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新概念英语知识点归纳 篇1








步骤 a用三角板的一条直角边与已知直线重合。



d 沿着这条直角边画一条直线,所画直线与已知直线平行。













新概念英语知识点归纳 篇2

1. be like 像,跟……一样

look like 看起来像……

2. in water 在水中

3. in one’s life 在某人一生中

4. be against (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事

5. living textbooks 活生生的教科书

6. provide... for... 为……提供……

7. the public 公众,民众

in public 公开地

8. care for 关心,爱护

9. be surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊讶

be surprised to do sth. 惊讶地做某事

10. urge sb. to do sth. 强烈要求某人做某事

11. agree with sb. 同意某人的意见

agree on sth. 就某事达成一致意见

12. stop riding in cars 停止驾驶汽车

13. a most unusual woman 一个不同寻常的女人

14. pull down 摧毁,推翻

15. be made of 由……制成(成品中看得出原材料,制作过程中仅发生物理变化)

be made from由……制成(成品中识别不出原材料,制作过程中发生化学变化)

be made in由……制造 (in后接表示地点的名词)

be made by由……制造 (by后接动作的执行者)

be made into 制成……(某种原料制成某种产品)

be made up of 由……组成


1. We’re trying to save the manatees!我们正在尽力拯救海牛。

2. They’re about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1,000 pounds. 他们大约有10英尺长,1000磅重。

3. Zoos are terrible places for animals to live. 动物园对动物们来说是可怕的居住地。

4. They provide homes for many endangered animals... 他们为许多濒临灭绝的动物提供家园……

5. ... and help to educate the public about caring for them. ……并且帮助教育公众关爱它们。

6. ... turn off the shower while you are washing your hair. ……洗头的时候关掉淋浴。

7. You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne. 你可能從来没有听说过Amy Winterbourne。

8. The walls are made from old glass bottles that are glued together. 墙是由旧玻璃瓶粘在一起建成的。

9. I agree with you. 我同意你的意见。

10. Have you ever won anything? 你赢得过什么吗?


1. 针对某个话题,阐述自己的观点,驳斥他人的观点以及如何进行英语辨论。

2. 复习现在进行时、一般现在时、现在完成时、被动语态以及used to + v.,复合句等。


人教版八年级英语下册知识点归纳 篇3

重点:1.情态动词should & shouldn’t 的用法;2.have + 疾病;3.反身代词的用法。


What’s the matter? 怎么了? What’s the matter with you? = What’s the trouble with you? = What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?

have a cold = catch a cold 感冒 have a stomachache 胃痛 have a sore + 部位 „„痛 lie down 躺下

take one’s temperature 量体温 have a fever 发烧 have a cough 咳嗽 take breaks 休息

get an X-ray 拍X光片 away from 远离

on the side of the road 在马路边 shout for help 大声呼救 get off 下车

to one’s surprise 出乎某人意料 thanks to 多亏;由于 in time 及时

right away 马上,立即

get into 陷入

get into trouble 陷入困境 have a toothache 牙痛 put one’s head down 低头 have a nosebleed 流鼻血

put a bandage on sth.用绷带包扎 get hit on the head 砸到头(注意v.+ on the + 身体部位的表达方达)be interested in 对„„感兴趣

There were many times when „(when 引导的定语从句)

be used to doing sth.习惯做某事 take risks 冒险 because of 因为

in „ situation 处于„„境地 run out 用光 get out of 逃离 of importance = important(of + n.= adj.)be in control of 管理 make a decision 做决定

give up 放弃

Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.重点&难点:1.不定式作宾语、状语和宾补的用法;2.could表建议时的用法;3.掌握短语:run out of, take after, fix up, give away等;4.学会用will和would like表达意愿。知识点:

clean up 清洁

Clean-Up Day 清洁日 city park 城市公园 cheer up 使振奋 give out 分发,散发

after-school study program 课外学习活动 put off 推迟

make a plan 制定计划 come up with 想出,提出 used to do 曾经 care for 照顾

at the age of 在„„岁的时候 try out 参加„„选拔

work for 为„„工作,为„„效力 dream come true 实现梦想 learn to do 学习做某事 put up 张贴 hand out 分发

call up 呼吁,召集

volunteer one’s time to do 志愿花时间做某事

raise money 募捐 run out of 用光„„

take after = be similar to 与„„相似 fix up = repair 修理 give away 捐赠 set up 建立

disabled people 残疾人 a friend of mine 亲密朋友

be excited about 对„„感到兴奋

Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? 重点:学习并掌握could表提出请求和征求许可的用法,“Could you please do sth.?”“Could I please do sth.?” 难点:用所学知识在实际的生活中委婉地表达自己的请求和征求许可。知识点:

do the dishes 洗碗

take out rubbish 扔垃圾 fold one’s clothes叠衣服 sweep the floor 扫地 make one’s bed 铺床

clean the living room 打扫客厅 go out for dinner 出去吃饭 stay out late 在外面待到很晚 get a ride 搭车 work on 从事

finish doing sth.完成做某事

be enough for sb.对某人来说是足够的 be enough to do sth.做某事是足够的

be back from sw.从„„回去(来)

be back from doing sth.做完某事回去(来)clean and tidy 干净整洁

come home from school / work 放学/下班回家

throw down 扔下 come over 过来

take „ for a walk 带„„去散步 shout back 大声回应 in surprise 惊讶地

as soon as 一„„就„„ hang out 闲逛

pass sb.sth.递给某人某物

lent sb.sth.借给某人某物

borrow 借入 lent 借出

try not to do 尝试不做某事 get sth.wet 使某物变湿 do chores 干杂活

hate sth./ doing sth./ to do sth.讨厌某物/做某事

help sb.with sth./(to)do sth.帮助某人(做)某事

a waste of time 浪费时间

spend one’s time on sth./(in)doing sth.花费时间在某物上/做某事 in order to 为了

get good grade 取得好成绩

get into a good university 考进好大学 no need for sb.to do sth.不需要某人做某事

provide sth.for sb.= provide sb.with sth.提供某人某物

mind doing sth.介意做某事 depend on 依赖

develop children’s independence 培养孩子的独立性

teach sb, how to do sth.教会某人做某事 do one’s part in doing 做某人份内的事 look after = take care of 照顾 as a result 结果

the + 比较级 „,the + 比较级 越„„越„„、Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? 重点:1.学习并掌握反问句 “Why don’t you do sth.?”;2.连词until, so that, although的运用。难点: 知识点:

get enough sleep 有足够的睡眠 have time to do sth.有时间做某事 allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事 after-school class 补习班 get into 陷入

a fight with sb.和某人有争执 What’s wrong? 哪儿不舒服? on the phone 在电话里头 call sb.up 打电话给某人 take sb.to sw.带某人去某地 look through 快速查看

be angry with sb.对某人生气 forget about sth.忘记某事 a big deal 重要的事 work out 解决

get on with = get along with 和睦相处 if / whether 引导的选择条件句 hang over 悬挂

be nice to sb.对某人好 refuse to do 拒绝做某事 instead的用法

whatever, whenever, wherever, however offer to help 提供帮助

proper communication 适当的沟通

communicate with 和„„沟通 be better for sb.对某人来说更好 make sth.clear 使某事清晰

be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事 along 单独的(表面上)lonely 孤独的(内心)

be busy on sth.忙于做某事 come out 删除

compare sth.with sth.拿„„和„„作比较

turn down 调低,调小

turn up 调高,调大

turn on 打开

turn off 关掉 in one’s opinion 以某人的观点

Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 重点&难点:学习并掌握when和while引导的时间状语从句以及过去进行时的运用。


atthe time of 在„„的时候

on the street 在大街上

in the road 在马路上

at the bus stop 在公交车站

take a shower 洗澡

take a hot shower 洗热水澡

miss the bus 没赶上公交车,错过公交车 go off(闹钟)发出响声 pick up 接电话

put „ over „ 把„„放置于„„上方 make dinner 做晚饭

beat against sth.拍打某物 at first 首先,一开始 fall asleep 入睡 die down 逐渐消失

break „ apart 使„„分离 in a mess 一团糟 each other 互相 heavy rain 大雨 car wash 洗车

have a look 瞧一瞧 walk by 经过

make one’s way to 在某人去„„的路上 You’re kidding.你开玩笑吧。be killed 被杀害(被动语态)in silence 沉默 take down 摧毁

look out of the window 看向窗外 be shocked to do sth.震惊于做某事 the rest of 剩余的„„ point sth.out 指出某物 call out 喊出

have meaning to 对„„有意义 the World Trade Center 世贸中心

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.重点:1.连词unless, as soon as, so … that的运用;2.学习并掌握如何描述故事。难点:用所学知识描述故事。知识点:

work on sth.致力于做某事 as soon as 一„„就„„ take sth.away 带走某物 a little bit 有一点„„

show sb.that 展示给某人„„

keep doing 继续做某事,保持做某事 instead of 代替 neitherof „„也不 most of 绝大多数的

the Monkey King 美猴王 in fact 事实上

look like 看起来像„„

turn „ into „ 把„„变为„„ make a dress 穿衣服 fit sth.适合某物 get married 结婚 think of 考虑

once upon a time 从前 stepmother 继母

come with sb.和某人一起来 along the way 沿途 shine bright 光芒万丈

lead sb.to 引导某人做某事 be made of 用„„做成 get lost 迷失

Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?



any other 任何其他的no other 没有其他的

salt lake 咸水湖

have a population of 拥有„„人口 Yangtze River 长江

feel free to do sth.做某事感觉很自由 as you can see 正如你所看到 as far as I know 正如我所知 man-made 人造的 run along 跨越

take in air 呼吸空气

risk one’s life 冒着生命的危险 spirit of „„的精神

achieve one’s dream 实现梦想 the force of „„的力量 even though / even if 即使

weigh many times more than 比„„重好几倍

prepare sth.for sb.为某人准备某物 run over with excitement 兴奋地跑过去 fall over 摔倒 cut down 砍下 do research 做调查

protect „ from „ 保护„„免受„„ walk into sb.撞到某人

endangered animal 濒危动物

Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 重点:学习现在完成时以及yet, already在现在完成时中的运用。

难点:yet, already在现在完成时中的运用(yet一般用于否定句和疑问句中,already用于肯定句中)知识点: grow up 成长

the back of „„的背面 hurry up 抓紧,赶快 go out to sea 出海 in + 时间段 表将来 run towards 跑向 in the middle of „„的中间 left behind 遗忘 not yet 未曾

science fiction 科幻小说

can’t wait to do 迫不及待做某事 a bit + adj.有点„„ pop music 流行乐 used to do 曾经做某事

fight over „ with „ 为„„和„„争吵 belong to 属于 but not 而不是

introduce „ to „ 介绍„„给„„ bring sb.to sw.带某人去某地 ever since then 自从那时起 trust one another互相信任

at the end of the day 一天结束的时候 come to realize 逐渐意识到

Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? 重点:1.学习并掌握ever, been, never在现在完成时中的运用;2.掌握有关于“某人曾经去过某地”的交际用语。难点:1.用现在完成时来描述某人曾经去过某地;2.区别现在完成时和一般过去时在表达过去经历的不同。知识点:

National Science Museum 国家科技博物馆


space museum 太空博物馆 history museum 历史博物馆 art museum 美术博物馆 amusement park 游乐场 take the subway 坐地铁 go skating 去滑冰

camp in the mountains 在山上野营 put up a tent 搭帐篷

progress in a rapid way 进步飞快

encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事 tea sets 茶具

make sth.better 使„„更好 a couple of 一对„„ take a ride 兜风

thousands of 成千上万的

On the one hand „,on the other hand „ 一方面„„,另一方面„„ three quarters 四分之三

English-speaking countries 英语语言国家 outside of „„的外部 all year around 终年 hear of 听说

whether „ or „ 不管„„还是„„ Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for this bike for three years.重点&难点:since& for在现在完成时中的运用。

have + pp.+ since + 时间点

have + pp.+ for + 时间段 知识点:

how long 多长时间 a yard sale 庭院拍卖会 ride a bike 骑自行车

have sth.for + price 花多少钱买的„„ give away 捐赠

not „ anymore 不再„„ check out 观察

board games 棋类游戏 for a long time 很长时间 clear out 收拾,整理

children’s home 儿童福利院 no longer 不再

either(两者中的一个)是 down the street 在街边 search for 寻找„„ as for 至于

46-year-old 46岁的„„

新概念英语知识点归纳 篇4











新概念英语知识点归纳 篇5


1.have something in _________ 和„„有共同之处 2.comman ______ 惯例 3.from ______ on 从现在起 4.from ______ on 从那时起

5.as a _______ of 作为„„的结果 6.with the _______ that 结果是

7.result ___________ 由„„造成;因„„而产生 8.result ____________ 引起(某种结果);使获得(某种结果)9.solve a _________ 猜字谜

10.reach a goal =__________ a goal = ___________ a goal 实现目标

11.be of great value= be very ___________ be of no value= be ______________

be of great use = be very _____________

be of no use =be __________

be of great interest = be very __________ be of no interest = be _______________ 12.make the best of =make the __________ of 充分利用= take full __________ of 13.come ____________ 实现;成为现实

14.give ________(to sb.)成交; 交上; 屈服; 让步

15.give __________ 分发; 发出气味热等;发表公布;耗尽;筋疲力尽 16.give _________ doing sth.放弃;不再做„„ 17.in the way= in __________ way 挡道;妨碍 18.in ________ way 用这种方法 19.in _________ way 绝不

20.by _________ of 经由; 通过„„方式 21.by the _______ 顺便提一下; 另外

22.with one’ help = with _____ ______ of 在„„的帮助下

23.do with 常与连接代词_________ 连用; deal with 常与连接副词________ 连用。24.watch ______ 期待;等候

25.________ out 注意;小心(用于提醒某人)26.go ______ 走过;经过

27.so „„_________ „„如此;以至于 28._________ sth.with sb.与某人分享某物 29.as __________ as 也;和;既„„又„„ 30.__________ high quality 高质量的 31.human _______ 人类

32._______ fact 事实上; 实际上 33.________ a way 在某种程度上 34._______ all 毕竟

35.deal _______ 处理; 对付

36.watch __________ 看守;监视

答案:1.common 2.practice 3.now 4.then 5.result 6.result 7.from 8.in 9.puzzle 10.obtain=achieve 11.valuable valueless useful useless interesting uninteresting 12.most advantage 13.true 14.in 15.out 16.up 17.one’s 18.this 19.no 20.way 21.way 22.the help 23.what how 24.for 25.watch 26.by 27.that 28.share 29.well 30.of 31.race 32.in 33.in 34.after 35.with 36.over

二、课本知识点归纳和总结 1.look after 照顾,照料=care for

2.need=want=require 需要

need doing =need to be done 3.a good environment and satety 需要好的环境与安全 4.as a result 结果 5.endangered 濒危的

6.die out 灭绝 die off 相继死去 die of 表示死的原因,die 后既可接介词 of,也可接 from, 两者的区别是:

一、若死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因),一般用介词 of。如:die of illness(heart trouble, cancer, a fever, etc)死于疾病(心脏病,癌症,发烧等)

二、若死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因),一般用介词 from。如: die from an earthquake(a traffic accident, a lightning, a stroke, etc)死于地震(交通事故,雷击等)

三、若死因是环境影响到体内,即两方面共有的原因,则可用 of, from 均可。如:die of [from] a drink(a wound, overwork, starvation, hunger and cold, etc)死于饮酒(受伤,劳累过度,饥饿,饥寒等)但是在实际运用中,两者混用的情况较多。7.a report on sth 一个关于„„的报告

8.too much后加名词,much too 后加adj或adv.too much dust 太多灰尘 9.remain to be seen 有待于拭目以待

10.in peace 处于和平状态

没有in the peace, 没有in peace of 这样的表达 11.know of = know about 知道了解 12.in danger of 面临危险

13.had always longed to do sth.always 总是,这是完成时的标志。by +时间,since 都是完成时的标志。

14.wake up 睡醒

15.a flying carpet 一个飞毯 16.take sb.to sp.带某人去某地 17.at once 立刻,马上 18.fly away 飞走了

19.see an antelope looking sad

see sb.doing sth.看到某人正在做某事 20.make sweaters 制作毛衣

21.so „„that 如此„„以至于

22.next minute 用作连词,表示转眼间 23.turn around 转身

24.take my photo 照相

25.in relief 如释重负,松了口气 26.burst into laughter 突然大笑起来 27.used to do sth.通常干某事

28.without mercy 毫无仁慈

have mercy on sb.对某人又仁慈之心

29.only a certain number of sth.只有少数的某物 only+单个主语不倒装,only + 状语或状语从句放于句首时,倒装主语,不倒装从句。30.suggest 一是表“建议”,二是表“表明”。suggest doing 建议干某事 表建议:可接that 宾语从句,that从句用should+动词原形,should可以省略.She suggested that the class meeting(should)not be held on Saturday.她建议班会不要在星期六举行.表“暗示、表明”的意思.其主语往往是事物,而不是人.1)接名词或动名词作宾语.The simple house suggested a modest income.这座简朴的房子表明(房主的)收入并不高.Her pale face suggested bad health.她脸色苍白,看来身体不好.The thought of summer suggests swimming.一想到夏天就使人们联想到游泳.31.news 不可数名词,一条新闻 a piece of news 32.protect sb.from sth.保护某人免受某事

protect sb.from doing sth.prevent sb.from doing sth= stop sb.from doing sth.阻止某人干某事=keep sb.from doing sth.33.mosquitoes 复数形式+es 34.over my body 遍及全身

35.affect=have an effect on 影响 36.pay more attention to更多注意

37.appreciate doing sth.欣赏,感激某事

I appreciate it if 其中it 做形式宾语 38.no rainforest, no animals, no drugs.没有雨林,就没有动物,也就没有药物了。39.disappear 系动词,无被动语态,不用于进行时

40.do harm to sth.对某物有害

be harmful to sth.对某物有害,注意介词一定用to.41.sell well 很畅销,完成时态:has sold very well 42.go down to 下降到

43.tens of thousands of 成千上万的 44.come into being 开始形成,产生

45.a number of 许多的 后加可数名词的复数形式 46.not only but also 不但„„而且 47.in such a short time 在如此短的时间 48.according to 根据,按照

49.some reason 某个原因= a certain reason 某个原因

50.survive sth.经历„„得以幸存

新概念英语知识点归纳 篇6

2. play different kinds of music 演奏不同种类的音乐

3. have spare time 有空闲时间 4. in that case 如果那样的话

5. feel like doing sth. 感觉想做某事 6. stick to坚持,固守

7. have a happy ending 有一个快乐的结局 8. seem less serious 似乎不严重

9. plenty of 大量,充足

10. shut off 关闭

11. once in a while 偶尔,间或 12. write their own lyrics 自己作词

13. sing the words clearly 唱词清楚 14. Chinese folk music 中国民俗音乐

15. sense a strong sadness and pain 感觉到一种强烈的悲伤与痛苦

16. look up 查阅

17. in total 总计

18. China’s national treasures 中国的民族瑰宝19. spread joy 传播快乐

20. do an excellent job 表现优异 21. play the hero 扮演英雄人物

22. during his lifetime 在他生前

1. I like smooth music that helps me relax after a long week at work.


2. Documentaries like March of the Penguins which provide plenty of information about a certain subject can be interesting.


3. I can shut off my brain, sit back and enjoy watching an exciting superhero who always saves the world just in time.


4. It was one of the most moving pieces of music that I have ever heard.


5. It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear.


6. Although he is an actor who does not have much experience, he did an excellent job in the new war film.


7. You mean the new police story which was filmed in five countries?


8. I don’t think movies that try to describe the future are very interesting.
