ---- It is / They are 30 dollars.



1 课前收集有关服装的单词。

2 根据音标自主拼读词汇,小组互相检测读音与词义;并交流记忆心得。


II 1a----1b

1. Talk about the picture in 1a.讨论1a中的图片,可以使用以下问句

What’s this?/ What are these?

What color is it? What color are they?

How much is it/ How much are they?

2. Match the words with the things in the picture. 将单词与图中物品配对。

3. Listen and circle the things in 1a you hear. 听录音,在1a的图片中圈出所听到的单词。

4. 合作探究

How much is this T-shirt? It’s seven dollars.

How many apples do you have?

归纳:how many 与how much 的区别


5 Listen and repeat.听录音并跟读。

III 1c Practice Pairwork / groupwork

$20$42$18 $35

A: What is this?/ What are these? B: It’s a …/ They’re …

A: What color is it/ are they? B: It’s …/ They are…

A: How much is it?/ How much are they? B: It’s …/ They are…


Picture 2:

Picture3 :


IV总结 4’


新目标七年级短语 篇6

Conversation 1:

Girl: Is this your ruler?

Boy: No,it isn’t. It’s her ruler.

Conversation 2:

Teacher: Is that your backpack?

Boy: No, it isn’t. It’s his backpack.

Conversation 3:

Boy: Is this your pencil?

Girl: Yes, it is. It’s my pencil.

Tim: And Jane,is this your ruler?

Jane: No,it isn’t. It’s her ruler.

Tim: OK,and this is my book. And this is your pencil case,Jane.

Is this your pencil?


No,it isn’t.


It is not my book.


(2)sorry adj. 抱歉的

sorry是I”m sorry的省略形式,用于冒犯、冲撞了他人或伤害了对方等场合。


Not at all.没关系。

That’s all right.没关系。

It doesn’t matter.不要紧,没关系。

Never mind.别在意,没关系。



(3)thank n.&v. 感谢


Many thanks! 多谢!

Thanks a lot! 多谢!

Thanks! 谢谢 !

Thank you! 谢谢你!

(4)in prep. 用……(方法、媒介、工具等);使用……(语言)

John is drawing a car in pencil.


We always speak in English.



Conversation 1:

Kelsey: I’m looking for my watch.

Teacher: OK. Is this your watch?

Kelsey: No,it isn’t. That’s my watch.

Teacher: Here you are.

Kelsey: And that’s my ID card.

Teacher: OK. What’s your name?

Kelsey: Kelsey.

Conversation 2:

Mike: That’s my pen.

Teacher: This?

Mike: Yes...and that’s my baseball.

Teacher: All right. What’s your name?

Mike: Mike.

Teacher: OK. Here’s your baseball.

Mike: Thank you.

(1)how adv.(表示方法、手段、状态)怎样;如何

How did you make it?


How do you like our school?


(2)call v. 打电话

n. 电话

call sb. 给某人打电话

give sb. a call 给某人打电话

(3)at prep. 在(里面或附近);在(时间)

at school 在学校,上课,在求学

at home 在家

Shall we meet at 3 o’clock?


(4)school n. 学校 go to school 上学




在句子中指示代词可以充当主语、定语、宾语或表语。如:This is a pear.


These video clips are very interesting and those ones are not.


I like this very much.


Oh,it’s not that.




This is a Chinese car.



Is that a ruler?


No,it isn’t. It’s a pen.


Are these your books?


Yes,they are.




Is this your pencil?


Yes,it is.是的。

Have you any magazines?


Yes,I have.有。


【1】Here’s exercise-book.

A. a B. an C. two D. ×

句中的a和an都是不定冠词,放在单数可数名词前,修饰限定名词,表示“一个、一块……”的意思。如果名词的读音以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a,如:a banana, a pear;如果名词的读音以元音音素开头,要用不定冠词an,如an orange,an egg。在本句中,book是可数名词单数,用冠词a,而单词exercise是以元音音素“e”开头的词,故要用冠词an。


(1)- you in Class 4?

-Yes, I .

(2)This is a car and that is a car,.

(3)-Is this a Chinese bike?

-No.a Japanese bike.



(3)It’s是It is的缩写形式,It指代this。由于No后面用的是句号,且后面的句子是一个完整的句子,应看做为一个独立的句子,故it’s应大写第一个字母。

答案 (1)Are; am (2)too (3)It’s


(1)That’s a chinese car.



(2)That is a pencil box.


(2)英语中有部分单词是由两个词构成的,在两个词之间须加连字符号“-”,所以应改pencil box为penhcil-box,同学们在学习时要多加注意。

(3)-What’s this in English?


-It’s computer.



【4】This is my car. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)。

答案 Is this your car? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.

七年级英语新课堂浅析 篇7



1. 确定新课程教学的目标,建立合理的评价方案。


2. 引入竞争机制,激励学生上好课。


3. 培养课堂助手,让学生参与组织教学。




指导学生复习。 (1) 作业布置的指导:“一把钥匙开一把锁”,针对学生的不同特点分别强调不同的侧重点,有的内容基础性强,对于每个学生都有认真做的必要,那就均衡要求,但有的题目过于简单,那就对基础不太好的学生着重要求,严格强调;但对于一些能力要求高,题目又有相当难度的,则对基础好的学生严格要求。 (2) 作业批改的指导:根据作业布置的不同情况,对作业批改采用了“好顾差”、“中兼中”的措施。所谓好顾差,指基础好的学生以作业的形式对基础差的学生的基础题进行批改以巩固其没做的缺陷;中兼中指中等生之间讨论并进行批改,然后由教师讲解纠正。这两部分的指导加上课堂其余部分的引导构成了教学环节中不可或缺的非常重要的一部分,是新课堂教学的关键。



1. 应尽可能锻炼学生的动口能力。

英语作为一门语言,它的终极目的就是用、说,光学不说,那是“哑巴英语”。“哑巴英语”学得再好,也没有实际的用途,所以在教学中教师应尽可能多地让学生动口: (1) 教师要求学生课下、在家等其它非教室场合动口说英语; (2) 课堂上尽量不讲汉语。七年级学生由于英语词汇的有限性决定着其表达的困难,但我要求他们只要能用英语说的一律不准用汉语,说错了没关系,要么教师引导纠正,但更多的是让他们学多了以后慢慢纠正; (3) 增加学生的词汇量:在小学学习英语的基础上,在七年级刚开始,我就系统地教学生学好英语音标,毕竟音标是学习英语词汇的一个手段。在学习音标之后,对于练习册等其它辅助资料上出现的一些简单易记的生词鼓励学生去记。词汇积累得多了,表达起来就不那么拗口了。通过上述措施,学生的动口勇气和最基本的动口能力基本上得到了落实,同时也扩大了学生的知识面,进而满足了学生的表达欲望。

2. 应注重启迪学生思维。

为启迪学生的思维,引导学生既动手又动脑,做到手脑并用。比如我在教学Unit 14的十种颜色时,一是根据学生的实际物品的颜色引入这一话题,提起学生的兴趣,然后要求学生动手制作一些又简单又明显表示这十种颜色的一些实物小卡片,有些学生用水彩笔仅三、四分钟就制出了十种颜色实物小卡片,然后让学生拿着卡片练习:“What’s this?”及“What colour is...?”等句型并学习颜色,这样既锻炼了学生的动手能力,又启发了学生的思维,并加强了记忆。分析和综合是思维最基本的过程,分析合理透彻,综合也就顺理成章。

3. 鼓励课外拓展,语言习得。

活动越多,学生可理解性的输入越多,语言习得就越多,“为用而学,用中学,学了就用”。教师不仅在课内,还可以根据教学内容的需要将任务延伸到课外。教师结合学生实际,丰富教学内容,创造运用英语的机会,给学生提供展现学习成果的机会。如制作School cards, Lost and found, Christmas cards, calendar, Time table等,把它们展览出来,让每个学生体验到学以致用的成功感。


摘要:本文作者结合本校七年级英语教学和学生的实际情况, 并针对英语的新课程标准尽可能地创造良好的教学环境, 提高课堂教学效率, 引导学生乐于使用英语进行简单的交流。

新目标七年级(上)7单元练习 篇8

A) 根据句意和首字母提示,用适当的单词填空。

1. It’s that t____ of year again.

2. My mother and father are my p____.

3. An apple is f____.

4. ——How ____ are these shorts?

——They are $30.

5. Her l____ name is Smith.

B) 按要求完成下列各题。

1. black(反义词)____ 2. 华兴特卖(译成英语)____

3. tomato(复数)____4. 28(译成英语)____

5. sale(动词)____


1. ——____ are those oranges?

——They are $4.

A. WhereB. WhatC. How D. How much

2. Here’s a cat, but I don’t know ____ name.

A. itB. itsC. it’sD. it is

3. Those are four ____.

A. pencil-boxB. pencil-boxsC. pencil-boxesD. pencils-boxes

4. ——What are these? ——____.

A. Yes, they’re computersB. They’re computer

C. They are computersD. Yes, these are computers

5. ——What’s on the dresser?

——It’s ____.

A. green sweaterB. green a sweater

C. a green sweaterD. green an sweater

6. Jim, ____ my teacher, Miss Li.

A. it isB. this isC. she is D. she

7. ____ blue pants are nine dollars.

A. ThisB. ThatC. TheD. He

8. ——____ your parents like hamburgers?

——No, ____.

A. Do; I don’tB. Does; he doesn’t

C. Are; they aren’tD. Do; they don’t

9. ——Is this table red? ——____.

A. Yes, it’sB. Yes, it’s whiteC. No, it’s redD. No, it’s blue

10. Here are the twins(双胞胎). ____ are Lucy and Lily.

A. Her nameB. Their namesC. Their nameD. They name

11. Amy, Jim and I ____ at school.

A. am allB. are all C. is allD. all are

12. She is ____ a red sweater today.

A. inB. onC. /D. at

13. My brother’s shoes ____ black.

A. amB. isC. areD. be

14. The price of the socks is very ____.

A. dearB. cheapC. bigD. high

15. The shorts ____ ¥20.

A. is on saleB. are on sale forC. is on sale forD. are on sale

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(20分)


When I was a boy, I liked swimming very much. One year my two brothers and I spent the summer holidays with my uncle and aunt in their house by the sea. It was only twenty metres from the water. Every day we put on our swimming shorts before breakfast, ran down towards(朝……)the sea and jumped into the sea, then, until late in the afternoon. We were in the sea most of the time. When our aunt rang a bell, we went back to the house for food, but we ate it in our swimming shorts and were soon back in the sea again.

The water was warm. The sunshine was bright every day, and on most days there were no waves(波浪). In the middle of the days a wind always began to blow, but it was not strong. It made big waves in the sea. But we were all good swimmers, and didn’t stop swimming until we were tired and hungry.

1. The boy ____.

A. and his family lived by the sea

B. went to his uncle’s house every day

C. had two brothers

D. learned to swim a year ago

2. One year the boy ____.

A. learned to swim from his brother

B. went to spend the summer holidays in his aunt’s house

C. went out to look for food

D. ran down to the sea every morning

3. The boy’s uncle and aunt ____.

A. liked swimming very much

B. rang a bell when it was time for breakfast

C. worked until late at night

D. lived by the sea

4. In the middle of the days ____.

A. a wind began to blow

B. the water was warm

C. the sun came out from the cloud

D. the wind began to grow stronger

5. The boy and his brothers ____.

A. didn’t take a rest until their aunt rang the bell

B. swam three times a day

C. did not go swimming when the wind was strong

D. had winds three times during(在……期间)their stay at their

uncle’s house



1. The writer’s(作者的) father has straight hair.

2. The writer’s brother looks like his father.

3. The writer’s sister is very lovely. She has curly hair.

4. There are five people in the writer’s family.

5. The writer’s mother is beautiful. She is fat.

Ⅳ. 阅读填词(10分)

One afternoon, Mrs Smith and her daughter Nancy a____ in a big shop near t____ house. Mrs Smith l____ Nancy and wants to b____ a new sweater for her. Nancy d____ like the new sweater. She likes something to eat. So h____ mother buys two kilos(公斤) of apples for her, too. Nancy a _____ wants to buy some picture books and color pencils. There are many things and many people in the shop. T____ men and women, old and young. They a_____ want to buy some t____. The people in the shop are very friendly.





Ⅴ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)

1. Ma Yan is medium ____(high).

2. They’re the ____(win) of this football match.

3. I think Mao Ning is a good ____(sing).

4. It’s Sunday today. I can go ____(skate).

5. Emma wears a pair of ____(glass).

Ⅵ. 补全对话(10分)


John: Hello, Jim. May I come in?

Jim: Oh, hello, John. Yes, Come in, please.

John: You don’t look well. What’s the matter?

Jim: __1__

John: Oh, dear! Why don’t you stay at home to have a rest?


John: Shall I call Kate to tell you are ill?


John: OK, I will do that. I’m going to the shop now. Can I get you some medicine?


John: Yes, of course. Is there anything else I can do?


A. Oh, yes, please. Her number is in the phone book.

B. No, I’ll be all right. Thanks for your help.

C. My head hurts and I feel really hot.

D. Could you buy me a bottle of aspirin, please?

E. It doesn’t hurt very much.

F. I can’t. I’ll play ping-pong with our teacher this afternoon.

Ⅶ. 根据汉语完成句子。(10分)

1. 你认识汤姆吗?他长什么样?

Do you ____ Tom? What is he ____?

2. 她不经常戴眼镜。

She ____ often ____ glasses.

3. 你有兄弟姐妹吗?

____ you ____ any brothers or sisters?

4. 我认为他今天不会来。

I ____ ____ he will come today.

5. 他的个子不高,但有点儿重。

He isn’t tall but a ____ ____ heavy.

Ⅷ. 句型转换。(10分)

1. My weekend wasn’t very good.(就划线部分提问)

____ ____ your weekend?

2. My mother has a medium build.(改为一般疑问句)

____ your mother ____ a medium build?

3. She wants to be a reporter.(改为否定句)

She ____ ____ to be a reporter.

4. Gloria Green sings pop songs best.(改为同义句)

Gloria Green is ____ ____ pop singer.

5. He is tall.(用short改成选择问句)

____ he tall ____ short?


