
2025-01-05 版权声明 我要投稿


春节的英语作文小学 篇1

Spring Festival was my favorite Chinese festival when I was a child. At that time, I had a great time. Every year at that time I could dress new clothes, get lucky money from relatives and seldom receive criticism from my mother. Everything seems such wonderful. However, as I grow up, I find Spring Festival is less and less interesting. I just feel that as usual. What’s worse, with the fireworks, I find Spring Festival is a noisy festival. So I don’t like it any more.

春节的英语作文小学 篇2

在目前的小学英语教学中, 大多数教师都会对听、说、读三个方面进行诸多的训练, 而对“写”这个技能会有所忽视。《英语新课标》明确表明英语教学要注重语言实践, 培养学生的语言运用能力。本标准以学生“能用英语做事情”的描述方式设定各级目标要求, 皆在强调培养学生的综合语言运用能力。也就是说, 听说读写各个方面的英语能力是学生必须具备的。在英语教学中也应该做到面面俱到。

从小学五年级开始, 学生要开始学习英语写作。在所有的英语教学中, 作文教学是让学生和教师都感到比较困难的部分。师生常常觉得都尽了很大的努力, 但是效果不太理想。学生常常感到虽然老师已经教了写作, 但是在写的时候还是不知道从哪里开始下笔;而教师也苦于找不到合适的方法来教会学生写作, 并且作文教学结束后, 也觉得批改工作很难进行。在这样的矛盾之下, 英语教师需要在教学中不断思考自己的教学方式, 寻找有效的教学策略, 在实践中逐步提高学生的英文写作水平。

基于这样的背景, 每个英语老师都应该做出不同的尝试。可以从以下几个方面尝试改变:

1 培养学生的写作意识, 并为其创造写作条件

(1) 培养学生学习英语的兴趣

英语作为第二语言, 教师应该首先让学生了解它的重要性和必要性, 这样学生才会真正地认识到学好这门学科的重要性, 也就是给学生一个内在动力。其次, 在学习过程中, 教师应根据不同年龄层次的特点来进行教学。教学方式要符合学生的身心发展规律。最后, 教师要有一定的激励措施。

(2) 给学生打好英语基础

在英语教学中, 不要太刻意地把各种技能和能力分开, 要有提高学生综合能力的意识。特别是在第一课时的词汇教学时, 教师应该为学生打下牢固的基础。课堂上要提高学习效率, 不仅让学生学会读和用, 还应尽可能地让学生当堂进行第一印象的短期记忆。这里就要求教师在课堂上使用各种方式, 将词句结合起来, 使学生形成记忆。并且在平时也应该提醒学生注重常用词汇的积累, 这对写作大有裨益。

(3) 鼓励学生多说多写

进行实质性的操作也是很重要的一个环节, 学生有了知识储备后, 还要有一些经常练习的机会。也就是我们常说的“输入”与“输出”的关系。经常练笔对学生也是非常重要的。

在英语教学中, 教师可以采取在班级集中练习的方式。如:一起写简单的句子或者写小对话等。在课下也可以鼓励学生多观察, 多用英语来描写, 或者写出自己想说的话送给教师, 教师也可以主动送给学生带有英语句子的小信纸, 让学生常用常写, 达到练习的效果。

2 探索适合小学生年龄特点的写作模式

笔者在作文教学中做出了一个尝试, 利用“网络图”来帮助学生列出写作提纲, 可以让学生清晰地把所想的内容都写下来。具体而言, “网络图”的操作及应用方法如下:

(1) 和学生一起制作“网络图”

什么是网络图呢?它是围绕着一个标题, 然后分支出很多相关的内容, 并且进行一些简单的图表记录。它的优点是可以让学生根据图表, 很容易地看到写作提纲, 根据网络图进行描写, 这样就不会漏写掉任何你想写的内容, 并且可以很清晰地进行写作。

关于网络图的使用方法:在作文课开始前, 教师可以和学生谈论关于作文话题的内容。比如:作文课是Vacation, 可以让学生谈论自己想写哪些方面的内容, 希望别人写哪些方面的内容。然后边谈话边补充该作文的网络图, 最后对网络图进行梳理。如图 (这些就是和学生谈论的问题) :谁去了哪里?怎么去的?什么时候去的?在那里看到了什么?吃了什么?天气怎样?等等。

(2) 根据网络图的提示, 进行当堂口述作文

学生看到网络图, 就可以根据自己的图表来进行一项项的口述, 并且不会有遗漏。让学生说句子, 然后再把这些说出的句子加上关联词, 也就成为了一篇小作文了。往往在教学中, 一个学生说一句, 不知不觉作文就成型了。在这样的过程中, 学生也会觉得作文并不是一件难事, 也就不会产生恐惧感。

(3) 辅导学生当堂制作自己的网络图, 并且口头讲述作文

口述作文后, 教师应该鼓励学生开始制作自己的网络图。在完成之后, 可以鼓励学生在小组内根据自己的网络图口述作文, 教师进行指导。这一步, 也是为学生写作进行铺垫, 并且在写作之前发现问题可以及时和教师沟通, 以此降低写作难度。

(4) 开展当堂写作

在完成了所有的教学步骤之后, 将余下的时间交给学生们进行当堂写作, 并且有问题可以向老师进行提问。

当然, 在平时的教学中教师应该加强对“网络图”的训练, 并不是只有写作文时才能用到。在阅读教学中也是可以使用的, 教师可以尝试着让学生边阅读边画出该课的网络图, 并且可以训练学生根据自己制作的网络图来进行复述课文。这既是一个网络图的训练, 也可以通过网络图来提高学生的复述能力以及记忆能力。

3 落实多种形式的写作训练

(1) 提示学生要多观察生活中的变化。写作除了要有好的方法外, 还应该要有自己的思想。那么就要求学生在生活中, 要善于观察各种变化, 并且鼓励学生及时把观察到的变化, 用英语小短句或者小短文的形式写下来。

(2) 变换多种写作形式。在英语教学中, 教师可以在任何时候把写作渗透进去, 如可以在阅读教学中, 可以给学生提供模板让其填空;或者练习短文排序, 也可以训练学生的写作思维;再者续写故事, 在学生已经学过的英语小故事里, 鼓励学生根据自己想象续写故事, 这也是日常锻炼学生思维及写作的方式;更甚者可以指导学生改写故事等。

(3) 教师带头, 引导学生多写多思。在每天的教学中, 教师可以有意无意地给学生一些小信件, 里面用英语记录着教师发现的各种生活变化, 然后鼓励学生给予回应。学生收到教师的信件时会很惊喜, 并且都能高兴地给予回信。

总之, 在英语教学中, 教师应根据学生的年龄特点, 不断提高学生的学习兴趣, 反思自己的教学方法, 鼓励学生多进行练习, 使学生的各种综合运用能力得到提高。

摘要:义务阶段英语课程需要发展学生形成初步的综合会忽视对“写”的训练。因此, 提高学生的写作能力是每位英语教师必做的研究。而如何有效地帮助学生进行写作, 也是值得每位英语教师进行探索的。

春节小学英语作文 篇3

Sprling Festval is the most important holiday in China.It islike Christmas holiday.During the Spring Festival,we can eata lot of nice food,and the food is different from some different places.Like our Guangdong,we eat carbonado and chicken,adults will drink rack.And,we also like to set off firecrackers,but its very dangerous for the children,and its not allowed in some big cities.

Maybe some foreigners will ask like this“Why children like Spring Festival so much?”Because the children can get some money from their parents,so do I.

Its the happiest time all the year round.I like it very much.

小学生过春节英语作文 篇4

When the Spring Festival arrives, my father and mother take me to grandmas home for a new year. I have a door called “grandma, happy new year!” Grandma is happy to say, “today I invite you to eat dumplings!” I said, “thank you, grandma. Im going to make dumplings with grandma.” In a moment, the dumplings are wrapped up and there are all kinds of dumplings. In the evening, our family watched the Spring Festival Gala while eating dumplings.

Its nice to have the Spring Festival!

介绍春节的英语作文 篇5

介绍春节的英语作文 Spring Festival The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people.In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food.They could only eat these during the Spring festival.So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon.Now,although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday.People still like the festival.Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family.In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programmes.I like the Spring Festival very much.How wonderful the Spring Festival is!

春节的英语作文小学 篇6





1. 主题式教学模式的应用流程


2. 主题式教学模式在小学英语作文教学中的运用




1. 英语写作学习材料的甄选必须与主题相关


2. 要注重小学生内在与外在的英语写作需求


3. 实现教师业务水平的提高


春节的起源英语作文 篇7

Spring Festival is the lunar Suishou, is also our ancient traditional festivals. Ancient-off “year” is not in the twelfth lunar month on the 29th or on the 30th, but in the “wax on”, that later, “Laba.” Southern and Northern Dynasties later, the “wax Festival” to the end of the year. To the Republican era, the switch to Gregorian calendar was only then that the lunar year is called “Spring Festival”, because the Spring Festival is generally in the “Spring,” both before and after.

英语作文—我的春节 篇8


The Spring Festival Eve is called the 30th of the year. This evening is called Chuxi, or the night of the year. The last day of the last lunar month is the most important day in the whole Spring Festival. If one missed the dinner with his or her family in this day, he or she would feel very sorry.


Especially on the last day of the last lunar month, the whole family must get together.


I am having a get reunion dinner with my parents.


On this day, all the preparation must be completed. It is the moment of joy for all adults and children. The more than half month preparation is for this day.


Ouch, in my childhood, I was always looking forward to the Spring Festival.


I like to fire crackers, eat delicious food and so on.


The most important ceremonies in the eve of the Spring Festival are the ceremony of ancestor worship and the Spring Festival eve dinner. According to custom, each family will stay up to ”guard the year“, which means to stay up to see the New Year in. This custom contains the nostalgic feelings for the past days and also good hopes for the new year.


The most impressive thing for me during the Spring festival is to provide sacrifices in the Spring Festival eve to worship our ancestors.


The first is a ceremony to worship ancestors, which means not to forget ancestors. Ancestors are worshipped at the home all around the year. But during the Spring Festival, we will prepare something to sacrifice. For example, we will place some food in front of the name boards of our ancestors.


Most people place the name boards of ancestors at home. After placing food and other sacrifices, they will kneel down to worship ancestors according to their position in the family hierarchy.


描写春节的英语作文 篇9

The annual Spring Festival is coming soon. Many of us are waiting for the annual dinner on New Years Eve.

Grandma and grandpa are busy burning a lot of fresh vegetables, after a while, the table suddenly put a lot of food, crab, shrimp, leeks, cucumbers and so on, I sat on the chair, you greedy Da Da eat up, soon, my stomach became a meal really round. Delicious, if every day to eat the dinner on New Years Eve, how well! After dinner, I gave my grandparents a new year, and grandpa gave me a red bag. It says: Happy New Year! Grow up healthily! Study diligently! Excellent results! I looked at it stealthily. Wow, there are 260 yuan. I was happy to jump three feet high. “The fireworks!” My sister cried, just days, my sister and I ran down the stairs, I saw Uncle lit a firework, bang bang bang! The fireworks are heaven, like a flower blossoming contests.

The Spring Festival is very busy, my favorite traditional festival is the Spring Festival, and you?

高二春节的英语作文 篇10

After the new year, I can put up the spring festival couplet and put the fireworks. In the year thirty, I wrote a lot of couplets, put one on my own door, and gave my grandmother, grandma.

At noon of the Spring Festival, we went to the public eating room. I said I wanted to play fireworks. My grandfather took me to a small shop and asked me to pick it up. I picked many varieties, including phoenix spreading wings, electric flowers and silver fountain. Then I ran home happily. First I took out a small umbrella, put it in the earth, lit it with a lighter, and the beautiful fireworks came out of it like a volcanic eruption. Phoenix wings like a peacock, silver fountain is really like a sparkling fountain. Its beautiful。

I really want to be able to celebrate the Spring Festival every day. I am happy to put the fireworks on every day.

小学生春节记叙作文春节的作文 篇11






我们的节日春节英语作文 篇12

The best thing I can do for the new year is to stick to the Spring Festival couplets. This years Spring Festival couplets is responsible for my father and I, mother took out a few pieces of antithetical couplet, I cant wait to open a Hengpi: home and everything throughout the year to bring good luck for the eight party treasure into the house only a few ”blessing“ word. Mother said: ”Hui Hui, you put the“ Fu ”in the living room door several copybook!“ I gave a quick promise. But when I saw the above character is time down, I hurriedly asked her mother: ”Mom you are not buying the wrong!“ The mother took the spring festival couplet up and said, ”you come to say what it means to be blessed.“ I said, ”bliss.“ I suddenly realized that it was ”blessing“. Mother said, ”Spring Festival couplets are all auspicious words. I wish you all the success of working in the new year.“

At twelve oclock the sound of the sound, look, the outside world of fireworks. I ran out to look outside, it is particularly brilliant fireworks. Some like ”fairy Sahua“, some like a big red, some like ”starry sky“, some like a ”lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy“...... How like a ”air garden“ I cant wait to take out the fireworks and its so beautiful!

On the morning of the first day of the year, people got up early, and I got up very early. I go to give my father and mother a new year, to know the year but there is a pressure of the age of money Oh! I cant wait to go to my mom and dads room to give my mom and dad a new year: ”happy new year to mom and Dad, congratulations on the red bag.“ But mom and dad no one for me, I was very disappointed, I have the gift money wasted, I picked up my jacket and is ready to wear, see the pocket a little drum touched, there are two pieces of red envelopes, I am happy to fly like a bird in the house, the original mom and dad early ready.
