
2024-07-26 版权声明 我要投稿


6bu1词组和重点句型 篇1

2. every day 每天

3. be sure about 对······有把握

4. make sure 确信,务必

5. send…to… 把······送到······

6. be able to 能

7. the meaning of······的意思

8. too…to… 太······以至于不能

9. different kinds of 不同种类的

10. in common 共同,共有

11. at the beginning of 在······初

12. write down 写下,记下

13. have to do with 关于,与······有关系

14. take up 开始做,学着做

15. hardly ever 几乎不,很少

16. live to be 200 years old 活到200 岁

17. free time 空闲时间

18. in danger 处于危险之中

19. on the earth 在地球上

20. play a part in doing sth/sth 参与某事

21. space station 太空站

22. look for 寻找

23. in the future 在未来

24. hundreds of 许多,大量

25. the same …as 与······一样

26. over and over again 多次,反复

27. get bored 感到厌烦的

28. wake up 醒来

29. look like 看起来像

30. fall down 倒塌

6bu1词组和重点句型 篇2



1.look at…看…,look like … 看上去像……,look after …照料… 2.listen to…听…… 3.welcome to…欢迎到…… 4.say hello to …向……问好

5.speak to…对……说话


This is my new bike.Please look it after.(×)This is my new bike.Please look after it.(√)




1.put on 穿上 2.take off脱下 3.write down记下


First listen to the tape, then write down the answer/write the answer down.(√)First listen to the answer, then write down it.(×)First listen to the answer, then write it down.(√)B.动词(vi)+副词。

1.come on赶快 2.get up起床 3.go home回家 4.come in进来 5.sit down坐下 6.stand up起立



1.close the door 2.1ook the same 3.go to work/class 4.be ill 5.have a look/seat 6.have supper 7.1ook young 8.go shopping 9.watch TV/games 10.play games.介词短语聚焦


1.in+语言/颜色/衣帽等,表示使用某种语言或穿着……。如:in English,in the hat 2.in + Row/ Team/ Class/ Grade等,表示“在……排/队/班级/年级”等。

3.in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ 表示“在上午/下午/傍晚”等一段时间。

4.in the desk/ pencil-box/bedroom 等表示“在书桌/铅笔盒/卧室里”。5.in the tree表示“在树上(非树本身所有)”;on the tree表示“在树上(为树本身所有)”。如:There are some in the tree.There are many apples on the trees.6.in the wall表示“在墙上(凹陷进去)”;on the wall表示“在墙上(指墙的表面)”。如:There’re four windows in the wall, and there is a map on the back wall.7.at work(在工作)/at school(上学)/at home(在家)应注意此类短语中无the。

8.at + 时刻表示钟点。如:at six, at half , past ten.9.like this/that表示方式,意为“像……这/那样”。

10.of短语表示所属关系。如:a picture of a classroom, a map of China.11.behind/ beside/ near/ under+ 名词等,表示方位、处所。如:beside/ near the door, under/ behind the tree.12.from与to多表示方向,前者意为“从……”,后者意为“到……”。如:from one to ten,(go)to school/ bed/ work.另外,以下这些短语也必须掌握。如:on duty, after breakfast, at night, at the door, in the middle, in the sky, on one’s bike等。


1.I think…意为“我认为……”,是对某人或某事的看法或态度的一种句型。其否定式常用I don’t think…,如:I think he’s Mr Zhinag.(L17)I don’t think you are right.2.give sth.to sb./ give sb.sth.意为“把……给……”,动词give之后可接双宾语,可用这两种句型;若指物的宾语是人称代词时,则只能用give it/ them to sb.如:

His parents give him a nice purse./His parents give a nice purse to him.Give it to Mr Hu.(L57)

3.take sb./ sth.to…意为“把……(送)带到……”,后常接地点,也可接人。如:

Please take the new books to the classroom.4.One…, the other…/One is…and one is…意为“一个是……;另一个是……”,必须是两者中。如:One is red and one is grey.(L50)或 One is red, the other is grey.5.Let sb.do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,人后应用不带to的动词不定式,其否定式为Don’t let sb,do sth.,或Let sb.not do sth.另外,Let’s 与Let us的含义不完全相同,前者包括听者在内,后者不包括听者在内,如:Let’s go for a walk./Let us try once more, please.6.help sb.(to)do sth./help sb.with sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”,前者用不定式作宾补,后者用介词短语作宾补,二者可以互换。如:Let me help you find it.(L42)/Let me help you with it.7.What about…?/How about…?意为“……怎么样?”是用来询问或征求对方的观点、意见、看法等。about为介词,其后须接名词、代词或V-ing等形式。如:What/How playing chess?

8.It’s time to do…/ It’s time for sth.意为“该做……的时间了”,其中to后须接原形动词,for后可接名词或V-ing形式。如:It’s time to have supper.=It’s time for supper.9.like to do sth./like doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”,如:Li Lei and his friends like to play in the tree house.(L 43)前一种句型侧重具体的一次性的动作;后一种句型侧重习惯性的动作,试比较:

Tom likes swimming, but doesn’t like to swim this afternoon.10.ask sb.(not)to do sth.意为“让某人(不要)做某事”,其中ask sb.后应接动词不定式,如:

Ask your friends to guess what is in it.(L44)

11.show sb.sth./ show sth.to do.意为“把某物给某人看”,该句型的用法同前面第2点。如:

6bu1词组和重点句型 篇3

a.Following old photos, the new room has been made to look much like the old one.

b.Although it feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated.

2.I didn’t dare open a window.

3.It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face.

4.I still find it hard to make good friends with them.

5. I do want to change this situation.

a.As they were not cleverer than me, but did pass their exams.

6.However ,even on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.

a.In 1770, the room was completed the way she wanted it.

7.Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognize each other’s dialects.

8.It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.

9.She insisted that we find the source of the river.

a.The man who has it insists that it belongs to his family.

10.Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.

11.Our legs felt so heavy and cold that we thought they were ice.

12.To climb the mountain road was hard work but to go down the hills was great fun.

13.Even the pigs were too nervous to eat.

14.Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide.

15.It seemed that the world was at an end.

16.Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.

17.Water,food and electricity were hard to get.

18.All hope was not lost.

They may not be able to understand everything.

19.Who do you think is a great person?

20.This was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.

a.This was a time when the two countries were at war.

b.There was times when my size was totally changed.

21.Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.

a.Nor do I think they should give it to any government.

b.No other country could join in, nor could slaves or women.

22.He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we should have been asleep.

23.I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.

24.The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days.

25.It took a team of the country’s best artists ten years to make it.

26.There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg.

27.I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece”.

28.Does anyone want to host the Olympic Games? As a matter of fact, everyone wants to.

29.It’s just as much a competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal.

30.The more you speak English, the better your English will be.

31.People thought I was simple-minded until they discovered I had “artificial intelligence.”

32.As the years have gone by, I have been made smaller and smaller.

33.There was an antelope with a sad face looking at her.

a.Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people at a concert, with everyone clapping and enjoying your singing?

34.They may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money.


1.add up 2.calm down

3.be concerned about 4.go through

5.hide away 6. set down

7.a series of 8.be/grow crazy about

9.on purpose 10.in order to

11. face to face 12.according to

13.have trouble with 14. get along well with

15.fall in love 16.communicate with

17.make an effort to 18. join in

19.more than 20.one another

21.play an important role/part in 22.because of

23.even if/though 24.come up

25.be based on 26.believe it or not

27.be expected to 28.dream of/about

39.persuade sb to do sth 30.care about

31.at an altitude of 32.make up one’s mind

33.give in/up 34.as usual

35.put up 36.for one thing, for another,

37.be familiar to/with 38.right away

39.think little/much/highly of 40.at an end

41.the/a number of 42.instead if

43.be proud of 44.honor sb for sth

45.be known as/for 46.lose heart

47.in trouble 48.die for

49.fight against/for 50.believe in

51.be/put in prison 52.advise on

53.continue doing/to do 54.be out of work

55.as a matter of fact/in fact 56.blow up

57.in one/a way 58.came to/into power

59.be sentenced to 60.look into

61.belong to 62.belong to

63.get lost/dressed 64.in search of

65.be used to do/doing 66.be made into

67.in return (for) 68.serve as

69.more than one 70.rather than

71.agree with/to/on 72.take part in

73.every four years 74.be admitted as/to

75.compete for/against/in 76.as well as

77.be/get married to 78.promise sb to do

79.pick up 80.one after another

81.have---in common 82.go by

83.deal/do with 84.make up

85.after all 86.as a result

87.die out 88.in danger (of )

89.no longer/more 90.protect--- from

91.pay attention to 92.have an effect on

93.came into being 94.play jokes on

95.pretend to do 96.break up

97.as if/though 98.stick to/insist on

6bu1词组和重点句型 篇4

3.Look at the window.看着窗户 4.Look at your nose.看着你的鼻子。

5.What’s this? 这是什么? It’s a banana.这是一个香蕉。6.This is a computer.这是一台电脑。7.Here’s a ball.这是一个气球。

8.Here you are.给你。Thank you.谢谢。9.Draw one nose.画一个鼻子。10.Close your eyes.闭上你的眼睛。11.Open your mouth.张开你的嘴巴。12.Point to the door.指着门。

13.This is my bag.这是我的书包。

14.Good morningafternoon.早上下午好。

15.What’s your name?你叫什么名字。My name is Pat。我的名字叫Pat。

16.How are you?你好吗? Fine, thank you.谢谢。我很好。

BOOK 2 重点句型

1.I’m seven。我七岁了。

2.I’m in Class Two, Grade One.我在一年级二班。3.Are you a student? 你是学生吗?Yes, I’m.。是的,我是。No, I’m not.不,我不是。

4.I canI can’t dance.我会不会跳舞。

5.Can you dance? 你会跳舞吗?Yes, I can。是的,我会。No, I can’t.不,我不会。

6.That’s a monkey.那是一只猴子。It’s black.他是灰色的。7.My ball is under the desk.我的球在桌子下面

8.What do you like? I like the dog.你喜欢什么?我喜欢这只狗。9.What do you want? I want a robot.你想要什么?我想要一个机器人。

10.What can you see? I can see a pencil.你能看见什么?

BOOK 3 重点句型

1.-Can I help you? 我可以帮助你吗? -Yes,please.好的。2.-How old are you? 你多大了?-I’m seven.我七岁。3.Let’s play.让我们一起玩吧。

4.I’m old.You’re young.我年纪大了,你很年轻。5.All right.Come in.好吧。请进。

6.-What can you see? 你能看见什么?-I can see a car.我能看见一辆小汽车。

7.-How do you come to school,Pat? Pat,你怎么去上学? -I come to school by school bus.我乘校车去上学。I walk to school.我步行去学校。

8.Here is your cup.这是你的杯子。

9.Here are your stickers.这是你的贴纸。

10.-What’s in your school bag? 你的书包里有什么?-There is a drink.有一瓶饮料

11.-Thank you very much.非常感谢。-You are welcome.别客气。12.-How many windows are there? 有多少扇窗户?-There are three windows.有三扇窗户。13.Look at the board.看黑板。

14.-What’s the answer? 答案是什么?-Sorry, I don’t know.对不起,我不知道。

15.How much is the apple? It’s five yuan.苹果多少钱?5元。

16.-May I have six pears, please? 能给我6个梨吗?-Yes, here you are.Twelve yuan, please.好的,给你。十二元。17.Sorry, I have no apples.对不起,我没有苹果。18.Here you are.给你。

19.It’s your turn.轮到你了。

20.That’s a doctor.那是一名医生。

21.This is my father.He is a bus driver.这是我爸爸。他是一位公共汽车司机。

22.This is my mother.She is a doctor.这是我妈妈。她是一位医生。23.-What about your mother and father?你的爸爸和妈妈是干什么的?

-My mother is a clerk.我妈妈是一名职员。--My father is a teacher.我爸爸是一位老师。

24.Look at the cake.It’s pretty.看这个蛋糕。它很漂亮。25.Happy birthday!Thank you.生日快乐!谢谢。

26.I can buy a present for Ben.我可以给Ben买一份礼物。27.She is happy.她很高兴。

28.I like your party.我喜欢你的晚会。

29.He has a present, it’s pretty.他有一份礼物,它很漂亮。

BOOK 4 重点句型

1.Welcome to my school.欢迎来到我的学校。

2.-Is there an art room? 有一个美术室吗?-Yes, there is.是的,有。

- No, there isn’t.3.Come and have a look.来看一看。4.-What’s in the school?学校里有什么?-There is a computer room in my school.在我的学校有一个电脑室。

5.I can draw.I can’t sing.我会画画,我不会唱歌。6.Let’s line up.让我们排队吧

7.-What do you do in the music room? 你们在音乐室做什么?-We sing and dance in the music room.我们在音乐室唱歌、跳舞 8.-What’s in your box? 你的盒子里有什么?-There is an arm.有一只胳膊。

9.Look at my robot.看我的机器人。It has a big head.它有一个大头。

10.Here is my robot.这是我的机器人。11.It can walk again.它又能走路了。12.I see with my eyes.我用我的眼睛看。

13.-What can you see? 你能看见什么? -I can see a ship.我能看见一艘船。

14.I hear with my ears.我用我的耳朵听。

15.-What can you hear? 你能听见什么?- I can hear a plane.我能听见一架飞机。

16.I smell with my nose.我用我的鼻子闻。

17.-What can you smell? 你能闻到什么?-I can smell a banana.我能闻到香蕉。

18.I like the pink wardrobe.我喜欢这个粉红色的衣柜。19.I have a pretty room.我有一个漂亮的房间。

20.-What colour is the table? 桌子是什么颜色的?-It’s yellow.它是黄色的。

21.-What coulor are the walls? 墙是什么颜色的?-They’re pink.他们是粉红色的。

22.Mrs Li is a nurse.李太太是一位护士。She is my neighbour.她是我的邻居。

23.-Who’s that? 那是谁? -That’s Mr Wang.那是王先生。

24.--Is he a policeman? 他是一个警察吗?-Yes, he is.是的,他是。-No, he isn’t.不,他不是。

25.-Is she a nurse? 她是一位护士吗? -Yes, she is.是的,她是。-No, she isn’t.不,她不是。

26.-Are you a doctor? 你是一名医生吗? -No, I’m not.不,我不是。

27.There are twelve ducks.有十二只鸭子。28.here is one sheep.有一只绵羊。

29.-What’s your favourite animal? 你最喜欢的动物是什么?-I like sheep.我喜欢绵羊。

30.-What about you? 你呢? -I like ducks.我喜欢鸭子。31.Look at the pretty clothes.看这些漂亮的衣服。

32.My doll has a green dress.我的玩偶有一件绿色的连衣裙。

33.-Do you like this T-shirt? 你喜欢这件T恤衫吗? -Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。

34.-What about you ,Pat? Pat,你呢? -No, I don’t.I like that pink dress不,我不喜欢。我喜欢那件粉红色的连衣裙。

35.-Can I have that shirt? 我可以买那件衬衫吗? -Sure.Here you are.当然了,给你。

BOOK 5 重点句型: 1.Where do you live? 你住在哪里?I live at 49 Fumin Street.我住在富民街49号。

2.I live in Flat 202, Block 6,Houshan Estate.我住在猴山小区6栋202房。

3.Is there a bookshop? 有书店吗?Yes , there is.有。

4.Where is the bookshop?书店在哪儿?It’s in Yunnan street.在云南街。

5.What do you have?你有什么? I have some coins.我有一些硬币。

6.How many coins do you have?你有多少硬币?I have fifty-three coins.我有53枚硬币。

7.Is this Tim’s picture?这是Tim的图画吗?No.His picture has two stars and three circles.不是的。他的图画有两颗星和三个圆圈。8.Whose picture is this?这是谁的图画?It’s Pat’s.Her picture has four square and three triangles.是Pat的。她的图画有四个方块和三个三角形。

9.Number 60 is wearing a pink dress and purple socks.六十号(模特)穿着粉红色的连衣裙和紫色的袜子。

10.Who’s wearing the pink dress? 谁穿着粉红色的连衣裙?That’s Pat.She’s wearing pink shoes, too.是Pat。她也穿着粉红色的鞋子。11.What’s the weather like? = How’s the weather? 天气怎么样?It’s cold.天气冷。

12.Take off your sweater.脱下你的毛衣。

13.Don’t forget your umbrella.别忘了你的雨伞。

14.What time is it? 几点钟了?It’s three o’clock.三点钟了。

15.What’s Pat doing? Pat在干什么?She’s playing basketball.她在打篮球。

16.What do you do at Christmas?在圣诞节你做什么?We make cards.我们制作卡片。

17.What are you doing?你在做什么?I’m making toys.我在做玩具。

18.Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!

BOOK 6 重点句型:

1.What subject does she like?她喜欢什么科目?She likes English.她喜欢英语。She’s good at it.她擅长这个。

2.What sport does he like?他喜欢什么运动?He likes basketball.他喜欢打篮球。

3.This is our rabbit.This is its food.这是我们的兔子。这是它的食物。

4.Does it drink water?它喝水吗?No , it doesn’t.不,他不喝水。5.When do you get up?你什么时候起床?I get up at seven thirty.我七点三十分起床。

6.What lessons do you have Monday morning?星期一早上你有什么课?At eight o’clock we have English.At nine ten we have maths.在八点钟有英语课。在九点十分有数学课。

7.Where are you? 你在哪里?I’m in the bed.我在睡觉。

8.Where’s your dad? 你的爸爸在哪里? He’s in the kitchen.他在厨房。

9.What’s he doing? 他在干什么?He’s cooking.他在做饭。

10.How do you help at home?你在家干过什么?I always water the plants.我总是给植物浇水。

11.How much are the tomatoes?西红柿多少钱?They are two yuan kilo.两元一千克。

12.May I have two kilos , please?给我两千克

13.When’s your party?你的派对在什么时候?It’s on Saturday at three thirty.在星期六的三点三十分。

14.What do you want to eat?你想吃什么?I want to eat biscuits.我想吃饼干。

BOOK 7 重点句型

1.How many months are there in a year? 一年有多少个月? There are 12 months.有12个月。

2.When’s Grandma’s birthday?奶奶的生日是什么时候?It’s in September.在九月。It’s on September 12.在九月十二日。

3.Is your birthday on May 17?你的生日是在5月17日吗?Yes, it is.是的。/No, it isn’t.不是。

4.What are you doing?你正在做什么?I’m looking at Pat’s photos.我正在看照片

5.What’s Pat doing here? Pat 正在做什么?She’s writing a poem for Teacher’s Day.她正在为教师节写诗。

6.Do you like my poem?你喜欢我的诗吗?Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。No, I don’t.不,我不喜欢。

7.What are you going to do?你打算做什么?I’m going to write a poem.我打算写一首诗。

8.What can you do?你会做什么?I can do the long jump.我会跳远。

9.What’s Bob/Pat going to do? Bob/ Pat打算做什么?He’s/She’s going to run in a race.他/她打算跑步。

10.Is Todd going to skip? Todd打算跳绳吗?Yes, he is.是的,他是。/ No, he isn’t.不,他不。

11.Do you have money?你有钱吗?Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.12.Whose game is this?这是谁的游戏?It’s their game.这是我们的游戏

13.Whose cameras are these?这是谁的照相机?There are our cameras.这是我们的照相机

14.Is this your game?这是你的照相机吗?Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.15.Are these your cameras? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.这些是你的照相机吗?

16.What do you want to do?你想干什么呢?I want to buy a robot.我想买一个机器人。

17.Where’s the toy shop?玩具店在哪里?It’s on the second floor.在3楼。It’s beside the pet shop.在宠物店的旁边。

18.Is there a pet shop?这里是宠物店吗?Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.19.What would you like?你想要什么?I’d like a glass of juice.我想要一杯橙

20.Would you like a sandwich?你想要一个三文治吗?Yes, please.是的,我想要。/ No,thanks.不,我不想要。

21.What do you want?你想要什么?I want some butter.我想要一些奶油。

22.Are there any vegetables or eggs?有一些蔬菜和鸡蛋吗?Yes, there are some vegetables and eggs.是的,有一些蔬菜和鸡蛋。No, there aren’t any vegetables or eggs.不,没有任何蔬菜和鸡蛋。

6bu1词组和重点句型 篇5

1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy

2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard

3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology

4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that…

6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development

7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention

8.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…

9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate

10.有争议性的问题 a controversial issue

11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument

12.一些人 …而另外一些人 … Some people… while others…

13.就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally,14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on…

15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons

16.双方的论点 argument on both sides

17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in…

18.对…必不可少 be indispensable to …

19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:

20.…也不例外 …be no exception

21.对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on…

22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.23.导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in

24.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon

25.责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement


26.竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation27.开阔眼界 widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills29.经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden30.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration31.从另一个角度 from another perspective32.做出共同努力 make joint efforts33.对…有益 be beneficial / conducive to…34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society35.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for…36.综合素质 comprehensive quality37.无可非议 blameless / beyond reproach39.致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to…40.应当承认 Admittedly,41.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty42.满足需求 satisfy/ meet the needs of…43.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information44.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources45.因特网 the Internet(一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)46.方便快捷 convenient and efficient47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life48.环保(的)environmental protection / environmentally friendly49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology

51.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue

52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in fovor of the former/ latteropinion

53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence

54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way

55.理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice

56.…必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…

57.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition

58.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest

59.长远利益.interest in the long run

60.…有其自身的优缺点 … has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages

61.扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones

62.取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs.63.对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to

64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information

65.跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …

66.采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth.67.…的健康发展 the healthy development of …

68.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides.No garden without weeds.69.对…观点因人而异 Views on …vary from person to person.70.重视 attach great importance to…

71.社会地位 social status

72.把时间和精力放在…上 focus time and energy on…

73.扩大知识面 expand one’s scope of knowledge

74.身心两方面 both physically and mentally

75.有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to…

76.提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal

77.可以取代 “think”的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that

78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relieve stress/ burden

79.优先考虑/发展… give(top)priority to sth.80.与…比较 compared with…/ in comparison with

81.相反 in contrast / on the contrary.82.代替 replace/ substitute / take the place of

83.经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water

84.提供就业机会 offer job opportunities

85.社会进步的反映 mirror of social progress

86.毫无疑问 Undoubtedly, / There is no doubt that…

87.增进相互了解 enhance/ promote mutual understanding

6bu1词组和重点句型 篇6

Just take small sips小口喝就好

What a nuisance真麻烦

Keep your chin up!抬起你的头来(保持乐观)

The dial records very slight variations in pressure.刻度盘显示很微小的压力变化

Allow sufficient time to get there留出充足的时间好赶过去

Get rid of 摆脱

She would never refuse her kids anything她对孩子百依百顺

Remember those less fortunate than yourselves要记住那些不如你们幸运的人

Absence makes the heart grow fonder不相见倍思念

Sob your heart out悲伤的哭泣

Individual words惯用语

In the immediate vicinity近在咫尺

She leaned on the ship’s rail and gazed out to sea.她靠着船上的护栏,凝望着大海

Get back on the rails东山再起

How long were you in the queue?你排多长时间队了?

This is movie that ticks all the boxes. 这是一部适合众人口味的电影

The meeting has been, without doubt, one of the most useful we have had so far.这无疑是我们迄今为止最有用的一次会议。

In / Under the circumstances在这种情况下,既然如此

A couple of minutes几分钟

The Super Bowl超级碗季后赛

At the bottom/top of the pile处于无足轻重/举足轻重的地位

The discovery of new evidence sealed his fate新发现的证据决定了他的命运

We have been instructed that a decision will not be made before the end of the week我们已获悉周末前不会作出决定

Don’t judge a look by its cover勿以貌取人

As far as I can judge, all of them are to blame 依我看,他们都应承担责任

He turned a deaf ear to the rumours 他对这些谣言置若罔闻

A huge crowd庞大的人群

There is a limit to what one person can tolerate.一个人的容忍是有限度的

The decision is a hammer blow for the steel industry这一决定对于钢铁业是一个沉重的打击

He suddenly looked fierce他突然面露凶相

Losing in the first round was a shock to the team首轮失利让人大为震惊

It was her custom to rise early早起是她的习惯

Without unwritten rules civilized life would be impossible没有不成文的规章,就不会有文明的生活

The first rule is to make eye contact with your interview 首先是眼睛要直视面试官

Play by sb’s rules按某人定的规矩行事

Off the boil不如以前

On the boil十分活跃、如火如荼

The technology of modern civilization现代文明的技术

Don’t mention it (被人道谢时回答)不客气

Most of the buildings are unfit to live in这些楼房多数不适合居住

He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong他死不认错

Her attitude could fairly be described as hostile公平而论,她的态度可以说是怀有敌意

Beauty cannot be measured by any absolute standard. 美是不可能用任何绝对标准来衡量的

Negotiating skills谈判技巧

Full of anger满腔怒火,激动的

This carpet stains easily这块地毯不耐脏

Cannot hold a candle to sb/sth 不如…好,比不上…

God / Heaven forbid但愿不会这样

Her house is just around the corner她的房子就在附近

Take your courage in both hands鼓起勇气(做自己害怕的事情)

She looked highly sceptical她一脸深表怀疑的神色

This decision could have serious consequence for the industry这项决定可能对该行业造成严重后果

Almost upon you近在咫尺,即将来临

The day should be mainly dry with sunny intervals白天大部分时间干燥无雨,间隙有阳光

You look superb你看起来棒极了

We pretended(that)nothing had happened 我们假装什么事情也没有发生

His younger brother is not much of a companion for him他的弟弟和他志趣不太相投

To gain a high level of competence in English获得高水平的英语能力

I didn’t want to embarrass him by kissing him in front of his friends我并不想当着他的朋友吻他而使他感到难堪

A very conceited person极其自命不凡的人

Confidential document机密文件

I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it 我提了个建议,但他们不予理会



I’m not used to eating so much at lunchtime我不习惯午饭吃这么多

A bomb attack/blast/explosin炸弹爆炸

Her sudden death dealt a blow to the whole country她突然逝世,举国上下为之震惊

Given the failure of the previous plan, this turned out to be a relative success由于前面那个计划失败了,这个计划算是比较成功的

You should include some examples in your essay你应该在文章里举一些例子

The smile on her face made it all worthwhile她脸上的笑容是的这一切都非常值得

By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune她精明投资,积累了一笔财富

She sighed with relief that it was all over事情总算全都过去了,她轻松地舒了一口气

We are slaves of the car我们离不开汽车

The concept that everyone should have equality of opportunity人人应当机会均等的观念

The president decided to send in the troops总统决定派驻军队

Her presence during the crisis had a calming effect危难时有她在,对大家的心情有稳定作用

Our problems have multiplied since last year自去年以来,我们的问题成倍增加

Do whatever you like你喜欢做什么就做什么吧

House prices have zoomed up this year今年房屋价格飞涨

Only a handful of people came只有少数几个人来了

He relayed the message to his boss他将这个消息转给了他的老板

I was stupid enough to believe hime我可真够糊涂的,竟然相信他的话

It was stupid of you to get involved你卷进去了,真是愚蠢

She was a brilliant public speaker她很擅长在公开场合演讲

He stared at the diamonds with greedy eyes他眼巴巴地盯着这些钻石

Don’t upset yourself about it - let’s just forget it ever happened 你别为这事烦恼了,咱们就当它没有发生过

We are constantly fed gossip and speculation by the media媒体不断给我们灌输流言蜚语和猜测臆想

I can’t concentrate with all that noise going on吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中注意力

He felt unsafe and alone他感到既危险又孤单

A controversial plan 有争议的计划

Be employed in doing sth从事,忙于(做某事)

The company has a long tradition of fine design 这家公司的优秀设计历史悠久

They found him lying unconscious on the floor他们发现他晕倒在地板上

He asked to be put under police protection他请求警方保护

We’d like as many people as possible to attend我们希望出息的人越多越好

I have some urgent business to attend to我有些紧急事要处理

Patience is not one of her virtues, I’m afraid恐怕他没有耐心

After his divorce,he let himself go to seed离婚后,他自暴自弃

Buying a house can be a very tiresome business买房子有时是件很麻烦的事情

An unhappy coincidence不幸的巧合

Choose whichever brand you prefer挑选你喜欢的那个品牌

A systematic approach to solving the problem系统地解决问题的办法

She’s very modest about her success 她对自己的成功非常谦虚

The plan is designed to motivate employees to work more efficiently这个计划旨在促使员工更加卓有成效地工作

She had the advantage of a good education她具有良好教育的有利条件

My parents used to punish me by not letting me watch TV过去我父母常以不让我看电视来惩罚我

It’s reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen有理由认为,他事先就知道会发生这样的事

Despite her problems,she carried on working as usually尽管她有困难,他照样继续工作

We collected money in behalf of the homeless我们为帮助无家可归者而募捐

On behalf of the department I would like to thank you all 我谨代表全系感谢大家

What a coincidence! I wasn’t expecting to see you here真巧!我没料到会在这里见到你

We were poor but we never got into debt我们穷是穷,但从不负债

What‘s the worst thing that could happen?情况最坏会是怎样?

Fasten your seatbelts,please请系好安全带

He made it plain that we should leave他明确表示要我们离开

Can you give a more precise definition of the word你能给这个词下个更明确的定义吗?

Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow你最晚明天能给我一个确定的答复吗?

He needs all the support and encouragement he can get他需要所能得到的一切支持和鼓励

His recreations include golf, football and shooting他的娱乐活动包括高尔夫、踢足球和射击

The label on the box said:“Fragile, Handle with care“箱子上的标签写着“易碎品 小心轻放”

The book is well organized in terms of plot这本书的故事布局十分严谨

The hills were shrouded in mist 这些小山笼罩在薄雾之中

She is always polite and considerate towards her employees她对待雇员总是客客气气,关心体谅

The two communities live together in peace这两个社区和平相处

We had to stop for breath before we got to the top我们不得不喘口气,然后再登山顶

Fluency in French is required for this job这个工作要求法语熟练自如

Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes建议驾车者另寻其他路线

Our speaker today needs no introduction我们今天的发言人就不必介绍了

We aim to maintain high standards of customer care我们的宗旨是始终以高标准为顾客服务

Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident警方呼吁这起事故的目击者出来作证

Ministers should be more attentive to the needs of families部长们应该更关怀家庭的需要

The possibility are endless存在无限的可能性

An essay on the causes of the First World War关于第一次世界大战起因的文章

An aggressive advertising campaign 一场声势浩大的广告宣传活动

The judge will take into consideration any previous convictions任何前科法官都将予以考虑

I couldn’t believe it when I heard the news, I’d only seen him the previous day听到这个消息时,我不敢相信,我就在前一天还见到过他.

He fought the illness with courage and determination他勇敢顽强地与疾病作斗争

What criterion are used for assessing a student’s ability?用什么标准来评定一个学生的能力?

It was a tough decision to make那是个很难做的决定

The hat is part of the school uniform帽子是校服的一部分

Try not to scratch尽量别挠

Quit playing the fool and get some work done别再装傻了,干点实事吧

Hers was a classic tale of rags to riches她的经历是从赤贫到富有的一个典型例子

His role has always been ambiguous他的角色一直不明确

The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies国家有义务保护本国公民不受外敌侵犯

It was just a casual remark - I wasn’t really serious 我只是随便说说,并不当真

Just out of interest, how much did it cost?我只是好奇问问,这个花了多少钱?

The athletes trained at altitude in Mexico Ctiy田径运动员在海拔高的墨西哥城受训

The books aims to cover all aspects of city life这本书旨在涵盖城市生活的各个方面

We’ve all had a splendid time我们大家都玩的开心

I’m taking the first tentative steps towards fitness我试探性地开始实施健身计划

She’s been deliberately ignoring him all day她故意整天都不理他

Each of us must take responsibility for our own actions我们每个人都必须对自己的行为负责

He went down on one knee and asked her to marry him他单膝跪下向她求婚

The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer警方正努力调查杀人凶手的身份

Age and experience will be determining factors in our choice of candidate年龄和经验是我们选择候选人的决定因素

I was just a young girl from a small town and I felt very unimportant当时我只是从小镇出来的小女孩,自觉十分渺小

She knew that,whatever she decided, her family was right behind her她知道无论她做出什么决定,她的家人肯定会支持她的

True education does not consist in simply being taught facts真正的教育并不于仅仅讲授事实

She was intelligent but suffered from a lack of ambition她很聪明,但缺乏远大志向

The new design will eventually replace all existing models新的设计最终将会取代全部现有的型号

His assessment of the situation他对形势的看法

To take sb’s temperature 量体温

Such changes have not been since the invention of the printing press自从发明了印刷机,这种变革还没有出现过

Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects压力可能严重所害你的健康,锻炼则可以减轻这些所害

Nothing ever happens here这儿从未发生过任何事情

They took active steps to prevent the spread of the disease我们才去积极措施,防止疾病蔓延

Compromise is an inevitable part of life妥协是生活不可避免的一部分
