Abstract:Whether the bank operates well depends on the public confidence, i.e. the bank credit worthiness. In-creasing bank capital adequacy and maintaining the stable bank income inflow, the steady support and guaranteed quality,etc. are the means to raise and maintain the bank credit worthiness. In our country the bank capital adequacy has not yetbeen up to the international standards; the credit asset quality is low; the profit is yearly decreased, and the state creditworthiness guarantee has become the key factor of prudently operating the state bank. Posterior to the accession to WTO,with the opening up of banking businesses, the role of the state credit worthiness guarantee has been weakening and itswithdrawal is faced with a series of difficulties.
Key Words: guaranteed state credit worthiness; state bank; capital fund; guaranteed deposit system
2.语言简洁。避免使用一长串形容词或名词来修饰名词。不加评论语句,如“相当满意”、“令人可喜”等。不使用多余的词语,如“据报道……”、“大量的调查表明……”等。尽量减少背景信息,如历史或其它注释。不要写作者将来的打算。应尽量删去的主要字句有:in this paper、based on the analyses conducted、on the above basis、in detail、briefly、mainly、in addition、qualitatively、furthermore等等;
A mathematical model for digital closed-loop fiber-optics gyroscopes was established to get the difference equation of the model.To study…,To describe…,To investigate…,To assess…,To determine…
Ground-speed/air-speed control of airplane during
penetration of wind shear
To design the control logic during the penetration of wind shear, nonlinear inverse dynamics method was employed to achieve the decoupling of the nonlinear flight control system and the implementation of the real-time/on-line control for the flight trajectory.Climb rate/air speed control mode in the wind-coordinate system and climb rate/ground-speed control mode in the ground-coordinate system were developed.These two modes were integrated to form ground speed/air speed control law.The simulative calculation results show that the nonlinear inverse dynamics method works effective in the trajectory control of airplane during the penetration of wind shear.感应加热中功率延伸电缆结构形式的优选设计
本文首先介绍了课题研究的背景和意义,并分析了当前温度测量技术和可编程片上系统PSoC的研究现状。以可编程片上系统芯片CY8C5868AXI-LP032作为系统核心,设计了硬件电路整体结构,系统分为四个子模块,温度采集模块、放大模块、A/D转换模块、通信模块。选取铂电阻Pt1000作为温度传感器,铂电阻采用三线制接法。温度信号输入电路采用独特的电桥电路测量技术,具有没有引线电阻影响,抗干扰能力强,电桥电路与测量电路完全隔离等优点。电桥电路中输出的模拟电压经过放大后,输入至AD转换器中变为数字信号,再由处理器换算出相应温度,在硬件电路设计中对各部分子电路进行了原理和功能的介绍,其中在对Δ-ΣADC配置时,根据系统要求对其分辨率、采样率进行相关参数配置。在系统硬件设计平台的基础上,使用PSoC Creator2.0集成开发环境进行了系统软件的设计,其中包括温度信号采集、AD值与温度值的转换、温度补偿、Modbus通信协议和信息帧格式等。设计中主要针对的是实际温度值获取、温度误差补偿的设计,其中采用的主要方法是分段线性化和线性标度变换相结合的方
法。为满足PSoC与计算机的通信加入了基于Modbus的通信协议,采用RS485接口标准来完成两者之间的数据发送和接收,在PSoC内部配置了全双工通信UART的各个参数,采用CRC循环冗余的校验方式。最后对系统进行调试,以测试工程的运行情况,首先使用PSoC的专用下载工具PSoC MiniProg对系统进行下载烧写接口调试,通过Visual Basic进行通信测试,然后通过电阻箱模拟铂电阻温度测试。最后对本文的的工作进行了总结,同时对其作出进一步展望。
;通信PT1000 Modbus
Being More Open-minded, More Realistic and Less
Eager for Self-Proclaimed Schools:A Speech at the
2008 China Opera Forum
Iput forward three sentences to encourage the work of the newly founded China Opera Society. First is to be more open-minded. Chinese opera has transformed from the ″Unitary Era″ to the ″Pluralistic Era″ since the opening up and reforms. Since the name of our organization is called ″China″ Opera Society, thus the society should belong to the whole nation, and should be a non-governmental academic organization for the sake of all the Chinese opera artists. It is therefore necessary to recognize in this present age of pluralism the pluralistic orientation of opera concepts, opera thoughts, opera tastes, opera styles and opera forms, with more open-minded outlook covering all the opera workers with various ideas and opinions, so as to truly unite them all and bring their enthusiasm and originality into full play. Such a society would become a home for everyone, where one would work under its direction. Otherwise, a less open-minded society would only unite few artists.
Second is to be more realistic, i.e., to do those more important things that the society is capable of doing. What should we do then? Today's forum is one example. Its purpose is to discuss in very serious manners what achievements have been made for Chinese operas, what other issues we should deal with, what their origins are, and how to deal with them, etc. This is what we call ″being realistic″. Such academic discussions should never be despised as they are of great value to the development of opera art.
Under the current difficult situation for Chinese opera where many of the opera houses are turning into enterprises, various issues arise, such as how to transform the opera theatres, what benefits such transformation would bring to the growth of opera production. In my opinion, the aim of such reforms is nothing but as follows: 1) to produce more operas of higher level. Once the reforms succeed, I'm sure there will be more good productions. 2) to bring up more opera talents through reforms, such as outstanding playwrights, composers, actors and directors; 3) to improve the living and working conditions of opera workers. The success of the reforms depends wholly on these three elements. If after the reforms the workers' salary is reduced, no good productions are created, or good talents are leaving because of less interest in opera, then such a reform is by no means successful.
The third sentence is to be less eager for self-proclaimed schools. In the process of preparing for the 2008 China Opera Forum, I heard that someone wanted to write an ″Opera Proclamation″ and proposed the idea of ″Chinese opera school″, to which I expressed my disagreement then.
Do we need the so-called ″Chinese opera school″? I said yes, but not now. Chinese opera artists should have such an ambition, but it is still too early to proclaim it as the condition is not yet ripe for claiming such a school or trend whether in terms of the objective condition that restricts the opera development in China or the subjective condition that is related to opera artists themselves.
We can not proclaim ourselves the ″Chinese opera school″, but rather, it should be an honour offered to you by others or later generations for your achievements as it is supposed to be a scientific conclusion or recognition of any contribution by the Chinese opera art in the history of world opera. Only when we have produced outstanding operatic works of high artistic level with truly Chinese geographic and ethnic characteristics and with representation of the modern times, and when our works are not only welcomed by Chinese audience, but also enjoyed and admired by our foreign counterparts and audience in all different countries, can we say that our ″Chinese opera school″ matures and can be referred to as such by our foreign colleagues, just like the Russian school of music.
A Music Critic Should Be a Good Finder of
Better Music
The first point is, in my view, that a music critic must have a correct criterion of value assessment for such a music form as symphony. Here lies the issue of how to define symphony. In the first place, I think the concept of ″symphony″ should be divided into two aspects: the ″broad″ sense and the ″narrow″ sense of symphony. In the broad sense, all the music performed bya orchestra or symphony orchestra can be called symphony. Just as what we can hear in some of our symphony promotion events, Johann Strauss's works such as his waltzes occupy an important position in the genre. And to me, the authentic works of great importance in the field of symphony should be those ″symphonic″ music pieces of great importance, just like symphonies of Beethoven, Shostakovich or Mahler, rather than those small pieces or light music pieces performed by orchestra bands.
The second point is that a music critic must have a high level of professionalism. Criticism on symphony composition differs from media promotions or deliberate sensationalization. It ought to be true words of the professionals with high-level expertise and serious research. Any criticism by laymen may mislead the readers, and therefore would never hold water.
As known to all, symphony composing requires extremely high-level expertise, and it is still developing further with the change of the times. Critics, and, in particular, young scholars dedicated to music criticism, must keep learning professional knowledge before being able to deal with those technically new compositions. Without sufficient knowledge of the new stuff, your writings would fail to get to the point. As composition techniques can be infinite, one should never blame those seemingly strange new techniques as a kind of show-off. It is certainly wrong to show off one's techniques as it is commonly seen in some of the modern music works which are often regarded as rubbish stuff, but even in some of the traditional music pieces or those composed in the traditional ways, one may find the same kind of rubbish works in large quantity with much emptiness. Among the traditional music pieces, only a few can remain as classics over the ages. Modern techniques are emerging with the change of the times. However, any exploration into new styles and new techniques is bound to be experimental or even risky, usually aimed at new content and means of expression, and therefore should not be denied at easy disposal. Technique is innocent, and thus should not be blamed. It is definitely deemed to develop as the times go.
The third point is that, if popularization of symphonic music is our great ideal, criticism is then the very bridge linking the profound and beautiful symphony with the general public. For many lovers of symphony, it is only after having read wonderful comments that their interest in symphony is aroused and that, under the guidance of the criticism, they enter the concert halls to enjoy the symphonic music. Taking Beethoven as an example, many people learn about Beethoven and his music from books or talks by critics before they go to listen to his music. In this sense, persuasive criticism on symphony may produce great influence on the public. Symphony critics should play an important role in the divine work of popularizing symphony among the public. Here I want to stress that for criticism, professionalism and popularization are two aspects complementary to each other. Criticism for the purpose of popularization should no doubt be easily accessible to the public, but it must be based on accurate academic orientation, or in other words, it should be both professionally profound and easily accessible to the reader. On the other hand, if it lacks academic ″profoundness″, criticism aimed only at simple understanding and popularization may sometimes be misleading as a result.