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pep六年级上英语期中 篇1

2019-2020学上期六年级(PEP)上册英语 期中测试题(时间: 60分钟 满分: 100分)题号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ 总分 得分 听力部分(30分)Ⅰ.Listen and choose.(听录音, 选择正确的图片。)(10分)()1.()2.()3.()4.()5.Ⅱ.Listen and choose.(听录音, 选答语。)(10分)()1.A.I’m going to Ji’nan.B.She’s going to Ji’nan.C.He’s going to Ji’nan by bus.()2.A.I usually get there on foot.B.It’s not far from here.C.My school is next to the bank.()3.A.I want to buy some books.B.I’m going to the bookstore.C.It’s next to the museum.()4.A.We are going next weekend.B.We go there on foot.C.Go straight and then you can see it.()5.A.They work in a post office.B.They are going to visit my grandparents.C.They can take the No.4 bus to go there.Ⅲ.Listen and match.(听录音, 连线。)(10分)1.Sarah A.her grandparents’ home subway 2.Chen Jie B.the supermarket bike 3.Amy C.the nature park c.on foot 4.Mike D.the bookstore car 5.Wu Yifan E.the cinema bus 笔试部分(70分)Ⅳ.Look and write.(根据图片补全短语。)(10分)Ⅴ.Read and write.(根据汉语提示完成句子。)(10分)1.I usually go to school(步行).2.(减速)and stop at a yellow light.3.The cinema is(紧挨着)the nature park.4.Amy is going to buy a(连环画册)tomorrow.5.What are they going to do(下周)? Ⅵ.Read and choose.(单项选择我最棒!)(10分)()1.Are they going home by bus on foot? A.and B.but C.or()2.In China, you must drive on side of the road.A.the left B.the right C.both()3.The cinema is the science museum.A.far C.far from()4.I’m going to buy a book B.about— are you going? —I’m going to the Great Wall.A.What B.Where C.When Ⅶ.Read and write.(用所给单词的适当形式填空。)(10分)1.I can see many(dictionary)in the bookstore.2.My parents will(visit)my uncle next week.3.Jack likes(dance)very much.4.I have to(wash)my clothes this afternoon.5.My family(be)going to the supermarket.Ⅷ.Rearrange the words.(连词成句。)(10分)1.zoo, the, the, I’m, to, weekend, going, on(.)2.going, are, this, where, you, evening(?)3.grandparents, this, going, I’m, weekend, to, my, visit(.), book, going, to, about, I’m, buy, a(.), evening, are, cinema, going, the, to, this(?)Ⅸ.Read and write.(根据图片提示完成对话。)(10分)1.—What are you going to do this afternoon? — 2.—What is he going to do tomorrow morning? — 3.—How is she going to the park? — 4.—Where are you going this evening? — 5.-What are they going to do on weekends?-Ⅹ.Read and choose.(读短文, 选择正确的答案。)(10分)It’s Saturday today.We are going to watch a football match(比赛).It’s between(在……之间)the Japanese team and the Chinese team.The football match will begin at four o’clock in the afternoon.Our teachers Mr Li and Mr Wang are going to watch the football match with us.We are going there by bike.We are going to come back at six o’clock in the evening.()1.What day is it tomorrow? A.Friday.B.Monday.C.Sunday.()2.We are going to watch today.A.a football B.a football match C.a basketball match()3.The match is between the and the.A.Japanese team;Chinese team B.Japanese team;American team C.Chinese team;Canadian team()4.We are going bus train bike()5.When will the match begin? A.At six o’clock.B.At four o’clock.C.At seven o’clock.答案:

听力材料: Ⅰ.Listen and choose.(听录音, 选择正确的图片。)1.I go to Nanjing by plane.2.I am going to the cinema this evening.3.I want to buy a dictionary.4.We are going to the supermarket this weekend.5.Go straight and you will see the bank on your left.Ⅱ.Listen and choose.(听录音, 选答语。)1.Where is she going? 2.How do you get there? 3.Where is the bookstore? 4.When are you going to the Great Wall? 5.What are your parents going to do? Ⅲ.Listen and match.(听录音, 连线。)My friends are talking about their weekend plans.Sarah is going to the bookstore.She will go there on foot.Chen Jie is going to the cinema by bus.Amy is going to visit her grandparents with her family.They are going by car.Mike is going to the supermarket by bike.He wants to buy some fruit.Wu Yifan is going to the nature park by subway.答案: Ⅰ.1.A 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B Ⅱ.1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B Ⅲ.1-D-c 2-E-e 3-A-d 4-B-b 5-C-a Ⅳ.1.straight 3.supermarket 4.picnic 5.snowman Ⅴ.1.on foot 2.Slow down to 4.comic book week Ⅵ.1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B Ⅶ.1.dictionaries 2.visit 3.dancing 4.wash 5.are Ⅷ.1.I’m going to the zoo on the weekend.2.Where are you going this evening? 3.I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.4.I’m going to buy a book about art.5.Are you going to the cinema this evening? Ⅸ.1.I’m going to draw pictures.2.He is going to play basketball.3.She is going to the park by bike.4.I’m going to the supermarket.5.They are going to see a film.Ⅹ.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B

pep六年级上英语期中 篇2

从六年级上册开始, Read and write版面设计提供了完整语篇读写的过程:读前活动—读中活动—读后活动。本课读前活动的教学目标是学生通过讨论自己和同伴的爱好, 激活相关的背景知识, 储备词汇;读中活动的教学目标是通过问题训练在语篇中捕捉细节信息、思考推理问题的能力;读后活动的教学目标是根据示范广告仿写自己想建立的俱乐部广告, 并充满感情地推销自己的广告。该教师没有着重地对文体特征作解释或处理, 而是在整个教学活动过程中, 有意识地对该应用文体的用途、结构、表现内容进行渗透, 归纳和整理, 无痕引入、有序推进、自然输出。因为教师心中有目标, 手中有方法, 学生的习得自然水到渠成。

一、读前活动:巧设问题, 解析文体的用途

本单元的主题是hobbies, 本课的情境来源于生活中较常见的“Notice Board”, 图境是Robin在“Notice Board”前贴公告的画面。读图, 学生有一定的想象空间, 并能积极做出猜测。但要让学生会运用这种文体, 必须先让学生了解它该用在什么场合, 也就是何时使用。公告 (广告) 的用途在于宣传, 传递或交流信息, 本课所列公告基于学生的兴趣爱好及个人的需求, 寻找搭档或招募队友, 和学生生活息息相关, 能激发学生的共鸣。教师在读前活动中聚焦主题, 激活旧知, 扩展信息量, 同时通过情境引入, 问题设计, 引出阅读内容, 对文体的用途作适当的解释和说明。具体过程如下:

1.教师课件呈现“hobby show”, T:If you like the hobbies, stand up and say“I like....”

2.师生对话, 了解并交流各自有关爱好的信息, T:I like...What are your hobbies?Do you like...?Does he like...?What are his/her hobbies?etc.

3.学生同桌交流, S1:What are your hobbies?Do you like...?S2:I like....Yes./No.交流完毕, 请学生完成读前活动“Finish this table with your partner.”并用I like...My partner...likes....来汇报并作反馈。

4.T:We have many hobbies.Look at our friend Amy.What are her hobbies?Guess!教师引入角色之一Amy, 猜测Amy的爱好 (见图1) 。

5.教师通过图片公布答案, Amy likes dancing.But look at Amy, she’s not happy.Why?Look, Amy is alone.Amy has no partner.Amy says:I need a partner. (见图2)

6.T:What should Amy do?Let’s help Amy fi nd a way. (见图3) 教师提问, 学生回答如下:

S1:Amy, you can use QQ to fi nd a partner.

S2:Amy, you can use phone to your friend.


7.T:Amy has another way.She wrote an ad and put the ad on the notice board. (教师用PPT呈现Notice Board)

一至二级读写教学读前活动主要有明确目的、熟悉话题、激发兴趣、布置任务等。本课中, 该教师通过自由练说、师生问答、同桌交流、汇报反馈等活动复习旧知, 活跃思维, 感知话题;通过人物Amy的引入, 创设情境, 有序衔接。教师巧妙地利用问题:What should Amy do?Let’s help Amy fi nd a way.激活学生的生活经验, 同时提供语言框架, “Amy, you can....”让学生知道怎么说, 并且能真实地、有意义地表达。正当学生们热议解决方法的时候, 教师把握时机, T:Th ey are the ways to fi nd a partner.Amy has another way to fi nd a partner.Let’s see.自然适时引出“Notice Board”, 同时处理生词notice board。

二、读中活动:落实关键, 梳理文体的结构

不同文体的格式、结构均有其明显特征, 了解文体的结构可以帮助学生理解和记忆, 并且有助于学生运用和表达。从何处入手梳理文体结构是提高文体使用正确性和有效性的关键。本课例中, 该教师通过抓题眼和找关键词的方式由总及分、从面到点逐步梳理文本的脉络和结构, 结合文体特征, 依据生活经验, 重点突出, 特征明显, 效果显著, 具体做法可分两方面进行。

1.抓题眼, 凸显文体特征

根据生活经验, 对于广告文体, 人们会先关注题目, 看题目是否吸引人或是否与个人的需求相关, 题目是该文体的关键点。该教师在解读文体时先从题目入手, 本课例有四则广告, 对应四个题目, 分别是:“Shall we dance?”“Goal!Goal!Goal!”“Let’s read together!”及“Science Club, YOUR club!”, 分析这四个题目, 可见广告文体中的题目可选用各种句式, 教师具体操作如下。

(1) 用PPT整体呈现题目, 引导学生关注广告的题目 (见图4) ;

(2) 请学生阅读题目, 感知大致题意;

(3) “Shall we dance?”“Let’s read together!”这两个题目教师请学生听录音, 跟读;

(4) “Goal!Goal!Goal!”, 先请学生听一段赛场上的音频, 利用音频让学生猜测“What match is it?”继而猜测goal的含义, 通过观看视频感受赛场气氛, 深入理解goal, 教师指导学生朗读“Goal!Goal!Goal!”, 体验语气的逐渐加强, 想象赛场进球时的激动心情, 结合体态语言, 引导学生深情并茂地表演。

(5) 读题“Science Club, YOUR club!”, 讨论YOUR大写的原因, 朗读并体会your这个词的重读及延长, 引导学生了解广告的题目应根据内容, 短小精悍并注重吸引力及煽动性。

2.找关键词, 体现文体要素

本课例中, 教师通过寻找关键词, 对教材中的内容进行梳理、替换和拓展, 突出知识的逻辑关系, 使之条理化和系统化, 既降低了学习难度, 又帮助学生理清文本脉络, 搭建学习支架, 形成思维网络, 提高综合语用能力。教师基于文本内容, 构建了以who, what, where, when, how为核心词的内容框架。首先, 以第一、二则广告为例引导学生学会寻找关键词 (见图5、6) , 用横线标志, 并在黑板上与核心词对应的位置贴上相应信息;第二步, 请学生仿例学习第三、四则广告 (见图7) , 学生完成之后, 教师根据学生的回答完成黑板上相关内容的补充;第三步, 基于对文本信息的梳理后, 请学生完成书中第43页第2小题的练习 (见图8) , 并请学生反馈, 对内容作进一步的回顾和小结。这样做既优化信息帮助学生梳理思维的轨迹, 体现文体撰写所涉及的要素, 还为后面的仿写提供信息支架, 作好铺垫。

三、读后活动:读写结合, 丰富文体的表达

阅读后的活动, 并不是让学生简单表演或讲述, 而是要让学生独立、完整地完成学习任务, 提升语言的准确度、复杂度和流利度。应用文体的读写教学, 还需要关注学生写的指导和训练, 充分体现在学中用、学以致用的原则。本课例中, 教师关注学生的朗读, 体现在: (1) 题目的朗读, 题目的朗读技巧直接关系到广告的效用; (2) 结合第43页的Tips for pronunciation的朗读训练; (3) 根据文本中出现的常见语音现象 (连读等) , 进行朗读指导。朗读不但要读得熟练, 而且要带着思考读, 带着想法读。这种思考和想法来自于学生的阅读体验, 即学生进入文本情感, 自己的情感也随着文中情感的改变而改变。文体的朗读质量直接影响之后学生自己广告的宣传。学生体味广告语言的多种特性, 联系生活实际运用表达个体真实情感, 有助于学生学会用英语做事情, 从而提升实际语言运用的能力。

本课例中, 学生通过阅读、讨论、写作、交流, 以“读”促“写”并以“写”促“读”, 体现读写教学的整体性、过程性和合理性。“以读促写”体现在: (1) 学生通过阅读课文与板书, 自己归纳总结出文本的体裁是广告, 以及怎样写出一则完整的广告; (2) 教师结合自身实例撰写一则广告作为范例 (见图9) , 并分内容板块式呈现参考语言栏, 进一步丰富语言支架; (3) 根据自身需求, 仿写一则广告, 注意格式、语言、书写的准确性 (见图10) 。“以写促读”则体现在:广告完成后, 教师通过广告作品的展示和交流, 利用“演—读—评”的方式, 让学生既是作者又是听众和读者, 提高文本使用的效率, 扩大阅读的量和参与面, 使以“写”促“读”的能力得到进一步提升。

pep六年级上英语期中 篇3

1. —________are my English books?

—They’re on the desk.

A. What B. Which C. Where D. When

2. She is a student and________ name is Kate.

A. she B. her C. hers D. his

3. —What’s that________ the bed?

—It’s a soccer ball.

A. of B. for C. under D. at

4. —Thank you very much.


A. That’s nice of you B. Nice to meet you

C. Yes, all right D. You are welcome

5. —Is he Jack Brown?


A. Yes, he is B. Yes, he’s

C. Yes, it is D. No, it isn’t

6. Your apples are here,________.

A. in this drawer B. at this

C. in these drawer D. in this drawers

7. Can I________ your ID card?

A. have a look B. have a look at

C. have look D. have look at

8. Mr Brown is Tom’s father. Tom is his________.

A. sister B. daughter C. brother D. son

9. —What are these?


A. It’s a notebook B. It’s an egg

C. They’re bananas D. They’re ice cream

10. —What do you have for lunch?


A. Chicken and vegetable B. Chicken and vegetables

C. Chickens and vegetableD. Chickens and vegetables

11. —How much________ the salad?


A. is B. are C. can D. want

12. —Hello! Are you his mother?


A. Yes, he is B. Yes, he’s

C. Yes, I am D. No, I am

13. —________

—It doesn’t matter.

A. Sorry. I’m late. B. How do you do?

C. What are you? D. Where is she?

14. —Hi, I am Pingping.


A. This is Jack B. That’s Jack

C. I’m Jack D. You are Jack

15. There________ two erasers on the desk.

A. is B. are C. has D. have

16. —Let’s play soccer.

—That________ good.

A. sound B. listen C. sounds D. listens

17. Your oranges are here________.

A. in this box B. in this boxes

C. on these box D. on that boxes

18. —Is this your ruler?


—Here you are.


A. this is; Thank you B. it’s; Thanks

C. it is; Thanks D. it is; Thanks you

19. I have a good friend.________ name is Gina.

A. Her B. His C. She D. It

20. —Is this________ bird?

—No, it’s________ egg.

A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)

Hi, my name is Cindy. I 1 a student at No. 7 Middle School. I like 2 sports. I like 3 tennis and soccer.

I have a new tennis racket. 4 is on the table. And I have five 5. They are 6 the bed. I think playing sports is very 7, so I like it. I

8 like eating fruits, especially(尤其) 9. I don’t like meat very much. But mom tells me to eat 10 food——not just fruits and vegetables!

1. A. am B. is C. are D. do

2. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to playing

3. A. a B. an C. the D. ×

4. A. They B. It C. Its D. Their

5. A. basketball B. volleyball C. soccer D. soccer balls

6. A. under B. to C. at D. over

7. A. interesting B. difficult C. boring D. hard

8. A. too B. also C. either D. yet

9. A. carrots B. bananas C. orange D. ice cream

10. A. bad B. relaxing C. healthy D. unhealthy

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(30分)


My name is Gina. I’m a student. I’m twelve. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. Tom is my brother. We are all here today. The man wearing(穿着) a black coat is my father and the woman wearing a red shirt is my mother. The boy under the tree is Tom. We are a happy family.


1. Gina is a________.

A. student B. teacher C. boy D. doctor

2. Gina is________.

A. ten B. eleven C. thirteen D. twelve

3. Gina’s father is wearing a________.

A. black coat B. red shirt

C. blue shirt D. yellow hat

4. Gina’s mother is a________.

A. student B. sister C. teacher D. worker

5. Tom is Gina’s________.

A. brother B. sister C. friend D. classmate


M: What are you going to do after school, Ellen?

W: I don’t know, Jack.

M: Would you like to play basketball with me?

W: Sorry, I don’t like basketball.

M: What’s your favorite sport?

W: Tennis.

M: I like tennis, but I’m not good at it.

W: It’s easy. Let’s go to the playground after school. I can help you.

M: That’s very nice of you.


6. Ellen likes basketball.

7. Ellen’s favorite sport is tennis.

8. Jack is not good at tennis.

9. Ellen would like to help Jack tomorrow.

10. They are going to play tennis after school.


11. Jim has________.

A. a soccer B. a volleyball

C. a tennis racket D. a baseball bat

12.________ has a soccer.

A. Mike and Jeff B. Jim

C. Jeff D. Mike, Jim and Jeff

13.________ has a tennis racket.

A. Mike B. Jim

C. Jeff D. Mike, Jim and Jeff

14.________ doesn’t have a volleyball.

A. MikeB. Jim

C. Jeff and Jim D. Mike, Jim and Jeff

15.________ doesn’t have a baseball bat.

A. Mike B. Jim

C. Jeff D. All of them

Ⅳ. 词汇(10分)

A) 英汉互译(5分)

1. a computer game 6. 每天

2. on the table 7. 打排球

3. an alarm clock 8. 一本有趣的书

4. French fries 9. 在地板上

5. play soccer10. 一张我家的全家福照片

B) 根据括号内所给的汉语提示填空,完成英语句子。(2.5分)

1. The ruler is________(白色的).

2. Is this your________(手表)?

3. My mother and my father are my________(父母亲).

4. Do you like________(足球)?

5. My uncle is a________(老师).

C) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(2.5分)

1. Are these your________(box)?

2. This is________(he) book.

3. I’m a boy.________(I) mother likes me very much.

4. Tom and Peter________(be)brothers.

5. They’re________(computer).

Ⅴ. 情景对话(5分)用特殊疑问词填空,完成对话。

1. —________are his tennis rackets?

—On the chair.

2. —________is that in English?

—Sorry, I don’t know.

3. —________is Tom’s phone number?


4. —________is your key?

—It’s in the drawer.

5. —________is her grandfather’s name?


6. —________do you spell “pants”?


7. —________is this?

—It’s a ball.

8. —________are those?

—They’re rulers.

9. —________do you usually have for breakfast?


10. —________are you?

—Fine, thank you.

Ⅵ. 句型转换(10分)按括号内的要求改写下列句子,每空限填一词。

1. My phone number is 2974823. (对画线部分提问)

________________your phone number?

2. This baseball is $10. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________is this baseball?

3. My shoes are under the chair. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________your shoes?

4. Her name is Linda. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________her name?

5. —Is Guo Feng your brother? (作否定回答)

—No,________ ________.

6. —Do you have a basketball? (作肯定回答)

—Yes,________ ________.

7. My grandmother likes strawberries. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

—________your grandmother________ strawberries?

—Yes,______ __________.

8. My pen is red. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________is your pen?

9. Lucy’s quilt is yellow. (改为否定句)

Lucy’s_________ _______ yellow.

10. The policeman is Jack’s uncle. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________the policeman?

Ⅶ. 连词成句(5分)根据下面横线后的标点符号,连词成句。

1. much, are, pants, black, these, how


2. is, the, where, book


3. TV, on, my, is, the, desk, set


4. family, of, the, for, thanks, photo, your


5. do, Jim, his, does, homework, in, evening, the


Ⅷ. 汉译英(5分)根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空限填一词。

1. 他有网球拍吗?

________he________ a tennis racket?

2. 下周咱们去野餐吧!

________ ________on a picnic next week.

3. 详情请致电10010咨询中国联通。

Please________ China Unicom________ 10010 for more information.

4. 我不认识那个戴眼镜的男生。

I don’t________ the boy________ glasses.

5. 谢谢你来参加我们的会议.

Thanks_________ _______ to our meeting.

Ⅸ. 两栏匹配(10分)从B栏中找出能回答A栏问题的答语。


1. What’s your phone number? A. They’re in the dresser.

2. What’s this in English? B. No, they aren’t.

3. Where are my keys? C. No, he doesn’t.

4. Is this your backpack? D. They’re two dollars.

5. Are those his English books? E. Sorry, I don’t know.

6. Do you like football?F. Yes, it is.

7. Does he like ice cream?G. Yes, please. I want an eraser.

8. How much are the carrots?H. 6538918.

9. How do you spell “which”?I. Yes, I do.

10. Can I help you? J. W-H-I-C-H.

Ⅹ. 看图填空(5分)根据图片回答问题。

(1)(2)(3) (4)________(5)

Cindy SmithauntparentsAnn’s unclecousin

1. —Is this Cindy Smith?


2. —Is she your mother, Cindy?

—No,________. She is my aunt.

3. —Are they your parents?


4. —Is the man Ann’s father?

—No, he isn’t. He is________.

5. —Is the boy in the picture your brother, Anna?

—________, he’s my________.

Ⅺ. 书面表达(10分)


要求: 60个词左右


Ⅰ. 1-5 CBCDA6-10 ABDCB11-15 ACACB16-20 CACAC

Ⅱ. 1-5 ACDBD6-10 AABBC

Ⅲ. 1-5 ADACA6-10 FTTFT11-15 BCCAB

Ⅳ. A) 1. 电子游戏2. 在桌子上3. 一个闹钟4. 薯条5. 踢足球

6. every day7. play volleyball8. an interesting book

9. on the floor10. a photo of my family

B) 1. white2. watch3. parents4. football5. teacher

C) 1. boxes2. his3. My4. are5. computers

Ⅴ. 1. Where2. What3. What4. Where5. What6. How7. What

8. What9. What10. How

Ⅵ. 1. What, is2. How, much3. Where, are4. What, is

5. he, isn’t6. I, do7. Does, like; she, does8. What, color

9. quilt, isn’t10. Who, is

Ⅶ. 1. How much are these black pants?

2. Where is the book?

3. My TV set is on the desk. /The TV set is on my desk.

4. Thanks for the photo of your family.

5. Does Jim do his homework in the evening?

Ⅷ. 1. Does, have2. Let’s, go3. call, at4. know, with

5. for, coming

Ⅸ. 1. H2. E3. A4. F5. B6. I7. C8. D9. J10. G

Ⅹ. 1. she is2. she isn’t3. they are4. Ann’s uncle5. No; cousin

Ⅺ. One possible version:

pep六年级上英语期中 篇4



一、词汇(要求:听说读写)交通方式:by bus公共汽车

by plane飞机

by taxi出租汽车

by ship船

on foot步行

by subway地铁

by train火车

by sled雪橇

by ferry轮渡

其他:on foot步行,by 乘,slow 慢的,down 减少,slow down 慢下来,stop停下,Mrs 夫人,early早到的,helmet头盔,must必须,wear戴,pay attention to注意,traffic light交通信号灯,Germany德国,fast快的,Scotland苏格兰

二、词组(要求:英汉互译,听说读写) the red light 在红灯时

2.go to school 去上学 subway 乘地铁

4.your bike你的自行车 5.come to school 来学校 bike骑自行车

7.good exercise好练习

8.go to the nature park去自然公园 9.take the No.57 bus 乘57路公交车

10.over there在那边 11.many pictures of bikes许多自行车的图片 cousin我的表弟 the USA在美国

14.look right向右看 15.cross the road过马路

16.on the road在马路上 the subway在地铁上

18.some children一些孩子 19.have a look看一下 with us和我们一起玩 21.Chinese food中式食物

22.British food英式食物 23.on the left side在左边

24.on the right side在右边


1.How do you come to school? Usually, I come on foot.你怎样来学校的?通常我走路来。

2.In the USA people on bikes must wear a helmet.在美国骑自行车的人必须戴头盔。3.Don’t go at the red light!别闯红灯!

4.I must pay attention to the traffic lights!我必须注意交通信号灯。5.Let’s go to the nature park.让我们去自然公园吧!6.How do you go to school?你怎样去上学?

I go to school by bike.我骑自行车去上学。

7.How do we get there?我们怎样到那儿?By bus.乘公交车。8.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.黄灯慢和停。9.Stop and wait at a red light.红灯停下等。10.Go at a green light.绿灯行。


1.对应词:go---come, red---green, early---late, fast---slow, always---never, after---before, light---heavy 2.复数:foot----feet, child---children, bus---buses 3.同音:by---buy/bye, right---write 4.现在分词:wait---waiting, get---getting, come---coming, take---taking, stop---stopping, run---running


1.wait for 等待:She’s waiting for the bus.2.come/go to +地点

come/go to school


to,如come here, go there +交通工具


by train, by bike是介词短语,放句尾

I go to school by bike.take a + 交通工具,表示“乘、骑…”

take a bus, 是动词短语,在句中可作谓语,如:We take a bus to school.六、句型转换

1.I come to school on foot.否定句:I don’t come to school on foot.一般疑问句:Do you come to school on foot? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.划线提问:How do you come to school? 2.He comes to school on foot.否定句:He doesn’t come to school on foot.一般疑问句:Does he come to school on foot?

pep六年级上英语期中 篇5


( )1. A. window B. candy C. friendly

( )2. A. clean B. key C. strong

( )3. A. floor B. help C. right

( )4. A. wall B. schoolbag C. blackboard

( )5. A. door B. cute C. notebook


( )1. A. It’s near the window.

B. Let’s go and see!

C. They are on the desk.

( )2. A. An English book.

B. It’s my brother.

C. I lost it.

( )3. A. It’s a bag.

B. It’s blue and white.

C. It’s my bag.

( )4. A. Her name is Amy.

B. She is my sister.

C. He name is Kim.

( )5. A. Yes, it is.

B. Yes, he is.

C. He is a student.




1. 棕色的鞋____________ 2. 关上窗户____________

3. 短头发____________ 4. 三本故事书____________

5. 讲台____________


1. We _______ a new friend. (have/ has)

2. This is _______ Chinese teacher. (us/ our)

3. It’s _______ English teacher. (a/ an)

4. What _______ is your hat? (colors/ color)

5. She _______ her classmates. (likes/ like)


1. She is our English teacher.(变为一般疑问句)


2. His name is Mike. (就划线部分提问)


3. My bike is near the door. (就划线部分提问)


4. I have a new friend. (变为否定句)


5. has, blue, and, he, are, glasses, shoes, his (.) (连词成句)



( )His name is Zhang Peng.

( )Really? An American friend?

( )What’s his name?

( )Mum, I have a new friend.

( )Yes, he is really kind.


Bob is a Canadian boy. He is twelve years old. He is tall and thin. He likes playing football and ping-pong. He usually goes to school by bike. His favourite food is hamburger. He is very friendly. I like him!

( )1. Bob is from England.

( )2. He is twelve years old.

( )3. He doesn’t like playing ping-pong.

( )4. He goes to school on foot.

( )5. He is a friendly boy.




1. classroom 2. wall 3. English book 4. key 5. toy


1. candy 2. clean 3. right 4. schoolbag 5. door


1. Where is your picture?

2. What’s in your schoolbag?

3. What color is your bag?

4. What’s her name?

5. Is he Wu Yifan?




四、1. light 2. toy 3. Chinese book 4. glasses 5. shoes

五、1. brown shoes 2. close the window 3. short hair 4. three story books 5. teacher’s desk

六、1. have 2. our 3. an 4. color 5. likes

七、1. Is she our English teacher?

2. What’s his name?

3. Where is your bike?

4. I don’t have a new friend.

5. He has glasses and his shoes are blue.


六年级PEP下册英语教案 篇6

【重点】句型What are they?以及其回答They’re… ;

【难点】Are they…?问句的结尾应读升调


Let’s practise部分的图片

Learn to say的教学课件。



1)教师和学生用所学的日常用语打招呼Hello!Hi!Nice to meet you. What’s your name?

How old are you? What is it?



1)教师呈现小鸭子图的一部分(一只小鸭子的头),问:What’s this?多数学生可以答出:It’s a duck.

2)呈现图的整体:四只鸭子,教师自问自答: What are they? They are ducks.教师带读“What are they?”强调they的发音要咬舌头。

3)引导学生看图用What are they?提问,教师回答:They are ducks.强调ducks中[s]的音。小组进行问答练习。

4)教师将几本书卷起来拿在手中引导学生用What are they?提问,然后找学生回答,教师要适时提醒book-books的演变。

5)教师出示图片:4 ducks、5 desks、3 bikes、3 clocks、7 books。学生两人一组用What are they?They are…进行问答练习。



1)教师出示Learn to say部分的视频课件,学生观看,了解对话情景。

2)教师提问:Are they ducks? Are they geese? Are they swans?学生回答:Yes,theyare.或No, they aren’t.

3)播放对话跟读课件,学生逐句重复听到的句子。教师适时强调Are they…?读升调。




1)学生将课前准备的Let’s practise部分的图片排列在桌子上,问:What are they?教师说:They are …学生迅速选出有关内容的图片并举起,比比看,谁的反应快。


请一位同学选择任意一张图片到前面,不让其他同学看到图片内容,提问:What are they?班内其他同学用Theyare…猜猜图片内容。猜对的同学可以到前面来请班里的同学猜自己的卡片。此活动也可以以小组为单位进行。


Lesson 1

What are they? They’re (Let’s practise部分的图片,下方标有相应的单词,复数变化)

duck + s = ducks cake + s = cakes

Lesson 2教案示例

【课题】Unit One Lesson Two

【重点】What are these / those?及回答They’re… .




1)学生两人一组表演对话“In a park”。

2)教师出示第3页Let’s practise中的图片,引导学生用What are they? They are…进行问答练习。


教师将图片books, bikes, desks, cakes, clocks贴到墙上离学生远的地方指着蛋糕的图片问:What arethose?引导学生回答:They are cakes.

学生两人一组指着墙上的图片用What are those?They are…进行问答练习。

引导学生说出对近处的一些物体提问用What are these?而对远处的一些物体提问用What are those?


1)教师播放教学课件In a fast-food restaurant,学生观看。

2)通过课件引导学生运用What are these/those? They are…学习有关单词hamburgers/hot dogs.

3)小组问答练习:运用What are these/those? They are… (看着课件图)教师要关注学生的单词发音,注意及时纠正。




7) Let’s practise.

教师提示:maps, stamps, caps在近处,cups, ships, jeeps在远处。






每组选一名代表随意说出自己组Bingo格中有的一个词“They are…”

pep六年级上英语期中 篇7

教学要点 1.能够正确听说朗读“How do you come to school?”询问别人的出行方式,并能够用句子“I come by…进行回答。

2.能够正确听说认读以下生词:offen、sometimes、usually等以及短语on footby footby bikeby subwaytalk about等。

3.能够听懂,会说,会表演Let’s talk的内容,并在真实场景中交流和运用。4.培养良好的语音、语调和语感。教学设计:

Step1 Warming-up 1.Show a part of a picture and let the students guess.引出单词bike,学习词组by bike。造句I come to school by bike.2.Listen and guess.播放小汽车的声音,让学生去猜是什么交通工具。同样引出单词car,学习词组by car。造句I come to school by bike.3.讲解“by+交通工具”的用法,特例:步行on foot Step2 Presentation 1.main scene学习

(1)呈现图片,仔细观察图片,回答问题,Where are they?What can you see?(2)学生仔细观察图片,展开合理想象并回答老师的问题。Where are they?They are at a cross roard.What can you see?Four people and a subway station.(3)听录音,模仿朗读,理解对话内容。


(2)教师领读对话,学生模仿,齐读练习,生生对话,小组表演。(3)告诉学生应该遵守交通规则,红灯停,绿灯行。2.学习Let’s try&Let’s talk

(1)T:Today I come to school on bus.I usually come to school on foot.What about you?Do you come by bike or by bus?Do you come on foot or by car?(2)Listen to the tape(3)快速反应游戏:教师说出某个短语,让学生做相应的动作并说出句子(4)听录音,跟读Let’s talk内容,注意纠正学生的发音(5)解释usually/often/sometimes单词的区别。

(6)同桌表演对话,培养学生学习语言,运用语言交流的能力,同事培养合作意识。根据原对话进行创编及完成探究学习中的题目。Step3 Consolidation Play a chain game 教师做动作,自问自答:How do I come to school?I come to school by bike,继续重复刚才的句子并问某一位学生,继续传递下去。Step4 Homework Listen and recite the dialogue.完成课堂检测中的相关习题

Make a new dialogue and act it out.结合本课学习内容

修改: 教后反思:

课题 Unit 2 第2课时

教学要点 1.能够正确听说,朗读:How do we get there?询问出行方式,并能够用By 进行回答。

2.能够正确听说,认读单词,如plane,bus,ship,等以及短语on foot,by bike。3.能够听懂,会说,会表演Let’s learn的内容,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。


Step1 Warming-up 1.Greeting 2.Let’s chant “How do you get there?” talk T:Good morning!How do you come to school?S1:I go to school by…… T:What about you?Do you go by bus?S2:…… Step2 Presentation 1.Let’s learn

(1)Show a calendar and some transportation means.T:How do you come to school on Monday? S1:I come to school by bike.T:How do you come to school on Tuesday? S2:I come to school by car.T:How do you come to school on Wednesday? S3:I come to school on foot.以此类推

(2)借助图片解释词组by plane/by taxi/by ship(3)听录音,模仿朗读,理解对话内容,完成探究性学习第一题。(4)指明朗读对话,并翻译主要句子中文意思,掌握单词,句子读法。(5)教师领读对话,学生模仿,齐读练习,生生对话。(6)根据对话内容进行创编,完成探究性学习第二题。2.学习write and say(1)谈一谈所学的交通工具的特点有哪些?(2)你最喜欢哪种出行方式,为什么?

(3)讲解get 和from的意思,分析How do you get to the USA from China?(4)出示一些地点,仿照例句书写句子。

(5)根据实际情况,选择交通工具作答,完成探究学习第三题。Step 3 Consolidation 教师事先准备一些打乱顺序的单词卡片,让学生读词后快速拼成正确的句子,或者填充句子,最后写出完整的句子。Step4 Homework 1.Listen and recite the dialogue.听录音并背诵对话。

2.Finish the relevant workbook exercises.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。

3.Make a new dialogue according to this lesson and act it out.结合本课学习内容创建一个新对话并将其表演出来。修改: 教后反思:

课题 Unit 2 第3课时 设计者

教学要点 1.能够正确听说,朗读Don’t go at the red light.I must pay attention to the traffic lights.2.能够正确听说,认读单词,如helmet,wear,Mrs等以及短语pay attention to。3.能够听懂,会说,会表演Let’s talk的内容,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。


Step1 Warming-up 1.Greeting 2.兔子舞游戏

3Let’s chant “How do you get there?” talk T:Good morning!How do you come to school?复习如何询问别人出行方式句型。学生可根据实际情况进行回答。Step2 Presentation 1.Let’s try



(3)把三种指示灯贴在黑板上,引出traffic lights.(4)展示模拟红黄绿灯,告诉学生交通规则。(5)Let’s Play


2.Let’s talk.(1)播放录音内容,让学生总结大意。

(2)再次播放录音,完成探究性学习第二题。(3)逐句跟读,教师讲解生词helmet,wear等。(4)教师领读对话,学生模仿,齐读练习,生生对话。(5)教师讲解美国人骑自行车需要遵守的交通规则。(6)出示交通标示,小组讨论,完成探究学习第三题。(7)教师用英语解释交通标志的意思。Step 3 Consolidation 教师事先准备一顶小黄帽,请另一名学生随意指出不同的颜色,头戴小黄帽的学生听指令,绿灯时行走,红灯时停止前行。Step4 Homework 1.Listen and recite the dialogue.听录音并背诵对话。

2.Finish the relevant workbook exercises.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。

修改: 教后反思:

课题 Unit 2 第4课时 设计者

教学要点 1.能够正确听说,朗读Stop and wait at a red light.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Go at a green light.并能在实际情景中运用。2.能够正确听说,认读单词,如slow down,stop,wait。3.了解一些简单的交通标志,增强学生的交通意识。教学设计:

Step1 Warming-up 1.Greeting 2.兔子舞,随着音乐的指令,队伍开始慢慢向前移动。3Let’s chant “How do you get there?”两遍 talk T:Good morning!How do you come to school?复习如何询问别人出行方式句型。学生可根据实际情况进行回答。教师由对话总结引出

T:Some students come to school by bike,some students come to school on foot.When you come to school,what must you remember?引出交通规则。Step2 Presentation 1.Let’s learn



(2)由traffic lights 引出There are red ,yellow and green.Red means stop,green means go,yellow means wait.(3)教师板书新单词,用肢体语言解释做slow down,wait,stop,go的动作。



Stop and wait at a red light.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Go at a green light.(6)再放一次录音,完成探究性学习第一题填单词的部分

(7)Practice in pairs。同桌之间进行操练,其中一人任意举起一个交通灯,另一个学生做出相应的动作,并说出该交通规则。2.Role play 四个同学一组,老师给同学们发一个交警帽和三盏交通灯,让一位学生扮演交警,指挥交通,其他同学根据所示的灯做出动作并说出相应的句子,对表现好的学生进行奖励。轮流几回合后,总结规则,完成探究学习第二题。Step 3 Consolidation 快乐对对碰:教师准备红,黄,绿卡片若干张,老师随手取出一张,学生根据改词,快速说出相应的句子。Step4 Homework 1.Listen and recite the dialogue.听录音并背诵对话。

2.Finish the relevant workbook exercises.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。

修改: 教后反思

课题 Unit 2 第5课时 设计者

教学要点 1.能够正确听说,朗读Sone kids go to school by sled.You must…Don’t…等句型。


Step1 Warming-up 1.Greeting 2.Let’s chant “How do you get there? talk 手持模拟交通灯,T:What are they?S:They are traffic lights.T:How many traffic lights are there?S:There are three.T:What colour are they?S:Yellow,green and red.T:What do they mean?S:red means____,green means____,yellow means____ Step2 Presentation 1.Read and write(1)Show four pictures of different countries.展示四个国家的图片,让学生讨论时什么地方。

(2)告诉学生展示的地方名字,并引出Munich,Germany,Alaska,USA,China papa Westray,Scotland.(3)让学生观察图中人们的出行方式有哪些不同,你能想出多少种方式呢?完成探究学习第一题。


(5)板书词组并结合图片讲解生词。On foot,by sled,by ferry,by plane.(6)齐读,小组读生词和词组。

(7)仔细阅读文章,从上下文猜测下列单词的意思,snow,fast,learn,kid,a lot,完成探究学习第三题。

(8)以小组为单位,阅读下列问题,带着问题读文章,一起完成探究学习第四题。How many ways to go to school can you find in the text?Underline them.Does everyone in the text go to school?(9)小组成员之间互相讨论,写下答案。(10)教师订正答案,做点评。(11)出示一封信,创设情境。


讲解pay attention部分,仿照例句,用含有must,don’t的句子写信,完成探究学习中第五题。


(14)播放录音,让学生进行比较,找出规律。(15)讲解单词连读规律,找学生操练。(16)通过课本找到更多的这种可以连读的单词。Step 3 Consolidation 放磁带跟读课文,小组之间每人读一段,男女分角色朗读课文,指明读课文,齐读课文,根据文章内容,创编对话并表演出来。Step4 Homework 1.Listen and recite the dialogue.听录音并背诵对话。

2.Finish the relevant workbook exercises.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。

课题 Unit 2 第6课时

教学要点 1.能够正确听说,朗读How does Wu Yifan go to the park?He goes byt…等句型。


Step1 Warming-up 1.Greeting 2.教师和学生一起说唱前面学过的有关交通规则的chant。3.Left和right快速反应练习,举手听音。 talk How do you come to school?学生回答。Step2 Presentation 1.Let’s check

(1)(Listen and number,听录音,并排序,完成探究学习第一题。(2)再次听录音,完成下面的问题。

How does Wu Yifan go to the park?He goes by — 以此类推,指导学生注意听表示出行方式的词组,或点名回答。2.学习Let’s wrap it up 猜一猜Mike在哪里?


(4)引出go &come,教师讲解两个词的区别。(5)小组再次讨论,修改答案,教师给予订正。(6)仿照课本,让学生用go &come进行造句练习。3.学习story time(1)布置任务(国外人们的出行习惯是怎样的),听录音,回答问题,让学生找出关键语句,宣布答案。



(5)小组合作解决问题,教师给予指导,检查答案,讲解生词。(6)放录音,让学生跟读,遇到难懂的句子,教师可进一步详解。(7)学生分组戴上头饰进行表演故事,注意语态和神态。(8)其他国家的出行方式是怎样呢,引发学生思考及课后搜集资料。Step 3 Consolidation 抓鬼游戏,教师读一篇课文,从中会出现学到过的单词或词组,听到后立马站起来,大声说出来,即为抓鬼成功,获得奖励。Step4 Homework 1.Listen and recite the dialogue.听录音并背诵对话。
