要面向全体学生,关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,培养创新精神;整体设计目标,体现灵活开放,目标设计以学生技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识的发展为基础;突出学生主体,尊重个体差异;采用活动途径,倡导体验参与,即采用任务型的教学模式,让学生在老师的指导下通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功;注重过程评价,促进学生发展,建立能激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力发展的评价体系。总之,让学生在使用英语中学习英语,让学生成为Good User而不仅仅是Learner。让英语成为学生学习生活中最实用的工具而非累赘,让他们在使用和学习英语的过程中,体味到轻松和成功的快乐,而不是无尽的担忧和恐惧。
八、教学进度(教学进度中涉及考试,节假日等特殊情况另作安排)第一周 unit 1 How do you study for a test? 第二周 unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark.第三周 unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.第四周 unit4 What would you do ? 第五周 unit5 It must belong to Carla.第六周 unit6 Mainly revision 第七周 Revision 1-3 第八周 Revision 4--5 第九周 Mid-term exam 第十周 unit7 Where would you like to visit? 第十一周 unit8 Iparks.第十二周 unit9 When was it invented? 第十三周 unit10 had already left.第十四周 Revision units1--2 第十五周 Revision units3--4 第十六周 Revision units5--6 第十七周 Revision units7--8 第十八周 Revision units9--10
这堂课是Speaking, 以说为主的课的教学目标的合理设计是成功教学的保障。教学目标要明确、具体、全面, 如语言知识感知、学习、运用目标和口语能力提高目标, 同时要兼顾情感态度、学习策略、文化意识的渗透。
1.Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and Situational Approach
In order to arouse the students’interest, we’ll design some questions related to their daily life, and speak English as much as possible to communicate with the students.Meanwhile we will use some props and give hints in our presentation and seminars.
2.Learner-Centered Approach and Task-based Learning (TBL)
We will design different tasks for different students who are required to practice independently or collectively in class.
(一) 教学内容分析
第十四单元是《新目标英语》九年级最后一个单元, 主题是回忆过去和展望未来。本单元分为两个部分, Section A和Section B。Section A主要是回忆过去, 复习过去式和完成时态以及操练新句型I remember doing, 而Section B主要是展望未来, 复习be going to句型。本堂课的教学内容是第十四单元Section A部分, 笔者没有选用Section A的2d作为Speaking的材料, 而是将Section A的听力文本作为材料进行整合。整合出来的文本材料涵盖更多本单元的句型和话题, 便于学生模仿, 让学生得到充分操练。
(二) 学生情况分析
初二 (新初三) 学生已经能够用英语进行简短的对话, 他们在课堂上很活跃, 且大多数学生都能用所学知识表达自己的观点和情绪。第十四单元的主题是回忆过去和展望未来, 只要教师能够有效使用一些过去的老照片或者创设情境, 适当地刺激学生, 他们很容易打开记忆的阀门, 积极参与。教师应更多地为学生搭建“说”的平台, 不断创设情境, 鼓励他们积极主动参与课堂活动。
According to the teaching material and the students, the students will be encouraged to:
1.be familiar with the sentence pattern“I remember doing...”
2.review the present perfect tense and the simple future tense.
3.both share the past memories and experiences and look ahead to their future.
4.express our gratitude to their classmates and teachers by looking back to the school life at the time of graduation.
5.express their feelings freely in English they have learned both in class and in their daily life.
How to help students look back to the old days and look forward to the future?
PPT, chalk, the blackboard, some props
◆Teaching flow chart
1.Finish the speaking practice on ekwing.com.
2.Record a video of you memories about your school life and send it to me.
由于本堂课的课型是Speaking, 所以笔者将重点放在三个方面:对目标语言的引导输入;为学生搭建“脚手架”;在活动中创设情境, 让学生自然而然地运用语言目标。这堂课教学设计的成功之处体现在以下三个方面:
(一) 对教材进行二度开发
传统观念认为英语教材就是英语课堂的权威。大多时候, 教师在课堂教学中忽视了学生的真正需要, 照本宣科, 没有照顾到学生的学习感受, 导致学生的学习热情不高、积极性不够、兴趣不浓。这样, 教师的教与学生的学就可能严重脱节, 达不到预期的教学效果。鉴于此, 教师应积极整合教材内容, 创造性地使用教材, 充分发挥其价值, 并结合其他教学资源, 使课堂教学更切实、更有效, 更贴近学生的学习实际。英语教材二度开发充分地体现了“以学生为本”的现代教学观。一般情况下, 教材中Section A的2d是一个很好的说的文本材料。笔者综合对比、分析了Section A的听力文本材料与Section A的2d文本材料, 发现Section A的听力文本材料涵盖的话题内容和句型比2d的更丰富、更有趣, 所以就对两个文本进行了整合, 使其更加有利于学生的学习和操练, 真正满足学生的学习需求。实践证明, 教师对教材进行二度开发和挖掘是很有必要的。
(二) 充分且有效运用任务型教学法
笔者特别注重在明确语言目标任务的导向下以及真实场景下开展语言交际。当学生完成语言交际任务后, 他们会在不知不觉中掌握真实的、实用的语言, 而不是机械操练。笔者在课堂上组织了多种集体活动或同伴双人活动, 每个学生都有各自的任务, 这极大地激发了学生的兴趣和热情, 课堂气氛非常轻松、融洽, 是一堂有效的课堂。
另外, 课堂以学生为主体。在整个课堂教学过程中, 笔者不是知识的权威和课堂的主宰者, 而是学生学习的组织者、引导者、参与者、帮助者, 甚至是学习者。学生的学习过程也是一种发展兴趣和提高能力的过程。在任务型教学活动中, 在教师的引导下, 学生有自己独立思考的空间, 可以主动去争取机会, 这有助于他们保持学习的积极性, 提高课堂参与度。
(三) 情景创设得当, 能使学生在情境中完成语言目标
《九年义务英语课程标准》提到“现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程, 强调语言学习的实践性, 主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言, 并在此基础上学习和运用语言”。笔者在设计教学时充分考虑到这些因素, 设置了真实的情景, 让学生亲身体验、感知, 自然输出。笔者设置了四个话题, 以记忆箱的形式让学生选择, 增加了趣味性;为了强化输出, 笔者又创设了开party的真实情景, 伴随着舒缓的音乐, 学生喝着饮料, 随意站着聊天, 使情景更加真实自然。最后, 笔者创设了“老师要离开了, 能不能为老师写一点东西”的情景, 让学生以书面形式输出。为了让学生能学以致用, 笔者给出了框架和格式, 引导学生进行语言输出, 这些都体现了刘兆义老师所说的“教学设计是分析教学需求和教学目标要求, 形成满足需求和实现目标的全过程;教学设计是为了学生发展, 为了实施阶段及各单元的教学, 对学习情景的发展、评价及其巩固进行详细规划的科学”的观点。教学目标是高于一切的, 它既是教学过程的出发点, 又是教学过程的归宿。这就要求教师以学生为中心分割、细化教学过程或活动, 关注学生的认知过程, 让学生体验、参与、探索、实践、学习交流与合作。这有助于提高学生的语言综合运用能力, 促进学生对语言交流项目的积极参与, 激发学生的想象力和创造性思维, 有利于学生发挥主体作用。
1. I had a wonderful time at the party. (改为
______ ______ ______ ______ I had at the party!
2. This idea sounds so amazing. (改为感叹句)
______ ______ this idea sounds!
3. “The parade will be the best part of the trip,” said Jim. (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)
Jim said ______ the parade ______ be the best part of the trip.
4.“Are you sure of the time?” James asked me. (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)
James asked me ______ I ______ sure of the time.
5. Our teacher said to us, “Light travels faster than sound.” (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)
Our teacher told us ______ ______
______ than sound.
Ⅱ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。
1. Our parents are the people who ______ us most in the world.
2. The music made me ______ my happy childhood.
3. If he goes on driving cars like that, he is sure to ______ in hospital.
4. If you go to the photo exhibition (展览), the photos will ______ you ______ the earthquake on May 12, 2008.
5. Jenny usually ______ at 5 oclock in the morning.
Ⅲ. 阅读理解。
Mr. Lee was in bed and was trying to go to sleep when he heard the bell ring. He turned on the light and looked at his clock. It was twelve oclock. “Who can it be at this time of night?” he thought. He decided to go and find out. So he got up, put on his dressing gown(浴袍) and went to the door. When he opened the door, there was nobody there. “That is very strange.” Then he went back to his bedroom, took off his dressing gown, got back into bed, turned off the light and tried to go to sleep.
A few minutes later he heard the bell ring again. Mr. Lee jumped out of bed very quickly and rushed to the door. He opened it, but again he found no one there. He closed the door and tried not to feel angry. Then he saw a piece of paper on the floor. He picked it up. There were some words on it: “It is now after midnight(午夜), so it is April Fools Day. April fool to you!”
“Oh, it was the English boy next door!” Mr. Lee exclaimed(惊叫) and almost smiled. He went back to bed and felt asleep at once. The bell did not ring again.
( )1. Mr. Lee went to bed ______.
A. before twelve oclock
B. after twelve oclock
C. when the bell rang
D. when he saw the boy
( )2. Why did Mr. Lee rush to the door when he heard the bell ring the second time?
A. He wanted to open the door for the visitor.
B. He wanted to find out who the visitor was.
C. He was afraid of the ring.
D. He was waiting for someone.
( )3. From this passage, we learn that we can ______ on April Fools Day.
A. say “Hello” to each other
B. dance and sing at night
C. play jokes on each other
D. send presents to children
( )4. Mr. Lee thought the English boy ______.
A. was a good boy
B. was friendly with him
C. shouldnt ring the bell at midnight
D. did a dangerous thing just now
( )5. How about the English boy according to the passage?
A. He is friendly.
B. He is nervous.
C. He was handsome.
key structurehow i learned to learn english?— i learned useful sentences like “it’s a piece of cake”.— i could get the meaning by the listening for just the key words.difficultieshow to find out the ways of studying english and then describe them well.vocabularyexpression, discover, secret, grammarlook up
新目标英语(Go for it)九年级上Unit 1教案
Unit 1 How do you study English? The first period ( grammar and vocabulary ) 1.知识目标: 重点词汇:flashcard, take notes, frustrating, memorize, aloud, comma, make mistakes, pronunciation, be afraid to, what about, why don’t you…? 重点句型:How do you study for tests? /Well. I study by working with my classmates. Have you ever studied with a group? /Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way. I don’t have a partner to practice English with. /Maybe you should join an English club. 2.能力目标: ⑴学会谈论学习方法 ⑵学会谈论学习中遇到的困难 ⑶学会针对学习中的.困难,给别人提建议 ⑷学会评价学习方法 二. 教学重难点: 1. 重点:verb + by with gerund 2. 难点:运用所学知识谈论学习中的困难,并能提出相应建议。 三.教学准备: tape recorder flashcards 四.教学方法:情景操练,反复使用,师生互动,生生互动。 五.教学进程: Step one Free talk 1.Greeting. 2.Duty report Step two presentation 1. T: What do you do to improve your English? S1:I listen to the tape to improve my English. S2:I listen to the English songs to improve my English. S3:I watch English movies to improve my English. T:OK. We can also say: How do you improve your English? I improve my English by listening to the tape. I improve my English by listening to the English songs. I improve my English by watching English movies. 2. Ss repeat these sentences. Then make the conversations in pairs. Step three Grammar 1. by + v-ing 形式,by意为通过或凭,后面接动名词,该结构表示通过某事得到某种结果。如: I study by reading English every day. 提示:be + v-ing 结构常用下列句子来回答: How do you …? How can I …? Eg: How do you learn English ? I learn English by listening to the tape every day. 2. Practice Ss try to make sentences by using the structure. 3. 相关链接:by是个常用介词,以前所学的用法有: ⑴表示位置,意为“在…旁边,靠近…”,如: There are some trees by the river. ⑵表示运输或渠道的方式,意为“乘坐”,如: He goes to school by bus. ⑶表示时间,意为“在…以前,不迟于”,如: I’ll come back by 4:00. Step four new words 1. Ask Ss to read the words, then read the words they can’t pronounce after the teacher. 2. The teacher explains the following words, then ask Ss to make some sentences by using the given words. aloud/loudly/loud, pronounce/pronunciation, memorize/memory, afraid/be afraid of/be afraid to do sth, be angry with sb/be angry at sth step five summary 六. 作业设计: Ask Ss to make a learning-method report. Try their best to tell us he/she learn English. 七. 板书设计: Unit One 1.loudly/aloud/loud A: How do you study for a test? 2.memorize/memory B: I study by doing sth 3. be afraid of sth A: How do you improve your English? be afraid to do sth B: I improve my English by doing sth 4.be angry with sb be angry at sth Unit 1 How do you study English? The second period ( speaking and listening ) 一、教学目标: 1.知识目标: 重点词汇:flashcard, take notes, frustrating, memorize, aloud, comma, make mistakes, pronunciation, be afraid to, what about, why don’t you…? 重点句型:How do you study for tests? /Well. I study by working with my classmates. Have you ever studied with a group? /Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way. I don’t have a partner to practice English with. /Maybe you should join an English club. 2.能力目标: ⑴学会谈论学习方法 ⑵学会谈论学习中遇到的困难 ⑶学会针对学习中的困难,给别人提建议 ⑷学会评价学习方法 三. 教学重难点: 1. 重点:verb + by with gerund 2. 难点:运用所学知识谈论学习中的困难,并能提出相应建议。 三.教学准备: tape recorder flashcards 四.教学方法:情景操练,反复使用,师生互动,生生互动。 五.教学进程: Step one Free talk 1.Greeting. 2.Duty report Step two Revision Ask some Ss to give the class his/her learning-method reports. Then ask and answer some questions. Step three Listening and practice 1. Some Ss are talking about how they study for a test.. Let’s listen to the tape and find the methods they study for a test. Students practice this conversation in pairs. 2. We’ll listen another conversation .The Ss are talking about English. A girl is asking members of the English club some questions. Listen and check the question you hear. Ss listen and check the answers. Listen it again, this time let’s find the answers to each question. Ss listen and check the answers. Step four Task` T: I think each of you have many ways of learning English. Please tell your partners. Group work. Ss work in groups. Talk about their ways. Take notes and compare them. Name ways of learning English similarities differences A: How do you study English? B:I study English by listening to tapes. /He /She studies English by working with a group. /We study English by singing English songs. step five Listening and practice 1. T: Learning English can be difficult. What things are difficult for you? Please check the things which you find difficult. 2. Paul also finds sth difficult. Listen to the conversation between Paul and his teacher. Check the things are not easy for Paul. Ss listen and check. 3. T: What’s the teacher’s advice? Listen again and write the letter of each problems in 2a in front of the correct solution in activity 2b. Ss listen and check. Step six task Each pair can make a conversation by using information from 2a and 2b. 六. 作业设计: Ask Ss to make a survey. Do you think what is the best way to learn English ? Names the best way to learn English 七. 板书设计: The second period A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by doing sth A: How do you improve your English? B: I improve my English by doing sth Unit 1 How do you study for a test? Period 3 (Reading and Writing) Ⅰ、Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Get the students to grasp the use of “by doing sth.” and some other phrases and patterns. Skill aim: Help the students to improve their reading ability. Emotion aim: Develop the students’ ability of dealing with different problems. Ⅱ、Key and difficult points: 1. Understanding of the passages. 2. Methods of expressing ways of studying different subjects. Ⅲ、Teaching tools: 1. A tape-recorder. 2. Several flashcards. Ⅳ、Teaching methods: Help the students to use dictionaries in reading to deal with the new words and try to understand them according to the context. Ⅴ、Teaching process: Step 1: 1. Greeting. 2. Check up the new words. Step 2: Presentation Ask the students to talk in pairs about how they study English. Then get several of them to tell the class their ways. And I’ll ask the others to discuss if they are successful or unsuccessful ways. Step 3:Tasks Task 1 1. Here I have an interview in which three students told us how they studied English. Let’s listen to the tape and try to find whose ways are successful and whose are not. 2. Play the tape twice for the students. Then I’ll show them the following chart to complete. Ways of learning English Not successful OK Successful Lillian Li Wei Ming Liu Chang I’ll ask several students to tell us their answers and the others will correct their possible mistakes. 3. Play the tape again for them to understand it better. 4. Have the students read th
Step Ⅰ (for Section A)
Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。
1. Hes afraid he cant p______ get away tonight.
2. Youd better make an a______ with the doctor tomorrow morning.
3. I was a______ to finish my work on time.
4. Every point in this game c______.
5. Now I am the o______ of the room.
6. The Japanese book must b______ to He Ying.
Shes the only one whos studying Japanese.
7. C______ the police if you are in danger.
8. You m______ be tired after such a long journey.
9. This is not my key. Then w______ key is it?
10. Theres a s______ smell in the room. Do you know what it is?
Ⅱ. 选择填空。
( )1. —Whose basketball is this?
—It ______ be Jacks. He hates it very much.
A. mustB. canC. mightD. cant
( )2. The tennis racket ______ belong to Ms Lin. She loves playing tennis.
A. canB. might C. must D. cant
( )3. —Must I finish my homework today?
—______. You can do it tomorrow.
A. Yes, you canB. Yes, you must
C. No, you neednt D. No, you mustnt
( )4. —Whose Japanese book is this?
—It must be ______. She ______ Japanese.
A. Lisa; studyB. Lisas; studies
C. Lisas; study D. Lisa; studied
( )5. —Why were you late for class this morning?
—I was late ______ the snow.
A. forB. because
C. asD. because of
( )6. I ______ rather stay at home than go to the cinema on such a rainy day.
A. would B. might
C. shouldD. had better
Ⅲ. 完形填空。
There are many words in the English language. You will never 1 the meaning of every word in English. When you read, you will often find many 2 you do not know. You will not have enough time to 3 reading and try to find every new word in a dictionary.
Sometimes you can 4 a new word because you know some of the parts of the new word. For example, if a word ends 5 the letters “er”, that word 6 be the name of a 7 or a thing that does a certain action (某个动作). A writer is a person who writes. 8 it is not 9 to know the parts of a new word to understand it, 10 it will help you many times.
( )1. A. know B. learnC. find D. look up
( )2. A. booksB. lettersC. storiesD. words
( )3. A. stopB. enjoy C. keep D. start
( )4. A. findB. getC. study D. guess
( )5. A. inB. offC. up D. with
( )6. A. can B. might C. shouldD. must
( )7. A. friendB. boy C. personD. girl
( )8. A. ThenB. Now
C. YetD. Sometimes
( )9. A. helpful B. useful
C. enoughD. good
( )10. A. butB. and C. soD. for
Step Ⅱ (for Section B)
Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。
1. It is c______ for English learners to speak idiomatic English.
2. Have you got p______ to go shopping withme?
3. Lily is better at a______ than at geometry.
4. The leading d______ of the Beijing Olympics opening and closing ceremonies is Zhang Yi Mou, one of the most famous film directors in China.
5. “Dont ask such s______ questions again,” said the mother to the boy.
6. We should be h______ and never tell a lie.
7. The most famous a______ in Chinese recent history was of course Lu Xun.
8. This is a car s______ made for driving learners.
9. The street is covered with all forms of g______.
10. Such a machine i______ by Zhang Heng in the old times was to forecast earthquakes.
Ⅱ. 选择填空。
( )1. —Time is up. I must go home now.
—Please wait a moment. I have ______ to tell you.
A. something important
B. important something
C. anything important
D. important anything
( )2. She was very ______ because she found her mobile phone.
A. pleasedB. strange
C. carelesslyD. anxious
( )3. Her parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It ______ be very expensive.
A. mustB. mustnt C. canD. might
( )4. Jack was late for school because of ______ up late.
A. to getB. get C. getsD. getting
( )5. Mrs While is ______ her baby now.
A. inB. wearing
C. putting onD. dressing
( )6. —Must I come back before 11:00?
—No, you ______. But you ______ be back later than lunch-time.
A. neednt; cant B. cant; may
C. mustnt; mustD. neednt; can
( )7. A teacher ______also make a mistake if he or she is not careful enough.
A. mustB. shouldC. has toD. may
( )8. —Wheres Mr. Wang?
—Im not sure. He ______ in the school library.
A. maybeB. may be
C. must beD. will be
( )9. The sunshine ______ bright for us to read in.
A. mustB. so C. must be D. too much
( )10. It is not how much you read but what you read that ______.
A. learnsB. countsC. helpsD. chases
Ⅲ. 英汉短语互译。
1. be worried about________________
2. in the symphony hall_______________
3. escape from ... ________________
4. go to the concert________________
5. try ones best to do sth. _____________
6. 知识的海洋________________________
7. 设计校服________________________
8. 偶然看到一场交通事故
9. 过去一直很安静
10. 用完,用尽
Step Ⅲ (for Self-check)
Ⅰ. 根据首字母及中文提示,完成单词。
1. What a pleasant s______!
2. We must try to know the m______ of life.
3. Who is the a______ of the book, do you know?
4. Dont p______ to know everything.
5. I have an important a______ with the doctor tomorrow.
6. Im afraid of ______ (代数). I think its very difficult for me to learn it well.
7. The soldier ______ (逃离) from the robber successfully.
8. He hurt his two ______ (手指) because of carelessness.
9. Unluckily I left my handbag in the ______(交响乐) hall.
10. Im very ______ (忧虑的) because I cant find my wallet.
Ⅱ. 选择填空。
( )1. When we got home last night, we found the front door open. My parents called the police, but they couldnt find ______.
A. something strange
B. strange something
C. nothing strange
D. anything strange
( )2. —Have you worked out the problem?
—No, it is ______ difficult for me.
A. much tooB. too much
C. muchD. such
( )3. Oh, Danny. Its raining outside. Youd better ______ your raincoat.
A. put on B. put up C. dress D. wear
( )4. —Whos that woman with Lucy?
—Im not sure. It ______ be her mother.
A. mayB. canC. willD. must
( )5. Theres an old saying: The cleverest housewife ______ cook a meal without rice.
A. mayB. cant
C. mustntD. neednt
( )6. More than 230 thousand people lost their lives ______ the tsunami (海啸) in the Indian Ocean at the end of 2004.
A. becauseB. as C. because ofD. to
( )7. That man ______ be Mr. Hill. He has gone to Beijing.
A. mustB. cant
C. mustntD. couldnt
( )8. So strange! The light is on. I remembered ______ last night.
A. to turn it offB. to turn off it
C. turning it offD. turning off it
( )9. —Who will teach ______ English? Is______ Mr. Smith?
A. our; itB. us; it C. our; he D. us; he
( )10. My family had a lot of ______ picnicking in West Hill Farm last Sunday. We all enjoyed ourselves.
A. funB. funnyC. fanD. famous
Ⅲ. 完成句子。
1. 这本英语书是汤姆的。
The English book ______ ______ Tom.
2. 这本书对一年级学生来说太难了。
The book is ______ ______ for students of Grade One.
3. 小心保管这些文件,它对你爸爸来说非常重要。
______ ______ ______ the documents. It is ______ to your father.
4. 要是没赶上火车,那就意味着要再多等一天。
Missing the train ______ ______ for another day.
5. 因为下雨,所以运动会延期了。
The sports meeting was ______ ______ because of the rain.
6. 一滴雨落在我的头上。
______ ______ ______ rain ______ on my head.
7. 那个人可能在跑步赶公共汽车。
The man ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ a bus.
8. 他已经用完了所有的钱。
He ______ ______ ______ all his money.
9. 肯定是某个东西在光顾附近的家庭。
There ______ ______ something ______ in the neighborhood.
10. 我试着走一走,最后摔倒了。
I ______ ______ until I fell over.
Step Ⅳ (能力拓展)
Ⅰ. 阅读理解。
A Strange Thing
本单元Section B中有篇文章Strange events in Bell Town neighborhood,它讲述了一件在我们身边看似很怪异的事情。其实有的时候,是人们的心理在作怪。在挪威西部的一户人家里,当主妇打开水龙头想洗碗时,却发现水管里哗哗流出的竟然是价格不菲的啤酒。这是怎么回事呢?
A woman thought she was in heaven (天堂) when beer instead of water flowed (流淌)from the taps in her apartment in west Norway(挪威).
“I turned on the tap to clean some knives and forks and beer came out,” Haldis Gundersen told Reuters from her home in Kristiansund, west Norway. “We thought we were in heaven.”
Beer in Norway is among the most expensive in the world with a 0.4 litre (0.7 pint) costing about 50 crowns (4.3 pounds ) in a bar.
Gundersen said she tried the beer but it tasted a bit odd (古怪的) and was not fizzy(发泡的).
It turned out (查明真相) that a worker in a bar two floors below had mixed up the pipes(管子) on Saturday evening, wrongly (错误地)connecting a new barrel to a water pipe leading to Gundersens flat. The bar got water in its beer taps.
“If it happens again, Im going to order coffee,” she said.
()1. Gundersen liked beer so it came out of the taps.
()2. Beer is very expensive in Norway.
()3. The story happened in heaven.
Ⅱ. 写作训练营。
话题: 对某事进行推断。(Make inferences. )
● 词语提示:maybe 也许;may be 也许是; cant be 不可能是;in fact 事实上;mistake ... for ... 把……误解成……;be interested in doing sth. 对做某事感兴趣
● 句型提示:
Im sure .... 我确信……
I think ....我认为……
1. 越来越多的人们对研究飞碟(UFOs)感兴趣。
2. 我确信我们周围没有飞碟。
3. 事实上,人们只能从书本、电影、收音机、电视、网络上得到飞碟的信息。
4. 许多人经常把一些人造的物体误解成飞碟。
5. 不久的将来科学家们会明白飞碟的真相(truth)。
我们周围是否存在飞碟这一话题历来被人们所津津乐道。上星期,郑雷所在的班级开展了 “Are there really UFOs around us?” 的主题班会。会上同学们对我们周围是否存在飞碟这一话题展开激烈讨论,有两种观点:
新目标九年级英语下Unit 4教案07-23