
2025-03-20 版权声明 我要投稿


雅思口语自我介绍满分句型 篇1

1.I have a hectic schedule.我工作很忙。

2.I’m up to my ears in work.我工作量很大。

3.My co-workers call me a workaholic.同事说我是个工作狂。

4.During high season I’m dragged from pillar to post.旺季我得东奔西跑。

5.It’s real thirsty work.简直是苦力活。

6.I call the shots in the company.在公司我说了算。

7.I’m the underdog.在公司我什么都不是。

8.I’m a team player.我擅长与人合作。

9.I prefer to be on my own initiative.我喜欢单打独斗。

10.I don’t wanna hold down a steady job.我不想一辈子只干一种工作。

11.It’s a dead-end job.这工作没前途。

12.I’ve hit the glass ceiling.我没希望再升迁了。

13.I have a good sales pitch.我很会推销。

14.I’m paid a regular wage.我拿固定工资。

15.I’m paid on commission.我拿提成。

16.I get on / along with my colleagues.我跟同事关系融洽。

17.There’s bad blood between me and certain colleagues.有的同事跟我不和。

18.We’re a cohesive group.我们公司很有凝聚力。

19.We’re the dream team.我们是梦之队。

20.My subject is psychology.我主修心理学。

21.I major in psychology(Or: I’m a psychology major.)我主修心理学。

22.I’m studying under Prof.Wong.我的导师是王教授。

23.Prof.Wong is such a disciplinarian.王教授太严了。

24.We’ve got tons of exercises.我们得做大量习题。

25.I’m on the A-list.我是个优等生。

26.I’m a late bloomer / developer.我是个后进生。

27.I went to college for four years.我上了四年大学。

28.Beijing University is my alma mater.北大是我的母校。

29.Campus life is etched on my memory.校园生活刻骨铭心。

30.School education turned out to be in vain.学校教育没教会我什么。

31.A good degree can be an open sesame to a good job.好学历是好工作的敲门砖。

32.An overseas education broadens my horizons.出国留学能开阔我的眼界。

33.When you’re back, you’re gilded.回国后你就镀上金了。

1.Shanghai is a bustling metropolis, highly cosmopolitan.上海是个包罗万象的大


2.I was born in a rural backwater.我出生在落后地区。

3.Locals there are understandably parochial.当地人自然比较狭隘。

4.People are ingenuous.人们都很淳朴。

5.It’s been improving economically.经济已经好转。

6.Economy is strong there.那里经济发展迅猛。

7.It’s no worse than Beijing in terms of culture.文化上绝对不比北京落后。

8.The mayor gets what it takes.市长很有领导素质。

9.I’ll have to leave hearth and home.我只好离开温暖的故乡。

10.East and west, home is best.还是家最好。

1.Shopping is my only indulgence.购物是我唯一的乐趣。

2.I’m keen on sports.我喜欢运动。

3.I’m fond of painting.我喜欢画画。

4.Food always appeals to me.我一直喜欢吃。

5.Casual clothes never fail to fascinate me.我一直喜欢休闲装。

6.I have a passion for science.我喜欢科学。

7.My ruling passion is Kung Fu.我最喜欢功夫。

8.I’m a Kung Fu enthusiast.我喜欢功夫。

9.I’m a music lover.我喜欢音乐。

10.I’m a glutton for books.我是个书虫。

11.I’m a football maniac.我是个超级球迷。

12.I’m a film buff.我是个超级影迷。

13.I’m a fitness fanatic.我超喜欢健身。

14.I loathe fishing.我讨厌钓鱼。

15.I find parties a turn-off.我不喜欢聚会。

16.I frown upon that behavior.我厌恶这种行为。

17.Hypocrisy is my pet aversion.我最痛恨虚伪。

18.The weather is abominable.天气很糟糕。

19.That is gross.那太恶心了。

雅思口语自我介绍精选 篇2

My name is __ English name Felix. I’ve got my undergraduate education in Beijing Foreign Studies University, Majoring in __in School of English and International Studies. The major for further education that I pursue here in Peking university is __

During the four years in BFSU, I’ve been given the traditional education on both English Literacy and Diplomacy, which cultivated me to view the world in an international perspective.

I’ve been foreign teachers’ assistant for about three years and learnt to communicate with them and understand their way to think and act. This experience gives me much deeper understanding of different cultures.

I served as volunteers for many events held by the government and other organizations, such as Fortune Globle Forum and Euro-Asian Conference organized by the Ministry of Communications. Thanks to those experience, I used my knowledge in real foreign affairs and increased my abilities in related aspects.

No matter how much the life in BFSU brought to me, I’ve been thinking for really a long time about studying something else after graduation as the life-long direction of study and profession. After analizing all the factors that intrigue me and inspire me, I’ve chosen a major which contains the factors of both passion and rationality. This major is Media Management.

I really appreciate it if you could consider my application. If I could have the honor to study here, I promise that I would never fail your expectation. I’ll try my best to study and learn as much as I could, so as to make contribution to the society and our country.

雅思口语:自我介绍相关问题分析 篇3

1. Hello. Could you show me your identification card please?

Hello. Sure, here you are.

2. Could you tell me your full name please?

My full name is XXX. Friends usually call my English name, XXX.

3. What shall I call you?

my name is Michael. its a very regal sounding name. king of kings, and he who is like god. i like it, and i would never change my name, it has history. riches, intelligence, glory, and belong to Michaels over the ages...

4. How are you?

I am fine, thank you, and you?

5. How old are you?

I am 22 years old. In other words, I was born in 1980. March 8, 1980, to be exact.

6. Does your name have any special meaning?

Yes, my name does have some special meaning. My family name means peace, and my first name has the meaning of strong one. My English name was given by one of my high school teachers, and it does not have any special meaning really.

6. Does your name have any special meaning?

雅思口语常用句型之被动句的应用 篇4

I was really amazed by ….我被…震撼了。

I was really amazed by the Forbidden city in Beijing.

I was really amazed by the World Expo in Shanghai.

I was impressed by……我对…印象深刻。

i was impressed by the West Lake in HangZhou.

I was impres ssed by his English.

I felt adj./done感到…

I felt relaxed & refreshed 感到被放松,被清新

I feel pressured 感到被压迫

I feel content 感到满足

I feel satisfactory 感到满意

我所想说的是…… The thing I want to say is that…


The thing I want to say is that modern-day people are much keener on travelling rather than staying at home during holidays.

我上次所看到的主要是是……The thing I saw last time was mainly that…


The thing I saw last time was mainly that tourists nationwide all queue up for each pavilion in great order inside the 2010 World Expo Park.

我所珍惜的自由是……The freedom that I cherish is that…


The freedom that I cherish is that I now live on my own, independently managing my study & leisure time, not living with my parents & their nagging any more.

我所要提一提的是……The point that I want to say is that…


The point that I want to say is that the living standard & the consumption level are much better and higher than those two 20 years ago.

所进入我脑海的第一点是……The first thing that sprang into my mind is that…..


The first thing that sprang into my mind is that visitors to those historic buildings can learn history in a vivid way rather than from a book.

之所以……是因为……The reason why…is because…


The reason why I want to become a professor in a university in UK is because I hope to deliver Chinese culture in western countries.


The reason why we Chinese students have to learn English well is that it can provide us with more opportunities & wider stage for development.

由于这样一个事实……This is due to the fact that….


Modern-day people should go to the gym regularly. This is due to the fact that exercise can stretch our bodies, muscles and ligaments, for those who sit for too long, sports can really do good to their spines.

这是因为……It is because…


We can try to eat more vegetables and fruits, it is because they are full of vitamin & fiber, helping our digestion & metabolism system.


1,test number事先要把你的号码用英语读得非常流利

2,name告诉他你名字的特殊含义,还有最好是告诉他你的family name

3,student or work,程度,where are you study?

4,what major?Do you like it?why?plan after graduate?

5,food, the most like food (dislike food), describe healthy food, eating bobby, eating habits? How to change your eating habits?

6,what kind of food do you like? Why? Do you find any problem in food nowadays? Are people pay more attention to the health food? Compare the people’s food habit in modern time and in the past?

7,music, like or dislike music? Which kind of music do you like? Why?音乐对人的情绪有影响吗?小孩应不应该学乐器?你有没有玩过乐器?which song do you like? When do you listen to the music? What difference between china music and western music?

8,weekend, what do you do at the weekend? What would you like to do at the weekend? What is the most important thing at your weekend?两天的weekend够不够?


10,seasons, the most like season? Why? What do you do in that season?介绍你住的地方的气候。And so on~

11,traveling. Have you ever been any other cities in china before? do you like travelling ?why?do you like travelling alone or with other people? who &why?

12,photograph, do you like photograph? what kind of photograph you are taking? What kind of photograph on your home wall?

13,a school of your childhood?



16,reading, do you like reading? When to read? How often?

17,hometown.swheresis your hometown?你现在住在什么地方?为什么住那里?以后想搬家吗?如果有一个very nice flat, but no air-conditioner,你愿意住吗?


Describe something interesting you learnt from the Internet.

You should say:

what you learnt

which website you learnt it from

how you learnt it

and explain why you think what you learnt was interesting.

My friend Amy is a travel-holic and is constantly on the road. When I told her my trip plan to Indonesia, she introduced me this travel website called Couch surfing. Technically, it doesn’t tell you anything about your destinations. But what it does is it lists the names and profiles of people who are happy to show you around their city and provide local perspectives.

How it works is simple. You just send a request to potential hosts and if it is accepted, then you can get to sleep on their couch, or sometimes in their bed. What’s more attractive is they are all for free. The aim of the website wasn’t to make money but to provide a platform for people who are interested in exchanging their languages, cultures, and making new friends from different backgrounds.

The most valuable lesson I learnt from the site is to share. After staying for two days at my Indonesian host’s place, I was so impressed by the family’s hospitality. Even though they didn’t have much, they offered me all they had. My stay with them completely changed the way I treat strangers and my view toward sharing.

雅思口语Part 2新题范文之家中访客

Describe a visitor in your home

You should say:

Who was this visitor

When did he/she visit your home

Why did he/she come to visit

And explain whether you like him/her or not

1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:家中访客Describe a visitor in your home)


I’m going to talk about an occasion when a very close friend of mine visited where I live.

He is a Chinese person. His real name is Xin Lin, but we usually call him by his English name, which is Steven. He was studying in the same university with me in England when we did our Master’s last year, and we both lived in the same flat in the university halls of residence. We were so close with each other because we spent a lot of time cooking and talking with each other, but we haven’t met for a few months since we left England.

So the occasion was a month ago when he visited Vietnam to travel. He had never been to my country although China is right next to Vietnam. So, he decided to come to my country to visit me.

We were really excited to meet each other again, and he was excited as well to come to my house for the first time. I invited him for dinner, and I myself cooked something very special for him, which was a traditional Vietnamese dish. We talked a lot during the meal, and we reminded each other of the memories we shared in England.

自我介绍常用句型 篇5

1.It’s a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself.2.I’m happy to be here today to introduce myself.3.I welcome the opportunity to introduce myself to you.开场白中不但应表示你乐于参加此次的面谈,而且也该说明自己接下来要谈的主题,让别人有些心理准备。“It’s a pleasure...”这个句型适用于正式场合,语气十分客气。● 介绍学历

1.My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position.2.With my background and work experience, I feel perfectly suited for this position.3.My education and work experience have prepared me well for this position.自我介绍时不应该过分谦虚,对于自己适合、并且喜欢做的工作就要强调、努力争取,表示自己是最佳人选。关键词是:“tailor-made”、“feel perfectly suited for”与“have prepared me well for”。

● 证明能胜任

1.This is just one example of my ability to go out there and sell products.2.This just proves that I can go out there and sell products.3.This gives you an idea of how I can go out there and sell products.不能过于谦虚,但也不可空口说白话。通常要用实例说明自己在前职上的工作表现,以证明自己对未来的新职也能胜任愉快。

● 加入之意愿

1.I look forward to becoming part of the Action team.2.I welcome the opportunity to become part of the Action team.3.It would be a great opportunity to work for Action Appliances.总结你的演说时,最好以信心和热诚重申自己看重这个机会。“look forward to+ n.(V.ing)”是表示热切期望之实用句型,另外也可使用“welcome”。









英语自我介绍 常用的句型 篇6

1.I got a degree in Literature and took a course in typing.我获得了文学学士学位,还学过打字,英语自我介绍 常用的句型。

2.I haven’t done anything like that before.我以前没有做过这种工作。

3.I think I’m quite fit for assistant’s job.我觉得我很适合做助理的工作。

4.I used to work as a sale’s manager.我以前做销售经理,自我介绍《英语自我介绍 常用的句型》。

5.I’m quite familiar with editing.我做过很多编辑工作。

6.I want a job with a vacation every year.我想找个每年都能度假的工作。

7.I was thinking of a job in a school.我打算到学校找份工作。

8.I worked in the accounting section of a manufacturer of electrical products.我曾在电子产品制造商的会计组工作。

9.I love playing tennis.我喜欢打网球。

Let me introduce myself./ Let me do some introduction.让我来介绍一下自己。

Which aspect do you want to know about me?

面试英语自我介绍 词汇 句型及 篇7

part-time job: 兼职工作

full-time: 全职

position / vacancy: 职位,空缺

manager: 经理

director: 主任

president: 董事长,总经理

General Manager: 总经理

saleperson: 推销员

engineer: 工程师

accountant: 会计

degree: 学位

introduce:(动词) 介绍

introduction: (名词)介绍

Let me introduce myself. / Let me do some introduction. 让我来介绍一下自己。

Which aspect do you want to know about me?

或者 What do you want to know about myself? 您想知道我哪方面的情况?


1. I got a degree in Literature and took a course in typing. 我获得了文学学士学位,还学过打字。

2. I haven’t done anything like that before. 我以前没有做过这种工作。

3. I think I’m quite fit for assistant’s job. 我觉得我很适合做助理的工作。

4. I used to work as a sale’s manager. 我以前做销售经理。

5. I’m quite familiar with editing. 我做过很多编辑工作。

6. I want a job with a vacation every year. 我想找个每年都能度假的工作。

7. I was thinking of a job in a school. 我打算到学校找份工作。

8. I worked in the accounting section of a manufacturer of electrical products. 我曾在电子产品制造商的会计组工作。

9. I love playing tennis. 我喜欢打网球。


面试英语自我介绍_词汇、句型及 篇8



part-time job: 兼职工作

full-time: 全职

position / vacancy: 职位,空缺

manager: 经理

director: 主任

president: 董事长,总经理

General Manager: 总经理

saleperson: 推销员

engineer: 工程师

accountant: 会计

degree: 学位



Let me introduce myself./ Let me do some introduction.让我来介绍一下自己。

Which aspect do you want to know about me?

或者 What do you want to know about myself? 您想知道我哪方面的情况?


1.I noticed that you advertised a job in this morning’s paper.我看到你们在今早的报纸上刊登的招聘广告。

2.I’m coming for your advertisement for ….我是来应聘你们广告上的……职位的。

3.I have applied for the position of ….我申请了贵公司的……职位。

4.Do you have any job for a part-timer? 你们需要兼职吗?

5.I’d like to know if you need any full-time secretary.我想知道你们是否需要全职秘书?

6.I’m looking for a job.Are there any vacancies? 我在找工作,请问你们有空缺吗?


1.I got a degree in Literature and took a course in typing.我获得了文学学士学位,还学过打字。

2.I haven’t done anything like that before.我以前没有做过这种工作。

3.I think I’m quite fit for assistant’s job.我觉得我很适合做助理的工作。

4.I used to work as a sale’s manager.我以前做销售经理。

5.I’m quite familiar with editing.我做过很多编辑工作。

6.I want a job with a vacation every year.我想找个每年都能度假的工作。

7.I was thinking of a job in a school.我打算到学校找份工作。

8.I worked in the accounting section of a manufacturer of electrical products.我曾在电子产品


9.I love playing tennis.我喜欢打网球。


雅思口语自我介绍满分句型 篇9


part-time job: 兼职工作

full-time: 全职

position / vacancy: 职位,空缺

manager: 经理

director: 主任

president: 董事长,总经理

General Manager: 总经理

salesperson: 推销员

engineer: 工程师

accountant: 会计

degree: 学位



Let me introduce myself./ Let me do some introduction.让我来介绍一下自己。

Which aspect do you want to know about me?

或者 What do you want to know about myself? 您想知道我哪方面的情况?


1.I noticed that you advertised a job in this morning’s paper.我看到你们在今早的报纸上刊登的招聘广告。

2.I’m coming for your advertisement for ….我是来应聘你们广告上的……职位的。

3.I have applied for the position of ….我申请了贵公司的……职位。

4.Do you have any job for a part-timer? 你们需要兼职吗?

5.I’d like to know if you need any full-time secretary.我想知道你们是否需要全职秘书?

6.I’m looking for a job.Are there any vacancies? 我在找工作,请问你们有空缺吗?


1.I got a degree in Literature and took a course in typing.我获得了文学学士学位,还学过打字。

2.I haven’t done anything like that before.我以前没有做过这种工作。

3.I think I’m quite fit for assistant’s job.我觉得我很适合做助理的工作。

4.I used to work as a sale’s manager.我以前做销售经理。

5.I’m quite familiar with editing.我做过很多编辑工作。

6.I want a job with a vacation every year.我想找个每年都能度假的工作。

7.I was thinking of a job in a school.我打算到学校找份工作。

8.I worked in the accounting section of a manufacturer of electrical products.我曾在电子产品制造商的会计组工作。

9.I love playing tennis.我喜欢打网球。


上一篇:诚信演讲稿 :以诚信演讲稿下一篇:三八节女工演讲稿与三八节女教师演讲稿