2. Would you give Johnny this letter if you ________ to see him this week.
A. will happen B. happen C. are happened D. happened
3. She was busy, ____she couldn’t go to your birthday party last night. A. and B. so C. or D. but
4. English is ________ a useful language ________ it is spoken in many countries of the world.
A. so…that B. such…that C. so…because D. such…because
5. Don’t cross the street __ the traffic lights are green. A. after B. until C. while D. since
6. Your dream won’t come true__ you know what your dream is. A. after B. unless C. while D. since
7. --Could you ask him if he __to my birthday party next Sunday? –I will, if I __ him this afternoon.
A. comes, meet B. will come, will meet C. comes, will meet D. will come, meet
8. Sarah is ______ a hard-working girl ______ she often works late into night.
为了提初一英语作文写作水平, 平时应多积累单词, 短语和句子。
1. 单词。
有很多同学总是在写作文时不能很好的表达自己的想法, 单词就是一只拦路虎。因此, 为了便于记忆, 可以自己把已学过的单词与某一共同的特性单词组合在一起。如speak, 记这个单词的时候, 可联想的其他三个关于“说”的单词tell, talk, say.如果有可能的话, 你还可以查看老师的笔记来区分它们的含义。记sofa时 , 你又可以想到有关家具的一些词, 如 chair, table, bookcase等。同时也可以像语文找对应词一样来记忆单词。如policeman, 记这个单词时, 我们就可以想到policewoman。记住mother, 又记住了father.无论你想到什么词都没有关系, 只要能坚持, 词汇量一定会很快增加。现在就来做一些练习:
背诵以下的单词 你会想到什么词:
(参考词汇:January Febuary March April May June July…
America China South Africa Japan English…
Comedy action movie thriller documentary… )
背诵以下的单词 你会想到什么对应的词
(参考词汇:long short; new old; sister brother; music musician; why because)
2. 句子。
用单词来组成句子, 除了掌握一定的语法外, 平时应多背诵一些句型。俗话说:“读书破万卷, 下笔如有神”, 只有多读, 多记, 多背诵, 才能出口成章, 下笔成文。与此同时, 替换法也是熟练运用句子的一个有效方法。但针对结构复杂的句子要注意人称, 时态和数的变化, 以及词性的变化。如There is a small house with an interesting garden next to the hotel.可改为There is a big school with a small pool near the park.现在来做一些练习:
(1) He likes reading and playing chess. (改为:他们喜欢打篮球和看电视。)
(参考答案:They like playing basketball and watching TV.)
(2) I think China is an interesting country. (改为:他认为美国是一个有趣的国家。)
(参考答案:He thinks America is an interesting country.)
3. 段落。
光是会写句子并不代表会写作文, 还要注意文章的逻辑和排列等。因此, 还应加强英语小短文, 小幽默, 小报道等地道英美文章的阅读。并背诵优秀的段落, 多学习地道的英语表达, 改变用汉语来思维的方式。英语是语言学科, 它不具备发明创造性, 我们不能凭空想象出英语句子或文章来, 所以模仿才是学习英语的一个有效途径。对于初学者, 这里介绍一个反翻译法。即指一段英文自己翻译成中文后又自己把它译成英文, 然后前后文对照, 就会找出容易出现的错误与自己的不足。如:Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team. He’s a man of medium build. He had short straight hair. Wang Lin is very popular. (王林是篮球队的队长。他长得高而且中等身材。他的头发又短又直。王林非常受人欢迎。) 看看自己会不会把第一句译成:Wang Lin is the basketball team of captain.在前后对照后就会知道of 的用法了。这里值得提醒的是, 翻译成中文时一定要自己来翻译才会起到作用。
(1) Mary is thin and she is a girl of medium height. She has short curly blonde hair. She's good-looking but she's a little bit quiet.______
2) Xu Qian loves to tell jokes. She's short and a little bit heavy. She has beautiful long black hair. She never stops talking!______
4. 格式.
(1) 英文的书写格式。书写应符合书写规范, 英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观, 字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮, 通篇匀称和谐。书写时还要注意词与词之间要保持一定的距离, 不能紧靠在一起。字母之间的连写也应该按照习惯, 不能随意乱来。要注意尽量不把一个单词拆开移行。 (2) 英语应用文的格式。写好初一英语作文还要掌握一些应用文体的写作方法。下面介绍几种格式:
寻物启事 失物招领
在写英语作文的时候要先仔细看清写作要求和提示, 分清材料的主次, 接着确定体裁、格式和人物、地点等要素;最后确定时态, 同时考虑相关的搭配用法。如果时间允许, 书面表达一定要先写草稿。用词要恰当, 不可将题目的要求或提示逐句翻译成英语。应尽量选用你最熟悉、最有把握的词和句型来表达思想。如果有些单词或句型不会表达, 可以设法绕开, 用熟悉的同义词、同义短语或同义句来代替。要学会善于运用适当的关联词, 如and, or, but, so, because等, 以使行文逻辑紧密, 自然流畅。如写一篇介绍你的朋友的文章, 要求包括他的名字, 年龄, 爱好.特长.和外貌。如果没有仔细审题, 可能会写成你自己, 也可能会漏掉写年龄或是外貌等。那样文章就会偏题或是不完整。
在审题与草稿之后及抄写入答题卷前, 要先进行检查修改。首先检查所写内容是否切题;之后检查主题是否明确, 表达方式是否恰当;检查所用时态、人称是否符合要求, 前后是否一致。检查冠词, 介词的用法和单词的拼写等, 做到细节决定成败。例如这篇作文:
这是Tom 一家的情况, 假如你是Tom, 请根据这份表格介绍你的家庭, 60词左右。
如果不仔细检查, 你可能会写成这样:Tom is a waiter. He wants to be a policeman. His father is ...你会以第三人称来写。也许你的草稿会出现了现三单, 人称代词, 物主代词, 单词拼写, 冠词的等问题。并且, 文章很简单, 词数也不够。因此, 在写完作文后, 认真检查。
本课主要学习句型What are the rulers at your school?Don’t run in the hallways. Don’t listen to music in the classroom or hallways.Don’t fight.运用这些句型谈论规则。
1、导入设计:教师事先安排学生听一首英文歌曲,问他们: “What do you think of this song?”复习上一节课的内容。再问:“Can we listen to it in class?”这样便引出学校规则讨论。
(1)充分利用图片以及实物进行直观教学,引出本课的主题—“Rules”—school rules.
(1)Don’t run in thehallways.→We can’t run in the hallways.(例子)
(2)Don’t arrive late for school.
(3)Don’t eat in classroom.
(4)Don’t listen to music in the classroom or hallways.
(5)Don’t fight.
4、Pair work 角色扮演。
场景一:In the hallways.场景二:In the classroom.
A: What are the rules at your school?
B: Well,we can’t run in the hallways.
Talk about what people are doing.
Teaching Aims:
The present Progressive (结构式: Be + V-ing )
Key Points:
---What’s he doing ?
---He’s reading.
Difficult points:
现在进行时的用法和动词V-ing 形式的构成。
Teaching Methods:
Teaching Aids:
Teaching Procedures:
Step1. Warming – up
A. Duty report
Teacher: How are you, boys and girls?
S s : Fine, thank you.
Teacher: OK, who’s on duty today?
(the student who is on duty starts to make a duty report)
B. Ask and answer
(The teacher asks some Ss to answer questions and writes down the verbs in the sentences on the blackboard.)
T: Usually, what time do you go to school?
S1: ……
T: When does your father watch TV in the evening?
S2: ……
T: Do you do your homework in the evening?
S3: ……
T: When do you play soccer?
S4: ……
T: what time do you usually eat dinner?
S5: ……
(The teacher should encourage the students after questions.)
The teacher ask the students to read these five verbs for several times.
Step 2. Presentation
A. Match the words and the activities.
Ask the students to turn to page 83, and look at the pictures in 1a.
Then,the teacher ask questions:
----What’s he doing? (Picture 1)
----He’s making a telephone call.
(Help the students answer the question with body language .)
Ask and answer just like that, and finish 1a.(Ss can guess the meaning of doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, eating dinner and reading.)
The Ss read these V-ing words after the teacher.
B. Play the video.
To make the Ss clear what they are learning in this class. Mr. Gong’s words do give the teacher a big hand.
(Write down the title of Unit 14 I’m watching TV on the blackboard and ask the Ss to read it.)
C. Teach the Present Progressive.
1. Introduction
Tell the Ss what the Present Progressive is. (现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作, 它的表现形式为Be Verbs + V-ing ---- 这也即为它的结构式.)
2. Tell the difference
Write down the V-ing forms by another lines of go, watch, do, play and eat on the blackboard. Ask the Ss to have a look and find the difference between them. For example: go and going, watch and watching, do and doing, etc. Then, ask the Ss to read them again.
3. Listen to the tape.
Let the Ss get ready to listen to the tape (paper and ball-point pen).
Check the answer: 2 4 1
4. Activities.
The teacher acts several actions and say :”What am I doing?”, help Ss answer: ”I’m opening the door.”
(The other actions: look at someone, clean the window)
Write down the three sentences on the blackboard, and ask the Ss to pay attention to the important words underlined:
n What am I doing?
n I’m opening the door.
n What am I doing?
n I’m looking at him.
n What am I doing?
n I’m cleaning the window.
5. Pairwork.
Ask and answer questions about what people are doing in the picture.
u What’s he doing?
u He’s reading.
The Ss can practice different sentences upon the verbs on the blackboard.
6. Guessing game.
The teacher prepare several pieces of paper and there are different actions on it. Ask a pair of Ss to act it out. (Each pair of Ss choose two pieces of paper and act.)
(The Ss must like to do it, so the teacher can ask many pairs to do this game and, the Ss can be familiar with the Present Progressive step by step. They can have fun in the classroom during this class, it’s the most important.)
7. Self-assessment.
The teacher prepare for the Ss some listening exercises, and play the cassette, let them finish these exercises at once. Then, check the answer. The Ss can understand whether they have learned about the Present Progressive.
8. Do the exercises.
The teacher have the Ss some exercises, and ask the Ss to do at once.
<1>--What’s Li Lei doing?
-- He_____________. ( read )
<2>--What’s his mother doing?
--She_____________. ( write )
<3>--What are they doing?
--They_____________. ( play soccer)
<4>--What are David and Mary doing?
--They_____________. (have dinner)
<5>--What’s Jenny doing?
--She______________. ( run )
(In fact, the Ss don’t have enough time to finish the exercises, so they can go on and finish these exercises after class.
Step 3. Homework
1. Finish the exercises in the class.
2. Make a conversation and act it out with your partner.
Step 4. The end
T: You are very good today, boys and girls! And thank you for listening. Bye.
Subject: Module5 Healthy food, Unit 2 A lesson in good health Teaching contents: Words: favourite, candy, Coke, hamburger, ice cream, unhealthy Phrases: in good health Teaching aims: Grammar: Countable and uncountable 1.Learn to use “but” and “and”.2.Learn to use words for food and drinks.Difficulties: Use words for food and drinks to talk about how to be in 3.Make dialogues of how to be in good health.Step1 Revision: Tgood health.Ask and answer alking about food and drinks that the students know.1.What do people eat? 2.What do people drink? 3.What is your favourite food and drink?(Learn the new word: favourite)Make lists for food and drinks Food: Meat: beef, chicken, pork…VFruit: apples, pears, oranges…egetable: onion, potatoes, t omatoes, carrot… Drink: milk, water, orange…Get the students to tell the food and drinks are healthy or not Are they healthy?.Step 2 Presentation more words for food and drinks.Is it healthy? Label the pictures with these words: Candy, Coke, fish, hamburger, ice cream, noodles, rice Words family: Make lists for food and drink.Food: candy, fish, hamburger, ice cream, noodles Drink: Coke Countable: hamburger, ice cream, noodles Uncountable: fish, Coke Speak and practise We eat candy, fish……We drink Coke……Ask and answer Is it healthy? Is it your favourite? Are they healthy? Are they your favourite? Step 3 Read and say Are hamburgers and candy healthy food? Listen and answer What drink isn’t healthy?
Read and tick: Tick the true statements in Part3.Healthy food: _______ Learn and make a conclusion(Learn the new word “unhealthy”)Unhealthy food: To be healthy, we eat noodles or rice and some vegetables.Learn and say To be healthy, we drink juice, water and milk, not Coke.…… What’s your favourite food and drink?Ask and answer Step 4 Task.Are they healthy food and drinks? Are they healthy food and drinks? To be healthy, eat noodles or rice and some vegetables.To be healthy, drink juice, water and milk, not Coke.Learn and say And Meat and fish are healthy food.But Hamburgers and candy aren’t healthy food.Meat and fish are healthy food but hamburgers and candy aren’t healthy Join sentences with but in Part 5.food.Write: Complete this sentence for you Talk about students’ families and classes with “and” or “but”.I have got two brothers and a sister.I haven’t got any brothers, but I have got a sister.There are five pictures There are 25 girls and 30 boys in our class.in my classroom, but there isn’t a computer.
通常用图片、实物、模型、手势、动作、表情等辅助教学手段, 开展单词教学。如在教run, jump, play football等单词时, 教师可做出相应的动作, 边做边教单词, 让学生反复跟读, 从而加深印象。再如, 教学水果类单词时, 教师可带一些苹果、香蕉、梨等到课堂上, 边出示实物边朗读, 教学效果肯定会比单纯教学单词要好得多。这种直观教学法的好处是, 把单词的音、形、义整个过程一次性完成, 既生动形象, 又情趣浓厚, 能够起到“短、平、快”的作用, 大大提高学生的记忆效果。
孤立地进行词汇教学, 既毫无意义, 学生也感到枯燥无味。因此, 笔者尽量把单词放在句子中教, 结合上下文的语境进行教学。如在教单词water时, 笔者先说英语句子“Everyday we drink clean water.”和“Please water the beautiful flowers.”再强调单词在句子中的含义, 第一句“water”表示“水”, 是个名词;第二句“water”则表示“浇水”, 是个动词。只有把词汇放到语句中学, 才能真正掌握词汇的用法, 达到学以致用的最终目的。
少数音义相近的单词, 运用这种教学法, 能够读音知义, 不过前提是发音一定要准确。比如:stone—石头, strong—强壮, leave—离开, card—卡片。
在英语中有很多相同发音的单词, 这些相同发音的单词不只是在听力中, 而且在平时的阅读中都会给我们造成困扰。在平时的教学中, 笔者注意对它们认真归纳、总结, 试图找到一些规律, 配以相应的口诀, 以收到“一石双鸟”的效果。比如:tale故事-tail尾巴, 口诀:小壁虎断尾巴的故事;week星期-weak虚弱, 口诀:这个星期我很虚弱;whole全部-hole洞, 口诀:地上全部都是洞;weather天气-whether是否, 口诀:明天是否会有好天气。
英语中很多单词, 少一个字母或多一个字母就会变成另外一个单词, 根据这一特点, 笔者把这些相似的单词联系在一起, 编成一句话, 既形象, 又易于区分。比如:driver (司机) 开车过river (河) ;我love (爱) glove (手套) ;ear (耳朵) 要听clear (清楚) ;chair (椅子) 上落了很多hair (头发) 。
对比记忆法和拆字联想记忆很相似, 不同的是几个单词虽然相似, 但有一个或两个字母不同, 通过编口诀对比记忆, 效果很好。比如:sheep (绵羊) 绣在sheet (被单) 上;让我们边walk (走) 边talk (说) ;我wish (希望) 能fish (钓鱼) 然后做dish (菜) 。
比如:一个贪官去餐馆把肚子fill (装满填满) , 然后用公款付了bill (账单) , 后来查办他, 他吓得ill (生病) , 一直 (till) 爬到hill (山上) 上要kill (杀死) 自己, 并且留下了will (遗嘱) 。
三、教法:speak and practice
Step1:Have a free talk.Good morning!
How are you ?
What′s the weather like today?
What day is it today ?
Step2:Revision1、复习辅音字母在单词中的发音 b c d f g h j k l m n p
Ii Step3:New content
cake //
me //
no //
use //
bed //
big //
dog //
q r t v Oo
Uu w x y z
例如:cake , take , me , bike , go , excuse
例如:cat , get , big , dog , but , bus
Step4:Exercise 写出下列单词中元音字母的发音
name make he
she fine bike phone home use excuse
pen yes swim sit lot box jump run
第一课时 Review Unit 1-2
教学目标:1 掌握四会单词
2 根据日常交际用语能自由会话
3 能认真书写26个英语字母。注意书写笔画
教学难点:1 解决学生怕开口,胆小的心理问题
2 结合生活实际,能将所学的交际用语灵活运用,不拘泥于课本。
教学方法:1 尽量让学生多说。
2 鼓励与表扬相结合
3 以小组竞赛的形式调动学生的学习兴趣。
教学器具:录音机 挂图
一、Have a talk with the students
Hi, Millie
Hi , Jack
Good morning /afternoon / evening / night
How are you ?
Fine , thank you . And you ?
I am fine , too .
What’s your name ?
I’m /My name is ……
You’re …, right ?
Yes, I’m …/No , I’m….
This is …
She is /He is …..
What is it ?
It’s a …
What’s he /she/his father ?
He /she/ is …..(a teacher a doctor a nurse a policeman )
二、Task-based teaching
1 Ask four students to act the members of a family .
2 Introduce yourself or your members of your family to your classmates and friends .
3 Arrange four groups to come to the front and act , we can give them a mark ,the winner will be able to get a prize .
4 Check the students if they have mastered the usage of the expressions .
三、Write the 26 English letters and pay attention to the handwriting .
1 Assign the homework (see the paper )
2.Give the full name of the abbreviations in the book P11 and P15
3. Recite the words and phrases .
第二课时 Review Unit 3-4
3.掌握人称代词与be 动词的搭配以及there be 句型
4.能运用所学numbers 表达物体的数目。
1. Write the new words and phrases of Unit 1-2 .
2. Have a free talk according to the expressions of Unit 3-4
A:This is my ……(uncle ,aunt , brother ,…..)
B:He’s …(big,strong ,small ,thin , tall ,slim .short , pretty …..)
A:Are you ……?/Is he …….?/Am I ……
B: Yes , you are …../He is ….
A: I have two friends .
B: He is from China /England / Japan/America ….
He is Chinese /English/Japanese /American
A: Open /Close the door/book/window / pencilbox
B: Don’t open/close the book / door /pencilbox …
A: Stand up, please .
B: Sit down , please .
3. Explain the grammar
1) 人称代词与be动词的搭配
I am ….
You are ….
He/She /It is …..
They are ……
2) Numbers (1-30)
3) There be 句型
eg There is a teacher in our classroom
There is a teacher’s desk in our classroom
There are four windows in the wall .
There are some pictures on the wall.
There are 28 boys in our class .
1) Read Unit 3 and Unit 4 and be ready for the dictation .
作为一名教师, 在进入课堂教学之前, 就要做好充分的、丰富的备课准备工作。这一堂课上得成功与否, 关键取决于备课的准备是否充足。教师备课要做到“八备”, 即:备课程标准, 备教材, 备学生, 备教案, 备教法、学法, 备教学器材, 备情感、态度、价值观和备习题。就英语来说, 涉及到了词汇、句型、短语和语法等知识点的整理、归纳和总结。在此当中, 所有的知识点大部分都归纳在语法的范围之内。
备课工作准备好之后, 接着是课堂教学, 教师要依照备课的方案及内容来上课。教学是教师教与学生学的双方互动性过程。抽象的说, 也是一种知识的输出与输入的过程。学生是课堂活动的主角, 是思维的主体, 他们的活动应占课堂的绝大多数时间。课堂教学的五个必要环节是:①自学;②议论;③点拨;④练习;⑤小结。
在课堂教学的过程中, 学生会遇到各种各样的学习问题, 对于学习初一英语的学生来说, 他们遇到的问题相对比较简单。一般在词汇、句型和语法上。语法是学习英语不可缺少的一部分。那么, 教学练习, 可以是以课堂师生互动对话、提问与回答、课堂作业和课后作业等的形式来实现。为了便于学生活动, 教师在备课时应在为自己设计教案的同时, 按照课堂教学五个步骤的教育教学内容为学生设计同步练习的题单和学案, 列出教学重点、难点、知识点、能力点等, 以及与教学同步的练习题, 供学生在不同阶段活动时使用。
课后工作主要包括作业的批改及对遗漏的课堂知识的查阅补充。在批改作业的时候更要认真, 绝对不能以一个“阅”字就带过, 一定要根据学生作业完成的正确率来评分。必要时, 评上几句肯定和鼓励学生的话语。
辅导学习是教师完成教学任务的一项重要工作。老师在进行一个阶段的教学之后, 对学生的情况会有一定的了解。针对基础比较差的学生, 我们老师就要适时适当地加以辅导, 而且要是跟踪性的, 时刻观察被辅导学生的学习思维和学习心态, 做到因材施教、对症下药, 对该学生知识点不足的地方进行补充和巩固。那么辅导要有针对性, 辅导的方法应因人而异。辅导的形式也有很多, 一般常见的有补课式辅导和一对一的辅导等。
Unit 8 Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming.Section A Teaching aims: 1.学习并掌握新单词及词组:together, interest, Germany, India, places of interest 2.能够运用表示意愿和计划的基本表达法进行交流。
I want to go to Canada.I plan to go to Australia.I wish to travel around the country and take some pictures.I hope to get together with them.I’d like to visit some places of interest in China.3.复习一些国家名称及地理位置,学习新的国家名Germany和 India。
4.通过听录音和朗读,了解字母y和字母组合ure, ui, tion在单词中的发音规则。
Teaching important points: 表示意愿和计划的句型,如: I/He/She/They„ want to „.I/He/She/They„ plan to „.I/He/She/They„ would like to „.I/He/She/They„ wish to „.I/He/She/They„ hope to „.Grammar: Want/plan/wish/hope/would like to do sth.Step1.Revision 1.Read the new words and Irregular Verbs on Page147 together.通过复习所学过的新单词和不规则动词的过去式,为本节课做好充分的准备。2.Having a test: In one minute, Students write the Past Tense of Irregular Verbs as many as they can.此环节为检测学生课后复习的落实情况和教师教学的实效性。3.Duty reports.请两位学生做值日报告,内容可以包括星期、日期、天气、出勤等等的内容。鼓励学生尽量开口讲英语,此环节有利于学生口语技巧、听力技巧等能力的提高。
Step2.Presentation 1.T: What’s the date today? S: It’s May 29th,2014.T: Yes.It’s May 29th,2014 today.The summer holidays are coming.In the holiday, some students want to go swimming.Some would like to climb hills.Some plan to fly kites.Some hope to learn the piano.But I wish to travel to Beijing and visit the Great Wall.T: What is your holiday plan? Can you tell me? S1: I want to visit the Great Wall.It’s wonderful.S2: I plan to join the English club to improve my English.S3: My parents and I will go to Yunnan for my summer holiday.„„
2.Listen to the tape and read after it loudly.Listen again.3.Answer the questions.What are the children talking about? Where does Kangkang want to go? Does Maria also want to go to Canada? What’s Jane’s holiday plan? 4.Express the text.talk about„谈论关于„„ travel around环游„„
take some pictures拍一些照片 get together with sb.和某人团聚
some places of interest一些名胜古迹 have a wonderful time 玩得非常高兴
The summer holidays are coming soon.暑假即将到来。I’d like to visit some places of interest in China.我想要参观中国的一些名胜古迹。
Step3.Practice 1.Listen to 1a and match the pictures with the children of 1b.2.Listen, read and match in Part2.Then check the answers.3.Listen to the children’s plans for holidays and check the correct answers in Part3.4.Listen and read the sounds and words aloud in 4a.Step4.Homework 1.Recite the text of 1a.2.Finish the workbook of Sections A.3.Review the sentence patterns of “Holiday Plans”.板书:
1.—What is your holiday plan? — I want to „.I’d like to „.I plan to „.I hope to „.I wish to „.2.Questions: What are the children talking about? Where does Kangkang want to go? Does Maria also want to go to Canada? What’s Jane’s holiday plan? 4.talk about„谈论关于„„
travel around环游„„
take some pictures拍一些照片 get together with sb.和某人团聚
Some places of interest一些名胜古迹 Have a wonderful time 玩得非常高兴
本节课上下来我总体感觉比较顺畅,课堂气氛活跃、师生配合很默契,学生也能积极主动回答问题。课堂上的重点、难点把握地很到位,教学思路清晰,各个环节有序推进。学生对本节课教学内容很感兴趣,掌握地很好,尤其是1b和Part 2。相对于本节内容比较难的是1c中表达意愿、愿望的句型以及Part 3的听力题。这两方面学生掌握程度相对弱一些。等到下一节课还应该拿出来反复操练复习。单词plan 做为名词及动词两种词性的用法也要多操练,如:plan to do sth.计划做某事(动词);make a plan 制定计划,the holiday plans 假期计划(名词)。