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中英文合同翻译 篇1

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中英文合同翻译 篇2



(一) 使用古词语。

英文商务合同的一个显著特征是古词语的使用, 这些古词语经常在法律文件中使用, 而在其它的文体中使用较少, 但它可增加文体的严肃和正式性, 做到准确、严密, 所以在商务合同英语中时有出现。古语词反映了法律语言的保守倾向和契约性行文正式、严肃、古板的文体特征。这些古语词均为副词, 一般是here、there或where与in、on、after、of等介词结合构成的复合词。例如:Here to (to this) 、There by (by that) 、Where of (of which) 等。使用古词语可以帮助保持合同的威严和正式的特点, 同时也帮助保持内容的准确性和避免买卖双方对合同内容的误解。尽管古词语在日常生活中很少使用, 然而, 作为一种传统, 合同的起草者习惯于使用这些古词语。古词语在合同文体中的频繁使用使合同这一文体更为正式, 也形成了英文商务合同显著的语言特征。一般来说, 古词语在合同中的大量使用使合同语言听起来严肃而优雅。

(二) 使用法律用语和专业词汇。

除古词语以外, 在商务合同中也大量使用专业词汇, 因为商务合同涉及到商务活动的每一个专业领域, 在这些领域大量的专业词汇被使用。商务合同的语场决定了其种类繁多, 包括货物销售合同、加工装配合同、技术转让合同、商业用房租赁合同等, 涉及贸易、技术、法律、农业等种种学科。而专业术语就是指适用于不同的学科领域或专业的词, 是用来正确表达科学概念的词, 具有丰富的内涵和外延。专业术语要求单义性, 排斥多义性和歧义性, 且表达术语的词汇都是固定的, 不得随意更改。例如“acceptance”在日常英语中通常被译为“接受”, 而在外贸合同中, 如还译成“接受”就成外行话了, 准确的翻译应该是“承兑”。另外合同是具有法律效力的经济文书, 其语言属于法律范畴。其中大量使用了正式的法律用语及国际商务方面的专业词汇。这些用词体现合同的庄重和严肃, 从而体现了法律文体的威严。但大量的法律用语和合同专业术语又使得合同晦涩难懂, 使非专业人士难于理解。例如:

(1) The obligations contained in Articles 10.5 and 10.6 shall neither be affected by the liquidation of the contract nor by a premature termination of the same.

(2) Terms of Payment: By confirmed, Irrevocable, Transferable and Divisible Letter of Credit to be available by sight draft…

在句1中, “liquidation”和“termination”是法律英语, 分别比口语词“cancel”和“end”正式。句2译成中文为“支付条款:采用保兑的、不可撤消的、可转让的和可分割的信用证, 凭即期汇票付款……”, 其中除介词和连词其它的词汇都是外贸合同中的专业术语。常用的专业术语还有:bearer (持票人) ;beneficiary (受益人) ;commission (佣金) ;consigner (发货人) ;B/L (提单) ;collection (托收) ;T/T (电汇) 等。

(三) 大量使用Shall+Verb的结构。

“Shall+Verb”通常用来作出一种建议, 或者仅仅表示一般将来时。然而, 合同中的大量使用该结构来表示“有义务”或“被要求”。规定买卖双方的责任和义务是商务合同的主要的内容, 因此这一结构在合同中出现的频率是非常高的, 它并非只表示将来, 更用来加强语气, 强调双方各自的义务, 含有强制之意, 意为“必须”、“应当”等, 可用于所有人称。使用这一结构的目的是清楚地规定商务合同中买卖双方的责任和义务。这一结构表明了合同中相关的当事人应该承担的义务, 它隐含了商务合同中的法律责任和义务。这一结构的使用非常正式, 它表明了合同的威严和对买卖双方的约束力。例如:

(1) The Sellers shall be liable for any rust, damage and loss attributed to inadequate packing by the Sellers.

(2) This contract shall become effective upon and from the date on which it is signed.

上述例子表明“Shall+Verb”不但可指人, 还可用于指物。英文商务合同中较多使用shall来强调双方的义务, 体现了合同是一种约束性很强的法律文书。


由于国际商务合同的专业性和兼容性越来越强, 因此, 合同的内容也就日趋精确和完备。这就要求译者在翻译合同时, 把“准确严谨”作为首要标准。尤其是合同中的法律术语、关键词语的翻译更应予以特别重视。

(一) 古词语的翻译。

为了使合同的内容更加正式和准确, 古词语在合同中时有出现。在翻译的过程中, 译者必须准确地体现合同文体的这一特征。例如:

(1) The undersigned hereby certify that the goods to be supplied are made in USA.


在这个例子中, 古词语“hereby” 被译为“兹”, 这是中文古老的表达方式。同时, 中文古老的表达方式“之”和 “系”也被使用来帮助增加整个句子的正式性。有时, 在翻译文章中的古词语的时候, 译者很难发现这些古词语在中文中的对等的翻译, 有时他们就不翻译这些古词语。在这种情况下, 翻译者可以在合适的场所使用特定的中文古词语来表达正式的风格, 尽管古词语并没有使用在原文相应的位置。例如:

(2) Rental income under operating leases is hereby credited to the profit and loss account on a straight line basis over the lease terms.译为:营业租约之租金收入与租约期内以直线法在损益账中计入。

在这个例子中, 译者没有使用古词语“hereby”的意思, 但是使用了中文古词语“之”来表明原句的正式性和简洁的特点。另外, “与”和“以”也加强了句子的正式程度。

(二) 专业术语的翻译。

翻译者在翻译英文合同时在词汇方面遇到的另一个问题是正确的翻译专业词汇。翻译者必须对这些专业词汇非常熟悉, 否则他们就得查阅专业词典或向相关的专家请教以确保正确的翻译。例如:

(1) Payment: By a prime bank′s irrevocable sight L/C in the seller′s favor, for 100% value of goods.

译为:付款:凭一流银行的不可撤销的即期付款的信用证付款, 信用证以卖方为受益人, 并按货物金额100%开发。

正确的翻译irrevocable sight L/C (不可撤销的即期付款信用证) 是准确的翻译该条款的关键。

(2) If any contract party is prevented from performing all or part of its obligations owing to Force Majeure, it shall be relieved all of or part of its obligations.

此句若译为“合同当事人因不可抗力事故不能执行合同的全部或者部分义务的, 解除其全部或部分责任。”则有三处不妥:该句中的“不可抗力事故”、“执行合同”、“解除其全部或部分责任”应分别译作“不可抗力事件”、“履行合同”、“免除其全部或部分责任”, 才符合商务合同用语正式得体的要求。

(三) Shall的翻译。

前面已经指出英文商务合同中“Shall+Verb”结构的出现频率是非常高的。它并非表示合同中大量使用一般将来时, 而是表明买卖双方所必须承担的责任和义务。一般来说, 它应该被翻译为“应当”或“必须”, 但有时翻译者可以将它译为“将”或不将它翻译出来。例如:

(1) In case the accident lasts for more than ten weeks, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel Contract.译为:若事故超过十周, 则买方有权取消合同。

(2) The termination of this Contract shall not affect in any way the outstanding claims and liabilities existing between the two parties upon the expiry of the validity.

译为:本合同期满时, 双方发生的未了债权和债务将不受合同期满的影响。

另外, 要做好英文商务合同的翻译, 译者除了要掌握商务合同的语言特点, 精通两种语言文化以及翻译技巧外, 还必须熟悉商务方面的知识。除合同本身涉及的专业技术知识外, 还涉及到国际贸易、国际汇兑、会计学、保险法、法学及国际商法等专业知识。译者应具备高度责任感和严谨的工作态度, 认真审校译文是否忠实原文, 是否通顺流畅, 语言是否规范, 是否有误译、漏译、重译等问题。


国际商务合同是具有法律效力的商务文体, 掌握其词汇特征可以帮助我们在译文中既高度准确地表达原文所表达的信息, 又最大限度地符合中文的行文规范, 并使译文通顺流畅。随着中国与其他国家的经贸活动日益频繁, 英语商务合同翻译已成为翻译的一个重要方面。作为一名翻译工作者, 必须了解商务合同的特点, 掌握商务合同的翻译的一些翻译要点, 用准确严谨而又规范得体的译语体现英语商务合同的信息与文体特征。


[1].甘鸿.外经贸英语函电[M].北京:中国科技出版社, 1996

[2].郭智.外贸英语的文体特征及准确翻译[J].广西大学学报, 2000, 12

[3].孙志祥.合同英译理解过程的“合法”前提和“求信”标准[J].中国翻译, 2001, 5

中英文合同翻译 篇3



1.1 词汇特点


如,“Execution”作为一个常用词时是“执行”,然而在法律语言中意义是“签订”。“presents” 作为一个常用词是“礼物”,然而在法律语言中意思是“本文件”。


在商务英文合同中, 以下词用的很多,如,“herein”, “hereafter”, “hereto”, “hereunder” “therein”, “thereunder”, “whereby”, “wherein” 等等。


如,“bar” 意为“法庭,审判台”(法语), “coemptio”意为“买卖婚姻”(拉丁语)。


如,“loss, injury or damage” 指“伤亡”。 “terms or condition”, 为 “条件”。 “stipulations and provisions” 意为“条款”。


Party B shall warrant the promised condition of the work within one year after the date of receiving the work by Party A.(张福林,1998:297-298)

1. 2句式特点


The seller shall not be responsible for delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which has occurred during the manufacturing process or in the course of loading or in transit.


Subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth, ABC company will indemnify and protect the Purchaser against any losses or damage.


An enterprise as legal person shall terminate for any of the following reasons:

a) if it is dissolved by law.

b) if it is disbanded.

c) if it is declared bankrupt in accordance with the law; or

d) for other reasons.


If his habitual residence is not the same as his domicile, his habitual residence shall be regarded as his domicile.


The lawful civil rights and interests of citizens and legal persons shall be protected by law; no organization or individual may infringe upon them.


Smuggling of goods whose import or export are subject to prohibition or restrictions, which constitute criminal offences shall be subject to…



2.1.1 古体词


(1)“Here-prep” type 基本的意思是:“本……”,“此……”。如,hereafter翻译成“以下”“此后”“下文中”等等。

2.2.2 同义词

在商务英文合同中,有一些同义词词义相似互补,但仍然存在细微的差别。译者应该尽可能的找到中文里相应的对等词。如,deterioration, defect or loss,损蚀、缺陷或损失。

2.2.3 shall


The seller shall not be held liable for the delay in shipment. 卖方概不负责。

2.2 句法层面的翻译


通常 “should + S + V” 结构的句子,表示可能性很小,通常翻译成 “若”,“如果”。如,Should the quality and specifications of the goods be found not on conformity with the contract, the buyer is entitled to put up claim against the seller. 如果发现货物的数量和合同规定不符,买方有权向卖方提出索赔。




The seller shall not be responsible for delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which has occurred during the manufacturing process or in the course of loading or in transit. 因在生产、装运或运输过程中发生的不可抗力事件,卖方对迟交或未交货不负责任。


Where 句子的翻译中,where经常被翻译为“如果”。(杜金榜,2004:245)如,Where no settlement can be reached, the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration. 如果得不到解决,应将争议提交仲裁。




中英文合同翻译 篇4

英文释义: of this


用法:在表示上文已提及的“本合同的、本文件的……”时,使用该词。例如表示本合同条件、条款时,可以说“the terms, conditions and provisions hereof”,这里hereof表示“of this Contract”;又如表示本工程的任何部分,可用“any parts hereof”,这里hereof表示“of this Works”。语法:一般置于要修饰的名词的后面,与之紧邻。

hereof和thereof的区别:hereof强调“of this”。例如,上面的“the terms, conditions and provisions thereof”中的thereof表示of the Contract;“any parts thereof”中的thereof表示of the Works。


Whether the custom of the Port is contrary to this Clause or not, the owner of the goods shall, without interruption, by day and night, including Sundays and holidays(if required by the carrier), supply and take delivery of the goods.Provided that the owner of the goods shall be liable for all losses or damages including demurrage incurred in default on the provisions hereof.注释:

(1)Whether the custom of the Port is contrary to this Clause or not:不论港口习惯是否与本款规定相反,whether… or not:不论……是否

(2)the owner of the goods:货方

(3)without interruption:无间断地


(5)in default on the provisions hereof:违反本款规定 hereof:of this Clause




Foreign trade dealers as mentioned in this Law shall, in accordance with the provisions hereof, cover such legal entities and other organization as are engaged in foreign trade dealings.注释:

(1)foreign trade dealers:对外贸易经营者

(2)as mentioned in this Law:本法所称

(3)the provisions hereof:the provisions of this Law 本法规定

(4)legal entity:法人

(5)be engaged in foreign trade dealings:从事对外贸易经营活动



The establishment of a limited liability company or a company limited by shares shall comply with the conditions and provisions of this Law.A company complying with the conditions and provisions hereof may be registered as a limited liability company or a company limited by shares.Provided that if a company fails to comply with the conditions and provisions hereof, the company in question shall not be registered as a limited liability company or a company limited by shares.注释:

(1)a limited liability company:有限责任公司(2)a company limited by shares:股份有限公司

(3)provisions hereof:本法规定 hereof: of this Law(4)may be registered as:登记为 参考译文:


If, as a result of withdrawal or any other reasons, an arbitrator fails to perform his duties as an arbitrator, another arbitrator shall, in accordance with the provisions hereof, be selected or appointed.注释:

(1)as a result of withdrawal or any other reasons:回避或者其它原因(2)arbitrator:仲裁员

(3)the provisions hereof:the provisions of this Law 本法规定(4)be selected or appointed:选定或指定 参考译文:


In the event of conflict between the provisions on arbitration formulated and prepared prior to the effective date of this Law and the provisions of this Law, the provisions hereof shall prevail.注释:


(2)prior to the effective date of this Law:本法施行前

(3)the provisions hereof shall prevail:以本法为准 hereof:of this Law 参考译文:


Where, in accordance with laws, the circumstance(s)specified in Article 15 and Article 16 of this Law is /are confirmed, the organization with compensatory obligations shall pay compensation in any of the circumstance in question.Where the claimant for compensation demands the confirmation of one of the circumstances specified in Article 15 and Article 16 hereof, and the demanded organization refuses to make the confirmation, the claimant shall have the right to lodge a complaint.Where the claimant claims compensation, the claim, shall, first, be lodged to the organization for compensatory obligations.The provisions of Article 10, Article 11 and Article 12 hereof shall apply to/ in the procedures of compensation.注释:

(1)the organization with compensatory obligations:赔偿义务机关(2)shall pay compensation:应当给予赔偿(3)the claimant for compensation:赔偿请求人

(4)Article 15 and Article 16 hereof:本法第十五条、第十六条 hereof:of this Law

(5)shall have the right to lodge a complaint:有权申诉(6)claims compensation:要求赔偿(7)apply to/ in:适用 More Examples: The comment applies equally here./That argument does not apply in this case./That applies to at least nine-tenths of the people we see about./These remarks apply to every town in this kingdom./The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.参考译文:


If an arbitrator involved in one of circumstances specified in Item 4, Article 34 of this Law, and if it is serious, or those specified in Item 6, Article 58 hereof, the arbitrator in question shall, in accordance with the law, bear the legal liability and responsibility.The arbitration commission shall remove the name of the arbitrator in question from the list of arbitrators.注释:


(2)Article 58 hereof:本法第五十八条 hereof:of this Law(3)bear the legal liability and responsibility:承担法律责任(4)the arbitration commission:仲裁委员会

(5)remove the name of the arbitrator in question from the list of arbitrators:将其除名 参考译文:


If, pursuant to this Law, the relevant responsible authorities with the duty of approvals fail to grant approval to such an application as meets the requirements and provisions hereof, or the company registration authorities fail to register a company whose application meets the requirements hereof, the party in question may, in accordance with laws, apply for reconsideration or bring an administrative suit.注释:

(1)the relevant responsible authorities with the duty of approvals:履行审批职责的有关主管部门

(2)meets the requirements and provisions hereof:符合本法条件(3)the company registration authorities:负责公司登记的主管部门(4)the requirements hereof:本法条件 hereof: of this Law(5)apply for reconsideration:申请复议

(6)bring an administrative suit:提起行政诉讼 参考译文:


This Decision shall apply to the crimes committed against Article 9, Article 10 and Article 11 hereof by the staff and workers of enterprises other than limited liability companies and

companies limited by shares.注释:

(1)the crimes committed:犯罪行为

(2)against Article 9, Article 10 and Article 11 hereof:犯有本决定第九条、第十条、第十一条规定 hereof: of this Decision 参考译文:


Companies registered and established prior to the effective date of this Law shall, in accordance with Laws, administrative regulations, local regulations and pursuant to the “Standard Opinion on Limited Liability Companies” or the “Standard Opinion on Companies Limited by Shares” issued by the relevant responsible department of the State Council, continue to exist.Those companies not completely satisfying the requirements of this Law shall, within the specified time limit, meet the requirements hereof.Specific methods for implementation of this Law will be set out in separate regulations issued by the State Council.注释:

(1)companies registered:已登记成立的公司

(2)the “Standard Opinion on Limited Liability Companies”:《有限责任公司规范意见》(3)the “Standard Opinion on Companies Limited by Shares”:《股份有限公司规范意见》(4)the relevant responsible department of the State Council国务院有关主管部门(5)in separate regulations issued by the State Council:由国务院另行规定 参考译文:


Unfair competition mentioned in this Law refers to acts of such business operators as contravene the provisions hereof, with a result of damaging the lawful rights and interests of other business operators, and disturbing the socio-economic order.注释:

(1)unfair competition:不正当竞争(2)business operators:经营者(3)contravene the provisions hereof:违反本法规定 the provisions hereof:本法规定 hereof:of this Law

(4)the lawful rights and interests:合法权益

(5)disturbing the socio-economic order:扰乱社会经济秩序


中英文合同翻译 篇5

In the event the Buyer does not furnish the seller with shipping instructions on or before August 17, 2007, the Seller may at his option cancel this contract and demand the Buyer to pay any damages he has sustained on account of such failure of the Buyer to give such instructions.如果买方没有在2007年8月17日之前发给卖方装运通知,卖方可以自行取消取消合同,由于买方没有提供给卖方装运说明所引起的卖方已经承担的一切损失,将要求买方全部承担。

If any change is required regarding the terms and conditions of this Agreement, then both parties shall negotiate in order to find a suitable solution, change of this Agreement shall be subject to the approval by the Canadian Government.如果此项协议的有关条款或者条件需要变更,双方应进行协议解决。此协议的任何变动必须通过加拿大政府的批准方可生效。

“Provisional Sum” means a sum included in the Contract and so designated in the Bill of Qualities for the execution of work or the supply of goods, materials, or services, or for contingencies, which sum may be used, in whole or in part, or not at all, at the direction and discretion of the Engineer.备用款是指在合同所含的,用于工程清单的专用款项。该用于施工,供货,供料,服务或者意外事故。它可能被全部使用,也可能被部分使用,或者根本不被使用,其使用情况都由工程师全权决定。

The Contractor shall, subject to the provisions of the Contract, and with due care and diligence, execute and maintain the Works and provide all labor, including the supervision thereof, materials, constructional plant and all other things, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in and for such execution and maintenance.承包人应当根据合同的各项规定,认真负责任,小心谨慎地进行施工和维修,并提供所有劳务,包括监工,材料,施工设施备以及施工或维修,短期或长期的其他所有事项。

No salary shall be paid and charged against the operating expenses, provided that the commission or brokerage of the Second Party shall be paid and charged as a part of operating expenses.如果第二方的佣金或回扣作为营业费用的一部分,营业费用中将不含工资。

If the technical documentation supplied by party B is not in conformity with Clause 9.1 of the contract, Party B shall be paid and charged as a part of the operating expenses.如果乙方提供的技术资料与合同中的条款9.1项不一致,乙方应该支付给甲方一部分的营业费用。

The Seller, provide that Buyer so agrees, may retain the whole or part of the said incomplete equipment, fabricated or unfabricated parts, work-in-process, and other material referred to in paragraph(D)of this Article in which the amount to be paid by the Buyer shall be reduced by a sum equal to the value of the property so retained.如果买方同意,卖方可以完全或部分保留上述提未完成的设备,已加工和未加工的零件,正在加工的产品,以及条款D中所提到的任何材料。在这个条款中,买方需支付的费用应该减去卖方保留的物品的价格。

Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract, the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the Seller by opening an irrevocable L/C for the full amount of USD30, 000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at export point so that the seller may draw the sum in due time.买方应在合同签字生效30天内,通过外汇银行向卖方开具不可撤销信用证,全额3万美元,向卖方支付货物价钱,以便卖方能够如期收款。

Should the Seller fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract with the exception of force majeure specified in Clause 18 of this Contract, the Buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery On condition that the Seller should agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation.如果卖方不是由于合同中第18条细化的不可抗力未按照合同规定的期限按时交货,则只要卖方同意承担违约金,买方应该同意延期交货。违约金应在汇入行中从协议款项中扣除。

Seller shall have the option of delivering 5% more or less on the Contract quantity.Such surplus or deficiency shall be settled at the market price on the day of the vessel’s arrival, the value shall be fixed by arbitration unless mutually agreed.卖方有权按合同规定数量的5%溢短交货。溢短部分应以船抵之日的市场价计算。如果双方有异议,其价格将由仲裁判定为准。

中英文翻译 篇6




1.对于传统加工难以夹紧的非常硬的脆性材料; 2.当工件柔性很大或很薄时; 3.当零件的形状过于复杂时;


传统加工可以定义为利用机械(运动)能的加工方法,而特种加工利用其他形式的能量,主要有如下三种形式: 1.热能; 2.化学能; 3.电能。







化学加工将工件浸入到化学试剂或蚀刻剂中,位于工件选区的材料通过发生在金属溶蚀或化学溶解过程中的电化学微电池作用被去除掉。而被称为保护层的特殊涂层所保护下的区域中的材料则不会被去除。不过,这种受控的化学溶解过程同时也会蚀除掉所以暴露在表面的材料,尽管去除的渗透率只有0.0025~0.1 mm/min。该工艺采用如下几种形式:凹坑加工、轮廓加工和整体金属去除的化学铣,在薄板上进行蚀刻的化学造型,在微电子领域中利用光敏抗蚀剂完成蚀刻的光化学加工(PCM),采用弱化学试剂进行抛光或去毛刺的电化学抛光,以及利用单一化学活性喷射的化学喷射加工等。如图6.2a所示的化学加工示意图,由于蚀刻剂沿垂直和水平方向开始蚀除材料,钻蚀(又称为淘蚀)量进一步加大,如图6.2b所示的保护体边缘下面的区域。在化学造型中最典型的公差范围可保持在材料厚度的±10%左右。为了提高生产率,在化学加工前,毛坯件材料应采用其他工艺方法(如机械加工)进行预成形加工。湿度和温度也会导致工件尺寸发生改变。通过改变蚀刻剂和控制工件加工环境,这种尺寸改变可以减小到最小。



图6.3所示的是一个去除金属的电化学加工过程,其基本原理与电镀原理正好相反。在电化学加工过程中,从阳极(工件)上蚀除下的粒子移向阴极(加工工具)。金属的去除由一个合适形状的工具电极来完成,最终加工出来的零件具有给定的形状、尺寸和表面光洁度。在电化学加工过程中,工具电极的形状逐渐被转移或复制到工件上。型腔的形状正好是与工具相匹配的阴模的形状。为了获得电化学过程形状复制的高精度和高的材料去除率,需要采用高的电流密度(范围为10~100 A/cm2)和低电压(范围为8~30V)。通过将工具电极向去除工件表面材料的方向进给,加工间隙要维持在0.1 mm范围内,而进给率一般为0.1~20 mm/min左右。泵压后的电解液以高达5~50 m/s的速度通过间隙,将溶解后的材料、气体和热量带走。因此,当被蚀除的材料还没来得及附着到工具电极上时,就被电解液带走了。


LASER是英文Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation 各单词头一个字母所组成的缩写词。虽然激光在某些场合可用来作为放大器,但它的主要用途是光激射振荡器,或者是作为将电能转换为具有高度准直性光束的换能器。由激光发射出的光能具有不同于其他光源的特点:光谱纯度好、方向性好及具有高的聚焦功率密度。


激光加工(图6.4)可以实现局部的非接触加工,而且对加工件几乎没有作用力。这种加工工艺去除材料的量很小,可以说是“逐个原子”地去除材料。由于这个原因,激光切削所产生的切口非常窄。激光打孔深度可以控制到每个激光脉冲不超过一微米,且可以根据加工要求很灵活地留下非常浅的永久性标记。采用这种方法可以节省材料,这对于贵重材料或微加工中的精密结构而言非常重要。可以精确控制材料去除率使得激光加工成为微制造和微电子技术中非常重要的加工方法。厚度小于20 mm的板材的激光切割加工速度快、柔性好、质量高。另外,通过套孔加工还可有效实现大孔及复杂轮廓的加工。





传统的超声加工是利用作为小振幅振动的工具与工件之间不断循环的含有磨粒的浆料的磨蚀作用去除材料的。成形工具本身并不磨蚀工件,是受激振动的工具通过激励浆料液流中的磨料不断缓和而均匀地磨损工件,从而在工件表面留下与工具相对应的精确形状。音极工具振动的均匀性使超声加工只能完成小型零件的加工,特别是直径小于100 mm 的零件。



Nontraditional Machining Processes Introduction

Traditional or conventional machining, such as turning, milling, and grinding etc., uses mechanical energy to shear metal against another substance to create holes or remove material.Nontraditional machining processes are defined as a group of processes that remove excess material by various techniques involving mechanical, thermal, electrical or chemical energy or combinations of these energies but do not use a sharp cutting tool as it is used in traditional manufacturing processes.Extremely hard and brittle materials are difficult to be machined by traditional machining processes.Using traditional methods to machine such materials means increased demand for time and energy and therefore increases in costs;in some cases traditional machining may not be feasible.Traditional machining also results in tool wear and loss of quality in the product owing to induced residual stresses during machining.Nontraditional machining processes, also called unconventional machining process or advanced manufacturing processes, are employed where traditional machining processes are not feasible, satisfactory or economical due to special reasons as outlined below: 1.Very hard fragile materials difficult to clamp for traditional machining;2.When the workpiece is too flexible or slender;3.When the shape of the part is too complex;4.Parts without producing burrs or inducing residual stresses.Traditional machining can be defined as a process using mechanical(motion)energy.Non-traditional machining utilizes other forms of energy;the three main forms of energy used in non-traditional machining processes are as follows: 1.Thermal energy;2.Chemical energy;3.Electrical energy.Several types of nontraditional machining processes have been developed to meet extra required machining conditions.When these processes are employed properly, they offer many advantages over traditional machining processes.The common nontraditional machining processes are described in the following section.Electrical Discharge Machining(EDM)

Electrical discharge machining(EDM)sometimes is colloquially referred to as spark machining, spark eroding, burning, die sinking or wire erosion.It is one of the most widely used non-traditional machining processes.The main attraction of EDM over traditional machining processes such as metal cutting using different tools and grinding is that this technique utilizes thermoelectric process to erode undesired materials from the workpiece by a series of rapidly recurring discrete electrical sparks between workpiece and electrode.The traditional machining processes rely on harder tool or abrasive material to remove softer material whereas nontraditional machining processes such as EDM uses electrical spark or thermal energy to erode unwanted material in order to create desired shapes.So, the hardness of the material is no longer a dominating factor for EDM process.EDM removes material by discharging an electrical current, normally stored in a capacitor bank, across a small gap between the tool(cathode)and the workpiece(anode)typically in the order of 50 volts/10amps.As shown in Fig.6.1, at the beginning of EDM operation, a high voltage is applied across the narrow gap between the electrode and the workpiece.This high voltage induces an electric field in the insulating dielectric that is present in narrow gap between electrode and workpiece.This causes conducting particles suspended in the dielectric to concentrate at the points of strongest electrical field.When the potential difference between the electrode and the workpiece is sufficiently high, the dielectric breaks down and a transient spark discharges through the dielectric fluid, removing small amount of material from the workpiece surface.The volume of the material removed per spark discharge is typically in the range of 10-5 to 10-6 mm3.The gap is only a few thousandths of an inch, which is maintained at a constant value by the servomechanism that actuates and controls the tool feed.Chemical Machining(CM)

Chemical machining(CM)is a well known non-traditional machining process in which metal is removed from a workpiece by immersing it into a chemical solution.The process is the oldest of the nontraditional processes and has been used to produce pockets and contours and to remove materials from parts having a high strength-to-weight ratio.Moreover, the chemical machining method is widely used to produce micro-components for various industrial applications such as microelectromechanical systems(MEMS)and semiconductor industries.In CM material is removed from selected areas of workpiece by immersing it in a chemical reagents or etchants, such as acids and alkaline solutions.Material is removed by microscopic electrochemical cell action which occurs in corrosion or chemical dissolution of a metal.Special coatings called maskants protect areas from which the metal is not to be removed.This controlled chemical dissolution will simultaneously etch all exposed surfaces even though the penetration rates of the material removed may be only 0.0025-0.1mm/min.The basic process takes many forms: chemical milling of pockets, contours, overall metal removal, chemical blanking for etching through thin sheets;photochemical machining(pcm)for etching by using of photosensitive resists in microelectronics;chemical or electrochemical polishing where weak chemical reagents are used(sometimes with remote electric assist)for polishing or deburring and chemical jet machining where a single chemically active jet is used.A schematic of chemical machining process is shown in Fig.6.2a.Because the etchant attacks the material in both vertical and horizontal directions, undercuts may develop(as shown by the areas under the edges of the maskant in Fig.6.2b).Typically, tolerances of ±10% of the material thickness can be maintained in chemical blanking.In order to improve the production rate, the bulk of the workpiece should be shaped by other processes(such as by machining)prior to chemical machining.Dimensional variations can occur because of size changes in workpiece due to humidity and temperature.This variation can be minimized by properly selecting etchants and controlling the environment in the part generation and the production area in the plant.Electrochemical Machining(ECM)

Electrochemical metal removal is one of the more useful nontraditional machining processes.Although the application of electrolytic machining as a metal-working tool is relatively new, the basic principles are based on Faraday laws.Thus, electrochemical machining can be used to remove electrically conductive workpiece material through anodic dissolution.No mechanical or thermal energy is involved.This process is generally used to machine complex cavities and shapes in high-strength materials, particularly in the aerospace industry for the mass production of turbine blades, jet-engine parts, and nozzles, as well as in the automotive(engines castings and gears)and medical industries.More recent applications of ECM include micromachining for the electronics industry.Electrochemical machining(ECM), shown in Fig.6.3, is a metal-removal process based on the principle of reverse electroplating.In this process, particles travel from the anodic material(workpiece)toward the cathodic material(machining tool).Metal removal is effected by a suitably shaped tool electrode, and the parts thus produced have the specified shape, dimensions, and surface finish.ECM forming is carried out so that the shape of the tool electrode is transferred onto, or duplicated in, the workpiece.The cavity produced is the female mating image of the tool shape.For high accuracy in shape duplication and high rates of metal removal, the process is operated at very high current densities of the order 10-100 A/cm2,at relative low voltage usually from 8 to 30 V, while maintaining a very narrow machining gap(of the order of 0.1 mm)by feeding the tool electrode with a feed rate from 0.1 to 20 mm/min.Dissolved material, gas, and heat are removed from the narrow machining gap by the flow of electrolyte pumped through the gap at a high velocity(5-50 m/s), so the current of electrolyte fluid carries away the deplated material before it has a chance to reach the machining tool.Being a non-mechanical metal removal process, ECM is capable of machining any electrically conductive material with high stock removal rates regardless of their mechanical properties.In particular, removal rate in ECM is independent of the hardness, toughness and other properties of the material being machined.The use of ECM is most warranted in the manufacturing of complex-shaped parts from materials that lend themselves poorly to machining by other, above all mechanical methods.There is no need to use a tool made of a harder material than the workpiece, and there is practically no tool wear.Since there is no contact between the tool and the work, ECM is the machining method of choice in the case of thin-walled, easily deformable components and also brittle materials likely to develop cracks in the surface layer.Laser Beam Machining(LBM)

LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.Although the laser is used as a light amplifier in some applications, its principal use is as an optical oscillator or transducer for converting electrical energy into a highly collimated beam of optical radiation.The light energy emitted by the laser has several characteristics which distinguish it from other light sources: spectral purity, directivity and high focused power density.Laser machining is the material removal process accomplished through laser and target material interactions.Generally speaking, these processes include laser drilling, laser cutting, laser welding, and laser grooving, marking or scribing.Laser machining(Fig.6.4)is localized, non-contact machining and is almost reacting-force free.This process can remove material in very small amount and is said to remove material “atom by atom”.For this reason, the kerf in laser cutting is usually very narrow , the depth of laser drilling can be controlled to less than one micron per laser pulse and shallow permanent marks can be made with great flexibility.In this way material can be saved, which may be important for precious materials or for delicate structures in micro-fabrications.The ability of accurate control of material removal makes laser machining an important process in micro-fabrication and micro-electronics.Also laser cutting of sheet material with thickness less than 20mm can be fast, flexible and of high quality, and large holes or any complex contours can be efficiently made through trepanning.Heat Affected Zone(HAZ)in laser machining is relatively narrow and the re-solidified layer is of micron dimensions.For this reason, the distortion in laser machining is negligible.LBM can be applied to any material that can properly absorb the laser irradiation.It is difficult to machine hard materials or brittle materials such as ceramics using traditional methods, laser is a good choice for solving such difficulties.Laser cutting edges can be made smooth and clean, no further treatment is necessary.High aspect ratio holes with diameters impossible for other methods can be drilled using lasers.Small blind holes, grooves, surface texturing and marking can be achieved with high quality using LBM.Laser technology is in rapid progressing, so do laser machining processes.Dross adhesion and edge burr can be avoided, geometry precision can be accurately controlled.The machining quality is in constant progress with the rapid progress in laser technology.Ultrasonic Machining(USM)

中英文合同翻译 篇7

一、在英文中用粉色, 在汉语翻译中却与红色有千丝万缕的联系

(因窘迫、愤怒或剧烈活动而) 脸色发红。She went bright pink with embarrassment.她尴尬得满脸绯红;Pink Book红皮书 (国家出版的国际收支文件) ;As the sun set, the sky shaded from blue to pink.太阳落下时, 天空逐渐由蓝色映照为夕阳的余光;pink-eye[医]红眼。5.pink noise粉红噪声、红色噪声、典型噪声。

二、在汉语中虽有“粉”字, 翻译过来却和“pink”毫无关联

粉丝 (fan) , They have inundated me with fan letters.他们转给我的粉丝来信让我应接不暇;粉刺 (acne) , A lot of teenagers develop acne.许多青少年都长粉刺;粉面油头 (make up) , 语出明代施耐庵《西游记》第五十四回:“那里人都是长裙短袄, 粉面油头, 不分老少, 尽是妇女。”意为脸上扑粉, 头上抹油。形容女子的化妆;傅粉何郎 (handsome man;very good looking man) 傅粉:敷粉, 抹粉;何郎:何晏, 字平叔, 曹操养子。原指何宴面白, 如同搽了粉一般。后泛指美男子;全身粉碎 (have one’s body smashed to pieces) , 语出唐·蒋防《霍小玉传》:“平生志愿;今日获从;粉骨碎身;誓不相舍。”多指为了某种目的而不惜牺牲生命。也比喻彻底遭到失败或遭遇极大的磨难;粉妆玉琢 (decked out beautifully) , 语出《红楼梦》:“士隐见女儿越发生得粉妆玉琢, 乖觉可喜, 便伸手接来。”如用白粉装饰的, 用白玉雕成的。形容人长得白净。也形容雪景;在客家话中粉有“很”的意思。我粉爱你就是我很爱你。I love you so much.


pink slip, 失业。100年前, 在美国不知道由哪位老板发明的, 在员工的薪水袋里放上写在粉色纸条的通知单来告知解聘的原因, 并通知不再雇用。pink slip从1910年起沿用至今。随着时代的发展, 解聘通知不一定是粉红色, 也可以被其他颜色所代替, 但是pink slip已经约定成俗, 成为解雇通知书的同义词了。例句:Honey, I have bad news.I got a pink slip in my pay envelope today.The boss says I’m a good worker, but our business is way down and he just can’t afford to keep us all working.意为:亲爱的, 我带来了坏消息。今天, 我的工资袋里加了一张解雇通知书。老板说, 我工作表现不错, 不过, 公司生意大幅度下跌, 他雇不起这么多人了;in the pink, 身体健康, 精力充沛。在英国有一种狩猎传统为猎狐, 大部分的猎手喜欢穿着红色系的衣服狩猎, 渐渐地这种衣服被称为pinks。后来人们用in the pink来形容身体健康, 犹如猎人精力充沛地驰骋在狩猎场里的样子;tickled pink, 感到万分高兴, 乐得都合不拢嘴;seeing pink elephants, 酒醉的, (醉得) 发酒疯的。例如:He spends a lot of time totally seeing pink elephants.他喝了好长时间, 完全醉了;Strike me pink. (表示惊讶、怀疑的感叹语) 真是见鬼!例如:Strike me pink, Mac, you’re not leaving!麦克, 真见鬼了, 你没走啊;the pink of perfection十全十美;Pink is used to refer to things relating to or connected with homosexuals.与同性恋者有关的。例如:Businesses are now more aware of the importance of the“pink pound”.现在商家更加意识到同性恋族群消费力, 即所谓“粉红英镑”的重要性;pink-collar粉领的, 职业妇女的;pink tea午后茶会, 正式的社交活动;the pink of politeness十分彬彬有礼;pink tread上流社会的活动。


色彩词作为一个民族语言的一部分, 折射出该民族深厚的社会底蕴和深刻的社会文化内涵。认识、理解并掌握这种文化内涵的异同对翻译来说意义非凡。从“粉”这个色彩词着眼, 可以看出如果不对两种文化、两种历史、两种人文、两种社会内涵进行深层次的挖掘, 就可能会出现死译现象, 从而使得人们在日常生活和文化交流中出现误读, 甚至会产生误解。No context, no text, 只有在上下文中不断地推敲词语的用法, 才能使译者呈献给读者原汁原味的阅读体验。对中英文中颜色词语的文化内涵进行深入的了解, 有助于系统学习目的语中的风俗习惯和文化背景知识, 为翻译工作打下坚实的基础。


[1]冯庆华.实用翻译教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.

[2]邓志勇.语境!修辞与翻译[M].西南师范大学出版社, 1997.

[3]包惠南.文化语境与语言翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2001.

中英文合同翻译 篇8

【关键词】及物系统 中英文新年贺词 对比与翻译








例2.(1)we pushed forward reforms with strong commitment…,(2)resulting in further improvement in people's lives. (3)…the first phase of the central route of Water Diversion Project from South to North was officially completed. More than 400 thousand residents along the route were relocated.

在例1的(1)小句中,“我們”是动作者,“推进”、是动词,属于物质过程,而动词后面的是动作的目标。在例2的(1)小句中,“we”是动作者,“put forward”是动词,属于物质过程,动词后面的“reforms”是动作的目标。由此可知,汉语和英语表示物质过程的语义成分基本相同,在一般情况下,译者可以按照汉语的意思直接翻译成英语。

在例1的(2)小句中,“人民生活”是动作者,“有了”是物质过程,“新的改善”是动作目标。例2的(2)小句中“resulting in”是物质过程,“further improvement”是动作目标。小句里并没有出现动作者,而“resulting”以现在分词形式出现。对比两个小句,可以看出汉语重意合,讲究形散意连,前文提到的因造就了后文的果,因果关系虽未明确表示,但读者能够明白。而英语重形合,有严谨的结构,明确表示出了该因果关系,“人民生活”则被译成“in peoples lives”做了范围。因此,译者在翻译的过程中要注意汉语中所隐藏的含义,并且为了译文的地道要适当调整语义成分,改变句子成分。

例1的(3)小句中,“南水北调中线一期工程”和“沿线40多万人” 是动作目标,“正式通水”和“移民搬迁”是物质过程。例2的(3)小句中,“the first phase of…to North”和“More than400…the route”是动作目标,“was officially completed”和“were relocated”是物质过程。两个小句中都没有出现动作者,例1中暗含“工程”和“人”被完成和重新安置,而例2中的英译文直接用被动形式表达出来。汉语中的被动句有两类,一类是有表示被动的词,一类是没有表示被动的词,句子的被动不言自明。例1(3)中没有明显的被动标志词但有被动的意思,所以例2(3)的英译文中直接用了被动句。所以译者在汉译英的过程中,要仔细分析汉语原文,辨别清究竟是主动形式还是被动形式。



例3.马航MH370航班失踪,150多名同胞下落不明,我们没有忘记他们,… We remember the more than 150 Chinese compatriots…

“我们”和“We”是感觉者,“他们”和“the more than 150 Chinese compatriots”是现象,“没有忘记”和“remember” 表示感情的心理过程。二者的语义成分相同。和汉语原文相比,为了突出习近平主席想要表达的强烈情感,英译文一开始便点出主要信息,用肯定表达“remember”替换了否定表达“没有忘记”,深切表达了对失踪同胞的想念。在汉语中,通常会用双重否定的方式表达肯定的含义来突出强烈情感,而英语中通常会用肯定的方式来表示。所以,译者在深刻理解原文含义的基础上,调整语义成分的结构和个别词语,突出表达原文所要表达的情感,增强译文的感染力。


例4. 开弓没有回头箭。This is an unstoppable train.

“开弓”是载体,“没有”表示所有过程,“回头箭”是属性;“This”是被认同者,“is”是集约过程,“an unstoppable train”是认同者。例4中汉语和英语的语义成分并不相同,但它们所表达的含义是相同的。在例4中,原文和译文的载体、集约过程和属性一一对应,可见,





[1]Halliday M.A.K.An Introduction To Functional Grammar[M].London:Adward Anold,1985.

[2]Kress,Halliday:System and Function in Language[M].Oxford University Press,1976.


