
2025-01-10 版权声明 我要投稿


大学生毕业个人中英文简历 篇1

姓名: XXX 性别: 男  民族: 壮族  最终学历: 本科生毕业 
毕业学校: XXXX大学  出生年月: 1983年1月7日  毕业时间: 秋 
学院: 电子信息工程学院  专业: 生物医学工程 
政治面貌: 中国共产主义青年团员  身高: 169cm  健康状况: 良好  生源地: 广西 
固定电话:   移动电话: 1355XXXXXXXX 传呼机:  
联系地址: 中南民族大学电子信息工程学院02级生物医学工程2班  邮政编码: 430074 
Email: XXXXXXXXXX@163.com  QQ: 6195XXXXXX MSN:  
英语等级: 熟练  其它外语及掌握程度:  
计算机能力:   1.  熟悉Windows 98//XP 操作系统平台,能熟练使用Microsoft Office办公



2.  熟练掌握C/C++语言编程,能熟练应用相关工具Turbo C 2.0、Visual C++


3.  熟悉SQL语言,熟悉SQL Server2000数据库,能熟练应用C++ Builder 6.0

和SQL Server2000构建C/S结构数据库系统,有数据库系统设计方面的.应用


4.  熟悉软件工程思想,了解网络原理知识并熟悉网络协议TCP/IP协议;

5.  对计算机硬件有相当的了解,可以独立完成机子的装拆和维修,及系统的安装;能解决一般的软件、硬件问题.


个人爱好: 体育运动、文艺活动等. 
获奖及成果:     第三届“挑战杯”湖北省大学生创业计划大赛银奖




社会活动(包括个人任职情况):    1.从209月至今,担任中南民族大学电子信息工程学院2002级9班生活委员,兼本班团支部书记,成功协调和组织班内同学开展各项集体活动,有效促进了班内同学之间的交流,并成功组织班内同学开展各项集体活动,协助辅导员老师成功开展学生工作,组织班内同学参加党校学习,协助年级分团委、年级党支部考察入党积极分子等。






大学生毕业个人中英文简历 篇2


英文简历有基本的格式要素与语言特色, 但是如何在英文简历中完美地体现自己的优势特色, 从而让招聘单位耳目一新, 对求职者留下好印象, 则需要认真的态度和一定的技巧。

(一) 基本要素

1) 个人信息。一份优秀且地道的英文简历一般只用写上姓名、地址、联系电话和电子邮箱就可以了。但在国际化进程日益推进的今天, 各国的文化交融, 跨国公司的建立等使得英文简历也越来越国际化, 有很多求职岗位有性别、年龄等方面的要求, 这时候就需要在简历中注明。2) 求职目标。通常求职者会在简历里简单地写上所应聘的职位, 例如:求职目标:translator。看似求职的职位已经很明确, 实则不然, translator是个很笼统的概念, 会让用人单位对你的求职定位产生歧义。翻译有很多种, 有随行口译, 会议笔译, 网站翻译, 各类单据合同的翻译等等。因此, 求职者最好能清晰地注明。3) 教育背景。在书写教育背景时, 应注意英文简历中的时间排列顺序与中文恰好相反, 要求求职者从最高学历写起, 最低的一般涉及高中学历。对于已参加工作多年的人来说, 用人单位重点考虑的是其工作经验, 学历只是参考因素, 因而只需注明就读的校系名称、始止时间和学位即可。而对于刚刚跨入社会的应届毕业生而言, 尤其是高职高专的毕业生, 他们的教学进程往往与工作实习相伴进行, 因此工作经验与教育经历显得一样重要。最好是在前者基础上, 再简单地列举主修的课程及成绩。4) 工作经历。同样还是采用倒叙的方式, 从目前的工作写起。但为了简洁, 一些不重要的工作经历往往需要被省略, 只留下与应聘职位有关的经历。求职者除了写清楚所服务单位的名称和自身的职位, 还需描述自身的工作内容和职责。若是专业的技术人员, 就更需要在简历中详细地描述其专业技能和项目经验。如果作为应届毕业生没有什么工作经验, 写上自己在学校期间参加的一些实践活动也是可取的。5) 所获奖励与成就。这一部分相对比较灵活。对于学生而言, 可以是他们曾受到的表彰, 得到的荣誉称号, 或赢得的奖项等。但切记一定要避免那些“又红又砖”的荣誉称号, 例如“三好学生”“优秀班干部”等, 这些称号即使写上, 外籍人士也不一定明白是怎么回事。你可以写上获得的技能证书或是做过的公益活动, 在许多发达的地方, 公司往往注重个人修养。

(二) 语言特色

大对数高职高专毕业生 (非英语专业) 的英文简历可能只是把中文简历直接翻译过来。由于中文与英文在用词、语法和习惯上有较大的不同, 直译过来的英文简历可能存在许多问题, 因此需要了解英语这门语言的特色。

1) 频用短语。英文简历很重要的一点就是要言简意赅, 简洁明了, 在撰写中一定要注意到一些语言特色与技巧。切忌长句, 而多采用一些行为动词短语的表达。因为在简历中, 行为动词让你听起来更有目的性, 更有活力。2) 调整语法。由于空间有限, 英文简历写作的标准只允许使用缩写句。可以省略句子的主语 (I, my manager) 、物主代词 (my/mine, his/hers) 有时甚至省略冠词 (the/a) 。如果要在一个句子中列出不只一项内容, 可以用"and"连接。3) 注重语体。英语言与汉语一样, 十分注重场合, 所表述的语言会因场合不同而变化。这在求职简历这类书面应用文中也有体现。比如一些格式、称谓要使用正式的文体, 能够体现求职者的重视与认真。切忌过多地使用口语甚至是俚语。


1) 过往经历。过往经历包括求职者的教育经历与工作实践经历。在教育经历上, 高职高专毕业生相对于本科生或是更高学历的毕业生, 在学历上学位上或许有所不及。但是, 本科生们注重的是理论, 而高职高专学生则更注重实践操作。作为高职高专的毕业生具备了专业的实践技能, 可以说是技能型人才。许多毕业生在就学期间就已经积累了在相关专业企业实习实践的经验。因此在英文简历中, 工作经历一栏, 可以为自己添上加分的一笔。2) 预期效果。当求职者完成了一份英文简历, 准备投给某家公司之前, 有必要预期一下这封简历的效果, 是石沉大海, 还是脱颖而出。但实际上许多求职者在第一步———英文简历中就被招聘单位淘汰了, 所以求职者应当谨记YRIS原则, 即Yourresumes isscanned, 招聘单位是在浏览 (scanned) 求职者的简历, 而不是阅读 (read) 。在投递之前, 再次检查英文简历的侧重点, 即关键字和行动词, 它们最能体现你的本质。而且在简历中对求职者的描述切记不可夸大, 但也不要把自己的缺点全都罗列上去, 可以选择写上自己擅长的, 而忽略一些不足。最重要的是要让招聘单位感到你对未来职业生涯的充分准备与活力。如果觉得英文简历在内容上已经能完美地展现自己, 还需要注重格式与页面的事项。在将你的英文简历投递给企业后, 需要保持自己的电话通畅与及时的电邮收发。3) 谋篇布局。作为一份英语简历, 最重要的职能就是在招聘单位进行浏览时, 能够一眼被吸引, 从而对你产生兴趣, 留下初步好印象, 以及进一步交流的意愿。所以英文简历的谋篇布局非常重要, 最好能达到让人眼前一亮的效果。

英语简历的基本格式是确定的, 需要在框定的格式之中寻求突破与新颖之处。英文简历上的内容大致可以分三点来写, 第一点是最能体现求职者能力的事迹, 例如之前所组织负责过 (参与过) 的重大活动或是担任过的职务等等;第二点是最能体现你专业技能的事例。作为高职高专的毕业生, 可能在学历上体现不出优势, 那就要把矛头调转到最关键的信息上———专业技术能力与社会实践 (工作) 经历。把自己擅长的一面简明扼要的强调出来, 可以是学术专业上的成就, 或是具有代表性的荣誉等等;第三点则是社会工作经历, 若是没什么工作经历, 参加过的能体现自我的社会实践活动也可。

同时一定要用积极的语言, 切忌用缺乏自信和消极的语言书写简历。要组织好英文简历的结构, 避免出现重复的内容, 让人感到条理清楚, 结构严谨。要使你的个人简历富有创造性, 让招聘单位产生想进一步了解你的兴趣。

英文专业毕业生个人简历 篇3

Name: YJBYS Age: 23
Residence: Guangzhou Nationality: China
Marital status: single nationality: Han
Height: 178 cm body weight: 64 kg
Job: building engineering:
Practice date available: at any time
Hope work area: Guangzhou
Work experience
Summer holiday at .Teacher assistant in sunshine foreign language training school
Education background
University one is graduated from: Guangzhou Vocational College of Science and Technology


Education: college degree: Graduation Date: -06

Professional: the construction and supervision of two:

The starting date of termination date schools (Institutions) specialty certification certificate number

Language ability
Foreign language: English Cantonese level: General


Chinese: good

Ability to work and other specialty
I was in college students about to leave school, in school during the internship,, strive to learn professional knowledge, basic knowledge of architecture, but we also need to continue to work.


Ability + to + opportunity = success

Self introduction
I was in college students about to leave school, in school during the internship,, strive to learn professional knowledge, basic knowledge of architecture, but we also need to continue to work.


Ability + to + opportunity = success

大学毕业生中英文简历 篇4

A man is a 24-year-old from shanxi

Education: junior college

Length of work: 2-3 years

Expected salary: -3000 yuan

Location: Beijing - chaoyang

Job objective: car decorator

Work experience

(working six years, five months, doing one job)

Sir Car wash

Working hours: January to now [6 years]

Job title: team leader technician

Work content: new employee guidance, polishing, coating, gilding, sales and other beauty series

Education experience

In March , the Beijing Oriental car education car sticker

Professional skill

Polished: experienced: three years

Language skill

Putonghua: good


Pleasant personality, strong ability to communicate, can eat bitterness and work fine



男 24岁 山西人

学历: 大专

工作年限: 2-3年

期望薪资: 2000-3000元

工作地点: 北京 - 朝阳





工作时间:1月 至今[6年5个月]




3月毕业 北京东方汽车教育 汽车贴膜


抛光:精通 经验:3年




大学毕业生英文简历 篇5

Female, 29, The cantonese

Education: bachelor degree

Working years: 3 to 5 years

Expected salary: 3000-5000 yuan

Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

Objective: finance/accounting assistant |

Strong interpersonal communication skills Strong learning ability Have affinity The good faith integrity a strong sense of responsibility

Working for about 4 years work experience (1 month, do 2 job)

Guangzhou rainbow in steel structure engineering co., LTD

Working time: in May to October (2 years and 5 months]

Job title: accounting

Job description: 1. Responsible for the daily expenses documents audit, the management of distribution costs, filling in accounting vouchers.

2. Check come-and-go account on a regular basis, timely liquidation of accounts receivable accounts payable

3. Responsible for general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payables sum module of business accounting and the fixed assets register, check, depreciation, and fill the accounting vouchers, and establish the parameter of fixed assets.

4. Provision for tax accounting, monthly expenses, depreciation expense, regularly check the general ledger and subsidiary ledger, ensure that the ZhangZhang, late check-out. Preparation of accounting statements and related list submitted to director of finance audit in a timely manner.

5. Responsible for check old and purchase invoice, invoice, assist supervisor to handle tax declaration.

6. Be responsible for sorting, filing accounting vouchers, books and other accounting information.

Guangdong han sheng group co., LTD

Working time: July to March 2014 (1 years and 8 months]

Job title: the cashier

Work content: office cashier, main job responsibilities

1. Be responsible for daily expenses, formalities for examination and approval, receiving the cash and bank settlement business.

2. Registration cash and bank deposit journal, and balance, do nissin monthly statement, check the inventory daily cash, make sure that zhang real consistent, check the balance with the bank of the month, do not prepare bank reconciliation.

3. Keep cash on hand, the financial seal, blank paper and blank check and registration cancelled check and so on

4. According to the requirements of the accounting, timely transferred in hand documents arrangement of accounting personnel to proof of charge to an account.

Education experience

Graduated in June 2012 South China university of technology institute of public accounting computerization

Professional skills

Kingdee financial management software: skilled experience: 3 years

Ufida financial management software: skilled experience: 2 years

Certificate of award

Certificate of title: the national computer level certificate Issued by time: March issuing authority: ministry of education test center

Certificate of title: accountant from job seniority card issued by time: in June 2012 issued by institutions: the departments of guangdong province

Self description

大学生个人英文简历 篇6


Name: xxx Han(xxx)

Sex: Male

Folk: Han

Height: 160cm

Weight: 50kg

Marital Status: Married

Health: Excellent

Clan: the Communist Youth League

Birthday: Sep.14, 1976

Language Skills: CET-4

Computer Skills: Perfect

Education School: Dalian Railway University

Major: Electronic Automatic

Max.Degree: Undergraduate Course、Bachelors Degree

Graduate Time: July 1998

Home Phone: 022-xxxx

Cell Phone:

E-mail: xxx@163.com

Resident: Hedong, Tianjin, China

Technical skills: Electronic、MCU、Computer、Network、English

Education Experience: Aug.1994-Aug.1998 Dalian Ranlway University

Work Experience:

Oct.1998-Jan.2001 Tianjin Sent Hi-Tech Company Electronic Engineer

Jan.2001-Feb.2002 Electricity Company of Ghana Technic in Public

Feb.2002-Feb.2005 Tianjin Sent Hi-Tech Company Project Director

Member in Family: Wife Jinghua Zhang

Rewards Events:Dalian Bangchuidao High-Math Competition First Class 1995China College Math-Modeling Competition Second Class 1996China College Electronic-Design Competition Third Class 1997Dalian Railway University Excellent Student 1995Dalian Railway University First Class Bursary 1994-1998Dalian Railway University Excellent Communist Youth League 1995

Work Projects:(Sent Hi-Tech Company)Three phase meter for expose Ghana 1999Three phase meter for Tianjin 19993 in 1 Read/Write machine 1999Single phase electronic meter 2000Simple multi charge meter 2000Technic service and train for Ghana 2001Three phase electronic meter for Tianjin 2002Limited energy meter for Ghana 2002Distribute energy and inspect machine(GSM/GPRS)2003All type of three phase electronic multi charge meter 2003GPRS street lamp inspect communication module 2003Single phase multi charge meter 2004Single phase electronic meter carrier wave in power line 2004High class three phase electronic pre-payment meter 2004RS485 collect control system 2004

Participant Projects:(Sent Hi-Tech Company)Infrared multi charge meter 2000Three phase Actor-Reactor time meter 2002Single phase time meter 2002Logic encrypt smart card project 2003GPRS three phase multi function meter 2004Pre-payment money system 2004

Position Wanted:

Project Director MCU Engineer Electronic Engineer bsp;Appraisal:

I have active idea, high responsible and aggressive, working steady, stated ability

of organizing managing cooperating, careful and creative in working.Self-confidence,self-respect, self-strive!


Basic information

Name: Yu Sex: Male

Date of Birth: 1987-09-26 Nationality: Han

Height: 180 Weight: 60

Place of origin: Jiangxi current location: Guangdong

Nationality: Chinese Marital status:

Educational background

Highest level of education: college Putonghua: Good

Foreign Language: English Language: General

Graduate institutions: Higher post-secondary science Jiangxi Xinyu graduated Date: on 2009-6

Studies by Category: Computer Professional Name: Environmental Art and Design

Education / training experience:

on-year to years on the school / professional training institutions in the name / subject name of certificate obtained

September 2000-2003 in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province in June Xiushui County Junior High School First School in September 2003-2006 in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province in June of excellence Xiushui County High School in September 2006 school year in June, Jiangxi-2009 Provincial University College xinyu

Intention with the work experience job

Talent type: Graduates Job type: Full-time

I hope the job candidates: Design Technology

Work Experience: 0 Title: No Title

Monthly requirements: Negotiable hope that the working area: Guangdong

Can be reported for duty Date: Guangdong

Personal experience

Three times in school when the use of vacation time to train factory workers!In the training process to a correct understanding of and active efforts to the completion of their work!

Ability to put themselves forward with a detailed personal

Work takes a positive and serious attitude, a strong sense of responsibility and willingness to work hard is willing to fight;being sincere, careful, optimistic, prudent;good sense of innovation, the spirit of cooperation, and can quickly adapt to working environment, and practical work in learning and constantly improve themselves and do their jobs.大学生个人英文简历(三)



Typing 65+wpm.Strong knowledge of general accounting procedures.Ability to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple tasks.Ability to work independently with good organizational and communication skills.Experience working for a large corporation.Professional appearance and attitude.EXPERIENCE:

1989-Present CARTER TRUST

Office Clerk

Transcribe statements form insureds,type letters to attorneys,insureds,and other insurance companies.Manage timely payment of worker#39;s compensation checks and the timely filing of workers#39;compensation forms;type confidential material such as employee appraisals for the Claims Manager.Extensive workload on IBM 3090 processing insurance claims,payments,and recovery checks.Print checks to insureds and vendors.Answer telephone inquiries from insureds,claimants,and agents.1985-1989 FEDERAL UNION INSURANCE CO.Clerical Supervisor

Supervised the clerical staff consisting of three clerical employees.Acted in the capacity of Administrative to the Claims Manager,typed letters to attorneys,insureds,etc.,and handled special projects and reports from the Boston office.1981-1985 MAPLEROOT HIGH SCHOOL

Payroll Clerk

Handled a monthly payroll for 500 hourly employees.Prepared quarterly federal withholding tax returns and labor statistics report.EDUCATION:


Certificate in WordPerfect 5.1

Certificate in Lotus 1-2-3


WordPerfect 5.1,Lotus 1-2-3,E-Mail,IBM System


大学生个人英文简历免费 篇7



university of maryland, bertam, md december 20xx

b.s. liberal arts, computer graphics minor.


obtain marketing / management position in music industry.

summary of qualifications

experienced promotions director for three national web sites focusing on new and upcoming musical acts. all types of music covered from various perspectives.

thorough knowledge of music promotions specializing in internet and radio campaigns for newly released albums and singles.

ability to communicate on various levels with advertisers, artists, corporate clients and media contacts.

capable of layout and design work.

experienced in digital imaging, including pixel editing with adobe photoshop and digital halftoning.

proficient in copywriting.


promoted three times in one year period to vice president in charge of marketing at rockyourworld.com. responsible for increasing article submission from area freelance contributing writers. edited and provided additional creative guidance to contributors. initiated various promotion campaigns involving live music acts in coordination with local radio and television stations.

successfully launched promotional web site geared toward local rock bands in virginia beach, virginia. focused promotions, link exchanges and advertising toward regional exposure. traffic increase of over 700% in first year. response surveys indicates successful regional penetration.

awarded designing woman of year award, (20xx), for original artwork and marketing campaign content geared toward promotion of non profit classical music concerts in newark-delaware region.


bangyourdrum.net, philadelphia, pa june 20xx to present

web site manager / editor – chief editor for rock band promotions company. responsible for article submission, editing and tour information updates for 38 bands. all site promotional material including photographs, animation and music files are submitted for edits and proof reading prior to release to site.

infinity outdoor boards, wastewater, md may 20xx to may 20xx

大学生英文个人求职简历 篇8

Current Place: Luogang Height/Weight: 170 cm 50 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 21 years

Career Objective

Application type: Graduation Program

Preferred job title: Others: salesperson 、Others: office assistant 、Others: running a clothing store

Working life: 5 Title: No title

Job type: Part-time Expected Start date: In a week

Expected salary: ¥2,000--¥3,500 Preferred working place: Guangzhou Shenzhen Huangpu

Work experience

Educational Background

Name of School: hunan university of science and engineering

Highest Degree: Bachelor Date of Graduation: -05-01

Name of Major 1: international trade Name of Major 2:

Education experience: Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No

-08 -04 hunan university of science and engineering computer Computer level certificate

Language Ability

Foreign Language: English Level: excellent

Language ability: have a good command of both spoken and written english.

Chinese level: excellent Cantonese Level: good

Relevant skills and abilities

I am open-minded ,I am good at communicating with others, which can keep good relationship with others. I also Good at etiquette and the runway .I attach more importance to spoken English learning

大学生毕业个人中英文简历 篇9

2010年 3月 获得B级英语应用能力证书

2010年 9月 获得A级英语应用能力证书

可熟练使用Word、Excel、PPT,掌握Auto CAD基本使用。

Photoshop Cs做一些图像处理,并掌握一些视频与音频后期制作的软件。可利用

 主修课程地下隧道工程施工技术、地下铁道施工技术、隧道安全与防害、桥梁工程技术



 教育背景

9月至今 辽宁省交通高等专科学校大学 2009年

9月至2009年7月 内蒙古集宁一中高中 2005年

9月至2005年7月 内蒙古集宁一中高中 2002年

 职业技能


 学习情况


2009-2010 年第二学期地下工程与隧道工程专业第二名


 曾任职情况

年11月至今系学生会网络信息部部长 2010 2009年10月至今09192班副班长2010 年11月至12月第四十期党校入党学习组组长

2010 年5月至11月系学生会网络信息部临时负责人

2009 年10至2010年5月系学生会网络信息部干事

 曾获奖励及证书

2010年 9月第三届辽宁省普通高等学校大学生“测绘之星”大赛荣获非专业组 三等奖11月2010沈阳青年职业技能大赛测绘技能比赛荣获 三等奖 2010年

2010年3月荣获 一等 奖学金

2010年 9月荣获 一等 奖学金

3月荣获 一等 奖学金 2011年 2010年 12月在四十期党校入党积极分子培训中,被评为“优秀学员”

11月荣获建工系地隧专业“专业状元”称号 2010年

2010年7月辽宁省交通高等专科学校第一届数学竞赛中荣获 优秀奖

2010年 12月辽宁省交通高等专科学校隧道模型大赛中荣获 一等奖

5月校红诗朗诵荣获 二等奖 2010年 2010年 3月荣获素质奖学金

4月辽宁省交通高等专科学校五四表彰中被评为优秀学生干部 2010年 2011年5月辽宁省交通高等专科学校PPT大赛最佳团体奖

2009年 9月荣获三维CAD应用工程师证

2010年12月第四十期党课结业证书2010年 3月获得B级英语应用能力证书

9月获得A级英语应用能力证书 2010年 自我总结




大学毕业护士个人简历 篇10

姓名: yjbys

性别: 女

年龄: 25 岁 身高: 172CM

婚姻状况: 已婚 户籍所在: 陕西汉中

最高学历: 大专 工作经验: 1-3年

联系地址: 汉台区仁和春天小区


最近工作过的职位: 整形材料销售

期望岗位性质: 全职

期望月薪: ~3000元/月

期望从事的岗位: 护士长/护士,医药代表,其他医疗类职位

期望从事的行业: 制药/生物工程,医疗/美容/保健/卫生,医疗设备/器械


技能特长: 活泼开朗,阳光热情,待人接物亲和,有上进心。


汉中职业技术学院 (大专)

起止年月: 9月至7月

学校名称: 汉中职业技术学院

专业名称: 护理

大学生毕业应聘个人简历 篇11


女 25 汉族 5年4个月工作经验 未婚 共青团员


最高学历: 大专四川建筑职业技术学院工程造价

最近工作: 四川鑫谊建筑装饰工程有限公司预结算员











20xx-01至20xx-12四川奥凸水处理系统工程有限公司工程部资料员 预算员






20xx-01至20xx-04四川木易建筑培训学校 广联达算量软件

培训描述: 本人在此阶段,边工作边学习,经过四个月的培训,对此软件有更深入的了解及运用,并能利用此软件快速方便准确的算量。









五年的职业生涯,使我能熟练的操作各项办公软件、宏业软件组价、广联达图形算量、 E算量软件、斯维尔软件算量、CAD天正制图、建龙软件、PS软件等。
