
2024-08-16 版权声明 我要投稿


名人的英文作文 篇1

Madame Curie

place of birth: Poland

studies the experience: In 1891 went study in University of Paris

work achievement: In 1898, altogether studied with husband Pierre Curie discovered two radioactive substance (radioactive matter) - - polonium and radium

in 1903, curie husband and wife won the Nobel Prize for Physics (the Nobel Prize for Physics)

in 1911, Madame Curie wins the Nobel chemistry prize once again, became in the history first two times to win the Nobel prize the scientist

名人的英文作文 篇2

Writing is one of the four basic skills in language learning Writing combines the ability of recognition,thinking and the using of words.It is a process of complicated skilled.Written work is usually produced after careful consideration so it is a relatively complete reflection of the learners'language ability.Errors tha appeared in writing are of great importance and value to both the language learners and teachers.

Among all the errors in writing,lexical errors are the mos frequent and important ones."People could describe few things without grammar,but they could express nothing without vocabulary"(Wilkins 111).Lexis is the centre role of language study while lexical errors are the most frequent category of error(James143).Lexical errors have been a great barrier to English writing In order to promote students'writing ability,this paper will firs discuss the significance of errors,and then classify the lexica errors in writings.Finally it will put forward some approach to the correction of lexical errors in English writing.

2 Significance of Lexical Errors

Traditionally,errors were regarded negatively and have to be eradicated.The more recent acceptance of such errors in learners'language is based on a fundamental shift in perspective from the more traditional view of how second languages acquired(Yule194).An error then,is not something that hinders student's progress,but is probably a clue to the active learning process being made by a student as he or she tries out ways of communicating in the new language.

Errors are not only inevitable but also necessary.Brown argues that"the study of the speech of learners is largely the study of the errors of learners",because"correct items yield little information about the Interlanguage of the learner."(169-171)There are some keys to the understanding of the process of learning language,which can be found in the errors made by learners.Errors are of great significance because they provide valuable information not only for teachers and students but also for textbook compilers,syllabus designers and researchers in the area of second language acquisition.

Errors could provide feedback by telling the teacher the effectiveness of his teaching materials and teaching techniques Errors also show the teacher what parts of the syllabus have been inadequately learned and taught and what parts need further attention.Thus the teacher gets the information which may enable him to decide whether he can move on or devote more time to the item he has been working on.Secondly,by analysis and corrections of their errors,students may know better in what aspect they should pay more attention to and to what extent he is weak Thus they may improve their learning more effectively.They can also test their hypothesis about the nature and rules of he language he is learning.As for the researchers,Corder claims that learner errors show them how the target language is learned or acquired and what kind of strategies or procedures employed in the discovery of the language(Error 10-11).Based on a systematic error study,syllabus,teaching materials and teaching techniques can be refined.

3 Approach to the Correction of Lexical Errors in

3.1 Self-correction

Students have some ability to correct their own errors.Tha is,they can activate their linguistic competence to do so,even without detailed cues.So,students should be encouraged to correct and revise their own work.Revision is an extremely important part of the writing process and students would benefit from strategies and advice to assist them in evaluating and revising their own and peers'work,whether for form or content.Consequently,students would participate in the writing process more actively,and cultivate the ability to take into consideration the expectations of the reader to develop a sense of audience.

Teachers can offer the students two kinds of check list,routine list and special list,which is the precondition for students self-correction.

Teachers may design a routine list for the errors that appeared frequently in English writing.By using this kind of list students can easily identify the errors and then try to reduce these errors in their writings.Such kind of routine list can be applied to correct all genres of writings as it contains high frequency errors in all types of composition.The second kind of check list is called special list that is designed for errors in specific compositions and it is used to aided the self-correction togethe with routine list.

3.2 Peer-correction

Small groups of students play an effective part in correcting written errors.It is considered that this method help teachers save time and free them for helpful instruction.

Students may be asked to correct compositions of his classmates.Small group worked as a team and went through the written assignments.The members of the small group marked,discussed,and correct the written errors.The teacher occasionally emerged to visit the small groups,looked at the corrected work listened to the debates,and offered help if there was a deadlock or made clarification if it was needed.Now,the roles of teachers and students have been exchanged.From this exchange,the students will get a fresh experience and some useful information to correct their own errors.Furthermore,when interacting with peers during small group activities,students may feel less anxious and more confident than they are during whole-class discussions.The interaction hypothesis of second language acquisition states tha interaction may facilitate second language learning by providing learners with negative feedback,drawing their attention to language form in the context of meaning,and pushing them to produce more complex or accurate target language forms.

Peer review can also be used.It is a powerful learning tool providing students with an authentic audience,thus increasing students'motivation for writing.In addition,it enables students to receive different views on their own writing.This will help them learn to read critically their own writing.Therefore,teachers correction should be supplemented with students'self-correction and peer review.

3.3 Teacher-correction

Teacher correction is an essential step in learning process.I they are not able to recognize the errors,the students do need some assistance from someone who is more proficient than they are.The teacher offers marginal notes to these corrections tha explain why certain errors are incorrect.For example,error tha is in inappropriate style.This will help students develop an idea of the criteria to judge their work and avoid similar errors in the future by offering them useful information.

As"language teaching is a very practical business",and teachers should"always be aware of the learners'needs"(胡壮麟386).Thus teacher correction should be carried out differently and error correction should be done according to the students'English level.There are three different strategies as there are three stages,which are presystematic stage,systematic stage and postsystematic stage.(Corder,270-272)At the presystematic stage,the learner's use of the target language is through random guessing because he is unaware of a particular rule in the target language.He fails to correct the errors and explain them.At the systematic stage,the learner is inconsistent in using some rules of the system of the target language even he has discovered them At this stage,he can explain why he made these errors,but he cannot usually correct them.When it comes to the postsystematic stage,the learner's using of the garget language is quite consistent.He can not only correct the errors but also explain why they are incorrect when he makes them.There will be errors at this stage,but the occurrence of them is infrequent.It happens to be the same with the three levels in learning English for Chinese students.

It is time-consuming and difficult to apply the above mentioned procedures.However,self-correction and peer-correction could be carried out after class if they are properly planned.The above mentioned methods are commonly and efficiently used by experienced teachers and play an important part in correcting lexical errors in English writings.

Teachers'correction and students'self-correction are both important.Apart from employing the common principles of error treatment,teachers should put primary focus on content and organization.That is,teachers'feedback(correction)should be given on content before focusing on language use so as to help students appreciate the communicative function of writing.Teachers should avoid premature editing and making revisions to the text at a surface instead of a global level.

4 Conclusion

The classification of lexical errors and lexical error correction mentioned above is,of course,either the only or the best way.It should be carried out differently and vary accordingly in the process of teaching and learning English.The purpose of this paper is to reduce lexical errors in English writings of senior middle school students.


[1]Brown H,Douglas.Principles of Language Learning and Teach-ing[M].2nd ed.New Jersey:Prentice-Hall Regents,1987.

[2]Corder S,Pit.Error Analysis and Interlanguage[M].Oxford:Ox-ford University Press,1981.

[3]James,Carl.Errors in Language Learning and Use:Exploring Error Analysis[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2001.

[4]Wilkins,George W.Linguistics in Language Testing[M].London:Edward Arnold,1978.

[5]Yule,George.The Study of Language[M].2nd ed.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.

名人的英文作文 篇3





作文大串烧 倾诉对你深入灵魂的热爱



接力大吐槽 就这样逼着考生选“心动男生”











读书的名人名言英文翻译 篇4

人生十分短促,宁静的时间又不多;我 们不应该浪费宝贵的时间去读毫无价值的书。 -约翰·拉斯金

it is more valuable to seek truth than to own it. -einstein

对真理的追求比对真理的 占有更为可贵。 -爱因斯坦

if well used, books are the best of all things; if abused, among the worst. -r.w.emerson

如果利用得当,书籍就是最好的朋 友;反之,如果滥用,它就会变成最坏的东西了。 -r.w.爱默生

learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age. -aristotle

学问在成功时是装饰品,在失意时是庇护所,在年老时是供应品。 - 亚里士多德

people of high intellectual endownments do not require familiar ones in those they love. they are just

nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. -martin luther king jr.

世界上再也没有比纯粹的无知和认真的愚蠢更危险的了。 - 小马 丁·路德·金

that we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of child. -bernard shaw

我们希望看到孩子们追求 知识,而不是知识追求孩子们。 -肖伯纳

dictionaries are like watches; the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true. -samuel johnson

字典和时钟一样,最坏的一种也有胜于无,而最好的一种也不能认为是 十分准确的。 -塞缪尔·约翰逊

work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. -thomas carlyle

the persons to appreciate the wholesome gush of natural feeling, the honest affection, the simple joy, the fullness of contentment with what they love. -hawthorne

富有才华的人不要求他们的爱人像自己一样 出众。他们所欣赏的只是感情的自然流露真诚的爱朴素的乐趣以及与所爱的人在一起时 的满足。 -霍桑

the reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries. -rene descartes

读好书,如同与先哲们 交谈。 -雷内·笛卡尔

a great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight. -shelley

一首伟大的诗犹如一座喷泉,不 断地喷出智慧和快乐的泉水。 -雪莱

there are two motives for reading a book: one that you enjoy it; the other that you can boast about it.-bertrand russell

读书有两种动机:一是从中获得乐趣;另一种则是可以向人夸耀。 -罗素

reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge, it is thinking that makes what we read ours.-john locke

阅读只是用堆积的知识来充实大脑;只有思考才能使 我们读过的东西真正成为自己的。 -约翰·洛克

the profoundest thought or passion sleeps as in a mine until an equal mind and heart finds and publishes it.-r.w.emerson

最深刻的思想或感情就如同地底的矿藏,在等待着同样深沉的 头脑与心灵去发现和开采。 -r.w.爱默生

i would like to live to study, and not study to live. -bacon

我愿意为了学习而活着,不愿意为了活着而学习。 - 培根

conscience is an instinct to judge ourselves in the light of moral laws. it is not a mere faculty; it is a instinct.-immanuel kant

良知是 一种依靠道德准则来批判自己的本能。它不只是一种能力,还是一种本能。 -伊曼纽尔·康 德

laziness is like a lock, which bolts you out of the storehouse of information and makes you an intellectual starveling. -bernard shaw

懒 惰就像一把锁,锁住了知识的仓库,使你的智力变得匮乏。 -肖伯纳

there is no royal road to learning. -anthony trollope

学无坦途。 -安东尼·特罗洛普

reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting. -edmund burke

读书不加思考,如同吃东西不经消化。 -埃德蒙·柏克

books are the ever-burning lamps of accumulated wisdom. -g.w.curtis

名人成功故事英文 篇5

:Edison and his assistants,with platinum tried several times,but the high melting point of platinum,although the lamp lighting time a lot,but from time to time to turn off the light automatically automatically again,still not very ideal.Edison was not discouraged,to continue his work with test.He has tested a barium,titanium,indium and other rare metals,the effect is not very ideal.Next,he and aides will be arranged the 1600 heat resistant materials to test,or the use of platinum is most appropriate.Because of the improvement of pumping method,so that the glass bulb in vacuum.The service life of the lamp has been extended to 2 hours.But the platinum materials for the lamp,the price is too expensive,and who are willing to so much money to buy only 2 hours of light?Edison saw the scarf which made of cotton,Edison mind suddenly had an idea:to!Cotton fiber than wood,can use this material can not?He hurried off to a cotton yarn from the scarf,carefully put the carbon filament into a bubble,the effect was very good.Edison very happy,make carbon silk cotton made,conducted a number of tests.To extend the lamp life 13 hours,then 45 hours.“I hope it will light for 1000 hours,preferably 16000 hours!” Edison said.Finally,Edison finally chose bamboo.He took out a piece of bamboo,into the glass bulb,pass after power on,the bamboo filament lamp was continuously lit 1200 hours!He finally made their satisfaction with the lamp

名人英文演讲稿 篇6



Your Excellency Mr. Ricardo Anaya, President of the Permanent Commission of Congress,

Members of Congress,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,


Good morning. It gives me great pleasure to address the Mexican Senate and exchange views with members of the Mexican Congress today.


I wish to take this opportunity to express, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, warm greetings and best wishes to members of Congress and people from all sectors of the Mexican society who have long been committed to friendship with China and to the friendly and hospitable people of Mexico.


Last April, President Peńa Nieto paid an official visit to China and attended the Annual Conference of Boao Forum for Asia, on which occasion President Peńa and I reached important agreement on closer China-Mexico relations in new circumstances. At that time, President Peńa kindly invited me to visit Mexico, which I gladly accepted. I think it is important that we build on the positive momentum to boost the growth of China-Mexico relations.


I visited Mexico in . Today, four years later, it gives me great pleasure and a surge of warm feelings to be back in this beautiful and magnificent country.


There is a saying in China, “home away from home”. It means that a guest in a new place feels very much at home. This is exactly how I feel now in Mexico.


China and Mexico have a long history of interactions. On my way to Mexico, when I looked down at the vast Pacific Ocean through the window of the plane, I felt as if I saw the fleet of La Nao de China, giant ships fully loaded with silk and porcelain, braving the surging waves and moving towards Acapulco centuries ago. When I set foot on this land, I felt as if I saw the legendary Chinese Poblana, a kind-hearted and beautiful girl, teaching locals how to weave and embroider in Puebla.


I am visiting Mexico this time to enhance friendship, expand cooperation and jointly map out the blueprint for China-Mexico relations together with Mexican leaders.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,


Mexico is a country with a time-honored civilization. The Mayan pyramids and Aztec Sun Calendar both stand testimony to the splendor of your ancient civilization.


The fresco of Diego Rivera, the master of contemporary art, and the classic works of Octavio Paz, the towering figure in literature, both speak to the profound insight of the Mexican people about the real world and human life.


Today’s Mexico enjoys rapid economic growth, greater national strength and international influence. From the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun to the G20 Summit in Los Cabos, a dynamic Mexico has time and again captured the eyes of the world.


We congratulate Mexico on its achievements and wish Mexico even bigger progress in national development.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,


In the long course of history, both the Chinese and Mexican people have created a splendid culture and made indelible contribution to human progress.


There is a proverb in Latin America, “Condition of good friends, condition of old wine.” The friendship between China and Mexico, which has grown from one generation to another, is like a bottle of aged Tequila, brimming with ever fresh fragrance with the passage of time.


In the more recent history, China and Mexico have supported each other in both words and actions in seeking national liberation, upholding state sovereignty and advancing modernization.


Today, China and Mexico are both moving onto a fast-track of economic and social development and embracing a promising future. There is an unprecedented opportunity for our two countries to further advance bilateral relations.


During my visit, I have had a very good talk with President Peńa. And just now, I met with President Anaya of the Permanent Commission and President Arroyo of the Chamber of Deputies.


名人广告,品牌主与名人间的博弈 篇7


阿迪达斯推出的“一起2008, 没有不可能”奥运主题广告, 是以胡佳、郑智、隋菲菲、中国女排等奥运明星们为主角, 讲述他们不同寻常的奥运故事。中国味道十足, 又不乏时尚感, 还获得了今年的戛纳广告节户外系列金狮奖。这个广告, 铺满了北京、上海等城市的地铁, 热播于电视荧屏, 但其命运却注定是多灾多难。奥运会开赛前, 代言明星之一的胡佳就因伤病复发和状态不佳而落选国家队, 无缘奥运会。国奥队耻辱地出局, 郑智的红牌, 其在广告中的那句“就等北京奥运, 我不想再辜负球迷……为中国足球, 写下新一页”的豪言壮语, 显得那么的苍白和可笑。女篮虽然打进四强, 但其代言明星隋菲菲全程表现却都很低迷。而卫冕冠军的中国女排止步四强, 这样的成绩显然也是难以让中国球迷满意的。还有本来预留给刘翔的画面因其退赛而只能用个很晦涩的背影来代替。“一起2008, 没有不可能”广告中选用的体育明星都没有能在本次奥运会上取得好成绩, “阿迪达斯军团”全军覆没, 身陷“诅咒门”事件。


“专业生产, 品质保证, 名牌产品, 让人放心, 还实惠。三鹿婴幼儿奶粉, 我信赖!”的三鹿广告视频被网民恶搞, 有网民戏称“我信赖”应改成“我姓赖”。三鹿奶粉成为众矢之的, 邓婕, 倪萍等相关代言明星也受到牵连, 被推到风口浪尖。某门户网站为此做了一项调查:你觉得明星代言产品出问题, 应不应该负责任?结果选择“不怪明星, 要怪生产商无良”的占36%;选择“应负部分责任, 要看清楚好坏”的占28%;认为“应负很大责任, 他们辜负了大家的信赖”的占34%。调查显示, 有将近6成以上的人认为明星应该负责任或者负部分责任, 因为明星作为公众人物, 应该对自己代言的产品负责的。有将近4成的人认为明星不是神, 没有火眼金睛, 他们是无辜的。虽然目前, 还不能从法律角度来断定明星该不该为这些问题产品的代言的负责任, 但从伦理道德上, 这些代言明星们的人气和口碑势必要受到影响。“水能载舟亦能覆舟”, 正是明星与大众之间关系的真实写照。一旦其代言产品出了问题, 大众会对明星们产生信任危机, 势必会影响到明星们的演绎事业的发展。

上面两则广告案例深刻地反映出了当前名人广告的两个主体各自的担忧, 广告主担心其签约明星出现明星丑闻曝光、明星过气贬值等情况, 从而使公众对产品的形象受到明星的牵涉;明星们也担心其代言某个品牌那天突然出了问题, 使自己在公众中产生信任危机, 公众形象受到挑战, 给自己的演绎事业带来不可估量的后果。“看上去很美”的名人随着越来越多的现实问题的出现, 遇到了空前的挑战。面对名人代言这种现象, 人们不再像以前那般狂热, 更多的更为客观地看待“带刺的玫瑰”的名人代言。企业运用名人广告策略为其品牌寻找代言人, 和明星有所选择地接受某些品牌的代言的过程, 都存在着一个因对方出现问题规避风险的过程。品牌主选择代言名人和名人选择代言品牌一样, 应该本着对消费者负责, 对对方负责, 更是对自己负责的态度, 全面, 详尽地考察“对方”。


对于广告主来说, 规避名人广告所带来的风险, 选择哪个明星代言来给品牌代言, 不是朝令夕改, 一时冲动所下的决定, 因此, 明星代言制度势必要体系化, 制度化, 将其纳入到企业的品牌建设和管理体系之中。

1.首先, 科学评估代言明星

要选择好一个合适的代言人, 绝不是仅仅看这个明星名气大不大那么简单, 而是一个很慎重的过程。由于明星发展存在生命周期的效应, 对其魅力状况及未来的人气发展必须有科学的指标体系来辅以实现, 需要建立一个科学的代言人评估体系, 全面评估其目标明星的人气, 魅力现状以及未来的发展趋势。知名度、气质形象、性格特点、亲和力、品质精神、才艺水平、公众评价、发展趋势等都应该成为其考量的标准。经过充分的了解, 再结合品牌自身特点, 方能找到合适的, 能代表品牌的代言人。要从品牌目标消费者的角度去物色合适的代言人, 从明星对消费者的吸引力和可信度、明星与产品的关联度等角度去考虑适合为企业代言的明星。企业选择哪些消费者认可的明星作为其代言人, 才能达到事半功倍的效果, 为此, 企业应进行充分的市场调查, 深入洞察目标消费者的内心, 他们对明星的偏好、期望及反感等等。

2.其次, 代言期间全程监管代言明星

品牌代言人毕竟不是企业员工, 也不隶属于企业, 对其管控是个难题, 尤其是是大腕级的明星更是如此。但不是说, 在名人代言过程中, 企业就失去主动权, 对于其代言明星, 企业要时刻关注, 尤其是其公众活动, 一旦发现有不利于品牌的问题出现, 及时与之取得联系, 沟通协商, 并做出对策, 从而维护自身的利益。企业要和其代言明星紧密的联系起来, 加强相互之间的沟通。通过合同等法律的手段来制约代言人行为, 防范代言人风险是非常必要的, 在与代言人签订的合同中, 应明确表明代言人在代言期间, 由于自身的不良行为给企业带来负面影响及损失, 企业有权中止合同, 停止支付费用, 并要求代言人赔偿企业相应的损失等。

3.最后, 出现危机, 积极展开公关

代言明星一旦出现问题, 这里分两种情况, 一种就是明星爆出丑闻等突发意外事故, 另一种则是文章开头提到阿迪达斯遇到的代言人的事业在走下坡路, 成为过气明星等非人为的情况。对于第一种情况, 企业应该当机立断, 及时停用或者是更换品牌代言人, 以免危机进一步恶化。企业对品牌代言人的果断弃用其和“不良”代言人划清界线, 最大可能地让消费者不把对代言人的不良印象和看法嫁接到品牌身上去。而对于第二种情况, 企业则应该采取低调处理法, 可能采用改变代言的广告的说辞, 耐克在刘翔退赛后推出的“爱比赛。爱拼上所有的尊严。爱把它再赢回来。爱付出一切。爱荣耀, 爱挫折。爱运动, 即使它伤了你的心。”赢得了一场漂亮的公关战。针对代言人, 尤其是竞技体育等明星的成绩下滑的现象, 企业若直接将其停用或撤换, 在消费者心目中会留下不义, 势利等不良印象, 反而不利于品牌形象。经过一段缓冲的时间, 再考虑将其撤换, 因为这时的名人也已不再为消费者太过关注了。


而对于明星来说, 代言品牌同样也面临着一个规避风险的过程, 相应地, 正如品牌要物色适合自己的明星来为其代言一样, 明星在代言品牌也存在选择可靠的品牌的过程。其规避风险的途径主要有如下:

1.首先, 充分了解, 亲自尝试

在代言品牌之前, 势必要对该品牌进行一番充分而详尽的了解, 包括品牌的规模, 历史, 品牌在消费者当中的口碑, 企业的社会责任等等。在最大可能的前提下, 亲自尝试其所代言的品牌产品, 把粉丝的利益、消费者的利益、最终还是他自身的利益三者高度统一在一起。西方国家对明星代言有严格缜密的广告法规, 为伪劣产品代言的明星是要连带吃官司的, 因此, 在国外, 明星们往往在做广告前, 要慎重调查或亲身体验一番, 确认无误后才敢收下诱人的代言费。因为一旦广告失实, 他们就要承担相应的法律责任。如美国的形象代言人广告必须“证言广告”和“明示担保”, 明星们必须是其所代言产品的直接受益者和使用者, 否则就会被重罚。虽然目前我国现有的法律法规, 很难找出明星代言产品出现质量问题后, 明星应承担什么法律责任的规定, 明星不必为其所代言的品牌产品出现问题而负责。但作为公众人物的明星, 问题关键不在于所赔偿的经济损失, 而是因其代言的品牌出现问题, 而殃及其形象, 影响其作为明星的号召力, 人气狂跌。因此, 慎重选择代言品牌, 是明星对消费者, 对其粉丝们, 更是是对自己负责任的行为。

2.其次, 签订合同, 保障权益

运用法律的手段, 明确代言合同范围, 保护自身的合法权益。在同企业签订代言合同上应该明确标明如果其代言品牌产品出现问题, 造成很坏的后果, 以至于有损于代言人的公众形象, 有权终止合同, 有权要求品牌方至少应该给公众一份公开声明, 澄清事件的真相原委, 从而可以对其粉丝们的消费有所交代。

3.最后, 正视问题, 积极公关

品牌出现问题, 应积极应对危机, 而不是一味回避。明星代言品牌出现问题, 本来就是对声誉的一种损害, 而在这个时候明星躲起来不见人, 不做任何回应, 采取鸵鸟策略, 就会进一步恶化其在公众心目中的形象。要正视事实, 而不是一味的辩解和为自己开脱, 因为此时受到伤害的消费者对其辩解是听不进的。因此, 在品牌出现问题, 公众利益受到损害时, 做一个敢担当的人, 去帮助那些需要的帮助的人, 积极为其代言危机展开公关乃为上上策。比如, 可以通过捐出其代言费用于弥补一部分问题产品给消费者所带来的损失, 对受害者做一些力所能及的人道主义帮助等行动与问题品牌划清界线。


[1].刘大斌著.名人与广告[M].长春:时代文艺出版社, 2000.

[2].黄合水著.广告心理学[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2005.

名人的由来等 篇8




















1.网络围棋(Cyber baduk)是围棋史上的第二次潮流。他认为,迎接21世纪,随着因特网人口的急剧增加和数字化革命的到来,人类文明中的所有旧的硬件和软件条件正急速更新。在这样的形势下,传统围棋与因特网的结合,使男女老少、各不同人种的人,通过网上围棋系统超越空间的限制和国界进行对弈成为可能。由于围棋添上了因特网这一翅膀,可以自由地飞到世界各地,而且使地球上所有的地方都可以自由地观看围棋比赛。













