1 coffee Coke juice chicken
2 hot dog bread dog hamburger
3 cake water dog French fries
4 ear arm eye tea
5 bear bird milk pig
6 cat dog big zoo
1、I , some, Have, juice
2. I, cake, like
3. have, Can, chicken, I, some.
4、Hot dog, Eat, the
5、do What like you
6、look, I a monkey have
三. 连线(12分)
Have some Coke A谢谢你
Thank you B不用谢
You’ re welcome C像熊一样爬
Here you are D 我能吃些蛋糕吗
Can I have some cake ? E喝些可乐
Climb like a bear F给你
( )1。Have some cake.
A Thank you
B Bye
C You’re welcome
( )2. ______________ .
---------You’re welcome.
A Pass me the French fries
B Here you are.
C Thank you
( )3、Have some ______________ .
A、Hot dogs
B、hot dogs
C、hot dog .
( )4、当朋友问你喜欢吃什么,你应怎样回答;
A 、Eat the hot dog.
B、I like hamburgers.
C、I like coffee.
( )5、在上学的`路上,小明向你说;Goodmorning你应怎样说
A. Good morning
B Thank you
C Good afternoon.
五、 将下面各个句子,根据你的判断,填到对话的横线上,只填句子前的字母编号。(10分)
A Sure. Here you are.
B Good afternoon!
C You’re welcome.
D No, thanks!
E Here you are.
A : Good afternoon, mom!
B : _____________________
A : Can I have some chicken?
B : _____________________
A : Thank you.
B : ____________________ Have some Coke!
A : ____________________ I like juice.
B : Ok! __________________
在我国, 各类形式的英语考试表明英语测试已经在英语教育领域占据了相当大的市场。国内的英语教育工作者和测试研究方向的专家学者非常关注测试理论的发展, 测试者的发展以及与测试相关的各方各面的研究。为了对英语测试研究有一个比较大致的了解, 本文对过去五年 (2005-2009) 的国内核心期刊的英语测试研究做了概况, 并做出简单分析以及个人对这一领域的发展趋势的拙见。
1 文献检索范围
本文选取了2005年至2009年间国内外语教学9种核心期刊有关英语测试研究的文章120篇, 其中有关高考英语测试的论文3篇, 其余为有关大学阶段英语测试及有关测试理论的文章。
2 结果
对上述关于测试研究的论文进行初步统计分析, 旨在得到以下的结果。
2.1 过去5年里英语测试研究的基本趋势
从2005年到2006年, 英语测试研究论文呈明显上升趋势, 但是从2006年到2008年呈下降趋势, 尤其是在2007年到2008间年下降趋势特别明显。至2009年, 出现回升, 几近与2006年持平。在这5年间, 2006年在9种核心期刊上登载了共32篇文章, 占总数的26.67%, 而在2008年的文章总数是11篇, 仅占总数的9.16%。从图1可以看到, 各核心期刊对测试研究的关注程度也不同, 期刊A、期刊C、期刊D和期刊E在这五年间, 分别每一年都有测试研究方面的文章, 尤其是期刊E, 有关测试研究的论文数在2006年和2009年都达到了9篇之多。但是也发现, 期刊B、期刊F、期刊G和期刊I发表此类文章, 但是期刊F和期刊G数目较少, 尤其是期刊F, 5年间的发表数目是2, 当然这可能和该期刊的指导思想有不可分割的关系。
注释:以下分别用A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I代表9种期刊名称
2.2 分类情况
根据文章内容, 我尝试把论文分为不同类别, 在看过之前的学者写的论文, 发现其分类也是大同小异的, 如:马丽雅, 白静在《浅析国内英语测试研究现状———对9种外语内核心期刊5年 (1999-2003年) 的统计分析》根据文章内容, 将论文分为六个大类:
1) 大学英语考试 (CET-4和CET-6) ;
2) 测试理论的回顾与展望;
3) 英语测试的效度与信度;
4) 测试分类 (按题型与目的分类) , 其中包括
(1) 按测试用途分类 (比如:高考, TEM4等)
(2) 按测试类型分类 (比如:口语测试, 听力测试等)
5) 语言测试的反拨效应;
6) 测试研究中存在的问题或其他 (测试软件应用等) 。
1) 测试信度、效度:定义、范畴;
2) 测试类型、题型研究:类型、题型的划分, 测试手段, 语言知识和语言技能测试;
3) 语言测试的反拨作用:测试与教学的关系;
4) 交际能力测试:定义、范畴和难点;
5) 英语等级考试:英语专业四、八级, 大学英语四、六级考试;
6) 测试中存在的问题及改革研究;
7) 其他。
但是其实很多论文是无法简单将其归到一类当中, 例如李清华, 孔文在2009年《外语界》上发表的《基于计算机的语言测试及其效度验证》就是既可以是马丽雅, 白静分类中的3) 英语测试的效度与信度;也可以归为其当中的6) 测试研究中存在的问题或其他 (测试软件应用等) 。同样是2009年《外语界》的《写作课程的无纸化考试研究》 (周越美, 孙晓龙, 张韧弦) 既可以划归为蒋显菊的7个分类中的2) 测试类型、题型研究:类型、题型的划分;测试手段;语言知识和语言技能测试种的“写作”;也可是6) 测试中存在的问题及改革研究种的“改革”。由于其分类的复杂性和重叠性, 在本文种就不再对其具体分类进行绘图分析。
2.3 研究的方法
本文将研究方法简化为两大类:实证性研究与非实证性研 (上接第128页) 究 (见表2, 表3) 。
表3显示, 在过去5年中, 国内对英语测试的研究中以非实证研究方法为主 (72篇, 占60%) , 以实证性研究为辅 (48篇, 占40%) 。但是, 测试研究方法发生了明显的变化 (表2) , 其基本发展趋势是:实证性研究有所增加, 从2005年的年均28.57%到2009年的年均53.33%, 但期间的2008年实证研究仅占测试研究论文中的18.18%, 仅仅只有2篇。但在2009年实证研究论文的年百分比 (53.33%) 超过了非实证研究的年百分比 (46.67%) 。从图3可以看到, 各核心期刊所发表的测试研究论文在实证研究和非实证研究种的比例也呈现较大的不同。期刊A、期刊B和期刊C都是实证性研究论文发表远胜于非实证性研究的典型, 尤其是期刊B。期刊H和期刊I是平分秋色, 而期刊E是每一年都有实证性研究论文发表。在这五年间, 除了期刊F, 其他核心期刊都至少刊登了1篇测试的实证性研究论文。这也可能是和该期刊的指导思想有不可分割的关系。
3 对测试研究现状的思考
1) 研究内容
在5年间对NMET (高考) 的研究只占3篇, 而研究生英语入学考试0篇。参加这两个考试的人数之多, 考试规模之大, 影响力之广, 使得这两个考试在我国占据的重要地位是毋庸置疑的, 但对他们的分析非常少, 原因也有可能是因为参加这两种英语测试的群体相对稳定, 而且题型变化不大, 信度与效度保证也相对较高。其他对PETS, BEC, IELTS的研究也都很少, 其关于BEC研究的论文都5年未见。
2) 对参试主体的研究
近5年对测试本身的研究非常多, 对参试主体研究不多。相对于前几年而言, 对参试主体的研究也有了一定幅度的增长, 在对学生在参加测试时的心理过程和认知系统的研究上有一定才获得, 但是还有待进一步的研究和进步。
3) 关于测试信度与效度研究
近些年来, 语言测试的信度与效度引起广大国内学者的关注, 对测试信度与效度研究更加重视。对信度与效度分别进行研究讨论, 有助于在设计和分析考试时把工作做得更科学, 更严密。论文覆盖了:
(1) 大学专业英语测试 (TEM4&TEM8) 的信度与效度研究;
(2) 口语测试的真实性;
(3) 听力题型与听力测试的真实性;
(4) 交际测试中的“真实性”;
(5) 口译测试苟娟效度研究;
(6) 基于计算机的语言测试的效度研究。
4 对未来测试研究的小小预测
Step Ⅰ (for Section A)
Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。
1. Hes afraid he cant p______ get away tonight.
2. Youd better make an a______ with the doctor tomorrow morning.
3. I was a______ to finish my work on time.
4. Every point in this game c______.
5. Now I am the o______ of the room.
6. The Japanese book must b______ to He Ying.
Shes the only one whos studying Japanese.
7. C______ the police if you are in danger.
8. You m______ be tired after such a long journey.
9. This is not my key. Then w______ key is it?
10. Theres a s______ smell in the room. Do you know what it is?
Ⅱ. 选择填空。
( )1. —Whose basketball is this?
—It ______ be Jacks. He hates it very much.
A. mustB. canC. mightD. cant
( )2. The tennis racket ______ belong to Ms Lin. She loves playing tennis.
A. canB. might C. must D. cant
( )3. —Must I finish my homework today?
—______. You can do it tomorrow.
A. Yes, you canB. Yes, you must
C. No, you neednt D. No, you mustnt
( )4. —Whose Japanese book is this?
—It must be ______. She ______ Japanese.
A. Lisa; studyB. Lisas; studies
C. Lisas; study D. Lisa; studied
( )5. —Why were you late for class this morning?
—I was late ______ the snow.
A. forB. because
C. asD. because of
( )6. I ______ rather stay at home than go to the cinema on such a rainy day.
A. would B. might
C. shouldD. had better
Ⅲ. 完形填空。
There are many words in the English language. You will never 1 the meaning of every word in English. When you read, you will often find many 2 you do not know. You will not have enough time to 3 reading and try to find every new word in a dictionary.
Sometimes you can 4 a new word because you know some of the parts of the new word. For example, if a word ends 5 the letters “er”, that word 6 be the name of a 7 or a thing that does a certain action (某个动作). A writer is a person who writes. 8 it is not 9 to know the parts of a new word to understand it, 10 it will help you many times.
( )1. A. know B. learnC. find D. look up
( )2. A. booksB. lettersC. storiesD. words
( )3. A. stopB. enjoy C. keep D. start
( )4. A. findB. getC. study D. guess
( )5. A. inB. offC. up D. with
( )6. A. can B. might C. shouldD. must
( )7. A. friendB. boy C. personD. girl
( )8. A. ThenB. Now
C. YetD. Sometimes
( )9. A. helpful B. useful
C. enoughD. good
( )10. A. butB. and C. soD. for
Step Ⅱ (for Section B)
Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。
1. It is c______ for English learners to speak idiomatic English.
2. Have you got p______ to go shopping withme?
3. Lily is better at a______ than at geometry.
4. The leading d______ of the Beijing Olympics opening and closing ceremonies is Zhang Yi Mou, one of the most famous film directors in China.
5. “Dont ask such s______ questions again,” said the mother to the boy.
6. We should be h______ and never tell a lie.
7. The most famous a______ in Chinese recent history was of course Lu Xun.
8. This is a car s______ made for driving learners.
9. The street is covered with all forms of g______.
10. Such a machine i______ by Zhang Heng in the old times was to forecast earthquakes.
Ⅱ. 选择填空。
( )1. —Time is up. I must go home now.
—Please wait a moment. I have ______ to tell you.
A. something important
B. important something
C. anything important
D. important anything
( )2. She was very ______ because she found her mobile phone.
A. pleasedB. strange
C. carelesslyD. anxious
( )3. Her parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It ______ be very expensive.
A. mustB. mustnt C. canD. might
( )4. Jack was late for school because of ______ up late.
A. to getB. get C. getsD. getting
( )5. Mrs While is ______ her baby now.
A. inB. wearing
C. putting onD. dressing
( )6. —Must I come back before 11:00?
—No, you ______. But you ______ be back later than lunch-time.
A. neednt; cant B. cant; may
C. mustnt; mustD. neednt; can
( )7. A teacher ______also make a mistake if he or she is not careful enough.
A. mustB. shouldC. has toD. may
( )8. —Wheres Mr. Wang?
—Im not sure. He ______ in the school library.
A. maybeB. may be
C. must beD. will be
( )9. The sunshine ______ bright for us to read in.
A. mustB. so C. must be D. too much
( )10. It is not how much you read but what you read that ______.
A. learnsB. countsC. helpsD. chases
Ⅲ. 英汉短语互译。
1. be worried about________________
2. in the symphony hall_______________
3. escape from ... ________________
4. go to the concert________________
5. try ones best to do sth. _____________
6. 知识的海洋________________________
7. 设计校服________________________
8. 偶然看到一场交通事故
9. 过去一直很安静
10. 用完,用尽
Step Ⅲ (for Self-check)
Ⅰ. 根据首字母及中文提示,完成单词。
1. What a pleasant s______!
2. We must try to know the m______ of life.
3. Who is the a______ of the book, do you know?
4. Dont p______ to know everything.
5. I have an important a______ with the doctor tomorrow.
6. Im afraid of ______ (代数). I think its very difficult for me to learn it well.
7. The soldier ______ (逃离) from the robber successfully.
8. He hurt his two ______ (手指) because of carelessness.
9. Unluckily I left my handbag in the ______(交响乐) hall.
10. Im very ______ (忧虑的) because I cant find my wallet.
Ⅱ. 选择填空。
( )1. When we got home last night, we found the front door open. My parents called the police, but they couldnt find ______.
A. something strange
B. strange something
C. nothing strange
D. anything strange
( )2. —Have you worked out the problem?
—No, it is ______ difficult for me.
A. much tooB. too much
C. muchD. such
( )3. Oh, Danny. Its raining outside. Youd better ______ your raincoat.
A. put on B. put up C. dress D. wear
( )4. —Whos that woman with Lucy?
—Im not sure. It ______ be her mother.
A. mayB. canC. willD. must
( )5. Theres an old saying: The cleverest housewife ______ cook a meal without rice.
A. mayB. cant
C. mustntD. neednt
( )6. More than 230 thousand people lost their lives ______ the tsunami (海啸) in the Indian Ocean at the end of 2004.
A. becauseB. as C. because ofD. to
( )7. That man ______ be Mr. Hill. He has gone to Beijing.
A. mustB. cant
C. mustntD. couldnt
( )8. So strange! The light is on. I remembered ______ last night.
A. to turn it offB. to turn off it
C. turning it offD. turning off it
( )9. —Who will teach ______ English? Is______ Mr. Smith?
A. our; itB. us; it C. our; he D. us; he
( )10. My family had a lot of ______ picnicking in West Hill Farm last Sunday. We all enjoyed ourselves.
A. funB. funnyC. fanD. famous
Ⅲ. 完成句子。
1. 这本英语书是汤姆的。
The English book ______ ______ Tom.
2. 这本书对一年级学生来说太难了。
The book is ______ ______ for students of Grade One.
3. 小心保管这些文件,它对你爸爸来说非常重要。
______ ______ ______ the documents. It is ______ to your father.
4. 要是没赶上火车,那就意味着要再多等一天。
Missing the train ______ ______ for another day.
5. 因为下雨,所以运动会延期了。
The sports meeting was ______ ______ because of the rain.
6. 一滴雨落在我的头上。
______ ______ ______ rain ______ on my head.
7. 那个人可能在跑步赶公共汽车。
The man ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ a bus.
8. 他已经用完了所有的钱。
He ______ ______ ______ all his money.
9. 肯定是某个东西在光顾附近的家庭。
There ______ ______ something ______ in the neighborhood.
10. 我试着走一走,最后摔倒了。
I ______ ______ until I fell over.
Step Ⅳ (能力拓展)
Ⅰ. 阅读理解。
A Strange Thing
本单元Section B中有篇文章Strange events in Bell Town neighborhood,它讲述了一件在我们身边看似很怪异的事情。其实有的时候,是人们的心理在作怪。在挪威西部的一户人家里,当主妇打开水龙头想洗碗时,却发现水管里哗哗流出的竟然是价格不菲的啤酒。这是怎么回事呢?
A woman thought she was in heaven (天堂) when beer instead of water flowed (流淌)from the taps in her apartment in west Norway(挪威).
“I turned on the tap to clean some knives and forks and beer came out,” Haldis Gundersen told Reuters from her home in Kristiansund, west Norway. “We thought we were in heaven.”
Beer in Norway is among the most expensive in the world with a 0.4 litre (0.7 pint) costing about 50 crowns (4.3 pounds ) in a bar.
Gundersen said she tried the beer but it tasted a bit odd (古怪的) and was not fizzy(发泡的).
It turned out (查明真相) that a worker in a bar two floors below had mixed up the pipes(管子) on Saturday evening, wrongly (错误地)connecting a new barrel to a water pipe leading to Gundersens flat. The bar got water in its beer taps.
“If it happens again, Im going to order coffee,” she said.
()1. Gundersen liked beer so it came out of the taps.
()2. Beer is very expensive in Norway.
()3. The story happened in heaven.
Ⅱ. 写作训练营。
话题: 对某事进行推断。(Make inferences. )
● 词语提示:maybe 也许;may be 也许是; cant be 不可能是;in fact 事实上;mistake ... for ... 把……误解成……;be interested in doing sth. 对做某事感兴趣
● 句型提示:
Im sure .... 我确信……
I think ....我认为……
1. 越来越多的人们对研究飞碟(UFOs)感兴趣。
2. 我确信我们周围没有飞碟。
3. 事实上,人们只能从书本、电影、收音机、电视、网络上得到飞碟的信息。
4. 许多人经常把一些人造的物体误解成飞碟。
5. 不久的将来科学家们会明白飞碟的真相(truth)。
我们周围是否存在飞碟这一话题历来被人们所津津乐道。上星期,郑雷所在的班级开展了 “Are there really UFOs around us?” 的主题班会。会上同学们对我们周围是否存在飞碟这一话题展开激烈讨论,有两种观点:
1个5是( ),2个5相加是( ),3个五相加是( ),4个5相加是( ),5个5相加是( )。
35 二五一十 54
45 四五二十 52
25 三五十五 51
15 一五得五 53
55 五五二十五
5 2 1 3 4
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
一只 摘5个 ;二只 摘 个 ;
三只 摘 个 ;四只 摘 个 ;
___________________________________________________________________________。2.我做的最棒的一件事是:_____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________。我做的最有意义的一件事是:__________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________。3.我的优点是:_______________________________________________________________。我的不足:_________________________________________________________________。4.新学期一开始,我就是六年级的学生啦,面对这个新的开始,我决定:
《义务教育语文课程标准 (2011年版) 》指出:口语交际能力是现代公民的必备能力。应培养学生倾听、表达和应对的能力, 使学生具有文明和谐地进行人际交流的素养。语文教学中应重视口语交际教学, 这已成为语文教学改革的趋势。课题组通过调查研究临桂区小学中高年级段口语交际课堂的现状, 通过分析挖掘口语交际问题存在的根源, 提出有指导意义的实施设想, 为今后如何有效开展口语交际教学提供参考, 不断提高临桂区学生的口语交际能力。
2014年11月, 临桂区“小学语文口语交际教学情境创设研究”课题组对本区5所小学三、四、五、六年级的学生口语交际现状及教师的口语交际教学实施情况展开了调查。主要采取问卷调查的方式。课题组根据《义务教育语文课程标准 (2011年版) 》编写了《小学语文口语交际现状学生问卷调查统计表》和《小学语文口语交际现状教师问卷调查统计表》。其中学生问卷共11题, 问卷涉及学生口语交际的现状、存在困难的原因和学习方式等。教师的问卷则分为资料和问题两个部分。
本次调查对象涉及学生和教师。其中小学三、四、五、六共4个年级的学生1118名, 学生年龄在8~12岁;教师100名, 年龄在23~58岁。共发放问卷1218份, 回收1215份 (学生1118份, 教师97份) , 回收率为99.75%。其中有效问卷1215份, 有效率为100%。在有效的问卷中, 按年级统计分别是:三年级306份, 占27.37%;四年级295份, 占26.39%;五年级318份, 占28.44%;六年级199份, 占17.8%。男生596份, 占53.31%;女生522份, 占46.69%。在教师97份的有效问卷中, 市级教师的有10份, 占10.31%;县级教师的有51份, 占52.58%;乡镇级教师的有36份, 占37.11%。问卷的数据录入和统计分析采用Excel表格。
(一) 学生口语交际现状分析
1. 大部分学生比较喜欢口语交际课
调查显示, 对口语交际课感兴趣的学生平均值为69%, 只有19%的学生认为对口语交际课无所谓, 有12%的学生对口语交际课不感兴趣, 说明绝大部分学生喜欢口语交际课, 有三分之一的学生认为口语交际课可有可无, 说明少部分学生对口语交际课还是不够重视, 或者不感兴趣。
2. 学生使用普通话场合不够广、没有形成良好的倾听习惯、口语交际课上不能大胆发言
调查显示, 学生普通话说得很好的占36%, 普通话说得一般占58%, 普通话说得很差劲的占6%。有关“你在哪种场合会说普通话?”的调查显示, 所有场合都会使用的占43%, 只在学校里使用的占31%, 与同学交流时使用的占9%, 仅在课堂上使用的占9%, 其他情况的占8%。说明普通话在学生当中使用场合不够广。在有关“课堂上同学发言有错误时你怎么做?”的调查中, 认真听的占54%, 边听边做其他事情的占43%, 不加理睬的占3%。说明部分学生在口语交际课上没有认真倾听。上口语交际课时能大胆发言的学生只占24%, 偶尔发言的学生占54%, 不发言的学生占22%。在“口语交际课上你不能大胆发言的原因是什么?”的调查中, 17%的学生没有话讲, 38%的学生是担心别人笑话, 38%的学生不知道怎么说, 只有7%的学生对话题没有兴趣。可见大部分学生有话却不知道怎么表达, 即使说了也怕别人笑话。少部分学生心不在焉。说明学生在口语交际中由于怕别人笑话、有话不会说等原因而不能大胆发言。
3. 口语交际课有一定成效, 学生更喜欢有趣的、能再现生活情境的口语交际形式
调查表明, 在“通过上口语交际课, 你的口语交际能力是否有提高?”的调查中, 16%的学生认为提高很快, 64%的学生认为有所提高, 19%的学生认为和原来一样, 其他情况的占1%。可见口语交际课有一定的收效。在“你喜欢老师用哪种方法进行口语交际教学?”的调查中, 有69%的学生喜欢上“模拟生活场景的口语实践”和“以讲故事, 说见闻为主”的口语交际方式, 只有16%的学生喜欢以朗读、复述为主的口语交际方式, 15%的学生喜欢讨论交流为主的口语交际方式。
(二) 教师口语交际教学现状分析
1. 大部分教师对口语交际教学不够重视
调查表明, 在进行“学校、老师不重视口语交际教学的原因”调查时, 有45.3%的教师选择了“考试时基本上不涉及, 即使涉及相关内容也是笔试, 而且在考分上拉不开距离”, 有25.8%的教师认为“太耗费时间和精力, 影响教学进度和教学任务的完成”, 有9.2%的教师“只想按旧办法教学, 不想在口语教学上花更多的精力”, 其他情况的占19.7%。在“语文教学中制订口语交际教学计划, 每周至少有一节口语交际课”的问卷中, 只有16.5%的教师在教学中制订口语交际计划, 每周至少有一节口语交际课。这些都说明, 广大教师在“重文轻语”的教育形式下成长起来, 相当一部分教师存在分数至上的急功近利的思想。再加上学校在考核上存在弊端, 只看考试成绩, 教师普遍存在“你考什么我就教什么”的心理, 剥夺了学生口语交际能力提高的机会。
2. 教师缺乏对口语交际教学的有效引导
调查表明, 70.1%的教师没有进行过课前演讲类的口语交际训练, 69%的教师组织过课堂讨论, 但是学生的热情不高, 77%的教师在最近一年内没有组织过辩论赛, 83.9%的教师在最近一年里没有组织过学生的采访活动。可见教师在课堂上教授的方法简单, 缺少科学的设计和合理的方法。教师没有结合小学中高年级学生的学习兴趣特点, 缺乏创设有效的交际情境, 不利于激发学生的交际兴趣。还有一部分教师缺乏与学生的交流沟通, 不了解学生需要什么、喜欢什么, 仅凭自己的主观臆断去评判学生, 导致学生的兴趣得不到满足, 学习积极性逐渐下降。
3. 教师对口语交际课投入时间少, 教学效果低
从调查中可看出, 虽然口语交际课已有了一定的课时安排, 但是情况不容乐观。有的教师仅以语文园地为单元进行安排, 很难满足口语交际课一个课时的要求;有的教师虽然为口语交际课单独安排了课时, 但是并没有完整地上完口语交际课。在调查中发现有一半以上的教师表示仅用10~20分钟的时间完成这一部分的内容。
(一) 进一步提高认识, 确立口语交际教学的重要地位
《义务教育语文课程标准 (2011年版) 》在总目标中明确提出要求, 学生要具有日常口语交际的基本能力, 在各种交际活动中, 学会倾听与表达, 初步学会文明地进行人际沟通和社会交往, 发展合作精神。这一要求充分肯定了小学生口语交际的重要性。口语交际作为一种重要的语文素养被提了出来, 是现代公民的必备能力。语言是交际的基础, 只有奠定它在语文教学中的地位, 才能促进口语交际在语文教学中的发展。但是在我们的实际语文教学中, 由于应试教育在作怪, 存在分数至上的思想, 许多教师只注重了学生读写能力的培养, 而忽视了听说能力的训练;或者流于形式, 没有发挥口语交际教学真正的作用。这不能不说是我们小学语文教学中的一大缺陷。因此, 教师在平时教学中, 应重视培养和提高学生的口语交际水平, 把口语交际教学放在语文教学中的重要地位。
(二) 创设情境, 激发学生口语交际的兴趣
在教学过程中精心创设情境是激发学生主动进行口语交际的关键。所以口语交际训练的天地是广阔的, 情境创设方式是多样的。从临桂区的学生口语交际现状来看, 大多数学生在口语交际教学中, 不愿交际, 不敢交际, 口语交际能力欠佳, 有话不想说、不敢说、不会说。为了提高学生口语交际的兴趣和能力, 当务之急就是创设说话的情境, 使学生产生一种身临其境、似曾相识的感觉, 从而引起学生口语交际的欲望, 激发学生口语交际的热情, 促使学生自觉地进入交际情境, 让学生在情境中无拘无束, 有话可说、有话想说。教师应充分利用课内课外资源, 立足课文, 创设多种多样的情境, 如进行实物图画直接感知、试听媒体进行想象、语言描绘现场解说、角色扮演情境体验等, 使学生身临其境, 产生主动的参与意识, 从而怀着浓厚的兴趣走进交际情境, 进行交际活动, 深化交际体验, 进而提高交际能力。
口语交际训练还可以结合学校班级开展的各种活动进行。比如, 学校每年都举办朗诵比赛、讲故事比赛、背古诗比赛、文艺晚会等, 这些都是锻炼学生口语交际能力很好的平台。也可以通过角色扮演, 进行口语交际训练。如扮演小导游、讲解员、推销员等, 向人们介绍某个景点、讲解某些知识、宣传某种产品等。这样既使教学活动生动有趣, 又使学生的口语交际能力得到训练。
在以上各种方法的使用训练中, 要结合《义务教育语文课程标准 (2011年版) 》中高年级的年段要求, 对学生进行具体训练。
(三) 规范口语交际语言, 培养学生良好的口语交际习惯
《义务教育语文课程标准 (2011年版) 》中的口语交际目标指出:“与别人交谈, 态度自然大方, 有礼貌。”要使学生的口语交际语言规范, 落落大方, 文明有礼, 教师需要注意以下几点。
1. 教师规范化的语言是学生学习的表率
教师的一举一动都成为学生模仿的对象, 因此教师要注意自身语言的准确性和规范化。
2. 在口语交际过程中, 要注意规范学生的口头语言
当发现学生在说话、交际过程中出现用词不当、表达不清楚时, 教师要及时、准确地指出, 并引导学生用规范化的语言来表达。有礼貌不仅是提高学生人文素养的一个重要方面, 而且直接关系到口语交际的实效性。因此教师要指导学生注意说话的仪态和用语恰当使用称谓, 对别人多用敬语, 对自己多用谦词, 对不便直说的事情多用委婉语, 并配合恰当的表情、手势等肢体语言, 做到言之有礼, 说话得体。
3. 尽量开拓规范化语言的环境, 积累语言
学生通过看电视、看报纸、听广播等途径, 多听、多记、多练, 不断规范语言, 并在交际中应用。
4. 提醒学生在交际过程中要注意文明礼貌
讲文明礼貌, 是指在交际时举止要大方有礼。因此, 教师一定要注意培养学生规范的口语表达, 促使学生养成良好的倾听习惯及文明礼貌的口语交际习惯。
(四) 课外延伸, 增加阅读量, 拓展学生的知识视野
俗话说“巧妇难为无米之炊”, 只有阅读大量的书籍, 才能丰富学生的知识。因此教师首先应在教学过程中有意识地引领学生扩大阅读面, 让学生在课外阅读中积累一些好词佳句, 让学生的口语交际能力在不断积累知识的过程中得到提高。其次把口语交际延伸到课外, 让学生明白生活才是交际的大舞台。因此应鼓励学生与家长、朋友、社会上的人进行交际。比如家里来了客人, 应该怎样接待客人;应该怎样认识新的朋友;遇到困难时, 应该怎样请求帮助, 等等。情境的创设要力求自然, 让学生在身临其境中学会如何抓住别人的说话重点, 怎样得体地评价别人以及如何有条理地发表自己的观点。让学生在实践中去领会自己的语言是否得体, 使用的语言是否与交谈的情景相协调, 如何使用礼貌用语、日常用语, 等等, 在这样的环境中不断提高自己的口语交际能力。
总之, 对于口语交际这种崭新的课型, 每位教师只要与时俱进, 更新教育理念, 准确把握教材, 创建民主、宽松的教学环境, 建立融洽的师生关系, 平等地对待全体学生, 满足学生的自我肯定, 在真实的情境中激发学生交际的兴趣和热情, 让学生在互动的过程中学会沟通, 一定能激发学生的表达欲望和交际欲望, 有效地提高学生的口语交际能力。
摘要:通过对桂林市临桂区5所小学1118名中高年级学生和100名教师的调查发现, 目前在整个区的范围内口语交际课的开展有一定成效, 但是学生在口语交际中没有养成较好的倾听习惯和表达习惯, 在表达的过程中还存在怕别人笑话、有话不敢说的心理, 不能大胆发言。加上教师的重视程度不够和训练的内容模式单一, 口语交际课的有效开展受到一定的制约。小学语文教学中应重视口语交际教学, 进一步提高认识, 确立口语交际课的重要地位;创设情境, 激发学生口语交际的兴趣;规范口语交际语言, 培养学生良好的口语交际习惯;课外延伸, 增加阅读量, 拓展学生的视野。
Text 1: How is your brother?
Text 2: What does she do?
Text 3: Whats the date today?
Text 4: Excuse me, may I use your pen?
Text 5: Where does she come from?
Text 6
M: Does the TV film start at 8:00 or 8:20?
W: It starts at 8:15 and ends at about 9:40.
Text 7
M: Hi, Tom. Did you see the match yesterday?
W: No, but I just saw Jim. He said he had seen it.
Text 8
M: The dress looks nice. Where did you buy it?
W: I didnt buy it. I made it myself.
Text 9
M: Hello! Could I speak to Miss Brown?
W: Sorry. She isnt in. Shes busy in her office.
Text 10
M: Help me water the flowers, will you?
W: Oh ... certainly. Now leave it to me. Ill do it.
Text 11
W: What can I do for you, sir?
M: Im looking for a book for my son.
W: About what?
M: Animals. Hes going to write a paper.
W: Heres one. Whats it like?
M: I think its good. How long can I keep it?
W: Less than five days.
M: OK. Goodbye.
Text 12
W: Tom, whats going on? Jack told me that you were going to be leaving us!
M: Yes. I really feel sorry about it, but P& G came up with a real good offer.
W: Well. I didnt know you were looking for a new job.
M: Well, just between you and me. It seems that we have some real problem in this department.
W: Problems? What problems? Do we have time to talk about it?
M: Dont get me wrong. It has nothing to do with you. Everyone says you are an excellent manager.
Text 13
W: Look! Therere so many beautiful postcards here. Which one do you like best, Bill?
M: I like that one, Kate.
W: Which one?
M: The one with three lovely dogs.
W: Oh, no. Mary doesnt like dogs. She likes beauti-ful lakes.
M: What about you?
W: I like that one with a nice car, the one in the mid-dle.
M: Yes, its a beautiful car. I like it, too.
Text 14
Mr. Green was a professor. He always arrived on time, neither early nor late. One summer morning, he was writing something in his study when the telephone rang. One of his friends asked him to a dinner. As his wife had gone to see a doctor, he left her a note. And on it he wrote that he would come back at two oclock in the afternoon. Several hours later, a taxi stopped at the gate. Professor Green got off and had a look at his watch. It was a quarter to two. So he went to a big tree in front of his house. Though it was raining hard, he stood there in the rain. He didnt knock at the door until he had waited for 15 minutes.
1~5 ABCAB 6~10 BCBCB11~15 BBCBA
16~20 CBBCB21~25 CAACB26~30 ABABC
31~35 BCDAB36~40 DBBBD41~45 ABDDA
46~50 CACAB51~55 BCCAD56~60 BBAAB
61~65 DDBCD66~70 ABCDB71~75 DCBDB76~80 DDBCA
81. future82. whether83. changing
84. beautiful85. fashion 86. pretty 87. doing
88. succeed 89. computer90. interesting
One possible version:
Li Ming does well in all his subjects. He has many hobbies, such as painting and music. And he always listens to MP3 while doing his homework. In the last exam, he didnt do as well as before. His mother thought it was because of that, so she took away his MP3. I dont think his mother is right. Listening to music can make us comfortable and happy. She could have a talk with her son before she did that.
Text 1: Whose book is this?
Text 2: What does your brother do?
Text 3: Where is Mr. Smiths room?
Text 4: Could I use your dictionary for a while?
Text 5: When does the class meeting begin?
Text 6
W: Excuse me, what day is it today? Is it Sunday?
M: No, it is Saturday.
Text 7
M: What did Mary get for her birthday?
W: Just a book, but I looked at a nice bag ...
Text 8
M: Tom was a lot taller than I last saw him last time.
W: He was 5 feet tall when he was in London and he is 6 feet tall now.
Text 9
W: Well, before we go out, shall we agree we each pay our own?
M: All right.
Text 10
M: How did you and your friends like the basketball game?
W: Oh, they played so poor that we left at the halfway.
Text 11
M: Oh, hi, whats your name again? Allen, right?
W: No, its Diana. Allen is my mother.
M: Oh, sorry, Diana. Are you from the United Kingdom?
W: Oh, I was born there, but my parents are from Australia. And I grew up in Canada.
M: But now you are living in New York.
W: Right, my father is working here. He sells things to many countries quite often.
M: I see, then how many languages can you speak?
W: English and French, and sometimes I learn Chinese at school.
Text 12
W: Hi, Tom, how are you feeling?
M: Not very well. Im a little tired.
W: What happened? What did you do with the weekend?
M: Well, on Saturday morning, I had to finish all my homework and in the afternoon I visited my grandfather with my parents. We stayed there until very late.
W: Then, what about Sunday? Had a good rest?
M: Even worse. I had to clean our rooms with my parents for the whole day.
W: How come? That was too much for you.
M: Well, we just moved into a new house.
Text 13
M: Morning, Kate, did you enjoy your vacation in the mountains?
W: Yes, we had a great time. And some friends went with me.
M: Where did you stay? In the hotel?
W: No, we stayed in the camp. We cooked our meals over the open fire.
M: Sounds good. How was the weather?
W: Its sunny every day. And it didnt rain at all.
M: What do you think of the people there?
W: Theyre friendly. We had tea in their houses.
M: When did you come back? Last night?
W: No, this morning. What about you? Did you have a nice time?
M: Yes, but I didnt do much. I just stayed at home. The weather was terrible here.
Text 14
This is a story about my friend Jack. When Jack was young, he used to play football and was very good at it. But when he went to work in the small town, there was no team for him, so he stopped playing. Soon he began to get fat. He soon found he had trouble in doing things. He began to be worried, “If I still dont have any sports, I will be even fatter.” Then, he thought about the problem for a few days. And then he decided to go to play tennis. He had a few lessons, then he began to play for a few days. He met a nice girl at the tennis club one day and they played a lot of tennis against a lot of young men and women. Jack played very badly and was very angry with himself, “ Ive never played as badly as this before,” he said to the girl. “Oh,” she said, “youve played before, havent you?”
1~5 BAACB 6~10 CBCCC11~15 CBBCC
16~20 CBCAB21~25 BBBBB26~30BACAC 31~35 CBBDC36~40 CDCBB41~45 CDACB
46~50 DBCCD51~55 CDBAB56~60 ACCCC
61~65 DCCCB66~70 ABDBC 71~75 ABCDD
76~80 BABAD
81. worried 82. silly 83. climb84. wondered
85. ladies 86. hole87. reached88. pushed / pilled89. lucky90. replied
One possible version:
人教版八年级英语Unit 1-5练习11-29