
2024-09-12 版权声明 我要投稿


吸引人的英语演讲题目 篇1












吸引人的演讲稿 篇2






吸引人的英语演讲题目 篇3

首先,我代表配送中心的全体干部职工向在座的各位领导及同仁表示诚挚的问候,祝大家身体健康,万事如意!今天,我演讲的题目是《牢记宗旨用青春和热血普写烟草人的执着》.2005年从部队转业后, 有幸成为了一名光荣的烟草人。一来到**烟草,就让我感受到一种蓬勃向上,积极进取,暖如春风的工作氛围,感受到了烟草人的热情与执着的敬业精神,在一个仅有200多万人口的城市,每年都为国家创造较高的卷烟工商利税,这能不让人热血沸腾吗!









时常有朋友问我:“为什么要选择**烟草?” 我总是坚定的说:“我爱**烟草!烟草是我事业的春天,是我人生价值的体现,是我无悔的选择。”

英语演讲比赛题目 篇4

1.what do you think the best job is the world is and why? 2.what will schools be like in 2050? 3.if you have the chance to go to a foreign country, where do you want to go? why? 4.if you have the chance to choose, do you want to be a boy or a girl? why? 5.will you make friends with those students who are poor at study? 6.should students take a cell phone to school? why ? 7.how much time do you spend reading? 8.if you could make a robot, what would you get him to do for you? 9.do you watch tv or listen to music while you are doing your homework? why(not)? 10.what will do to make yourself feel better when you are unhappy? 11.susan is shy and never talks much.please giver her some advice to make her outgoing.12.if you have lots of money, what will you do first? 13.do you think that english is a difficult language to learn? 14.do you think that parents and children can be good friends? 15.do you often get together with your classmates after class? 16.what are some of the benefits of eating home-cooked food? 17.do you have a nickname? why do you have this nickname? 18.if a foreign friend called you and asked for some advice on studying chinese, what would you say? 19.as an ordinary person, what kind of special ability would you like to have? 20.tom is a middle school student.he is very busy with his studies, and often has no time to eat breakfast.do you think this is a good thing? what¡¯s your advice for tom? 21.what¡¯s your favorite cartoon character? why do you like it? 22.we encounter many teachers in our life, what kink of teacher do you consider to be a good teacher? 23.if you get very bad marks on a test, what will you say to your parents? 24.if, during class, you notice that the teacher has made a mistake, what will you do? 25.do you prefer to borrow books or buy them to read? 26.are you willing to make friends with students from poor areas? why(not)? 27.do you like to make friends with boys who tend to cry? why? 28.if a friend of your told you that he or she wanted to run away from home, what would you do? 29.what sorts of things make you happy? 30.what do you enjoy writing most? 32.how important is english to you? 33.what is the most important thing that you can learn from your classmates? 34.what¡¯s you opinion about some middle school students having boyfriends or girlfriends? 35.what do you plan to study in the future? 36.aside from english, what other foreign language do you want to learn? why ? 37.what will you do if you fail an exam? why? 38.if you were the headmaster, what major changes would you like to make to your school? 39.imagine you have a classmate who can¡¯t keep on studying at school because he is poor, how would you help him? 40.do you believe that bike is a good solution to the traffic problems in big cities? 41.do you have any special plans for the next summer vacation? 42.would you like to travel during the golden weeks? why(not)? 43.what would happen if there were no holidays in our lives? 44.what is the most memorable festival in your life? please tell us something about it.45.if food important for most of the traditional chinese festivals? why(not)? 46.who¡¯s your favorite athlete in china? why? 47.if you are in trouble, whom would you go to for help? why? why? 49.studying abroad or studying in china, which is better? 50.which is better for a middle school student, living in a school dormitory or living at home? 51.do you like teachers who wear fashionable clothes? why? 52.do you think it is a good way for someone to be well-known at an early age, for example, those child stars? 53.if one day, there was no electricity, how would you spend the day? 54.if your mother was very talkative, how would you handle this? 55.do you think it is important to do everything by yourself? 56.if you had a mission which is seemingly impossible, would you still try to achieve it? and if you would, how would you do it?ƪ¶þ£ºÓ¢ÓïÑݽ²±ÈÈüÖм´ÐËÑݽ²ÌâÄ¿1 Ó¢ÓïÑݽ²±ÈÈüÖм´ÐËÑݽ²ÌâÄ¿ 1.how do you think ant tribe(ÒÏ×å)should go to smaller cities? 3.should university student start their own business as soon as they graduate from universities? 4.do you agree or disagree with the following statement? married couples have a better life without children? 5.what do you think is more important for a child, a happy childhood or top marks at school? 6.do you think big cities need more public transport instead of more private cars? 7.do you agree or disagree with the following statement? parents are the best teachers.i couldn¡¯t agree more with the statement.parents are the best teachers.take my parents for example, they are not only my parents, but also my friends and teachers.i spent most of the time with my parents before i go to college, and i surely learn a lot from my parents in everyday¡¯s life.when i was a child, they teach me like how to walk, how to dress up, how to be a honest people and how to tell right from wrong.as i grow older, they teach me how to manage my money, how to make friends, how to study, how to make decisions, and so on.i like to take my parents¡¯ advice into consideration.and it always works.overall, in my eyes, parents are the most intimate people to us.they will teach us all they know when we need it.they will not hide anything from us.what¡¯s more, parents are the people who know us the most, therefore, advice and suggestions from our parents are the most pertinent and valuable.8.some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes.others believe that going to classes should be optional for students.which point of view do you agree with? 9.is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? apart from the negative effects above, what about the positive side of saving money for future use? first, saving money for future use can help us earn more money by investing money into like stock market and fixed estate.secondly, saving money for future use can ensure we have good lives after retirement.finally, saving money can probably help those in bad need for money.10.the expression never, never give up means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals.do you agree or disagree with this statement? nothing is difficult if you put your heart on it.nothing is easy if you don¡¯t try your best.when someone say never, never give up, he means that he will keep trying and never stop working for his goal no matter how many times he fails.if we give up too early, we will rarely achieve anything.it is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again.besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills.another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort.if we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted.now i want to quote hillary clintons words to end my speech.she says, always aim high , work hard ,and care deeply about what you believe in, and when you stumble ,keep faith, when youre knocked down, get right back up and never listen to anyone who says you cant or shouldnt go on and never, never give up.11.do you agree or disagree with the following statement? a person should never make an important decision alone.of course a person should never make an important decision alone, important suggestions to help you make decision.because only yourself knowing exactly what you want.ƪÈý£ºµÚËĽìÈ«¹ú´óѧÉúÓ¢ÓïÑݽ²ÈüÌâÄ¿ µÚËĽìÈ«¹ú´óѧÉúÓ¢ÓïÑݽ²ÈüÌâÄ¿ 1£®how to behave when applying for a job£¿ 2£®i am proud of being chinese 3£®happy is he who is content 4£®how to make our campus life more meaningful£¿ 5£®no imagination£¬no invention 6£®what is happiness£¿ 7£®knowledge is power 8£®the importance of being creative 9£®all roads lead to rome 10£®knowledge and ability 11£®loyalty 23£®how to carry out the quality education£¿ 24£®what the world will look like in ten years£¿ 25£®how can you achieve pure friendship£¿ vigor vigour glamour 27£®is world peace possible£¿ 28£®how can we preserve our traditional culture£¿ 29£®in face of success 30£®how can we protect wildlife£¿ 31£®what will wto bring us£¿ 34£®united we stand£¬divided we fall 35£®money can not buy everything 36£®actions speak louder than words 37£®what would you do with three wishes£¿ 38£®experience is the best teacher 39£®english as a global language 40£®a friend in need is a friend indeed 41£®is the spoken english test necessary£¿ 42£®health and wealth 43£®where theres a will there is a way 44£®no pains£¬no gains 45£®haste makes waste 46£®practice makes perfect 47£®responsibilities college students should undertake 48£®what do i study for£¿ 49£®the value of moral education 50£®the importance of reading extensively ÒªÇó£º 1.×ÔÑ¡ÌâÄ¿ 2.×Ô¼ºÍê³É£¬µ«¿ÉÒԲο¼ÆäËû²ÄÁÏ£¬±ØÐë±êÃ÷³ö´¦¡£ 3.ÌáÇ°Ò»Öܽ»¸øÎÒÉó²é¡£

英语素养大赛演讲题目 篇5

第一号题: 口语答题:

You are a new teacher.Today is your first day in the school.Please introduce yourself to others.素养答题: 单项选择题:


A Spring Festival

B New Year’s Day C Dragon Boat Festival

D Mid Autumn day 答案 C

第二号题: 口语答题:

The word “traveling” has been so popular in recent years.It can enrich your mind, open your eyes…Can you talk about your unforgettable trip? 素养答题: 单项选择题:


B.Thanksgiving Day ] C.Christmas Day D.Mid Autumn day 答案 B

第三号题: 口语答题:

Many people like listening to the music.Do you like music?

素养答题: 单项选择题: 有这样一则笑话:有一次一个外宾对翻译说:“I wonder if I can go somewhere?”翻译回答道“Yes, you can go anywhere in China.”外宾不禁愕然。你知道这位翻译的问题出在哪里了吗? A 外宾的意思是他想马上离开。B 外宾的意思是他要上厕所。C外宾的意思是他想随便走走。D外宾的意思是想休息一下。答案 B

第四号题: 口语答题:

Why did you become a teacher of English? Do you like English? Why? 素养答题: 单项选择题:




D B,C 答案


第五号题: 口语答题:

A very famous idiom also says that “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” What is friend in your eyes? 素养答题:


用于安慰人或不含恶意的谎言,英语中叫 ______________lie。A.black

B.white C.green D.grey 答案 B

第六号题: 口语答题:

The weekend is a relaxing day.We can have a good rest and relax on weekends.What do you usually do on weekends? 素养答题:单项选择题:

现在的电视节目越来越丰富了,看看下面这是哪个栏目“Topics in focus”

A 焦点访谈

B 综艺大观 C 法治在线

D 新闻三十分 答案 A



Protecting the environment, everyone has the ideas on this hot topic.What do you think you can do to help the earth? 素养答题:


“hot spring” 的意思是_________。A 炎热的春天

B 今天很热 C 温泉

D 热水澡 答案 C

第八号题: 口语答题:

In the modern society, quite a few people believe that money is the road to happiness.Is that true? Do you think money is important? 素养答题:


英语中数字也有不同翻译,看看这个“in threes and fours”

三五成群,“one in a thousand”千分之一。那么 “in one or two words”的意思是__________。

A 一个两个单词

B 一个或者两个

C 三言两语

D 选择一个或两个 答案 C

第九号题: 口语答题:

Dream is a goal that you have not achieved yet, and something that you have worked hard for.You may have had a dream since you were a little child.What is your dream? 素养答题:



A build your dream

B believe your dream C beautiful your day

D build your day 答案 A

第十号题: 口语答题:

Internet is a part of our daily life.They are convenient, time-saving and full of information.Do you think it is good for your work and life? 素养答题:


经常可在报上见到“IT业”的提法,这里的IT是Information Test的缩写。答案错误

第十一号题: 口语答题:

Health is very important to everyone.Please talk about how to keep a healthy body? 素养答题:


英国的全称是The United Kingdom of Great Britain。


第十二号题: 口语答题:

There are so many latest and hottest things on TV to attract your eyes each day.Tell us what your favorite TV Program is and why you like it so much, please.素养答题:


我们都知道 black tea 译成红茶,black book译成黑皮书,那么black light 应该翻译成紫外线。答案正确

第十三号题: 口语答题:

In our life there are many things.Every day is so wonderful;Please talk about your unforgettable day.素养答题:


吸引人的标题. 篇6

互联网时代造就了一批又一批的自由创作者,就如微信公众号的 solgan 所说”再小的个体,也有自己的品牌”,但随着信息越来越多,读者的注意力越来越成了稀缺资源。如何更好地吸引读者的注意力就成了不得不面对的问题。而对于一篇文章,正是标题当担了此”重任”!



套路二:想清楚这篇文章最主要是写给哪类人看的?只要吸引这部分人就够了 只有抓住”一个重点”,才能真正把这类人吸引过来,否则文章会”处处是重点”,到头来”无处是重点”。




优化的方向多种多样,有类比/对比法、数字法、设悬念、同义词替换法等等。这里重点举一个对比法的例子,是在看一个读者评论时学到的,非常有启发性。作者在文中写了这样一句话「十九块九,你买不了吃亏,买不了上当,少抽一包烟,少喝一瓶酒,你就能拥有……你还在犹豫什么?」,这里用烟酒钱做了对比,是想要传达”很便宜”,也就是一包烟一瓶酒的钱就能拥有很好的东西。可能作为作者觉得并没有什么问题,但有一个读者就提出了一个话术细节的建议,他说「建议一个话术细节,销售时说:就当“多”抽一包烟”而不是“少”抽一包烟……因为后者会让用户联想到少抽的痛苦,而前者则等同多抽烟的享受……」。赞!一语道破!似乎确实是这样的,我们已经习惯了让用户舍弃一些本身会给他带来愉悦的东西,却说服他牺牲这点点代价来换更多我们自认为更好的东西,你觉得呢? 套路五:做好平常功夫:积累





真正要起好一个标题,更重要的是要建立”用户标题库”!什么意思?和第(2)点的标题库有什么不同?用户标题库是指:对于你运营的目标用户,你发怎样的标题用户就一定会(或者基本会)去点!第(2)点中的标题库其实是吸引你的一些标题,但并不代表这就是吸引你目标用户的标题。因此要怎么做呢? 同样,你要对你的用户有所了解,通过对你的用户/读者打开、转发文章的情况进行跟踪,你就能够慢慢发现用户的喜好,比如当文章出现”半价”、”福利”、”技巧”、”免费”、”工具”等字眼时,文章点击率都不会太差,这就说明这类词可以归入到你的”用户标题库”了。



这里以公众号文章的A/B测试来说说。我知道做公众号的苦逼,你可能会说:每个月、每天都要受到文章发布次数的限制,哪有什么做A/B测试的机会啊? 其实一开始我也是这么觉得的,后来我弄了微信企业号,由于没有发布文章次数的限制,就可以多次发布转发测试,把这个问题解决啦!公众号的定一个A标题,再用企业号重新弄个B标题,两边的数据都可以统计。这样就能达到A/B测试的效果啦!嘿嘿。

吸引人的标语 篇7
































































全国大学生英语演讲比赛题目 篇8




a scene to remember gu qiu bei shanghai international studies university advisor: gong long sheng good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.today i would like to begin with a story.there was once a physical 1)therapist who traveled all the way from america to africa to do a 2)census about mountain 3)gorillas.these gorillas are a main attraction to tourists from all over the world;this put them severely under threat of 4)poaching and being put into the zoo.she went there out of curiosity, but what she saw strengthened her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful creatures.she witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged weve ever been, where in the very depth of the african rainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas 5)cuddled their babies.yes, thats a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies, called gorillas in the mist, based on a true story of mrs.dian fossey, who spent most of bet lifetime in rwanda to protect the ecoenvironment there until the very end of her life.to me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a 6)timeless reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our ecoenvironment.all these 7)appalling(令人震惊的)facts have brought us to the realization that we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought of it has been 8)eroding(侵蚀)our resources.encouragingly, the explosive growth of global travel has put tourism again in the spotlight, which is why the united nations has made 2002 the year of ecotourism, for the first time to bring to the worlds attention the benefits of tourism, but also its capacity to destroy our ecoenvironment.now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations an: receiving donations--big notes, small notes or even coins--from housewives, 9)plumbers(水管工人), ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and 10)invalids(残疾人), some of them can not afford to send the money but they do.these are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological damage in their neighborhood.why? because they care.because they still want their mother nature back.because they know it still belongs to them.the other night, as l saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into the invisible, my mind was filled with songs.i found myself humming softly, not to the music, but to some-thing else, someplace else.a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grass where no one seem to have been except the deer.and no matter who we are, what we do and where we go, in our mind, theres always a scene to remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight for it.thank you very much.篇三:全国大学生英语英语演讲比赛第一名
