
2024-08-23 版权声明 我要投稿


高分大学英语作文 篇1


One the one hand, the graduates can make full use of their talent. They can choose to do what they are good at, and don’t have to carry out the plan at the boss’s will. Comparing sitting at the office and just carry out the order, self-employment is more creative, it provides a free stage for people to show their ability.


On the other hand, self-employment can bring the sense of satisfaction. When a person runs his own business from nothing and to get the great achievement, he will enjoy the process and can feel satisfied. Such feeling is wonderful. He will be very passionate and excited to get the challenges. Life is amazing for him.


The meaning of life is to make the difference and self-employment can make people feel life is meaningful and wonderful.

高分大学英语作文 篇2

一、要点全面, 构思合理

建议学生在动笔写作前, 认真看清题目, 包括提示, 全面了解写作的要求, 要理清写作思路。确定是用什么体裁来写, 全文的框架和结构是什么等等。这样就要有个brainstorm的过程。做这些的前提就是, 让学生在第一时间内用红笔把作文应当包括的要点勾画出来, 这样做主要是防止要点遗漏。因为许多学生在写作最初还记得要点, 写到中间或最后就会完全脱离题目, 从而导致要点不全。在高考中作文要点不全会针对遗漏情况酌情扣分。所以, 不能忽略这个很简单的环节。其次, 构思合理, 就是指在合乎情理、合乎规范、力所能及的前提下添加一些要点中没有提及的信息。紧扣主题适当发挥, 需要生活阅历和思维能力作为后盾, 否则, 就可能成为不切实际的空话、不合逻辑的胡话。所以, 高分作文第一步显得格外重要。

二、审清要点, 分清层次

根据题目, 确定文章中心, 列出表达要点, 理顺思路, 分清层次和表达逻辑关系。其实英语作文的提高除了平时多写, 多积累以外, 拿到题目后解读和审题也很重要, 只有审题准确, 才能打好优秀作文的基础。英语作文的审题走三步, 人称、时态和结构。根据题目要点, 仔细斟酌分析, 深入到题目当中, 把这三个审题的关键点把握好, 这样才能为作文打好基础。高考作文常见的人称是一二人称, 时态是现在时, 而结构通常是三段论, 对于常见的点要把握好, 以备考试当中用到。


这是写作的第一步, 但也是必需的步骤。打草稿最多三分钟, 草稿应该是作文的大概行文结构, 并非是一篇完整的作文。这个环节需要做的就是把要点先用简单的英语表达出来, 做到人称时态和结构的正确。许多学生存在两个误区, 一个就是打了草稿, 就把作文从草稿本上直接抄到试卷上, 没有任何的补充和修改。另外一个误区就是有的学生觉得打草稿就是浪费时间, 直接在试卷上无所顾忌地去写, 结果句不成句, 文不成文, 而且书写更是让人无法辨别, 这样的作文能拿到高分吗?


高考书面表达已不只局限于把话说清楚, 把意思表达完整, 而是要给句子润色, 让句子靓起来。如何让英语句子靓起来呢?

我觉得通过对低级句型的改造, 可以迅速达到这一目的。可以用到强调句, 将时间、地点、原因、方式等类型的状语从句转变为强调句, 还可以用倒装句和with引导的伴随结构, 巧妙地使用非谓语动词, 可以将状语从句或并列的动词简化为非谓语动词。恰到好处的被动句, 适合应用于较简短的句子, 这样显得语言简洁生动, 宾语一般是nothing、anything、everything等不定代词。感叹句, 通常用于开头结尾活跃文章气氛, 凡是“I feel...”之类表达感情的句子皆可如此改造。高级定语从句:若定语从句中的动词带有介词, 只需将介词移至先行词后等等。这是好作文产生的必备环节, 通过添加信息, 可以采用一些语法句式或者固定句式将句子写得更加有层次性, 通过添加固定短语和过渡语, 使文章行文连贯流畅, 更加符合英语写作的习惯。

对于修改, 一定要避免基本和常见错误, 比如拼写错误, 标点符号不清楚, 断句不明, 主谓不一致, 句子层次不清楚, 或语义不符合文章语境等等问题。就润色而言, 需要注意写出的文章符合英语语境和表达法, 切记不要出现汉语式英语, 表达明确, 简洁明了, 不要过于繁琐。


如果卷面凌乱, 字迹潦草, 书写过小、过密, 字母连写严重, 标点不清, 教师首先会觉得该考生不认真。在高强度阅卷过程中, 没有谁愿意逐字辨认写作内容, 况且, 评分标准中规定书写不清以致影响判卷的, 评卷教师有权降档处理 (扣5—6分左右) 。经过上一环接, 此时就可以把作文很整齐地誊写到试卷上了, 一定要注意到书写整齐美观, 这样再加上上一环节的添加修改润色, 相信学生的作文一定会很精彩。

另外, 对于作文中的常见句型和表达, 也要有意识进行积累, 不积跬步, 无以至千里;不积小流, 无以成江海。


1.What is known to all is that...众所周知的是

As is known to all, ...

It is known to all that...

2.The reason why...is that...原因是

3.On no account/Under no circumstances can we...决不

4.What impresses me most is that...让我印象最深刻的是

5.It’s generally acknowledged that...普遍认为

6.There is an old saying going like this…俗话说

7.It can be said with certainty that…确切的说

8.When it comes to sth, some people think....However, others believe...当说到……人们认为

9.It is commonplace to do sth.……很普遍

10.It is more advisable to do.……更可取。

11.From my point of view, it would be bet-ter if...我认为, ……会更好

12.From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably come to the conclusionthat...综上所述, 我们会合理的得出这样的结论……

13.be doing/be on the point of doing...when当做……的时候, 突然

14.I’ll appreciate it if...如果……我会不胜感激

15.I didn’t realize its importance until I...直到……我才意识到他的重要性

16.No matter how+adj it is, we can...无论多……我都能

17.So useful is it that we had better...如此的有用, 以至于我们最好

18.Should/were it rain/to rain, we would...如果下雨, 我们会 (if省略, should, were提前)

19.With sth/sb doing/done/to do, we should…


Time permits, and we will go out.

If Time permits, we will go out.


Time permitting, we will...


1.be faced with new opportunities and challenges.面临新的挑战和机遇

2.arouse wide public concern引起广泛关注

3.be supported by sound reasons有充分利用支持

4.be no exception也不列外

5.the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages利大于弊

6.broaden one’s horison开阔视野

7.take many factors into accout考略到诸多因素

8.make joint efforts做出共同努力

9.lay a solid foundation for打下坚实的基础

10.meet the needs of满足需求

11.attach great importance to重视

12.give rise to引起

be conductive to对……有益

13.be of use/value有用或价值

14.long to do渴望做

15.have a great effect/influence on对……有重大影响

16.do one’s utmost/best to do尽力做

17.spare no effort to do不遗余力做

18.manage to do设法

equip sb with (e.g.equip ourselves with knowledge) 用…武装

19.be beneficial to sb对某人有益

20.appeal for sb to do呼吁某人做某事appeal to doing呼吁做

21.do all/everything one can to do尽力做

22.have no choice but to do别无选择只能做……

23.would like to do/feel like doing想做……

24.do good to/do harm to对……有益或有害


1.owing to/due to/thanks to/because of因为

2.now that既然

3.to begin with/at the first place/most of all首先

4.moreover/furthermore/what’s more.what’s better/worse.另外

5.Meanwhile/at the meantime.同时

6.Last but not least最后但也很重要的是

7.As for me./From my point of view./from where I stand就某人而言

8.As a matter of fact实际上

9.Nevertheless, however, in contrast然而

10.Hence, therefore, thus.因此

11.for one thing...for another/also首先……其次

12.on the one hand...on the other hand一方面……另一方面

13.generally speaking一般地说

14.in other words换句话说

15..in particular/particularly特别地

英语作文高分攻略 篇3



1. 词汇的使用




Qualified overseas students are welcome in China.

It will be much more convenient for you to look after your parents.



高频句:We must do something good for our country.

同义句:We must make a contribution to our country. (用make a contribution to来代替do something good for)



高频句:He decided to start early the next morning.

短语句:He decided to make an early start the next morning.

高频句:We enjoyed talking about our experience after a long separation.

短语句:We enjoyed having a talk about our experience after a long separation.

2. 较复杂语言结构的使用


高频句:We’ll meet at the bus station and go there by bike early in the morning.

改后句:Early in the morning we’ll meet at the bus station and go there by bike.

高频句:The old lady couldn’t help crying when she heard that her son died in the accident.

改后句:Hearing that her son died in the accident, the old lady couldn’t help crying.

高频句:We can do something good for our country only in this way.

改后句:Only in this way can we do something good for our country.

高频句:If we do so, our parents will be happy and proud of us.

改后句:If so, we’ll make our parents happy and proud of us.



1. 得体性对体裁和题材的要求

不同体裁和题材的文章有不同的用语要求。比如“书面通知”就不宜用“I will tell you a piece of good news.”或“May I have your attention, please?”等口语化的句子,这些句子只有用在“口头通知”中才得体。

2. 得体性对准确性的要求


Heart flower angry open. 心花怒放。

Please call my hand machine. 请给我打手机。

You parents very miss you. 你的父母非常想念你。




关联词就是连贯语篇常用的手段之一。大家应熟记当然不能仅仅是and, then, but等词,还可以用其它来表示“启、承、转、合”的语篇连接词来丰富表达层次。因为好的关联词的恰当使用无疑能使全文过渡自然,令读者对后续的句子产生心理的期待和准备,增强句子间的逻辑性和紧凑性。当然,过渡词也不可滥用,否则就有画蛇添足之嫌。


高中高分英语作文 篇4

The instant the bell indicating the endof the last class rang, out of theclassroompoured all students but one。Unlikemy peers, I was in no hurry tomake a run for the school canteen, to rush through lunch and to return to the classroomfor homework. I arrived at the canteenwhen amassive queue had formed.Waitingformy turn patiently, I smelled the aroma ofthe appetizing food. Greasy as some dishesmight be, thewide range of food preparedby the schoolwas superior in nutritional val-ue to that found


The typical schedule of a highschooleris extraordinarily hectic and thus lunch breakis a rare timewhen overworked students canwind down and enjoy the pleasure providedby the flavorful food. Imake it a point topampermy taste buds by savoring every littlebit of taste in food.What I usually like todo over lunch is have amindless conversa-tionwith a couple of studentswho have alsolearnt to smell the roses along the bonebreaking journey through high school. Werounded off our lunch with a dessert, re-freshed and satisfied。 Come to think of it, it is not the foodbutmy attitude towards life that affordsmepleasure and empowersme in facing up tovarious challenges.

考研英语作文高分 篇5


Dear ________,As ________, I’m writing to express my views concerning ________.Although ________, there is still much room for improvement.Forinstance, ________.In view of these facts, I would like to make the following suggestions.First, ________.Second,________.I hope you will find these suggestions helpful.Yours sincerely,________


Dear ________,I am writing to inform you of my resignation from the current position.I can/will ________ for the transition process.Although I really appreciate the invaluable experience working here, I gradually find_______.In addition , ________.Therefore,________.I would like to thank you for ________.Should there be any inconvenience and trouble caused by my resignation, I am sorry indeed.Yours faithfully,________


Dear ________,I am excessively sorry that I must apologize for ________.I’m afraid what I have done has caused much inconvenience to you.In order to ________, I will ________.Please accept my most cordial and humblest apology.I do hope you ________ and excuse me for ________.Cordially yours



Dear ________,I have become aware ________ that you are seeking people qualified to fill the vacancy for ________.I am convinced that ________.I major in ________.Furthermore, ________.My resume and list of references are available upon request.I appreciate your time and consideration, and look forward to meeting you in the near future.Faithfully yours,________

5.感谢信模板 Dear ________,I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for ________.Without your help, ________.________.Many thanks again for ________.I hope I will have a chance to ________.Sincerely yours, ________

6.申请信模板 Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to you in the hope of ________.I would like to know more details about ________.If ________, I will/can ________.I am eagerly looking forward to your reply.And your kind help would be greatly appreciated.Yours respectfully,________

7.投诉信模板 Dear ________,This letter is to notify you about a problem I am having with ________.I am dissatisfied with ________ because ________.I have already attempt to ________.Unfortunately, it seemed that ________.I am sure you will agree that ________.I look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,________

8.询问信模板 Dear ________,I am writing to ask if ________.Since ________, I would be most grateful if ________.Your prompt attention to this letter would be highly appreciated.I am expecting your early reply.Yours faithfully,________

9.邀请信模板 Dear ________,Please allow me to have the honor of inviting you ________.The occasion will start at/in ________.Following that, ________.We would be particularly honored by your distinguished presence at ________.Please inform me of ________.Yours sincerely,________

10.祝贺信模板 Dear ________,I am thrilled to know that ________.Please allow me to give my most sincere congratulations on this exciting occasion.As your ________, I _______.It means ________.And it is ________.I take this opportunity to express my best wishes to you.Wish you ________.Yours sincerely,________

11.推荐信模板 Dear ________,This letter is in reference to ________, who ________.He/She is applying for ________.With reference to your requirements, I shall, without reservation, recommend ________.During ________, I spent considerable time with him/her.He/She ________.I believe he/she will ________.I hope the above information will help you ________.If you ________, please do not hesitate to contact me.Yours faithfully, ________

12.介绍信 Dear ________,It gives me much pleasure to introduce ________ to you.He/She ________.Because ________, I hope ________, which I shall ________.I hope it won’t cause you much trouble.Your kindness will be highly appreciated.Yours sincerely,________

13.便签模板 Dear ________,This note is to ________.I will ________.I am sorry that I can’t pass on the message to you in your presence because ________.Yours, ________



Speaker: ________ Time: ________ Place: ________ 正文




To: ________ From: ________ Date: ________ Subject: ________ 正文内容



Name: ________

Date of Birth: ________ Marital Status: ________ Address: ________ Telephone: ________ Education: ________

Work Experience: ________ Languages: ________

Awards and Scholarships: ________ Interests: ________ Reference: ________



In order to ________, the paper takes ________ into consideration.It first ________, and further explores ________.Based upon the above, the author concludes that ________.大作文模板


一、As is symbolically depicted in the cartoon, ________(图片内容).The caption indicates, ________(说明文字).Undoubtedly, we can deduce from the portrayal that the cartoonist is trying to

attract our attention to the issue of ________(图片的主题).Why________(主题的重要性)? The answer seems selfevident.On the one hand, ________(重要性体现或变现1).On the other hand, ________(2).It is my view that, we can frequently use such drawings to enlighten the juvenile as to the importance of ________(主题).All in all, ________(深化主题).二、I was really fascinated by the above intriguing cartoon.As is vividly portrayed, ________(图画内容).Apparently, the purpose of the picture is to direct our attention to ________(图画内涵), which is ________ to/in our life.For one thing, ________(内涵重要意义 1).For another, ________(2).Therefore, it is essential for us to ________(针对图画内涵的态度).First of all, ________(具体措施1).In addition, ________(2).With correct understanding and practical acts, we will ________(出现的结果).三、As is shown in the picture, ________(图片内容).The drawing vividly illustrates ________(表达的主题).Obviously the drawing conveys the meaning that ________(图片内涵).As an old saying goes, ________(应用相关谚语).This also applies to ________(扩展论证).Examples to prove the idea are abundant, and the most persuasive is ________ 举例说明).In conclusion, ________(总结深化主题).2.教育类

一、As is vividly portrayed in the first cartoon, ________(第一幅图片的内容).In contrast, ________(第二幅图片的内容)as shown in the second cartoon.The fact that ________(图片体现的问题).For one thing, ________(问题的表现或原因1).For another, ________(2).Therefore, ________(问题的结果).In fact, ________(对待问题的正确态度).Accordingly, ________(应该采取的 措施及意义).二、As is vividly depicted in the above picture, ________(图片内容).The caption informs us that ________(说明文字内容).Undoubtedly, what the picture conveys is ________(图片主题).In fact, ________(论证支持主题).As a college student, I firmly believe that ________(自己的观点).Admittedly,________(公认的做法).At the same time, ________(进一步的做法).It is believed that ________(总结).三、________(话题)plays a very important role in ________(起作用的方面).Without ________(话题带来的好处), ________(结果).However, ________(现状及问题).Therefore, ________(提出措施).Undoubtedly, ________(解决问题的方法)is of great necessity.On the one hand, ________(必要性体现1).On the other hand, ________(2).As a result, ________(总结).From my point of view, ________(个人观点).The final way to improve the situation is ________(建议).3.社会热点类

一、As can be seen in the above picture, ________(图画的内容).Apparently, ________(图画象征的含义).The purpose of the picture is to show us that due attention has to be paid to ________(图画的主题).On the one hand, ________(主题的一个方面).For

instance, ________(举例说明).On the other hand, ________(主题的另一个方面).A good case in point is that ________(举例说明).Personally, ________(我的观点).After all, ________(问题的根本).二、The set of drawings above vividly depict a common phenomenon that________(图片揭示的现象).As is portrayed in the first picture, ________(第一幅图片的内容).In the second one, ________(第二幅图片的内容).Obviously, ________(图片的相同点/不同点).It goes without saying that ________(现象积极的一面).First, ________(原因1).Second, ________(原因 2).However, we have to admit that ________(现象的弊端).In my view, ________(对待这一现象的正确态度).三、As is vividly depicted in the above drawing, ________(图片内容).Undoubtedly, ________(图片反映的事实).The drawer highlights the longstanding issue of ________(图片揭示的深层问题).Nowadays, ________(对问题深入分析).Therefore, immediate measures should be taken to solve the problem of ________(正在讨论的问题).To begin with, ________(措施 1).In addition, ________(措施2).In fact, ________(用一个基本事实来支持论点).4.人口环境类

一、The above pictures present us with two situations with sharp contrast.In the first picture, we learn that ________(第一幅图片的内容).On the contrary, ________(第二幅图片的内容).It is apparent that ________(图片的主题).The purpose of the pictures is to tell us that due attention has to be paid to ________(图片揭示的现象).For example, ________(举例说明).Consequently, ________(现象造成的结果).Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to deal with the urgent problem.First and foremost, ________(措施1).Furthermore, ________(措施2).二、As can be seen from the graphs, ________(图表内容).Apparently, ________(图表说明的问题).There are numerous reasons for this effect, and I would explore only two of the most important ones here.First, ________(原因 1).For example, ________(举例说明).Second, ________(原因2).For instance, ________(举例说明).Personally, it is imperative to take effective measures to reverse the disturbing trend illustrated in the graphs.One measure is ________(措施 1).More importantly, ________(措施 2).5.健康类

初中英语作文高分秘诀 篇6

(2) 多用简单句型,记事、写人一般都不需要复杂的句型。可适当多使用陈述句、一般疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。不用或少用非谓语或情态动词等较复杂的句型。


1) 语态、时态要准确无误。

2) 主谓语要一致,主语的人称和数要和谓语一致。

3) 注意人称代词的宾格形式。

4) 注意冠词用法,例如: He is an honest student.中的an不能写成a。

5) 注意拼写、标点符号和大小写,例如:receive, believe, fourteen, forty, ninth, restaurant等。


汉语 英语

A. 句号 。 .

B. 省略号 …… …

C. 顿号 、 无

(4) 描写人物时,要生动具体,例如:

1) 外表特征:tall, short, fat, thin, strong, weak, ordinary-looking 等。

2) 服饰颜色:red, yellow, blue, white, green, brown, black 等。

3) 内心境界:glad, happy, sad, excited, anxious, interested 等。

4) 感情描写:love, like, hate, feel, laugh, cry, smile, shout 等。

5) 动作描写:come, go, get, have, take, bring, fetch 等。

(5) 上下文要连贯。上下文的连贯性也是评分的一条原则,因此同学们应把写好的句子,根据故事情节,事情发生的先后次序(时间或空间),使用一些表示并列、递进等过渡词进行加工整理,使文章连贯、自然、流畅。同学们应注意下面过渡的用法:

1) 表示并列关系的过渡词:and, as well as, or …

2) 表示转折关系的过渡词:but, yet, however …

3) 表示时间关系的过渡词:first, second, third, and then, finally, after, before, after a few days, at last, at that time, later, in the past, immediately, in the meanwhile, when, while, then, after that …

4) 表示空间关系的过渡词:near (to), far (from), in the front of, beside, behind, beyond, above, below, to the right, to the left, on one side, on the other side of, outside …

5) 表示比较关系的过渡词:in the same way, just like, just as …

6) 表示对照关系的过渡词:but, still, yet, however, on the other hand, in spite of, even though …

7) 表示递进关系的过渡词: also, and, then, too, in addition, moreover, again …

8) 表示因果关系的过渡词:because, since, then, thus, otherwise, so, therefore ,as a result…

9) 表示解释说明的过渡词:for example, in fact, in this case, for, actually …

10) 表示强调的过渡词:in fact, indeed, necessarily, certainly, without any doubt, truly, most important …

11) 表示目的的过渡词:for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order that, so as to, in order to, …

12) 表示列举的过渡词:for example , such as …

高分大学英语作文 篇7

一、审题谨慎, 明确方向

落笔之初, 重中之重是审题。审题就是要按照试卷所给的命题和提纲要求确定文章体裁和题材。审题的作用好比是列车的铁轨, 轨道如何铺设决定着整辆列车的最终走向。因此, 审题就是给文章定一个轨道, 如果轨道方向定位错误或偏离, 文章就会跑题, 这是写作的大忌。审题应把握如下要点:首先, 锁定体裁和题材。四级写作体裁一般包括议论文 (通常为三段式的论说文字) 、说明文 (说明事件、现象的本质或原因) 、图表作文 (准确描述图表信息) 和应用文写作 (通知、海报、书信、便条等) 。最近几年四级作文的体裁则倾向于几种不同体裁的杂糅。从历年考题的题目变化趋势看, 描述现象、阐明立场, 表述理由或原因一直是四级考试写作中最为青睐的模式。而题材往往是时下的社会热点, 校园生活, 求职创业, 环境保护, 能源危机等永恒的话题。因此, 在日常英语写作训练中, 加大对上述体裁的关注, 在实践中磨练敏锐的审题能力, 这对高分写作大有裨益。其次, 不同的体裁决定不同的写作方法。如果是议论文, 就要有论点和论据, 而且往往要从正反两方面来论述以增强说服力, 文章结尾阐明作者自身立场或观点。说明文写作方法则需遵循提出问题、分析问题、最后解决问题的模式。描述文要描述现象, 挖掘本质。应用文则只需要掌握格式和内容即可。

二、布局谋篇, 浑然天成

一个相貌姣好的人, 势必五官匀称, 轮廓分明。而一篇美文, 同样需要段落协调, 框架合理。这就是所谓布局谋篇。通常四级作文都是由三个段落组成, 四段极其鲜见, 文章结构和内容须根据文章主题和提纲中给出的段落提示来确定, 不能随意安排。首段昭示主题, 正文围绕主题详细阐述, 尾段往往点明主题并与之或呼应、或总结、或提出建议。从应试的角度讲, 最直接有效的应对方案即采用十二句作文法。包括:引言段、扩展段和结论段三个段落。将每一段扩充成四句, 遵循框架为:一句主题句、两、三句扩展句和一个收尾句。全篇在十二句左右, 平均每句十多个词, 字数总计120-150左右, 这样既到达作文字数要求, 又达到了文章脉络清晰的目的。规范的议论文三段式内容为:甲方观点、乙方观点、作者观点。规范的说明文三段式内容为:提出问题本身, 分析问题原因, 提出解决办法。当然, 对于体裁杂糅的文章, 首先要做到提纲挈领, 灵活变通, 绝不能拘泥于一种固定模式, 要依据实际情况酌情处理。此外, 文章各段要详略得当, 分清主次, 不能喧宾夺主。

三、句型转换, 孔雀开屏

句式运用的灵活程度直接映射出考生综合素质水平的高低。四级考试阅卷者均是一线资深的英语工作者, 所以作文整体知识含量的高低和语言运用的熟练程度直接影响到他们对起评分的定位。通过对历年四级高分作文的讲解与研究, 整理并筛选出博取考官注意的几点原则和得分技巧。第一, 长短句错落有致, 大珠小珠落玉盘。短句太多则显浅薄, 长句太盛略嫌冗繁。因此, 真正的美文需长短搭配, 难易结合。灵活多变的句式是凸显考试能力的一大亮色。偶尔句式的繁琐正如锦上添花, 让人回味。因此建议考生在平时训练时应该有意识地加大简单句、并列句、主从复合句的相互转换, 使得文章如行云流水, 错落有致。背诵名家经典, 熟读成语谚语, 都是培养句型转化能力的直接手段。第二, 主、被动语态的合理运用。汉语写作思维习惯于表现动作的执行者, 而英语思维则更倾向于关注事情的执行, 这一点是东西方思维差异的一个体现。英语写作中强调叙述对象的一致性, 这给被动语态一个“高姿态”出场的机会。在英语文章中, 说话者不想、不愿意或觉得没必要指明动作的执行者的时候, 也往往会采用被动语态。英国人拘谨, 保守的民族特征在语言中有所隐现。被动句和主动句的使用要视实际情况而定, 不必刻意为之。第三, 经典句型大比拼。强调句式和倒装句式通常用来强调和突出某一特别因素。而倒装句悖与常理的外观是引人注意的又一大亮点。虚拟条件句意味深长, 双宾语翔实准确, it形式主语避免“头重脚轻”等等。经典的句型从来都是高分作文中的往来常客。第四, 适当运用修辞。恰当的修辞手法可以大大增加写作的张力, 使文章生动、鲜活, 内容丰满。常见的修辞手法包括比喻、拟人、排比、象征、反复和引用名言俗语等。修辞不必太多, 有一、二处即可。

四、推敲揣摩, 语出惊人

“平庸”的词汇很难体现考生的“实力”。好的文章离不开好的句子, 好的句子离不开好的词汇。因此, 词语选用的精良与否直接关系到句子的优劣, 句子的优劣又直接关系到段落主题思想的表达, 而主题思想混乱的文章则根本没有质量可言。写作中词汇的选择应尽可能做到灵活、得体, 文雅而又不做作。词语滥用是写作的大忌。准确, 地道的选词才可以使文章如行云流水, 极具张力, 从而使之在众多的考卷中秀出班行, 摘取高分桂冠。

第一, 要依据语体色彩选词。英语词汇分书面语语体和口语语体, 写作通常以书面语和中性词为主, 慎用或者不用口语、俚语词汇, 以便使作文的语体和用词的色彩和谐一致, 可靠得体。

第二, 要正确把握用词汇的使用。和汉语一样, 英语中一个词通常有若干个意项, 不同的语境中需要使用不同的意义。在语言交际中, 很多措辞是历经岁月, 文化, 历史, 传统习俗等诸多因素的洗礼而凝结, 是约定俗成的表述。这要求语言学习者要对所使用的词汇有正确, 全面的理解。表达的输出如果与习惯不符, 必然会让听者不明所以, 或者导致意义的偏离, 甚至可以与说话者的初衷背道而驰。要想做到语言表达地道、准确, 学习者可以从一下几个方面着手:首先, 大量、细致、全面的阅读可以在具体的语境中最直观, 最生动的展现某一词语、短句的实际意义。因此, 有针对性的阅读是词汇的必要手段。其次, 要学会善于变换词性和词义, 避免词汇的单调重复。鲜活, 生动, 睿智的措辞可以使文章处处流光溢彩, 引人入胜。从应试的角度讲, 行文还要尽量避免使用太过简单的“平庸”词或短语来表述, 要尝试变换同义词和同义短语的使用。比如:Ithinkthat…, Iknowthat…不如换成Frommypointofview, Ifigure/hold/supposethat…。通篇使用初中常用词汇写出的文章总是显得稚嫩, 缺乏深度与内涵。再次, 行文中要注意使用恰当的过渡句和连接词。在任何一门语言中, 过渡句和连接词是保障文章可以顺畅连贯、一气呵成的重要因素。英语中句子可以分成简单句和复合句两大类。根据英语语法中的成句原则, 两个或两个以上的简单句可以构成一个复合句, 但必须要有相对应的连接词来做衔接, 否则句子不成立。连接词的地位不言而喻。可以熟练, 准确的使用连接词是英语学习者语言脉络清晰的体现。此外, 要想在四级作文中获得高分还要注意关注一些细节问题。如:时态、语态、段落划分、人称转换, 拼写、标点符号等方面的低级错误是需要避免的。

毋庸讳言, 写作是英语学习者语言综合运用能力的体现, 它需要日积月累, 反复练习才能有所提高。写作本身就是一种再创作, 一种思想升华, 不同的人会有不同的理解和看法。学习者只要悉心揣摩, 细心观察, 不断总结, 做一个英语学习中的有心人, 势必可以熟能生巧, 妙笔生花。

摘要:用英文写作是大学英语四级考试考核中功能独特的一环, 也是衡量和量化大学生英语综合运用能力水平高低的重要指标之一。写作是英语学习者语言综合运用能力的体现, 它需要日积月累, 反复练习才能有所提高。写作本身就是一种再创作, 一种思想升华, 不同的人会有不同的理解和看法。学习者只要正确把握用词汇的使用, 要学会善于变换词性和词义, 要依据语体色彩选词, 以便使作文的语体和用词的色彩和谐一致。



[1]王铮.大学英语写作存在的问题及改进措施[J].河北北方学院学报, 2007.

[2]周邦友.英文写作[M]:广州:东华大学出版社, 2006.

[3]杨慧中.从四、六级考试看我国大学生当前的实际英语能力[J].外语界, 2000.

[4]庞红梅.四级710分突破[M].北京:机械工业出版社, 2007.

英语高分作文的语言亮点探析 篇8



二、 研究设计

1. 研究样本

本研究所用语料为南京市2012届高三统测试卷的400篇高三学生议论文,题目为“How to deal with safety problems?”,属于漫画作文。评卷工作由市教研室统一组织,按高考阅卷流程进行,因此分数具有较高的信度和效度。作文满分为25分,样本作文的分值在20.5~23.5分之间,均为高分作文。

2. 研究工具和设计

本研究使用的工具为词汇统计软件Range和语料库检索软件Wordsmith 5.0。Range软件用于提取出高分作文中出现的高级词汇,而Wordsmith 5.0则通过它的cluster(词簇)功能,进行句式结构、连接成分、格言谚语和修辞手法的分析。

文本分析工具Range是Nation等人以词频为基础设计的可用于分析文本中词汇深度和广度的计算机词汇统计软件。Laufer & Nation率先设计出词频分析程序并证实词频量表的有效性。[1]Range软件自带了三个基本词汇表,我们先将原来的词表删除,又自制了三个词表,其中表1为《普通高中英语课程标准》(以下简称《课标》)要求的七级词,表2为《课标》要求的八级词,表3为《2012年普通高校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷)说明》(以下简称《高考说明》)中出现的《课标》七级词和八级词之外增加的考试词汇。表1和表2词汇构成了《课标》词汇,表1、表2和表3词汇构成了《高考说明》词汇,即高中学生参加高考需要掌握的考试必备词汇,不在表内的词汇是超出《高考说明》的词汇,亦即非必备词汇。从高中学生对单词的掌握实际出发,我们将表3和表外词汇归为高级词汇。

在对文本进行分析前,根据语料库检索的要求需要进行文本的预处理。先是文本准备,将己经完成评分的语料保存为文本格式,然后对语料进行以下人工处理:(1)去掉人名、地名等专有名词;(2)去掉数字、破折号;(3)去掉无法识别的单词;(4)改正文本中简单拼写错误的单词。在预处理后,分别运用Range软件和Wordsmith 5.0进行词汇、句式结构等的检索和统计。

三、 研究结果及分析

1. 高级词汇


2. 句式结构

将Wordsmith 5.0中cluster(词簇)自动析出的所有词簇进行手工筛选,我们发现it结构、there结构、with和without结构、定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句、倒装和强调等常见结构出现频率较高(见表2)。


如以as引导的定语从句主要有以下几种:(1) As is shown/illustrated/revealed in the picture;(2)As the picture shows/illustrates/reveals/mirrors;(3)As we can see/As can be seen in the picture。以上表达都表示“如图所见”。另外,开头句中,不仅出现了as引导的定语从句,而且还出现了非谓语动词作伴随状语、全部倒装、定语从句以及with的复合结构。比如:(1)As is vividly shown in the picture, two men are sitting in a boat, talking happily. (2)As is vividly shown in the picture, inside a boat sat two men who were feeling relaxed. (3)As is vividly shown in the picture, near the coconut tree lies a boat where the two men stay. (4) As is revealed in the cartoon, two men are lying in a little boat on the grass with comfort.

再如,what引导的主语从句有:(1) What the picture shows is that two men are sitting in a boat under a coconut tree. (2) What is illustrated in the picture is that two men are sitting in a boat on a small island. (3) What we can reveal from the picture is that there are two men sitting in a boat, talking leisurely. 这些开头句不仅包含有what引导的主语从句,还有that引导的表语从句和非谓语动词作伴随状语的句式结构。

其他常见的开头句还有:(1)In the picture stands a coconut tree, a coconut is falling down. (2)The picture shows that two men are sitting in a boat lying on the ground with no water under it. (3)This picture illustrates some people’s wrong attitude towards safety problems, which is aimed to arouse people’s awareness of safety issues. (4)There are two persons chatting with each other under a coconut tree in this picture. (5)However, so fast does the economy develop today that it seems people tend to share the opinion that they are always safe.这些开头句也使用了全部倒装、非谓语动词作定语、定语从句、there be结构和it结构。


3. 连接成分


(1)However, ... may cause/contribute to safety problems. Firstly, it is ... Secondly, ... Finally, ... So, it is obvious that ... has its strengths and weaknesses.

(2)The explanation for this problem involves many factors. For one thing/On the one hand, ... For another/On the other hand, ... Still ...

(3)To start with, ... Furthermore/Besides, ... What’s more/Moreover/In addition/Additionally/Also, ... On top of this, ...


(1)On the whole/To sum up, it is high time that we recognized the significance of ...

(2)As is said/analyzed above, we can draw a conclusion that ...

(3)In a word/To sum up/All in all/, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ... Only in this way/by doing so/if/when ... can ... in the future.


4. 格言谚语


(1) “Think twice before action.”(三思而后行)用来强调“人们采取措施时,需要谨慎的态度”。

(2) “Safety always comes first.”(安全第一)将“come first”这个惯用结构创造性地使用,比“Safety plays a vital role in our daily life”要简洁有力,而且非常形象。

(3) “A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.”“The strength of the chain is in the weakest link.”(一环薄弱,全局必垮)精确地强调了“解决安全隐患的重要性和必要性”。

(4) “To my mind, it’s not wise for people to be over-optimistic. As the saying goes, don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.”先说“在我看来,人们过于乐观是不明智的”这个结论,然后用“小鸡孵出之后才算数”来形象说明。

(5) “God helps those who help themselves.”(自助者天助之)“Never wait for rainy days to fix the roof.”(莫要等到屋漏才修屋顶)“Keep something for a rainy day.”(未雨绸缪,有备无患)“Make hay while the sun shines.”(趁热打铁,把握时机)这些谚语都很好地阐述了“面对安全问题,要有忧患意识,要及早采取措施”的观点。

(6) “Every coin has two sides, and the safety problem is not an exception.”从“任何事情都有两面性”来转换角度,加上作者自己的“and ...”部分来引入对“弊端”的阐述。


5. 修辞手法

高分作文中还出现了比喻、排比和仿拟等修辞手段。如:Most of the time, people are short-sighted, only seeing the situation on the ground without knowing the potential danger. 用“short-sighted”比拟了“人们对安全问题缺乏远见”。再如,“In their efforts to guarantee safety, they had to make up a ‘scene’ that convinced them they do live in a certain paradise.”将“没有忧患的生活”比作“paradise”。

高分作文中还出现了多处对格言“Where there is a will, there is a way”的仿拟。如:Where there is no water, there are no worries of safety. Where there is a challenge, there is a chance.


四、 启示



[1] LAUFER B, NATION I S P. Vocabulary size and use: Lexical richness in L2 written produc?鄄 tion [J]. Applied Linguistic, 1995(3): 307-322.

[2] 胡壮麟.语篇的衔接与连贯[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1994.

[3] 何承全,刘奇志. 摆脱平庸打造英语作文高分“亮点”[J]. 郧阳师范高等专科学校学报,2010(4):118-121.
