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earthquake的教案 篇1

Unit4 Earthquake- reading教案

Unit4  Earthquake- reading教案     湛江市实验中学:付仁贵  2010-10-26 Teaching goals: 1.  Target language Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period. 2.  Ability goals  Train the students’ reading and speaking ability. Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others. Teaching important points: Train the students’ reading ability―skimming and scanning. Teaching difficult points: Describe the disasters. Teaching aids: CIA课件 Teaching procedures: Step one  Lead-in What disasters do you know ? Step two  Pre-reading 1,What strange things would happen before an earthquake? giving 5 pictures about signs of an earthquake and ask two questions: (1),What can you see in the picture? (2), What do you think may happen before an earthquake? 2,read a news report about the famous quake - Tangshan earthquake Step three  while-reading I. Skimming & scaring Reading the passage quickly to find the main idea of the passage and the topic sentence of each paragraph and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading.   Topic sentence of Par one     Topic sentence of Par two     Topic sentence of Par three     Topic sentence of Par four     General idea of the passage   2, In what order was the passage written? Before-during-after the earthquake time order Divide the whole passage according to the change of time Part(Para1)1:  Signs before earthquake Part 2(Para2,3):Damage and destruction of earthquake Part 3(Para.4):Reconstruction after earthquake Step four  Careful reading 1, make a timeline of the event Time: for three days  At about 3:00 am on  July 28,1976 At 3:42 am on July28, 1976 Later that afternoon Soon after the quake   for three days Water in the village wells _______ 2. Well walls developed deep______ 3. A _________came out of the cracks 4. Chickens and pigs were too _______to eat 5. ______ran out of the fields 6. Fish ___________their bowls and ponds At about 3:00 am on  July 28,1976 1. __________ appeared in the sky 2. __________________could be heard although there were no planes 3. Some water pipes ________ At 3:42 am on July28, 1976 1. Everything began to ________ 2. Huge cracks cut across houses, roads and _________ 3. _______ burst from holes in the ground  4. 75% buildings and 90% of homes _____________ 5. More than ________ people were killed or injured Later that afternoon 1. A second quake almost ____________the first one came 2. Some of the rescue workers and doctors were_____ under the ruins Soon after the quake 1.The _______ arrived 2. _______  were built for survivors 3. ___________ were brought in   Step five  Post-reading for production 1,Retell the passage.  The following words and expressions may help you. for three days  ,rose and fell, smelly, nervous  At about 3:00 am on  July 28,1976 bright lights   At 3:42 am, shake, at an end, greatest, one-third, in ruins, 400000  Later that afternoon  as strong as, trapped  Soon after the quake, army ,breathe 2.An interview Interviews between reporters and survivors   Possible questions are:   What happened to the city?   Some signs here before the earthquake?   Can you think of some reasons why these signs weren’t noticed?   How about the transport(交通)?   I heard there was a second quake hitting the  city. Is it true?   How do you feel?   think of  more questions…… Step six  Homework 1.  Write a piece of news about Tangshan. You can use the information in the passage 2.  Discuss with your partner:How can we protect ourselves and help others in the earthquake?  

earthquake的教案 篇2



1.教材内容 (牛津初中英语8A Unit 6 8BUnit 5&6)


8A Unit6讲述了发生地震和暴风雪等自然灾害后当地人们如何从容应对,相互帮助,共渡难关。8B Unit 5&6介绍了一些慈善机构和组织以及它们的职能。笔者对这三个单元进行有机的串联与整和,同时还注重把学生所需要的语言环境和背景知识渗透在整个过程中。重新设计写作任务,要求学生学会写记叙文、说明文、倡议书等,自然承接,深化话题,进而增强学生呼吁他人帮助受灾群众的社会责任感;激发学生的爱国爱民之情;增加对自然灾害的认识和防范。


1 知识目标


词汇:fire, earthquake, flood, rainstorm, snowstorm, typhoon, sandstorm, donate to, raise … for等

句型:Thank you for…; It’s … for sb to do sth; I’m asking you to …;

I’m wondering if …; I hope that …等

2 能力目标



3 情感和价值观目标



1 复习相关的词组和短语

2 根据文字提供的信息写一篇有关的文章


1 如何写出语意连贯及结构完整的短文

2 如何把握写作中的时态、语态;语气和情感


Step 1 Lead in

Read some newspaper headlines and watch some pictures about the earthquake that happened in Sichuan , then talk about the pictures and review the expressions and phrases:

survive the earthquake kill thousands of people feel a shaking through my body

look at each other in fear run in all directions

pieces of glass and bricks fall down begin to come down

be trapped in calm down shout/scream for help

stay alive be in a great hurry move away the bricks and stones

operate on the PLA men soliders/social workers

give out food and clean drinking water volunteers/do some voluntary work

government officials support teams team spirit

be grateful to carry on with send donations to

without meals or sleep with tired bodies group themselves into a team of four

mourn the death of sb have support from businesses



Step 2 Discuss: 1. What should we do if an earthquake happens to us?

2. What can we do to help the survivors?


Step1 和Step2是Pre-writing阶段,是语言和内容的输入,输入阶段可以是听一段材料,阅读一篇文章,也可以是让学生看图说话等。教师可以在写作之前组织学生围绕写作的话题展开讨论,让他们能言之有物。在这部分教师可以启发学生讨论如果大地震来临我们如何脱险、如何减少伤害或伤亡。适时地进行“事先预防教育”、“事中处理教育”、“事后化解教育”。让孩子进行自我保护的教育。

Step 3 Teach how to wrote an article and ask them to write one, supposing they are victims, survivors , volunteers, doctors or the reporters in quake zones. And ask them to pay attention to the writing tones, capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling.

1) choose the topic

2) choose materials

3) make a list

4) start to write

A terrible earthquake happened in Sichuan. / There was a terrible earthquake in Sichuan.

The houses and buildings fell down and the survivors were homeless.

He lost family members and relatives and he was very sad.

Premier Wen was in a great hurry to the quake zones .

The PLA men hurried to the quake zones.

They were searching for the survivors.

She was trapped in the bricks and stones and the volunteers were trying to save her.

The soldiers were carrying the victims on their backs.

A little baby was saved.

They were having a break.

The doctors were performing an operation.

They were marching across the stones and bricks and carrying the victims.

The chairman of our country was comforting a child without parents.

The nurse was encouraging the girl not to give up hope.

They were supporting each other.

The support team members were mourning the death of a mother and her daughter.

The goods from foreign countries arrived.

A new couple were donating blood.

The children were donating their pocket money.

A beggar was donating money .

All the Chinese people were mourning the loss of more than 7 million of people.

The volunteers were giving out the food and clean drinking water.

The people in quake zones were grateful to the PLA men and the government.

Luckily, we can rebuild a better world.

The social workers were encouraging the children to cheer up.

There was delightful smile on the girl’s face again.


在while-writing 阶段,教师的主要任务是分解写作任务,创设写作情景,提供必要的词汇或句子结构等方面的帮助。因为本节课的内容是关于抗震救灾的,教师可以从网上下载一些汶川大地震的图片,要求学生根据所看到的内容以及刚复习到的词组给每幅图片配上必要的文字说明。这一部分相对简单一些,只要学生注意每幅图的时态、语态和单、复数就可以了。实际上这一部分的难度就相当于中文翻译成英文。接着要求学生身临其境以各种身份写一篇文章。他们的身份可以是灾区的受害者、记者、解放军战士、志愿者或前往救援的医生、心理医生或社会工作者等。这一部分相对前一部分来说难一些,要求学生注意体裁的选择,内容的组织和安排以及语言的恰当使用等问题。把讨论中和本节课中所复习的词汇和知识要点运用于写作实践,从而在充分的语言输入后实现有效的输出。

Step 4 Discuss & correct their articles


在Post-writing阶段,教师应先呈现习作的评价标准,分别从content/structure/language usage/ mechanical skills等几方面进行自我修正和评价。接着教师引导学生自我欣赏与相互欣赏,自我修正与相互修正,自我提高与相互提高。作品的第一鉴赏者和评价者应该是作者本人,学生完成写作后,教师应要求自己读一遍,在朗读过程中找出习作的优点和不足。在自我欣赏和修正之后,老师鼓励同桌或学习小组成员之间相互欣赏与修正;最后请几个同学到台上展示自己的作品,或叫相对写作水平较好的同学把他们的习作写在黑板上,让同学们一起修正,老师要注意从欣赏的角度来点评学生的习作,尽量避免叫基础差的同学,要照顾他们的自尊心。这样做的话也可以给基础较差同学提供范文。


An Earthquake in Sichuan

survive the earthquake kill thousands of people feel a shaking through my body

look at each other in fear run in all directions

pieces of glass and bricks fall down begin to come down

be trapped in calm down shout/scream for help

stay alive be in a great hurry move away the bricks and stones

operate on the PLA men solider workers

give out food and clean drinking water volunteers/do some voluntary work

government officials support teams team spirit

be grateful to carry on with send donations to

without meals or sleep with tired bodies group themselves into a team of four







1.许少秋 “高中课型课例交流与研究” 《中小学外语教学》 2008第5期

2. 石锡伍 “利用教材资源开展写作训练的策略” 《中小学外语教学》 2008第5期

earthquake的教案 篇3


Warming up部分通过两张图片引出话题“一旦地震发生,将会造成怎样的危害”,为后面的主题作了一个“热身运动”。




Learning about language部分共分为两部分:Discovering useful words and expressions和Discovering useful structures。Discovering useful words and expressions部分要求学生在整体把握文章的基础上,掌握个别重点词汇的词义及使用,这一部分更注重培养学生运用上下文猜测词义的能力。另外这一部分还对一些复杂的数字的读法进行了检测。Discovering useful structures部分首先要求学生从文中找出定语从句进行分析,其次考查了定语从句关系词的选择。

Using language部分分为:Reading,writing and speaking;Listening和Writing。Reading,writing and speaking中包括读一篇邀请函,写一份演讲稿,和关于一套新唐山邮票的little talk,这部分主要培养学生在实际生活中运用英语的能力。在Listening部分学生将听到美国旧金山大地震中一位幸存者的故事,并根据听力材料进行正误判断和回答问题,这个部分旨在培养学生学会获取听力材料中的细节要点,同时让学生了解人们在自然灾害中的经历和感受。Listening部分还设置了一个环节,即学生听磁带并在句子相应的位置标出连音和不完全爆破音,再练习朗读,高三学生英语口试的实施使朗读英语文章显得更为重要,可以让学生经常跟着磁带朗读,并模仿标准的语音、语调。Writing部分要求学生为报纸写一篇文章,描写家乡的一件不同寻常的事件。这一部分旨在培养学生按照规范的步骤进行写作,如选择适当的标题,组织语言,清晰地表达等,另外这一部分也培养学生写作时注意标题、主旨大意和细节。Summing up部分帮助学生整理、巩固本单元所学到的知识。其中包括学到的关于地震的知识,有用的动词、名词、其他表达方式和新的语法项目。古人说:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”一个单元的知识学完后进行一番总结和反思是非常有用的,可以起到事半功倍的效果。

Learning Tip部分就听英语方面给出了一些建议,建议学生多听广播或电视里的英语节目,多听不仅能够提高听力水平,还能够帮助学生改善语音、语调。“教是为了不教”,教师不仅要把每单元的重点知识传授给学生,更应该在日常的教学中将学习方法传授给学生,逐步培养学生自学的能力。本单元需要学习的内容有: 知识目标:

(1)New words:shake,rise,crack,burst,well,smelly,pond,pipe,canal,steam,destroy,ruin,dirt,injure,survivor,brick,dam,useless,steel,shock,quake,rescue,electricity,disaster,army,organize,bury,coal,mine,shelter,fresh,percent,Europe,speech,judge,honor,prepare(2)Phrases:right away,as usual,at an end,lie in ruins,later that afternoon,be trapped under sth.,dig out,to the north of sp.,instead of,a great number of,put up,give out,wake sb.up,in the open air,give a speech,be proud of,as you know,be pleased to do sth.,open a new park,thousands of,raise money,one another,a list of,prepare sth.for sth.,think little of sth.(3)Sentence patterns:①It seemed/seems that....②The number of sb./sth.reached/reaches....③All hope was not lost.(部分否定)

④Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed.(倒装句)

⑤Never in all San Francisco’s history were her people so kind as on that terrible night.(倒装句)

⑥Amazing as it may seem,Wednesday night was a quiet night.(让步状语从句)(4)语法:定语从句(The Attributive Clause)


e.g.But the one million people of the city,who thought little of these events,went to bed as usual that night.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.②能够用英语描述事物、事件的性质、内容等——由which/that引导。e.g.It was heard in Beijing,which is one hundred kilometers away.A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide cut across houses,roads and canals.能力目标:





earthquake的教案 篇4

(1)课题:Earthquakes(2)教材分析与学生分析: 本单元的主题是“地震”。Warming Up部分Pre-Reading部分要求学生描述、讨论与地震有关的话题。Reading部分是一篇新闻报道,介绍了唐山大地震前的预兆、地震造成的城市建筑和人畜损失以及地震后的救援情况。Learning about Language 部分涉及了本单元的词汇和语法。该部分主要通过阅读和句型练习帮助学生学习单词、数字的表达法以及有that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句,培养学生的自主学习能力。Using Language部分的“读写说(Reading, writing and speaking)”训练提供了一封信,要求学生阅读后写一篇大地震纪念公园落成仪式上的演讲稿,接着说一说唐山大地震纪念邮票。随后的听力(Listening)是一位美国人以第一人称叙述他在1906年旧金山大地震中的可怕经历。写作(Writing)部分训练学生如何写新闻报道,学会拟地定写作提纲。

(3)课时安排:The first period: Reading

The second period: Reading The third period: Listening The forth Period:Grammar The fifth period: Extensive reading The sixth period: Summary(4)教学目标:

① 知识与技能:了解地震的成因、预兆,地震造成的损失,地震时的应急措施以及震后的救援;掌握和运用本单元出现的新词汇和短语以及数字的表达法;熟练运用that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句;学会写英文新闻报道,拟订写作提纲。

② 过程与方法:在学习阅读部分时,可以根据教学的需要和教学班级的实际,从不同的角度设计目的明确的任务。阅读材料提及了很多孩子失去双亲成为孤儿,矿工在地震中的遭遇。救护人员和解放军官兵不顾自身安危,奋力抢险的事迹,地震无情人有情,感人至深。因此可以将他们作为素材,设计多种任务,展开课堂教学活动。如:1.组织学生讨论震后孤儿的安置2.模拟采访被抢救的矿工。3.写一篇新闻故事,描述救护人员和军队救灾的感人故事。

③ 情感态度与价值观:培养日常对自然现象的观察能力和思考能力,对地震等灾难中逃生和救生方法的了解。(5)教学重点和难点: 词汇:shake rise smelly pond burst canal steam dirt ruin injure destroy brick dam useless steel shock quake rescue electricity disaster army organize bury coal mine shelter fresh percent speech honor prepare Europe 短语:at an end right away dig out a(great)number of give out thousands of 重点语法项目:由that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句.难点: 1.Teach the students how to enjoy an article 2.Teach the students the way to express themselves.3.The usage of the words of that, which, who and whose.(6)教学策略:Student-centered method, asking and answering, explaining and practicing, reading and discussion, speaking and listening, pair work(7)教学煤体设计:A projector and a tape recorder.(8)教学过程:详见以下分课时教学设计。
