Creating a Harmonious Campus
A harmonious campus is of vital importance. It is just like a solid, colorful and appealing textbook. It nurtures the students’ mentality, beautifies their minds, sparks their aspirations, enlightens their wisdom and accelerates their overall development.
When it comes to a harmonious campus, we do not merely mean a beautiful environment on campus. We also mean a healthy interpersonal relationship, where teachers and students get along well, while students respect and care for each other. We mean a sustainable campus that brings teachers and students to fully play their enthusiasm and positivism as well, while at the same time reinforce campus regulations and campus order.
一、夯实学生英语作文基础, 巧用“点·线”教学
“点式”教学即词汇、词块和词组教学。任何语言都是由一个个词汇组成, 较高级的语言词汇更能吸引读者的兴趣, 同时也符合英语高考作文的方向。“线式”教学即句子教学。任何词或词组离开句子, 其涵义是不完整的。教师还要提高词句教学的主动性、灵活性。
二、合理利用听、说训练, 优化英语作文教学
1.每天上课前的几分钟让一位学生做daily report。学生听后互相讨论, 共同扩写、延伸daily report的内容。
2.听、写结合。对于好的听力材料要反复听, 还可以指导学生在听的同时记录下关键词, 然后按其听到的大意结合关键词以书面的形式表达出来。
三、探究阅读课文内容, 拓宽英语作文写作渠道
教师在平时的课文教学中, 还应以阅读教材为中心对学生进行多种形式的写作技能训练。主要方法有:
2.仿写:模拟类似课文。仿写既能反馈出学生对课文体裁及重要句型的掌握程度, 又能促进学生对课文所用语言材料的系统掌握。
3.改写:全新诠释课文。改写是在保持原文主体内容不变的基础上, 改变文章的体裁、人称、语言、时态、结构等方面。
Last term, I started to like comic, pop music. Lots of superstars are my idols. Such as Conan, Jay, Syusuke and so on. But my mum dislikes them. She wants me to study diligently. I have such kind of experience. One day, when I was reading Harry potter with great interest. My mum shouted, This is a fantastic book, you should do your homework How depressed I was at that time. So, I always feel uncomfortable when staying with my mum. I think my mum is too serious and too strict with me, and she seldom gives me freedom.
Today, lots of parents hope their children become talent, if we study without any rest, they will be happy. My mum always talks to me, It s time to learn English, it s time to read Chinese text book. Our high score will be a great satisfaction to our parents. If we lose the high score in our single examination, they will be angry. Besides this, they are angry at our choices in comic, in music and even our way of speech. Mum, Dad, Do you know, they are not bad things, and they are our happiness.
In my opinion, the schoolwork now being assigned to high school students is too heavy. While it is true that students need to study, they need other things as well if they are to grow into healthy and well-rounded adults. High should be allowed more time for play. Plying is not wasting time, as some think. It gives them physical exercise, and also exercise their imagination. Which tends to be stifled by too much study. Finally, the pressure put on high school students by excessive schoolwork can cause serious stress, which is unhealthy physically and mentally. I do not advocate the elimination of schoolwork. I do think, however, that a reduction of the current heavy load would be beneficial to students and to the society as a whole.
3.教好高中英语作文,根据管理的统筹方式进行分层。管理的统筹方式要在全盘把握的基础上,一是对学生的基本状况进行分层,二是对所教学的内容知识进行科学分层。两者既要分步设计实施,又要由老师统一掌握分层后的教学状况,科学管理一定要跟进跟紧,避免孤立的开展教学,我行我素,无计划行的开展教学。笔者感觉应该在个性化教学的过程中,既要见机行事,又要科学宏观管理,不能孤立的进行知识分配,同科教研活动要由教务处统一科学规划,操作后掌握总体情况,实施科学分层,既要统一掌握,又要发展学生个性,力争把所有的知识点分类实施,让学生真正掌握所学的知识。总之,分层的手发都需要科学管理的把握。out of this world,verygood,VG!打造最佳、最好的高中英语作文教学管理模式。
For one thing, the traditional ideas in China believe that the human body is sacred and people should die with a whole body. In other words, their bodies should be complete with no parts missing. Only in this way can the dead stay in peace. This idea is still very prevalent in the rural areas in China. For another, some legal procedures may be involved in the organ transplantation. There may be some warm-hearted people who want to do some contributions. Nevertheless, they are not so well-informed about the relative regulations and laws about the donation, which blocks their action. Therefore, the law systems should be perfected to facilitate the implementation of the transplantation. The authorities should publicize the knowledge about the policies and raise the public’s awareness.
In conclusion, the traditional thoughts and the current polices are the major reasons for people’s reluctance to donate organs.
Maybe you will surprise that my best friend is book. But you don’t need to suspect you hearing, it’s true, book is my best friend. I like reading since I was a child. The knowledge in the book makes me feel enjoyable and peaceful. When I am unhappy, I will go to find my best friend---book. And then I will forget the the things that make me unhappy and attract by the book’s content. From the book,
I learn the story of Helen Keller, I know the history in the ancient times, I also know the culture of foreign countries that I have never been. Therefore, I think book will be my best friend forever.
高中学生在英语学习中, 较少接触到图表类材料, 因此, 他们在初次接触到图表题时, 往往感到紧张, 无从下手。为此, 笔者分别向学生介绍了常见图表的几种基本形式和特点。
图表大体可分为图和表两大类。表即表格 (tables) ; 而图又可细分为饼型图 (pie charts ) 、线型图 (line graphs) 及条型图 (bar charts) 等。如下所示:
(一) 表格
Changes in People’s Diet
(二) 条型图
(三) 线型图
(四) 饼型图
描写图表的关键是看懂图表, 即从众多的数据中看出“名堂”, 看出问题来。一般来说, 各类表图具有下列特点:
1. 表格分门别类的罗列各种数据。要注意表格的标题和项目分类, 观察各个项目之间的内在关系。
2. 线型图反映的是某事物上升或下降的趋势。看这种图要注意曲线的上下起伏变化, 注意时间和所对应的量的关系。
3. 条型图是反映同一时间里不同事物上升和下降的趋势, 也可表示不同时间里同一事物的变化情况。
4. 饼型图是由一个圆形和圆里几个扇形组成。各个扇形的比例代表了相应部分在总量中所占的部分。饼形图反映了总量和分量之间的相对比例关系。一定要搞清楚每个扇形所表示的内容, 搞清楚各个部分所占的比例。
二、教学中, 教师帮助学生化解难点的方法
(一) 帮助学生审题
对于图表曲线作文, 首先要认真审查表格或曲线, 对所给出的数据、图形、分类、横线、纵线及百分比有一个完整的了解。要抓住其中有代表性、规律性的内容, 利用这些数据间的关系, 来得出规律性的结论。
1.弄清题意, 要领会出题者的意图是哪一种:
a. 单纯描述解释图表曲线, 按表中信息如实表达, 不加评论。
b. 通过图表中的内容和数字变化来分析原因, 发表看法。
c. 兼有上述两者要求, 通过对比等手段来得出结论。
2.要会看趋势、找规律:从整体上看图表有何发展变化, 找出特点和规律。
依据图表所提供的材料, 得出合乎情理的结论
(二) 学习范文, 帮助学生从宏观角度了解图表类作文的三个自然段是如何分工的。以下这篇范文是我们根据前面图表 (一) 写成的。
Changes in People’s Diet
Studying the table carefully, we can see in the past five years, there have been great changes in people’s diet. Grain is on the decline form 49% to 45% ——it is also the case with fruit and vegetables. But the consumption of milk and meat, according to the table, are generally on the rise.
The most important reason of this change is probably the improvement of people’s living quality. When people become richer and richer, they will consume more and more nutritious food such as milk and meat, and eat less and less grain. The reason why fruit and vegetables rise a bit after several years’ lowering tendency is that people become more and more careful and reasonable in arranging their diet.
To sum up, people’s living quality is improving all the time—they pay more attention to the nutrition of various kinds of food, which is most helpful for their health.
我们把范文提供给学生, 要求他们以小组讨论的形式对其进行讨论, 分析该范文的基本框架结构。通过讨论, 学生们总结出了图表类作文在布局上的规律, 即三个自然段内容的侧重点分别为:1) 用文字描述该图表中的数字信息, 2) 分析图表中的数据变化和所反映的问题, 3) 对数据的变化进行评论或得出应有的结论。这样, 那些在写图表类作文时不知如何下笔的学生, 首先要了解同类短文写作的段落安排。
(三) 提供练习, 帮助学生掌握描述图表的规范用语
首先, 我们让学生了解图表类作文是如何起笔的, 并要求他们背记一些第一自然段中第一句话的惯用套语。如:According to the figures given in the table, + 主题句;The table ( pie chart, line graph, bar graph) shows (or indicates or makes it clear) that +主题句;As can be seen from the table ( figures, graph, bar / pie chart ) , we can see clearly that +主题句, 等等。
学生在用英语表示数字变化时, 表达方式也比较贫乏。我们向学生提供了一些表示“有……组成”, “占多大比例”, “上升, 增长”, “达到”, “下降, 减少”, “持续不变”;“分数百分数”, “倍数关系”的英语表达。如:consist of, be made up of, be composed of; account for, make/take up; increase, rise, expand, on the rise ; jump to, amount to, decrease, decline, fall, drop, go down, on the decline; remain steady; double, four/five times larger than, three times as big as six times the size /then length of half, 70 percentage, three-fifths等词和短语, 并且提供例句, 然后让学生按照例句造句。如表示上升的范例The population of this city has been increasing so rapidly that it has now amounted to 250 million. There was a rapid increase between 1993 and 1994, and the number then jumped to five million in 1995. 表示下降的范例As we can see from the graph that the rate dropped slightly from 38% in 1993 to 31% in 2003. The number of visitors from Europe declined slightly. 表示倍数的范例According to Chart I, the number was ten times as many as in 1995. As is described in the chart, the total number of visitors to the United States had nearly doubled to 2.7 million person by 2005. 同时我们还对连接词以及归纳总结或发表评论所常用的词汇句型进行指导。常用的词汇句型有therefore, furthermore, however, in contrast with, in a word, in short, generally speaking, in conclusion, to conclude, It’s clear from the chart that…, We can draw the conclusion that…, We can learn/know…等等。
在上述训练的基础上, 我们向学生提供了一些写作模板, 强化学生对于各类图表题的写作训练, “先写死, 后写活”, 学生不但增强了语言表达能力, 而且语篇意识也大为提高。如我们对表 (一) 总结出了下列模板。
① Studying the table carefully, we can see ______.
② The most important reason of this change ______. The reason why ______.
③ To sum up, ______.
在学习熟悉了上面的模板后, 我们又尝试着给出了另一模板。
① From the chart we can see clearly that ______.
② In my mind, the reasons why ______ are as follows. First, ______. Besides, ______.
③In my viewpoint, ______.
坚持的力量 The Power of Insistence
Olympic Games hold every four years and I like to watch the matches so much. People always pay much attention to the champions, while for me, the inspiring players are easier to catch my attention. Though some players do not get the prize, they deserve applause as the champions have. I remembered that in the Beijing Olympics, in women’s 100-meter-race, a girl looked different from other athletes, because she worn scarf and was from Afghanistan. She lagged much behind other athletes, but she still got the intense applause. She showed to the world that Afghan women could join this big event. Her insistence helped her to come to the world stage.
I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!
August 20 ,2010 Thursday
I went to summer camp on vacation. On the first day, we went to a beautiful beach. It was a sunny and hot day, so we went swimming. The water was warm and we had great fun. Then the next day, we went to the mountains. There were many trees and I really enjoyed them. On the last day, we had a great party. We sang and danced happily. We didn’t want to leave离开) the friends and the teachers. I hope I can go to summer camp again next year.
(1)社会发展的必然结果the inevitable result of social development
(2)引起了广泛的公众关注arouse wide public concern/draw public attention
(3)不可否认It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…
(4)一些人…而另外一些人…Some people…while others…
(5)就我而言/ 就个人而言As far as I am concerned,/Personally,
(6)就…达到绝对的一致reach an absolute consensus on…
3 . 作文教学应以学生为中心,培养学生自主学习的能力,抓好作文讲评。
It`s Mother `s Day today,the second Sunday of May.It is a western festival,but many western festivals are popular in China now.My mother has a full-time job,but she has to do most of the housework.She is a great mother.Both Father and I planned to do something on Mother`s Day.We got up early in the morning.My father cleaned the room,and then went shopping.When he came back,I found a bunch of carnations in his hand.l asked my mother to stay in the sitting room and l cooked in the kitchen by myself.The dishes l cooked are my mother`s favourite.At dinner we said to her,“Happy Mother`s Day!”Mother was grateful for our preparation.My family
Hello, everyone,I’m a student.There are three people in my family—my father, mother and I.My father is 40 years old.He is a worker.I think he is a good worker.Because he works very hard.He gets up very early every day and he works for more than 10 hours a day.So he is always busy, he looks very tired when he gets home.He likes reading newspapers.He usually reads it after supper.So he gets lots of news.My mother is 38 years old.She is a worker too.She works in a very small factory.She is not tall and she has two big eyes.She loves me and she is good for me.She always buys some books for me.She wants me to be a top student.She also cares for my diet and life.I’ m 15 years old.I wear glasses.I like reading.I always read books after school.I like singing, too.My favorite singer is Jay Chou.His music is very nice.What do you think of him? I also like making friends.If you want to meet me, please write to me.Oh, my parents love me and I love them, too.My family is a happy family.A model students