
2024-06-29 版权声明 我要投稿


中考常考英语作文题型 篇1



The Smith are very nice to their neighbors.

The Greens are preparing for the coming Thanksgiving Day.

(2)表示一类人, 谓语用复数

The poor sometimes are even happier than the rich.


A. 双方都知道的人或事

Would mind open the door?

Let’s go to the library

B. 后面有限定的,常常是定语从句。如:Is this the book you talked about yesterday?

(4)独一无二的事物 the sun,the Great Wall. The earth runs around the sun.



A. He got the first prize in the maths competition. (用the,前面无my, his等形容词性物主代词修饰)

B. I got my first birthday gift at the age of ten. (不用the,前面有形容词性物主代词修饰)


A. I try my best to win the first prize.

B I’m the best.


John loves playing the guitar.

Tom loves play football.

2、不定冠词 a/an


A. I ate an apple this morning

B.Tom bought a toy car for his son.

C. A plane is a machine that can fly. (常用来表示定义)

以元音开头的字母(非元音字母a, e,i,o,u, 如 an “s”,而不是a “s”)用an. 原理是两个元音连在一起发音有些不便,因此加个辅音”n“隔开。

总结:a/an 与 the 分别对应汉语中的“一+量词(个、本、张...)”、“这/那+量词”

翻译出“一....”的概念的,通常 a/an

没有翻译出“一...”的概念的,通常不用a/an,而用 the 或不用冠词。

如: I saw a cat on the floor. 我看见地板上有一只猫。

What a nice day! 多么美好的一天啊!

A: Did you see a boy around? 你看见附近有一个男孩吗?

B: You mean the one with a hat? 你指的是带着一顶帽子的那个吗?

Tom usually goes to school by bus. Tom 通常做公交车去上学。

这里没说坐一辆公交车,故不能用a/an,同时也没特指,所以也不用the,属于零冠词。注:play the piano 属于固定搭配,可以单独记忆。

知识延伸:(1)a/an 与 the 的转化

如:He gets up at six in the morning. 他早上六点起床。

He returned home on a cold winter morning. 他在一个寒冷的冬天的早上回到家。


He called his parents on Friday. 他星期五给他父母打了电话。

He called his parents on a sunny warm Friday. 他在一个晴朗温暖的星期五给他父母打了电话。




(1)few, little 均表示几乎没有,其中few修饰可数名词,little修饰不可数名词(否定语气)

A few 跟 a little 表示有几个、有一些,分别修饰可数、不可数名词,肯定语气。

如:Tom has few friends. 汤姆几乎没有什么朋友。

Few of us can speak French. 我们当中很少有人会说法语。

This is little milk in the fridge and we need to call the milkman. 冰箱里没什么牛奶了,我们需要打电话给送牛奶的人。

There is still a little milk in the fridge. 冰箱里还有一点牛奶。

There are only a few students in the classroom. 教室里只有几个学生。


A. 含有few,little的反意疑问句中,后半部分用肯定形式。

如:Tom has few friends, does he?

There is little milk in the fridge, is there?

B. a little 也可用作副词,表示“有点,稍微”

如:I’m a little tired. 我有点累了。

She is a little hungry. 她有点饿了。

(2)some,any 表示一些,修饰可数或不可数名词。其中some常用于肯定句中,any多用于疑问句、否定句中。

如:I have some old books. 我有一些旧书

I don’t have any old books? 我没有任何旧书。

Do you have any old books? 你有一些旧书吗?

I’m thirsty, and I want to have some water. 我很渴,我想喝点水。


A. 由some, any 衍生出来的词 something, anything,somebody, anybody,someone,any用法基本同上。

如:I’m hungry and I want something to eat.

It’s dark here. I can’t see anything.

B. some/something 可用于疑问句中,表示征询对方意见的意思;any/anything 用于肯定句中,表示任何的意思。

如:Would you like something to drink? 你想要喝点什么吗?

Can you give me some advice? 你能给我一些建议吗?

Anything is possible. 一切皆有可能。

He is taller than any boys in his class. 他比他班上任何一个男生都要高。

C. 当句中something, anything 有形容词修饰时,形容词需后置,如 something new

例句:I hate eating potatoes everyday. I want to have something new today.

Do you have anything interesting to tell us.

知识衔接:类似的表达还有 形容词+enough 如 strong enough(足够强,enough 后置)

例句: He is old enough to go to school.

She is not strong enough to move the box.

(3)all ,both;none,neither; either

All 表示三者或三者以上都...对应的否定形式为 neither

Both 表示两者都,对应的否定形式为neither。

如: All of us love listening to music. 我们所有人都喜欢听音乐。(三人或三人以上)

(否定)None of us loves listening to music. 我们所有人都不喜欢听音乐。

Both Tom and John are from America. 汤姆和约翰都来自美国。(两人)

(否定)Neither Tom nor John is from America. 汤姆和约翰都不是来自美国。

either 表示 “两者中任何一个”;“either...or...”表示“要么...要么...”

如:---Which do you prefer, tea or coffee. 茶跟咖啡你要喝哪一个?

---Either is OK. I don’t mind. 哪个都行,我不介意。

Either you or I am going to the meeting. 要么你去参加这个会议,要么我去。


all 的否定形式有两种 加“not”表示的是部分否定,none 表示的是全部否定。

如: All of us don’t like listening to music. 不是我们所有人都喜欢听音乐(有一部分人喜欢,一部分人不喜欢)

None of us like(s)listening to music. 我们所有人都不喜欢听音乐(完全否定)

含有neither...nor... either...or...句子,谓语动词的单复数要根据最靠近它的名词而定。

如:Either you or I am going to the meeting.

(4)other 表示“其他的”形容词性

如:Tom is not here. You can ask other students. 汤姆不在这里,你可以问其他的学生。

any other 表示任何其他的一个

He is taller than any other boys in his class. 他比他班上其他任何男生都高。

others 表示“其他的人”

如:We should help others. 我们应该帮助他人。

the other


如:I have two brothers. One is 7 years old and the other is 5 years old.


Where have the other students gone? 其他的学生去哪儿了?

the others+the other +前面提到的复数名词

如:He is clever than the others in his class.



如:This skirt is too big. Can you show me another one?

固定用法 another+数词/few +复数名词 表示另外的、额外的

如:I need another three hours to finish my homework.


(1)主格 I, you, he, she, we, they, it (做主语)

如:I/She/He...want(s) to see a film.

(2)宾格 me, you, him, her, us, them, it(做宾语或表语)


We don’t like him because he is very strict.

I asked him a question.


It’s good for us to do exercise everyday.

I haven’t heard from her since .

Be 动词之后做表语

-----Who is there?

------It’s me, Jack.


(1)形容词性:my your his her our their its, 放在名词前。

(2)名词性: mine yours his hers ours theirs its 代替前面提到的名词

如: This is my book. It ’s not yours .

This is not my pen. Mine is red. 这不是我的笔,我的笔是红色的。 (mine=my pen)


myself , yourself/yourselves himself, herself, ourselves, themselves itself


enjoy oneself(玩得开心) by oneself(独自) help oneself(to) 随便吃...

如:We really enjoyed ourselves last night. 昨晚我们玩得很开心。

He did his homework all by himself. 他的家庭作业都是自己独立完成的。

Help yourself to the dishes. 随便吃点鱼。



(1)名词复数不规则变化: 各国人的单复数

常考:Frenchman---Frenchmen, German----Germans,

Englishman---Englishmen, American---Americans

如:There are five foreign students in our class. Three are Frenchmen, and two are Germans.

(2)所有格 名词+’s,如 Tom‘s book, 表示所属关系。

如:Lily’s father is a doctor.

Tom’s house is near a lake.



A. 一般加在最后一个名词上

如:There are 24 boy students and 25 girl students in our class.

I saw two policemen in the street this morning.

B. 特殊情况:前半部分是man/woman,将两部分变成复数。

如:Two women doctors were injured in the accident.

A group of men scientists are working on this project.


A. 表示各自关系时,各名词末尾均加“s”

B. 表示共有关系时,只在末尾名词加“s”

如:Tom’s and Lily’s fathers are teachers. (两人的父亲不是同一个人)

Tom and Lily’s father is a teacher. (两人的父亲是同一个人)




(1) 用“百”、“千”修饰名词的情况

A. hundreds of; thousands of 数百的;数千的

前面不能有数词修饰,如不能写成: four hundreds of students

B. 数词+hundred/thousand +名词复数:four hundred students

例句: Thousands of people lost their homes after the earthquake.

Hundreds of students took part in the sports meeting this year.

There are five hundred students in our school.

This temple was built hundreds of years ago.


Hundreds of thousands of 表示成千上万的。

如:Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the square to celebrate the new year.



表示“第...”的概念:first 第一 second 第二 third 第三;其他均在末尾加“Th”

但有几个例外,如: fifth 第五; ninth 第九;eighth 第八; twelfth 第十二

例句:He lives in the second floor. 他住在第二楼。

Mary won the second place in the competition. 玛丽在比赛中获得了第二名。




如:two thirds 2/3one fifth 1/5

例句:Two fifths of the students are boys.

Three thirds of this area is countryside. 这个地区的三分之二是乡村。



A. 1/4 属于特殊的分数,多写作 one quarter, 如 3/4 为three quarters

B. 1/2 写作 half, 一个半小时 写作:one hour and a half 或 one and a half hours.




表示一般性、经常性动作,标志性副词有:everyday,usually, sometimes,everyday morning等。

He exercises everyday to keep fit. 他每天锻炼身体来保持健康。

Jimmy usually goes to school by bike. 吉米通常骑自行车去学校。


The earth runes around the sun.

Light travels faster than sound.


表示过去已经完成的动作,标志性副词有:yesterday,last year, in 1997, three days ago 等明确表示过去时间的词。

I lost my bag yesterday.

Tim was born in 1997.

A car accident took place in the street three hours ago.


表示现在正在进行的动作,基本结构为:is/am/are +V-ING,标志性词语有:now, at the moment.

I’m doing my homework now.

He is watching TV at the moment.

表示即将发生的动作,多见于come, leave,run 等方向性动词,如

The bus is coming! 车来了

I’m leaving tomorrow! 我明天就要走了


A. 表示过去某个时间点或某段时间正在进行的动作

如:-----I called you last night, but there was no answer.

-----Sorry, I was playing football with my friends outside.


B. 主句是过去进行时,从句是when/while 引导的时间状语从句。

I was having dinner with my parents when the light went out.


I was watching TV when the bell rang.



如:He fell asleep when he was reading his newspaper.


A. 过去发生的动作持续到现在,标志性词语:for,since, so far, in the past...years/months

I‘ave studied English for five years. 我学英语5年了(现在还在学)

We’ave known each other since we were nine or ten. 我们九到十岁时就已经相识。

We’ave learn over 3,000 English words so far. 到目前为止,我们学了3000多个单词。

Great changes have taken place in China in the past 30 years. 在过去的30年间,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。

B. 过去发生的事,但对现在仍有影响,标志性词:already,yet(already 对应的否定句,常置于句末)never,ever,before, just.

I’ave already finished my homework. 我已经完成了家庭作业

I haven’t finished my homework yet. 我的家庭作业还没做完

I have never been to America. 我从来没去过美国。

I‘ave just finished my homework. Now I can go out to play football with my friend.


Julia has never seen an elephant before. 茱莉亚以前从来没有见过大象。


A. 表示很快要发生或打算去做的事: be going to +动词原形

It’s going to rain. Let’s hurry up. 天马上要下雨了,我们快点走吧

I’m going to visit my uncle this weekend. 这个周末我打算去看望我的叔叔。

I‘m going to buy a new bike. The old one was broken. 我的旧单车坏了,我打算买一辆新的。

B. 表示在将来某个时间会发生的动作或状态,标志性词: tomorrow, in the future, in three days, next year/month/week, some day, one day.

I’ll have an exam tomorrow. 明天我有场考试。

The famous singer, Jay Chou, will come to our city next week. 著名歌手周杰伦下周将会来我们的城市。

All my dreams will come true one day. 总有一天,我所有的梦想都会实现。


在“if, as long as”引导的条件状语从句以及“when, while, before as soon as”等引导的时间状语从句中,主句是一般将来时,从句中用一般现在时代替。

I won’t come if it rains tomorrow. 如果明天下雨,我就不来了。

I will call you as soon as I get there. 我一到那里就会打电话给你。

As long as you don’t give up, your dream will come true. 只要你不放弃,你的梦想就会实现

I will send you a letter when I get there. 当我到达那里时,我会给你寄封信

I will have everything prepared before i leave. 在我离开之前, 我会把一切都准备好。


如:----I don’t know if it will rain tomorrow.

----If it rains, I will stay at home.

-----Do you know when he will come tomorrow?

-----No,when he comes, I will let you know.

短暂性动作如come, go,marry,leave,die等在现在完成时中不能同“for,since”表示的一段时间短语连用,需要转化成相应的持续性动作。

如:(1)She has married for three years. ×

She has been married for three years. (将短暂性动作化成持续性状态)√

(2) Mr. Lee has come to China for thirty years. ×

Mr. Lee has been in China for thirty years. √

have been to 跟 have gone to 的区别。

“have been to”指去过某地,但现在已经回来了;“have gone to”指在去某地的路上,现在还没回来。试比较:

---Have you been to Australia?

---Yes, I went there last summer. (去年夏天去过澳大利亚,现在已经回来了)

---May I speak to Mr. D win?

---Sorry, Mr. D win has gone to China. He will be back next Monday. (现在还没回)



(1)比较级,两者之间的比较。 A比B... A is ...er than B

最高级 三个或以上的比较


more+形容词/副词; the most+形容词、副词


例:tall---taller---tallest strong---stronger---strongest

fast---faster----fastest easy---easier---easiest

beautiful---more beautiful---the most beautiful

good---better---the best bad---worse---worst

例句; He is taller than me.

He is the tallest in his class.

This skirt looks more beautiful than that one.

Tom did a better job than Jerry.

Robertson runs faster than any other boys in his class.

Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.


比较级前面可以加序数词、或”much, a little, even, far”等修饰,表示“第几..“”...得多,远远...“等意思。

The Yellow River is the second largest river in China. 黄河是中国第二长河。

His English is even worse than mine. 他的英语甚至比我的还要差。

Wyoming is much taller than Gunslinging. 姚明比郭敬明要高得多。

His French is a little better than mine.( than me ×) 他的法语比我好一点。


表示A跟B一样...可用”...as ... as...“中间的形容词副词用原级。

He is as tall as me. 他跟我一样高

He speaks English as well as me. 他英语说得跟我一样好。


He is not so tall as me. 他不比我高

He speaks English not so well as me. 他英语不比我说得好。


-ING 表示”令人...“,一般形容事物;

-ed 表示“感到...”,一般形容人。

如:The film is boring. I’m bored.

I’m surprised by the surprising news.

You look tired. What happened?

Mr. Wang’s class is very interesting.



(1) at, in, on

at 表示 某个时间点或小的地方

He was at home last night. (at home 在家)

He usually gets up at six o’clock in the morning. (表时间点)

Tom awns’t at school today. He was ill.

in 表示大的地点或一段时间

Chairman Mao was born in 1897. (年份)

Gao takes place in June every year. (月份)

You can see many flowers in spring. (季节)

It’s usually hot in the afternoon in summer. (一段具体的时间)

More and more foreigners are studying in China. (国家)

There will be a big festival in Shanghai next month. (城市)


between ,opposite, in front of, next to, near, behind..

The post office is between the bookstore and the supermarket. 邮局在书店跟超市中间。

The hotel is opposite the park. 酒店在公园的对面。

There is a car in front of the classroom 教室前面有一辆车

知识延伸: in front of 跟 in the front of 的区别,前者表示在某个范围以外的前面,后者 表示在某个范围以内的前面。

如:The blackboard is in the front of the classroom. 黑板在教室前面。(黑板位于教室内部)

There is a tree in front of the classroom. 教室前面有棵树。(树长在教室的外面)

between 跟 among 的区别

between 表示两者之间 如:between you and me

among 表示三者或以上之间 Among all the singers, I love Jay Chou best.



I go to school by bus.

Mrs. Green traveled to London by plane.


What’s this in English.

Can you say it in Chinese?

with +具体的工具

He opened the door with a key.

In the western restaurant, people usually use a knife.


1、并列连词:and,or,but,so;not only...but also; both...and; neither...nor; either...or

He study very hard and he is never late for class. (关系平等的两个句子)

Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? (or 用于疑问句中,表选择)

My family are not rich, but we are happy. (but,但是,表转折)

Judy was ill, so she could’t come to school today. (表因果)

Not only Jack but also Johnson is going to to party.



Don’t give up, and your dream will come true one day. 不要放弃,总有一天你的梦想会实现。

=If you don’t give up, your dream will come true one day.

Study hard, or you will fail in the exam. 努力学习,否则你将会考试不及格。

=If you don’t study hard, you will fail in the exam.


A. 表如果:if it does’t rains tomorrow, we will have a picnic.

If you study hard, you will get high scores.


知识延伸:If 还可以表“是否”,意思跟whether 一样,如:

I don’t know whether he will come. 我不知道他是否会来。

I’m not sure if it is true. 我不知道它否正确。

注:这种情况下通常表示不确定的意义。当从句中含有“...or not”时,只能用whether,不能用”if“,如:

We don’t know whether he will come or not. (不能用 if)

We are not sure whether it is true or not.

B. 表原因 because,since,as

----Why are you late?

----Because I missed the bus.

Since everybody is here, let’s begin. (=now that 既然)

As it was late, I had to go. 由于太晚了,我必须得走了。

C. 表让步 though, although 尽管

Although it’s snowy, he goes to school as usual. 尽管下着雪,他还是像往常一样去上学。

Although he is poor, he is very happy. 尽管他很穷,但他很幸福。

D. so...that... Such...that... 如此...以至于...

The box is so heavy that no one can move it. 这箱子太重了,以至于没人能够移动它。

She eats so much that she becomes very fat.

She is such a lovely girl that everyone likes her.


He is so old that he even can’t walk.

=He is too old to walk.

He is so strong that he can carry the heavy box.

=He is strong enough to carry the heavy box.


(1)can ,could(can的过去式)

A. 表能力, 会,可以

I can swim. / I can play the guitar.

Mary could play the piano when she was ten.

B. 表推测,只能是否能形式。

---I saw Tom just now.

---It can’t be him. He is on holiday with his parents.

(2)may,might 可能

A. 表请求准许

May I come in? 我可以进来吗?

May I watch TV? 我可以看电视吗?

否定回答时,用“munts’t”, 表示禁止,不允许,如:

----May I smoke here?

----No, you munts’t.

B. 表推测

He may/might come tomorrow. 他明天可能回来.

He may/might know about this. 他可能知道这件事。

注:might 表示的可能性比”may“小。

(3) need 需要


----Need I finish my homework by Friday? 我需要在周五之前完成作业吗?

----Yes, you must./ No, you Needles’t

You Needles’t come so early. The meeting begins at 9:00. 你没必要来这么早,会议9点 才开始。


(4)must 必须,一定

A. 表必须。

I must go now. 我必须现在离开。

Everyone must arrive on time. 每个人都必须按时赶到


----Must I stay in bed all day?

----Yes, you must./ No, you Needles’t.

B. 表推测:一定,肯定

The road is wet. It must have rained last night. 路面很潮湿,昨晚肯定下过雨。

The light is on. He must be at home now. 灯还亮着,他一定在家。




The police caught him. 警察抓到了他。(主动)

He was caught by the police. 他们警察抓住了。(被动)


(1)在一些动词如“make, see,hear”的被动语态中,主动句中省略的”to“,被动句中需要还原,如:

His boss made him work ten hours a day. 他的老板让他每天工作10小时。(to 省略了)

He was made to work ten hours a day by his boss. (to 需要补充出来)

I saw him read a book in the classroom.

He was seen to read a book in the classroom..

(2) 不确定动作的发出者是谁时,一般用被动语态。

The bridge was built hundreds of years ago. (不知道是谁建造的)

My bike was stolen last night. (不知道是谁偷的)

(3)固定句型”It is...that...“

It is said that he dropped out of school at the age of ten. 据说他十岁的时候辍学了。

=He is said to have dropped out of school at the age of ten. (to后面用完成时)

It is reported that five passengers were killed in the accident. 据报道,5名乘客在这次事故中丧生。

=Five passengers were reported to have been killed in the accident.

(4) 不及物动词没有被动语态,切记!!

An accident was happened last night. ×(append 为不及物动词)

Great changes have been taken place in the city. ×(take place 为不及物动词)


1、就近原则:either...or; neither...nor; not only...but also; there be 句型


如:Either I or him is in class 1.

Not only you but also I am shocked by the news.

There is a banana and two apples on the table.




(1)and 或 both...and,谓语动词用复数,如:

Tom and Jim are good friends.

Both Tom and Jim are good at sports.

(2)句中有”with, along with, together with, as well as, except”等词时,谓语动词单复数 由前面的主语决定。

如:The teacher with his students is going to the museum.

Mr. Green, along with his three children, are going to America next week.

All the class, except Tom, were at the meeting yesterday.

注:这些词只是对主语起到一个补充说明、插入的作用,并不能对谓语动词的单复 数造成影响。



Twenty miles is a long way to go. (20英里整体来看是一段很长的路程,故用单数)

My family is a big one. 我的家庭很大(整体来说的)

My family are having dinner. 强调每个家庭成员的动作,故用复数。


五官:look,feel,taste,smell,sound,后面直接+adj, 表示”看起来,感觉起来,尝起来,闻起来,听起来...“的意思,如:

Wow!Look at the picture. It looks so beautiful! 看起来很漂亮

I love the soup. It tastes so good. 尝起来很好。

The flowers you sent me smells sweet. 闻起来很香

I bought a new dress this afternoon. It feels comfortable. 感觉起来很舒服。

----How about going fishing this afternoon?

----Sounds great!(=Good idea!) 听起来很棒



That sounds like a good idea! 那听起来像个好主意。

The mountain looks like an elephant. 这座山看起来像一头大象。

This T-shirt feels like silk. 这件T恤摸起来像丝绸。

附注:feel like 还有一层意思,表示“想要...”

如: I don’t feel like eating anything 我不想吃任何东西。

I feel like a cup of tea. 我想喝杯茶。

The food in the restaurant is disgusting. It smells like dead fish.




(1) Give up 放弃(及物或不及物)

Don’t give up. You can do it. 不要放弃,你能行的。(不及物)

He finally decided to give up smoking. 他最终决定戒烟了。

放弃某个人,用 give up on sb.

Come on! We will never give up on you. 加油,我们永远不会放弃你!

当宾语是it是,it 位于短语中间,如:

He has been smoking for 20 years. It’s very hard for him to give it up.

(2) give off 散发出(气味、热量等)

The flowers give off a sweet smell.

Rotten eggs give off a bad smell. 腐烂的鸡蛋散发出一股难闻的气味。

(3)give out 公布、分发

He would’t give out any information. 他不愿透露任何信息。

(4)give away 赠送,泄露

Brad gives all his old toys away to the poor children. 布莱德把他所有的旧玩具送给了 贫穷的孩子。

Don’t give away the secret. 不要泄露这项机密。

2、put 的短语

(1)put up 张贴,举起

Tom, please put up the pictures on the wall. 汤姆,请把照片贴到墙上。

Put up your hand,please.

(2) Put off 延迟,推迟,脱掉(衣、帽等)

The meeting was put off because of the heavy rain.

Please put off your shoes before you enter this room

(3)put out 扑灭,熄灭(火、烟头等)

The fire was put out before the police arrived. 在警察到来之前,火就已经被扑灭了。

He put out the cigarette and went out the room. 他灭掉烟头,走出了房间。

(4)put away

Put away your shoes. They‘re too dirty. 把你的鞋子收起来,它太脏了。

All the books must be put away during the exam. 考试中所有书籍都要收起来。

3、turn 的短语

(1)Turn up (声音)调高;出现

Could you please turn up the radio. I can’t hear it.

延伸:He promised to come to my birthday party, but he did’t turn up. 他答应要来我的生日晚会,结果却没出现。

(2)turn down (音量)调小;拒绝

Can you turn down the radio. It’s too noisy. 你能把收音机调小吗?它太吵了。

延伸:He gave me an offer, but I turn it down. 我拒绝了他提供的帮助。

(3)turn on 打开

Turn on the TV, please. I want to see the football match.

Turn on the lights,please. It’s too dark here.

(4)turn off 关闭

Tom turned off the TV and went to bed.

We should turn off the lights when we leave the room.

4、Look 的短语

(1)look up 查找,向上看

If you see a new word, you can look it up in the dictionary.

He looked up at the window and saw nothing.

(2)look after 照顾

She is too busy to look after her son.

Mary asked me to look after her pet dog when she was away.

(3) look into 调查

The police are looking into the case. 警方正在调查这起案件。

I’ll look into the matter later. 我稍后再研究这个问题。

(4)look forward to(doing/n)期待,盼望

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. 我盼望很快能见到你。

I‘m looking forward to your letter. 我期待你的来信。



----May I speak to Mary please?

----Speaking/ This is Mary speaking

----Hold on please. I’ll go and get her. 请稍等一下,我去叫一下她。

----Sorry, she is not here at the moment. Can I take message? 不好意思,她现在不在这里, 我可以帮你留言吗?



----I won the first prize in the writing competition!



----My mother was ill at bed. I have to look after her.

----(I’m) sorry to hear that.


----You look so beautiful today!

----Thanks/Thank you.


----I’m afraid that I can’t pass the exam this time.

----Cheer up! I’m sure you’ll make it.(振作起来,我相信你一定行的)

----I failed the exam yesterday. What should I do?

----Cheer up!You‘ll do better next time.


----I’m sorry that I lost your pen.

----That’s alright/It’s OK/It does’t matter. Forget it.

----I’m sorry to give you so much trouble.

----It does’t matter/ Never mind.


---Why not go out for dinner.

---(That’s a) good idea!

---Sounds great!

---How about going shopping this weekend.

---Sounds good,(but I have to study for the final exams)

---Would you mind opening the door?

---Of course not!/Certainly not! (当然不介意)

---Would you mind my smoking here?

---Yes, you’d better smoke outside./I’m afraid so. (表示介意,不同意对方的做法)




You like football, don’t you? 你喜欢足球,不是吗?(前肯后否,助动词为do)

Tom is 5 years old, hisn’t he? 汤姆5岁了,不是吗?(前肯后否,助动词为is)

He can’t swim, can he? 他不会游泳,是吗? (前否后肯,助动词为can)

Jimmy haen’t been to Beijing, has he? 吉米没去过北京,是吗?(前否后肯,助动词为has)

The story is interesting, hisn’t it? (主语为一个具体的名词时,反问部分主语用“it/them”代替。



He speaks little English, does he?

Nina has few friends, has she? (知识链接:不定代词little,few用法)

He never eats onions, does he?

You seldom exercise, do you?


当主语是this,that,these,those时,反意部分主语分别改为it, they; 当主语是 everybody,everyone,no one,nobody等指人的合成词时,反意部分主语通常用he. 当主语是everything,something, anything,nothing等指物的合成词时,反意部分主语用it.

This is his first time here, hisn’t it?

These are Sarah’s books, Daren’t they?

No one likes Germy, does he?

Nothing is more important than life, is it?


(1)There be 句型的反意疑问句。

There are two books on the desk, Daren’t there?

There is a pen and two bananas on the table, hisn’t there?

(2)祈使句的反意疑问句:统一用will you?/won’t you.

Open the window, won’t you?

Don’t talk aloud in the reading room, will you?

(3)Let’s 句型跟Let us句型的反意疑问句

Let’s have a rest, shall we?

Let us have a rest,will you?

详解:Let’s缩写时是针对大家的意见,用“shall we?”,Let us 针对的是被询问的人,用“will you?”



1、who/whom: 先行词是人,who在从句中充当主语,whom充当宾语

He is the boy who got the first prize in the competition.

I saw an old man in the street who had no hair.

Is she the girl to whom you were talking?

The boy (whom) she loved died in the war.


I know this girl whose mother is a nurse.

I bought a book whose cover was red.

He went into a shop that supplied food.

Ryan showed me a photo (that) he took in Casa.


Last night, I watched a film which was made by Spielberg.

I found my computer which was stolen last night.

The book (which)I gave you was worth 10$.



This is the most beautiful lake (that )I’ave ever seen.

Thomas Edison was the first person that invented the lamp.

He is always the first one that arrives at school.

(2) 当先行词既有人又有物时,用that.

This is the photo of the boy and the house that I will never forget.

Mr. Thomas and his dog that I talked about last night were two characters from the book.



(1)that 引导的宾语从句,that在从句中不充当任何成分。

He said that he wanted to have a car.

I’m sorry that I hurt you.

I’m sure that he will come.

透析考研英语阅读理解常考题型 篇2




例1:The phrase “reneging on” (Line 3, para.1) is closest in meaning to . (选自2012年考研英语阅读理解真题Part A Text 2)

A. condemning B. reaffirming

C. dishonoring D. securing

解析:考生可根据题干括号里的提示迅速在原文第一段第三行找到目标词组。因该词组所在句子为段尾句,考生可着重分析该词组所在句子与其上文的关系,原文如下:“A deal is a deal—except, apparently, when Entergy is involved. The company, a major energy supplier in New England, provoked justified outrage in Vermont last week when it announced it was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the strict nuclear regulations.”原文第一句话中的except一词是重要解题点:except之前的句子表示“遵照规定执行”之意,而其之后的内容与前文发生“逆接”,由此可推测Entergy公司并未遵照规定执行。第二句是“顺接”第一句话的后半部分继续阐述,由此可推测整句话表达的应该是Entergy公司未按照规定执行的具体内容。根据第二句话中的provoked justified outrage可进一步确定Entergy公司的做法是违背规定的,四个选项中只有dishonoring (拒绝兑现)一词能表达出这层含义。Condemning表示“谴责”之意,不符合原文意思。Reaffirming和securing表达的都是积极肯定的含义,与原文表达的意思和感情色彩相反。因此正确答案为选项C。


主旨标题题是考研英语阅读理解的常考题型之一。这一题型的题干中常会出现诸如main idea、general idea、meanly discuss、best title之类的词,主要考查考生对某一段或整篇文章主旨的理解。


例2:Which of the following would be the best title for the text? (选自2008年考研英语阅读理解真题Part A Text 1)

A. Strain of Stress: No Way Out?

B. Responses to Stress: Gender Difference

C. Stress Analysis: What Chemicals Say

D. Gender Inequality: Women Under Stress


首段:While still catching-up to men in some spheres of modern life, women appear to be way ahead in at least one undesirable category. “Women are particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders in response to stress compared to men,” according to Dr. Yehuda, chief psychiatrist at New York’s Veteran’s Administration Hospital.

尾段:Not everyone experiences the kinds of severe chronic stresses Alvarez describes. But most women today are coping with a lot of obligations, with few breaks, and feeling the strain. Alvarez’s experience demonstrates the importance of finding ways to diffuse stress before it threatens your health and your ability to function.




例3:According to Ericsson, good memory . (选自2007年考研英语阅读理解真题Part A Text 1)

A. depends on meaningful processing of information

B. results from intuitive rather than cognitive exercises

C. is determined by genetic rather than psychological factors

D. requires immediate feedback and a high degree of concentration

解析:第一步,通过题干中的关键词Ericsson,考生可将答案信息定位至原文第四段:“This success, coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one. In other words, whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize, those differences are swamped by how well each person ‘encodes’ the information. And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully, Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice. Deliberate practice entails more than simply repeating a task. Rather, it involves setting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.”

第二步,通过分析这段话,考生可迅速提炼出Ericsson的两个观点:① The act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one. ② Deliberate practice is the best way to learn how to encode information.

第三步,考生来对比分析四个选项和原文信息。通过分析不难发现,选项B的表述不符合Ericsson的第一个观点,选项C的表述与第四段第一句话的表述不一致,所以两者都是错误选项,可迅速排除。选项D中提到的immediate feedback和concentration在原文中都有同样的表述,是Ericsson在第二个观点中提到的deliberate practice所要求的两项内容,但除这两项外,Ericsson还提到了一项——specific goals,选项D漏掉了这一项,属于信息缺失,为错误选项。再来看略有难度的选项A。根据第四段第二句话,考生可推断出这样一个结论:Abilities to memorize depends on how well each person “encodes” the information. 选项A中出现的processing一词正是encode的同义替换,由此可确定选项A为正确答案。



例4:It can be inferred from the last paragraph that . (选自2011年考研英语阅读理解真题Part A Text 2)

A. top performers used to cling to their posts

B. loyalty of top performers is getting out-dated

C. top performers care more about reputations

D. it’s safer to stick to the traditional rules

解析:考生可根据题干中的提示词last paragraph将答案信息快速定位至原文最后一段:“Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers. The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one. ‘The traditional rule was it’s safer to stay where you are, but that’s been fundamentally inverted,’ says one headhunter. ‘The people who’ve been hurt the worst are those who’ve stayed too long.’”

我们来分析四个选项。根据定位到的这段话,考生无法快速判断选项A是否为最后一段的言外之意,可先搁置。选项B中的getting out-dated与第一句话中的fading意思相似,但两者对应不同的事物:选项B中getting out-dated对应的是loyalty of top performers,而第一句话中的fading对应的是old disgrace (of top performers)。选项B偷换了概念,为错误选项。选项C的表述在此段没有提到,也非此段的言外之意,可排除。选项D的表述与此段最后一句话所表述的内容相反,为错误答案。根据排除法,只有选项A为正确答案。

如果按照常规步骤解题,考生可着重分析最后一段话的言外之意。根据段落中headhunter所说的第一句话(The traditional rule was it’s safer to stay where you are)可知,过去的观念是坚守一个职位比较安全。根据段落中的“The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one”这句话可推测,过去人们不那么容易接受“跳槽”的观念。再结合全文都在讲top performers现今开始“跳槽”的话题,考生不难推断出top performers过去常坚守一个职位,由此也可得出选项A为正确答案。



例5:Toyota Motor’s experience is cited as an example of . (选自2011年考研英语阅读理解真题Part A Text 3)

A. responding effectively to hijacked media

B. persuading customers into boycotting products

C. cooperating with supportive consumers

D. taking advantage of hijacked media

解析:根据题干中的关键词Toyota Motor,考生可将答案信息定位至原文最后一段最后一句话:“Toyota Motor, for example, alleviated some of the damage from its recall crisis earlier this year with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign, which included efforts to engage with consumers directly on sites such as Twitter and the social-news site Digg.”

中考常考英语作文题型 篇3


(1)肯定句:是指用肯定的语气来陈述的句子,如:I’m a student. She is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

There are four fans in our classroom. He will eat lunch at 12:00. I watched TV yesterday evening.

(2)否定句:含有否定词或表示否定意义词的句子,如:I’m not a student. She is not (isn’t) a doctor.

He does not (doesn’t) work in a hospital. There are not (aren’t) four fans in our classroom.

He will not (won’t) eat lunch at 12:00. I did not (didn’t) watch TV yesterday evening.

2. 疑问句


特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词(what , where , who , which , when , whose , why , how等)开头引导的句子。此类句子应该问什么就答什么,不能用“yes 、no”来回答。

3.There be句型

There be 句型与have, has的区别

1.There be 句型表示:在某地有某物(或人)

2.在there be 句型中,主语是单数,be 动词用is ; 主语是复数,be 动词用are ; 如有几件物品,be 动词根据最*近be 动词的那个名词决定。

3.there be 句型的否定句在be 动词后加not , 一般疑问句把be 动词调到句首。

4.there be句型与have(has) 的区别:there be 表示在某地有某物(或人);have(has) 表示某人拥有某物。

5、some 和any 在there be 句型中的运用:some 用于肯定句, any 用于否定句或疑问句。

6.and 和or 在there be句型中的运用:and 用于肯定句, or 用于否定句或疑问句。


How many + 名词复数 + are there + 介词短语?

How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 介词短语?


What’s + 介词短语?















中考英语听力常考话题 篇4

关键词:动词+副词短语:turn left/right 左转/右转;walk/go along/straight 直走;go/walk through穿过

交通方式:on foot步行;by train/bike/bus乘火车/骑自行车/乘公共汽车;take a bus乘公共汽车;take a train乘火车;on the bus乘公共汽车;on ones bike骑自行车



1.Excuse me.Is there a bank near here?打扰一下,这附近有银行吗?

2.Which is the way to the supermarket?请问哪一条路是去超市的?

3.Do you know the way to Bridge Street?你知道去布里奇大街的路吗?

4.Would you please tell me the way to the bank?请问你能告诉我去银行怎么走吗?

5.Could you tell me how I can get to the hotel?你能告诉我如何去旅馆吗?


1.Yes,there is.Its on Center Street.是的,有。在中心街。

2.Its in front of the library.它在图书馆前面。

3.Go down this street.沿着这条街走。

4.Turn left at the first crossing.在第一个十字路口左转。

5.Its on Bridge Street on the right.在布里奇大街的右边。

Topic2 感谢与应答



1.Thanks for asking me out.谢谢你邀请我。

2.Thank you!谢谢!


4.Thanks a lot!多谢!

5.Thank you very much!非常感谢!

6.Many thanks!多谢!

7.Its very kind of you.你真是太好了。

8.How kind of you!你真好!

9.Thank you anyway.仍然谢谢你。

10.Thank you all the same.仍然谢谢你。


1.Dont mention it.不客气。

2.Thats all right.不客气。

3.It was nothing.不客气。

4.Thats OK.不客气。

5.Think nothing of it.不客气。

6.Youre welcome.不客气。

7.Not at all.不客气。

8.Its a pleasure.别客气。

9.My pleasure.别客气。

Topic3 请求与建议


1.―Would you mind not smoking here?你介意不在这抽烟吗?

―Sorry,I wont.对不起,我不会了。

2. ―Would you like something to drink?来点喝的好吗?


3.―Dont smoke here.请不要在这里抽烟。

―Sorry,I wont.对不起,我不会了。

4.―Why not go to movies with us?你为什么不和我们一块儿看电影去呢?

―Sounds great.听起来不

5.―Could you please take out the trash?你去倒一下垃圾好吗?

―Sorry,mum.Im doing my homework.对不起,妈妈。我正在做作业。

Topic4 问候与告别


1.―How are you?你好吗?

―Fine, thank you. And you?好,谢谢。你呢? ―Im fine, too.我也很好。

2.―How do you get on with your classmates?你和你同学相处得怎样?

―Very well.很好。

3.―See you.再见。 ―See you.再见。

Topic5 祝愿与祝贺



―I have passed the examination!我已经通过考试了―Congratulations (to you)!祝贺你!


1.Good luck with you trip!祝您旅途平安!

2.Have a good trip/journey.=I wish you a good trip/journey.祝你旅途愉快。/祝你一路顺风。

3.Good trip to you./Nice journey to you.祝你旅途愉快。


―Happy birthday to you!生日快乐!―Thank you!谢谢!


―I will take the exams tomorrow.我明天将参加考试。

―Good luck(to you)!(I wish you success!) 祝您顺利!(祝您成功!)


―Happy New Year(to you)!(祝你)新年快乐!

―Thanks. The same to you!(Happy New Year to you,too!)谢谢!您也一样!(也祝您新年快乐!)

Topic6 打电话


1.打电话人自我介绍:用英语打电话时,开头打招呼的第一句话通常是Hello,然后便自报姓名,再告知想与谁通话。例如:Hello! This is Mike(speaking).

2.打电话人要某人接电话,需要证实对方的身份时,不能说Are you...?或Who are you?而应该说:May/Can/Could I speak to Kate, please?/Is that Kate?/Is Kate in/at home?/Whos that?

3.本人接电话时可以说: This is Kate (speaking)./Yes, speaking.



Give sb a ring; give sb a call; phone sb; ring sb up; call sb给打电话

Hold on/Wait a minute/One moment,please.请等一等。Take a message捎口信



1.Can/Could/Would you ring up/call/call up...?你能给……打个电话吗?

2.Will/Would you give a message to...,please?请你给……捎个口信可以吗?


1.Can I take a message(for you)?要我帮你捎口信吗?

2.Ill ask...to call you back.我会让……给你回个电话的。

3.This is Vivian speaking.我是Vivian。

Topic7 就餐与饮食


Help yourself to..你吃/喝点 Something to eat一些吃的东 西Something to drink一些喝的



1.Would you like something (to eat/to drink)?你想要(吃/喝)点什么吗?

2.What would you like (to have)?你想要吃点什么?

3.Would you like some more...?你还要点吗?

4.Are you ready to order,sir?/Can/May I take your order now?现在可以请你点餐了吗?


1.Help yourself to...你吃/喝点吧。

2.Make yourself at home.请随便吃,不要客气。

3.Well ,just a little,please.好的,请来一点儿。


5.Im full,thank you.谢谢,我吃饱了。

Topic8 健康与就医


在中考中应注意:西方人听到自己的亲人、朋友或熟人等谈到有关身体健康的问题时,如“I think I have a bad cold.”通常回答:“Im sorry to hear that.”或“Youd better see a doctor.”。但如果是说给医生,医生则不能用上述答话,而需用“Take it easy.”来回答。


Have (got)a headache头疼 Have a cough咳嗽

Take ones temperature量体温 Have a fever发烧

Have a cold感冒 Nothing serious没有什么严重的



1.Whats wrong/the matter/the trouble with you?你有什么 不舒服吗?

2.Is there anything wrong with you?你哪里不舒服?

3.Youd better have a good rest.你最好好好休息一下。

4.Take this medicine three times a day.这药每天吃三次。

5.Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. 多喝水,好好休息。


1.I fell terrible/bad/ill/sick.我感到很不舒服。

2.I dont feel well./Im not feeling well.我感到不舒服。



1.Ive got a cough(headache, toothache).我咳嗽/头疼/牙疼。

2.I dont fell well.我感觉不舒服。

3.Theres something wrong with...我的……不舒服。

Topic9 购物


Size(large, medium, small)型号(大,中,小),color(yellow, black, blue, pink)颜色(黄色,黑色,蓝色,粉红),sell, buy,on sale(减价),price, cheap, expensive, money等。



1.Can/May I help you?=What can I do for you?您要买点什么?(能为您做点什么吗?)

2.How many/much would you like?您要多少……?

3.What color/size/kind would you like?您要什么颜色/尺寸/种类的?

4.What/How about this one?这个怎么样?

5.Heres your change. 给你的找零。


1.I want/Id like a pair of shoes.我想要买一双鞋。

2.How much is it/are they?价格多少?

3.May I try it on?能试穿一下吗?

4.Its too big/small.它太大/小了。

5.Sorry,its too expensive.对不起,它太贵了。

6.Do you have anything cheaper?有便宜点的吗?

7.Do you have other colors/sizes/kinds?你有其它颜色/尺寸/种类的吗?

8.Well,Ill think about it. 哦,我考虑一下吧。

Topic10 旅游与计划


Walk 走路,fly 飞行,on foot 步行,by bus 乘坐公共汽车,by train 乘火车,ride a bike 骑自行车, by ship 坐轮船,by plane 乘飞机,No.3 bus 3号公共汽车


1. The train leaves at 8:00 am and arrives at 12:00 am.火车八点发车十二点到达。

2. I just came back from... 我刚好从……回来。

3. have gone to... 他们去了还没回…… 4. have been to 去了已经回

5. I want to fly to Washington next week. 我想下周乘飞机去华盛顿。

6. I hope you have a good trip. 玩得快乐!

Topic11 谈论天气


1.Describing weather(sunny,cloudy,windy,rainy,hot,warm,cold,cool,etc.)描述天气(阳光明媚的、多云的、有风的、下雨的、热的、暖和的、冷的、凉爽的、等等)

2.Understanding weather reports


3.Dressing for the

weather(coat,hat,umbrella,raincoat,overcoat,windbreaker,etc.) 针对天气的穿着(外套、帽子、雨伞、雨衣、大衣、防风上衣、等等)


1.Whats the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?

2.Hows the weather in Beijing?北京天气如何?

3.What a cold/hot day today! 今天天气真冷/真热!


1.Its a nice/fine/beautiful/horrible day today.今天天气真好/真糟啊!

2.Its sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy/snowy/foggy.今天天气晴朗/多云/多风/多雨/多雪/多雾。

Topic12 兴趣爱好


I love...我爱……;

I like...我喜欢……;

Im interested in...我对……感兴趣;

Im fond of...我喜欢……;

...is my favorite sport.……是我最喜欢的运动;

I like...best我最喜欢……;

My hobby is...我的爱好是……;

Im a football fan.我是一个足球迷。read 读书,watch TV 看电视,go to the movies 去看电影,collect stamps 搜集邮票,listen to music 听音乐,painting 画画,play basketball/volleyball/football 玩篮球/排球/足球,go swimming 去游泳,play the piano/violin 弹钢琴/拉小提琴,play chess 下棋。


1.This book is very interesting.这本书很有趣。

2.I like/love the movie very much.我非常喜欢这部电影。

3.I like taking photos.我喜欢拍照。

4.I enjoy listening to music.我喜欢听音乐。

5.Im interested in science.我对自然科学感兴趣。

7.He is fond of music.他喜欢音乐。

Topic13 学校生活


Class 班级;grade 年级;teacher 老师;playground 操场;library 图书馆;classmate同学;favorite subject 最喜爱的科目;activity 活动;office 办公室;break 课间休息;school trip 学校旅行;do ones homework 做作业;study for a test 准备考试;learn English 学习英语;have math class 上数学课;the school rules 学校规章制度;be late for class/school上课/上学迟到;go to school 去上学;school clubs学校俱乐部


1.―How many boy students are there in your class?你的班里有多少男同学?

―There are twenty-one boy students in my class.我的班里有二十一名男同学。

2.―What do you think of your English teacher?你觉得你们的英语老师如何啊?

―She is very friendly to us.她对我们很友好。

3.―How do you study English?你如何学英语?

―I study English by taking notes in class.我通过课堂上做笔记来学习英语。

4.―Please dont eat in class.请不要在课堂上吃东西。

―Sorry ,I wont.对不起,我不会了。

5.―How was your school trip?你的学校旅行如何啊?

―It was great/OK/good.很好。

6.―I will have an English test tomorrow.我明天有一个英语测试。

―Good luck to you!希望你有好运气!

7.―Our school will have a picnic this weekend.我们学校这个周末有一次野餐。

―Have a good time! 好好玩吧!

Topic14 时间与日期


1.―When were you born?你什么时候出生的?

―I was born on August 17th ,1978.我出生于1978年8月17日。

2.―What time do you usually go to school?你通常什么时候去学校?

―I usually go to school at seven oclock.我通常七点去学校。

3.―What day is it today?今天是周几?

―Today is Monday.今天是周一。

4.―Whats the date today?今天是几号?

―Its July 18th.7月18日。

5.―Whats the time?/What time is it?几点了?

―Its eight oclock in the evening.晚上八点。

6.―Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?

―I like summer best.我最喜欢夏季。

Topic15 恭维与应答


1.―Your skirt is so beautiful.你的裙子很漂亮。

―Thank you.谢谢。

2.―I have just got my drivers license.我已经拿到了驾照。

―Im glad to hear that.听到这我很高兴。

3.―I think you have an excellent son.我认为你有一个优秀的儿子。

―Thank you.谢谢。

4.―Happy birthday to you.生日快乐。

―Thanks a lot.多谢。

5.―Its very kind of you taking care of my cat when I am away.


―Its my pleasure.不客气。

Topic16 职业与外貌


;look like 看起来像;tall 高的;short 矮的;medium height 中等身高;medium build 中等体型;fat 胖的;thin 瘦的;heavy 重的;straight hair 直发;curly hair 卷发;strong 强壮的;blond hair 金黄色头发;brown hair 棕发


1.―What do you do?你是做什么的? ―I am an actor.我是一名演员。

2.―Whats your job?你的工作是什么?―I am a teacher.我是一名教师。

3.―What does he do?他是干什么的?―He is a doctor.他是一名医生。

4.―What do you want to be when you grow up?当你长大后想干什么?

―I want to be a pilot.我想成为一名飞行员。

5.―What does he want to be when he grows up?当他长大后想干什么?

―He wants to be an engineer.他想成为一名工程师。

7.―What does he look like?他长得什么样子?―He is of medium height.他中等个子。

8.―What does she look like?她长得什么样子?―She has long hair.她有长长的头发。

傅雷家书常考题型 篇5






7、《傅雷家书》是傅雷及其夫人写给(傅聪 傅敏)的家信摘编。写信时间为(1954)年至(1966)年六月。















1、傅雷的儿子是(AC)A、傅聪 B、傅作义 B、傅敏

2、傅雷是一个(A)的父亲。A、严厉尽责 B、慈祥仁厚 C、和蔼可亲

3、《傅雷家书》凝聚着对(A)的爱A、祖国、儿子 B、父母 C、妻子

4、傅雷的长子是(B)A、傅敏 B、傅聪 C、傅震

5、傅雷通过(C)方式,对儿子的生活和艺术进行指导A、当面教诲 B、电话 C、书信

6、傅雷对儿子的指导,都像(A)一样提出建议和意见A、良师益友 B、老师 C、好朋友

7、这两封家书,是针对儿子(A)时而写的A、长大成人、留学海外 B、学习不顺利 C、心情不好

8、写第一封家书的目的是(B)A、告之家里情况 B、劝慰儿子正确对待情绪消沉



10、可以概括第一封信的主题词是(C)A、开心 B、努力 C、坚强

11、可以概括第一封信的主题词是(D)A、开心 B、努力 C、坚强、D、胜不骄 败不馁

12、傅雷希望儿子成为(C)的人A、严肃正直 B、随和 C、乐观坚强、敢于正视错误

13、傅雷认为中国有史以来最好的文学批评是(C)A、资治通鉴 B、论语 C、人间词话


A、艺术上要取得成就 B、随遇而安 C、先为人,次为艺术家,再为音乐家,终为钢琴家

15、傅雷用(C)来指导儿子的艺术修养A、教授钢琴 B、听音乐 C、书信的方式

16、傅雷翻译过的作品有(ABC)A、人间喜剧 B、高老头 C、欧也妮葛朗台

17、这本书是一部(A)A、苦心孤诣的教子篇 B、励志篇 B、随笔

18、傅聪最后成为了(B)大师A、翻译 B、钢琴 C、书法

19、傅雷是我国著名的(A)A、翻译 B、钢琴 C、书法

20、傅雷教育儿子要做一个(A)的艺术家A、德艺兼备、人格卓越 B、技艺精湛

21、傅雷曾翻译过巴尔扎克的(A)A、人间喜剧 B、战争与和平、C、复活

22、傅雷教育儿子待人要(A),做事要(A)A、谦虚、严谨 B、严肃、认真 C、随和 随意

23、傅雷一生中任何时期,都没忘记对(C)的忠诚A、爱情 B、朋友、C、文学

24、傅雷说,他最不赞成(A)A、自己责备自己而不表现 B、做错以后情绪不高 C、做错以后若无其事

25、《傅雷家书》是傅雷写给(A)A、傅聪 B、傅敏

26、傅雷通过书信训练傅聪的,不但是文笔,尤其是(B)A、情怀 B、思想 C、情商

27、傅雷说,人总得常常(A)自己,不()就解决不了问题A、放纵 B、强迫 C、教育

28、傅雷说,世界上最纯洁的欢乐,莫过于欣赏(A)A、艺术 B、书籍 C、书法

29、(A)是培养你心灵的酒浆A、辛酸的眼泪 B、优异的成绩 C、周游世界

30、人一辈子都在(A)中浮沉,惟有唐碌的人生活才如一潭死水A、高潮--低潮 B、平常 C、烦恼

三、简答题 第一封家书




儿子在打击之下,父亲用这样亲切疼爱的语气对儿子进行劝慰和开导,便于抚平儿子心灵的创伤 3、傅雷在信中是怎样开解劝慰儿子的?




克利斯多夫的经历是一切艺术家的缩影与结晶,而傅聪在国外学音乐,一直以克利斯多夫为榜样,甚至自称为克利斯多夫。作者特举克利斯多夫的例子正是为了激励儿子勇敢地直面困难,从消沉中振奋起来,重新投入到艺术之中去,以早日实现自己的梦想 第二封家书









