DIPLOMA This is to certify that 姓名, 性别, born in 出生年月, having studied in the Specialty of专业名称in the school of
at Shandong University from入学年月to毕业年月, has completed the学制年数-year program and passed the examinations and is qualified for graduation.University :
Shandong University President:
Diploma No:
University No:
This is to certify that 姓名,性别, born in 出生年月, having studied in the Specialty of 专业名称 in the school of 学院(系)名称 at Shandong University from 入学年月 to 毕业年月, has passed the examinations in the required courses for the Bachelor’s degree and is hereby, in accordance with The Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Academic Degrees, conferred the degree of Bachelor of 学科名称.Shandong University
Chairman of the Academic Degrees
Evaluation Committee: 学位评定委员会主席姓名 Date:
毕业年月 Certificate No:
1. Time is flying away, and years are passingby. Only our friendship is always in my heart. Fare-well, my friend! Take care, my friend!
时光流逝, 岁月如梭, 唯有友情长存心中。朋友, 再见!朋友, 珍重!
2. Oh, my friend, do you like stars? If you feellonely far away from home, look up at the stars inthe sky, where there is a star for luck that I’ve sentyou.
朋友, 你喜欢星星吗?如果有一天你背井离乡, 无依无靠, 请抬头看看星空, 那儿有我送给你的幸运星。
3. Life is a profound book. Other’s notes cannotreplace your own understanding. May you find andcreate something new in it.
生活是一本精深的书, 别人的注释代替不了自己的理解。愿你有所发现, 有所创造。
4. Don’t be disappointed on the journey of life.There are friends in the world. Seize your chanceand value your opportunities. May our friendship beeverlasting.
人生路上何须惆怅, 天涯海角总有知音。把握机会, 珍惜缘分, 祝愿我们友谊长存。
5. Time does not water down the wine of friend-ship; distance does not separate our hands of longing.Wishing you happiness forever!
时间冲不淡友情的酒, 距离拉不开思念的手, 祝你永远幸福快乐!
6. I have three wishes: may our friendship warmour hearts; may joy be always with you and me; maywe often meet each other!
7. Though time may change so many things, thehappiness that friendship brings is never changed.
尽管岁月使万物变迁, 但友谊带给我们的快乐永远不会变。
8. Among life’s genuine jewels, precious and rare, friendship has worth beyond compare.
在人生众多稀世珍宝中, “友谊”无与伦比。
9. When you have no light to guide you and noone to walk beside you, I will come to you. We’ll befriends now and forever.
当你没有了光线的指引, 没有了同行的伴侣, 我定会来到你的身边。我们现在是朋友, 以后也会是永远的朋友。
10. If you wander off too far or ever find your-self lost and all alone, get back on your feet andthink of me, because I have the best you in my heart.
[文章编号]1006-2831(2013)02-0136-6 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-2831.2013.01.033
1. 引言
摘要是对正文简洁而完整的描述,同时又是独立于正文的语篇(Tippet, 2004)。早在20世纪70年代,国际上就已公布并不断更新了关于学术论文摘要写作规范的统一标准,从最初的国际标准(ISO)214-1976到之后的国际标准(ISO)5966等。随后我国也在80年代发布了国家标准GB7713-87等以规范学术论文摘要的格式与内容。摘要作为导读性语篇很大程度上左右了读者对整篇论文的第一印象,因此,对于学术论文来说摘要是至关重要的一部分。随着学术论文摘要得到越来越多的关注,国内外学者对学术论文摘要的研究角度也日趋多样(如:语用学,文体学角度等),形式愈加丰富,包括各类语篇的摘要研究,不同语种的摘要对比研究等,如:Day(1995)和Patrick(2003)分别探讨了科技论文摘要和会议摘要的特点;张春芳(2009)等中国学者对英汉学术论文摘要的异同进行了深入研究。
本文选择中国英语专业本科毕业论文的英文摘要作为研究对象,运用韩礼德的衔接理论(Halliday & Hasan, 1976)及Fries(1983)的主位推进理论,对其中存在的衔接与连贯问题及特点进行分析,并探索其原因,以期为提高中国学生的英文摘要写作水平尽一份绵薄之力。
2. 理论框架与研究方法
韩礼德与哈桑的《英语的衔接》(Cohesion in English, 1976)中将英语中的衔接手段分为两类:词汇衔接(Lexical cohesion)与语法衔接(Grammatical cohesion),其中语法衔接包括照应(Reference),省略(Ellipsis),替代(Substitution)和连接(Conjunction)。每一种衔接又可继续细分为不同类型。
3. 结果与讨论
3.1 衔接手段
3.1.1 词汇衔接
(1) <1>Eating is something very daily routine, and it also contains a profound influence. <2>Eating etiquette as a cultural category is effected by religion, history, and economics from different countries. <3>Therefore, different countries are also having different eating etiquette, and it is shows on the style of eating a meal, seating arrangements, the order of serving dishes, drinking wine, and the rite of having a meal. <4>In this essay, Chapter two and Chapter three distinguish the difference between dining and drinking etiquette for the formal occasions in United Kingdom and China. <5>As China is a country with 5000 years history and abundant cultural heritage, in Chapter two, the essay introduce a special word “Face” which belongs to the Chinese culture. <6>Face is an essential component of the Chinese national psyche. <7>“Face” is a sensitive word which uses frequently during the Chinese dinner. <8>The reasons why causes all these difference is also one of the aspects this easy (essay, typing mistake) focus on. <9>A variety of food and different society atmosphere are the leading reasons in all. <10>Chapter four gives a deep analysis to these two issues. <11>Cultural difference, traditions and the environment make all the difference in eating etiquette. <12>All in all, knowing other countries eating etiquette could help us form a point on our countrys dignity than respect others custom.
该例共有22处重复衔接(斜体标出),其中有些重复是多余且能够避免的,如第<6>,<7>句中的两个face,可以通过合并两个句子来避免不必要的重复。又如这篇摘要中共使用4个different 和4个difference来表达“不同、差异”,这样的重复衔接死板而累赘,此时不妨使用其他表达不同的同义词,即使用相似衔接手段。
3.1.2 照应
照应,又称指称,是回指某个上文提到过的单位或意义的语言学单位(胡壮麟,1994),包括内指指称和外指指称。摘要虽然是独立的语篇,但它作为正文的缩写,与正文有着密切的关系,通常由外指指称来实现,例如:the essay; the thesis; the paper等,其中的定冠词the就是外指指称,然而,这种外指指称与摘要本身的衔接连贯无关。因此,本研究分析的照应仅包括内指指称,即对摘要内部的衔接连贯有所贡献的照应,结果如表3所示:
proof of work
It is my unit(xiexiebang.com)(ID number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ department, engaged in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work has been _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years, hereby certify that.Name of Institution: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Day period: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
proof of work
xiexiebang.COMin 200X years x months x month in my work unit, hereby certify that.XXX computer city
In two, x, x month x day
The notion of'originality'means that the researchers contribute something new that will move the field of research forward.It is an essential feature of all types of academic writing according to the culture and conventions of English academic writing.According to Gilbert and Mulkay,any academic text must exhibit both sameness,which presents some connection between this study and the previous ones,and difference,which presents some element of novelty that the current study possesses(as cited in Bloch&Chi,1996).And the sameness and the difference will be accomplished mainly through the use of references,especially in the sections of introduction,literature review and the discussion of the findings.
Although in different types of research articles,the degrees of'originality'may be different,and the readers'expectations of the degrees of originality may vary depending on the type of academic writing,it does not mean that originality should be omitted in any academic writing,including undergraduates'degree paper.
As a matter of fact,originality is clearly required in undergraduate English majors'degree paper writing according to Curriculum to English Majors in Higher Education("Curriculum"in the following)(2000)edited by Ministry of Education in China.It is pointed out as follows:
"English majors'Graduation Paper should be written in English,in length of 3000-5000 words.It should be coherent,well-organized,meaningful,and contain certain original ideas.In assessing graduation paper,teachers should give importance to originality and creativity besides considering students'language proficiency"(2000,p.14,as cited in Liu,2010,p.80-81).
Although the"Curriculum"has claimed that originality is required and should be assessed,it has not provided the students with further explicit instructions about how to highlight originality in graduation paper writing.
Actually,throughout the research paper writing,originality can be shown in the section of introduction,literature review,methodology,and/or discussion of findings.However,if the writer does not highlight the originality to the readers in an appropriate way,the readers probably will not notice the originality,no matter how'original'the writer's ideas might be.
Writing involves an interaction between the writer and the readers in terms of the rhetorical approach to writing(Chandrasegaran&.Schaetzel,2004).And the writer always needs to keep the readers in mind during the process of writing.From this point of view,highlighting originality in academic writing is essential in promoting the writer's idea and attracting the potential readers(Hylland,2000a).
However,in practice,our undergraduate writers may find it difficult in using their language to highlight originality in their degree paper.And similar research has seldom been done so far in the field of the undergraduate English majors'degree paper writing in China(Liu,2010).Therefore,it is meaningful for me to focus my research on the undergraduate English majors'difficulties in highlighting originality in their degree paper writing.
2 Methods
The research questions of this paper are translated as below.
1)What do the student writers and their supervisors perceive as the difficulties in highlighting originality in the undergraduate English majors'degree paper writing?
2)What are the major causes of these difficulties?
In order to get the generalisability,20 degree paper writers were randomly selected among almost 200 senior English majors in the English Department,the College of Foreign Languages,China Three Gorges University(CTGU).In-depth interviews with both the20 randomly chosen student writers and 10 of their supervisors were conducted.
Questions used in the semi-structured interviews are listed below.
1)Do you consider originality as an important issue in degree paper writing?
2)Where do you think originality may,can or should be shown throughout the degree paper?
3)How do you understand the significance of highlighting originality in degree paper writing?
4)What do you perceive as the difficulties in achieving and highlighting originality?During your writing(or supervising)of the degree paper,do you(or your student)have difficulties in:understanding the function and organization of each section in English research paper?In understanding the function of the move of establishing a niche in highlighting the originality of the writing?In understanding the function of each optional step in the move of'establishing a niche':reviewing and evaluating previous research,counter-claiming;indicating a gap,and raising a question?Or just have difficulties in word choice,such as:not being able to use linguistic exponents to signal the gap/niche?Are there any other difficulties that you(or your student)have encountered?
5)What are the possible reasons of the difficulties in highlighting originality:the students'lack of specialized knowledge in the field of study?Their lack of academic literacy?Lack of linguistic proficiency?Or due to the not clear instructions from the teacher,university or the government?Or just lacking courage,being afraid to bear the responsibility may be one of the reasons to explain why some students have failed in establishing a niche,therefore losing the opportunity to highlight the originality in their works?
After the interviews,I sorted out the patterns of those typical difficulties that the interviewees had identified.And then,by relating to the teaching and learning context from a socio-cultural dimension,I located the causes of those difficulties.
3 Problems and Causes
The interviews reflect a commonly held view among the students and teachers that highlighting originality is probably beyond the undergraduate English majors'capability.Most students,including those linguistically proficient students,find it difficult to highlight originality in their articles.Generally speaking,the students have difficulties in the following three aspects:
1)establishing one's own research gap(thus having no originality at all);
2)deciding where in the research article to highlight originality;
3)using proper academic language to highlight originality.
From a socio-cultural dimension,the students'failure in highlighting originality may be caused by the Oriental literacy tradition they share:being used to following the prior rather than to challenging them(Liu,2010).
Hyland has summarized some more researchers'opinions and points out that L2 learners commonly lack the corresponding"cultural resources"to succeed in writing,especially when a critical appraisal of the texts should be conducted(e.g.Cope&Kalantzis,1993;Hammond and Macken-Horarik,1999;and Hasan,1996,as cited in Hyland,2003,pp.19-20).Similarly,Chandrasegaran(2001)also argues that"an East Asian literacy tradition that views scholarship as the'preservation of precedent'or'prior wisdom'"may be the cause of the Singaporean postgraduates'inability to perform argumentation moves in discussion of their dissertation writing(p.11).What's more,Hyland(2003)also points out that if the students can not access to the Anglo-American culture,they have to"draw on the discourse of their own cultures",which may lead to their failure in writing(p.20).All this helps us to understand why culture differences may cause the Chinese students'failure in highlighting originality in their research articles.
4 Pedagogical Implications
Since cultural differences may cause students'failure in highlighting originality,the cultural and conventions of English academic writing should be introduced to our Chinese student writers,which,as proposed by many researchers that is essential to L2 students'success in academic writing(e.g.Chandrasegaran,2001;Hyland,2003).Liu(2011)even has proposed for her Senior English major students a course curriculum of English Research Paper Writing containing the contents of the culture and conventions of English academic writing.
In the following part,academic literacy education at both a macro and a micro level will be elaborated in details.
4.1 Literacy education at a macro level
4.1.1 Purpose
Literacy education at the macro level in the context of this study aims at better socializing the undergraduate English majors into the Anglo-American academic discourse community.Drawn on the"ESP genre approach",the process of student writers working under the guidance of an experienced member of the discourse community(usually the supervisor)to learn the specific conventions of that community,has been generalized by Woodward-Kron(2004)and many other researchers as the metaphor of"apprenticeship",the result of which may be that students eventually"become fully-fledged members of the discourse community"(p.141).
However,the findings in the present study suggest that the Chinese undergraduates are still far from being socialized into the Anglo-American academic discourse community.As discussed above,since they can not access to the target discourse community,they have to draw on the discourse of their own community to write English Graduation Paper,and thus the problem may occur.Therefore,in literacy education at the macro level,emphasis should be given to students'global understanding of the Anglo-American academic discourse community.
4.1.2 Main contents
Since the"ESP genre approach"sees genres as rhetorical choices that the writers make responding to repeated contexts(Hyland,2003),how language works in the specific social context(s)to achieve specific purpose(s)should be explained explicitly to the student writers.
As a top priority in literacy education at this level,I suggest that the basic concepts of"discourse community"and"community conventions"should be first introduced to the Chinese undergraduates.In practice,Clark(1992),Bizzell(1992,as cited in Woodward-Kron,2004)and Hyland's(2000b)points of view on"community"and"conventions"can all be borrowed.As Clark(1992)points out,the notion of discourse community implies that"there is a set of shared values and beliefs,of discoursal conventions"(p.118).Bizzell(1992)puts the same meaning in another way.He claims that members in the same discourse community"share certain language use practices,canonical knowledge and approaches to interpreting experience"(as cited in Woodward-Kron,2004,p.141).Hyland(2000b)also argues that in academic discourse community,certain"community agreement"exists in terms of"culturally-influenced practical actions and matters",such as what is regarded as"substantiated truth","useful contribution","valid argument"and how to"maintain the authority of their discipline",…etc.(p.11).When relating to the present study,we can explain to the students that the purpose of introduction and the three necessary moves in introduction are just examples of this kind of"community agreement"that have already been set by the prior researchers and that any newcomers to the community should learn about.Only when the students are clear about these basic concepts,can they comprehend the further instructions on culture and conventions of the English academic discourse community in the future.
However,literacy education at the macro level should not only include giving clear explanation of the genre theory and systematic instruction on the culture and conventions of English academic writing to the students,but also,it should provide the students with opportunities to learn and try on the peculiar ways of thinking and writing,which characterize the Anglo-American academic discourse community.Only through constant practice,will the students eventually be able to apply the schema they have learned to their English Degree Paper writing.
4.2 Literacy education at a micro level
4.2.1 Purpose
Literacy education at the micro level aims at teaching students how to use proper cultural and linguistic resources to highlight originality in research paper writing.As revealed in Liu's(2010)study,the students do not know the three necessary moves that should be made in introduction,and/or can not use appropriate language to make the right moves,which may lead to their failure in highlighting originality.Therefore,scaffolding at a micro level should be provided to the students towards their proper use of cultural and linguistic resources in research paper writing.
4.2.2 Main contents
Conventions that have already been set by the prior researchers on English research paper writing should be taught explicitly to the students.For instance,up to now,a lot more about making moves in introduction has been known due to lots of genre theorists'efforts–some have identified typical move models/structures/sequences in introduction(e.g.Swales,1990;Bunton,2002;Paltridge&Starfield,2007;and Samraj,2008);some have offered lists of linguistic devices which can help to make the right moves in introduction(Swales,1990;Hyland,2005&2008);and some have found the ways to establish an appropriate authorial self,which can highlight the authorial decisions in introduction,thus can also help to highlight originality in research paper writing(Hyland,2000b;2003;2005;2008).All these knowledge on culture and language can be employed for the literacy education at the micro level to the Chinese undergraduates.
The understanding of the conventions is relatively easier to the students while learning to use the proper language needs more training and practice.Therefore,in literacy education at this level,emphasis should be given to students'learning to use the proper linguistic resources.
In selecting pedagogical content knowledge of linguistic resources to be taught at this level,we can borrow,for instance,Swales'(1990)findings on how RA writers use specific linguistic and discoursal resources to fulfill the three necessary rhetorical moves in introduction,and Hyland's(2001,2002,2005,2008)studies on self-mention words.Based on the corpus of RA(research article)texts,Swales(1990)offers three lists of linguistic devices which can be used to fulfill the three moves respectively,namely,"linguistic exponents/signals of centrality claims"(p.144),"linguistic exponents of establishing a niche"(pp.155-157),and"deictic references to the present text"(pp.159-160).Examples and explanations on the functions of these linguistic features have been provided in details.All this helps students to highlight originality in their research paper writing
What's more,it is absolutely necessary to include and highlight the appropriate use of self-mention words in literacy education at this micro level.Hyland(2005)points out that the proper use of the self-mention words,such as"I","we","me","my","our","mine","us","the author","the author's","the writer",and"the writer's",can help the writers to"present decisions"(p.89),therefore can also help the writers to highlight orignality where the writers'decisions have to be clearly demonstrated.
In practice,not only appropriate and adequate content knowledge but also necessary opportunities to analyze the language should be provided to the students.That is to say,not only details of the linguistic features including their meanings,their functions and their appropriate use should be instructed explicitly to the students;more importantly,opportunities for the students to learn to incorporate these features into their writing should be provided.To achieve this,model texts of RA introduction containing the target linguistic devices can be offered to the students so that they will have the opportunities to deconstruct and analyze the language;peer review on the students'actual language use in writing should be encouraged;and teacher-student joint negotiation and construction of meaning can also be employed.Only through various ways of practice,can the students eventually learn to use the linguistic features proficiently to highlight originality in their degree paper writing.
5 Conclusion