
2024-09-10 版权声明 我要投稿


托福作文考试:0930托福独立写作 篇1

Admittedly, the degree in the university an employee acquires enables him to have better performance in the position and give full play to his strength. In university, people obtain knowledge and improve professional skills which in turn will someday help companies boost productivity. A degree that is very popular among people with a couple of years of work experience is Management which includes courses of HR, Corporate Finance, Leadership, Marketing, etc. By financially supporting employees with potential to complete this degree, the company will have a member who is ready for promotion.

However, it costs too much for a company to support an employee to obtain a degree in university. To begin with, when the employee is studying in university, the workload he leaves behind has to be covered by others. Normally, a student needs at least one or two years to graduate from a program either part time or full time. Thus, in such a long period, he cannot focus on his work or even completely leaves the office. For example, some programs of MBA or EMBA require students to study abroad for three to six months. As a result, his tasks have to be assigned to other colleagues who may have complaints and bias. The feeling of unfair may also rise as colleagues think they have to do more work for no reward. In a word, the long time one spends to get a degree in university is too much for a company.

Secondly, the company also has to be aware of the risk of losing the employee after he receives the degree. It is commonly believed that company’s investment in training will improve employee commitment. The employee supported by the company to have further education is supposed to be more loyal and diligent. Moreover, before an employee starts his study in university, he needs to sign a contract with the company to guarantee that he will work for the company for certain years after graduation or he will compensate for company’s loss. However, all these measures may easily fail when this employee is offered a better position and a higher salary by other companies who also agree to pay the compensation for him. In fact, graduates supported by a company may highly possibly become the target of other companies. Therefore, it turns out to be that the company pays for both salaries and tuition fees for an employee who does not work for one or two years and then gets nothing but a little compensation.

To sum up, although the degree an employee acquires in university allows him to contribute more to the company, it is not worthy for the company to financially support employees to study in university because of the long period of time and the risk of losing him.


Do you agree or disagree company should pay for the employees to get degree in the university.






托福独立写作硬伤剖析 篇2

审题 避免跑题

在托福独立写作中,审题和构思永远是第一位的。考生如果在审题上出现偏差,那么即使语言再好,例子再多,也很难拿到高分。在《新托福考试官方指南》独立写作部分的评分标准中,取得5分的其中一条标准是“effectively addresses the topic and task”,这就是要求考生写作要扣题。在实践中,考生在审题方面容易出现以下两种错误。


“实然”类题目问的是现实中是否存在某种情况。如2013年3月3日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are more likely to spend time and effort to improve the world than young people in the past.”该题目是问今天的年轻人是不是比过去的年轻人更愿意花时间和精力来改进世界。也就是说,题目问的是现实中存不存在这种情况,而不是年轻人应不应该这样做。

“应然”类题目问的是某种做法是否应该鼓励,或者做某件事情是否重要。如2013年1月13日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to make sure that others (influential people or potential employers) know about your strengths and accomplishments; or you will not have a successful life.”该题目是问想要获得成功的人生,你是不是应该让别人(有影响力的人或潜在雇主)了解你的特长和成就。


对于“实然”类题目,考生应着重利用事实和客观证据来构思分论点。以2013年1月26日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目为例:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are more likely to help others than young people in the past.”该题目是问现在的年轻人事实上是不是比以前的年轻人更有可能帮助人,而不是问现在的年轻人应不应该比以前的人更多地帮助人。因此,这道题属于“实然”类题目。考生在写作分论点时,应着重从事实和客观证据的角度来寻找依据,比如“现在的年轻人可以用很多传统方式帮助人”“现在的年轻人也可以用很多现代化的新型方式帮助人”等。在每个分论点内部,考生应多运用实际的事例来论证。

对于“应然”类题目,考生应着重从“为什么”的角度来构思分论点。以2013年3月2日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目为例:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The world is busy and crowded; we should not expect people to be polite to others.”该题目本质上是问礼貌是否重要,属于“应然”类题目。考生在写作时,分论点应重点讲“为什么礼貌很重要”,比如“对人有礼貌能够让我们交到更多朋友”“人们之间互有礼貌有助于国家和社会的和谐”等。在每个分论点内部,考生应先解释清楚理由,再辅以例子支持。

考生如果不能准确识别“实然”和“应然”类题目,就可能在审题和构思时出现跑题的问题。这样一来,即使例子很充分,语言也较好,考生依然拿不到好成绩。比如,有一位考生参加2013年3月2日的托福考试,独立写作题目为上文提到的“应然”类题目,即我们是否应该对人有礼貌。该考生由于紧张,审题时出现偏差,结果将文章中的一个分论点设成了“因为现实生活中有很多人都对人有礼貌,所以我们应该对人有礼貌”,这就犯了混淆“实然”和“应然”类题目的错误。用“现实生活中有很多人对人有礼貌”来证明题目要求的“我们应不应该对人礼貌”违背了5分评分标准中的要求(effectively addresses the topic and task)。因此,该考生在独立写作部分只得到了Fair档的分数。而以该考生的语言功底和平时表现,其在独立写作部分拿Good档分数是没有问题的,正是审题的失误导致其独立写作发挥失常。这样的失误很令人遗憾,应该尽量避免。




同样以“The world is busy and crowded; we should not expect people to be polite to others”这道题为例。这道题整体上问的是“礼貌是否重要”或者“人们之间应不应该互有礼貌”。有位考生在审题时片面地纠结于expect这个词,因此在写主体段时把重点放在了证明“应不应该期待礼貌”上,结果导致跑题。这位考生在之前两次考试的独立写作部分都拿到了Good档的成绩,但在这次考试中却因跑题只得了Fair档的成绩。

结构 避免主体段分论点之间的交叉和冲突

在独立写作中,主体段的两个或三个分论点之间不宜出现交叉或冲突。如果出现这类硬伤,考生就无法拿到Good档的分数,因为这不符合5分标准中“unity, progression, and coherence”的要求。《新托福考试官方指南》在独立写作的organization要求中提到:“To earn a top score, you need to avoid redundancy (repetition of ideas), digression (points that are not related to your main point, that take away from the ‘unity’ of your ideas), and unclear connections (places where it is hard for the reader to understand how two ideas or parts of your writing are related).”各分论点间的交叉重叠正是redundancy的体现,分论点间出现的冲突则是digression和unclear connection的体现。这些都是考生在文章结构方面应尽量避免的硬伤。下面笔者通过实例来具体分析什么是主体段分论点之间的交叉和冲突,希望能给考生以启发。


某考生遇到的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to choose friends who you can have fun with than to choose friends who will help you when you need them.”该考生选择的观点为“选择能够提供帮助的朋友更加重要”。其第一个分论点为“患难时这种朋友能够帮助自己摆脱困难”,第二个分论点为“如果帮助自己的朋友在帮助的过程中也获得好处,这样就能给双方都带来好处”。第二个分论点说朋友帮助自己对朋友也有好处,这是跑题的表现;说朋友帮助自己对双方都有好处,这其实和第一个分论点讲的“能够给自己带来好处”有交叉重叠。因此,该考生虽然在语言、字数等方面都不错,但由于结构不清晰,最后只拿到Fair档的成绩。


如果主体段的分论点之间出现了明显的观点冲突,这样的文章一定拿不到Good档的成绩。下面笔者以《新托福考试官方指南》上公布的一篇2分作文为例来具体说明。这篇文章的写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship.”这篇2分例文在首段提出的总观点为“诚实是关系中最重要的因素”。其第一个分论点为“诚实才能够赢得朋友和同事的信任”;第二个分论点为“撒谎会为工作和家庭生活带来麻烦”;第三个分论点则话锋一转,变成了“相反,有时候撒谎更加重要”,这与总观点和前两个分论点完全冲突。这样存在冲突的论述直接削弱了考生自己观点的证明力,也使读者产生困惑,这样的作文当然拿不到高分。


有些分论点表面看上去似乎有道理,并没有和其他分论点及全文总观点水火不容。但深入分析其内容会发现,尽管该论点也符合全文总观点的特征,但其更符合对立观点的特征,因而与其他分论点构成隐性的内在冲突。比如,2013年3月16日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The movies and television programs made in your own country are more interesting than movies and television programs made in other countries.”某考生选择的总观点为“国内的电影和电视节目更有趣”。其第一个分论点为“国内的电影和电视节目能让我们看到很多熟悉的东西,因此更加有趣”;第二个分论点为“国内的电影和电视节目能帮助我们了解我们不熟悉的一些国内事物,因此更加有趣”。第二个分论点虽然看似也说得通,但“不熟悉”其实更符合国外节目具备的特征,较少符合国内节目具备的特征,因为国外节目比国内节目更能够提供“不熟悉”的事物。所以,第二个分论点和第一个分论点存在隐性的观点冲突,而且该分论点不是国内节目和国外节目的显著不同,因而不能构成有效的论证。

论据 避免明显违背客观事实的论据


比如,2012年10月28日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All scientific discoveries should be shared among all scientists all around the world; government and businesses should not keep any discoveries in secret.”某考生选择的观点是“科学发现应该共享,不该有秘密”,论证时用的是乔布斯的例子。但大家都知道,苹果公司的核心知识产权事实上并没有在社会上共享。因此,这篇文章即使语言没有问题,例子也很多,但因为例子本身明显不符合事实,最终考生没有拿到Good档的成绩。


托福作文考试:0930托福独立写作 篇3

In the first place, the lack of exercises is the direct factor that contributes to the worsening of health condition. Under great pressure of work, I almost spend most of my time in the office and get used to work overtime. Arriving at home, I usually feel too tired to cook, let along doing exercises. The entertainment after work and during weekends seems only watching television, surfing on the Internet, or chatting with friends on the phone. The busy schedule of work squeezes my time of doing sports and contributes to the firming of my sedentary lifestyle. As a result, I become increasingly reluctant to do sports and avoid activities that need body strength. It is not surprising that both the health condition and stamina declines.

In the second place, to increase the amount of sports daily is an easy task. The simplest but most effective approach is to take a break every two hours while working. Sitting in front of the computer for long, I usually feel soar in the neck and shoulders, which must be the signal given by the body. Some of my colleagues told me that the symptoms can be alleviated by simply sparing few minutes to take a cup of coffee in the restroom and stretch arms and legs. Also from the perspective of a doctor, it takes effect in improving blood circulation. In addition, I am thinking of climbing stairs instead of taking elevators. I remember when I visited a doctor last time, he told me that every single step we climb will help us increase lifespan for seven seconds. Finally, my one year membership with the fitness club near my office will due soon, but I have not visited it for months. What a pity! It is time to spare at least half an hour per day after work to make good use of my membership. In fact, to make those changes come true does not take too much time or energy.

In the third place, personally, changing foods and releasing pressure are not good options. I am not the one who cooks in the family, so it is not me to decide the menu of the day. Moreover, there are not many choices available for lunch near my office. The one hour break only allows me to grab some fast food, such as hamburgers and pizzas. In fact, the pressure from work now is necessary for me to further improve professional skills, which are vital for promotion. As a new employee of the present company, I should work hard and strive to be a valuable member. So, stress relief is not feasible.

In a nutshell, I will spend more time on doing sports to improve health. It is not only because doing exercises is simple and effective, but also because it is the major factor causing my potential health problem.


Out of the three things, which one would youprefer to regulate in order to improve your health?

1. The kind of food you eat

2. The amount of exercise

3. The amount of stress in your life

托福作文考试:0930托福独立写作 篇4


Through daily communication and interaction, we are unavoidably affected by people around us and at the same time we also exert certain impact on others. Given the importance of peer influence, it is necessary for us to clearly identify traits and characters of surrounding people. Some people prefer to judge from a person’s friends, but I do not think this is an effective method.

Admittedly, people holding this opinion may argue that birds of a feather flock together. The reason why people become friends is that they share something in common, such as personalities and hobbies. For instance, a person interested in playing basketball must frequently visit basketball court where he meets mates and enjoys the game together. All these make them more attractive to each other. Therefore, it is easy to draw the conclusion that a person with many friends who are fond of playing basketball is highly likely a basketball lover, too. Moreover, he may also have characters that sport fans share, like sportsmanship, perseverance, and teamwork spirits.

However, such conclusion is open to much criticism. To begin with, from one’s friends, we may just get to know a small part of this person. As mentioned above, the information we can collect is restricted to what he likes doing with friends and relevant characters. But in fact, an individual is very complicated, as under various occasions, he behaves differently, demonstrates divergent traits, or even generate controversial thoughts. For example, it is possible that a boy with much tenacity to train his basketball skills with friends actually has no will power to improve his academic performance, or even can hardly finish reading in literature class. Then, we cannot regard him as a person with perseverance, and the conclusion yielded from what type of friends he has is wrong.

Secondly, this approach fails when a person has too many friends. There are people who are very popular, because of their social skills, sense of humor or warmheartedness. Consequently, they are always surrounded by various kinds of friends wherever they go. Among those friends, there might be people with different personalities. A good example is the cheerleader, the focus in almost every school. With charming appearance and excellent dancing skills, she never fails to attract both boys who admire her beauty and girls who feel cool to be friend with her. In a large group of friends, there will be people showing divergent traits, like quiet and talkative, introversive and extroversive, etc.

To sum up, from one’s friends, we may get to know some parts of a person, but the information is quite limited and controversial if he has too many companions.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One can learn a lot about a person from the type of friends this person has.








托福作文考试:0930托福独立写作 篇5









举的例子是自己编了一个电影“wars in Yanan”,以为是战争片,但在图书馆看了这本书发现是爱情题材,是我不喜欢的,所以我很庆幸自己省了50块钱去看自己不喜欢的电影。


举的例子是电影“the evil wear Prada”,很多人第一次去看就是觉得讲的是时尚的故事,但其实它有深层次的启发,比如做自己,还有要努力追求自己喜欢的。

题目 Many filmmakers make movies based on books. some people prefer to read the book before they watch the movie, while other people prefer to watch the movie before they read the book. Which one do you prefer?



Task 1

If a mayor is to selected from the following candidates ,who all have no political experience but are successful in their own field, which one do you think is the best candidate for mayor?

1. A university professor

2. A businessman

3. A doctor

Task 2

Do you think it’s necessary for children’s growth for them to live far away from home and stay with relatives or friends for short periods of time?



理由:相对来说比较smart,而且知道很多 business strategy,可以帮助发展经济。

举例:比如我老家城市的市长以前是一家IT company 的owner,他知道怎么去increase the sales of products,制定了很多鼓励政策,带领大家 make more money,过更好的生活。




举例:正例可以说我每次暑假去叔叔家和cousin一起玩,我能收获到那些跟平常一起hang out的人玩时体会不到的快乐。我们可以一起go swimming, hiking and play computer games。

反例可以说如果不花时间去和他们catch up,我们会逐渐isolated。

谈托福独立写作题目的审题和构思 篇6




2013年5月18日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree: Government should support scientific research even if it does not have practical use.”对于这道题目,考生需要判断什么样的科学研究是“没有实际用途”的科学研究。有的考生对这一基本概念理解错误,认为和老百姓日常生活关联不大的研究就是没有实际用途的研究。由于这样的审题,该考生选择同意应当支持这样的研究,然后主体段分别从军事和航空角度展开论证。但事实上,没有实际用途的科学研究是指一些纯理论性的研究,比如纯数学理论的研究等。军事、航空方面的研究虽然与日常生活关系不大,但仍是有实际用途的。考生对题目中的关键词和基本概念理解错误,导致论证时的理由与事实背离。该考生本来英语水平不错,独立写作成绩却不理想。

再如,2014年3月15日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目如下:“Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends? a. joining a sports team; b. participating in community activities; c. travelling.”这道题目的重心是比较“交朋友的方式”。在构思理由时,考生必须切中这样的目的,否则就会偏题。比如,有的考生选择论证运动是最好的交友方式,其中一个理由是“参加运动的人大都是同龄人,有共同的兴趣爱好,容易交到朋友”;另一个理由是“通过运动能够锻炼身体,增强体质”。其中第一个理由是合理的,切中了题目中“交朋友”的目的。第二个理由虽然是运动的优势,但是并不符合“交朋友”的目的,属于偏题。这道题目要求考生从交友的角度来比较哪种方式更好,而不是单纯讲运动、社区活动或旅游本身的好处。“锻炼身体,增强体质”这样的好处和交朋友没有太大关系,因此不适合作为论证的理由。另外,还有的考生没有注意到student这一关键词,没有从学生这个特殊群体的角度来进行论证,而是从普通人甚至是从职场人的角度来论证。这些都是跑题的表现,都会导致分数的损失。




2014年3月1日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree: It is not a good thing for people to move to a new city or a new country because of the losing of old friends.”这道题目问:是不是因为可能会失去老朋友,移居到一个新城市或新国家就不好?有些考生只注意到原因部分because of the losing of old friends,在论证时只是单纯地讨论会不会失去老朋友的问题,这样的构思具有片面性。因为从题目的整个句子来看,真正的重心在于“移居到一个新城市或新国家好不好”,而“可能失去老朋友”只是这个过程中需要处理和考虑的其中一个因素。考生在论证时不能只是讨论会不会失去老朋友这一个方面,还要回到移居到新地方好不好这个主要问题上来讨论,否则就出现了偏题的情况。



2012年10月28日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree: All scientific discoveries should be shared among all scientists all around the world, and the government and businesses should not keep any discoveries in secret.”很多考生看到这个题目后,凭直觉想选择“同意分享”,因为感觉“分享”这样的理念很伟大。但是在现实世界中,科研成果不被分享的案例更多;或者即使考生知道一些科研成果是分享的,但是对事实细节了解得不够清楚;或者考生知道有这样的例子,但是例子很少,不足以支撑起一个充实的主体段;再或者这些例子涉及的专业术语比较难以准确描述和表达。在这些情况下,考生就不宜选择“同意分享”这样的立场。如果是日常生活类话题,考生也许可以“编造”某些例子,但这道题目不同,考生在列举科学成果分享方面的例子时必须符合客观事实和常识。在这种情况下,考生就可以灵活一些,看看“不同意分享”的角度好不好写。在现实世界中,一国政府或者一个著名企业掌握的某项核心技术一般都是不与外界分享的,这一点很容易举出例子。比如,大国的尖端军事技术和航空技术一般是不会分享的,大公司(如Google、Apple、Microsoft)的核心科技也一定不会分享。因此,“不同意分享”的角度对大多数考生来说可能更容易写。出于这个考虑,考生在选取写作角度时就应该选择和自己直觉不同的角度,以保证自己正常水平的发挥。





2013年8月24日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree: It is important to have rules about the types of clothing that people are allowed to wear at work or school.”题目中规定着装的做法涉及学生和工人以及学校和工厂两方面的主体。假设考生选择的立场是同意规定着装,那从学生和工人的主体角度出发,考生可以给出这样的理由:规定着装有利于学生和工人专心学习或工作,避免攀比。从学校和工厂的主体角度出发,考生又可以给出另一个理由:规定着装便于学校和工厂的管理,有利于学校和工厂的整体形象。



2014年1月12日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree: The advice from grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.”假如考生不同意这个观点,即认为“祖父母的建议有用”,那么从理由的角度构思,似乎只能想出一个理由——祖父母的经验多。在这种情况下,考生可以把抽象词advice拆分成不同方面的advice,从而展开不同的段落。比如可以拆分成如下几个方面:工作上,人际关系方面的建议有用;生活上,衣食起居方面的建议有用;学习和情感方面的建议有用。这样就可以很容易地形成三个分论点来分别阐述。



2013年3月16日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目如下:“Movies and television programs made in your own country are more interesting than movies and television programs made in other countries.”因为电影和电视节目的特点和趣味性有一定差异,考生可以将电影和电视这两个并列词汇拆开,形成两个主体段。假设考生选择国外的电影和电视节目更有趣的立场,那分论点就可以这样设计:电影方面,国外的电影因为技术水平较高,因此更有趣;电视节目方面,国外节目因为内容上言论自由等因素,因此更有趣。然后考生可以分别解释和举例论证。



有这样一道机经题目:“Do you agree or disagree: The government should focus its budgets more on preserving the natural environment and less on economic development.”考生如果选择“政府应重点支持经济发展”这一立场,很容易想出这样一个理由:经济发展关系到人们的基本生存和社会的稳定。然后,考生可以从经济和环境的关系出发形成另一个理由:经济发展好了,政府将更有能力来治理和改善环境。或者,假如考生选择“政府应重点支持环境保护”的立场,那首先可以想出一个理由:环境关系到人的健康和心情。然后,考生可以针对环境和经济的关系形成另一个理由:环境建设好了,将吸引更多的投资,从而得到更好的经济发展机会。

托福作文考试:0930托福独立写作 篇7


TV set was invented about less than a century ago, and it takes a few decades to become a major part of mass leisure. Usually, audiences watch TV programs to relax and to kill time. However, with the emerging of more well-designed programs with educational functions, it is beneficial for people to watch for knowledge but not simply for cheap entertainment.

Admittedly, there is every reason for people to entertain themselves with TV programs. After whole day work or study under heavy pressure, people need an effective way to release stress. Thanks to the funny story, humorous conversation, or exaggerated facial expression and body language, people burst into a belly laugh in a relaxing atmosphere while lying on the sofa with beverage and snacks at hand. This is exactly why cartoon movies are popular among both children and adults, such as Pleasant Sheep. However, there are actually many other programs that can both help people relax and acquire knowledge. They deserve more attention from audiences.

To begin with, when people are able to kill two bird with one stone, why not choose to spend time more meaningfully with programs that convey knowledge in an interesting way. To attract eyeballs and increase audience rating, even educational TV programs directors and producers will spare no efforts to make their program interesting, so as to make more profits. Consequently, they usually add many elements to entertain audience, such as jokes, funny tones, or celebrities. For example, an interesting cartoon play for young children in China, called Haier Brothers, teaches audiences knowledge about natural science through two little brothers’ traveling around the world. Their traveling stories explain why there are mountains and rivers on earth, how rains form and why there are four seasons, etc. The vivid pictures and interesting narration never fail to attract little audiences.

Secondly, it is also worth watching programs of serious topics, in order to equip ourselves with necessary knowledge and expand outlook. Living in an ear featuring information explosion, people need the ability to collect information and knowledge that may be crucial in work or life. Sometimes, when there is too much information that is overwhelming, confusing or even disorienting, people should be able to discern with a clear and critical mind. An effective solution is to watch some talk shows about political and social issues. The discussion between the cynical host and distinguished guests will give us a clue on how to view events happening around us. Take the most important political issue in US, namely presidential election, as an example. The speeches of various candidates usually contain too much information that is sometimes misleading or even demagogic. As to have a better understanding of candidates’ political views and their possible future behaviors, we need to draw opinions from professional and objective sources from those political talk shows.

To sum up, it is highly necessary and recommended that audiences today spend more time on TV programs that are educational and enlightening.

Agree or disagree with the following statement people should spend more time watching programs that provide knowledge and spend less time watching programs which provide entertainment only?








托福作文考试:0930托福独立写作 篇8







Some people believe that it is a good idea to continue to work at their old age. Do you agree or disagree.


Thanks to the improvement of living standards and medical treatment, people today not only live longer but also have a better health condition. As for how to live happily after retirement, people have divergent opinions. Many senior citizens claim they would rather continue to work.

Admittedly, old people are supposed to get retired at certain age due to various reasons. What comes first is their health that to a large extent decides their work efficiency and effectiveness. Unavoidably, it is much easier for old people to suffer from fatigue and diseases. However, owing to their years of services, the company has to pay higher salaries, which is not cost effective. Moreover, the retirement of old people provides job opportunities for youngsters and curbs the growth of unemployment rate.

However, there are many old people in good physical condition expecting to work continuously at their old age. For them, the life after retirement is boring and meaningless. They are not satisfied with simply reading books, walking dogs, and gossiping with neighbors. The primary purpose for them to work is actually not for money but for a life full of sense of achievement and an opportunity to maintain the connection with society. They deserve job offers that allow them to keep making contribution to society. Compared with young people, they have more valuable work experience and commitment.

To sum up, although there are reasons for senior citizens to retire at certain age, it is much more meaningful for those who are healthy and willing to work continuously to keep working.

托福独立写作搜集 篇9

1. Plant trees and create parks

2. Persuade local shops to stop providing plastic bags for consumers

托福独立写作怎么举例 篇10

在备考托福写作的过程中,不少拿不到写作高分的中国学生遇到的问题不是看不懂题目,也不是想不到理由,甚至也不是写不到300字(有学生写了470字,却只得了fair),而是不会论证。“不会论证”这四个字几乎就是托福写作的死穴。ETS的考官们在OG中反复强调fully developed的重要性,说的也就是这个理儿。论证的主要方法有直接论证、举例子、引用他人观点和数据等等。在这里,最适合中国学生操作,也是最容易得高分的就是举例子了。

然而,举例子这个方法向来不为中国学生所重视。因为对于大多数学生来说,举例子实在是太容易不过了,只要写上for example之类的提示词,再写上人尽皆知的诸如Einstein, Newton之类的例子就万事大吉了。而事实上,这样的例子考官早已经看过成百上千遍了,怎么可能再给高分呢?


1)美国人所熟知的历史、文化的例子,但一定要有一些新意,不是讲烂了的Galileo, Mother Teresa之流


若是考生能够选用第一种例子,用得恰当的话自然能让考官眼前为之一亮。例如在讨论媒体对人们的影响时,选用美国人所熟知的脱口秀女王Oprah Winfrey作为例子。或是在讨论学生是否都应该学习历史的时候,选用美国历史上知名的总统,如Thomas Jefferson, Herbert Hoover等进行论证都非常好。这样做既进行了有效论证,又不落入俗套。然而,举这类例子对于考生考前的积累要求比较高。如果距离考试还有三个月或以上的时间,我建议考生可以在考前多准备一些类似的人物或事件的例子,以备考试之用。



1) 加上姓名、时间、地点等



