范炜宇:这是由多方面原因造成的。要为消费者提供更多更丰富的乳品, 需要整个乳品行业产业链上各个方面的积极配合, 比如说乳品添加剂是影响乳品发展的一个重要因素。同时, 乳品市场的总体发展还与消费历史、饮食习惯、技术设备发展程度等有密切的关系。
在技术支持方面, 新产品的开发需要不同技术供应商的共同努力, 协调解决产品的口感、风味、稳定性等诸多问题。现在人们已经不再满足于原味奶和原味乳品的消费, 而是对乳品提出了更加多元化的要求。比如小孩和女士就喜欢巧克力、草莓等口味的乳品, 这就需要相应的技术手段来实现。
在市场引导方面, 国内企业由于受到诸如消费水平有限等因素的影响, 在新品研发时比较注重产品成本的问题。比如嘉吉的客户都比较乐意接受中等成本水平的产品, 而高端的产品可能由于消费市场有限, 则难以被市场接受。
总体来说, 西方国家食用乳品的历史很长, 市场成熟, 消费者需求旺盛, 乳品研发的技术发达;而中国乳品行业近十年来才有了显著的发展, 消费市场也在培育中, 技术储备还比较有限, 市场也不够成熟。
记者:在新产品的开发过程中, 添加剂的作用是什么?
范炜宇:在回答这个问题前, 我先阐述一个概念。比起“食品添加剂”, 嘉吉更乐于使用“食品配料”这个说法。我们把食品配料分为大宗配料和特种配料, 前者是指如糖、淀粉等使用量较大的配料, 后者是指一些使用量很少、但是对于食品的质量和风味很关键的配料。比如在乳品中使用的果胶, 如果称其为食品添加剂就易被认为是不太安全的产品, 而实际上果胶是从苹果皮、桔子皮中提取出来的纯天然的纤维素类产品。
应用在乳品中的特种配料种类很多, 功能也各有不同。总体来说, 特种配料技术的发展给乳品品类的创新、生产工艺的设计都带来了很多变革。比如, 菌种的发展给我们带来了不同口味的奶酪、不同状态的酸奶;稳定剂技术的发展使我们可以将牛奶与美味的果汁结合;悬浮体系还可以让我们在酸奶甚至牛奶中添加果粒或谷粒。
产品品种、工艺、原料、设备、口感等各方面的不同要求, 决定了不同产品所需要使用的特种配料也各不相同。比如, 酸奶有凝固型、搅拌型, 短保质期、长保质期, 加果粒或含果汁等不同的种类, 它们都需要不同的增稠稳定体系来实现不同的口感、状态及货架期等。
记者:国内脂肪减少类乳品市场规模虽一直呈上升趋势, 但始终小于其他国家和地区, 这是什么原因造成的?
范炜宇:很重要的一个原因是低脂、脱脂乳品不够香浓, 口感不好, 另一方面是因为不同国家消费者的需求不同, 比如美国的消费者对饮食健康非常看重, 相应对于口感的需求就显得不那么重要;而国内的消费者更偏向追求产品的口感和风味, 因此对低脂、脱脂类产品的需求量较小。所以, 乳品企业在从事产品的开发时一定要考虑消费者的喜好。帮助中国的乳品企业发展美味的低脂或脱脂产品是嘉吉的重要工作之一。嘉吉在国外已经有了很多成功案例, 比如最近在日本推出的低脂酸奶就取得了非常好的市场反响。嘉吉希望可以将这些经验与国内的企业分享。另外, 针对脂肪减少类乳品经常存在稳定性不好且需要最大限度改善口感的问题, 嘉吉专门设计了有口感改良特点的稳定剂, 并可以根据不同产品的需求, 设计个性化方案, 满足产品对健康、美味和创意的需求。
但正如你所言, 国内脂肪减少类乳品市场的规模正在呈现上升趋势, 这表明国内越来越多的消费者开始重视健康, 愿意去购买更健康的食品, 这对该类产品的普及来说是一个非常良好的信号。但是这也需要一个过程, 比如日本的低脂酸奶也是在推出两年后才逐渐被消费者所接受。
范炜宇:我们可以先来解释一下何为创新。创新包括概念创新和技术创新两个层面。概念的创新需要技术创新的支持。对于中国市场, 学习国外发达市场的产品概念, 并有针对性的进行相应的改良以适合中国消费者是非常重要的。说到这里, 我们不得不提及创新乳品解决方案中另外一个很重要的内容:在正确的时间推出正确的产品。以高品质鲜奶为例, 其实2003年就有人大力推广这类产品, 但是未能被市场接受, 而2006年蒙牛推出高品质鲜奶时, 则大获成功。这是因为, 虽然高品质鲜奶是一个很好的创意和概念, 但也必须在消费者有这方面需求时推出才会成功。太超前的产品即使概念和品质都很出色, 也有可能不被市场接受。
范炜宇:嘉吉在收集某种或者某类产品在全世界的销售数据并进行分析后, 会在某一地区对分析结果进行验证。以亚太区为例, 由于消费者的接受水平不同, 嘉吉会对中国、日本等亚洲国家和地区进行大量市场调研, 并与客户进行紧密的合作, 共同分析和探讨新产品的类型和推出时机, 从而确定在正确的时间推出正确的产品。
记者:很多企业都在考虑如何才能降低成本, 对此您是怎么看的?
范炜宇:对于企业降低生产成本的动机, 嘉吉认为这无可厚非, 但是有效降低成本的途径应该是提高产品的科技含量, 提高产能和能源利用率, 而不是采用一些不符合国家规定的方法。嘉吉为食品企业提供的产品能够降低成本, 但这是在保证食品安全的前提下进行的。对于嘉吉而言, 食品安全是最重要的。
嘉吉和客户合作的前提是为客户提供优质的产品和服务, 保证食品安全, 从而为消费者提供更多品种和更高质量的产品。食品安全是嘉吉所有工作的基础和前提。嘉吉旗下的所有企业和供应链都执行嘉吉标准的食品安全体系。这一体系是以国际认可的GMP和HACCP质量体系为基础, 由专门的质量控制部门来执行。毕竟只有实现了嘉吉、客户和消费者的共赢, 才能实现嘉吉与客户的共同成长。
一、介绍消息的来源和写信的目的。求职信上一定要说明写信的缘由和目的,这样可以使求职信显得自然、顺畅,而不会使收信人感到意外、突然。通常消息的来源是从报纸、杂志、电视或者朋友那里得到的。例如:1. I learned from the advertisement that your company wanted to hire an English teacher. I am interested in this job very much and I wish I could get the job.我从报纸上得知您公司招聘一名英语教师,我对这项工作很感兴趣,我希望能得到这份工作。2. I saw your advertisement in yesterdays China Daily that...我在昨天中国日报的广告上看到……3.常用的一些应聘职位的词汇:job objective 工作目标,career objective 职业目标,position wanted 希望职位,position sought 谋求职位,position applied for 申请职位等。
二、简单介绍个人情况,包括教育背景、工作经历。写信人要写清楚自己的姓名、年龄、身体健康状况、教育背景等,特别是要表达出与应聘职位相关的工作经验或特殊技能。例如:1.Id like to introduce myself to you.My name is xxx, I am 33 years old. I am health. I graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1991, then ,I went to work in a publishing house and I have worked there until now.我做个自我介绍,我是×××,33岁,身体健康,我于1991年毕业于北京外国语大学,后来去了出版社工作一直到现在。2.I went to work as a translator in a foreign trade company. 我在一家外贸公司当过翻译。
三、礼貌委婉地展现自己的能力和才华,介绍个人爱好及特长。以使自己在竞争职务时更具有优势,在求职信中摆出仅有一定的工作经历而没有自身的优势和特长,是很难求得称心如意的工作的,因此,要实事求是地描述自己,写出自己的特色和优势,合理恰当地推销自己,这样在求职中才能稳操胜券。例如:1. I like swimming and dancing in my spare time.我在业余时间里喜欢游泳和跳舞。2. I have excellent interpersonal and presentation skills.我有优秀的人际关系和表达能力。3. I am good at English and especially my spoken English is very good我擅长英语,尤其是英语口语很好。4. I have translated many Chinese books into German. I can understand German and I can talk to foreigners in German freely。我将很多本汉语书籍翻译成德语,懂得一些德语并能用德语和外国朋友自由的交流。5. For the past three years, I have achieved satisfactory scores in my studies and been awarded scholarships several times. 过去的三年里,我在学业上取得了令人满意的成绩,获得过多次奖学金。
四、提出获职打算。获职后努力工作的决心是感动用人单位的领导从而顺利谋得此项工作的重要一环。例如:1. If you agree with me, I will work hard and try to be a good translator.如果您公司能同意我,我将努力工作成为一名好的翻译。2. I can work hard and get along well with others.我会努力工作,也能和其他人相处融洽。
五、请求答复,并提供联系方式。例如:1. I look forward to speaking with you.期待和您面谈。2. I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you at your convenience.希望您在方便的时候给我提供一个面试的机会。3. If you agree with me, please write a letter to me or phone me .如果有幸同意我,请写信于我,或者打我电话。4. I live at No.1 Xihu Road, Hangzhou city. My telephone number is 3653881.联系地址:杭州市西湖一号,电话3653881。 5. I should appreciate the privilege of an interview.如果有幸获得面试的机会,我将不胜感激。
六、表达感激之情。无论你的请求能否得到满意的答复,你给用人单位写信就是给对方添了许多的麻烦,因此你应该向对方表达感激之情,这一点在求职信中是很重要的。例句:1. Thank you for your consideration.感谢您的考虑。2. Thank you very much.非常感谢。
七、附件。这部分视具体情况而定,如有详细的简历或用人单位需要证明材料,可以附在求职信中。例如:1. Enclosed please find a resume and a photo.随函寄上简历表及相片。2. Enclosed you will find a letter of recommendation from my English teacher.附上我英文老师的推荐信。
八、结束语。结束语是写在结尾的告别句子,也称为结尾问候语。位于正文下面两到三行的位置,一般写于右下方。常用的结束语有:Sincerely,Yours sincerely,Yours truthful,Yours faithfully,Yours truly,Yours等,首字母大写而且每个词后都要加上逗号。
My uncle is in his forties and works in a local hospital. I always thought it was a normal job. It was not until I learned more about him that I found something unusual about him.
He works very carefully. He always said, “As a doctor, you must be careful.” He never mind doing extra work and is patient with patients. He is helpful and often cares for lonely old people. On one occasion, a sick grandmother was sent to the hospital, but she had no family members. When my uncle knew it, he paid her medical expenses and carefully took care of her, which made her very moved. Not only that, my uncle also teaches other interns well and shares his experience with them generously.
Dear Sirs,Please allow me to apply for the position of office clerk which you advertised in“Yangcheng Evening News”of April 9. I am 28 years of age and unmarried. After receiving my B.B.A. from Xiamen University,I worked for three years as an office clerk at China Great Wall Computer Group(Shenzhen)Company. For the last two years I have been a secretary to the General Manager of Haicheng Foodstuffs Company,Ltd. in Shenzhen. I am looking for a position of office clerk to increase my experience in business. I have a wide knowledge of business and thoroughly experienced in all types of office work. Copies of my testimonials are enclosed,and if you are interested in my application,please give me an opportunity of a personal interview at your convenient date.
Sincerely yours,xxx
Dear Sir:
First of all to your hard work with deep respect, at the same time also sincerely thank you can in time out of his busy schedule to review my cover material.My name is XX, is * * university electronic business professional a graduating student, I love this professional and highly for its input energy and enthusiasm.In the university four years in short, I learned this professional and relevant professional theory knowledge, and by the outstanding result finished related courses, for the later work to lay a solid foundation of professional.At the same time, I pay attention to improve their English level, and the smooth through the country band 4 examination.In the rapid development of technology today, I followed the pace of development of science and technology, and constantly learning new knowledge, master the computers basic theory and application technology, and smoothly passed national computer level 2(VFp language)test.Big 2:00, I served as the class of life work, committed to the students of the expense of management and organization students activities, and at the same time cooperate with other class committee keep relevant student management work, and obtained the teachers and students of the consistent high praise, a year of student cadre work developed my responsible attitude, and at the same time, improve my organization coordination ability and team spirit to help.In the organization of the students activities at the same time, I have organized two association, join the school and social activities, such as for disaster area donation, public welfare religion, to donate blood etc.Through the organization of activities, and participate in various activities, I formed the good style of work and attitude.In August 2008, I was appointed the exam guideline signs up for "yunnan university general agent, mainly responsible for the newspaper in yunnan university and the promotion, and to subscribe to the distribution, in the recruitment of campus to subscribe to the member and the organization carries out the various related literature in the process of the cultivation of my organization and management ability.In September 2009, I in yunnan joint one hundred network marketing Co., LTD.practice, mainly responsible for marketing, customer management and organization planning supermarket sales promotion activity, more than a month practice life let I really realized the importance of teamwork, also let their real in the team gets taking exercise.Four years, in the leadership of the college, teacher to support and care about students help and their own efforts, Im learning and practice have achieved great success, not only perfected the knowledge structure still exercise my will, improve the ability of my work, I believe that the four years of knowledge and all kinds of practice base, I can certainly well qualified for your company to provide marketing hillock, if I can become a member of your company, I will do this with all my enthusiasm and ability into my work.please believe: you to achieve the is what I want to achieve.The pen, the no matter whether you choose me, please accept my sincere appreciation!
Wish: your company prosperity!
It’s greatly appreciated that you can share your time to read my self—recommendation letter. My name is Wang Jiang,22,majoring in English. I will graduate from HuBei Normal University in June with honors. In the course of four—year university study,I was appointed as vice monitor and the chairman of the League Member. Now I am the member of CPC. Thanks to my industry,I have passed TEM4, CET6 ,TEM8.Meanwhile,four years I reaped many rewards,such as national scholarship,the first ranking scholarship,the second ranking scholarship,3 good’s student,outstanding student leader9 f2 m and excellent League Member,etc.
H,“Only after polishing, the sword will be sharp; only after suffering severe winter, the plum blossom will be fragment.” After four—year hard study, I have possessed the quality to be a qualified English teacher. I got the second price in teacher skill competition in HuBei Normal University as well as the first price in normal students’ teaching lesson .
Four—year hard working arms me with solid specialized knowledge. Now, I have mastered the basic English skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation; and also have a good knowledge of grammar, phonetics, linguistics etc. Additionally, extensive reading has broadened my mind. It acquainted me with western countries’ culture and custom. Hard working also rewards me with high scores in examination.
With a perfect mastery of specialized knowledge, I also developed myself in all-round way. I have been paying special attention to foster my managerial ability, coordinate ability and cooperative ability. So I have done lots of jobs during my college life, such as working as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies, an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. HuangShi Branch, a private tutor. I have not only done a good job but also have leant a lot from such experiences.
Moreover, my self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion pave the way for conquering the difficulties which would occur in future work.
All in all, please do believe I am competent enough and I can feel up to this position. I am positive about a success in this post.
Your sincerely,
1. I am enclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately show you my qualifications。
2. I would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at you convenience。
3. Trusting you will give my application kind consideration and hoping to hear favorably from you at your convenience。
4. Thank you in advance for your concern and attention. Please let me hear from you as soon as possible。
5. I hope to have the pleasure of your granting me an interview。
6. I believe that you will consider this application favorably and I wish to assure you that I should make every effort to be worthy of the confidence you may place in me。
7. If there is further information that you wish in the meantime, please let me know. I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter。
8. I shall be able to call for an interview at your convenience and shall be able to supply any necessary or examples of my previous work。
9. I am happy to refer you upon your request people who can tell you of my work and my character。
10. I believe they may be found satisfactory. Concerning my character。
Hello!please forgive disturb.I am a just from xx college business English majors of college.Im honored to have the opportunity to you in my personal information.In all social occasion, in order to find the accord with his professional and interested in the job, better use of their talents, to achieve their life values, and extend to all the leaders made a recommend ourselves.As a business English major students, I love my professional and for its input and a huge enthusiasm and energy.In the three-year study life, I have studied included business outside the basic knowledge to use as many aspects.Through analyzing the knowledge of study, I in this area have related knowledge of a certain extent of understanding and mastering, the profession is a tool and the ability to use the tool is the most important in and curriculum synchronism of relevant practice and practice, is certain to actual operation ability and technology.In the school work, strengthening exercise the ability to get, learning management knowledge, absorb management lessons.I know of computer and network is the future tool, in study of the profession of computer premise, I made a huge interest in and read many of the related books, Windows 98/2000, Visual Foxpro program design, medium and high-grade office automation, computer primary tutorial.proficient in using Word, Excel, powerpoint, Windows and other office software.In my life is in a period of energetic, I wanted a broad world to expose their own talent, and Im not satisfied with current level of knowledge, the expectations in practice get exercise and improved, so I hope I can join your company.Ill do dependably belongs to own a job, does utmost of work to achieve good results.I believe that through own diligence and struggling, certainly will make due contribution.Just thank you in spite of being very busy giving my attention, wish your company business, and prises, wish your career white foot pole head, further!
I am enclosing a resume, such as an opportunity to meet with you, Id be very grateful.Even if your company thought I was still not compatible with your condition, I also will continue to focus your companys development, and on this my most sincere wishes.this