
2024-09-19 版权声明 我要投稿


托福写作预测 篇1


Money for Sports Activities

A student’s education does not only consist of learning academic subjects. It is also important for students to develop other skills, such as teamwork, and healthy habits that will last them a lifetime. One way to do this is to encourage more participation in sports activities. Although it is important to provide adequate funding for academic services such as the school library, I believe it is important to fund sports activities equally.

A student’s primary education goal is to pursue knowledge. Therefore, the school library is very important. However, the resources that a library buys are long-lasting. In addition, students now have resources other than the school library to support their studies. For example, many have their own computers and access to the Internet. Sports activities, on the other hand, require some investment every year. Equipment wears out and needs to be replaced more often than library resources. Furthermore, a school that provides good athletic equipment for its students will find that they are more willing to participate in physical activities. Since these activities are also an important part of their education, the importance of good equipment cannot be ignored.

托福写作预测 篇2

近年来, 托福考试被越来越多的人视为检验英语水平能力的权威考试, 许多英语测试专家对托福考试进行了广泛的研究。然而, 随着2006年新托福考试的出现, 以前的研究也反映出了一些不足, 尤其是从语言测试角度进行的研究略显宽泛和笼统。本文主要是从语言测试的一个角度, 即测试的有效性, 对托福写作考试进行研究, 并对新托福写作的变化及其测试有效性进行分析。

2. 测试有效性概述

Bachman和Palmer认为在设计试卷时最重要的考虑就是其有效性, 它是一份试卷最重要的属性。Bachman和Palmer定义测试有效性包含六个方面的内容:测试信度、效度、真实性、互动性、反拨效应和可行性。虽然这六个方面都很重要, 但托福考试设计者认识到想要在一份试卷中同时实现六者的最大化是不可能的。因此本文着重分析托福在信度、效度、真实性、反拨效应四个方面的属性。

3. 托福写作有效性

3.1 写作测试有效性

3.1.1 写作测试信度

Bachman (1996) 把信度定义为“测试的一致性” (consistency of measurement) , 简言之, 就是测试结果的可信度、可靠度。

写作测试的信度由多种因素影响, 其中试题信度至关重要。写作试题包含很多变量:写作主题、文体、刺激材料、修辞及措辞。其中能够保证试题内容效度的因素也会提高试题的信度。托福写作测试委员会设计了细致的题目, 每一道题目都是在专家考虑学术英语写作影响因素的基础上精心设计的。Tedick (1990) 发现, 学生在完成有关自己课程题目的写作时情况要好于完成比较宽泛的题目。也就是说, 应试者更善于处理相对比较熟悉的题目。因此, 试题设计者设计了类似北美高校英语教学环境下的题目, 将其全部编入试题库, 保证了试题内容及文体的确定性, 提高了测试的一致性, 也就是测试信度。

3.1.2 写作测试效度

所谓效度是指“成功地实现测试目的的程度” (Clark, 1979) 。语言测试的效度是指测试是否考查了测试者想要测试的语言方面的内容, 考生所考出的成绩是否合理地说明了该考生的语言能力。

内容效度是测试效度的一个重要指标。它是指试卷的试题内容是否代表了考试内容规范所规定的内容, 主要指试题与所要考查的语言知识、技能或语言能力的相关性、代表性, 以及考生的合适性。TWE测试旨在测试非英语国家学生在给定题目下的英语书面表达能力。题目设计对所有参加托福考试的人秉持公平、合适、可接受的原则。每篇文章都从英语词汇、句法及信息的组织发展角度考量, 参照完整的TWE评分标准打分。

3.1.3 写作测试真实性

根据Bachman (1991) 对真实性给出的定义:语言测试中的真实性是指受试者在测试中使用目的语完成测试任务与其在现实生活中使用语言进行交际活动的相似程度, 也就是语言测试与语言交际的统一程度。然而, TWE在三个方面表现出不足的真实性。首先, 非应试环境下的学术写作通常是基于学生阅读、听课或课堂讨论等形式的源材料作为输入的写作, 学生可以对写作主题及背景知识有一个完整的了解。其次, 除了考试中, 多数学术写作不会限定学生的写作时间。再次, 写作考试的评卷人与考试者互不认识, 而学术写作的阅读者通常就是学生的导师。TWE要求应试者在限定时间内就相对不熟悉的话题进行写作, 其真实性有待进一步研究。

3.1.4 写作测试反拨效应

反拨效应指测试对社会、教育制度以及对处于这个制度内的个人的影响, 前者为宏观层次的影响, 后者为微观层次的影响。

Messick (1996) 认为, 具有积极反驳效应的测试应该包含真实语言交际环境中需要运用的听说读写技能的试题。因此, 旧版托福与TWE的反拨效应通常被认为是消极的。然而, 托福题库的发行被视为具有积极的反拨效应。它使得潜在应试者有机会练习托福考试题型, 可以学习大量的文章, 提高个人的英语水平。

3.2 新托福写作特点

3.2.1 非单一写作任务

在新托福写作中, 考生被要求完成两项写作任务, 这样做的好处是提高了考试的真实性。在高校学习环境中, 导师布置的写作任务可能是多种多样的, 例如研究论文、课程论文、分析报告等。所以, 对于那些想要在英语国家学习的应试者而言, 掌握多种写作任务的写作技巧是十分有益的。

3.2.2 刺激材料的使用

新托福写作考试中使用了阅读和听力材料作为写作的刺激材料, 要求应试者在理解原材料的基础上完成写作任务, 因此他们必须运用总结、提取、综合、分析等技能对源材料进行加工。这些技能的使用提高了考试的真实性, 因为大学导师可能要求学生阅读某些书目或研究报告后完成文章, 也可能在听完讲座后进行写作。

3.2.3 笔记技巧的运用

笔记技巧的运用被视为新托福考试一项重要的改进。考生在听录音的过程中可以通过做笔记来帮助答题, 这使得考生可以以一种更自然的状态答题, 减少了失常发挥的可能性, 提高了考试效度。而且, 正如学校学习环境中经常使用笔记方法一样, 考试中运用笔记也大大提高了考试的卷面效度。

4. 结语

托福写作测试是测试英语学习者英语写作能力的考试。从Bachman和Palmer的语言测试理论分析, 它是一项具有高信度效度及积极反拨效应的考试。然而, 它仍然具有某些缺点。新托福写作融合了多种技能的应用, 使用了刺激材料并锻炼了考生的笔记技能, 因而具有了更高的信度效度, 是一项更加科学的考试。但是任何考试都不可能是完美的, 这就要求语言研究者对托福考试进行更深层次的研究。


[1]Alister Cumming, Robert Kanter, Donald Powers, Terry San-tosand Carol Taylor.TOEFL 2000 Writing Frame work:a Working Pa-per[M].Educational Testing Service, 2000.

[2]Bachman.Fundamental Considerations in Language Test-ing[M].Oxford UP, 1990.

[3]Bachman and Palmer.Language Testing in Practice[M].Oxford UP, 1996.

[4]Robert Wood.Assessment and Testing:a Survey of Re-search[M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001.

[5]Weigle, Sara.Cushing, Assessing Writing[M].Cambridge:CUP, 2002.

[6]Alister Cumming, Robert Kantor, Kyoko Baba, Usman Er-dosy, Keanre Eouanzoui and Mark James.Differences in written dis-course in independent and integrated prototype tasks for next gener-ation TOEFL, Assessing Writing[J].Volume10, Issue1, 2005:5-43.

[7]Alla Zareva.What is new in the new TOEFL-iBT2006test format?Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching[J].2005, Vol.2, No.2:45-57.

[8]戴云.新托福写作攻略[J].新东方英语, 2006, Z1.

[9]李鼎.新托福写作规律分析及应对策略[J].新东方英语, 2007, Z1.

[10]李笑来.备战新托福作文[J].新东方英语, 2005, Z1.

[11]江奇.新托福写作揭秘[J].新东方英语, 2006, (6) .

托福写作备考攻略 篇3













独立写作的命题形式一般为“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement …”(你是否同意下面的论断……),要求考生对题目给出的论断表明自己的观点,然后写出具体的理由和细节来支持自己的观点,写作的字数是300词以上,考试时间为30分钟。题目给出的论断主要涉及以下十大类话题,下面分别举例说明。

①成功类话题:In order to achieve success, we must be more like others than be different from others.

②工作类话题:People should take a secure job immediately when finding it instead of waiting for a job that they find more satisfying.

③金钱类话题:Most businesspeople are motivated by the desire for money.

④科技类话题:The telephone has had a greater effect on people’s lives than TV.

⑤教育类话题:To improve the quality of education, universities should spend more money on professors’ salaries.

⑥朋友类话题:Getting advice from friends who are older than you is better than getting advice from friends who are of the same age as yours.

⑦环境类话题:Most of the environmental issues are too complicated today. Individuals cannot do anything about them.

⑧政府类话题:The most important thing that the government can do in improving health care is to clean the environment.


⑨媒体类话题:Advertising is a waste of time and money because customers already know what they want.

⑩动物类话题:More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.



第一,某些独立写作题目会含有“should/should not”这一关键词,对于这一类题目,考生既可以选择“同意”,也可以选择“不同意”。2010年8月14日的题目就是如此:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take part-time jobs while they are studying in university.”对于此类题目,考生写作时可以以句式“Whether or not … has been a controversial issue”开头。例如,针对上面这道题目,考生可以在开头写道:“Whether or not students should take part-time jobs while they are studying in university has been a controversial issue.”

第二,有些独立写作题目含有all、most、best这类表示绝对语气的词,对于这些含有绝对语气的词的题目,笔者建议考生还是选择“不同意”为好。理由很简单,这些题目从逻辑上讲无一例外都夸大了某一个要素的重要性,否认了其他要素的影响,看问题只见树木不见森林。例如,2010年5月8日的独立写作题目为:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for parents to teach children responsibility is to have them care for animals.”对于此类题目,考生可以在开头段或结尾部分以这样的句式亮明自己的观点:“This argument exaggerates the importance of A and denies the significance of other factors such as B, C, and D which can also contribute to sth./sb.”

第三,还有一类题目则是将事物A和事物B作比较,含有“… better/more … than …”等词。例如,2010年6月13日的题目:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s better to spend money on pleasant things such as vacations than to save money for the future.”对于这一类题目,笔者通常建议考生以这样的方式开头:“Although A/B has some benefits for …, I still believe that B/A will exert more significant influence on …”



例如,我们来看以下三个题目:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are now easier to become educated than in the past.”“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays it’s easier to maintain health than the past.”“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for parents to raise their children than 50 years ago.”在这三个题目当中,考生如果同意题目中的观点,我们一方面可以采用“意识的提高”作为通用论据,具体到题目中分别是教育意识的提高、健康意识的提高和家长参与意识的提高;另一方面,考生也可以将“经济的发展和收入的增加”作为这类题目的通用论据。虽然托福独立写作题目众多,但其命题内容无外乎教育、朋友、金钱、工作、成功等几个与大学生相关的重要话题。考生在备考过程中只要善于总结,勤于思考,找出话题之间的内在联系,然后再总结各类话题的写作思路,便能解决“写什么”的问题。





其次,考生在应对综合写作和独立写作的过程中,必须严格参照评分标准和体系进行写作,避免只按自己的意愿进行写作。综合写作的5分标准为:“A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading. The response is well organized, and occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections …”这段文字突出强调了考生在写作时要选择与概括听力的主要信息,并且能够很好地与阅读的相关信息联系起来,即考查考生的归纳和总结能力。独立写作的5分评分标准为:“… well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details. Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice.”在这段评分标准有三个显著的要求。第一个是well organized,即要求文章要有清晰的逻辑,对于独立写作而言,笔者认为清晰的逻辑结构应该是一个树状结构:树干是总论点,树枝是论据,树叶是扩展句,树枝不管往哪个方向生长,必须依附于树干,树叶不管是多或少,必须在树枝上,树干、树枝和树叶构成了一个完整统一的整体,独立写作文章的结构也应如此。第二个显著要求为well developed,即要求文章的主体段要充分展开论证,毫无疑问,有说服力的事实和例子是实现这个目标的最好手段,考生可以列举切题的名人和个人的事例。第三个显著要求为syntactic variety,即要求考生具有良好的语言转换能力。考生在写作时可以利用近义词以及变换句式等方法来增加语言的多样性。要想提高语言表达能力,笔者建议考生做托福阅读时可以积累文章中的精彩句式,并加以模仿和运用。

托福写作预测 篇4

It was about two centuries ago when Industrial Revolution made it possible to produce paper and print in large quantities at a much low cost that printing press started to develop rapidly and lead public opinions. Nowadays, there are more means for mass medias to convey information, like radio, TV and Internet. However, facing the overwhelming amount of information, people begin to challenge the credibility of mass medias. In my mind, the mass medias, in general, are actually more reliable than before.

To begin with, it is in fact the challenge and criticism of readers and audiences that force mass medias to try their best to present accurate information timely. Undoubted, the popularization of compulsory education and expansion of universities have overall increased the percentage of population that receives education. As a result, people today have stronger ability to judge and analyze than before. Also, as people gradually get used to collect information from different sources and make comparison, it is unwise for a media to fool people with inaccurate information at the risk of being discredited. On the contrary, most mass medias who aim at long term development of good public relationship invest in the recruitment of excellent journalists and improvement of facilities to serve readers. But, in the past, mass medias were less concerned about their accuracy as they doubted people’s ability to discern.

Secondly, the fierce competition also pushes people working in media industry to be accountable for their information. In the past, the right to publish and broadcast was controlled tightly by governments and a small number of media companies. They, as the true leaders of public opinions, cared less about their accuracy but focused more on how to make profits by manipulating minds. For example, during World War II, governments of many European countries, including Britain and Germany, strictly censored and controlled the press to encourage people to join the army and serve for the war while ignoring the facts of heavy death tolls and economic loss. But today, the broad coverage of Internet has lowered the threshold of media industry and enabled small companies and even individuals to compete for readers and audiences. Therefore, a media that fails to guarantee the authenticity of its information can hardly survive.

Admittedly, it is also true that there are problems caused by mass medias’ inaccurate information. To attract eyeballs and strive to be the first to release the information, some medias choose to distort the truth or publish without further research and confirmation. Their irresponsible behaviors not only mislead the public, but also disrupt the order. The worst scenario is to motivate other medias who fail to observe professional ethics to follow suit. This is especially obvious in the report of celebrities’ tidbits. However, for the healthy development of mass media in the long term, such irresponsible acts will be gradually corrected by general public’s ability to discern right and wrong as well as the unbreakable law of survival of the fittest.

To sum up, the mass media nowadays have to be more accountable for the authenticity of their information, in order to survive and succeed in the long run and to protect the whole industry.








Do you agree or disagree with the following statement : Sometimes people think nowadays the media (TV, newspaper, Internet) are less concerned about the accuracy of news than in the past, and the incorrect information may cause more problems to the public.

托福口语独立题机经预测 篇5

1. There are two universities. One only provides courses that related to your major while the other could provide a wide variety of courses. Which school do you prefer to go? Explain why with specific details and examples.

2. Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams, while others think that students learn more effective through doing other activities such as writing paper or completing projects, which do you think is more effective for students to learn.

3. Some professors prefer to answer students’ questions in the end of the lecture while some other professors choose do it during the teaching process. Which one do you think is better, why?

4. Some students choose to enter the university immediately after finishing high school; others prefer to take time off before beginning the university class. Which option do you think is better?

5. If the university provides $5000 scholarship, do you think they should reward the students with high academic performance or help the students who need financial aids?

6. Some people prefer to do their jobs regularly in the office while some other people choose to do their work at home with more flexibility. Which solution do you prefer? Why?

7. You are going to attend a job interview in a company that is far away from the campus. You could either take the interview in person or do a telephone interview. Which option do you prefer and why?

8. Which one do you agree? Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children.

9. Some people like to make friends with people who share similar ages while other choose to make friends with people from different age groups. Which one do you support? Why?

10. To educate children, do you think we should praise their good behaviors or should punish their bad behaviors? Explain why with specific details and examples

11. Some people believe it is fine to take pictures of paintings in the museum or the gallery while other people thought it is inappropriate to do so. Which opinion do you agree with?

12. Some people prefer to participate in musical or theatrical shows in person on the stage, others prefer to be audience watching these plays. What do you like to do? Explain why.

13. Your community wants to help old people learn how to use computers. Some people prefer to give lectures to all elder people together while some others prefer to recruit students to tutor the elderly individually. Which method do you think is better?

14. When people having disagreement with their friends or families on some controversial issues, some people choose to persuade others to listen to their ideas while others choose to reserve opinions. Which one do you prefer, why?

15. Some people believe that library should only be a place for people to quietly read books while some other people think it could also be considered as a good place for people to meet and communicate with each other. Which idea do you support? Please give details and example to support your answer.


1. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that one day in the future, teachers will not give class in person and all the classes will be taught online.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should watch experiment videos rather than do experiment in person

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Male and female students should have separate resident halls.

4. The school teachers propose that students should compete with each other in the class. Do you think this is a good idea?

5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is acceptable to use others influence to get a job.

6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Important business meetings should be held in person rather than through video conference calls.

7. We should only help our friends when they ask for help. Do you agree or disagree with this notion?

8. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that parents should help their children dealing with difficulties or problems

9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should discourage their children to join some competitive activities like sports.

10. Do you agree or disagree that parents should teach children at their early age about the difficulties of the life?

11. Some people believe that the decision made by a group of people is better than the one that made by individual. Do you agree or disagree with this idea?

12. A big cooperation is planning to invest in a factory in your hometown. This factory will create many job opportunities for people but it also brings a lot of pollution at the same time. Do you think it should be built?

13. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people should participate in activities which they are not very good at.

14. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Video games are useless and not beneficial at all to children.

15. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people who play with their mobile phones when crossing the street should be punished and fined.



If universities are given financial support to develop researches, which one do you think would receive more benefits. 1.To predict whether more accurately. 2.To clean rivers and ocean. 3. To deal with out space.

Some people prefer sending messages while others prefer making phone calls directly, which one do you prefer?


There is a students’ TV show coming on the way. Which show would you like to watch? Please give your reasons. A. Interview school leaders B. Students’ debate on political and social topics C. Comedy about school life

Some people like participating in performance like theatrical or musical show. Others prefer to be audience and watch those plays. Which do you prefer?


The student is asked to write a final project about the famous historical city which you‘re located in. Which would do you choose? 1. Video the famous building 2. Visit the old people 3. Research and write paper

If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester. One apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive, while the other is a little far from the campus but cheaper. Which one do you prefer and why?


If the government wants to invest in the following three areas, which one do you think is the most worthwhile? 1. Land exploration2. Education 3. Health care

Some people choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better?


Children need to learn to cooperate and get along with others when they grow up. Please give examples of how adults can help them acquire those skills.

Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities, one university is well-known for its excellent academic program, but it’s expensive, while another is less well-known, but has offered you with scholarship to pay for your intuition fee. Which university would you prefer? Explain why.


Which of the following people can give most useful help in your future career direction:1)Teachers 2)Families 3)Friends. Choose one and explain why.

Some people prefer to give their opinions immediately. Others prefer to wait and listen to others’ opinions before giving their own. Which one do you think is better?


The university decides to remodel the dormitory and add a new space to it. Which of the following space do you recommend to add in your dormitory ?1.Cafe 2.Study room 3.Game room

Some students enjoy decorating their surroundings; other choose to keep their surroundings simple and free of any decorations. Which do you prefer and why ?


University students encounter many difficult challenges in their studies. Which challenge do you think is the most difficult one and how do you deal with it?

Some people believe old people should not take risk and participate adventurous events as the young people. Do you agree? Why?


If a mayor is to be selected from the following candidates who all have no political experience but are successful in their own field, which one do you think is the best candidate for mayor? A university professor/A businessman/A doctor

Some people believe that we should not discuss the private activities of popular people, like movie stars and singers. Do you agree? Why?

Which of the following aspects do you think contributes most to country‘s success? 1. many business opportunities 2. well rounded medical care system 3. a developed educational system

托福考试:1217托福独立写作 篇6

Firstly, new technology products are usually very expensive but contribute little to one’s happiness. It is true that a newly launched electronic product usually has better performance and more advanced function that facilitate people’s life and bring user friendly experience. Depending on their cutting-edged technology, companies charge a high price. However, before we make the order, it is worth thinking twice whether the so-called updated functions are indispensable. In fact, for various kinds of electronic products, they share the similar functions. It is unnecessary to waste much money on a piece of product only with slight improvement or difference. Take products of Apple as an instance. If it is not because the old iPhone 7 is lost or broken, to buy a new iPhone 8 is almost meaningless for people who are not keen on its more durable glass body and better OLED display.

Secondly, both to find a roommate and to cook at home are not feasible. For a person who gets used to live alone, to have a stranger living under the same roof is inconvenient and uncomfortable. It means one not only has to clean and reserve certain area for the new roommate, but also may have to sacrifice privacy. Moreover, it takes time to find someone who is easygoing and shares similar lifestyle. Whether the two can get along well with each is also a problem. To buy cheap food and cook at home is not a good option, as it is time consuming. When most of the time is occupied by work, people feel exhausted to shop, cook and do dishes back home, especially if one is not good at cooking. Furthermore, people cannot save much money from cooking at home when the cost of time, natural gas, electricity is added.

In summary, for above mentioned three methods to reduce living expenses, I highly recommend the friend to buy fewer electronic products, instead of sharing the house with a roommate or cooking at home.


A friend is going to reduce the living expenses.

find a roommate that can share the living expenses

buy the new technology products less frequently

shop for less expensive food to cook at home

托福独立写作硬伤剖析 篇7

审题 避免跑题

在托福独立写作中,审题和构思永远是第一位的。考生如果在审题上出现偏差,那么即使语言再好,例子再多,也很难拿到高分。在《新托福考试官方指南》独立写作部分的评分标准中,取得5分的其中一条标准是“effectively addresses the topic and task”,这就是要求考生写作要扣题。在实践中,考生在审题方面容易出现以下两种错误。


“实然”类题目问的是现实中是否存在某种情况。如2013年3月3日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are more likely to spend time and effort to improve the world than young people in the past.”该题目是问今天的年轻人是不是比过去的年轻人更愿意花时间和精力来改进世界。也就是说,题目问的是现实中存不存在这种情况,而不是年轻人应不应该这样做。

“应然”类题目问的是某种做法是否应该鼓励,或者做某件事情是否重要。如2013年1月13日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to make sure that others (influential people or potential employers) know about your strengths and accomplishments; or you will not have a successful life.”该题目是问想要获得成功的人生,你是不是应该让别人(有影响力的人或潜在雇主)了解你的特长和成就。


对于“实然”类题目,考生应着重利用事实和客观证据来构思分论点。以2013年1月26日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目为例:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are more likely to help others than young people in the past.”该题目是问现在的年轻人事实上是不是比以前的年轻人更有可能帮助人,而不是问现在的年轻人应不应该比以前的人更多地帮助人。因此,这道题属于“实然”类题目。考生在写作分论点时,应着重从事实和客观证据的角度来寻找依据,比如“现在的年轻人可以用很多传统方式帮助人”“现在的年轻人也可以用很多现代化的新型方式帮助人”等。在每个分论点内部,考生应多运用实际的事例来论证。

对于“应然”类题目,考生应着重从“为什么”的角度来构思分论点。以2013年3月2日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目为例:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The world is busy and crowded; we should not expect people to be polite to others.”该题目本质上是问礼貌是否重要,属于“应然”类题目。考生在写作时,分论点应重点讲“为什么礼貌很重要”,比如“对人有礼貌能够让我们交到更多朋友”“人们之间互有礼貌有助于国家和社会的和谐”等。在每个分论点内部,考生应先解释清楚理由,再辅以例子支持。

考生如果不能准确识别“实然”和“应然”类题目,就可能在审题和构思时出现跑题的问题。这样一来,即使例子很充分,语言也较好,考生依然拿不到好成绩。比如,有一位考生参加2013年3月2日的托福考试,独立写作题目为上文提到的“应然”类题目,即我们是否应该对人有礼貌。该考生由于紧张,审题时出现偏差,结果将文章中的一个分论点设成了“因为现实生活中有很多人都对人有礼貌,所以我们应该对人有礼貌”,这就犯了混淆“实然”和“应然”类题目的错误。用“现实生活中有很多人对人有礼貌”来证明题目要求的“我们应不应该对人礼貌”违背了5分评分标准中的要求(effectively addresses the topic and task)。因此,该考生在独立写作部分只得到了Fair档的分数。而以该考生的语言功底和平时表现,其在独立写作部分拿Good档分数是没有问题的,正是审题的失误导致其独立写作发挥失常。这样的失误很令人遗憾,应该尽量避免。




同样以“The world is busy and crowded; we should not expect people to be polite to others”这道题为例。这道题整体上问的是“礼貌是否重要”或者“人们之间应不应该互有礼貌”。有位考生在审题时片面地纠结于expect这个词,因此在写主体段时把重点放在了证明“应不应该期待礼貌”上,结果导致跑题。这位考生在之前两次考试的独立写作部分都拿到了Good档的成绩,但在这次考试中却因跑题只得了Fair档的成绩。

结构 避免主体段分论点之间的交叉和冲突

在独立写作中,主体段的两个或三个分论点之间不宜出现交叉或冲突。如果出现这类硬伤,考生就无法拿到Good档的分数,因为这不符合5分标准中“unity, progression, and coherence”的要求。《新托福考试官方指南》在独立写作的organization要求中提到:“To earn a top score, you need to avoid redundancy (repetition of ideas), digression (points that are not related to your main point, that take away from the ‘unity’ of your ideas), and unclear connections (places where it is hard for the reader to understand how two ideas or parts of your writing are related).”各分论点间的交叉重叠正是redundancy的体现,分论点间出现的冲突则是digression和unclear connection的体现。这些都是考生在文章结构方面应尽量避免的硬伤。下面笔者通过实例来具体分析什么是主体段分论点之间的交叉和冲突,希望能给考生以启发。


某考生遇到的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to choose friends who you can have fun with than to choose friends who will help you when you need them.”该考生选择的观点为“选择能够提供帮助的朋友更加重要”。其第一个分论点为“患难时这种朋友能够帮助自己摆脱困难”,第二个分论点为“如果帮助自己的朋友在帮助的过程中也获得好处,这样就能给双方都带来好处”。第二个分论点说朋友帮助自己对朋友也有好处,这是跑题的表现;说朋友帮助自己对双方都有好处,这其实和第一个分论点讲的“能够给自己带来好处”有交叉重叠。因此,该考生虽然在语言、字数等方面都不错,但由于结构不清晰,最后只拿到Fair档的成绩。


如果主体段的分论点之间出现了明显的观点冲突,这样的文章一定拿不到Good档的成绩。下面笔者以《新托福考试官方指南》上公布的一篇2分作文为例来具体说明。这篇文章的写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship.”这篇2分例文在首段提出的总观点为“诚实是关系中最重要的因素”。其第一个分论点为“诚实才能够赢得朋友和同事的信任”;第二个分论点为“撒谎会为工作和家庭生活带来麻烦”;第三个分论点则话锋一转,变成了“相反,有时候撒谎更加重要”,这与总观点和前两个分论点完全冲突。这样存在冲突的论述直接削弱了考生自己观点的证明力,也使读者产生困惑,这样的作文当然拿不到高分。


有些分论点表面看上去似乎有道理,并没有和其他分论点及全文总观点水火不容。但深入分析其内容会发现,尽管该论点也符合全文总观点的特征,但其更符合对立观点的特征,因而与其他分论点构成隐性的内在冲突。比如,2013年3月16日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The movies and television programs made in your own country are more interesting than movies and television programs made in other countries.”某考生选择的总观点为“国内的电影和电视节目更有趣”。其第一个分论点为“国内的电影和电视节目能让我们看到很多熟悉的东西,因此更加有趣”;第二个分论点为“国内的电影和电视节目能帮助我们了解我们不熟悉的一些国内事物,因此更加有趣”。第二个分论点虽然看似也说得通,但“不熟悉”其实更符合国外节目具备的特征,较少符合国内节目具备的特征,因为国外节目比国内节目更能够提供“不熟悉”的事物。所以,第二个分论点和第一个分论点存在隐性的观点冲突,而且该分论点不是国内节目和国外节目的显著不同,因而不能构成有效的论证。

论据 避免明显违背客观事实的论据


比如,2012年10月28日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All scientific discoveries should be shared among all scientists all around the world; government and businesses should not keep any discoveries in secret.”某考生选择的观点是“科学发现应该共享,不该有秘密”,论证时用的是乔布斯的例子。但大家都知道,苹果公司的核心知识产权事实上并没有在社会上共享。因此,这篇文章即使语言没有问题,例子也很多,但因为例子本身明显不符合事实,最终考生没有拿到Good档的成绩。

