With the development of the market-oriented economy and under the context of global village,the exchange of information and culture becomes more and more frequent and important.With more and more foreign books translated into Chinese,Chinese readers began to be familiar with many English books,such as Harry Potter,Gone with the Wind,Robinson Crusoe,and so on.However,to translate English books into Chinese is not an easy task,especially the translation of titles.The title is the eye and soul of a literary work.It usually carries information,reflects aesthetic judgment and guides readers in reading the literary works.Therefore,this paper focuses on strategies for translating titles of English literary works into Chinese.
1 Transliteration
Transliteration is to seek phonetic correspondence in terms of the translation of proper names,the names of the main characters in English literary works.It relates to the conversion of different alphabets in different language systems.Since the names of the main characters are usually used as the titles of English literary works,transliteration is an indispensable strategy in translating titles of English literary works.Many good examples of translating titles of English literary works into Chinese in transliteration have ever come into being,such as Jane Eyre/《简·爱》,Hamlet/《哈姆雷特》,Rebecca/《丽贝卡》,Rip Van Winkle/《瑞普·凡·温克尔》,Lolita/《洛丽塔》and so on.It keeps the style and rhythm of the original title and gives readers a shock of exotic flavor.
2 Literal Translation
According to Liu Zhongde[1],literal translation strives to reproduce both the ideological content and style of the entire literary work and retains as much as possible the figures of speech While translating a title of English literary work,a translator can employ literal translation when the vocabulary,the syntactical structure,and the rhetorical devices in English happen to be the same as Chinese.Literal translation can keep the original title invariant and convey the information of the original title directly For the translator presupposes Chinese readers will get the same cognitive effect.It is a common practice especially for the titles with names of people and places.For instance,Gulliver’s Trave was translated into《格列弗游记》and Washington Square was translated into《华盛顿广场》.Some other good examples are Pride and Prejudice/《傲慢与偏见》,Sense and Sensibility/《理智与情感》.
Since English and Chinese are two different languages with different vocabularies and grammars,the adjustment of the word order and omission make themselves two indispensable techniques in doing literal translation so that the title could be more concise and in accordance with Chinese norms.
2.1 Adjustment of Word Order
Sometimes word-for-word translation of some English literary work titles may not be in accordance with Chinese norms of expressions and their aesthetic tastes,therefore a slightly alteration of the word order or structure of the English title has to be necessary.The following serves as excellent examples:The Merchan of Venice/《威尼斯商人》,The Grapes of Wrath/《愤怒的葡萄》,A Streetcar Named Desire/《欲望号街车》,Tender is the Night/《夜色温柔》and Women in Love/《热恋中的女人》.
2.2 Omission
Apart from adjustment of the word order,omission also serves as a good technique in literal translation.Generally speaking,omission in the process of translating English literary work title into Chinese is to deal with English pronouns,and such functional words as articles,propositions and so on,which are of no need to be translated into Chinese.For example,An American Tragedy was translated into《美国悲剧》rather than“一个美国悲剧”,and An Essay on Man was translated into《人论》rather than“关于人的论文”.Here,“an”,“on”are omitted in the translation.And this kind of omission is often seen and some of them are The Wings of the Dove/《鸽翼》,The Scarlet Letter《红字》and The Lord of the Flies/《蝇王》.
3 The Combination of Literal Translation and Ex-planation
Chinese and English are two different languages,so are the literature styles of Chinese and English literary works.Feng Huazhan[2]once said,in his article On the Translation of Book Titles,that the English writers tend to use the name of the main character in the novel as book title,while Chinese writers prefer the titles revealing the general idea or the theme of the book.For example,if we literally translate the title of Myron and Witter’s literary work Dewey into“杜威”,it is possible that many Chinese readers may have no idea of what it is about.Is it about a person named Dewey or something else?In fact,this novel tells a story about a small-town library cat who touched the world.So Ma Ainong translated it into《小猫杜威》by adding two Chinese character“小猫”which means“little cat”,and this avoids readers’guess of what Dewey is.Some other examples are Oscar/《猎犬奥斯卡传奇》,Comeback/《归乡噩梦》and Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》.
4 Free Translation
The language of every nation has its own vocabulary,sentence structure and way of expression.When the expression of the translated language contradicts with the spirit of the original title,it is free translation that we should adopt[3].“What is important is the extent to which receptors correctly understand and appreciate the translated text”,just as Nida[4]once said in Language,Culture and Translating,“It is essential that functional equivalence be stated primarily in terms of a comparison of the way in which the original receptors understood and appreciated the text and the way in which receptors of the translated text understand and appreciate the translated test”.In order to make the literary work title appears attractive and understandable to Chinese readers,translators sometimes have no option but to turn to free translation to make the title meaningful to Chinese readers when they are translating a title of English literary work into Chinese.Take American writer Paul Bowles’The Sheltering Sky as an example.If it was translated into“遮蔽的天空”,wha could that mean?Can anyone get a hint of idea that it is about a story of three worldly young travelers Port Moresby,his wife Kit and their friend Tunner adrift in the city and deserts of North Africa after World War II,and their encounters there.While it is well revealed by Meng Yalin who translated it into《情陷撒哈拉》.Some other good examples are The Sky is Falling《灭顶之灾》,The Hours《丽影芳踪》and so on.
5 The Combination of Literal Translation and Free Translation
Sometimes literal translation may distort the meaning and content of the original text while free translation may spoil the foreign flavor.Neither of them is the perfect strategy in translating titles of English literary works into Chinese.But the combination of these two strategies may contribute to a good title translation.The fact is that the two get well blended and combined in practice.Most of the successful translations of titles of English works have proved a full demonstration of it.
For example,Turning thirty written by Nike Gayle means“将近三十”in Chinese.While it would be too much plain if adopted as the title in comparison with《三十而栗》translated by Zhang Yan.With the literal translation,“三十”is kept and the Chinese character“栗”is added,which means“frightening”in Chinese.This title just expresses the main character’s feeling o fear when he is turning thirty.Other examples are Death of the Lion/《名流之死》,Nine Times Nine/《九九神咒》.
All in all,transliteration and literal translation are among a translator’s first choices in terms of the translation of titles of English literary works into Chinese,especially those titles named after the name of the main character or those which seems plain superficially while containing deep meanings,because they can retain the original taste of the title.If it is really hard to convey the original meaning of the title,a translator can turn to other translation strategies,such as the combination of literal translation and explanation and the combination of literal translation and free translation.Free translation is a translator’s last choice when translating titles of English literary works.
[1]Liu Zhongde.Ten Lectures on Literary Translation[M].Beijing:China Translation and Publishing Corporation,1991.
电影能够展现真实的语言应用场景,生动展示具体语言在不同情境下恰当的使用方式。英文电影语言地道、通俗且接近生活,真实体现了所学语言的使用环境,为学生创造了摆脱母语羁绊、大脑对语言信息综合反应和自然吸纳的环境。学生在欣赏英文电影的同时,有机结合片中人物、场景、语言等多种感官信息,将词汇的用法做详尽的分析,理解词语语用环境,进而提高用词准确性。电影《绝望的主妇》中女主人Bree因宴会前与丈夫发生过争执,为保全面子她提醒丈夫宴会上不要喝太多酒而曝家丑时说了这么一句话“Because when you drink,you get chatty.”从这一情景片段我们可以推测出chatty的贬义性。该句可翻译为“因为你酒喝多了话就多”。笔者在播放该片段前让学生对“因为你酒喝多了话就多”这句话进行英语翻译,结果不少学生将“话多”译为“have many words”。这一中性表达显然不能准确传递女主人公的话语含义,有中式英语之嫌。经过影视片段教学学生深刻理解了chatty一词的语用环境,且避免了因英语语境缺失而产生中式英语错误。
电影语言情景教学真实而立体地展现了所学语言的使用环境,有助于学生完成将所学语言结构粘上语境标识的信息处理过程,避免“中式英语”和“哑巴英语”现象。传统教学模式的弊端导致学生对某些高频语言结构用法掌握得比较片面,以口语常见表达“Excuse me”为例。学生通过口语教材学习知道向陌生人问路时可以使用“Excuse me”,殊不知它还有对他人所说的话表示质疑这一常见用法。电影《绝望的主妇》中Bree与Andrew的一段对话可以说明Excuse me的这一用法。当Andrew告知Bree他认为妈妈花了三小时做的炖小牛胫味道只是还可以时,Bree用到该结构来反问Andrew,表示自己的不满。倘若教师能有效利用影视片段辅助口语教学,便可通过影片提供的语境信息帮助学生更加全面掌握常见结构的用法,避免生活中出现类似情景时,可使用的语言结构即使学过也用不出来。
文化和语言有着密切的联系,一定的文化背景知识有助于促进语言应用能力的提高,可以说,文化是语言学习的核心。([3])根据补缺假设,学生在外语语境缺失的情况下极有可能启动母语语境知识,将母语语境下的表达式直译为英语,致使外语形式与母语语境发生错配,产生文化层面上的中式英语错误。由于中西文化存在巨大差异,英语教学过程中教师应注重英语文化信息的输入和讲解。具体做法上,可选取与课文主题相关的影视片段辅助教学,提供与主题相关的语境信息和语言信息。如笔者在讲授《新世纪大学英语综合教程》第三册第六单元时,按照文化冲击这一主题从电影《绝望的主妇》中选取了Mary Alice告别会的片段进行教学。通过观看影片,让学生领会中西葬礼仪式的差异。在英美国家,亲友在葬礼之后还会为死者举行告别会,参加告别会的亲友须准备一些食品,告别会上主要是聊些死者生前的故事,少了中式葬礼上用以表达怀念死者的哭诉。学生通过影视教学明白了中西文化差异,将有助于提升其文化敏感性和跨文化交际能力。
[1]廖春红.构建网络环境下的大学英语教学模式[J].教育探索, 2007(5).
2,《奥巴马》——主题美国的变革,呼吁团结克服 面对阿富汗战争 金融危 全球环问,要变革 未来艰辛,团结 信念 克服,口号—改变 演讲贯穿思想—重造美国,终结布什的自有资本和单边外交,多元文化,他是产物!外交和安全政策谈判协商多边外交 领导地位 反伊克战 撤军,增兵阿富汗,跟伊朗接触,中国 长期积极建设关系 经安全 全球政策对话 环境军事交流。
3,《西风颂》——雪莱 英浪漫 赞革命,春来 冬远?意象 色彩 光亮与哲思 道思 政报复融合一起气势磅礴 感情炽烈 境界壮阔 鼓舞人 新希望。丧子后 诗反映 痛苦低落,但乐观 广视野 新生活向往。五部分 每部14行,1—激情歌颂秋风灵魂,2—天空广袤,3—盛夏 后秋天地中海植物 枯萎 凋零,4—自己比作叶子云彩浪花 希望随西风而动,5—新生活 憧憬希望 新生命新思想涌现成长。大自然意象,反映心境感觉,诗歌艺术 生活乐观。
4,《最后一信》——沙利文 巴卢少校,南北战争 为信念而战,南=州权 奴隶制,北=奴隶自由。布尔郎战役,作者是律师,共和党 忠林肯,1861 参战。思念妻 爱恋 国家责任,心酸的情书,甜蜜的遗嘱,战争与爱情的勇士。华丽辞藻 语言美 深情。第三段,最善良激情,诠释爱,死亡不止爱,妻子独自抚养两孩,战争灾难,生命贵,爱情美,军人坚毅 丈夫深情。
5,《The law of life》——杰克 伦敦,描写工人运和无产阶级作家“美无产阶级文学之父”,擅长动作描写,形象鲜明 情节紧凑 简练生动。19c末,淘金热 1897年 杰克虽败血病,收获多=北风光,土著悲遭遇。《》写失明老人,年轻时骁勇,老了不能迁徙被遗弃雪地,等死,对酋长儿子失望,回想他自己也抛弃父亲,自己后来死了。《》死亡气息贯穿始终。生死自然规律,生=欢乐希望,死=悲伤绝望。笔下“严酷的真实”展露人最深刻最震撼心灵,老人没食没帐篷没伙伴没柴火,只能思考,无论什么 结局都是死 都被吞噬古老永恒法则里,只能等待。
6,《雾都孤儿》——狄更斯,欧19c杰出批判现实主义大师,揭露英各阶层生活实况,掀起文学革命。以前文学中,普通人没地位,他最有效改变这种现象。生动写下层悲惨,对穷人劳动者同情。讽刺资产阶级虚伪民主政治党派活动,不平等合理 非人道 揭露抨击。19c初叶社会真实面貌,幽默,细致入微心理分析。奥利弗,善良,正直,不忘恩。贫民救济院,讽刺,孤儿饥饿,黑暗社会现实,资本主义下贫穷,没民主自由被虐,社会问题,历史意义。艺术手法=现实主义叙事;精彩的个性化语言 冷幽默 反讽。作者小说鼎盛明星,高产。
7,《玩偶之家》——亨里克 易卜生,挪威欧洲近代喜剧新纪元开创者,与莎士 莫里哀 齐名,19c后半叶资产阶级道德法律宗教教育家庭多方假面具。《》=“妇女解放运动宣言书”娜拉意识到自己玩偶地位,向丈夫宣言,个性解放思想叛逆女。易卜生=“一个伟大的句号”,句号发人深省,促使思考+联系现实
All the photos are ultimately in one or more ways to tell a story. If the viewer is emotionally connected to your photo, there is a story. First of all, your first challenge is to confirm what you are trying to tell the story in the end.
Technical quality
Is the photo precisely in focus? Exposure perfect? What about noise and sharpness?
Does the composition of this photo help to express its content?
Highlights where?
Even if a photo is not perfect, it may also have some good places. Find out the highlights and find out why.
The right tool
If you use a different equipment, this photo is better? If so, what is the difference between the actual equipment and the equipment that is desired? Why did not use another piece of equipment at that time? Is it possible to obtain the desired effect with the existing equipment?
After a cup of tea time to see a photo, you can find some can be improved, can be more creative place?
Tell the story?
After answering these questions, we go back to the first question and see if we have succeeded in telling the story. If the answer is “no”, the above problems will have this photo “failure” reasons.
If you have just started practicing, it is recommended to use a table to list these problems, which is very helpful to improve your shooting level.
Do not worry about this work may be a waste of time, and all the learning process, at the beginning you may feel a bit awkward and not meet, but once the habits, it will become a natural thing.
演讲在西方有悠久的传统,希腊的学者和政治家在三千前,已经在广场向群众宣扬自己的学说和政治理念。从政者必须是一个出色的演说家,前美国总统林肯,就是最伟大的英语演说家之一,他的文辞浅白,从不在演语中乱丢书包、或故意卖弄,而且句子简洁、铿锵有力。发表于1863年的The Gettysburg Address可说是其中的佼佼者。下面我们来欣赏一下。
The Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln November 1863
Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.We are met on a great battlefield of that war.We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.It is altogether fit and proper that we should do this.But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicatewe cannot hallow this ground.The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before usthat we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vainand that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from this earth.葛底斯堡的演讲 87年以前,我们的先辈们在这个大陆上创立了一个新国家。它孕育于自由之中,奉行一切人生来平等的原则。
在此演讲中, 6个字母及以上的词汇量的数目为57个,占21%的比例,同时不常见的词也较多,如consecrate, hallow, perish等;这些词完全可以被其它词或词组替换,如“fourscore and seven years ago”可以表达为“eightythat we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain 最后又用了三个that引导的从句,但是引导的不是状语从句而是三个宾语从句。这也是对偶的修辞手法: That we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain-that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom-and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from this earth.第三个宾语从句中的of the people, by the people, for the people也使用了排比的修辞手法。
英语是我国初中生所学的第二语言。受母语思维的影响, 学生在学习英语时经常出现英语理解的失误, 为此, 初中英语教师在教学中可以借助英文影视作品为学生的英语学习提供更多的语言环境, 与此同时, 培养学生的跨文化意识, 使他们学会如何正确地理解和掌握英语表达习惯。然而, 目前的初中英语教学中依然存在着很多问题, 严重影响了学生的英语听说读写能力。
(一) 过分重视基本语言应用常识教学
现阶段在初中英语教学中, 英语教师过分重视对基本语言应用知识的讲述, 比如英语单词的语音、语义、语法等, 讲授的知识枯燥无味。在英语课堂学习中, 学生耗费大量时间死记硬背, 严重降低了学习英语的积极性和热情。教学的目的在于教会学生如何应对英语考试, 如何提高英语成绩, 而忽视了对学生英语口语表达能力的培养。加之, 很多初中英语教师在教学中, 只是一味地向学生灌输各种简单的语法和词汇常识, 忽视了对英语本土文化的解释, 导致学生在英语学习中没有注重实践, 反而一味地追逐英语成绩的高低, 这导致学生的英语口语表达能力普遍不高。
(二) 很多初中英语教师在教学方法上还存在很多问题
新课改要求初中英语教师更加注重对学生英语表达能力的培养, 但是, 受传统应试教学理念的影响, 教学中依然是以教师的讲课为主导, 学生在课堂上练习口语表达的机会较少, 而且即使在课堂上师生之间有交流, 依然是以汉语为主。由于缺乏学习英语的语言情境, 导致学生在英语学习中经常出现汉语负迁移现象。为此, 英语教师应该充分利用英文影视作品为学生创造语言学习情境, 进而不断提高学生英语学习的成效。
二、英文影视作品 (美剧) 对初中英语教学的促进作用
(一) 提高学生英语学习的兴趣
爱因斯坦说过, 兴趣是最好的老师。因此, 在初中英语教学中, 教师应该充分认识到兴趣培养的重要性, 培养学生课堂学习兴趣, 改善教学模式, 并引导他们积极参与到课堂学习中去。教师在课堂上可以借助于英文影视作品欣赏, 利用学生的好奇心理, 让学生在观看影视作品时, 将语言信息与特定的生活情境相结合, 给其更加身临其境的语言氛围。长期的教学实践表明, 观看英文影视作品是提高初中生听说读写能力最简便有效的教学方法。比如, 英语教师可以向学生播放一些经典的美剧《老友记》《越狱》《迷失》等, 这类影视剧不仅对学生的思想具有一定的启发意义, 而且由于剧中的故事主人公说话的语速大都不快, 句子表达较为完整, 充斥着各种幽默诙谐的语调, 可以激发初中生的英语学习兴趣, 他们的口语表达能力也会在不知不觉中得到提升。
(二) 加深学生对英美文化的理解
语言作为人类之间相互交流的符号形式, 受到不同民族的思维习惯、文化传统以及生活习俗等因素的影响。在初中生学习英语的过程中, 总会不自觉地按照汉语的语言习惯去表达和应用英语, 这就导致汉式英语的出现, 而且经常出现理解上的偏差, 严重影响了与外国人的正常交流。为此, 教师可以通过让学生欣赏和观看大量的原版英文影视剧, 帮助学生理解西方人的思维方式和生活习惯, 了解中西文化的差异性, 避免在英语学习中出现较多中式的英语表达, 影响学生英语表达能力的提高。
(三) 学生的英语口语表达更加地道
现阶段在初中英语教学中, 教师的教学重点在于让学生学习更多的单词、语法知识, 忽视了对学生口语表达能力的培养, 虽然学生具有丰富的词汇储备和语法知识, 但是在实际的英语口语交流过程中, 书面化的用语较多, 而且还经常出现发音上的失误。对此, 教师可以结合英文影视剧作品, 让学生在观看影片的过程中, 注意总结西方人的发音特点, 自觉纠正自己发音中存在的问题, 让初中生的英语口语发音更加接近西方人的发音习惯。
英文影视剧作品的内容丰富, 英语的应用更加贴近生活实际, 文化特色明显, 对提高初中生的英语听说读写能力具有重要作用。为此, 初中英语教师应该在教学实践中正视英语教学中的问题, 积极探索可以有效提高初中英语教学质量的教学模式, 进而不断提高初中生的英语运用能力。
[1]张兵兵.英文电影在英语视听说教学中的合理运用[J].电影文学, 2011 (17) .
[2]陶林燕.浅谈看英文原版电影与英语听说能力的提高[J].兰州教育学院学报, 2011 (1) .
[3]郭文英.英文电影与英语语言学习[J].科技情报开发与经济, 2008 (27) .
To the Tune of Intoxicated under the Shadow of Flowers
Light mists and heavy clouds,
melancholy the long dreary day.
In the golden censer
the burning incense is dying away.
It is again time
for the lovely Double-Ninth Festival;
The coolness of midnight
penetrates my screen of sheer silk
and chills my pillow of jade.
After drinking wine at twilight
under the chrysanthemum hedge,
My sleeves are perfumed
by the fragrance of the plants.
Oh, I cannot say it is not endearing,
Only, when the west wind stir the curtain,
I see that I am more gracile
than the yellow flowers.