
2024-08-08 版权声明 我要投稿


辽大故事 篇1



辽大故事 篇2

way to improve your English? In your opinion, what is the best way?

2.Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your parents?

Why do you think so?

3.Some people are always pursuing famous brands(品牌)nowadays.What

do you think?

4.Over the past couple of years, a variety of talent shows have emerage

on TV channels across the nation,from Super Girls to Happy Boys,so what is your opinion about this situation?

5.Thanks giving day has past,so what is your idea about the sense of


6.Competition exists everywhere and it is one of the motive forces of

the development of society,so what is your opinion about competition。

7.What is yourattitude towards the performance of the Voice Of China ?

8.Do you think music is important to People/children? Why?

9.Do you think health is more important than money? Why?

10.Do you remember your parents’ birthday? How do you celebrate?

11.What do you do to improve your oral English in your daily study?

12.Does the growth of online shopping will instead the high street

shopping?Give the reasons.13.Will tourism bring harm to the environment?why?

14.Is it wise to make friends online? Why?

15.Should private car owners be taxed for pollution? Please give your

opinions.16.Are you satisfied with your life now? If you feel unhappy, what

would you like to do?

17.It is normal in our country that people have their own garden in

their house.What do you think people like to plant in their garden, blooms(花朵), trees or vegetables?

18.Can you describe a person who helped you in an important way?

19.Why does our country provide libraries to the public? Do you

think children can get help from library?

20.What personality trait(个性品质)is the most important for one’s

inner beauty?

21.Some people think money is the source of happiness while

others think it is the root of all evil.What’s your opinion?

22.When you are misunderstood(误解)by your parents or your friend,what

should you do?

23.A higher-pay job with long hours or a lower-pay job with shorter hours.Which would you choose? Why?

24.What is the Best Way to Keep a Harmonious Relationship among

Roommates in a Dormitory?

25.What do you think about a proverb(俗语,谚语)of“A friend in need is a
