
2024-07-24 版权声明 我要投稿


词汇手册听写 篇1

2.防水 adjbe resistant to water

3.下新年决心make new year’s resolutions

4.承担保护居民们的责任take the responsibility for protect residents

5.把自己局限于做繁重的家务活 restrict oneself to heavy housework

6.作为对于你的善意的回报in return for your kindness

7.一年中唯一一次和家庭团聚的场合 the unique occasion when the whole family reunite

8.以颠倒的顺序in reverse orders

9.一个重新修订的版本a revised edition

10.完全有权利质疑我的决定have every right to question my decision

11.冒毁坏你的前途之风险risk ruining your future/ run the risk of ruining your future

12.抢行人包的劫匪a robber who robbed pedestrians of bags

13.奖励给机器人一间房reward the robot with a room

14.被火速送往医院be rushed to the hospital

15.起重要的作用play an important role in

16.粗略地了解这件可笑的事情have a rough idea of the ridiculous matter


1.为孩子们做出牺牲make sacrifices for children

2.带乘客们到安全之处take passengers to safety

3.到杂货铺购买促销商品go to the grocer’s to buy things on sale

4.无论如何谢谢你thank you all the same

5.令海员们满意的是。to sailors’ satisfaction

6.满足男学生的需要satisfy schoolboys’ needs

7.和我买的一样的沙司buy the same sauce as I bought

8.比预定时间早到事故现场come to the scene of the accident ahead of schedule

9.水稀缺的沙漠the desert where water is scarce

10.发现校长坐在教室后面 find the headmaster seated behind the …

11.不亚于任何人be second to none

12.图书馆里的参考书部the reference section in the library

13.注意秘书的安全see,see to the security of the secretaries

14.着手寻找更多的科学事实 set about seeking more scientific facts

15.起提醒的作用 serve as a remind/ serve to remind…

16.拨出一系列的节目以自娱 set aside a series of programs to amuse

17.对天气变化敏感be sensitive to climate changes

18.不理解他说的话make no sense of his words


1.和佣人们分享欢乐和痛苦share in sorrows and happiness with the servants

2.一份香波的样品 a sample of shampoo

3.书架上的一张纸 a sheet of paper on the bookshelf

4.解决食物的短缺 settle the shortage of food

5.对于他开枪瞄准店主感到震惊 be shocked at his shooting at the shopkeeper

6.从船上转移到岸上shift from the boat to the shore

7.他克服他的缺点后不久shortly after he overcame his shortcomings

8.把裤长剪短2厘米shorten the trousers by 2 centimeters

9.淋了阵雨 be caught in a shower

10.带领病人们sick参观医院show the sick around the hospital

U3 reading

11.乱七八糟的小屋 the cabin which is a mess/ is in a mess

12.纪录他说的话以出版 take notes of what he said for publication

13.向命运做出了让步 give in to the fortune

14.通读已出版的报纸 read over the newspaper in print

15.装了空调的房间 the room furnished with an air conditioner

16.没有钱续借该书 have no money to renew the book

17.拖着沉重的包裹进城 drag the heavy packets to town

18.赤手空拳地在社会上奋斗 struggle in society with bare hands

 飞机安全地在悬崖的边上着陆了。

The plane landed on the edge of the cliff safe. 人们弄不明白,他为何在杂货铺消费了总价达到300元的货物。

People can’t understand why he consumed goods which amounted to 300 yuan in the grocer’s. 觉得讲座很烦人,他听广播以自娱。

Finding the lecture tiresome, he amused himself by listening to the radio. 警方逮捕了该罪犯以质问他有关银币被窃案。

The police arrested the criminal to question him of the theft of the silver coins. 乍一看,这块有他签名的招牌不是银制的。

At first sight, the sign with signature on it is not made of silver.--172

1.和该简化版很相似be similar to this simplified edition

2.真诚地拍了拍他的肩膀pat him on the shoulder sincerely

3.听到这个消息心往下一沉his heart sank at the news.4.两个同样大小的建筑工地size2 construction sites of the same size

5.在小吃店滑倒slip down in the snack bar

6.全心全意为人民服务 soulserve people heart and soul

7.迟早找到该问题的解决方式find the solution to the question sooner or later

8.两个种类的稀有植物 spe*2 species of rare plants

9.对该赞助商高度评价speak highly of this sponsor

10.加速以超过他前面的车speed up to overtake the car ahead of me

11.士气高涨的士兵们spiritthe soldiers in high spirits

12.搜寻该酸汤的来源search for the source of the sour soup

13.朝向东南的露天体育场the stadium facing southeast

14.说起这个被宠坏了的孩子speak of this spoiled kid

15.治愈他的疼痛的喉咙cure him of his sore throat

16.专攻电脑软件开发specia*specialize in developing software


1.扶2名员工下舞台help the 2 members of staff off the stage

2.慢慢地加强两人间的关系 strengthen the relationship between the two men step by step 3无法忍受被陌生人盯着看cannot stand being stared at by strangers

4.秘密地监视该罪犯 spy on the criminal secretly

5.站得笔直以保持健康 stand straight to stay healthy

6.激发学生们学习英语的兴趣stimulate the students’ interest in learning English

7.仰卧在一幢2层楼的房子里 lie on one’s stomach in a two-storeyed / two-storey building

8.被困在一个陌生的环境里be stranded in a strange situation

9.一石之遥的一家商店 a stone which is within a stone’s throw

10.提高人民的生活水准 improve people’s living standard

11.一尊石质的雕像a statue(which is)made of stone

12.对这个有压力的学生很严格 be strict with the student under stress

13.钟敲了12下以后他饿死了He starved to death after the clock struck 12.14.努力地经营该文具店 strive to manage/run the stationery store

15.我们商店草莓有货Strawberries are in stock in our shop.16.拄着拐杖的讲故事者the storyteller with a walking stick in his hand


1.用地铁取代其他公共交通工具substitute the subway for other public transport vehicles

2.是整容手术的替代品 be a substitute for cosmetic surgery

3.成功地搭地铁到郊区去succeed in taking the subway to the suburb

4.迅速取得成功 be an immediate success(N)

5.像他所经历的一样的突然变化such sudden changes as he experienced

6.建议他摄入足够的糖suggest him consuming sufficient sugar

7.理应受到父母的监护 be supposed to be supervised by parents

8.在事故中幸存的外科医生 the surgeon who survived the accident

9.一定会使你自己适应新环境 be sure to adapt yourself to the new surroundings

10.供应比这些电脑更优秀的电脑给我们supply computers superior to these to us

11.表示对该裁缝的同情 show sympathy for the tailor

12.减缓喉咙疼痛的症状 relieve the symptoms of the sore throat

13.在打扫后呈现出新面貌take on a new look after being swept

14.根据顾客的口味调整菜肴tailor the dishes to customers’ tastes

15.正在撕信封的技术员 the technician tearing at the envelop

词汇手册听写 篇2

在高中英语学考备考会中, 我们备课组对一轮复习中的词汇重要性达成共识, 决定参照美国全国拼写大赛和中国汉字听写大会的比赛形式, 在年级举行英语单词听写比赛, 以活动激发学生的记单词热情。

第一阶段:活动的筹备、宣传和动员 (两周时间) 。

利用学校广播, 宣传栏, 科任教师, 班团干等多种途径宣传比赛。

比赛形式:现场拼词, 由考官说出单词的中文意思以及词性, 选手根据单词的发音, 重复该单词并口述拼写出该单词。选手在拼写单词时允许在拼写前, 通过用英语询问单词的根源、词义及例句等相关问题获得提示。

比赛规则:每个参赛队有5 名选手, 每一轮各参赛队轮流选派一位选手上场, 根据单词的汉语意思及词条解释进行书写。每个单词拼写时间为30秒。3名裁判中, 有2位或3位亮灯方能继续留在赛场。不仅要书写正确, 规范的程度也是裁判评判的重要依据。


第二阶段:在高三各班进行初赛 (两周内的两个课时) 。

每场初赛的参赛队伍为四个队, 每个队有5 名队员。各队作为方阵按照各队抽签的顺序排列, 各队轮流派出一名队员比赛。每次只有一位选手走到主竞赛区进行比赛。第一位选手应现场主考官的邀请上场。其余选手在主考官宣布上一位选手竞赛结果的同时, 自动从自己的座位起身, 行进至舞台前方中央的竞赛书写台站定。主考官会读出听写的单词意思。

选手可以用英语要求考官提供解释词义, 提示词性及词汇来源。考官也可以主动提供上述信息。选手未听清题目, 可以要求主考官再说一遍。但不可以此方法拖延思考时间。

考官宣读听写词汇、提供基本解释之后, 确定不再有疑问, 则主考官开始计时。每位选手有30 秒时间书写答案。计时开始之前选手就已经可以开始书写。计时开始后选手再有任何问题提出, 计时也不会中断。

选手必须用规范英文工整书写。在时间允许的范围内, 选手可以涂改、重写。选手完成书写过程, 可自主确认。选手未确认但限时时间已到的, 则自动确认。

三位裁判分别给出裁定结果。主考官根据裁判裁定宣布结果。对字迹不清、细节含混的字母, 裁判可以要求选手重写这个字。选手重新书写的, 裁判依据重新书写的结果裁定。

书写结果正确的选手立即返回自己的座位, 等待下一次出场。

书写错误或超时未提交书写结果的选手在主考官宣布书写错误/失败的同时离开主竞赛台, 并按照排练要求路线从舞台左侧上场口迅速离开舞台。

直到其中三个队的全部队员均被淘汰, 则有剩余队员在场上并且在最后一轮书写正确的队获胜。获胜队全部5名队员均获得进入下一轮比赛的资格。

第三阶段:班级最强战队出征年级复赛 (两周内的两个课时) 。

年级共20个班级, 20个代表队, 4场复赛。采取抽签的方式决定该队将在第几场复赛中参加比赛。比赛规则和流程与第二阶段相同。

第四阶段:四场复赛的优胜者进行总决赛 (一周内的一个课时) 。

每场复赛的冠军队, 也就是4支复赛冠军队参加最后的总决赛。


单词听写比赛给了选手一个充分展示自我的绚丽舞台!通过比赛, 参赛选手的单词量的积累会有爆发式的增长, 并掌握单词拼读规则, 提高英语学习兴趣, 掌握正确的单词学习方法, 有效补充应试教育中缺乏听说的教育。同时, 舞台上能够有效地检验孩子平时的学习成绩和效果, 通过赛事发现自己的潜力优势与不足之处, 让孩子懂得如何正确地面对成功与失败。

摘要:近年来英语学业水平考试的命题指导思想发生了一定的转变, 逐渐淡化了对语法知识的考查, 对语境理解能力的考查成为考查考生的重心。从中国汉字听写大会和美国拼写大赛中得到的启发, 在年级开展以识记学考词汇为目标的单词听写比赛。从赛事的组织和开展进行详细描述, 以活动促进英语氛围形成。

词汇手册听写 篇3








香醪(xiāng láo)









骀荡(dài dàng)











乖剌(guāi là)







驽骀(nú tái)









猬集(wèi jí)







高考词汇手册总结(默写版) 篇4

Word A Absently Absorbent Absorption Acceptance Acid Acquisition Acquisitive Additive Adequacy Adequately Advocate Aggressive Alternative alternatively amateur analysis analyze annoy appetite applaud

applause appropriate approxiamtely arctic arise arithmetic arouse arrow artificial assign assure astonish atom attach authority await awkward

Word B Bacteria Baggy Bald Band Bankrupt Bare Barely Bargain Basin Bathe Beard Beauntify Beloved Bend Bet Bible Bind Blacksmith Blare Bless Blush Bold Botanist

Botany Bother Boulevard Bounce Boycott Bracket Brandy Brass Breed Bribe Bride Brigade Buffalo Bundle Burden Burglar Butcher Word C Cabin Cable Calamity Calorie Capitalist Capsule Cardigan Carpenter Carpet Carve Cassette Cast Cater Cattle Celebrity Cement Cemetery Centigrade Certificate Certify Chain Charm Chart Chateer Chill

Chimney Chin Cigar Circuit Classify Clockwise Clone Clown Cocaine Cocoon Coincidence Collar Combat Commodity Communist Communism Compact disk Compass Complicated Compliment Component Compound Compulsory Concrete Confess Conflict Congestion Conservative Contemporary Context Contract Convey Copper Corporation Corridor Cosmetic Costume Crawl Creek Criterion Cucumber Crucial Curl Curriculum

Word D Dam Damp Dash Dawn Debt Decay Deceive Decent Deck Deed Delegate Deliberate Delicate Democracy Demonstrate Dense Deposit Descend Despair Desperate Diagnose Dialect Dictation Digest Dignity Dignify Diligent Dioxide Diploma Diplomat Diplomatic Disclose Discriminate Discus Disgust Ditch Divorce Dizzy Dock Documentary Dome Dominant

Dominate Donkey Doughnut Doze Draft Drain Drawer Dreadful Dreamy Drift Drill Dumb Dwell Dwarf Dye Dynamite Word E Earnest Edible Editorial Elapse Elastic Elbow Elegant Elegance Elevate Embassy Emigrate Endure Enhance Epidemic Eternal Evaluate Exclaim Exclamatory Excursion Extend Extent Exterior External Extinct Extinguisher Extract

Extravagant Extravagance Word F Fabulous Fabric Fade Faint Faith Fake Fascinate Feature Federal Feedback Fence Fertile Fertilizer Fetch Fibre Firm Flake Flavor Flee Floodlight Flutter Foremost Fortune Frustrate Fume Funeral Word G Gang Gasp Gate Gaze Genuine Geometry Ginger Glare Glide Glitter Glue Gone

Gossip Grace Gracious Grain Grasp Grave Grumble Word H Habitual Habituate Hammer Handkerchief Harmony Hatred Heal Heap Heaven Hell Helmet Hen Hence Hint Hitech Hollow Hook Hop Horn Hostage Humble Hurricane Hydrogen Word I Idiom Illustrate Imitate Imperial Implement Implication Impose Industrialize Inevitable Inferior

Informative Initial Initiate Inquiry Insert Inspect Instinct Institute Insult Intense Intermediate Interval Intruder

Word J Jar Joint Jungle Word K Kettle Kidnap Knee Word L Label Lame Landlord Laser Laundry Lavatory Lawn Leaflet Liberate Literacy Loaf Loan Word M Maid Mansion Margin Marine Marvelous

Mature Memo Merchant Mild Minor Minority Miracle Miserable Modest Monument Moral Muddy Word N Napkin Naval Negotiate Nerve Neutral Word O Offence Offend Omit Oppress Option Oral Organ Ounce Outward Word P Parade Parallel Pat Patriotic Peculiar Pedestrian Perspective Phenomenon Pioneer Plantation Plug Plunge

Pole Portable Portrait Postpone Precise Pregnant Presentation Procedure Proceed Proportion Protein Pulse Punctuation Pursue Word Q Quake Word R Radiation Radioactivity Radium Raw Rebel Receipt Recreate Refugee Relatively Relevant Reluctant Reputation Resemble Reserve Resume Reunite Revenge Reverse Revise Ripe Word S Sack Sake Scarce

Scissors Scratch Scrub Shave Shore Shrink Shuttle Skim Slang Slice Sore Soybean Spectator Spin Splendid Split Starve Stimulate Strand Stretch String Strive Subconscious Subcribe Surgeon Suspend Symbolize Sympathy Symphony Symptom Synthetic Word T Telegram Therapy Tide Timid Tiptoe Toothpaste Tornado Trace Troublesome Tuition

上一篇:小学四年级语文颐和园教案下一篇:爱情清晨心语 清晨心语一句话