
2024-07-04 版权声明 我要投稿


英国人也嫌拗口的10个单词 篇1

A poll found 10 words that Britons consistently find the most challenging to pronounce. The word they find hardest to pronounce is “phenomenon”. Next in the top 10 of tongue-twisters are “remuneration”, and “statistics”.

Speakers also have a problem getting their tongue around “ethnicity”, “hereditary” and “particularly”, according to the body charged with recording public utterances. Completing the list are “conjugal”, “specific”, “processes” and “development”.

Leah Willersdorf, of the BIVR, said, “We work with many different types of professionals and hear all kinds of voices during our work. However, when it comes to the English language it always seems to be the same few words that verbally trip people up, with the speaker having to repeat the word in order to get it right, or just abandoning their attempts and moving on.”

BIVR members were quizzed by the team behind the popular word game Scrabble. According to the words buffs, one in 10 players admits to being reluctant to producing words that they cannot pronounce.

University of York sociolinguistics expert Professor Paul Kerswill said the English language has evolved to compensate for tricky pronunciations but some words remain a challenge.

He said, “People always find a way of simplifying words that they find difficult to get their tongues round, so that an everyday word like ‘handbag’ sounds like ‘hambag’. Our forebears simplified ‘waistcoat’ to ‘weskit’—but we’ve turned our backs on that. And most people talk about ‘Febry’ and Wensday!”








10个er后缀的单词 篇2

Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame.


People alter their voices in relationship to background noise.


Prices may be altered without notice.


Misty rain in South of River and Poetic Campus: The Planning of Wuxi Artificer College

ia后缀的单词10个 篇3

intelligentsia n知识 界(intilligent知识分子+ia)

utopia n乌托邦(u 无+top地方+ia,乌托邦是现实中没有的)

insignia n袖章(in作为+sign标志+ia)

cornucopia n丰饶角(cornu角+cop丰富+ia)

ambrosia n美味食品(ambros不死的.…吃了长生不老的食品…神仙食品)

ry后缀的单词10个 篇4

ancestry n. 祖先,家系,门第

ancillary adj. 辅助的.,n. 助手

angry adj.发怒的,生气的

anniversary n.周年纪念日

anticipatory adj.预期的

antiquary n. 古物研究者,收集古物者,古董商人

antislavery n. 反对奴隶制度

apiary n. 养蜂场

apothecary n. 药剂师

accessary n. 同谋,从犯;附件

accessory n.同谋 a.附属的

crat后缀的单词10个 篇5

My father was a born aristocrat.


He put on the air of an aristocrat.


Yet he was not a haughty aristocrat.


He is a born aristocrat.


The aristocrat clings to the glory of his past.

tional后缀的单词10个 篇6

educational a. 教育的,教育性的`

emotional a.感情的,情绪的

exceptional a.例外的;优越的

fictional adj. 虚构的

fractional adj. 微小的,极小的

functional a. 功能的

gravitational a. 引力的

intentional a.故意的,有意识的

international a.国际的,世界(性)的

irrational a. 不合情理的

ful的后缀的单词10个 篇7

blissful a. 充满喜悦的`

boastful a. 自夸的,自负,喜夸耀的

bountiful a. 慷慨的,宽大的

★ mis后缀的单词10个

★ oholic后缀的单词10个

★ active后缀的单词10个

★ age后缀的单词10个

★ ry后缀的单词10个

★ 10个ible后缀的单词

★ 10个含able后缀的单词

★ 10个al后缀的单词及意思

★ 以sure后缀的单词10个

10个含有al后缀的单词 篇8


Do some oriental philosophies lean towards fatalism?


This design came to be known as the Oriental style.


The floor was overlaid with rugs of oriental design.


The Orientals use no butter. They prefer the very healthful peanut oil.

带ing后缀的单词10个 篇9

amusing adj. 令人感到有趣的;有趣的,逗人笑的;使人发笑的

animating 鼓舞生气的,启发的

annoying a. 恼人的`,讨厌的;使人气恼的

anything pron.任何事(物)

appalling adj. 骇人的;令人震惊的;骇人听闻的;可怕的

abiding a.持久的,永久的

absorbing a. 吸引人的,非常有趣的

accommodating adj. 乐于助人的

according ad. 根据

accounting n. 会计学,清算帐目

aching adj. 疼痛的

acting n. 演技;演戏;表演,a. 代理的

adding 增加的

addressing n. 寻址
