高等数理方法 Advanced Mathematical Method 弹塑性力学 Elastic-Plastic Mechanics 板壳理论 Theory of Plate and Shell 高等工程力学 Advanced Engineering Mechanics 板壳非线性力学 Nonlinear Mechanics of Plate and Shell 复合材料结构力学 Structural Mechanics of Composite Material 弹性元件的理论及设计 Theory and Design of Elastic Element 非线性振动 Nonlinear Vibration 高等土力学 Advanced Soil Mechanics 分析力学 Analytic Mechanics 随机振动 Random Vibration 数值分析 Numerical Analysis 基础工程计算与分析 Calculation and Analysis of Founda tion Engineering 结构动力学 Structural Dynamics 实验力学 Laboratory Mechanics 损伤与断裂 Damage and Fracture 小波分析 Wavelet Analysis 有限元与边界元分析方法 Analytical Method of Finite Element and Boundary Element 最优化设计方法 Optimal Design Method 弹性力学 Elastic Mechanics 高层建筑基础 Tall Building Foundation 动力学 Dynanics 土的本构关系 Soil Constitutive Relation 数学建模 Mathematical Modeling 现代通信理论与技术 Emerging Communications Theory and Technology 数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing 网络理论与多媒体技术 Multi-media and Network Technology 医用电子学 Electronics for Medicine 计算微电子学 Computational Microelectronics 集成电路材料和系统电子学 Material and System
Electronics for In tegrated Circuits
网络集成与大型数据库 Computer Network Integrating Technology and Large scale Database 现代数字系统 Modern Digital System
微机应用系统设计 Microcomputer Application Design 计算机网络新技术 Modern Computer Network Technologies
网络信息系统 Network Information System
图像传输与处理 Image Transmission and Processing 图像编码理论 Theory of Image Coding 遥感技术 Remote Sensing Techniques
虚拟仪器系统设计 Design of Virtual Instrument System 生物医学信号处理技术 Signal Processing for Biology and Medicine
光纤光学 Fiber Optics
VLSI的EDA技术 EDA Techniques for VLSI 电子系统的ASIC技术 ASIC Design Technologies VLSI技术与检测方法 VLSI Techniques & Its Examination
专题阅读或专题研究 The Special Subject Study 信息论 Information Theory
半导体物理学 Semiconductor Physics 通信原理 Principle of Communication 现代数理逻辑 Modern Mathematical Logic
算法分析与设计 Analysis and Design of Algorithms 高级计算机网络 Advanced Computer Networks 高级软件工程 Advanced Software Engineering 数字图像处理 Digital Image Processing
知识工程原理 Principles of Knowledge Engineering 面向对象程序设计 Object-Oriented Programming 形式语言与自动机 Formal Languages and Automata 人工智能程序设计 Artificial Intelligence Programming 软件质量与测试 Software Quality and Testing
大型数据库原理与高级开发技术 Principles of Large-Scale Data-Bas e and Advanced Development Technology 自然智能与人工智能 Natural Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence
Unix操作系统分析 Analysis of Unix System
计算机图形学 Computer Graphics Internet与Intranet技术 Internet and Intranet Technology 多媒体技术 Multimedia Technology 数据仓库技术与联机分析处理 Data Warehouse and OLAP 程序设计方法学 Methodology of Programming 计算机信息保密与安全 Secrecy and Security of Computer Information 电子商务 Electronic Commerce 分布式系统与分布式处理 Distributed Systems and Distributed Processing 并行处理与并行程序设计 Parallel Processing and Parallel Programming 模糊信息处理技术 Fuzzy Information Processing Technology 人工神经网络及应用 Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications Unix编程环境 Unix Programming Environment 计算机视觉 Computer Vision 高级管理信息系统 Advanced Management Information Systems 信息系统综合集成理论及方法 Theory and Methodology of Information n System Integration 计算机科学研究新进展 Advances in Computer Science 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics 操作系统 Operating System 数据库原理 Principles of Database 编译原理 Principles of Compiler 程序设计语言 Programming Language 数据结构 Data Structure 计算机科学中的逻辑学 Logic in Computer Science 面向对象系统分析与设计 Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design 高等数值分析 Advanced Numeric Analysis 人工智能技术 Artificial Intelligence Technology 软计算理论及应用 Theory and Application of Soft-Computing 逻辑程序设计与专家系统 Logic Programming and Expert
模式识别 Pattern Recognition
软件测试技术 Software Testing Technology 高级计算机网络与集成技术 Advanced Computer Networks and Integration Technology 语音信号处理 Speech Signal Processing
系统分析与软件工具 System Analysis and Software Tools
计算机仿真 Computer Simulation 计算机控制 Computer Control
图像通信技术 Image Communication Technology 人工神经网络及应用 Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications
计算机技术研究新进展 Advances in Computer Technology
环境生物学 Environmental Biology 水环境生态学模型 Models of Water Quality 环境化学 Environmental Chemistry 环境生物技术 Environmental Biotechnology 水域生态学 Aquatic Ecology
环境工程 Environmental Engineering
环境科学研究方法 Study Methodology of Environmental Science
藻类生理生态学 Ecological Physiology in Algae 水生动物生理生态学 Physiological Ecology of Aquatic Animal
专业文献综述 Review on Special Information 废水处理与回用 Sewage Disposal and Re-use 生物医学材料学及实验 Biomaterials and Experiments 现代测试分析 Modern Testing Technology and Methods 生物材料结构与性能 Structures and Properties of Biomaterials
计算机基础 Computer Basis 医学信息学 Medical Informatics
计算机汇编语言 Computer Assembly Language 学科前沿讲座 Lectures on Frontiers of the Discipline 组织工程学 Tissue Engineering
生物医学工程概论 Introduction to Biomedical
Engineering 高等生物化学 Advanced Biochemistry 光学与统计物理 Optics and Statistical Physics 图像分析 Image Treatment 数据处理分析与建模 Data Analysis and Constituting Model 高级数据库 Advanced Database 计算机网络 Computer Network 多媒体技术 Technology of Multimedia 软件工程 Software Engineering 药物化学 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 功能高分子 Functional Polymer InternetIntranet(英)InternetIntranet 程序设计方法学 Methods of Programming InternetIntranet 高分子化学与物理 Polymeric Chemistry and Physics 医学电子学 Medical Electronics 现代仪器分析 Modern Instrumental Analysis 仪器分析实验 Instrumental Analysis Experiment 食品添加剂 Food Additives Technology 高级食品化学 Advanced Food Chemistry 食品酶学 Food Enzymology 现代科学前沿选论 Literature on Advances of Modern Science 波谱学 Spectroscopy 波谱学实验 Spectroscopic Experiment 食品贮运与包装 Food Packaging 液晶化学 Liquid Crystal Chemistry 高等有机化学 Advanced Organic Chemistry 功能性食品 Function Foods 食品营养与卫生学 Food Nutrition and Hygiene 食品生物技术 Food Biotechnology 食品研究与开发 Food Research and Development 有机合成化学 Synthetic Organic Chemistry 食品分离技术 Food Separation Technique 精细化工装备 Refinery Chemical Equipment 食品包装原理 Principle of Food Packaging 表面活性剂化学及应用 Chemistry and Application of
天然产物研究与开发 Research and Development of Natural Products
食品工艺学 Food Technology 生物化学 Biochemistry 食品分析 Food Analysis
食品机械与设备 Food Machinery and Equipment 理学 SCIENCE
课程中文名称 课程英文名称 矩阵分析 Matrix Analysis
面向对象程序设计方法 Design Methods of Object Oriented Program
李代数 Lie Algebra
代数图论 Algebraic Graph Theory 代数几何(I)Algebraic Geometry(I)泛函分析 Functional Analysis 论文选读 Study on Selected Papers Hopf代数 Hopf Algebra 基础代数 Fundamental Algebra 交换代数 Commutative Algebra 代数几何 Algebraic Geometry
Hopf代数与代数群量子群 Hopf Algebra , Algebraic Group and Qua ntum Group
量子群表示 Representation of Quantum Groups 网络算法与复杂性 Network Algorithms and Complexity 组合数学 Combinatorial Mathematics 代数学 Algebra
半群理论 Semigroup Theory 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 图的对称性 Graph Symmetry 代数拓扑 Algebraic Topology
代数几何(II)Algebraic Geometry(II)微分几何 Differential Geometry
多复变函数 Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variab les
代数曲面 Algebraic Surfaces
高维代数簇 Algebraic Varieties of Higher Dimension 数理方程 Mathematics and Physical Equation 偏微分方程近代方法 The Recent Methods of Partial Differential Equations 激波理论 The Theory of Shock Waves 非线性双曲型守恒律解的存在性 The Existence of Solutions for Non-linear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws 粘性守恒律解的稳定性 Stability of Solutions for Viscous Conservation Laws 微分方程数值解 Numerical Methods for Differential Equations 小波理论与应用 Warelet Theory and Application 非线性方程组的数值解法 Numerical Methods for No-linear System s of Equations 网络算法与复杂性 Network Algorithms and Complexity Graph Theory 60近世代数 Modern Algebra 高等量子力学 Advanced Quantum Mechanics 统计力学 Statistical Mechanics 固体理论 Solid State Theory 薄膜物理 Thin Film Physics 计算物理学 Computational Physics 量子场论 Quantum Field Theory 非线性物理导论 Introduction to Nonlinear Physics 固体磁性理论 Theory of Magnetism in Solid C语言科学计算方法 Scientific Computation Method in C 功能材料原理与技术 Principle and Technology of Functional Materials 超高真空科学与技术 Science and Technology of Ultrahigh Vacuum 60 现代表面分析技术 Modern Technology of Surface Analysis 现代传感技术 Modern Sensor Technology 数学模型与计算机模拟 Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations 计算物理谱方法 Spectral Method in Computational Physics 蒙特卡罗方法在统计物理中的应用 Applications of the Monte Carlo Method in Statistical Physics 理论物理 Theoretical Physics
固体物理 Solid-State Physics
近代物理实验 Contemporary Physics Experiments 计算物理基础 Basics of Computational Physics 真空与薄膜技术 Vacuum & Thin Film Technology 高等光学 Advanced Optics
量子光学与统计光学 Quantum Optics and Statistical Optics 光电子学与光电信息技术 Optoelectronics and Optoelectronic Information Technology
图像处理与分析 Image Processing and Analysis 光纤通信系统 System of Fiber Communications 计算机网络 Computer Networks
光电检测与信号处理 Optoelectronic Detection and Processing
物理光学与光电子技术实验 Experiments for Physical Optics and Op toelectronic Technology 非线性光学 Nonlinear Optics 集成光学 Integrated Optics
光子学器件原理与技术 Principle and Technology of Photonics Devices
物理光学与信息光子学实验 Physical Optics & Information Photonics Experiments
现代激光医学 Modern Laser Medicine 生物医学光子学 Biomedicine Photonics
激光医学临床实践 Clinical Practice for Laser Medicine 光纤通信网络 Networks of Fiber Communications 光接入网技术 Technology of Light Access Network 全光通信系统 All-Optical Communication Systems 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 信息光学 Information Optics
光子学专题 Special Topics on Photonics 激光与近代光学 Laser and Contemporary Optics 光电子技术 Photoelectronic Technique
微机系统与接口 Micro Computer System and Interface 智能仪器 Intelligent Instruments
高等无机化学 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 量子化学(含群论)Quantum Chemistry(including Group Theory)
高等分析化学 Advanced Analytical Chemistry
高等有机化学 Advanced Organic Chemistry 现代科学前沿选论 Literature on Frontiers of Modern Science and Technology 激光化学 Laser Chemistry 激光光谱 Laser Spectroscopy 稀土化学 Rare Earth Chemistry 材料化学 Material Chemistry 生物无机化学导论 Bioinorganic Chemistry 配位化学 Coordination Chemistry 膜模拟化学 Membrane Mimetic Chemistry 晶体工程基础 Crystal Engineering 催化原理 Principles of Catalysis 绿色化学 Green Chemistry 现代有机合成 Modern Organic Synthesis 无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry 物理化学 Physics Chemistry 有机化学 Organic Chemistry 分析化学 Analytical Chemistry 现代仪器分析 Modern Instrumental Analysis 现代波谱学 Modern Spectroscopy 化学计量学 Chemomtrics 现代食品分析 Modern Methods of Food Analysis 天然产物化学 Natural Product Chemistry 天然药物化学 Natural Pharmaceutical Chemistry 现代环境分析与监测 Analysis and Monitoring of Environment Pollution 现代科学前沿选论 Literature on Frontiers of Modern Science and Technology 计算机在分析化学的应用 Computer Application in Analytical Chemistry 现代仪器分析技术 Modern Instrument Analytical Technique 分离科学 Separation Science 高等环境微生物 Advanced Environmental Microorganism 海洋资源利用与开发 Utilization & Development of Ocean Resources 立体化学 Stereochemistry 高等发光分析 Advanced Luminescence Analysis 激光光谱分析 Laser Spectroscopy Analysis
保健食品监督评价 Evaluation and Supervision on Health Food s
生物电化学 Bioelectrochemistry
现代技术与中药 Modern Technology and Traditional Chinese Medicine
高等有机化学 Advanced Organic Chemistry
中药新药研究与开发 Study and Exploitation of Traditional Chinese Medicine
药物化学研究方法 Pharmaceutical Chemical Research Methods
废水处理工程 Technology of Wastewater Treatment 生物与化学传感技术 Biosensors & Chemical Sensors 现代分析化学研究方法 Research Methods of Modern Analytical Chemistry 神经生物学 Neurobiology
动物遗传工程 Animal Genetic Engineering 动物免疫学 Animal Immunology
动物病害学基础 Basis of Animal Disease 受体生物化学 Receptor Biochemistry
动物生理与分子生物学 Animal Physiology and Molecular Biochemistry
分析生物化学 Analytical Biochemistry
学科前沿讲座 Lectures on Frontiers of the Discipline 微生物学 Microbiology 细胞生物学 Cell Biology 生理学 Physiology
电生理技术基础 Basics of Electricphysiological Technology 生理学 Physiology 生物化学 Biochemistry
高级水生生物学 Advanced Aquatic Biology 藻类生理生态学 Ecological Physiology in Algae 水生动物生理生态学 Physiological Ecology of Aquatic Animal
水域生态学 Aquatic Ecology 水生态毒理学 Aquatic Ecotoxicology
水生生物学研究进展 Advance on Aquatic Biology 水环境生态学模型 Models of Water Quality
藻类生态学 Ecology in Algae 生物数学 Biological Mathematics 植物生理生化 Plant Biochemistry 水质分析方法 Water Quality Analysis 水产养殖学 Aquaculture 环境生物学 Environmental Biology 专业文献综述 Review on Special Information 分子生物学 Molecular Biology 学科前沿讲座 Lectures on Frontiers of the Discipline 植物学 Botany 动物学 Zoology 普通生态学 General Ecology 生物统计学 Biological Statistics 分子遗传学 Molecular Genetics 基因工程原理 Principles of Gene Engineering 高级生物化学 Advanced Biochemistry 基因工程技术 Technique for Gene Engineering 基因诊断 Gene Diagnosis 基因组学 Genomics 医学遗传学 Medical Genetics 免疫遗传学 Immunogenetics 基因工程药物学 Pharmacology of Gene Engineering 高级生化技术 Advanced Biochemical Technique 基因治疗 Gene Therapy 肿瘤免疫学 Tumour Immunology 免疫学 Immunology 免疫化学技术 Methods for Immunological Chemistry 毒理遗传学 Toxicological Genetics 分子病毒学 Molecular Virology 分子生物学技术 Protocols in Molecular Biology 神经免疫调节 Neuroimmunology 普通生物学 Biology 生物化学技术 Biochemic Technique 分子生物学 Molecular Biology 生殖生理与生殖内分泌 Reproductive Physiology & Reproductive Endocrinology 生殖免疫学 Reproductive Immunology 发育生物学原理与实验技术 Principle and Experimental
Technology of Development 免疫学 Immunology
蛋白质生物化学技术 Biochemical Technology of Protein 受精的分子生物学 Molecular Biology of Fertilization 免疫化学技术 Immunochemical Technology 低温生物学原理与应用 Principle & Application of Cryobiology
不育症的病因学 Etiology of Infertility 分子生物学 Molecular Biology 生物化学 Biochemistry
分析生物化学 Analytical Biochemistry 医学生物化学 Medical Biochemistry 医学分子生物学 Medical Molecular Biology
医学生物化学技术 Techniques of Medical Biochemistry 生化与分子生物学进展 Progresses in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
高级植物生理生化 Advanced Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
拟南芥—结构与发育 Arobidosis-Structure and Development
开花的艺术 Art of Flowering
蛋白质结构基础 Principle of Protein Structure 生活在美国 Living in America
分子进化工程 Engineering of Molecular Evolution 生物工程下游技术 Downstream Technique of Biotechnology
仪器分析 Instrumental Analysis
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这篇用词铿锵、掷地有声的演说辞,是3个人的心血结晶。其中,有记者出身的戈尔本人,有戈尔的策略顾问罗伯特·索伦,但人们都把目光放在戈尔的首席演说撰稿人艾里·阿提(Elli Attie身上。阿提是哈佛大学毕业生,长期以来是克林顿、民主党众议院领袖格普哈特等重量级政治人物的一级“写手”。及后选战起风云,戈尔将他拉到麾下,声势立时不同凡响。本刊在此独家刊登戈尔这篇将千古不朽的“认输讲话”(原载于港报),读者可从这中英文对照的精彩文章中细细领略英文写作的典范笔法,包括其整个运筹帷幄的立意、精妙的造词用句等。
good evening.
just moments agoi spoke with george .w.bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the united statesand i promised him that i wouldn't call him back this time.
i offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisons of the campaign and the contest through which we just passed.
almost a century and a half ago senator stephen douglas told abraham lincolnwho had just defeated him for the presidency“partisan feeling must yield to patriotismi’m with you mr.president and god bless you.”
well in that same spirit i say to president-elect bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside and may god bless his stewardship of this country.
neither he nor i anticipated this long and difficult road. Certainly neither of us wanted it to happen. Yet it cameand now it has ended resolved as it must be resolvedthrough the honored institutions of our democracy.
over the library of one of our great law schools is inscribed the motto “not under man but under god and law.”that’s the ruling principle of american freedomthe source of our democratic liberties. I’ve tried to make it my guide throughout this contest as it has guided america’s deliberations of all the complex issues of the past five weeks.
now the u.s supreme court has spoken. Let there be no doubt while i strongly disagree with the court's decision i accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next monday in the electoral college and tonight for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy i offer my concession.
i also accept my responsibilitywhich i will discharge unconditionally to honor the new president-elect and do everything possible to help him bring americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our declaration of independence defines and that our constitution affirms and defends.
let me say how grateful i am to all those who supported me and supported the cause for which we have fought.tipper and i feel a deep gratitude to joe and hadassah lieberman who brought passion and high purpose to our partnership and opened new doorsnot just for our campaign but for our country.
this has been an extraordinary election. But in one of god’s unforeseen paths this belatedly broken impasse can point us all to a new common ground for its very closeness can serve to remind us that we are one people with a shared history and a shared destiny.
indeed that history gives us many examples of contests as hotly debatedas fiercely fought with their own challenges to the popular will.
other disputes have dragged on for weeks before reaching resolution.and each time both the victor and the vanquished have accepted the result peacefully and in the spirit of reconciliation.
so let it be with us.
i know that many of my supporters are disappointed.i am too . But our disappointment must be overcome by our love of country.
and i say to our fellow members of the world community let no one see this contest as a sign of american weaknessthe strength of american democracy is shown most clearly through the difficulties it can overcome.
some have expressed concern that the unusual nature of this election might hamper the next president in the conduct of his office. I do not believe it need be so.
president-elect bush inherits a nation whose citizens will be ready to assist him in the conduct of his large responsibilities.
i personally will be at his disposaland i call on all americans -i particularly urge all who stood with us to unite being our next president. This is america. Just as we fight hard when the stakes are highwe close ranks and come together when the contest is done.
and while there will be time enough to debate our continuing differencesnow is the time to recognize that that which unites us is greater than that which divides us.
while we yet hold and do not yield our opposing beliefsthere is a higher duty than the one we owe to political party.this is america and we put country before party.we will stand together behind our new president.
as for what i’ll do nexti don’t know the answer to that one yet . Like many of you i’m looking forward to spending the holidays with family and old friends.i know i’ll spend time in tennessee and mend some fencesliterally and figuratively.
some have asked whether i have any regrets and i do have one regret that i didn’t get the chance to stay and fight for the american people over the next four years especially for those who need burdens lifted and barriers removedespecially for those who feel their voices have not been heard i heard you and i will not forget.
i’ve seen america in this campaign and i like what i see. It’s worth fighting for and that’s a fight i’ll never stop.
as for the battle that ends tonight i do believe as my father once said that on matter how hard the lossdefeat might serve as well as victory to shape the soul and let the glory out.
so for me this campaign ends as it beganwith the love of tipper and our family with faith in god and in the country i have been so proud to servefrom vietnam to the vice presidencyand with gratitude to our truly tireless campaign staff and volunteersincluding all those who worked so hard in florida for the last 36 days.
now the political struggle is over and we turn again to the unending struggle for the common good of all americans and for those multitudes around the world who look to us for leadership in the cause of freedom.
in the words of our great hymn“america america”“let us crown thy good with brotherhoodfrom sea to shining sea.”
and now my friends in a phrase i once addressed to othersit’s time for me to go.
2.I.EIndustry Engineer工業工程師
3.P.EProduct Engineer產品工程師
4.M.EManufacture Engineer製程工程師
5.(G)MCGeneral Material Control物管.6.P.C
35.ESDProcess/Product Control生管 Produce Department製造機構 Follow Up跟催First Pass Yield Rate直 通 率Manufacture Verify Test製程實驗Mean Time Between Failure壽命實驗Technology Support Department技術支持部Return Material Arrangement客戶退貨Burn/In燒機實驗Function Test功能測試Quality Vender List合格廠商清單Statistic Process Control統計製程管制Quality Reliability Engineer品質可靠度工程Total Quality Assurance全面品質保證Cost Of Quality品質成本Quality Improvement Team品質改善小組Department Management部門管理Material Requirement Plan物料需求計劃Quality Information System品質資訊系統Certificate Quality Technician品質技術師執照Certificate Quality EngineerQuality Information Management SystemStatistic Quality Control統計品管Incoming Quality Control進料品管 Process QualityAssurance製程品保In Process Quality Control在線製程品保.Out-going Quality Control出貨品管控制Dual Inline Package插 件Engineer Change Requirement工程變更需求Election Static Discharge靜電防護
36.TQMTotal Quality Management全面管理
37.OBAOut-box Audit出貨稽核
38.FQAFinal Quality Assurance最終品質保證
39.FQCFinal Quality Control最終品質保證
40.ISOInternational Standardization Organization國際標準化組織
41.FMEAFailure Mode Effective Analysis失敗模式與效果分析
42.SMTSurface Mount Technology表面粘著技術
43.SMDSurface Mount Device表面粘片零件
44.ICTIn Circuit Test
45.PCBPrint Circuit Board
46.HRHuman Resource
47.CARCorrective Action Report
48.HDDHardware Disk
49.FDDFloppy Disk
5Switch Power Supply U0.SPS
51.CPU nitsCenter Process
EEPROMElectrically Erasable
電子式可請除程式化唯讀記憶體.SOPStandard Operation Process
SIPStandard Inspection Process
AQIAccepted Quality Assurance
BOMBill Of Material
VQAVender Quality Assurance
MISManagement Information System
DVTDesign Verification Test
PVTPilot-Run Verification Test
MPMass Production
QAQuality Assurance
MAMajor Defect
CRCritical Defect
MIMinor Defect
WIWork Instruction
ZDZero Defect
LQLimit Quality
P/NPart Number在線測試印刷電路板人力資源改善報告硬 盤軟 盤電源供應器中央處理器 Programmable Read-only Memory標準操作規範標準檢驗書允收質量保證原件列表供應商質量保證信息管理系統設計驗證試產量產品質保證安規連接存儲主要缺點嚴重缺點次要缺點工作指導零不良極限質量料號
M/OManufacturing Order工單號
VGAVariable –Gain Amplifier可變增益放大器 LANLocal Area Network局部區域網羅 SCSISmall Computer System Interface小型電腦系統介面 USBUniversal Serial Bus通用序列匯流排 PCIPeripheral Command Indicator外圍命令指示器 ISAIndustry Standard Architecture工業標準構造 COMComputer-Output Microfilm(er)電腦輸出縮微膠 COMComputer Object Model組件對象模型 TQATotal Quality Assurance整體質量保證 MRBMaterial Review Board物料審查會議 RMAReturn Material Authorization退回品分析
MVTManufacturing Verification Test大規模生產驗證測試 SOCStatistic Process Control統計性過程控制 QITQuality Improve Team質量改進團隊 WIPWork In Process在製品
W/HFinish Warehouse成品庫
T/UTouch up修整
Wor Conn.數據機喚醒接口 Wol Conn.網路喚醒接口 SIMMSingle In-Line Memory Module單排記憶模組 DIMMDual In-Line Memory Module雙排記憶模組 K/BKeyboard鍵盤
============= Link網路協議口102.I-D-Link網路協議口 103.Heat Sink散熱片104.Sorting全檢 105.Chuck夾 頭106.Socket插座
107.Flux助焊劑108.Aging燒機(燒入程序)109.Purge清 理110.Running Change運行改善 111.Alternate變化選擇112.Resistance電阻 113.Current電流114.Ramp電流上升 115.Direct直流116.Leakage洩漏 117.Parameter參數118.Knob旋鈕
Accept Criterion允收標準
Target Condition理想狀況
Accept Condition允收狀況
Reject Condition拒收狀況
125.Verification Dept.確認單位 126.Countermeasure Dept.對策單位 Chance Cause機遇原因
Assignable Cause非機遇原因
Ground Continuity Test接地測試
Hi-Pot Test高壓測試
Leakage Current Test漏電流測試
Sampling抽 樣
Isolated Resistance Test絕緣阻抗測試
Bath-tub Curves浴缸曲線
139.Slot足跡,狹縫 140.No Display有電無顯
141.Can’t boot in DOS無法進入DOS 142.K/B Test Fail外接鍵盤功能異常 143.Print Port Test Fail打印口測試異常 144.Audio Test FailAudio測試異常 145.Comport Test FailComport測試異常 146.No Power電源無法開啟 147.Power fan speed test fail電源風扇異常 148.Hung up in WindowsWindows 當機 149.Power led can’t light up電源燈不亮 150.HDD led can’t light upHDD 燈不亮 151.CD-ROM test failCD-ROM 異常 152.CD-ROM aging failCD-ROM 異常 CD-ROM can’t open completelyCD-ROM tray 彈出不順 Modem test failModem 測試異常 155.DIMM(CPU,CD-ROM,M/B)NG.DIMM 不良 156.Re-solder重新拉焊
157.Reset-up time重設時間 158.Front panel面板 159.NG rate ,defect rate不良率 160.Root Cause根本原因 161.Problem Symptom現象描述 162.Corrective Action矯正措施 163.Preventive Action預防措施 164.Deadline結案日期 165.Problem Analysis問題分析 166.Meeting Minutes會議記錄 167.Daily(weekly ,monthly, yearly)Report日,週.年報 168.(Defect rate)Trend Chart不良趨勢圖 169.Defect rate distribution不良率分布 170.Accept允 收
171.Reject拒 收
172.Pallet棧 板
173.Defect不 良
175.Fan風 扇
177.Schedule排 程
179.CD-knobCD 推板
Power –button電源按鈕
182.CD-CoverCD 面板
183.CD-ButtonCD推鈕橫桿 CD-Cover LinkageCD 面板連桿
188.Challenge指責, 挑戰
Visiting Schedule參觀行程安排
Audit(Audit report)稽核(稽核報告)
Developmental Educator Foreign Language Teacher Guidance Counselor Library Technician Physical Education Teacher School Psychologist Art Instructor College Professor Vocational Counselor
Retail Store Manager Executive Marketing Director Assistant Vice-President Chief Executive Officer(CEO)Chief Operations Officer(COO)Controller(International)Director of Operations Field Assurance Coordinator Hospital Administrator Import/Export Manager Insurance Coordinator Inventory Control Manager Manufacturing Manager Telecommunications Manager Transportation Manager
Art Administrator
Commercial Artist/Instructor Theatrical Director Fashion Designer
Film Production Assistant Graphic Artist/Designer Interior Designer Production Coordinator Production(Tour)Manager
Science Writer Agricultural Scientist Chemistry Research Assistant Forester/Park Ranger Laboratory Assistant
发展教育家 外语教师 指导顾问 图书管理员 物理教师 心理咨询教师 艺术教师 大学教授 职业顾问
零售店经理 市场行政总监 副总裁助理 首席执行官 首席运营官 国际监管 运营总监 土地担保协调员 医院管理 进出口经理 保险协调员 库存管理经理 制造业经理 电信业经理 运输经理
艺术主任 商业艺术家 戏剧总监 服装设计师 电影摄制助理 画家/画面设计师 装饰设计师 制片协调员 制片经理(外景)科学作家 农业科学家 化学研究助理 森林/公园护林员 实验室助理
Head Teacher 高级教师 Librarian 图书管理员 Music Teacher 音乐教师 Nanny 保姆 Principal 校长 Teacher
教师 Computer Teacher 计算机教师 Coach 教练员 Tutor
Food Service Manager 食品服务经理 HMO Administrator 医疗保险管理 Production Manager 生产经理 Property Manager 房地产经理 Branch Manager 部门经理 Claims Examiner 主考官 Controller(General)管理员
General Manager 总经理 President 总统 Product Manager 产品经理 Project Manager 项目经理 Regional Manager 区域经理 Vending Manager 售买经理 Vice-President 副总裁 Warehouse Manager
Actor/Actress 男演员/女演员 Art Director 艺术总监 Choreographer 舞蹈教练 Comedian 喜剧演员 Dancer 舞蹈家 Model 模特 Musician 音乐家 Photographer 摄影师 Visual Artist
Zoologist 动物学家 Astronomer 天文学家 Chemist
化学家 Forest Scientist 林木科学家 Geologist
Laboratory Technician Research Associate Marine Biologist
Sanitation Inspector Customer Service Manager Fast Food Worker Health Club Manager Hotel Concierge Food Inspector Restaurant Manager Flight Attendant
Electronics Engineer Environmental Engineer Facilities Engineer Manufacturing Engineer Mechanical Engineer
Assistant Editor Broadcast Producer Editorial Director Managing Editor Production Editor Public Relations
Public Relations Assistant Radio Announcer Radio Program Director Symposium Coordinator Television Director Television Producer
Television Production Engineer
Clinical Director Fitness Instructor Hospital Supervisor Medical Technologist Nursing Administrator Veterinary Assistant Pharmacy Technician 实验室技师 研究员 海洋生物学家
卫生检查员 客户服务经理 快餐工 健康俱乐部经理 宾馆门房 食品检查员 餐厅经理 空中服务员
电子工程师 环境工程师 设备工程师 制造业工程师 机械工程师
编辑助理 广播制作人 编辑主任 执行编辑 制作编辑 公共关系 公共关系助理 电台播音员 广播节目总监 研讨会协调员 电视导演 电视制片人 电视制片工程师
医疗主任 健美师 医院管理员 医疗专家 看护员 助理兽医 药品技师 Geophysicist Physicist Meteorologist
Wait Person Cashier Chef
Cosmetologist Hotel Manager Hotel Clerk Hairstylist Stewardess
Chemical Engineer Electrical Engineer Field Engineer Nuclear Engineer Plastics Engineer
Associate Editor Author Columnist Correspondent Editor Events Planner Journalist Proofreader Publicist Reporter Translator Typesetter Writer
Cardiologist Home Health Aide Nurse
Nursing Supervisor Nutritionist Pharmacist Psychiatrist 地球物理学家 物理学家 气象学家
侍应生 出纳员 厨师 美容师 饭店经理 饭店职员 发型师 空中小姐
化学工程师 电力工程师 施工工程师 核能工程师 整形工程师
助理编辑 作家 专栏作家 通讯记者 编辑 活动策划 新闻记者 校对 广告员 记者 翻译员 排字工人 作者
心脏病专家 家庭护理 护士 护士长 营养学家 药学师 精神病医师
Speech Pathologist 语言心理学家
Applications Programmer 应用软件程序员 Computer Operations Supervisor 电脑操作主管 Computer Technician 电脑技术员 Developmental Engineer 开发工程师 Director of Information Services 信息服务主管 LAN Administrator 局域网管理员 Manager of Network Administration 网络管理经理
Product Support Manager 产品支持经理
Police Officer 警员 Police Sergeant
Assistant Attorney General 首席检察官助理 Attorney 律师
Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁 Vice-President of Marketing 市场副总裁 Senior Account Manager 高级客户经理 Sales Administrator 销售主管 Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理 Regional Account Manager 地区客户经理 Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师 Merchandising Manager 采购经理 Marketing Consultant 市场顾问 Marketing Assistant
市场助理 Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监 Market Research Analyst
Manufacturer’s Representative 厂家代表 Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司权利总监 Callback Representative 复查代表 Assistant Account Executive 客户管理助理 Advertising Manager 广告经理 Advertising Coordinator 广告协调员 Advertising Assistant 广告助理 Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail)广告文撰写人 Account Representative 客户代表
Accounting Payable Clerk 应付帐款文员 Assistant Portfolio Manager 组合基金经理助理Computer Operator Hardware Engineer MIS Manager Operations Analyst Project Manager Systems Analyst Systems Engineer Systems Programmer
Fire Fighter Guard Law Clerk
Wholesale Buyer Travel Agent Telemarketing Director Telemarketer Tele-Interviewer Salesperson
Sales Representative Sales Manager Sales Executive Sales Assistant Retail Buyer Real Estate Manager Real Estate Broker Purchasing Agent Product Developer Marketing Manager Marketing Intern Marketing Director Insurance Agent Account Manager
Accounting Assistant Accounting Manager
电脑操作员 硬件工程师 电脑部经理 操作分析 项目经理 系统分析 系统工程师 系统程序员
消防员 保卫 法律职员
批发采购员 旅行代办员 电话销售总监
电话销售员 电话调查员 销售员 销售代表 销售经理 销售执行者 销售助理 零售采购员 房地产经理 房地产经纪人 采购代理 产品开发 市场经理 市场实习市场总监 保险代理人 客户经理
会计助理 会计经理
Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官 Collections Officer 收款负责人 Insurance Underwriter 保险承销商 Bank Administrator 银行事务管理员 Loan Administrator 贷款管理员 Management Accountant 管理会计 Mortgage Underwriter 抵抻保险员 Payroll Manager 工资经理 Staff Auditor 审计员 Stock Broker 股票经纪人 Tax Accountant 税务会计 Tax Inspector
Vice-President of Administration
and Finance
Vice-President of Finance 财务副总裁 Loan Servicer 贷款服务 Financial Planner 财务计划员
Assistant Personnel Officer 人事助理
Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources
人力资源副总裁助理 Director of Human Resources 人力资源总监 Employer Relations Representative 员工关系代表 Job Placement Officer 人员配置专员 Labor Relations Specialist 劳动关系专员 Training Coordinator 培训协调员 Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁
Administrative Director 行政主管 Executive Assistant 行政助理 Executive Secretary 行政秘书 General Office Clerk 办公室文员 Inventory Control Analyst 存货控制分析 Order Entry Clerk 订单输入文员 Vice-President of Administration 行政副总裁
Audit Manager Actuarial Anaylst Auditor
Junior Accountant Bank Treasurer Billing Clerk Billing Supervisor Bookkeeper Bookkeeping Clerk Budget Analyst Credit Analyst Credit Manager Financial Analyst Financial Consultant Financial Manager Bank Clerk
Benefits Coordinator Compensation Manager Employment Consultant Facility Manager Personnel Consultant Personnel Manager Recruiter
Training Specialist
File Clerk Office Manager Receptionist Secretary Staff Assistant Telephone Operator Typist
审计经理 保险分析员 审计师 初级会计 资金调拨 票据文员 票据管理员 档案管理 档案管理助理 预算分析 信用分析 信用管理经理 财务分析 财务顾问 财务经理 银行出纳
员工福利协调员薪酬经理 招募顾问 后勤经理 员工顾问 职员经理 招聘人员 培训专员
Administrative Director 行政主管 File Clerk 档案管理员
Executive Assistant 行政助理 Office Manager 办公室经理
Executive Secretary 行政秘书 Receptionist 接待员
General Office Clerk 办公室文员 Secretary 秘书
Inventory Control Analyst 存货控制分析 Staff Assistant 助理
Mail Room Supervisor 信件中心管理员 Stenographer 速记员
Order Entry Clerk 订单输入文员 Telephone Operator 电话操作员
Shipping/Receiving Expediter 收发督导员 Ticket Agent 票务代理
Vice-President of Administration 行政副总裁 Typist 打字员
Executive and Managerial(管理部分)
Retail Store Manager 零售店经理 Food Service Manager 食品服务经理
Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监 HMO Administrator 医疗保险管理
Assistant Store Manager 商店经理助理 Operations Manager 操作经理
Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理 Production Manager 生产经理
Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官 Property Manager 房地产经理
Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官 Branch Manager 部门经理
Controller(International) 国际监管 Claims Examiner 主考官
Director of Operations 运营总监 Controller(General) 管理员
Field Assurance Coordinator 土地担保协调员 General Manager 总经理
Management Consultant 管理顾问 District Manager 市区经理
Hospital Administrator 医院管理 President 总统
Import/Export Manager 进出口经理 Product Manager 产品经理
Insurance Claims Controller 保险认领管理员 Program Manager 程序管理经理
Insurance Coordinator 保险协调员 Project Manager 项目经理
Inventory Control Manager 库存管理经理 Regional Manager 区域经理
Manager(Non-Profit and Charities) 非盈利性慈善机构管理 Service Manager 服务经理
Manufacturing Manager 制造业经理 Vending Manager 售买经理
Telecommunications Manager 电信业经理 Vice-President 副总裁
Transportation Manager 运输经理 Warehouse Manager 仓库经理
Education and Library Science(教育部分)
Daycare Worker 保育员 ESL Teacher 第二外语教师
Developmental Educator 发展教育家 Head Teacher 高级教师
Foreign Language Teacher 外语教师 Librarian 图书管理员
Guidance Counselor 指导顾问 Music Teacher 音乐教师
Library Technician 图书管理员 Nanny 保姆
Physical Education Teacher 物理教师 Principal 校长
School Psychologist 心理咨询教师 Teacher 教师
Special Needs Educator 特种教育家 Teacher Aide 助理教师
Art Instructor 艺术教师 Computer Teacher 计算机教师
College Professor 大学教授 Coach 教练员
Assistant Dean of Students 助理训导长 Archivist 案卷保管员
Vocational Counselor 职业顾问 Tutor 家教、辅导教师
Computers and Mathematics(计算机部分)
茶叶是世界三大饮料产品之一, 不仅在中国有着悠久的饮茶历史, 而且世界各国都对饮茶这一独特休闲方式情有独钟。茶叶在公元9世纪传入日本, 在16世纪传入欧洲, 成为风靡世界的饮品;品茶在日本已经形成茶道文化, 说明其兼具商业属性和文化属性。因此茶文化景区中英文茶叶名称翻译就成为传播茶文化的主要途径之一, 茶叶名称翻译需要遵守很多规则, 不仅要结合中文语境翻译, 更要考虑英语母语国家语言习惯, 才能使翻译清楚明了的传达。
1 茶文化的语境概念
茶文化语境不是指语言使用环境, 而是以茶叶本身作为符号进行茶文化翻译的研究。不仅是茶文化, 各种文化都有着各自的语境, “语境翻译”是德国语言学家Wegener于1885年提出的。他指出不同的语言在进行转化和翻译的时候, 要充分的考虑其母语中语境因素, 语境因素为母语文化的精华, 应该予以保留。这是继“情景语境” (Context of Situation) 之后, Wegener提出的又一语境, “文化语境” (Context of Culture) , 文化语境对语言翻译研究提出苛刻的标准。“情景语境”为一种文化在外在的具体表现, 也就是文化的起源、发展、具体特征等一系列能够感知和记录的东西, 情景语境为文化的外在载体;“文化语境”为“情景语境”的升华, 也就是文化语境摆脱情景语境的具体形象和外在感知, 而转变为一种玄妙不可感知的文化符号, 这种符号是一种象征, 一种信仰, 指引着人们去探索和发掘。情景语境与文化语境其实属于同一种事物, 都是文化的载体。只不过情景语境属于近距离的观察, 能触摸到实实在在的文化现象;而文化语境属于整体的文化感知, 不属于具体可感的文化物象, 而演变为一种符号, 文化的信仰。而我们的茶叶名称翻译, 就是在茶文化语境的基础上进行的翻译, 既要保存茶文化的韵味和特征, 又要做到翻译的形象具体和可感。
2 文化语境对翻译的启示
语言的相似性促进文化的学习和传播, 语言的沟通促进不同文化的交融与理解。但语言本体的独特性, 比如语言思维方式, 形象意义的独特性, 会造成文化交流的隔阂, 所以我们在进行不同文化翻译时需要综合多方面的因素进行转换。茶文化翻译, 也就是我们所说茶叶名称翻译, 需要考虑茶文化语境和英文文化语境两方面因素。中国的茶文化具有3000多年的悠久历史, 陆羽的《茶经》为我国茶文化的经典著作, 《茶经》中详细讲述茶文化的起源, 采茶用具, 制作方式, 煮茶用具, 饮茶方式和有关茶的典故, 是我国关于茶叶和茶道文化最详细著作。因此在涉及到茶叶名称翻译问题的时候, 需要时常查找古代茶叶发展的相关资料, 才能翻译出茶文化的真正韵味;另一方面要了解英文有关茶叶翻译的相关资料, 英文文献的茶叶名称翻译大多按照英文习惯进行翻译, 因此他们完成保留英文文化的语言方式, 但同时却丢失很多传统茶文化的韵味, 甚至有些翻译严重偏离茶文化的本意, 导致错误百出。所以茶文化翻译最重要是结合茶文化语境的前提下, 进行相关翻译工作。
3 文化语境与茶叶名称翻译
茶叶不仅具有其商业属性, 进行茶叶相关产品的售卖;同时也具有文化属性, 满足顾客是审美要求, 启迪游客的身心。茶文化景区宣传不仅为出售茶叶获得利益, 更重要作用是带给人美得享受, 使人陶醉在优美的风景和传统文化当中, 因此茶叶名称翻译就成为茶文化景区面临的主要问题之一。茶文化名称翻译面对的主要对象为英语母语地区人群, 翻译要在传统文化的前提下, 争取通俗易懂, 使人能够容易理解其中要表达的意义。我们可以对翻译过的茶叶名称再一次用英文相关词语对他们进行解释, 使其理解其中含义, 从而达到售卖商品和观光游览的目的。茶叶名称翻译主要有直译和意译两种方式, 具体内容如下:
3.1 茶叶名称直译翻译
茶叶名称翻译中只涉及字面意思, 不带有任何的历史文化和茶叶特征的茶叶名称, 可以采用直接翻译的方式翻译。这种方式更能翻译出茶叶本身的特性和茶叶生产制作的方式, 使英语母语地区的消费者能够很容易的理解翻译过去的意义, 目前的很多茶叶名称都采用直译的方式进行翻译。
例1.通常情况, 按照发酵程度和方法的不同茶叶主要分为以下几种:小发酵茶、后发酵茶、部分发酵茶和全发酵茶。在进行茶叶名称直译的时候, “小发酵茶”翻译为Non-fermented, “后发酵茶”被直译为Post-fermented, Partially fermented和Completely fermented则是“部分发酵茶”“全发酵茶”的直译。
例2.在乌龙茶介绍方面, 基本上也是采用直译的方式进行翻译茶叶品名的:“白茶乌龙”直译为White Oolong;CTwistod Oolong意思是“条型乌龙”, “球形乌龙”泽被直译为Pelletod Oolong。这几种茶采用直接翻译方法, 这样的翻译能够更加准确传达茶文化语境中茶的意义。
由此可知, 茶叶名称翻译时候多采用直译的方法进行茶叶品名和种类等类别名称的翻译。由于以上茶叶名称不含有太多茶文化色彩, 因此直译能达到很好的效果, 在原有文化基础上的直译能够有效的传达茶文化的精髓, 这些直译不含有文化语病问题。但有些茶叶名称含有极其浓重的文化意蕴, 采用直译的方式不能达到很好的效果, 因此必须在结合文化语境的情况下, 进行适当的改编和翻译, 才能使翻译更加完整和准确。例如“洞顶茶”直译的时候“洞顶”二字直接采用拼音, 后面加上“茶”字的英文翻译, 洞顶茶直译后显示为Dongding Tea;另外一例子进行对比分析, 我们便可看出茶叶翻译时候采用直译的效果。比如, “龙井茶”有些地方被翻译成The Dragon Well Tea。虽然看起来并没有较大的差错, 但这种翻译严重曲解茶名本身的意义。洞顶茶产自台湾鹿谷附近的冻顶山, 由于山多雾而且路陡滑, 上山采茶都要将脚尖“冻”起来, 因此得名叫洞顶茶;龙井位于西湖之西翁家山的西北麓, 也就是现在的龙井村, 龙井村所产的茶也为龙井茶。以上两种茶都根据中国古代的地名而来, 但国外的翻译显然没有表达出古代中国的文化意蕴, “Dongding”和“The Dragon Well”翻译曲解茶叶本身的意蕴, 使国外的消费者产生疑惑。白毫乌龙 (White Tipped Oolong) 也叫“着延茶”, 英语翻译为“Bitten Tea”, 它以鲜嫩的叶、轻柔的炒茶方式和多重的发酵等优点被称为最高级的乌龙茶, 而“Bitten Tea”只翻译出茶的形态, 没有翻译出茶的历史文化意蕴, 翻译的效果很差。
3.2 茶叶名称意译翻译
英语母语地区消费者的历史政治和文化与华语地区有很大的不同, 这就导致茶叶翻译存在着重重困难。因此我们需要运用意译的方式, 对那些涉及文化意蕴的茶叶名称进行翻译。意译的翻译也就是通过保留传统的文化部分, 删去不符合英文语境的部分, 通过两者结合达到的翻译效果。
例3.“红茶”被翻译为“Black Tea”。这种茶叶名称就是采用意译的方式翻译的, 它和中国茶叶名称有着字面上的区别。中国的红茶就是乌龙茶, 红茶因为它的茶汤颜色是红的, 因此叫做红茶;而国外的翻译“Black Tea”指的是茶叶的颜色, 茶叶颜色是黑的, 这样翻译更容易让国外的消费者理解。而且乌龙本身也是黑色的意思, 所以这样翻译能更好的传达茶文化意蕴。有些茶叶名称有更为具体细致的区分, 比如“红茶”除是“Black Tea”以外, 又被人们细分为Unshredded Black Tea和Shredded Black Tea, 其意思分别是“工夫红茶”和“碎型红茶”。“工夫红茶”原料细嫩, 制工精细, 外形条索紧直匀齐, 色泽乌润, 香气浓郁, 滋味醇和而甘浓, 汤色叶底红艳明亮, 具有形质兼优的品质特征。以上翻译在保存传统茶文化, 形象表明茶叶的颜色和特征。
与上面红茶细分同理, 普洱茶又被人们细分为“陈放普洱”和“渥堆普洱”两者普洱茶叶, 两者茶叶的翻译为Age-fermented Puer和Pile-Fermented Puer, 这两种翻译均是采用意译的方式进行茶叶名称翻译的。“陈放普洱”指的是生茶, 也就是上面英文所说的自然发酵, 它采用云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料, 经过加工处理成饼状, 于空气中自然氧化而成;“渥堆普洱”指的是熟茶, 但并不仅仅是熟茶。它是将炒制揉捻后的茶青堆在一起, 随着热度的增加和微生物发酵作用, 茶会产生微妙的改变。茶的形态会更加纤细柔软, 颜色变得深红, 茶的口感会更加甘甜柔和, 含水量会大大降低, 茶汤的香气也会更加浓郁。除此之外还有很多意译的例子, 例如:“碧螺春”为“Green Spiral”, “大红袍”为“Robe Tea”。或者为增加茶叶的文化意蕴还可以增加字面的形容词翻译, 例如:“青沱”为“Age Bowl Puer”, “青饼”为“Age Cake Puer”。
4 结语
以上就是茶叶名称翻译的具体内容和策略研究, 不论是直译还是意译的翻译方式, 都不能有效解决茶叶翻译的问题, 最好的解决方式是直译和意义互相结合, 互为补充, 才能很好诠释茶叶名称翻译的意蕴, 以及使英语母语地区消费者清楚了解茶叶的特性和文化。茶叶翻译具有极强的地域属性特征, 翻译要结合具体文化语境来进行, 需要分析茶叶的起源、历史典故、特性甚至有关茶叶特征的诗句, 进行翻译的指导。茶叶翻译传播和交流应该在传统文化语境的前提下进行, 否则茶叶名称翻译将成为空中楼阁, 失去其本身意义和文化价值。
[3]黄剑, 戴丽华.茶的多维意义及中英茶文化比较[J].农业考古.2013 (2) :310-312.