If I luckily get the opportunity to further my learning here about robot technology, I will concentrate my energy on my study and research in my field.If I don’t, I will still concentrate on my research in other field because I know exactly how this school’s president Qian Weichang has done during his lifetime—putting all his energy into where the country need!Besides I will continue learning English and German in the future years because I know it will change my life some day!And I get the opportunity, I will continue getting my doctor here because being a good teacher with doctor is one of my favorite careers.5.Abstract for Qian Weichang Qian weichang was born in Wuxi of Jiangsu province.He is the father of Chinese modern mechanics and also a very famous scientist, educator and social activator in the world.Just like Tien Xiue Sen, he was honored to be one of the Chinese characters moved.I think everyone should remember him and his love for the country.6.第几次来上海,来干什么的
This the third time for me to be here.In the first time I came here and cried for home and in the second time I drove my Uncle’s bike to the Huangpu River and appreciated the Oriental Pear Tower.It was crazy.7.If I get the chance to go abroad, I will choose Germany first, then America and Japan.It is because I want to go there learning sophisticated technology and then make more contribution to my country.Besides, Germany is also a very beautiful country according to one of my German teachers and I really want to have a travel some day.8.My favorite subject is the principle of mechanics and something about electronics and control because it tell me how everything happens in our design processing.Sometimes you it has a lot of fun when you figure out how to turn a four-bar linkage into another mechanism or have them go a amazing walk.And I also like language, you know English and I’m working on it.9.My graduation design began very late.A month ago, we started by going to visit five places about textile manufacturing machine and writing the internship report afterwards.And with the help of my teachers I have chosen the design of transfer robot as my graduation design.We are going to use the actuating motor as the drive.As to the transmission we chose the pinion and rack, gears, and four-bar linkages.We are going to do the 3D modeling, dynamic simulation and relevant analysis.I know doing all the design is a huge thing but I like it and I will try my best to accomplish it.10.The greatest merit is that when I was asked to cope with a subject or a problem, I will persist until I succeed.My weakness is that I am not good at sports because I didn’t give it too much time.I loved that bur I also thought playing basketball was taking away my precious time so I just played about once a term.But now I I figure it out and I’m trying to improve my ball level.Maybe I can be a good player someday.specialized robot特种机器人
Mechanical manufacturing engineering principle机械制造工程原理 fundamentals of electronic technology电子技术基础 Electromechanical Transmission Control机电传动控制 Hydraulic Transmission 液压传动
Geometric tolerance and detection几何量公差与检测
Mechanical and electrical integration technology and its application机电一体化技术及其应用
自我教育是指学习主体根据社会的需求, 有目的、有计划和主动地对自我提出的任务, 把自我作为认识、评价、强化和否定的对象, 以提高和完善自我素质而进行的一种教育方式, 是自我意识发展的高级阶段。探索提高高职学生自我教育能力的方法、途径, 具有着十分重要的意义, 高职学生只有具备了自我教育能力, 成为自我教育者, 才能实现知识、技能的不断积累和更新, 真正成为学习主体, 才有可能成为具备创新精神和能力的人才。随着科学技术的飞速发展, 知识更新的周期越来越短, 社会对能够胜任多种职业、适应性强和自我调节能力强的新型高技能应用复合型人才的需求日益增多, 高职学生自我教育能力的提高变得愈加重要。
学生社团作为课外教育的重要组成, 因其具有专业知识技能的补充及延伸性、活动的实践性、组织的灵活性而具有实践和教育功能, 为学生综合素质的提高, 特别是自我教育能力的培养提供了实践舞台。通过研究、实践丰富学生社团活动内容、形式、组织流程等, 突出学生在活动组织中目的性、计划性和主动性, 重视活动中学生自我认识、评价、强化和改进的过程, 以培养学生的实践能力和创新精神为重点, 探索社团活动与学生自我教育能力提高的互补关系, 创新高职院校社团建设与学生自我教育体系, 为社团建设效率及学生自我教育能力的有效提高提供依据和建议。
1 高职大学生自我教育的内涵及能力培养目标
高职大学生自我教育是指个体在自我成长的基础上, 在逐步社会化的过程中, 将自身作为教育的主、客体, 按照社会要求, 依存于学校及社会一定的关系, 结合自身的发展目标及需求, 不断自省———自我认识、自我评价、自我调控, 最终达到自我完善的过程。
高职大学生自我教育范围主要有:自我管理能力, 主要是指大学生依靠主观能动性, 按照教育培养目标, 有意识、有目的地对自己思想意识、行为进行转化控制的能力, 主要包括目标管理、自我控制、时间管理、技能管理、资源管理等能力;自我调控能力, 主要包括学习及生活等方面情感的自我认识、自我控制、自我认可和学习策略的自我调节, 主要是在情感、意识上树立科学的理想信念、学会做事、学会共处、学会做人;自我完善能力, 是指在自主规划、自主管理、自我实现的过程中自我评价, 要学会正确的评价自己、善于捕捉成功的心里体验、自觉的强化自己、展示自己, 逐步地实现自我的完善与发展。
依据黑龙江农业工程职业学院机械工程学院全体学生课外学习调查问卷、社团活动调查问卷麦及克斯数据有限公司做出的《黑龙江农业工程职业学院社会需求与培养质量年度报告》数据, 统计分析出机械工程学院学生自我教育能力培养目标可细化为:“理解交流能力、科学思维能力、创新创造能力、基础管理能力、应用分析动手能力、团队协作能力、探索规划能力、问题解决能力、正向态度能力、人际关系能力”等十个方面。
2 社团建设中提高自我教育能力培养体系建构
按照大学生自我教育能力培养细化目标依据, 架构社团建设框架, 系统组织社团活动的内容、形式、流程和奖励等, 突出以学生为主体, 突出学生在活动组织中目的性、计划性和主动性, 重视活动中学生自我认知、评价、强化和改进的过程, 重点培养学生的各项能力提高, 最终达成学生自我教育能力的提高。
2.1 制度保障, 优化教育环境, 营造良好校园文化氛围
2.1.1 校园文化活动制度化, 营造社团发展氛围
校园文化以社团活动为基础活动载体, 大力塑造社团品牌, 学校定期开展技能节、思想艺术节、文化艺术节、体育节、公寓文化节等文化艺术交流及竞技活动, 积极鼓励社团成员学生参与省级、国家级职业技能大赛。
2.1.2 学生激励、奖励制度化
建立学生综合素质评价体系、技能大赛奖励制度等, 在多方面、多层次、多范围奖励和鼓励表现优秀学生, 全面营造比学赶超、争先创优的良好学习、竞技氛围, 充分激发学生参与社团活动的兴趣及激情。
2.2 社团活动中培养大学生自我教育能力的路径构建
2.2.1 丰富社团活动内容, 科学规划社团组织流程
充分考虑学生个体, 以学生为活动主体, 根据职业生涯规划理论体系, 系统的规划社团活动的内容及组织流程。以文体活动、专业技能竞技为活动载体, 促使社团活动内容生活化、人文化;在社团活动中广泛采用项目教学法、引导文教学法等, 以课题模式、学科模式、课程模式和创业模式等多中模式开展活动, 由简入难, 活动过程规范化、体系化, 强调过程体验, 重视感受总结, 明确能力提升体系, 强化能力提高意识, 逐步引导学生进行自我探索, 促使其能够逐步自我认知、自我强化和自我展示, 进而不断提高自我教育能力培养目标中的十项能力。
2.2.2 加强指导教师队伍建设
学校设立专职社团管理及指导教师, 强化社团指导师资力量, 加强对社团专职指导教师的专业化辅导与培训, 强化职业生涯教育、职业生涯教练技术等规划方面知识理论的培训, 以提高专业性。
在学校政策上鼓励、支持教师积极参与社团指导。各个社团可以自由聘请优秀专业教师任指导教师;学校每年进行优秀社团、优秀社团活动等项目评选, 并给予优秀指导教师奖励;学校建立奖惩机制, 实行权、责、利一致, 采取工作考核, 与教师年终绩效考核、职称评聘等方面挂钩。
2.2.3 引入项目管理, 拓宽实践资源, 重实践, 强化个人体验
在校团委牵头下, 建立社团项目评审机构, 组织实施社团活动项目立项、项目评审、项目执行、成果评价、总结交流等环节, 对校内大型活动、校外企业实践和暑期社会实践等活动采用项目管理的运作模式, 确保活动的导向性、过程的可控性、资源的最大优化, 重视学生个体的实践过程控制及体验总结。学校的迎新晚会、技能节和暑期社会实践等各项活动均采用项目管理模式, 效果非常好, 并取得骄人成绩。
夯实实践基础, 加大与企业的联合以及校外各种实践团体的合作, 拓宽实践范围。学校广泛与企业进行合作, 开展服务中、小、微型企业活动, 鼓励专业社团指导教师利用节假日带领学生走进企业实践与服务。近两年, 学校分院专业社团对企业服务取得成绩较多, 例如, 学校模具CAD/CAM协会为企业改良设计制造玻璃磨边机一台, 数控活动小组多次为企业加工高难产品, 工业设计协会多次为企业3D打印新产品等, 均获得企业好评;同时各个专业社团积极参加省、国家职业技能大赛, 自2013年至今, 分别取得了国家及省赛一等奖、二等奖、三等22项, 获奖近百人。
2.2.4 建立科学发展的评价体系, 激发学生社团发展的动力
在社团活动中构架引导学生自我教育科学发展的评价体系, 综合体现学生的发展性、过程性、自主性。明确社团活动能力培养目标体系, 综合出评价体系表, 建立目标实现进度表;能力自评表、互评表;个人成就总结表等。结合指导教师的指导评价、社团成员的自我评价以及社团成员之间的互相评价, 形成激励机制, 不断督促社团去实现个体及组织目标, 激发成员的创造力、能聚力及使命感, 逐步培养他们的自我认知、自我管理、自我调控和自我完善的能力。
3 总结
实践证明, 学校应重视社团建设, 将社团建设打造为培养学生自我教育能力提高的主体实践舞台。社团活动的科学规划、有效组织及过程中有效评价将激励学生不断自我认知、自我管理、自我调控、自我完善, 并有效促进学生自我教育能力的提高, 营造更加繁荣的校园社团文化。
[1]许莉勇, 黄勇芳.培养大学生自我教育能力, 构建自我教育体系[J].宁波高等专科学校学报, 2003 (2) .
[2]赵坤.对高校学生自我教育的思考[J].学理论, 2010 (16) .
[3]杨雪琴.灵活运用“自我教育法”增强教学实践性——以思想道德修养和发露基础课为例[J].常州信息职业技术学院学报, 2011 (12) .
[4]金志云, 张月红.自我教育:方法与模式的探讨[J].西江大学学报, 2010 (9) .
My name is , you can also call me Eason,I has such an english name just because the pronunciation of it is like my chinese name。 I graduated from this university last year, and major in puter science, I liked puter very much, especially in multimedia technology, and wanted to make some achievement in this field, but when I finished my school。
Well, in my spare time, I like soccer, pop music, and stamp, being a soccer fan, I always show my love to Manchester United and Ryan Giggs is my favorite。 I also like English very much, and had passed Band six this year, but I do think it‘s still a long way to study it, so I wouldn’t give up my English studying, andimprove my oral and listening ability。
Good morning, teacher!I am glad to be here for this interview.My name is.I came from Handan ofprovince.I am a girl/boywho is fervent(热情的),outgoing and creative.Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!
I am graduating from University this June.I major in(加上你的专业).I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in(University)which I have desired for a long time.I have the confidence because I have such ability!
.At the same time,I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything.I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life.I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest..
Firstly, I will work harder than before. I believe I am industrious man and “Time is money”. Secondly, my dissertation can rely on my study subject, they have similarity, so time can be saved.
Finally, I will read enough English papers to finish my SCI paper.
It’s my pleasure to be here to introduce myself. That’s a difficult question. I think all the night. How to introduce myself? Tell you who I am? You all know my name is Liu Xiaonao.
generally eaking, i am a hard-working student. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard. to weave a homepage for myself, i stayed with my personal computer for half a month, and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. furthermore, i am a person with great perseverance. during the days preparing for the first examination, i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like. and just owning to this, i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.
well, in my are time, i like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. also, english is my favorite. i often go to english corner to practice my oral english on every thursday, and write compositions to improve my written ability. but i know my english is not good enough, i will continue studying.
Good morning,everyone!I am glad to be here for this interview.First,let me introduce myself to you.My name is Li was born on April xx,xxxx.I am a local person.I am graduating from University this June.I major in Chinese hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in Peking University which I have desired for a long have the confidence because I have such ability!I am a girl who is fervent,outgoing and creative.At the same time,I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything.I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life.I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!
I am very glad to be here for your interview. My name is ___.I am ___ years old. I come from _______, a very beautiful city. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in _______university in July, . And now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to ________ University.
Generally speaking, I am a hard-working student. I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. When I was sophomore, I found web design very interesting, so I learned it very hard. To weave a homepage for myself, I stayed with my personal computer for half a month, and I am the first one in my class who own his homepage. Furthermore, I am a person with great perseverance. During the days preparing for the first examination, I insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.
Well, in my spare time, I like basketball, tennis and Chinese chess. Also, English is my favorite. I often go to English corner to practice my oral English on every Thursday, and write compositions to improve my written ability. But I know my English is not good enough, I will continue studying.
It’s my great honor to be here today.I really appreciate that you can give me this opportunity.Frankly speaking, I have yearned for today nearly for three years.First of all, please let me have a brief introduction of myself.My name is***.23 years old.I come from ×××, a very beautiful city.Now I study in ×××, majoring in Clinical.During five years’ study, I gain a lot, not only on specialized knowledge but also scientific way of thinking.I will try my best to be a diligent person with sincerity and fortitude as my school requires.I love this school very much.It also makes me know what I really want.I am an enterprising person.To pursue my dreams, I will keep studying hard all the time.I believe that “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety percent of perspiration”, so I never give up and always keep positive attitude.Choosing General surgery for further study, which is what I’m interested, is my prudent decision.It motivates me to study intensively.If given the opportunity to study in topping university, I think I will make best use of it to study.“The man of honor will strive constantly for self-improvement”.Now I believe I have already owned the ability to accomplish the task alone or with teamwork.I know how to deal with problems no matter in life and study.I have the confidence that I will be good enough to devote to our society after three years’ study in Southern Medical University.I really look forward to this opportunity.Thank you very much.Thank you.下午好,亲爱的教授:
Good morning/afternoon, my dear professors. I am very glad to behere for your interview. My name is ___, ___ years old. I come from _______, avery beautiful city. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in _______universityin July, . And now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to ________University,
Generallyspeaking, I am a hard-working student. I will try my best to finish it nomatter how difficult it is. When I was sophomore, I found web design veryinteresting, so I learned it very hard. To weave a homepage for myself, Istayed with my personal computer for half a month, and I am the first one in my class who own his homepage.Furthermore, I am a person with great perseverance. During the days preparingfor the first examination, I insist on running every day, no matter what the weather waslike. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded inthe end,
Well, in myspare time, I like basketball, tennis and Chinese chess. Also, English is myfavorite. I often go to English corner to practice my oral English on everyThursday, and write compositions to improve my written ability. But I know myEnglish is not good enough, I will continue studying。
我大学一年级 英语自我介绍07-06