
2024-08-02 版权声明 我要投稿


英语演讲词翻译 篇1

Looking Back the History, Vitalizing the Chinese Nation
———to commemorate the campaign of December 9

Good morning, dear teachers and friends!In such a special day, I feel much honored to be standing here to tell you about my feelings.Every time I think about this history, the scenes of Chinese people fighting for freedom appear before my eyes.76 years ago, Japanese imperialism invaded our motherland with wild ambitions, and our Chinese nation was in great danger.At that moment, we were hoping for miracles, wishing that our nation could be pulled out of danger.What made all us feel proud was that, when we were facing with great troubles, the brave and outstanding people just rouse up and took arms against a sea of difficulties.Under the leadership of the communist party of China, 6000 indignant citizens walked onto the street to declare the war against the brutalities and tyranny.I feel proud of you, my courageous siblings/ fellows.You are the soul and backbone of our nation.I cannot imagine what our country will be like without all of you.You told the world with you persistent determination that Chinese people can not be shame, shame of the Chinese nation can not be.The sons and daughters of China would speak for our country, fight for our country and even die for our country!And now, as the new successors of our great country, only if we work hard with great aspiration, can our country become prosperous once more.My friends, we should tell ourselves that we are confident and enthusiastic;we are energetic and we have strong wills.We have made great effort to achieve what we want.Now we need to do more to play all of our potential and lighten all our wisdom.My friends take actions now!We can believe that we have a bright future!We can believe that it will not be long before we realize our dream!We can believe that our motherland will be proud of us one day!Yes, we can!Thank you!

英语演讲词翻译 篇2


大自然绚丽多彩, 美不胜收, 人类为了反映这美丽的客观世界, 创造了许多代表各种色彩的词。景色、人物的描绘常常离不开颜色词汇。随着物质生活和精神生活的发展, 颜色词在语言中所起的作用已经远远超了过它本身的单纯色彩意义。如:black and blue (青一块, 紫一块;遍体鳞伤) 、white day (吉日, 好日子) 、red book (名人录) 。更有许多寓意深刻的词组格言, 带有较强烈的情感色彩, 如:white livered (懦弱的, 胆小的) 、be red with anger (气得涨红了脸) 、talk black into white (指鹿为马, 颠倒黑白) 。本文笔者试从颜色词的扩展来看英语中颜色词的翻译。


October1 is a red-letter day for all the Chinese people.十月一日是全中国人民的一个大喜日子。这句话中red指的是“喜庆的”之意, 而不是红色。这个其实比较好理解, 因为在中国, 红色本身就有“喜事”这一层涵义。

Because Tom broke a glass, his mother was red hot.因为汤姆打破了一只杯子, 母亲大为恼火。在这里, red暗指母亲的脸气得通红, 应翻译为“恼火”更加合适。

They will soon be out of the red.他们将很快还清欠款。这里的red指代“赤字”, 而非“红色”。

They did not see the red light.他们没有觉察到危险已经迫近。这句话中red light可以理解为红色的信号灯, 那么红色信号灯多是在提醒人们要多加注意。


He was a driver in the green of his years.他年轻时曾当过司机。这句话中green一词代表的是青春与活力。应翻译成“年轻时”。

This is the only green grocery in this town.这是镇上惟一的一家果蔬店。Grocery一词指杂货店, 卖“绿色”的杂货店自然是指果蔬店。

She is still green at her job, and you should help her.她在这项工作上仍是新手, 你应该多帮帮她。前面的例子说了, green有“年轻”之意, 那么“在工作上年轻”显然不合逻辑, 所以此处译为“工作上仍是新手”较为稳妥。

My friends became green-eyed monsters when Ibought that new dress.我的朋友们看到我新买的连衣裙后都非常羡慕。这里的文化差异比较显著, 在中国多用“眼红”来表示羡慕或者嫉妒, 而在英美国家, 他们用greeneyed代替red-eyed.


Jim is the black sheep of the family and we are rather ashamed of him.吉姆是这个家里的败家子, 我们都为他感到丢脸。这里black sheep的意思是“败家子”, 相当于汉语里的“害群之马”。

I do not like the black coffee.我不喜欢清咖啡 (不加牛奶或糖) 。这里的black coffee切忌翻译成“黑咖啡”, 不要望文生义。

The girl who wears black is Jenny.穿丧服的那个女孩是珍妮。不熟悉英美文化的人往往会把这句话直接译成“穿黑色衣服的”, 这样翻译就漏掉了原文中最重要的涵义, 这里black指代“丧服”。


I like the white coffee.我喜欢加牛奶的咖啡。跟前面black coffee一样, 千万不要望文生义。

I told her that her new BMW is a white elephant.我告诉过她, 她的那辆新宝马是一个沉重的负担。在汉语中“白象”是一个中性词, 然而在英语里White elephant带有贬义的语言色彩, 翻译时如果不多加注意, 就容易闹出笑话。

If you want to be on the white list, you must be diligent and be sure of yourself.如果你想出现在这份优秀名单之上, 你就得勤奋和自信。White list是个褒义词, 对于它的翻译不能仅仅停留在字面意义上, 应翻译为“优秀名单”更加稳妥。


She was yellow stocking at his success.对于他的成功, 她十分嫉妒。

The man is a yellow dog.那人是个卑鄙小人。


The little boy’s face was blue with cold.小男孩的脸冻得发青。

He always makes blue jokes.他总是开下流的玩笑。这里的blue意为“下流的”, blue jokes相当于汉语里的“黄色笑话”, 切忌不能译为yellow jokes, 否则会贻笑大方。

语言是文化的载体, 英汉颜色词的翻译是沟通两国文化的桥梁。颜色词的用法千变万化, 我们在遇到颜色词时应理解其所指的含义, 切忌望文生义, 否则会闹出笑话。


[1]金惠康.跨文化交际翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2002:91.

[2]熊文化.英汉应用对比概论[M].北京:北京语言文化大学出版社, 1997.

论英语商标词的翻译 篇3






1、合法、避免文化冲突原则。为保护商标的专有权,许多国家乃至国际范围都制定了商标法,商标的翻译同样需要严格遵守商标法。法国塞诺菲集团中国分公司在成都推出“OPIUM”的男用香水时。香水名直译为“鸦片”牌,遭到了我国消费者的猛烈攻击,后来被成都工商局裁定为违反中国商标法而被禁止出售。因为鸦片及鸦片战争造成了中华民族自尊心的巨大伤害,也是残害中国人民的工具,中国人对鸦片及鸦片战争深恶痛绝,所以对“鸦片”牌香水产生一种强烈的抗拒情绪。这家法国公司忽视了“鸦片”在中国的文化内涵,无视中国人的民族心理,也违反了中国的商标法,因而遭到商业上的惨败。再如“黑妹牙膏”译为“Black Sister”,Black让人想起种族歧视,而Sister在英文中一般指修女,面目全非,“黑人牙膏”不能对等译作Darkie,因为该译法是对黑人的歧视。

商标翻译本身是一种跨文化交际活动。要避免文化冲突。就应运用中性词语。例如“Ni ppon”是日本著名的墙面漆的商标。但其译名并未直译成成“日本”,而是用谐音译为“立邦”,这是充分考虑到中国人的民族情感,特别是考虑到日本侵略中国的屈辱历史,中国人的爱国情节,译为中性的商标名称。此译法避免了涉及政治因素,从而保障了该企业的在中国的顺利经营。

2、简单易记原则。好的商标应做到发音平仄相同、顺畅自然、形式简单新颖而便于记忆。汉语商标中90%都是双音节词和三音节词,冗长累赘,不易发音的商标是引不起人们的购买兴趣的。例如,世界上最大的电子仪器及微电子公司Hewlett-Packard Co曾经用公司的名字命名其产品。Hewlea—Packard Co的商标在中国被译为由六个汉字组成的“休利特·帕卡德”,这个译名显然不利于产品的推广,随后用新译名“惠普”代替,比前一种译名少了四个汉字,对于中国的消费者来说,这一新商标更容易记忆和接受。如Head&Shoulder原译“海伦仙度丝”,译名太长,远不如“海飞丝”简洁易记。此外,还有快餐店McDonalds用“麦当劳”代替“麦克唐纳”。英国名车R0us Royce译“劳斯莱斯”而非“罗尔斯-罗依斯”,等等。



如果商标的翻译中违背了这一原则,产品的销售就会大大地打折扣。例如。中国的名茶茉莉花茶远销欧美,但是在东南亚亚裔区却不受欢迎。原因是“茉莉”谐了“没利”的音,犯了不吉祥的忌讳。后来把“荣莉”改为“牟利”,茶还是原来的茶,销量却立即大增。再如,著名的杭州中药二厂的拳头产品“轻身减肥片”,当它进入美国市场时,商标译为“Obesity-reducing Tablets”,销售情况非常让人失望。经过市场调研,公司发现了原因:“obese”意思是“very fat(肥胖的,肥大的)”,而这正是目标消费者不愿承认、甚至是深深抵触的。为了迎合消费者的心理,译名更改为“Slimming Pills”用人见人爱的“slim(苗条)”来替代本身有不悦色彩的“obese”,情况大有改善。


1、音译法。音译法使译名在发音的感觉上接近原名,音译的商标通过保持原名的韵律和声音传达异域风情。主要适用于人名、地名、及具有民族风格的事物来命名的商品。比如,中国功夫(chinese Gongfu)风靡世界,功夫牌轻便鞋便可音译为Gongfu。人名商标词,如:Ford(福特)、Benz(奔驰)、Sassoon(沙宣)、LI-NING(李宁)、YUE-SAI(羽西)、Chanel(夏奈儿),等等。Nike(耐克)是希腊神话中胜利女神名,Angel(安吉尔)是保护神名。地名商标词,如:Nokia(诺基亚)是芬兰北部的一小镇名,最初的诺基亚公司建于此地;


采用汉语拼音翻译商标却不易被外国人理解,不能产生有益联想,更无法传达其原语所蕴含的丰富内涵,很难实现国际化,也不利于参与国际竞争。例如,爱妻牌(洗衣机,广东产)这个商标给懂汉语的人以美好的印象,它标志着丈夫深爱自己的妻子,因此这种商品深受中国消费者的欢迎。而“爱妻牌”洗衣机的译为“AiQi washing machine”,汉语里“爱妻”的丰富寓意在外国消费者心理而言则意义全无,可想而知其带来的经济后果。例如,我国生产的“芳芳”牌口红,在汉语中这个名字意义美妙,使人产生联想。可这商标音译成汉语拼音“Fangfang”,英文读者一看心中不由得生起一种恐怖之感,因为fang恰好是一个英文单词,其义是①狗的长牙;②蛇的毒牙。由于翻译中的这一败笔,口红的销路是不难想象的。如果将“Fangfang”改成“Fra-grance”(“芳香”)或者“FunFun”(“开心开心”)的商标,商业效果是否会好些呢?



有的商标词在原语里有美好的形象与象征意义,但意译成目的语后,其文化联想意义则截然相反。20世纪60年代,丰田汽车公司设计生产了一种成本低廉的小型轿车,进军美国市场,为突出其小的特点,定名为“Toyolet”即“东洋小车”(Toyo/“东洋”+let“小”)。该车在美国市场销售不佳,因为Toyolet与英文toilet(厕所)读音相同,有谁愿意买被称为“厕所”的车呢?商标名为海燕的电视机,它使人联想起搏击风浪的勇敢者、奋进者形象。然而直译成Petrel,在西方人眼里则有“不祥之兆”的含义。帆船牌地毯译成Junk也遭到同样的命运,因为Junk在英文中除指中国帆船外还指废弃物或破烂的旧物。再如,我国出口的白象牌电池在东南亚各地十分畅销,因为“白象”是东南亚地区的吉祥之物。但在欧美市场上却无人问津,因为“白象”的英文“White Elephant”意思为累赘无用、令人生厌的东西。这些造成不佳商业效果的商标译名,值得引以为戒。


英语演讲词翻译 篇4




①在作表语的介词短语中,介词常转译为动词,而连系动词则省略不译。如:This machine is out of repair.这台机器失修了。


如:The plane crushed out of control. 这架飞机失去控制而坠毁。

The letter E is commonly used for electromotive force.通常用E这个字母表示电动势。


But even the larger molecules with several hundred atoms are too small to be seen with the best optical microscope.但是,即使有几百个原子的分子也是太小了,用最好的光学显微镜也看不见它们。


Heat sets these particles in random motion.热量使这些粒子作随机运动。


如:That’s all there is to it.那就是与此有关的全部内容。(原句中to=related to)

The engineer was taken ill with consumption. It was flour on the lungs, the doctor told him at the time.这个工程师得了肺病、那是由于面粉对肺部的影响,当时医生这样对他说的。(on=effect)




The porous wall acts as a kind of seine for separating molecules.多孔壁的作用就像一把筛子,它把不同质量的分子分开。


With all its disadvantages this design is considered to be one of the best.这个设计尽管有种种缺点,仍被认为最佳设计之一。


Mans warm blood makes it difficult for him to live long in the sea without some kind warmth.人的血液是热的,如果得不到一定的热量,人就难以长期在海水中生活。


We cannot see it clearly for the fog.由于有雾,我们看不清它。

The machine is working none the worse for its long service. 这部机器并不因使用的时间长而性能变差了。


This body of knowledge is customarily divided for convenience of study into the classifications: mechanics, heat, light, electricity and sound..为了便于研究起见,通常将这门学科分为力学、热学、光学、电学和声学。


①表示时间或地点的英语介词,译成汉语如出现在句首,大都不译。如:There are four seasons in a year. 一年有四季。

Many water power stations have been built in the country.我国已建成许多水电站。


The barometer is a good instrument for measuring air pressure.气压计是测量气压的好仪器。

The air was removed from between the two pipes.两根管子之间的空气已经抽出。

Answers to questions 2 and 3 may be obtained in the laboratory.问题2和3的答案可以在实验室里得到。

Most substances expand on heating and contract on cooling.大多数物质热胀冷缩。


Something has gone wrong with the engine.这台发动机出了毛病。

Gold is similar in color to brass金子的颜色和黄铜相似。

Its never occurred to me that bats are really guided by their ears.我从未想到蝙蝠居然是靠耳朵引路的。


The change of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done in motors.电能变为机械能是通过电动机实现的。(of短语和change在逻辑上有主谓关系。)

Some of the properties of cathode rays listed below.现将阴极射线的一些特性开列如下。(第一个of短语和some在逻辑上有部分关系,Of不译出。)


①beyond, past,against等表示超过某限度的能力或反对……时,其短语有时用反译法。如:It is post repair.这东西无法修补了。

There are some arguments against the possibility of life on this planet.有些论据不同意这行星上可能有生物。

Radio telescopes have been able to probe space beyond the range of ordinary optical telescopes.射电望远镜已能探测普通光学望远镜达不到的宇宙空间。

②off, from等表示地点,距离时,有时有反译法。如:

The boat sank off the coast.这只船在离海岸不远处沉没了。


Copper is the best conductor but silver.铜是仅次于银的最优导体。

The molecular formula, C6H14, does not show anything except the total number of carbon and hydrogen atoms.分子式C6H14只用来表示碳原子和氢原子的总数。


An iron case will keep the Earths magnetic field away from the compass.铁箱能使地球磁场影响不了指南针。

The signal was shown about the machine being order.信号表明机器设有毛病。



高二英语作文加翻译200词 篇5


Disabled people are special part in the society. Comparing to the ordinary people, they look a little different, they don’t have the perfect outlook, which makes them distinct among the crowd. Such situation makes them very awkward, they don’t want people stare at them, they just want to be the ordinary one.


We should respect and take care of the disabled people. We should not treat them as the special ones, they are equal with us, though they don’t have the perfect outlook, in their hearts, they are just as tough as us. So we should not separate them, just make friends with them.


More and more people have realized the disabled people are ordinary, we should show our love and respect to them.

小学英语日记带翻译150词 篇6

I went to watch the movie Wolf warriors 2 today as I heard it was a big hit in China. I am not the biggest fan of WuJing(the director and leading role of the movie), but this movie he direct really impressed me. I have watched Wolf Warrior which I would consider as a good movie, but II is way much better. It is the first Chinese movie that is built on the context of African country and actually shot in South Africa, bearing the risk of suffering the disturbance on the set. The way the plot unfolds and the courage and patriotism is delivered to its audience makes it more than a simple action movie. Love this movie and will go for it a second time!



英语演讲词翻译 篇7


1 Introduction

Start from the translation of Buddhist Scripture, China has a very long history of translation.Some scholars believe that China’s translation practice and theoretical study is the most advanced one.However, no matter how Chinese translation is advanced, Chinese way of thinking and expression always influence translators.Then how to recognize Chinglish and how to revise it are the questions which Chinese translators would bear in mind.

This paper mainly discusses“Pronouns and Antecedents”of Part Two of The Translator’s Guide To Chinglish with specific examples to show how to avoid using Chinglish or how to examine whether a translator has already used Chinglish unconsciously.All the materials used in this paper were translated by Associate Professor LUO Shiwei in School of Foreign Languages, Yunnan University.

2 Pronouns Consistent With the Antecedents

At the very beginning of English learning, all students in china should learn the use of pronouns.However, no matter how good the learner is, he might make mistakes unconsciously.Two typical Kinds of mistakes are:1.Fail to use the pronoun replace the antecedent but to repeat it again and again;2.The pronouns are not consistent with the antecedents.

Now, let us go through the first kind of typical mistake for it is the precondition for discussing the second mistake.Here is an example:

蝴蝶泉公园还有蝴蝶馆, 馆内珍藏着许多蝴蝶标本。

A.In Butterfly Spring Park is Museum of Butterflies and the Museum of Butterflies houses many butterfly specimens.

B.In Butterfly Spring Park is Museum of Butterflies, which houses many butterfly specimens.

The idiomatic use of Chinese is to repeat the antecedents while that of English is just the opposite way—to replace it with pronouns.Translators should consciously avoid Chinese way of thinking and expressing.In the example, it is necessary to replace“Museum of Butterflies”with the relative pronoun“which”.By doing this, the meaning of the material could be conveyed clearly and the readers can understand it without the feeling of exhaustion.

After developing the habit of replacing antecedents with pronouns, someone might be happy with his improvement.But is it the end?No, it is just the beginning, because other problems are emerged.As Joan wrotes, “Unfortunately, pronouns are not always so easy to handle;even for native speakers of English, their use presents numerous pitfall.” (The Translator’s Guide To Chinglish, P.203, Joan Pinkham, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000)

According to Joan, four rules govern the use of antecedents.Along with these rules, there are four corresponding mistakes.Information was summed up in table 1.

2.1 The first rule

When a reader sees a pronoun, he would give tacit consent to the fact that the antecedent stated before is explicit.However, there is a possibility that no explicit word in a sentence which the pronoun could refer to.Following is the example:

蝴蝶泉公园还有蝴蝶馆, 馆内珍藏着许多蝴蝶标本。另外还有蝴蝶楼、蝴蝶碑。

A.In Butterfly Spring Park is Museum of Butterflies, which houses many butterfly specimens.Besides the Butterfly Tower and the Butterfly Stele are also in it.

B.In Butterfly Spring Park is Museum of Butterflies, which houses many butterfly specimens.Other sights in the park include the Butterfly Tower and the Butterfly Stele.

In the first version, the translator interpreted the last sentence by using the pronoun“it”.But“it”could be used to indicate to the park and also to the museum.For the reader who is a foreigner and know nothing about Butterfly Spring, he would be confused.So, a specific noun would be used to replace the pronoun and serve as the subject to leave no ambiguous to the reader.

2.2 The second rule

The second rule refers to the circumstance that the pronoun can refer to more than one antecedent in a sentence and the reader can not tell which one is the intended antecedent.Therefore the real meaning can not be fully conveyed or misinterpreted.Here is the example:

上衣钉四组银扣, 胸腰垂下多股银链, 链系装槟榔等物的小银盒。

A.Their jackets have four silver buttons stitched on the chests, silver chains hang down from the chest buttons and waists and small silver boxes containing betel nuts or other stuff are tied on them.

B.Their jackets have four silver buttons stitched on the chests, silver chains hang down from the chest buttons and waists and small silver boxes containing betel nuts or other stuff are tied on those chains.

If just read version A, one would be confused.Whether the silver boxes are tied on silver buttons or on silver chains?In this case, translator can not use“them”to avoid the repetition.Ambiguous antecedents can not be easily noticed because the writer know what his pronoun is refer to.However, the readers do not.Therefore, translator should put himself in reader’s shoes before translation.

2.3 The third rule

Two people are talking with the same volume.They can hear each other when the distance between them is 3 meters.But if the distance is 30 meters, nothing could be heard.Similarly, the distance between the antecedents and the pronouns can not be too remote, otherwise, they can not“hear from each other”.Following is an example:

泉上大树, 当4月初即发花如蛱蝶, 须翅栩然, 与生蝶无异。

A.In early April, the big trees over the spring put out flowers.The flowers resemble nymphalids so much.They have vivid palps and wings and like the real butterflies.

B.In early April, the big trees over the spring put out flowers that resemble nymphalids so much that they seem to have the palps and wings of real butterflies.

In the first version, readers might naturally link the pronoun“they”to the word“nymphalids”, because these two words are very close and butterflies do have palps and wings.But after reading the whole part, readers would understand that they are belongs to the flowers.To avoid the misunderstanding, combine all the sentences together and change some words.Version B is a very cleaver way to translate.Even the distance is still remote;readers can grasp the real meaning.

2.4 The forth rule

There are three Key words in rule no.4—“person”;“number”and“gender”.Pronouns must agree with the antecedents in these three aspects.If it is not, readers can not tell which antecedent is referred to, or even misunderstand the meaning.Chinese translators are less likely to mistake the use of person and gender.What they may make mistakes is the question of number.Following is the example:

但是, 客观地讲, 我们的领导干部外语水平与我国经济社会不断发展和对外交往不断扩大的需要还不相适应, 还要下更大气力来学习和应用。

A.But, to be objective, the language ability of our leading cadre can still hardly meet the needs of our developing economy and society and our expanding foreign relations.They still have to make greater efforts to learn and use foreign languages.

B.But, to be objective, the foreign language ability of our leading cadres can still hardly meet the needs of our developing economy and society and our expanding foreign relations.They still have to make greater efforts to learn and use foreign languages.

Generally, native Chinese use“领导干部”rather than“领导干部们”, as in Chinese the singular form can represent the plural form.Chinese translators might unconsciously translate“领导干部”into“leading cadre”, even if they know that they should use the plural form.In version A, “leading cadre”is a singular antecedent and it can not be referred to the plural pronoun“they”.In version B the antecedent was made plural to agree with the pronoun.

3 Conclusion

To promote the communication among different cultures, translation is a necessary practice.Unfortunately, Chinglish is encountered by almost all the translators.This paper, by illustrating“Pronouns and Antecedents”, indicates the mistakes that Chinese translators are likely to make.The writer hopes that it can cast a light on avoiding Chinglish and on how to correct the mistakes.

What the translators should bear in mind is that:do not let the readers guess what is“implied”.Translators must convey the whole meaning of the source language in a correct way firstly, and then the language could be polished.Take“four rules”as the guid ance to examine whether your translation is correct or not.


[1]Joan Pinkham.The Translator’S Guide to Chinglish[M].Bei jing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.

[2]Barzun Jacques.Simple and Direct:A Rhetoric for Writers[M].New York:Harper and Row, 1975.

[3]陈镇球.On Problem of Translation:A Series of Talks Given at the Institute of Journalism, [M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1981.

[4]贾玉新.跨文化交际学[M].上海:上海外国语教育出版社, 2002.

英语演讲词翻译 篇8


中图分类号: H159; N04 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1673-8578(2012)03-0044-04

作者简介:韩贻仁(1932—),男,山东青岛人,山东大学生命科学学院教授,全国科学技术名词审定委员会委员,并于2002年获全国科技名词委突出贡献奖。通信方式:hanyr@sdu.edu.cn。一 缩合词与缩略词 随着社会和科技的快速发展,英语新术语大量涌现,其中复合术语(complex term)占了很大的比例。复合术语是指由两个或两个以上的词组成的术语,如National Aeronautics and Space Administration(美国航空航天局)、North Atlantic Treaty Organization (北大西洋条约组织)、Fédération Internationale de Football Association (国际足球联合会)。由词组形成的术语能够准确地表达事物的含义,然而,也不可避免地增加了词的数量,给说、听、读、写带来了不便。为了解决这一矛盾,英语语言学中就出现了缩合词(blends)和缩略词(abbreviations)。

缩合词是指把两个或两个以上的词各取一部分(一个或几个字母)合在一起,构成一个新词,其意义一般也是几个词的缩合;也就是说,英语缩合词既有“缩”,也有“合”。如:smoke 烟+fog 雾=smog 烟雾。有的学者,将英语缩合词称为“字母词”[1]。上面提到的三个组织一般分别缩合成NASA、NATO、FIFA。

缩合词又可分为拼读首字母缩合词(acronym)和音读首字母缩合词(initialism)。首字母缩合词一般字母间不形成音节关系,因此音读首字母缩合词在说读时只能连读字母音,如PCR (polymerase chain reaction,聚合酶链式反应)、HTML(hypertext markup language,超文本置标语言)、DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid,脱氧核糖核酸),等等。拼读首字母缩合词的字母组成缩合词与普通词类似,故可按音节拼读,如NATO。由词组各成分词的首字母组合成缩合词是英语的重要构词方式之一,对其定名须认真对待。

缩略词(abbreviations)是英语的另一种简称形式,由一个词或词组缩短形成。如abbreviation可缩略为abbr;另外常见的eg、ie、etc,分别是exempli gratia(for example,例如)、id est(that is, 即)、et cetera(等)的缩略形式。对于这些例子来说,这些缩略词也可称为“简写”,因此在英语中,abbreviation一词的定义并不十分严格,有时也常与blend一词混用。本文不拟深入探讨abbreviation与blend的语言学差别,而重点是探讨字首缩合词在中文中的应用。

汉字无法以“拿来主义”的方式将英文缩合词直接插入使用。目前,媒体报道中有时也直接将英文缩合词插入中文。有个别英文缩合词使用频率非常高,已经形成了英语单词,并为中国社会和群众所广泛接受,如RNA、DNA等,这样做也未尝不可。然而如果英语缩合词大量出现,在使用时必须加上中文注解,否则会给读者造成误解。例如新近出现的FTA (free trade agreement, 自由贸易协定)和TPP(transpacific partnership agreement,泛太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定)等。

二 英文缩合词的局限性 英文缩合词因其读、写简便,近年来大量涌现,几乎在每篇科技文献中都有所使用,大大方便了同行间的学术交流,然而,其局限性也比较突出。



例如FTA,可以有多种含义:自由贸易协定(free trade agreement),自由贸易区(free trade area ),[欧洲]自由贸易协会(free trade association),货物运输协会(freight transport association)。如不加注解,其确切含义只能由读者根据具体情况自行判断。又如,在生物学中,PCR(polymerase chain reaction,聚合酶链[式]反应)已经是一个极为普及的术语,可是在信息技术领域中,它却有完全不同的含义,如光电导继电器(photoconductive relay)、程序控制暂存器(program control register)、程序时钟参考(program clock reference)。



例如IT,原本是information technology的缩合词,代表的是信息技术。但是现在“IT”这个缩合词可代表的术语有许多,如信息产业(information industry)、信息论(information theory)、国际贸易(international trade)、国际旅游(international tourism)、国际标准误差(international tolerance)、免疫疗法(immunotherapy),等等。据《海词缩略语词典》[2]统计,以IT为缩略语的词组达129条之多,而且其中很多词条在概念上并没有什么相关性。



PPA有很多种含义:吡哌酸(pipemidic acid)、苯丙醇胺(phenylpropanolamine)、多聚磷酸(polyphosphoric acid),等等。吡哌酸是一种消化道抗炎药;苯丙醇胺是一种治感冒药成分。因为有研究发现苯丙醇胺具有引起血型脑中风的副作用,2000年11月美国食品与药物管理局发布了“全面停售含PPA药物”的规定。我国国家药品监督管理局据此于2000年11月16日紧急通知:“立即停止使用和销售一切含PPA成分的感冒药、减肥药。”[3]通知一出立即就引起了一场风波,这一紧急通知殃及了生产吡哌酸(PPA)的企业。后来,有关机构不得不申明,苯丙醇胺(PPA)与吡哌酸(PPA)是两种药物,后者不会引起脑中风。



三 中文缩略词与英语缩合词的比较 中文缩略词与英语缩合词在形式上有些相似,然而二者有质上的不同。英语缩合词是把两个或两个以上的词各取一部分合在一起,构成一个新词,其意义一般也是几个词义的缩合。中文缩略词(Chinese abbreviation)是术语省略部分汉字后的简称。也就是说,中文的缩略词只有“缩”没有“合”。英语缩合词省略的是字母;而中文缩略词省略的是汉字。构型上,缩略词术语与原词是同名异表,而不是新词,因而名词术语的实际数量没有增加。



一般而言,中文缩略词多为一词一义,不易被误解。例如,人体血液中含有一类与运载胆固醇有关的脂蛋白,根据其密度分为低密度脂蛋白质(lower density lipoprotein,LDL)和高密度脂蛋白质(high density lipoprotein,HDL)两种,分别缩略成“低密脂蛋白”和“高密脂蛋白”不会产生歧义。可是它们的英语缩合词则不然,如LDL可以表示多个含义:lower density lipoprotein (低密脂蛋白),lower deviation level (低偏差水平),Linus distribution list (Linus列表),lower detection level (低检出限),等等。




目前,世界上的语言多数为拼音文字,拼音文字的词是由若干字母排列组合而成, 而中文没有字母,每个方块字即是一个音义结合体。汉字一般由义旁和声旁组成,中文是由形、音、义三者关联形成的优秀文字体系。汉字与英文字母没有对应关系。显然,中文不可能用偏旁模拟拼音字母组合成缩合词。

有的学者主张,“抽取一个词组中部分词的某几个代表性语素, 组合成新词”,即谓之中文缩合词[5]。然而,中文缩略词仍由字(词)而不是字母组成,保持了原有的表意功能,英语字母缩合词则没有直接的表意功能;且中文缩略词仅有省略,没有合成关系。从实例来看,中文缩略词抽取的语素都是主干语素,如奥林匹克运动会(奥运会)、蛋白质性感染颗粒(蛋白感染粒)、彩色电视机(彩电),将其列为缩合词显然不合适。

四 译用英语缩合词的建议 目前,由于历史、政治、经济和科学技术等原因,发达国家使用的文字大都为拼音字,英语在文化、科技、信息、学术交流等方面尚占有一定优势。英语中的缩合词大量涌现,中文也应充分发挥自身的优势,尽快定出中文缩略词的定名原则。笔者在此提出如下两条:



例如FTA,可直接定名为自由贸易协定,简称“自贸协定”。又如,细胞生物学中的prion一词,原指proteinatious infectious particle,定名为蛋白感染粒。这样,在中文翻译定名时,就不会被英语缩合词所困,达到简意并蓄的目的。


多数汉字自身就是词,这不同于拼音字母,决不能将汉字当字母使用。英语中的地名和人名,可以采取音译的方式,例如,New York定名为纽约;Darwin定名为达尔文。可是对于学术术语来说,音译会造成许多不便。

例如,过去把青霉素音译为“盘尼西林”,大多数中国人很难从字面上理解它的含义。翻译原本就是“把一种文字的意义用另一种文字表达出来”[5],因而我们应发挥汉字表意的优势,根据缩合词的含义定名。又如,prion的含义是蛋白质性感染颗粒(proteinoceous infectious particle),据此将其定名为“蛋白感染粒”,既缩减了字数,又不失原意。还有,在细胞中有一种激素被称为AKH(adipokinetic hormone),按字面应当翻译为“脂肪动力激素”,但考虑到它具有刺激和动员脂库中的脂质的作用,因此定名为“促脂激素”。




在《分子细胞生物学》教材中,我们使用“双表法”使用英语缩合词,即在一些生僻缩合词初次出现时,首先使用中文名称,后加括弧注明英语全名和缩合词,例如:受体酪氨酸激酶(receptor tyrosine kinase, RTK)[6]。这样在下文使用这个概念时,就可以直接用RTK,比较方便,也不会产生混淆。但这种方式只建议针对那些使用频率较高又不会引起概念混乱的英语缩略词和缩合词,且须在本专业领域内。


中文学术定名使用合璧词不可避免,如人体血型A 型血、B型血等,又如免疫球蛋白重链分为μ、δ、γ、α、ε五个同种型。

参 考 文 献

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[2][EB/OL] http://dictcn/abbr/it

[3]秦惠基,苯丙醇胺事件的启示[J] 药物流行病杂志, 2001,10(1):1-3

[4]张美霞 现代汉语缩合构词研究的回顾和展望[J] 和田师范专科学校学报:中文综合版,2009,28(5):91-92


[6]韩贻仁 分子细胞生物学[M]3版北京:高等教育出版社,2007

[7]邹黎 浅论字母词和英语缩略词的区别[J] 读与写杂志,2008, 5(10): 7
