
2024-07-01 版权声明 我要投稿


译林小学英语教案 篇1

1.知识目标:同学能听、说、读、写序数词,和规范用语:What day is it? It’s ___.

2.能力目标: 使同学掌握本课所学序数词,并能用序数词进行实际运用。



三.教具、学具: 十二生肖的动物图片


(一)Class Opening and Review:


T:Hello,everyone. How are you?

Ss: Fine, thank you.How are you?

T: I`m fine ,thanks. Nice to see you again.

Ss: Glad to see you again.

2. Review:

Let`s count from one to one hundred . (让同学以报数的形式说基数词)

Ss: one ,two,three,four,five…one hundred.

Let`s chant: Monday Monday 星期一,猴子花钱做飞机,Tuesday Tuesday 星期二,猴子的屁股摔两瓣。Wednesday Wednesday 星期三,猴子爬上花果山。Thursday Thursday 星期四,猴子猴子去考试。Friday Friday 星期五,猴子遇到大老虎。Saturday Saturday 星期六,猴子上树摘石榴。Sunday Sunday 星期天,猴子休息上公园。[-小学优秀教案网=www.jXSj六十铺中小学教育=]

(二)New Concepts:

1.教师准备十二生肖的动物图片,讲十二生肖动物开运动会的故事,讲完后让同学戴上头饰按故事中动物的出场顺序排好队,教师指着他们分别说Mouse is the first. Cow is the second. Tiger is the third. Rabbit is the fourth. Dragon is the fifth. Snake is the sixth. Horse is the seventh. Sheep is the eighth. Monkey is the ninth. Cock is the tenth. Dog is the eleventh. Pig is the twelfth. 教师边说边板书十二个序数词,讲解读音后领读。


3.教师说:Sunday is the first day of the week。

(让同学模仿此句说Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday,

Firday, Saturday, Sunday)


(1,2,3 变体,th从4起。8加h,9去e。拿来f代ve,ty变成tie。)

5.教师问一同学:T:What day is it ?

Ss: It`s Friday.教师接着补说March , twelfth .教师边说边板书问句和答语,让同学观察答语,并找出答语的顺序(先说星期 月份 几号)教师说几个日期,让同学用英语说(五月1号星期二,十月3号星期四…)


7.让同学练习读This is a race.Li Ming is the first.The girl is the second …

8.放录音,同学休息并唱歌曲:(Old MacDonald had a farm...

(三)Class Closing:同学做练习《活动手册》

译林小学英语教案 篇2

译林新版小学《英语》在整套教材的架构设计上充分体现了现代小学英语教学的特点, 集工具性和人文性于一身, 使新教材更具整体性、开放性和灵活性, 既可以满足学生的不同个体学习需求, 也可以满足教师的多种教学要求。所设计的七个板块 (指Story time, Fun time, Cartoon time, Letter time, Song time, Check out time和Ticking time七个板块) 密切相关, 相辅相成, 紧紧围绕教学的核心内容, 通过不同板块的呈现来完成教学目标。

2. 减负不只是减量。

简评译林版牛津初中英语教材 篇3


中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)09-094-1


本教材按照“话题—功能—结构—任务”相结合的思路编排,以话题为主线,任务为主导,辅以功能和结构项目,有效培养了学生综合运用英语的能力。7A9A每本书六个单元,每三个单元又自成一个模块;9B四个单元,构成两个模块;全套教材共34个单元,12个模块。每个单元围绕一个话题展开,包括卡通漫画(Comic strip)、导入(Welcome to the unit)、阅读(Reading)、词汇(Vocabulary)、语法(Grammar)、综合技能(Integrated skills)、学习技巧/语音(Study skills / Pronunciation)、中心任务(Main task)和检测(Checkout)九个板块,共用十个课时完成一个单元的教学。


牛津教材的每个单元都以学生喜闻乐见的卡通漫画(comic strip)开始,主人公小狗埃迪(Eddie)和电子狗霍波(Hobo)个性鲜明,教材图文并茂,对话妙趣横生,语言浅显简洁,话题内容丰富,极大地激发了学生学习的兴趣。

本教材在传授英语语言知识的同时,也注重教会学生如何生活、学习、工作、交际以及和自然和谐相处,具有鲜明的思想性。譬如,8B Module 2 Rights and responsibilities包括三个单元,Unit 4 A charity show、Unit 5 International charities和Unit 6 A charity walk,分别讲述了阳光中学举办的慈善义演、Amy对奥比斯医生的专访以及香港乐施会主办的毅行者活动情况。通过学习自然地唤起学生们的爱心,教他们要学会关爱他人,要有助人为乐的奉献精神,要积极投身各种慈善活动,并且要努力践行团队精神。


全套教材语言表达规范,情景鲜活,贴近学生实际,语言现象再现率高,符合学习语言的认知规律和初中生身心发展规律。比如,7A Unit 1 This is me!创设了新同学初次见面的情景,Welcome to the unit板块设计了“Good morning / Hello / Hi. Im/My names...”这一简单句型来作自我介绍,学生易学易用。Reading板块先设计了三个学生以第一人称作自我介绍,分别谈论姓名、年龄、所在班级、住址、外貌和爱好等,然后设计了以第三人称来介绍其他三位学生,从而自然过渡到一般现在时第三人称单数的用法,学生易于接受。

牛津英语教材编写语言材料的目的不仅为了教学语言,更重要的是激发学生对高科技的兴趣和对未来的向往,9B Module 1对此作了最好诠释。此模块包括两个单元,Unit 1 Life on Mars把背景设置在2100年的火星上,情节是人类移居火星;Unit 2 Robots的情景是江先生购置了一台家用机器人所带来的利与弊。这两个话题新颖、前卫,具有极强的前瞻性。



教材的每个单元的每个板块都配有密切相关的、丰富多彩的、形式多样的任务,学生通过完成这些任务,自我评价、体验成功、建立自信,同时也逐步能理解、掌握和运用各种学习策略。以9A Unit3 Integrated skilled为例,此板块首先要求阅读Sue的简介,体验阅读的愉悦;其次完成部分与Sue有关的笔记,体验获取信息的快乐;接着听一段对话完成笔记的剩余内容,再次体验获取信息并能作记录的快乐;然后根据获取的信息完成一份访问记录,评价自己综合信息的能力;最后两人一组开展对话,学会谈论个人问题及提供建议,检测自己口头表达能力。




首先,每个单元的词汇(Vocabulary)、学习技巧/语音(Study skills / Pronunciation)和检测(Checkout)三个板块语言材料略显单薄。

其次,部分单元的Main task的话题不利于操作,值得商榷。


译林小学英语教案 篇4

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims: Help the students to get some information about Yang Liwei;

Ability aims: Help students to know how to interview an expertise appropriately;

Help students to know how to create a wall poster.

Emotional aims: Lead students to realize the fact that they will succeed as long as they work hard.

Key points:

It’s hard to interview an expert and create a wall poster by their own, so teacher should lead students to master them step by step with the help of both teacher and their classmates.

Teaching Methods:

Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

The multimedia and the blackboard.

Teaching Steps:

Step 1-Pre-reading

Lead in with the VCR about Yang Liwei / about space/ 神州一号

Ask students that who is the first man..登月.. in China

Ask students: Is he born to be success or great?

so let’s know something about him from this passage.

Step2-Fast Reading

Read the whole passage as quickly as possible and to finish the following table:

1965 ____________________________________________________________

1983 ______________________________________________________________

1987 ______________________________________________________________


Oct. 15 __________________________________________________________

Step3-Careful reading

Read each paragraph carefully and try to find out the main idea.

At the beginning, I will give an example, then students need to finish the rest.

Paragraph 1: Introduction of Yang Liwei’s space exploration.

Paragraph 2:

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4:

Paragraph 5:



在PPT中显示一个剪切好的百度的关于一个人(例如Kobe Briant)的信息,想必大家基本都很熟悉资料简介的格式,因此参考这样一个格式4人小组将杨利伟的个人信息也总结一下然后列出一个表:(原创:鉴于英文不好,好一点的帮忙翻译一下)


Yang Liwei


Sex :_____

Nationality: _____

Education: 1983_______________________________________________

1987 _____________________________________________

Work experience: 1987_______________________________________




Personality: _________________________________________________


Step5 -Post-reading

Interview an expert


Step6-Create a poster


一个小组四人合作设计poster 在设计之前先放一些比较有代表性的海报给予参考,学生自主讨论设计自己喜爱的,擅长画画的学生可以发挥自己的强项。

Step 7 Homework

译林小学英语教案 篇5

Unit 1

1) 与某人相处融洽;某事进展顺利 get along/on well with sb./sth.

2) 有麻烦;处与困难中 in trouble

3) 集中注意力于。。。。。。 focus/concentrate (one’s attention) on…

4) 结果,。。。。。。 as a result,…

5) 冲某人大吼 yell at sb.

6) 某人应该因某事而受责备;某人应该对某事负责sb. be to blame for sth.

7) 当众;在公众场合 in public

8) 推迟做。。。。。。 delay/put off doing…

9) 说服某人做某事 persuade sb. to do/persuade sb. into doing…

10) 劝阻某人做某事,使某人因气馁而不去做某事 discourage sb. from doing…

11)(电话等)接通 get through

12)全神贯注于。。。。。。;专心致志于。。。。。。 be absorbed/lost/buried/involved in sth.

13)对做某事犹豫不决 hesitate to do/hesitate about doing…

14)不管/不顾。。。。。。 regardless of…

15)遭受巨大损失 suffer heavy losses

16)彼此 one another; each other

17)因。。。。。。而原谅/宽恕某人 forgive sb. for sth.

18)记笔记 take/make notes (of…)

19)对。。。。。。采取积极态度 take a positive/an active attitude toward(s)/to…

20)感到内疚 feel guilty

21)情不自禁地做。。。。。。 can’t help doing…

22)对。。。。。。感到羞愧 be/feel ashamed of…

23)熬夜 stay up

24)迫不及待地做。。。。。。 can’t wait to do…

25)在。。。。。。后不久 soon/shortly after…

26)给某人提供实用的建议 offer/give sb. practical advice

27)认真对待某人/某事 take sb./sth. seriously; be serious about…

28)在不久前某天 the other day

29)与某人分享。。。。。。 share sth. with sb

30)基于。。。。。。之上 be based on/upon…

31)一方面,。。。。。。另一方面,。。。。。。 on the one hand,…;on the other hand,…

32)第一个做。。。。。。 the first to do…

33) 毫不犹豫地 without hesitation

34)be determined to do…决心做。。。。。。

35) keep one’s word/promise信守诺言

36) apologize to sb. for sth.因某事而向某人道歉

Unit 2

1) 自然灾害natural disasters

2) 发表意见voice one’s opinions

3) 除此之外还有in addition(to…)/besides/as well as/apart from

4) 扫除;消灭wipe out

5) 对。。。。。。有持久影响have a lasting effect upon/on…

6) 对。。。。。。有益be beneficial to…;be good for; do good to; do sb. good; benefit…

7) 担忧。。。。。。 be concerned/worried about…

8) 把。。。。。。排放到。。。。。。pour…into…

9) 为。。。。。。付出沉重代价pay a high price for sth

10) 有意做。。。。。。/专门针对。。。。。。be meant/intended to do…

11) 对。。。。。。负责 take responsibility for/be responsible for…

12) 用完;耗尽 sb. run out of sth; sth. run out; sb/sth give out

13) 只要。。。。。。 so/as long as…; if only…

14) 就我个人而言,。。。。。。personally (speaking),…

15) 对。。。。。。造成破坏/损害cause damage to…

16) 仔细观看。。。。。watch…closely/carefully

17) 在过去 in the past,…

18) 采取措施 take measures/steps to do…; do something to…

19) 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do …

20) 同。。。。。。作斗争 fight against…; struggle against

21) 贮备,备有。。。。。。be stocked with…

22) 取得进步 make progress

23) 到目前为止so far; up to now

24) 引起国内外关注raise/arouse concern both nationally and internationally

25) 导致。。。。。。result in…; lead to…

26) 给某人提有关。。。。。。的建议advise sb. on sth.; give sb. advice on sth

27) cut back on… 削减/缩减。。。。。。

28) rely/depend on sb. for sth.在。。。。。依靠/依赖。。。。。。

29) set up 设立/建立

30) be prohibited from… 被禁止做。。。。。。

Unit 3

1) 超乎想象beyond one’s imagination

2) 指出 point out

3) 干涉;干预。。。。。。interfere with…

4) 因某事而表扬某人praise sb for sth

5) 即使 even though; even if

6) 与。。。。。。有关 be related to…

7) 对。。。。。。感到遗憾feel sorry for…

8) 对。。。。。。做出评论comment on…; make comments on…

9) 完全同意。。。。。。be in complete agreement with…; totally agree with…

10) 毕竟 after all

11) 偶遇。。。。。。come across

12) 讲得通;有意义make sense

13) 与自然作对; 违背自然go against nature

14) 以。。。。。。而告终end up doing…; end up with sth; end up in sp.

15) 实现一个突破 achieve a breakthrough

16) 在科学领域in the field/area of science

17) 局限在。。。。。。范围内be limited to…

18) 对。。。。。。有害be harmful to…; be bad for…; do harm to…; do…harm

19) 抱怨/控诉。。。。。。complain about/of...

20) 开展调查conduct a survey; carry out a survey

21) 在过去几年里over/in the past/last few years

22) 环保environmental conservation/preservation

23) 满足…的需要meet/satisfy/supply/serve one’s needs(requirements/demands/requests)

24) 招致灾难spell disaster

25) 做出选择 make choices

26) 结果是。。。。。。turn out ( to be)…; turn out that…

27) 恢复正常 return to normal

28) 送报纸 deliver newspapers

29) 医疗 medical treatment

30) 得益于。。。。。。benefit from/by…

31) 对。。。。。。要求严格be strict with sb in sth

32) 表现好,守规矩 behave oneself

33) 提倡做。。。。。。advocate doing…

34) 将。。。。。。付诸实践put sth into practice

35) 构建和谐社会construct/build a harmonious society

36) 与某人争论某事argue with sb about/over sth

37) concentrate/focus one’s efforts on…致力于。。。。。。

38) do sth with the intention of…怀着。。。。。。目的去做。。。。。。

39) perform tests on… 在。。。。。。上进行试验

40) follow in one’s footsteps 效仿。。。。。

41) in favour of…赞成/支持/有利于。。。。。。

42) from one’s point of view,…在某人看来

43) decades of…几十年

44) use up 用完;耗尽

45) rather than而不是

46) at a fast rate以很快的速度

47) in general一般来说;大体上

48) push ahead with…义无反顾地进行;努力推进

49) figure out想出;理解;弄明白;计算出

50) go off/to the point跑题/切题

51) beyond all praise赞美不绝

52) in desperate need of…极其需要。。。。。。

53) adopt one’s suggestions采纳某人的建议

54) deliver a speech作演讲

55) be involved in…卷入

56) seek one’s fortune寻出路;去淘金

57) seek after the truth追求真理

58) seek shelter from the rain找躲雨的地方

59) seek advice from sb.向某人请教

60) the/common practice惯常做法

61) perform tasks执行任务

62) under construction在建设中

63) in one’s favor受某人欢迎;对某人有利

64) do sb. a favor帮某人一个忙

65) ask a favor of sb.请某人帮个忙

译林小学英语教案 篇6

一record n. 记录;成绩;履历

v. 记录,记载;录音,录象

recording n. 录音,录音制品

recorder n. 录音机

record player 电唱机


an official record of the accident事故的正式记录

a school record学业成绩

his employment record他的工作经历

break/beat the record破记录

set up the record创记录

hold the record 保持记录

keep a record of sth把……记录下来

make a record制作唱片

make a recording of录制……


1. the score in a notebook.

A. kept a record B. kept the record C. recorded D. kept the record of

2.The police keep record of all the traffic accidents.(改错)

3.She (保持着世界记录) for the 100 meters.

4.You should (记录) how much you spend.

5.I’m fond of listening to r of famous singers ,such as CoCo Lee’s and Sun Yanzi’s.

6.She took her Sony tape r out of her bag and placed it down.

7.It all began in 1877 when Thomas Edison made the first r of a human voice.

二. contribute to 捐献……








三.It is certain/uncertain that … ……(不)确定(certain/uncertain不能用sure/unsure替换)

be uncertain about/of… 对……没把握

in no uncertain terms 明确有力地

uncertainly adv.拿不准地 uncertainty n. 忧郁; 拿不准的事


1. 我们俩都不确定该怎么办.

2. I told him what I thought of him (直言不讳地).

3. I’m (不确定他会不会赢) in the round.

4. It’s what his role in the company will be, and he is a bit anxious about it at moment. A. certain B. uncertain C. sure D. unsure

5. They smiled at one another.

A. uncertain B. uncertainty C. uncertainly D. in uncertain terms

四. be superior to …超过… … ; 比… … 优越

be inferior to…劣于… …




3.They are superior us numbers.

A. to ; in B. over ; to C. to ; by D. over ; by

4. He is my superior in knowledge .

He in knowledge.

五. come onto the market上市;面



2. 在一个新产品上市前有许多事情要做.

六. wind ( wound wound )vt.上发条;缠;绕

wind up 给……上发条;使某人高度兴奋

wind down (钟表)慢下来,停住; (人)松弛下来




3. This year has been too busy for me; I need a holiday .

A. winding up B. to wind up C. winding down D. to wind down

4. The wind is too strong; please wind the window .

A. down B. in C. up D. back

七.apply vi &vt 应用, 运用; 申请


apply for sth to sb向某人申请某物

apply to (sb /sth )(与某人/某物)有关; 有效; 适用于……

apply oneself to (doing) sth集中精力做某事







八.demand v.& n. 需要,需求, 要求


by popular demands由于许多人的要求,由于普遍要求

in demand需求量大,有需求

meet /satisfy one’s demands /needs满足某人的需求

make demands on sb对某人提出要求

on demand 一经要求

demand sth要求, 需求……

demand to do sth要求做……

demand that 从句( 谓语为should+动词原形, should 可省略) 要求……


1.The key to the problem is to the demands by the customers.

A. solve; meet ; made B. solving ; meet ; made

C. solve ; met ; make D. solving ; meeting ; made

2.It is demanded that the play for another week.

A. runs B. will run C. run D. shall run

3.Good workers are always demand in the factory.

A. in B. on C. by D. for

4.The workers demanded immediately.

A. being replied B. replying C. to be replied D. to reply

九.spring vi. (sprang sprung ) 跳,跳跃,弹起


spring to life突然活跃起来

spring back弹回到原来的位置

spring sth on sb向某人突然说出某事

spring up突然出现,涌现,迅猛发展


1.Doubts have began to spring in my mind.

A. back B. on C. up D. down

2.I have to spring this you at such short notice.

A. back B. on C. up D. down


十. assume vt. 假设,设想,以为 .assumed adj. 假设的,假定的

assume that 从句 认为……, 假定……


1.I hope to go to college next year, always that I pass my exams.

A. assume B. to assume C. assuming D. assumed

2. (普遍认为) stress is caused by too much work.


Key :

一.1.C 2.keep 后加 a 3. holds the world record 4. record /keep a record of

二. 1.All the children contributed their free time to the concert.

2. Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.

3.His carelessness contributed to the accident.

三. 1.We’re both uncertain about what to do. 2.in no uncertain terms 3. uncertain of his winning / uncertain whether he will win 4.B 5. C

四.1. This company is superior to the one I worked at three years ago.

2. In my opinion, trousers made by hand are superior to those by machines

3. A.4. is superior to me

五. 1. This house only came onto the market yesterday.

2.Many things need to be done before a new product comes onto the market.

六.1. Have you wound your watch?

2. The river winds down to the sea. 3. D 4. C

七. 1. You should apply immediately, in person or in letter.

2. The new technology was soon applied in practice.

3.I will apply to the company for the work.

4.Every student applies themselves to studying before the exams.

5.This case does not apply to you.

八. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D

九1.C 2 .B 3.New houses were springing up all over the town.

十.1.C. 2.It is generally assumed that

3.It is reasonable to assume that the economy will continue to improve.


1 familiar adj.

be familiar with ------ 对 ------ 熟悉

be familiar to ----- 为------熟悉

Complete the following sentences:


I am _______ __________the city.

= The city is ______ _______ me.

2 up to-----

It is up to sb. to do --------

sb be up to (doing) sth.


(1) -- Shall we eat out or stay in ?

-- ________.

A. It’s up to you B.It depends on you.

C. Well, I’m looking forward to it D. Good idea.

(2 ) – What have you been _____ these days?

-- Preparing for my daughter’s wedding party.

A. up B. on C. up to D. on to


1 measure vt /vi. n.

measure sb./sth. Against sb./ sth.

measure up ---

take measures to do----

make --- to measure


The main bedroom _________ 12ft by 15ft.

A. is measured B. is measuring

C. measures D. is being measured

Translate: 我们必须采取措施阻止河流受到污染。


2 suitable adj.

sb is suitable for sth

sb is suitable to do sth.

Sth. is suitable for sb.

Sb is fit for sth./ to do sth


The dress is not suitable ________ for the party.

A. to be worn B. for being worn

C. to wear D. for wearing

3 倍数的常见句型:

---- times as adj. as -----

---- times+比较级+ than----

---- times the + n. ( size, length, width, depth,etc,) of ----


(1) At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _______ Great Britain.

A. three times the size as B. the size three times of

C. three times as the size of D. three times as the size of

(2) – Is this stick long enough?

-- No, I need one ________.

A. twice so long B. so long twice

C twice as long D. as long twice


1 be based on-----

at the base of-----


(1) We need actual facts _____ our thinking.

A. on which to base B. which to base on

C. on which to be based D. which to be based on

Translate: 这篇新闻报道是完全根据实际情况写成的。


2. expose vt.

expose ----- to-----


(1) He smiled suddenly, __________ a set of amazing white teeth.

A. exposed B. exposing C, to expose D. being exposed

(2) _______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.

A. Having exposed B. Exposed

C. Being exposed D. After being exposed

3 equal adj. / vt.

be equal to-----


He _______ ( 不能胜任) his position.

Mary _________(与---一样) Bill in brains.

4. associate --- with---

与---联系在一起” ,“和---来往” ,“和---公事”

Eg. We naturally associated the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution.


我真的不想和他们交往了, 我不喜欢他们的想法。

I really do not want to __________ ; I don’t like the ideas.

5. have faith in---

Lose faith in---


(1) I ___ you-I know you’ll do well. ( which of the following is wrong.)

A. have faith in B. believe in C. trust D. believe

(2) We have a great faith _______ we will realize our dream in time.

A. that B. which C. whether D. what

高二unit.1复习材料短语和句子 冯丹

第一单元living with technology

1.在近数十年里in the last few decades

2.贡献给..,有助于contribute to

3.暂时,目前for the time being

4可以接近have assess to

5面市come onto the market

6把..结合起来,联合be associated with

7电子词典electronic dictionary

8黑白电视机black –and white TV

9一个住在英国的美国人An American living in the US

10在那时at that time

11由手来上发条wind up by hand

12录制make a record of

14导致,引导,通向lead to

15在某种程度上to some /a certain degree

16涌现,突然出现spring up

17接管take over

18多种多样的a variety of

19令某人高兴的是 to one`s delight

20可携带的音响器械portable audio device

21最新的,最近的up to date

22能够 be capable of

23在那种情况下in tat case

24及时赶上in time for

25由某人决定it is up to sb.to decide

26某人忙于某事sb.be up to sth.

27适合某人be suitable for

28记住,牢记keep in mind

29为某人提供provide sb. With sth

30在此之前previous to this



In my opinion ,toys made by hand are____ _____those made by machine.


The result of this research will be ____ ____ the treatment of cancer.


She _____ that she should___ ____ everything .


______ ____ his mother , he came to the strange city.


It ___ _____ ___ be cold in August there.


This kind of paint can ___ ______ _____all kinds of the weather.


On the whole, women are not ____ ____ men in physical strength.


____ the teacher has said ,detective story are ____ ____boy students.


Whisky ___ usually _____ _____ Scotland.


I still have _____ _____ her____her shortcomings.


(1.superior to 2,applied to 3,demanded be told 4, accompanied by

5,is likely to 6,be exposed to 7, equal to 8,As popular among

9,is associated with 10 faith in despite)

Unit 1单词拼写练习


1.We’ve invited 50 people a____________.

2.I like listening to r__________ of famous singers.

3.Plenty of fresh air c______________ to good health.

4.The kind of machine is protected by p___________ so only this factory has the right to produce it.

5.I’m very nervous ,so I must ask you to a_________me to the police station.

6.It’s said that there will be a live b__________ of a baseball game on TV next Tuesday.

7.When a__________ for a job,your should offer your detailed information.

8.Can you give me the a_________ figures,not an estimate or a guess.

9.They drove along with all the car windows w_________ up.

10.No one lived in the old house for many years ,weeds were s________ up every where.

11.I m_______ asked his name and address .

12.We have provided seats for the c________ of our customers.

13.He smiled suddenly ,e_________ a set of amazingly white teeth.

14.John gave me a g_________ that it wound never happen again.

15.Drugs should not be taken without c_________

16.One kilogram is e_________ to 1000 grams.

17.He is my s___________ in knowledge. He often helps me.

18.Scientists have recently supplies us with some (令人担心的)findings.

19They would not __________(承认) that cancer is associated with smoking .

20 It took more than two ____________(十年) for colour broad casts to begin in the USA .

21.the salesperson showed us a new___________(便携的)cassette tape player.

22.I________(假定)him to be an honest man..

23.There are (种类) of patterns to choose from .

24 The ______(利润) in this business are not large .

25 It’s hard to ________(估计)his ability when we haven’t seen his work .

26 Mp3 is especially __________(适合)for those who travel a not.

27 Do you have _________(令人信服的) reasons for your absence .

28 Plastics often slowly and can easily be ____________(成型) while they are soft .

29 The aim of university should be the ________(促进) of learning.

30 _______(先前的) to this , scientific experiments didn’t show a definite link.

KEY: 1_5 altogether records contributes portable accompany

6_10 broadcast applying actual wound springing

11_15 merely convenience exposing guarantee caution

16_20 equal superior worrying acknowledge decades

21_25 portable assumed varieties profits measure

译林小学英语教案 篇7

纵观新译林版小学英语教材中的课文部分, 不难发现, 编著者考虑到了学生发展的身心特点, 在三、四年级的教材中, 课文部分都采取了对话的方式, 而到了五、六年级, 课文部分都是以语篇呈现。 笔者将以新版译林教材五年级“Hobbies”的几个综合版块———Song time, Sound time及Cartoon time的教学为例, 阐述如何将综合版块加以结合、串联, 从而完成教学任务。

五、六年级的学生较之三、四年级的学生来说, 有了很大程度的发展, 英语词汇、句型等渐渐有所积累, 语感也开始初步形成, 有了英语学习的基本规律和习惯, 注意力相对来说较为集中。 根据学生的发展特点和教材的编排特点, 可以选择情景教学法, 让学生更自然地融入教师所创设的情境中, 把教材语言转化为自己的语言, 从而提高学生的综合语言运用能力。

布鲁姆指出:“成功的外语课堂教学应在课内创设更多的情境, 让学生有机会运用自己学到的语言材料。”情境教学能最大限度地调动学生学习的积极性, 激发学生的兴趣, 有效地培养学生的英语语言交际能力。 因此, 在教学中应创设英语语言情境, 给学生更多地运用英语进行交际的机会, 让学生通过活动把所学知识运用于实际, 以提高学生学习英语的兴趣与乐趣, 变“要我学”为“我要学”, 进而提高学生的语言交际能力。

据新课标要求, 每一课的教学设计试图做到“以学生为主体, 教师为主导”, 并结合多媒体手段辅助教学, 为学生创设熟知的情境, 使其掌握所学知识, 并在课堂中注重培养学生听、说、读、写等综合能力, 养成自主学习的习惯, 在激发学生的学习兴趣及建立培养自信心上, 使学生真正成为学习的主人。

笔者以高年级“Hobbies”为例, 在“某人喜欢做某事”的情景中, 把新旧知识联系起来, 引导学生完成单词、句型的学习及操练。 在整个过程中, 老师注重在学习新知识时方法的指导;倡导用自主、合作、探究的学习方式和任务型的教学途径, 使学生运用目标语言, 提高综合语言运用能力, 并通过与他人合作交流, 提高合作意识。 具体教学过程如下:

Step1 Warming up

1.T:Let’s play a game:I say and you say.

T:I say:running.

Ss:I say:reading/playing/singing...

设计意图:通过I say you say的游戏, 活跃课堂气氛, 并在游戏的过程中, 复习动词的动名词形式, 为下面的教授做好知识和情感的铺垫。


T:Boys and girls, can you guess, What do I like doing?

Ss:You lik...

设计意图:通过猜一猜老师喜欢做的事情, 复习句型What do I like doing?为新授句型:What does he/she like doing?打好基础。

Step2 Presentation

T:Boys and girls, do you remember:What does Mike like doing?

Teach:What does he/she like doing?

He/She likes...

Step3 Song time

T:Here comes a girl, her name is Lily.She likes singing and climbing.Let’s sing with her.

Ss:sing the song together.

设计意图:儿童心理学特征告诉我们, 教唱英语歌是一种很好的教学手段。 唱歌是组织教学的好方法, 它能使学生以饱满的精神、激昂的情绪参与教学。 新版译林小学英语教材几乎每个单元都有一首英语歌, 教师可以充分发挥其作用, 将歌曲放在此环节, 承上启下, 复习和操练新授句型, 为Sound time的学习提供素材。

Step4 Sound time

T:Look! Lily is wearing a yellow hat, a yellow...

设计意图:让学生先体会字母y在单词中的发音, 然后通过举例来及时巩固, 最后通过句子的练习进行提高。

Step5 Cartoon time

1.Watch and answer

What does Sam like doing?

What does Billy like doing?

设计意图:通过两个问题的回答, 总领课文, 帮助学生理清课文思路, 为接下来的细节教学做铺垫。

2.Look and answer

T:如果你看见Billy的身后有一个大洞, What will you say?

3.Think and talk

T:当你的朋友也深陷危险, What will you say?

Ss:Look out!

Be careful!

Don’t go there!

Come back!

设计意图: 拓展学生思维, 既要学生身临其境地帮助别人, 又要学生进行英语的口语表达, 从而提高学生的综合语言运用能力。

4.Read and imitate

经常性的成功体验, 可使人的需要不断满足, 心情舒畅愉快而求索不止, 这对英语教学有着不可估量的促进作用。 在英语教学中, 要努力创设轻松、和谐、教学相长的教学情境。以学生为主体, 以趣味活动为主线, 以学生心智发展为重点, 让学生经常获得学习成功的喜悦, 从而培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣。 我借助Read and imitate这一环节, 让学生选择喜欢的角色进行模仿。 为下一步拓展做准备。 这种循序渐进的方法, 不仅符合学生学习的方式, 而且能使学生更好地运用所学语言知识, 达到很好的交际目的。

5.Enjoy the pictures and try to say

Do what you like doing!

Don’t give up your hobbies!

Keep going on,

You will be better!

设计意图:情感烘托, 让学生体会:坚持自己喜欢做的事情, 遇到困难, 也不放弃。

译林小学英语教案 篇8

[关键词]Grammar time 语法感知 语法呈现 语法归纳 语法运用

[中图分类号] G623.31 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-9068(2016)30-029


译林英语自2014年秋季全面启用新教材起,便从五年级上册开始,在每个单元设立语法板块,即Grammar time板块。可见,小学英语语法知识不再像以前一样若隐若现,而是作为一个独立的板块呈现在教材中,凸显其重要性。2015年12月,我校精心打磨了一节六下Unit1《The lion and the mouse》的Grammar time课堂,参加了无锡市第十一届小学英语青年教师优质课展评活动,在活动中这节课获得了评委老师的一致好评,并取得了一等奖的好成绩。

我们认为语法板块教学不是一个孤立的单独板块教学,它根据单元特点和语法特点进行单元板块合理组合,让语法教学不再枯燥单一,更易于学生理解接受。依据此教学理念,我们把本课的课时定位、板块组合和教学目标设定如下:(1)课时选择定为第二课时;(2)板块由Grammar time, Fun time and Culture time三个板块组成;(3)教学目标由初步了解欣赏故事的五个步骤,根据提示复述故事并表演故事,初步了解副词的结构、功能并会简单运用和初步了解伊索寓言和成语故事的文化背景四个方面组成。

为了能切实改变沿袭多年的“直接呈现+归纳成文+死记规律+机械操练”的传统语法教学模式,培养学生的学习兴趣,提高他们的学习效率,我结合这节语法课的成功之处,谈谈Grammar time板块教学的优化策略。

一 、语法感知凸显生活性



【warming up】

以Free talk:How are you ? Nice to meet you !Whats your hobby?引出课题,当有学生回答I like reading books.时,教师追问Do you like reading storybooks?How to read storybooks ?引出阅读故事的五个步骤,这样既为学生本堂课阅读故事创设了情境,也让学生初步感知了副词的读音和结构。(见图1和图2)


纵观五六年级Grammar time板块,语法要点都在storytime部分出现过,所以在教授Grammar time板块 时,我们切忌单独呈现,可以通过复习storytime呈现语法知识,让学生在润物细无声的环境下习得语法。这一课的语法知识我们就是在复习storytime 板块时同步呈现的,教学片段如下:

【Review storytime】

1.Review the story (Watch the story quietly.)

2.Look and say. Fill in the blanks.(根据图片提示,完成课文填空,主要填写一些动词和形容词)

3.Try to retell the story clearly.Retell the story together.(根据刚才填好的内容,一起复述课文)

4.What does the story tell us? Please think deeply.Choose the correct answer.(见图3)

5.Lets try to act the story vividly. But how to act the story vividly? Maybe we can use different tones to make the story vividly.(渗透学习副词happily, loudly, sadly, quietly.)在学习副词时,依旧依托课文内容和插图,让学生在复习storytime的过程中,水到渠成地学习了副词,以happily为例,学生看(图4),师问:Look at the lion?How is the lion?生答:happy,师:Yes,the lion is happy ,so he said happily.归纳呈现副词happily(图5)生在老师的引导下学习副词happily,师引导学生用happily的语气读(图6)中的语句,体会副词的作用。





【Grammar time 】

师:Why can we act the story more vividly? Because we use adverbs.(呈现副词,直观告诉学生,这些词就是副词,见(图7),并告诉学生副词的作用:Adverbs show the actions and tones vividly.


(1). Find the same: 形容词+ly. Fox example: sad sadly, loud loudly…(图8)

(2).Find the differences: 以辅音字母加y 结尾的单词要去y变i,再加ly. For example: happy happily angry angrily…(图9)

(3).Find their partners. 副词用来修饰动词,一般跟在动词后面。(图10)





(1)Try to choose. Please choose the correct adverbs to describe the QQ emotions.(图11)


(2)Try to act. Act the QQ emotions. (图12)


(3)Try to use. Use the adverbs to describe the pictures.(图13图14)


上述案例教师有效把握了学生特点,设计了Try to choose,Try to act和Try to use三个环节,激发了学生有话可说,敢于表达的欲望,让学生在真实的语境中强化了语法知识,提升了语用技能。

