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英语八年级下Unit?6?教学反思 篇1

双河民族中学 刘凤琼

本节课通过对将来职业的介绍使学生掌握一般将来时的be going to结构。新课标注重学生的情感因素,着力培养学生的学习兴趣,英国著名语言家c.e埃克斯利说:“教英语的最好的方法就是能引起学生学习英语兴趣的那种方法我们在单词教学中不能一味让学生死记硬背,而应尝试运用多种形式巧记。如采用儿歌、猜谜语、简笔画等形式”。所以新课的引入显得尤为重要。我觉得引入部分既要简洁,易懂,才能排除学生的畏难情绪,学生听懂了,学会了,才有话可说;又要有趣,才能吸引学生。学生觉得有意思,就会想学,喜欢学,认真学,才能学得好。本堂课的引入,选择学生刚学过的单词句型,学生会觉得很容易,我发现很多学生都积极举手回答问题,就连基础不太好的同学也能回答出来。用图片展示要学的三种职业(电脑程序师、工程师、飞行员),吸引学生兴趣,让学生对于新职业有更直观的感受,印象更深刻。利用所学单词、句型谈论三种学过的职业即1a中出现的,引入新的单词professional,最后加上老师自己的相片,贴近现实生活,激发学生想学的欲望。




英语八年级下Unit?6?教学反思 篇2


《中学英语教学法》倡导英语学习要用英语思维———think in English。英语教师要善于训练学生“在使用英语进行表达和理解时, 没有本族语思考的介入, 没有‘心译’的介入”, 从而说出真正流利、熟练的英语。笔者尝试从提高“可理解语言输入”的有效性着手, 探讨培养学生英语思维的有效途径。

一、善用元语言策略, 用英语教英语, 培养英语思维定势

元语言是外语教学的有效工具, 它既培养和提高了外语学习者使用语言的能力, 同时也教给了学习者描述语言、释译语言的知识和手段。《国家英语课程标准》解读本对此进行了阐述: ( 1) 教师用来阐释语义的语言; ( 2) 教师提问涉及意义理解的语言; ( 3) 教师用于与学生进行语言交流时涉及语言本身的语言; ( 4) 教师在语言训练中用于操练组织活动的语言。使用“元语言”是英语教师坚持用英语教学原则的有效策略。英语教师要善于用自身良好的语言素质和话语行为为学生提供良好的语言输入, 促使学生逐步养成以英语为外壳的思维定势。

在Unit 6, Section B的教学中, 教师通过问题导入, 引导学生复习了Talk about personal traits的话题, 又在导入3a阅读环节时, 使用元语言话语解释了opposite的词义, 为学生阅读清除了思维障碍。


T: Here’s 3 pictures of my best firend . Haha, She’s my girl friend . Canyou tell me why I love her?

S: She’s beautiful. She is athletic. She has big eyes. …

T: Do you think we have opposite views and interests? Opposite means different, for example , I like playing football but she doesn’t . I think Kobe iscool but she doesn’t . We have some opposite views and interests. Do you thinkopposite views and interests are important to friends?

二、坚持整体教学原则, 把握语言的系统性, 促进逻辑思维和概括能力培养

语言输入要注重整体性原则。以阅读教学为例, 中学英语教学大纲针对课文教学有明确规定:“课文首先应作为一个整体来教”, 让学生“掌握各个段落之间的逻辑关系, 进而更好地掌握整篇课文。”英语教师要善于帮助学生从整体上理解课文, 保持课文信息的完整性。通过有针对性的悬问设疑, 促进学生用英语思考, 加深对课文内容、篇章结构和布局的理解, 熟悉表达的思路, 熟悉文中意义的因果关系, 熟悉语言的内在联系, 从而使逻辑思维和概括能力得到培养。

在Unit 6的教学中, 该单元以Talk about personal traits这一话题为主线, 课文里设置的各种听、说、读、写活动均为这一主题服务。教师应该围绕这一主题指导学生学会用英语谈论人物的不同特征。要指导学生学会从人物的外貌、身高、年龄、体重、兴趣爱好、特长等特征进行归纳、对比、概括、评价, 形成一套相应的语言表达技巧, 以便在进行书面或者口头交际遇到相应的话题时能够熟练地提取相应的信息进行表达, 娴熟、流畅地完成交际任务。该单元设置了SETION A, SETION B和SELF CHECK三个部分, 各部分又设有1a, 1b等多项语言训练活动。我们不能把这些语言活动割裂开来教学。笔者在听课时发现, 王老师在教学中巧妙地把自己曾经赴美国参加英语语言进修学习班的经历与课文教学有机结合, 把课文中的角色化为自己出外学习时遇到过的人物, 以自己赴美学习的情境为主线展开教学, 针对人物特征展开话题, 听、说、读、写活动环环相扣, 教学效果很好。在教学SETION A和B的Reading时, 教师更是引导学生总览全文, 观察领会语篇的开头、中间和结尾, 理解文中因果、逻辑等关系, 把握整体表达的方法和技巧。

三、中西方文化对比引导, 缩小语用规则差异, 促进跨文化思维习惯培养

英语和汉语属于两种不同体系的语言, 语言结构和语用规则差异给学生英语思维带来很大影响。学生的英语思维往往被卡在两种语言结构和语用规则的不同之处。英语教师要重视对两种语言的语用规则差异的研究, 善于从英美语言文化思维习惯的视角作引导, 帮助学生在英语学习中缩小语用规则差异, 打通英语思维瓶颈, 培养交际能力。“在英语阅读教学中, 教师不适当的语言输入也会造成学生理解语用规则的差异。教师如能引导学生用英美文化视角去阅读, 将会大大减少这一差异”。因此, 教师在对学生进行语言输入时要讲究策略, 在输入存在文化习俗和语用规则差异的语言材料时, 可以先进行话题热身, 让学生在听、读前就带着一种英美式听读视角去感受、体会和应用语用规则。

在Section B, 3c Pairwork的教学活动中, 像Job AD和Teahcer wanted这样的东西在我国农村中小学校园中并不多见, 而在英美国家, 重视学生社会实践和能力培养的理念和做法备受推崇, 组织社会活动能力强的学生去参加社会公益实践活动的事情很常见。此外, 像Job AD这类的广告、通知等的文字表述也与学生平时接触到的语言表达方式有所不同, 英语教师可以此作引导, 帮助学生拓展视野, 培养跨文化意识, 加深对语言输入的理解和吸收。

四、设置信息差, 激发探究欲望, 促进创造性思维培养

语言是传递信息的工具。在英语课堂上, 我们要善于“把握好学生现有的认知水平, 力求在课堂教学中创设出能从不同侧面、不同角度表现学习任务的多种情境, 而后通过在情境中传递不同的信息, 从而使交际双方所拥有的信息具有差异, 学生带着对另一方信息的渴求去运用语言”。信息差的设置可以使课堂活动变得更生动有趣, 语言输入环境更真实、自然。

以本单元Section B, 3a Reading这一环节的课堂教学为例, 王老师在组织学生进行阅读的语言输入后, 结合三个人物特征设置了一些开放性的问题, 激发学生的探究欲望, 进一步培养学生用英语解决问题的能力。

Question 1: Where is Huang Lei from?

Question 2: How old is he? Is he as old as you?

Question 3: Why?

Question 4: Where does he study?

Question 5: Who does he look like in our class?

Question 6: What is different between you and him?

英语课应多一些学生感兴趣的、开发性和启发性的问题, 让学生放飞思维的翅膀, 在理解具体情景中所传递的“信息差”的语言活动中创造性地使用语言, 培养语言交际能力。

五、创新教学设计, 打造精品课堂, 优化输入环境

有好的剧本才能拍出好电影, 有好的教案才能上出一节好课。由于义务教育阶段的学生本身的英语知识和生活经验有限, 这就要求我们英语教师更要在教学设计上多花心思, 对每一个环节知识的生成和问题的出现都要作出充分的预见, 确保教学流畅自然。教学设计要精益求精, 努力创新。只有不断创新的教学设计才能让课堂教学更精彩。

在教学Unit 6时, 王老师以周华健的一曲“朋友”导入话题, 然后以What is the song about? 引入friends话题, 借助歌曲视频中周华健、谭咏麟等大家熟悉的明星紧扣talk about personal traits这一目标以They are friends展开教学, 语言活动迎合学生口味, 深受学生欢迎, 英语思维活跃。

教学既要务实又要创新, 只要我们的教学源于教材而又超越教材, 在课堂上总能不断地给予学生新奇刺激, 产生惊喜, 那么我们的课堂必定精彩, 语言输入必定有效、高效。


[1]胡春洞.英语教学法[M].高等教育出版社, 1990.35.

[2]英语课程标准解读[M].北京师范大学出版社, 2012.22.

[3]刘素霞.浅谈高中英语整体性教学原则[J].新课程中学版, 2009, (6) .

[4]祈小丽.语用功能在英语阅读教学中的应用[J].小学英语教与学, 2013, (6) :27.

[5]庄艳传.小学英语教学中“信息差”设置常见问题例析[J].小学英语教与学, 2013, (1) :38.

英语八年级下Unit?6?教学反思 篇3

1. work on doing sth. 致力于做某事

3. as soon as... 一……就……

5. once upon a time 从前

7. continue to do sth. 继续做某事

9. the journey to ……之旅

11. keep doing sth. 坚持做某事

13. give up 放弃

15. instead of 代替;反而

17. turn... into 变成

19. get married 结婚

21. the main character 主要人物;主人公

23. at other times 在另外一些时候

2. come out (书、电影等)出版

4. become/ be interested in 对……感兴趣

6. the rest of the story 故事的剩余部分

8. leave sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事

10. make a plan to do sth. 筹划/计划做某事 12. lead sb. to someplace 把某人领到某地 14. get lost 迷路

16. change ones plan 改变某人的计划 18. send sb. to someplace 派某人去某地

20. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事

22. remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事

24. sb. happen to do sth. 某人碰巧做某事


1. It doesnt seem very possible to move a mountain.


2. This is because he can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects.


3. Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear.



4. Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.


5. The story reminds us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen.

八年级下Unit 3 教学反思 篇4

红石中学 郑红梅

英语是初中生一门主课,无论是学校、学生还是家长都很重视它。但我发现学生自从到了八年级,学生学习英语的好奇心逐渐减弱。随着学习难度的增加,学生产生了消极情感,没有兴趣,甚至厌学。而许多英语老师或许都有此感叹:学生所学的英语知识与我们的实际生活似乎也总有那么一段距离,好像很难做到“言行一致”!其实在不少英语课上,只要教师用一些心思,想一些点子,找到书本知识与实际生活中相似的切入口,完全可以体现任务型教学的真实性,实用性和功能性。并且会再一次把学生学习英语的积极性调动起来。下面就是我在Unit 3 教学中的一点反思。

在教学Unit3.这一课时中,我给学生安排了一些课堂前的准备活动。然后召集了几名学生来做记者调查刚刚学生的活动情况。我随即教学了过去进行时:What were you doing when the bell rang? I was looking at the blacdboard…等句型让他们分组练习。学生学习并分组练习,表演。当然,此时,我要求其余学生认真听,听这一组学生的对话中是否有误。如此学生在课堂表演中正确掌握了有关“was/were doing”的用法。

由于在课堂上我创设了情景,因此学生很感兴趣,参与的积极性很高,课堂气氛十分活跃。有两三个小组的学生都在全班同学面前表演,我根据各小组表演的情况分别给予表扬 “Well done ” “Very good” 等等,让参与的学生都有了一种成功感和被认可的感觉。“学中用,用中学”是我们教师一直提倡的观点。本节课所涉及的知识点(谈论过去的经历)贴近学生的日常生活,并让学生体验到被认同感和使用英语所能获得的成功感,获得了初步运用英语的能力,为真实交际打下基础。在本节课中,教师实际上是“导演”,对学生提出角色体验的要求,并通过示范活动让学生体会到中西方文化的差异。使学生始终带着一种新鲜感和好奇心去学习、理解所学的英语,由此也达到了这一堂课的教学目标。


英语八年级下Unit?6?教学反思 篇5

1, Why are you holding a microphone , hobo? Hobo, 你为什么手上拿着个麦克风呀?

At that moment , I saw the robber holding a gun in his hand.

Our school will hold a fund-raising activity next week. hold 举行,举办

There will be a fund-raising activity in our school next week.

A fund-raising activity will be held / take place in our school next week.

2,Because I’ve been chosen to be / as the host of a charity show.

choose-----be chosen ---- have been chosen (被动语态用于现在完成时当中)

be chosen to do sth 被选中去干……

choose to sth 选择去某事/愿意去做某事

The old man chose to donate all my money to Project Hope.

3, practice a lot 勤加练习/多练习

4, You can be a good host only if you sleep less during the day. (只要)

sleep less 少睡一点 during the day / in the daytime 在白天 at night 在晚上

5, We can advertise on the Internet. = put an advertisement


6, We should give out leaflets to ask people to donate money to charities 散发

donate ……to …… 把……捐给……

The doctor asked me to give up smoking. 放弃

7, Why don’t we organize a charity show? = Why not = let’s

= What/How about organizing a charity show?

8, Let’s sell books to raise money for charities. raise…… for…… 为……筹集……

9, Project Hope helps the students in poor areas return to school. = go/come back to


10, I am going to be the host of / host the charity show. 主持……

11, I am sorry that I didn’t write to you earlier because I have been very busy.

过去(1) be busy 现在

12, I was helping with a charity show.

help (sb) do sth / with sth

It is very kind of you to help me with my English.

Project Hope helps build schools.

13, A lot of work needed to be finished , so I did not have much free time. = spare time

finish-----be finished ---- needed to be finished (被动语态用于need to 当中)

14, We started working on the show two months ago , so we could do everything on time.

work on sth = be busy with sth 忙于/从事 某事

15, It was my job to introduce each star. to do sth 作主语

= My job was to introduce each star.

16, I had to remember to look at the right camera at the right time.

remember to sth 记得去做某事(事还没有做)

Don’t you know him?

Oh, I remember seeing him at the party last Sunday.

17, In the beginning/At first ,I thought I would never be able to remember all the words and do everything right at the same time. 话

18, Slowly, everything became easier.= Everything slowly became easier.

18, The big day came very quickly. = important

19, I couldn’t sleep at all.

Hearing the bad news, I couldn’t fall asleep any more/longer.

20, “Will it be a success ?/ Will it be successful?”I kept asking myself.

keep doing sth 一直做某事

21, “No time to be nervous any more.”I told myself. tell oneself 自言自语

=“I don’t have any time to be nervous any more.”I told myself.

22, The fans of the pop stars were making a lot of noise, so I had to speak loudly.

make a lot noise 制造噪音 speak loudly 大声说话

23, Everything seemed to happen so fast , and now it is all over / ends.

= It seemed that everything happened so fast, and it is all over.

24, We had a lot of support from local businesses.

24, I hope more events like this will be organized to raise money for charities.

organize-----be organized ---- will be organized /is going to be organized (被动语态用于一般将来时当中)

25, I think more people should be invited to take part in these events. = join in

invite-----be invited ---- should be invited (被动语态用于情态动词当中) 类似的有 may / must / can be invited 等

26, He (also) met many pop stars (as well) (too).

He didn’t eat lunch (either). (也)

Tom (as well as) his friends is skating over there. (和)

27, The performers performed / acted very well in the performance and the audience clapped their hands excitedly.

the audience 观众 (集体名词)

28, The money will be used to help people in need./ for helping people in need.

to do sth / for doing sth 引导目的

29, The curtains should be hung across the stage.


悬挂,吊 hang hung hung 上吊 hang hanged hanged

30, The “exit”may be stuck on the side door. stick stuck stuck

我们也许可以把exit 贴在边门上。

31, Seats can be arranged in front of the stage. arrange 布置

32, Speakers may be placed / put / set at the corners of the school hall.

33, We have arranged work among the students. arrange 分配

34, arrange/organize time 计划/组织时间

35, The stage is going to be set up by Danniel. set up搭建,建立

36, I will phone/make phone calls to/call you .

37. I am sorry for being late!

It doesn’t matter. 没关系!

38, We should care more about the disabled. care about 关心,照顾

39, Their parents have no money , so their children has to go to work instead (of going to school)

40, We want to thank our teachers for their support.

41, Then the curtains rose. rise 升起

Raise your hands! 举起手来! raise 举起

42, The host came on stage with a microphone in his hand.

come on stage 登上舞台 with a microphone in one’s hand 手拿麦克风

43, There is always a break between classes. 休息

英语八年级下Unit?6?教学反思 篇6



T:What happened to her?Did she feel unhappy?

S:No.(by most of the students)

T:What should she do?Can you give her some advice?

S:Yes./ No.(The answers may different.)

T:Maybe she should... Today we are going to learn how to talk about the problems and give others some advice. 学生带着学习任务进入这节课。开门见山,非常直接。


课堂上,我通过多媒体课件将机械的问题变得充满乐趣。我用Flash把一些如:“play his CDs too loud”的图片加以处理,使它们能局部呈现。我首先问:“What’s the matter with him ?Did he sing?”等。随着画面的渐趋完整,讨论的气氛愈加热烈,直到我最终展现全图时,大部分学生会产生一种成就感,因为他们不仅参与了游戏,而且还为自己创造了大量说英语的机会。



英语八年级下Unit?6?教学反思 篇7

大家知道, 运用文本特征帮助解读文本, 是有效的学习策略之一。教材中的文本特征包括标题、插图、图形、表格、方框、说明、字体颜色等等。作为阅读的辅助手段, 文本特征可以帮助读者快速处理信息, 从而提高解读文本的效果。按照Field的观点, 文本特征主要有以下九大功能, 即:激活背景知识;概括主次要点;综合信息;强调重点;列清单组织信息;为重要观点提供视觉强化;用图片、表格等进行概念视觉化;提供补充信息;对主要观点进行摘要 (Field, 2007) 。文本特征这些功能决定了其能影响读者的阅读心理, 决定了是否有兴趣继续深入地读下去。因此, 解读文本, 一定要解读文本特征, 通过解读文本特征获取相关信息, 为解读文本内容做好铺垫, 同时可以根据文本特征寻求设计阅读教学活动的切入点。

鉴于文本特征所独具的价值和功能, 本文将以人教版《新目标英语》八年级下册第八单元Section B的2b阅读材料“A Country Music SongChanged Her Life Forever”为例, 探讨教师如何指导学生利用文本特征来解读阅读文本, 以达到有效解读文本的目的。

一、读前活动:利用文本特征, 走进文本解读

在文本阅读前, 如果对阅读材料的主要内容、文章结构有了一定的了解, 那么就会大大提高阅读的速度。因为根据现代图式理论, 人们的知识以图式的形式储存在人们的长期记忆中, 在处理外界信息时, 人们要利用这些图式进行预测、解释、组织并吸收这些信息。读者的阅读理解过程是对大脑图式自下而上 (bottom-up) 的资料驱动加工和自上而下 (top-down) 的概念驱动加工 (李爱军, 2011) 。所以阅读前, 首先要利用背景信息激活读者大脑中的背景知识, 从而激活大脑图式, 帮助学生理解。同时, 阅读前仔细查看阅读文本的特征是走进文本解读的第一步。因为利用文本特征进行预测、激活已有背景知识、猜测中心思想, 是阅读教学中有效解读文本的重要方法。

(一) 锁定标题, 导入文本话题

俗话说, 标题就是文章的题眼, 从标题中不仅能揣测作者的写作意图, 也能预测文章的主题和大致框架, 还能获得更多的文本隐含的信息, 为对正文的深入解读确定正确的方向。更重要的是, 它能激发学生参与自主阅读的激情和欲望。为了能够发挥导读作用, 作者总是将标题写得简洁明了, 力求用最少的文字表达最多的信息, 使读者通过阅读标题便能一目了然地了解文本, 抓住中心要点。把握好了标题就等于抓住了文章的主线, 而有了主线的引领, 在解读文本时就会准确把握方向, 学生在教师的指导下, 对文本的理解和感悟也能更为深入和透彻。因此, 阅读前, 教师要指导学生学会锁定标题, 根据标题去预测文本的内容。这样, 学生就能快速带着好奇和激情主动地投入到阅读中, 从而不断走近文本。

教学活动1: (细读标题, 预测主旨大意) Whatis this passage mainly about according to the title?

学生反馈:从标题“A Country Music SongChanged Her Life Forever”来看, 作者想告诉我们乡村音乐如何永远改变了她, 这里可能要讨论的是两件事情:What is the country music? 和Howdid the country music song change her life forever, 同时也可以让我们了解主人公Sarah的过去和现在的状况。

其实, 标题可以起到提纲挈领的作用, 从标题导入引起学生对阅读内容的猜测, 给学生提供一个由题猜文的入口, 可以激活他们的背景知识, 引发学习需要。教授每篇文章时, 教师可以依据文本引导学生运用预测、质疑、推断等策略, 探究标题的含义和文本结构等。这样学生的注意力会快速集中, 从而顺利引出文本的话题。

(二) 善用插图, 激活文本背景

插图是对文字的图解, 不仅提供直观的视觉信息和教学媒体, 还给学生提供了想象的空间, 可以让学生结合自身的知识和生活经验, 对文本内容进行大胆推测或预测。教材阅读文本的插图能起到“导教”和“导学”的作用, 形象逼真的画面再现文本的主要内容。教师可以指导学生对图片信息进行提取, 有助于学生对阅读文本有粗略的了解, 快速把握文本内容主要脉络, 合理地对信息进行处理。所以, 教师要学会利用插图解读文本内容, 让学生走近文本。

1.借助插图, 导入文本话题。如《新目标英语》八 (下) Unit 8的Section B 2b阅读文本的插图是一个清纯少女在广阔的蓝天下悠然自地得弹吉他, 让学生了解文中主人公Sarah的年龄特征及爱好, 从弹吉他联想到乡村音乐, 结合文本标题, 可以让学生明白乡村音乐改变了Sarah的生活爱好。这就会自然而然地导入文本的话题, 也为进一步学习做好铺垫。

教学活动: (细看插图, 预测女孩个性) Whatcan you infer from the picture?

学生反馈:Sarah is a teenager and she likesplaying the guitar, I think she also likes countrymusic.

教师补充 :Yes, you are clever. Sarah likescountry music, but she used to be a problem girl.The country music song changed her life a lot.

2.借用插图, 预测文本内容。还可以让学生根据Section B 2b阅读文本的插图预测文本内容是关于音乐的。以此激发学生的求知欲, 提高课堂教学效率。

教学活动: (细看插图, 预测内容) What canyou predict from the picture?

学生反馈 :I think the passage is about thegirl and her music dream.

教师补充 :Yes, you are smart. The text isabout Sarah, the country music and Sarah’s dream.

二、读中活动:利用文本特征, 深入文本解读

在阅读过程中, 教师可以根据文章内容和结构设计相应的图示和框架图来指导学生运用已有经验, 了解文本结构、文本要点和故事发展情况等, 从而深入解读文本内容。本节课笔者指导学生直接利用课后的图表练习和问答练习, 加强理解文本内容。

(一) 借助表格, 帮助理解文本

教学活动: (快速阅读课文, 完成下列表格)

通过完成以上表格的任务, 学生可以快速了解文本的一些要点, 尤其可以掌握country music相关的知识点, 为文本理解奠定基础。这一文本特征可以综合文本信息, 使阅读材料更具视觉效果。

(二) 借助问答, 厘清文本结构

为了让学生进一步掌握文本的具体细节, 笔者要求学生完成课后2c任务 (如下表) , 通过分段回答问题, 学生可以深入了解文本的内容。同时仔细观察后可以发现:这个表格的设计充分关注了文本特征对学生阅读的影响。三个表格用了三种颜色, 不仅美观, 而且能体现排序作用, 帮助学生把握文本故事情节发展过程和文本结构。

教学活动: (再次细读课文, 回答下列问题)

First paragraph

1.Who is Sarah?

2.Where is she from?

3.What does she like?

Second paragraph

1.What is country music?

2.What is country music about?

Third paragraph

1.What is Sarah’s dream?

2.Who is Garth Brooks?

学生反馈:通过第一段三个问题的回答, 让学生了解主人公Sarah的基本情况;第二段两个问题的答案让学生了解什么是乡村音乐和乡村音乐能带给人们哪些美好的回忆;通过第三段两个问题的回答让学生知道Sarah’s dream和音乐家Garth Brooks的一些信息。在回答问题的过程中, 学生可以详细地了解文本的具体内容, 理顺作者写作思路及文本结构。

三、读后活动:利用文本特征, 升华文本解读

在读后环节中, 教师指导学生再次回头关注文本特征, 可以使学生更好地深入理解文本的主旨大意和作者写作意图, 可以升华文本解读。

(一) 巧用插图, 突破文本难点

针对不同的教学内容、教学对象、教学环境等, 突破难点的方式很多。其中, 巧妙利用插图作为解决难点的突破口, 往往会将教学内容化难为易, 使学生学得轻松且愉快。

教学活动: (再看插图, 重新认识女孩) Whatdoes she look like from the photo?

学生反馈答案:She is a beautiful and outgoing girl and she is also full of sunlight等。然后让学生对比文章第一段句子:When Sarah was ateenager, she used to fight over almost everythingwith her family. 从中可以领悟Sarah的变化, 进一步认识到Sarah从桀骜不训的问题少女变成成熟文静的好少女与乡村音乐戚戚相关。

(二) 品读标题, 感悟文本内涵

标题是文本的点睛之笔, 是文章的灵魂, 也是作者对文本内容的浓缩、提炼和概括。在文本阅读结束后, 教师要再次让学生回到标题, 回忆并巩固文本的主要内容, 就会产生很好的阅读效果。同时教师也可以指导学生通过质疑、反思、重拟标题等活动, 将阅读提高到更高的层次, 升华对文本解读 (杨谢友, 2011) 。

教学活动: (再次细读标题, 感悟文本内涵) Why can the country music change her life?

学生反馈:根据学生的回答, 得到以下信息:The country music made a great difference toSarah. She used to fight over almost everythingwith her family, now she falls in love with thecountry music very much and knows the importance of the family and life, her dream is to go toNashville and see Garth Brooks sing live one day.I think music is the medicine of the breakingheart. (音乐是医治心灵创伤的良药, 这句话是笔者帮助他们翻译的。)

然后, 笔者进行补充:Music is the medicineof the breaking heart. I hope we should learn toenjoy music and love life. 通过此活动, 不但使学生在问题的引领下领悟了文本隐含的内涵, 而且让学生懂得热爱音乐和享受生活, 进一步实现教材情感目标教育。


教材中的阅读文本特征是一种重要课程资源, 在阅读文本解读中的作用不可小觑。通过本节课, 笔者发现, 如果教师在阅读教学的各环节中能有意识地开展基于文本特征的教学活动, 就可以加深学生对文本的理解, 优化阅读教学, 提高学生的阅读理解能力。所以, 在阅读教学中, 教师应有意识地关注文本特征, 揣摩编者意图, 挖掘文本特征的内涵, 最大限度地发挥文本特征在文本阅读中的教学价值。同时, 教师要巧妙地运用教材所提供的文本特征开展教学活动, 引导学生借助文本特征去解读文本, 深化文本理解, 提升阅读能力。

摘要:在英语阅读教学过程中, 如阅读前、中后各环节能围绕文本特征设计阅读教学活动, 可以充分发挥文本特征在文本解读中的引领作用, 加深学生对文本的理解和感悟, 提高阅读理解能力。具体方法有:利用文本特征, 走进文本解读, 深入文本解读和升华文本解读。



[1]Field, Mary Lee.Text Feature and Reading Comprehension[M].Beijing:People’s Education Press, 20007.

[2]刘道义, David Nunan等.新目标英语 (Go for it) 八年级下册[M].北京:人民教育出版社, 2013.

[3]王燕.利用文本特征设计阅读教学[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2009, (6) .

[4]李爱军.运用文本特征, 提高初中生英语阅读能力[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2011, (6) .

[5]杨谢友.充分利用文本特征, 提高学生阅读能力[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2011优秀论文专刊.

英语八年级下Unit?6?教学反思 篇8

1. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事

3. after-school classes 课外活动课

5. get into a quarrel with sb. 与某人吵架

7. surprise sb. 令某人惊讶

9. look through浏览

11. be angry with sb. 生某人的气

13. a big deal重要的事

15. work out进展顺利;解决

17. get on with sb. 与某人相处

19. hang over笼罩

21. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事

23. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事

25. so that以便于

27. mind sb. doing sth. 介意某人做某事

29. all the time一直

2. in the future将来

4. worry about sth. 担心某事

6. copy one’s homework 抄袭某人的作业

8. family members 家庭成员

10. give sb. pressure给某人施压

12. have a fight with sb. 与某人打架

14. compete with sb. 与某人竞争

16. free time activities业余活动

18. get better grades 取得更好的成绩

20. give one’s opinion 提出某人的观点

22. learn exam skills 学习应试技巧

24. practice sports 体育训练

26. cause stress 造成压力

28. cut out删除


1. I studied until midnight last night so I didn’t get enough sleep.


2. Why don’t you forget about it?


3. Although she’s wrong, it’s not a big deal.


4. He should talk to his friend so that he can say he’s sorry.


5. Maybe you could go to his house.


6. I guess I could, but I don’t want to surprise him.

英语八年级下Unit?6?教学反思 篇9

1 Read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. Allow Ss enough time to make sense of the comic strip: heavy rain-Hobo is wet and cold-His house is wet. Try to elicit from Ss what might happen to Hobo’s house.

2 Ask some open questions about each picture.

* What’s the weather like?

* What happened to Hobo?

* What do you think happened to Hobo’s house?

* How does he feel at Eddie’s home?

* Why doesn’t he want to go home alone?

* Will Eddie help him?

Ask two more able students to role-play the conversation.

3 Elicit from Ss other bad weather conditions.


1 Prepare Part A by providing more vocabulary to help Ss understand headlines in English.

2 Ask students to consider whether the disasters are natural and tick the appropriate boxes. Ss can do it individually and then compare their answers with a partner. Check the correct answers with the whole class and elicit a definition for a natural disaster..

4 Read the words in Part B and ask more able students to describe each weather condition only with simple phrases and words.

5 Ask Ss to complete the task on their own and check the correct answers with the class as a whole.

Language points

Natural disasters, really warm, for too long, mop it up, lose the game, kill thousands of people, a car accident, crash into a tree, wash the village away, start a big fire


1 Learn the language points by heart.

2智能点拨 exercise I

3 Preview the Reading Part.

Presentation (Reading A)

1 Talk to Ss about the context of surviving an earthquake. Elicit any information about the earthquakes in Taiwan or in other parts of the world. Bring some newspaper articles about earthquakes.

2 Ask Ss to quickly skim the text on their own. Ask them to highlight the words they do not know. Then ask Ss to discuss them in pairs and try to work out their meaning from the context.

3 Ask Ss to make a list of words and phrases used in the text which describe noises and movements/destruction, fear and hope.

* noise: big noise, thunder, screamed, real noise, bombs, shouted

* movement/destruction: slight shaking, earth started to shake, ran (wildly), pieces of glass and bricks fell down, walls began to come down

* fear: screamed, frightened, dark, could not at all, a moment of fear

* hope: calm down, still alive, bright daylight, safe

4 Read Timmy’s story aloud. Ask Ss to listen carefully.

5 Check general understanding of the different paragraphs by asking some ‘ Wh-’ questions.

Para 1: Where was Timmy?

What happened in the shopping centre?

Para 2: What happened to the building?

How did people react?

What did Timmy do?

Para 3: Where was Timmy when the shaking stopped?

How did Timmy feel?

Para 4: What did Timmy do while he was waiting for help?

Para 5: How was he rescued?

Presentation (Reading B)

1 Explain the context of Part B. Ask students to do Part B1 on their own. Encourage students to check their answer with a partner.

3 Ask students to study the words in the box for one minute, then cover them and complete the diary entry in Part B2.

Presentation (Reading C)

1 Explain the context and point out to Ss the idea of telling a story with pictures. Divide the class into teams of 4-5 students to study each picture first.

2 Ss write the captions in the blanks individually. Check answers with the whole class.

3 Ask Ss to arrange the pictures in the right order.

Presentation (Reading D)

1 Explain the context and remind them about story telling from memory. Ss work in pairs to complete the task.

2 Check the answers with the whole class.

Language points (Part A)

Feel a slight shaking through my body, a big noise like thunder, in fear, be frightened, start to shake, run in all directions, know where to go, run wildly, fall down, calm down, be over, could not see at all, be trapped, say to oneself, a moment of fear, go through my mind, since, hear excited shouts, in a great hurry, move away, see the bright daylight.

Language points (Part C)

Be very good at telling jokes, vote


1 Learn the language points by heart.

2 智能点拨 exercise II

英语八年级下Unit?6?教学反思 篇10

2 half an hour later 半小时后

3 mop sth up / mop up sth 把某物拖干净

4 natural disasters 自然灾害

5 bad weather 坏天气

6 lose the game 输了比赛

7 thousands of people 成千上万的人们

8 a car accident 一起车祸

9 crash into 撞到……上

10 wash sth away / wash away sth 把……冲走

11 fall (down) from 从……摔下来

12 start a big fire 引起一场大火

13 a big storm 一场大暴雨

14 thunder and lightning 雷电

15 an earthquake survivor’s home page


16 survive the earthquake 在地震中幸存下来

17 at first 起先

18 feel a slight shaking 感到一阵轻微的震动

19 hear a big noise like thunder


20 look at each other in fear 惊恐地互相看看

21 like bombs under the ground


22 run in all directions 向四面八方逃跑

23 run out of the shopping center


24 run out to the street 向外跑到街上

25 run wildly 疯狂地奔跑

26 pieces of glass 玻璃碎片

27 fall down 摔下来

28 come down 倒下

29 calm down 安静下来

30 be trapped 陷入困境

31 say to oneself 自言自语

32 a moment of fear 片刻的恐惧

33 shout /scream for help 大声喊救命

34 stay alive 活着/ 活下来

35 a packet of chocolate 一袋巧克力

36 hear shouts from excited people


37 in a great hurry (to do sth )


38 hurry to do sth 匆忙做某事

39 move sth away / move away sth


40 see the bright daylight 看到明亮的阳光

41 the noise of thunder 雷声

42 sound like 听起来像……

43 (be) around 7 7摄氏度左右

44 drop a little 下降一点

45 become / get worse 变得更糟

46 drop to -5 降到零下5摄氏度

47 be sunny / cloudy /foggy / frosty / stormy


48 read some guidebooks 阅读一些指南书

49 on the side of the road 在路边

50 break down 损坏

51 What a terrible snowstorm !


52 play with snow 玩雪

53 get some snow from the ground 从地面上取雪

54 make a snowball 滚雪球

55 make a snowman 堆雪人

56 fall over 绊倒

57 last long 持续长久

58 an accident report 一份事故报告

59 cover……with 用……覆盖……

60 be covered with 被……覆盖

61 call the 110 hotline 打110热线

62 be serious 严重的

something serious 一些严重的事

63 time of arrival 到达的时间

64 conditions of victims 受害者的情况

65 read a newspaper article about a car accident


66 a heavy storm with thunder and lightning 一阵大风暴伴随着雷电声

57 catch/ cause fire 引起火灾

68 be (badly) hurt (严重)受伤

69 cause natural disasters 引发自然灾害

70 lose our umbrella in the wind


71 remove the snow 除雪

72 look out of the window 朝窗外看

73 hear the noise of traffic 听到车辆的声音

74 weather report 天气报告

75 typhoon signal number 台风信号

76 snowstorm warning 风雪警报

77 roll up trousers 卷起裤子

78 get worse 变得更糟

79 help people get out from under all the stones and bricks 帮助人们从石推和砖块下出来

79 give out food and clean drinking water to the local people 给当地的人们分发食物和净水

80 continue to fall around us 继续在我们周围落下

81 continue to do sth 继续做某事

1 I was sleeping when it started to rain .


2 Who’s going to mop all the water up if you don’t come with me ? 要是你不跟我来,谁来把水拖干呢?

3 The earthquake in Taiwan killed thousands of people . 台湾地震致使数千人死亡

4 A car accident killed three men .


5 A coach crashed into a tree last night .


6 A flood washed the village away .


7 Lightening started a big fire in a house .


8 A young boy fell from a tree and hurt his legs .


9 A big storm killed 20 people .


10 At first ,I felt a slight shaking through my body .


11 People in the shopping center looked at each other in fear . 购物中心的人们惊恐地看着对方

12 People were running wildly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down .


13 I could not believe it was over .


14 I could not see anything at all . 我根本看不到东西

15 I did not know if anyone was around me .


16 A moment of fear went through my mind but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive .


17 I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me .


18 I heard shouts from excited people .


19 They were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones . 人们迫不及待地移开砖块和石头

20 He survived the earthquake in 1999 .


21 It sounded like bombs under the ground .


22 What’s the weather like today ?=How is the weather today ? 今天天气怎么样?

23 The temperature will be around 7 .


24 The temperature is going to drop a little .


25 The weather won’t be too bad . 天气将不算太坏

26 The temperature will be lower . 气温将更低

27 The weather will become worse on Friday .


28 The temperature will drop to -5 .


29 I saw you and your parents standing on the side of the road . 我看到你和你的父母站在路边

30 Why didn’t your father drive you to school as usual ? 为什么你的父亲不像往常一样开车送你去上学?

31 His car broke down because of the cold weather .


32 While Daniel was making a snowball , he fell over . 在丹尼尔滚雪球的时候,他绊倒了

33 Suzy was making a snowman while kitty was standing beside her .苏珊在堆雪人,凯蒂站在她的边上

34 A snowstorm hit the city early this morning .


35 During the snowstorm , the 110 hotline received a call from Mr Su .


36 The snow was really heavy by then .


37 This morning I read a newspaper article about a car accident . 今天早晨我阅读了一篇一起车祸的报道

38 His car crashed into a tree while he was driving in the snowstorm .


39 Did you hear about the fire at a school in Britain last week ?


40 There was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning .伴随着雷电,下起了一场大暴雨

41 Her school caught fire because lightning hit it .


42 As it was a holiday , no one was at school .


43 Bad weather sometimes causes natural disasters .


44 The fireman put out the fire soon .It didn’t last long .消防队员很快扑灭了火,没有持续很久

45 Snow continued to fall around us


46 Suddenly a strong wind came from behind .


47 We lost our umbrella in the wind and I nearly fell over . 我们在风中丢了雨伞,我差一点摔倒

48 I heard the noise of traffic the next morning .


49 I looked out of the window and saw that people were working hard to remove the snow .


50 The video shows the terrible situation after the earthquake . 光碟上播放出了地震后的可怕的场景

51 Soldiers were helping people get out from under all the stones and bricks .


52 Some social workers were looking after the people in need while others were giving out food and clean drinking water to the local people .



Accident report form

Accident Their house was on fire .

Weather conditions There was a lightnig

Date of call March 8

Time of call 8.30a.m.

Name of caller Jim

Place on Nanjing Road

No. of victims three

Conditions of victims Jim and his mother were Ok

His fater’s left hand was hurt .

Action Policemen arrived at 8.35a.m.

Sent the victims to hospital at 8.40a.m.
