
2024-09-10 版权声明 我要投稿


过去分词做定语和表语练习 篇1

1._____________(开水)2.________________(一个破碎的茶杯)3.three ___________________(受伤的士兵)4__________________(一枚用过的邮票)5.__________________(一支点燃的蜡烛)___________作定语:通常放在________之后,其作用相当于____________;______________做定语,表示_______________________________ 6.Do you know the boy _______(lie)under the big tree? 7.“Can’t you read?” Mary said angrily, _______(point)to the notice.8 The woman ____________(sell)vegetables has gone.9.The wheat is watered by water _____(bring)from a pond.10.He is a leader_____________(respect)by the people.11.We lived in the house ______________(build)by my uncles我舅舅们修建的).12.Any medicine _______________(take(服用)without the advice of a doctor can cause trouble.13.We spent two hours discussing the plan __________________________(由她制定的)。14.Most of the people ___________________(被邀请参加宴会的)were famous scientists.15.Lessons __________________(易学的)are soon forgotten.16.The computer center ________________(开办)last week is popular with the students.17.Prices of daily goods _______(buy)through a computer can be lower than some store prices.18.Mr Smith, ______(tire)of the ________(bore)speech, started to read a novel.我喜欢穿这种布料做的衣服。

________________________________________________________________________________ 外国观光者种的那些树长势良好。

________________________________________________________________________________ 昨天捉来的鱼还活着。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 我们要去看那座建于几百年前的桥。

过去分词作表语和定语 篇2



作表语的-ed形式大多已转化为形容词,用来表示主语所处的状态,常见的这类-ed形式有:disappointed, astonished, excited, interested, satisfied, surprised, frightened, amazed, annoyed, exhausted, pleased, puzzled, shocked, worried, terrified等。例如:

She looked disappointed. 她看起来很失望。

I was not satisfied with the result. 我对这个结果不满意。

拓展 除了以上表示主语情感的形容词化的过去分词作表语外,也有一些常见的表状态的过去分词也可以作表语。例如:

He was lost in thought. 他陷入了沉思。

Tom was hidden in the tree while Jack was looking for him. 当杰克到处找汤姆的时候,他就躲在树上。

The library is usually closed at 5:00 in the afternoon. 图书馆通常下午5点关门。

Della said ,”My hair is gone for you.” 德拉说“我卖头发是为了你”。

These trees are machine planted. 这些树是机器种植的。

When the singer came in, the guests were all seated. 歌唱家进来的时候,客人们都已就坐。

辨析 过去分词作表语与被动语态的区别:被动语态表示一个具体的动作,过去分词作表语表示主语的特点或所处的状态。例如:

We were amused by his story and burst out laughing. 我们被他的故事逗乐了,大笑起来。

We were amused to learn that he had made a foolish mistake. 听到他犯了个愚蠢的错误,我们都觉得好笑。(过去分词作表语)

The window was broken. 窗子被打碎了。(过去分词作表语)

The street is crowded with people. 街上挤满了人。(状态)

They were crowded with room. 他们被塞到一间屋子里。(动作)

注意 过去分词作表语时,连系动词除了be外,还可以用get, become, grow, turn等,而被动语态则无此用法。例如:

We became/got excited. (正)

We got excited by his words. (误)

We were excited by his words. (正)



The question discussed is very important. 被讨论的那个问题是很重要的。

I don’t like to see letter written in pencil. 我不喜欢看用铅笔写的字。

The reduced price will save you one dollar for each dozen. 降价会使你每买一打省一美元。

Lost time is lost forever. 失去的时间就永远失去了。

注意 过去分词作定语时,如果是单个的过去分词或带副词的过去分词放于所修饰的词的前面时,过去分词具有形容词的特点。例如:

a broken window 一扇打碎了的窗子

a newly invented machine 新发明的机器

a widely used metal 一种广泛使用的金属

a recently built house 一幢最近建造的房子

拓展 如果被修饰的词是由some\any\no\+thing\body\one所形成的不定代词或指示代词those等时,即使一个单一的分词作形容词用,也要放在被修饰词之后。例如:

Is there anything unsolved? 还有什么问题没解决么?

There is nothing almost changed since I left the town 2 years ago. 自从我两年前离开这个镇以来,这个镇几乎没有什么变化。

注意 有时为了强调,还可以将单一的分词置于被修饰名词之后。例如:

They decided to change the material used. 他们决定改变所用的原材料。

The experience gained will be of great value to us. 得到的经验将对我们很有价值。

1. are harmful to people’s health. (pollute)


2. The problem was very difficult to solve. (discuss)


3. She walked out of the room, .


4. , the competitor dared to face the challenge, (defeat)


5. people high levels of radiation for a long time are likely to develop severe illnesses. (expose)


1. Polluted air and water

2. discussed at the meeting yesterday

3. followed by her little daughter

4. Defeated for several times/Having been defeated for several times

过去分词和现在分词专项练习 篇3

1.____ the house on fire, he dialed 119.A.To see


C.Having seen

D.Being seen

2.I fell down and broke three of my teeth.I wonder how many times I have to come here and get my falseeeth ____.A.fix



D.to fix 3.___________a post office, I stopped___________ some stamps.A.Passed, buying

B.Passing, to buy

C.Having passed, buy

D.Pass, to buy 4._________with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem gh at all.A.Comparing

B.To compare


D.Having compared 5.Here are some new computer programs ____for home buildings.A.designing



D.to design 6._________a little money, Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp.A.To save



D.Having saved 7.The teacher came into the classroom ____by his students.A.following

B.to be following

C.folwed ed

D.having followed 8.With the money ________, he couldn’t buy any ticket.A.to lose



D.has lost 9.There was so much noise in the room that the speaker couldn’t make himself ____.A.being heard

B.hearing C.heard

D.hear 10.The result of the test was rather _____.A.disappointed


C.being disappointed

D.disappoint 11.I’ve never heard the word ____in spoken English.A.use



D.being used 12._____how to do the homework, I went to ask my teacher for help.A.Not to know

B.Not knowing

C.Knowing not

D.Not known 13.Deeply _________, I thanked her again and again.A.being moved



D.to be moved

14.With winter _____on, it’s time to buy warm clothes.A.came




15.____the office, the foreign visitors were shown round the teaching building.A.Having shown


C.Has shown

D.Having been shown

16.He went from door to door, ____waste pars and magazines.A.gathering



D.being gathered 17.The student corrected his paper carefully, _______the profess’s suggestions.A.follow



D.being followed 18.The ________price will save youne dollar for each dozen.A.reduce

B.reducing C.reduced


19.People ____in the city do not know the pleasure of country life.A.live

B.to live


D.living 20.The foreigner tried his best, but he still couldn’t make his point ________.A.understand

B.understanding C.to understand

D.understood 21.The scientists were waiting to see the problem ____.A.settle


C.to settle


22.The libra”s study room is full of students _____for the exam.s study room is full of students _____for the exam.A.busily prepared

B.busy preparing

C.busily prepare

D.are busilyreparing 23.The ground is ________ with_______ leaves.A.covering, falling

B.covered, falling

C.covered, fallen

D.covering, fallen 24.Lessons ____easily were soon forgotten.A.to learn




25.The wlet ____several days ago was found ____in the dustbin outside the building。

A.stolen, hidden

B.stealing, hiding

C.stealing, hidden

D.stolen, hiding

27.A person _____a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language, ______all about his own.A.to learn, to forget

B.learning, to forget

C.to learn, fgetting getting

D.learning, forgetting

28.___different kinds of pianos, the workers farther improved their quality.A.To produce

B.Being produced


D.Having produced 29.The students in the university are all taking courses ___a degree.A.coming to

B.going to

C.leading to

D.turning to

30.Many things _____impossible in the past are very common today.A.consider B.considering C.considered

D.be considered 31.___many times, he still couldn’t understand.A.Having been told

B.Having told

C.He having been told


32.The old sick lady entered the hospital, ____her two sons.A.to support


C.suppoed by

D.having supported

33.China is one of the largest countries in the world, _____9.6 million square kilometres.A.to cover




34.____and happy, Tonstood up and accepted the prize.A Surprising


C.Being surprised

D.To be surprising

35.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,____ that he had enjoyed his stay here.A.having added

B.to add



36“Can you read?” Mary said ____to the notice.A.angrily pointing

B.and point angrily C.angrily pointed

D.and angrily pointing

37._____ the composition, John handed it to the teacher and wt out of the room.A.Writing

B.Having written


D.Being written 38.Were you ____when you saw that wild animal ?




D.frighten 39.Properly _____wh numbers, the books can be easily found.A.marked


C.to mark


40.The child sat in the denti”s chair ____.A.tremble


C.embled embled

D.to trembled




D.being informe


过去分词做定语和表语练习 篇4

A.原型,过去式,和 过去分词 完全不同

drink---drank----drunk ring----rang-----rung swim----swam----swum sing----sang----sung

sink----sank----sunk blow----blew----blown grow----grew----grown know---knew---known

fly----flew----flown take----took----taken shake----shook----shaken drive----drove----driven

write---wrote---written rise---rose---risen ride----rode----ridden speak----spoke----spoken

steal----stole----stolen break----broke----broken wake----woke----woken freeze----froze----frozen

forget----forgot----forgotten choose----chose----chosen draw----drew----drawn eat----ate----eaten

fall----fell----fallen give----gave----given hide----hid----hidden see----saw----seen



bright----brought----brought think----thought----thought fight----fought----fought buy----bought----bought

catch----caught----caught sell----sold----sold tell----told----told say----said----said

pay----paid----paid send----sent----sent lend----lent----lent spend----spent----spent

burn----burnt----burnt learn----learnt----learnt mean----meant----meant feel----felt----felt

smell----smelt----smelt sleep----slept----slept sweep---slept----slept leave----left----left

build----built----built lose----lost----lost get----got----got meet----met----met

sit----sat----sat shoot----shot----shot lead----led----led spit----spat----spat

have----had----had hold----held----held make----made----made stand----stood---stood

hear----heard----heard find----found----found dig----dug----dug shine----shone----shone

understand----understood----understood win----won----won


come----came----come run----ran----run become----became----become


cast----cast----cast cut----cut----cut put----put----put let----let----let set----set----set

hit----hit----hit shut----shut----shut

hang----hung----hung 吊,挂 lie---lied---lied 说谎 lie---lay---lain 躺下,位于,平放 hanged----hanged 处绞刑 lay---laid---laid 置放。


getting putting swimming running beginning digging getting sitting stopping



1.This ____ a picture of a school, and that ____ a picture of a factory.2.These _____coats for men, and those _____ coats for women.3.It ____ sunny today, but it _____ rainy yesterday.I hope it ____ fine tomorrow.4.They ____ middle school students last year, but now they ____ college students.5.I _____ a student of English, and my sister _____ a student of history.6.I ______ very glad to see you.7.She _____ often late for school

8.On very cold winter days the lake _____ often covered with ice.9.Now some mummies _______ on show in some museums.10.The students _____ often busy with their homework.用have的适当形式填空

1.A man _____ a face and two hands, and a clock ____ a face and three hands.2.“They are free” means “ They _____ nothing to do.”

3.Uncle Wang _____ neither a radio nor a TV set before but now he _____ both a radio and a TV set.4.Before liberation, the working people _______ not enough to eat or wear, and many of them _____ no house to live in

5._____ you a car ? No, but I _____ one last year.用动词的适当形式填空

1.My brother usually _____(get up)at six o’clock.2.The earth ______(go)round the sun.3.The cat _____(catch)mice very well.4.My sister always ________(wash)clothes for me.5.We ______(read)English every morning.6.Kate _______(study)Chinese harder than Peter.7.They ______(do)their homework carefully every day.8.Mary and Rose ________(see)a film once a week.9.Japan _______(lie)to the east of China.10.When spring ______(come), the trees _______(turn)green.11.____ they _____(watch)TV every Saturday evening ?

12.My father _____(not have)his lunch in the factory.He always has it at home.13._____ it _____(take)you one hour to go to school every day ?

14.I ___________(not like)apples.15.We ________(not study)Russian.We study English.16.______John ______(sing)very well ?

17.______the baby ______(sing)very well ?

18.Her sister ________(not look)like her mother.选择填空

(D)1.The Smiths usually _____ lunch at home.A.haven’t B.hasn’t C.hadn’t D.don’t have

(A)2.“ You _____ a class meeting today” said the teacher.A.don’t have B.didn’t have C.doesn’t have D.haven’t

(C)3.How often _____ a football match ? A.had you B.have you C.do you have D.have you had

(C)4.Martin often _____ his model plane on Saturday afternoon.A.fly B.flys C.flies D.is flying

(B)5.The little always ____ his hands before he ____ anything.A.was…eat B.washes…eats C.washs…eats D.washes…eates

(B)6.Father usually _____ newspapers after supper.A.read B.reads C.is reading D.has read

(A)7.The Blacks often _____ to the cinema on Saturday evenings.A.go B.goes C.have gone D.are going

(A)8.People _____ trees in spring every year.A.plant B.plants C.are planting D.have planted

(B)9.Tom _______to buy some medicine for his cough.A.want B.wants C.has wanted D.is wanting

(A)10.Mr Smith has been busy these days, He _____ tired and ______ a good rest.A.feels…needs B.has felt…has needed

C.feels…will needs D.is feeling…is needing

(B)11.When he was a child, Mother told Tom the earth _______round.A.was B.is C.are D.were

(A)12.From the magazine I learned there ____ no air or water on the moon.A.is B.are C.was D.were

(B)13.The farmer told his children that crops _______without water.A.aren’t living B.can’t live C.isn’t living D.doesn’t live

(B)14.Even a child knows that Sunday _____after Saturday.A.come B.comes C.is coming D.has come

(A)15.I’ll return the book to Jack if I_______ him tomorrow.A.see B.will see C.am going to see D.saw

(C)16.Mother will do some shopping if she _______free this Sunday.A.is going to be B.will be C.is D.was

(D)17.Miss Green will go to the meeting if she _____ better this afternoon.A.feel B.will feel C.can feel D.feels

(C)18.If I _____some tickets, I will give you one.A.has got B.will get C.get D.gets

(B)19.Mike will come to play with us as soon as he _____ writing the composition.A.finished B.finishes C.will finish D.is finishing

(A)20.The students will wait here until their new teacher ______.A.comes B.will come C.have come D.is coming

(D)20.Betty won’t go to bed before she _____ “Good night” to her mother.A.say B.had said C.said D.says

(A)21.When the meeting ____over , we will go to the dining-room.A.is B.was C.will be D.are

(D)22.I ___ at that school ten years ago.A.study B.had studied C.have studied D.studied

(D)22.The policeman ______ the thief but found nothing in his pocket.A.has searched B.will search C.is searching D.searched

(C)23.The baby _____ at his mother as soon as he saw her.A.smiles B.smile C.smiled D.had smiled

(C)24.What did you do last Sunday ? I _____ the piano at home.A.am playing B.have played C.played D.plaid

(D)25.The young man got up very early that morning and _____ not to be late again.A.try B.tries C.tried D.tried

(B)26.The car ______ and an old man with glasses came out.A.stops B.stopped C.stoped D.was stopping

(C)27.The visitor _____that they would go to the Great Wall the next morning.A.hear B.hears C.heard D.heared

(B)28.The policemen _____ the thief while he was sleeping.A.cought B.caught C.catched D.catch(B)29.The teacher _____ a map on the blackboard before she gave the lesson.A.hanged B.hung C.hang D.hangs

(D)30.Mike _____ out a knife and _____ the paper into pieces.A.bringed…cut B.braught…cutted C.brought…cuted D.brought…cut

(A)31.Something ____ from the tree and ____ the boy hard.A.fell…hit B.felt…hitted C.fallen…hitted D.falled…hit

(A)32.When ___ his car lost ? A.did Mr Smith find B.did Mr Smith found C.Mr Smith found D.were Mr Smith find

(D)33.Mrs Black ____ anything at the shop that day.A.not bought B.don’t buy C.doesn’t buy D.didn’t buy

(A)34.The old man ____ off until the bus started.A.did not get B.has not got C.will not get D.not got

(D)35.The teacher ____ what Peter had told her.A.not understood B.understand not C.won’t understand D.didn’t understand

(B)36.I ____ at home yesterday afternoon.A.did not be B.was not C.were not D.am not

(A)37.Jenny ____ good at sports when she ____ a schoolgirl.A.wasn’t…was B.didn’t…was C.weren’t…is D.isn’t…was

(A)38._____ Tom able to speak three languages when he ____ only ten years old? A.Was…was B.did…was C.does…is D.Is…was

(A)39.Why ____ she late for school this morning ? A.was B.did C.were D.does

(B)40.The people at the meeting _____ surprised at the news.A.are B.were C.is D.did

(C)41.Because the parents _____ pleased with their son’s homework, they asked him to do it again.A.not were B.did not C.weren’t D.was not

(C)42.______ a good time yesterday evening ? A.Did John has B.Did John had C.Did John have D.Had John had

(C)43.It rained so hard yesterday that we _____ a good time in the park.A.had not B.have not C.didn’t have D.don’t have

(D)44.Betty looks tired, ______ a rest at noon ? A.Had she B.Had she had C.does she have D.did she have

(A)45.The policemen ____ into the house as soon as they got out of the car.A.rushed B.rush C.to rush D.rushing

(D)46.What ____ when you looked out of the window ? A.have you seen B.were you seeing C.do you see D.did you see

(A)47.Peter ____ well as his mother asked him to get up.A.didn’t feel B.doesn’t feel C.hadn’t felt D.wouldn’t felt

(D)48.Jack ____ the policemen as soon as he found the spy.A.has called B.had called C.calls D.called(B)49.After he ____ up, the man found it was already ten to eight.A.waken B.woke C.has woken D.was waking

(A)50.The students ____ more than five hundred English words last year.A.learned B.have learned C.had learnt D.were learning

(C)50.The story ____ in a small mountain village.A.happen B.happens C.happened D.has happened

(A)51.Mr Smith came in, sat down and ____ to write something on a piece of paper.A.began B.begined C.would begin D.was beginning

(C)52.The man _____ on his coat and hat before he went out.A.putted B.puts C.put D.was putting

(A)53.The old lady ____ at the young man when he was speaking at the meeting.A.looked B.looks C.had looked D.is looking

(C)54.Mary said she would be a doctor after she ____ up.A.grows B.growed C.grew D.would grow

(B)55.The boy said he would begin to work after he ____ middle school.A.finishes B.finished C.would finish D.has finished

(A)56.Tom said he would finish his homework before he ____ TV.A.watched B.watches C.would watch D.will watch

(A)57.Miss Green told us she would stay in China for a few months before she ____ for Japan.A.left B.leaved C.leaves D.would leave

(B)58.They told us that they were going to Australia if they ____ so busy the next month.A.aren’t B.weren’t C.wouldn’t be D.didn’t be

(A)59.The peasant said he was going to build a new house if he ____ enough money.A.had B.would have C.had had D.was having

(D)60.He said in his letter that he would come to see me as soon as he ___ here.A.gets B.would get C.get D.got

(D)61.Li Ping often _____ English in the morning, _____ he ? A.read…do B.reads…do C.read…doesn’t D.reads…doesn’t

(C)62.What time ____ you _____ your homework ? A.does…do B.do…x C.do…do D.x…do

(B)63.I’ll give the book to Bob if he ______.A.come B.comes C.will come D.is coming

(B)64.There ____ some boys on the playground.A.is B.are C.have D.has

(B)65.We will go to the zoo if it _____ tomorrow.A.won’t rain B.doesn’t rain C.don’t rain D.not rain

(A)66.How much rice _______ in the jar ? A.is there B.are there C.there is D.has

(D)67.I’m sure he will come to see me before he _____ Beijing.A.will leave B.is leaving C.leave D.leaves(B)68.There _______wrong with my bike.A.are something B.is something C.have something D.has something

(B)69.The windows of our classroom _______once a week.A.is cleaned B.are cleaned C.was cleaned D.were cleaned

(C)70.________ Tom _______to the radio every morning ? A.Does…listens B.Do …listen C.Does…listen D.Do…listens

(B)71.We ____ a friendly match with Class Three the other day.A.play B.played C.have played D.had played

(C)72.They ____ four English classes a week last term.A.had B.have C.had D.have been

(A)73.Her uncle ______ a poor life before liberation.A.lived B.had lived C.lives D/ has lived

(B)74.My father ______ in a factory when I was a child.A.works B.worked C.is working D.has worked

(D)75.When ____ you ______ to China ? A.did…came B.do …come C.do…came D.did…come
