
2024-09-30 版权声明 我要投稿


高中英语作文常见句型 篇1

1.Hope to hear from you soon.2.I am expecting your answer.3.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.4.I willwould appreciate it if…

I will would be grateful if…

5.If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to tell me.6.Thank you for….中间的过渡与衔接:

1.起始关系to begin withstart with;as you know;as for … 2.时间顺序at the same time;in the meantime 3.递进关系besides=in addition=what’s more=moreover What’s worse=even worse=worse still=to make matters worse not only… but also…

for one thing…..;for another…= on one hand….;on the other hand..4.转折关系 on the contrary;instead 5.让步关系

6.因果关系as a result consequence= thustherefore as a result consequence of…= because of… for the reason that …=because…

7.条件关系if;as long as;on condition that… 8.列举事实such as;for example;that is to say;the further details are as follows= here are some details 9.表达观点 as for me;as far as I am concerned;10.概括总结on the whole;in a word 邀请信常用语

1.I am writing to invite you to …

2.It would be pleasant to have you here.(你能来让我们很高兴)3.We do hope you can come.4.渴望你的到来long for your coming 5.接受某人的邀请accept one’s invitation 6.有信心

have the confidence that… 7.方便的时候请告知我你的决定。

Please let me know your decision if it is convenient for you 写作练习:

假如你是李华,你校外教Rita 对中国传统文化感兴趣。端午节即将来临,你打算邀请她来家里过端午节。请写一封电子邮件给Rita,要点如下:



3、你计划的庆祝活动 求助信常用语

1.I am writing to ask for your help.2.The reason for why… is that…..3.I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.4.What troubles me most is…

5.Unfortunately, I find/feel it quite difficult/hard to do sth.6.提供一些有建设性的指导

offer some constructive guidance 7.因某事感激某人be grateful to sb.for sth.8.做某事有麻烦

have trouble/difficulty(in)doing sth 9.给某人帮助

do sb.a favor / give sb.a hand


encounter some problems 11.面临困难

be faced with difficulties 写作练习:147页


1.I am writing to complain about..2.I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about… 3.There are some main reasons why I am not content with… 4.I sincerely hope that you will look into/investigate the matter/incident seriously and proper measures should be taken to prevent such an incident happening again.5.I would appreciate it very much if you could take measures to deal with/solve the problem as soon as possible.6.表达不满

convey/express one’s dissatisfaction 7.对……满意

be content/satisfied with 8.预防……发生

prevent…from happening


investigate/look into the matter/incident


in a rude manner 11.向……道歉

make an apology to…/apologize to…



1.I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for…

2.I am writing to express my thanks for(your)helping me improve my spoken English.3.Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you!Please accept my gratitude.4.非常感谢…… Thank you very much for…

5.我真的很感激你……I am truly grateful to you for… 6.你真好……

It is really kind of you to…

7.没有你的帮助,我就不会……Without your help, I wouldn’t… 写作练习: 建议信常用语

1.I am glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to….2.Here are a few suggestions I ‘d like to give you.3.I hope you will find my suggestions helpful/useful.4.得到改善 get improved 5.有所好转 change for the better 6.依我看来from my point of view 7.把……考虑在内take sth.Into account/consideration

写作练习: 祝贺信常用语

1.I am writing to express my congratulations on your winning the first place in the English speech contest.2.I have learned with delight that you… 3.How happy I am to hear… 4.我知道这肯定是因为……I know this is surely owing to… 5.我为你感到非常高兴I feel very happy for you 6.……是相当令人振奋的消息!…is quite exciting news!写作练习:




高中英语作文常见句型 篇2

1 名词化结构的翻译

在科技英语文体中, 名词化结构是一个常见的句型结构。所谓名词化就是把一个句子中表示某个具体动作的动词转变成其相应的名词短语形式, 这样一来, 使得整个句子更为简洁、信息量更大。翻译这类结构的时候可考虑将其转化为一个动宾结构, 或者仍旧将其译成相应的名词, 总之, 目的是使汉语译文在逻辑关系上更为清晰易懂。例如:

1) he development of tools by man's ancestors is a good example of the application of bionics to extend human capabilities. (人类祖先对于工具的开发使用清楚地证明了人类能够运用仿生学去拓展和提升人类自身的能力。)

2) The defining characteristic of multimedia systems is the incorporation of continuous media such as voice, video, animation. (多媒体系统的一个显著特征是将声音、视频、动画等连续性媒体整合起来。)

2 被动语态的翻译

与汉语相比, 英语科技文体倾向于避免带有主观色彩的叙述, 运用被动语态使叙述更为客观、真实。此外, 在英语被动结构中, 重要的信息被放在句中主语的位置上, 也起到了强调重要信息的作用。在很多情况下, 我们可以将科技英语中出现的被动语态译成汉语中的主动结构;当然, 也有少数情况为了特别强调被动动作或者是为了突出被动含义, 可考虑将其译为汉语被动句。

1) High concentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen, oxides and dust have long been known to be harmful. (人们早就知道高浓度的二氧化硫、氮、氧化物和尘埃是对人体有害的。)

2) The worldwide use of electricity is expected to grow dramatically over the next decade. (预计未来十年全世界的用电量还将急剧增加。)

3 分词结构的翻译

分词结构是英语中一种常见的语言现象, 在传统语法中, -ing分词被称为“现在分词”, --ed分词被称为“过去分词”。这两种形式的分词结构最根本的区别不在于“时间”上, 而是在“体”和“态”上的区别。-ing分词有主动和进行的意义, 而-ed分词则有被动和完成的意义。由于英汉两种语言表达的方式不同, 机械地把分词结构逐字译出会使人感到译文生硬晦涩, 不能确切地表达出原句的意思。如何将分词结构恰当地译出在翻译过程中应该注意的问题。

-ing分词结构兼有动词、形容词、副词三项特征。在句中可放在句首、句中和句尾, 在句中它可以作定语、状语、补语等。-ing分词作状语时, 翻译应根据上下文, 综合全句, 透过句子的表层结构, 适当地加入相应的连词, 挖掘出深层的逻辑关系, 使句子前后连贯。而-ed分词结构在科技英语文体中一般用作后置定语, 翻译时往往要将它们译为汉语的前置定语, 具体而言, 将其表达为“……的”来修饰英文原句中的先行词。

1) The world fastest class of computers, supercomputers are used by scientists and engineers to perform tasks requiring huge numbers of calculation.科学家与工程师使用世界上运算速度最快的计算机即超级计算机来完成需要进行大量运算的工作。 (-ing分词结构作后置定语)

2) Technology developed for astronauts who walked on themoon is now helping kids with body-cooling problems.为登月宇航员开发的技术现在被用来帮助那些身体散热有问题的孩子。 (-ed分词结构作后置定语)

3) Scientists hope to have a breakthrough soon, making the solar cell more efficient and cost effective.科学家们希望不久会在这方面有所突破, 从而使太阳能电池变得更高效更经济。 (-ing分词结构作目的状语)

4) Depending on the machine being used, a UNIX system can support from one to over one hundred users, each concurrently running a different set of programs.与所使用的机器有关, UNIX系统可以支持一个用户到上百个用户, 每个用户都同时运行一组不同的程序。 (分词独立主格结构)

根据美国翻译理论家奈达提倡的动态对等 (dynamic e-quivalent translation) 主旨“最贴近源语 (source language) 信息的自然对等”, “动态对等”原则特别适合于科技翻译, 即要做到语言的客观、准确、规范。以上是对科技英语文体中出现的一部分常见句型的翻译研究, 可见在科技英语的翻译过程中, 要实现好的信息传递效果, 做到内容的准确性以及表达的规范性并重, 是有规律可循的。

摘要:随着科学技术的迅猛发展, 科技英语也备受人们关注。从英语文体学角度来看, 科技英语有显著特点, 该文通过分析不同学科领域的科技英语文本, 涉及到包括名词化结构、被动语态、分词结构等科技英语常见句型结构, 说明了科技英语中的一些常见句型的翻译有规律可循。



[1]Nord:Translating as a Purposeful Activity, Fuctionalist Ap-proaches Explained[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2001.

[2]王佐良.英语文体学引论[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2002.

初中英语十二种常见句型 篇3



如此……以致…… 例如:

(1)she is such a good teacher that we all love her.


(2)It was such a hot day that they didn’t go out for a walk as usual. 这么热的天气,他们没有像往常一样去散步。


1.such+a+形容词+名词+that…,可以改写成:so+形容词+a+名词+that…,例句(1)可以改写成:She is so good a teacher that we all love her.


(1)There are so many people in the room that I can’t get in.


(2)The man has so much money that he can buy a car.



There be …, either…or…, neither…nor…, not only…but also…, both…and…


(1)There is a pen and two pencils in his pencil-box.


(2)Not only you but also I have been to the Great Wall. 你和我都没有去过长城。

(3)Either you or I am leaving for Shanghai. 要么你去上海,要么我去上海。

(4)Neither you nor he is right.


(5)Both Jack and Tim are English.





enough+名词+to do…


形容词/副词+enough+to do…



(1)There is enough room to hold these people to have a meeting. 有足够的地方容下这些人开会。

(2)The boy is strong enough to carry the heavy box.



enough作副词修饰形容词或副词时,放在所修饰词的后面,句子可以用so…that…句型改写。例句(2)可以改写为:The boy is so strong that he can carry the heavy box. 这个男孩力气很大,能搬动这只箱子。


too+形容词/副词+to do…



(1)I was too excited to say a word. 我激动得一个字也说不出来。

(2)Tom is too short to reach the apple.



这是一个否定句型,不能在不定式前加 not,可以用so…that…结构改写,例如例句(1)可以改写成:I was so excited that I couldn’t say a word.


so that…以便/以致……


(1)They studied hard so that they could pass the exam.


(2)They started early so that they caught the early bus.







(1)Work hard, and/then you will live a happy life. 努力工作,你就会过上幸福生活。

(2)Hurry up, or we will be late for school.快点,否则我们上学就迟到了。


以上句型都可以用条件状语从句来改写。例句(2)可以改写成:If we don’t hurry up, we’ll be late for school.


(1)It’s time for sth.


(2)It’s time (for sb.) to do sth.


(3)It’s time that sb. did sth.



(1)It’s time for the meeting.


(2)It’s time for us to go to school. 我们该上学了。

(3)It’s high time that you went to bed. 你该上床休息了。


在句型(3)中,可以在time前加rush, high等修饰词,这个句型是虚拟语气的一种,含有“稍迟一点”的含义。而(2)则是“正是干某事的时候”。


(1)It takes sb. some time to do sth.干某事花某人一些时间

(2)sb. spend some time on sth./(in) doing sth. 某人花时间在某事上/花时间干某事

(3)spend some money on sth./(in) doing sth.


(4)sth. cost sb. some money


(5)pay some money for sth.



(1)It took me two hours to write the letter.写这封信花了我两小时的时间。

(2)He spends half an hour (in) reading English every morning.


(3)He spends one hour on the housework every day. 他每天花一小时做家务。

(4)The bike cost me 298 yuan.


(5)I spent 298 yuan on the bike. 我买这辆自行车花了298元。

(6)I paid 298 yuan for the bike. 我花了298元买这辆自行车。

点津坊:cost主语一般为物;spend, pay主语一般为人。例(1)中it用作形式主语,动词不定式为真正主语。


(1)Why not do…/Why don’t you do…?


(2)Let’s do…让我们干某事吧。

(3)Shall we do…?


(4)Would you like something/to do sth.…?


(5)Will you please do…?


(6)What (How) about doing…?



(1)——Why not go and ask our teacher? 为什么不去问问老师?

——Good idea!Let’s go.


(2)——Shall we go out for a walk?我们去散步怎么样?

——No, let’s go to the zoo.


(3)Will you please fetch some chalks for me?请你给我拿些粉笔,好吗?

(4)——What about singing an English song?唱首英语歌曲怎么样?




(1)Let’s go out for a walk, shall we? 让我们出去散步,好吗?

(2)Read the book carefully, will you? 认真读书,好吗?

点津坊:在这两个句型中,(2)所代表的祈使句,一般用will you构成反意疑问句。在(1)中Let’s表示包括“我”在内,用shall we,但若是let us,表示不包括“我”在内,则用will you。


Let us go out for a walk, will you? 你让我们出去散散步,好吗?





(1)He can sing a lot of English songs, so can she. 他会唱很多英语歌曲,她也是。

(2)She speaks English very well, so do I.


(3)Li Lei hasn’t read this book,neither has Lin Feng. 李蕾没看过这本书,林风也没看过。


A:She speaks English very well. 她英语说得很好。

B:So she does. 确实是这样。


I don’t think his answer is right. 我认为他的答案不对。


(1)I can’t believe she is right.


(2)You don’t think they will come tomorrow, do you?


英语六级翻译常见句型 篇4

主 谓(不及物动词)

I see.


主 谓 宾

I love you


主 谓 间接宾语 直接宾语

I gave you my love.


主 谓 宾 宾语补足语

I’ll make you happy.


主 系 表

You are beautiful.









示例1:Would you please speak louder to make everyone hear you?

示例2:Would you please raise your voice so as to be heard?


示例1:The parents did not expect that their child’s question was too hard to answer.

示例2:The parents did not expect that it was so difficult to answer their child’s question.

示例3:The parents did not expect it so difficult to answer their child’s question.


示例:China is a multi-national country with a long history and splendid culture.


小学英语最常见的四种句型 篇5



1、I am Tom. 我是汤姆. (系动词be型)

2、I have an apple. 我有一个苹果. (have/has动词性)

3、I like playing football. 我喜欢踢足球. (实义动词型)

4、I can cook the meals. 我会做菜. (情态动词型)


1、I am not Tom. 我不是汤姆. (系动词be型)

2、I don’t have an apple. 我没有苹果. (have/has动词性)

3、I don’t like playing football. 我不喜欢踢足球. (实义动词型)

4、I can not cook the meals. 我不会做菜. (情态动词型)

高中英语作文句型 篇6

8. 在总体上很难道……是佳借是坏,由于它在很大程度上取决于……的形势。然而,就我个人而言,我收觉…… It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view find______. 9. 综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论…… From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____. 10. 如果我们不采取无效的方法,就可能控制不了这种趋势,就会出现一些意想不到的不良先果,所以,我们应该做的是…… If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____. 为了能写出更佳的英语作文,建议你看看英语写作最常用高频词搭配,这样在遣词造句时就能自如应对了。怎样才能记忆更多词汇,你可以借鉴如何克服雅思写作词汇难关外的方法,祝愿广大高外生朋友们在20高考外取得优异成绩。

巧用英语句型学好高中英语 篇7

1) “主—系—表” (SLP) 句型:


说明:该句型一般被称为系表结构。由于连系动词所表达的意义不完整, 不能单独作谓语, 需和表语一起作谓语。

These oranges have kept fresh.这些桔子一直很新鲜。

Mary is a student/here/in the room.玛丽是个学生/在这儿/在房间里。

有的语法家把be后面的副词 (短语) 或介词短语视为状语, 从而形成了“主——动——状” (SVA) 这一在五种基本句型之外的句型 (见上面最后一个例句) 。

(2) “主—动” (SV) 句型:二.主语+不及物动词

说明:该句型中的谓语动词是不及物动词, 不及物动词后面不跟宾语, 但可跟状语。

This bread won’t keep (for a long time) .这种面包不好 (长期) 存放。

Tom has left.

(3) “主—动—宾” (SVO) 句型:

说明:在这种句型中, 谓语动词为只带一个宾语的及物动词, 这种动词被称为单宾语及物动词 (Monotransiti ve Verb) , 如:

He kept the money.他保存着这些钱。

They have left the hotel.他们已经离开了那家旅馆。

在这种句型中, 状语通常也不是必不可少的, 但有少数几个及物动词的某些用法要求必具性状语, 从而形成了“主—动—宾—状” (SVOA) 这一在五种基本句型之外的另一种句型, 如:

The train leaves London at nine.这列火车九点钟驶离伦敦。

(4) “主—动—间宾—直宾” (SVOiId) 句型:

在这一句型中, 谓语动词为能带一个间接宾语和一个直接宾语的及物动词, 这类动词被称为双宾语及物动词 (Ditransitive Verb) , 如:

He kept me a dictionary.他为我保存了一本词典。

Shall I leave you the camera?要我把照相机留给你吗?

(5) “主—动—宾—补” (SVOC) 句型:

在这种句型中, 谓语动词为能带复合宾语 (宾语+宾语补语) 的及物动词, 这类动词叫做复合宾语及物动词 (Complex Transit ive Verb) , 如:

She kept a notebook handy.她手头上随时有个笔记本。

His illness left him weak.他的疾病使他身体虚弱。

此外, 笔者还在简单句五种基本句型的基础上又向他们讲解了并列句, 复合句相关知识。


Surprisingly, Susan’s beautiful hair reached below her kneesand made_____almost an overcoat for her.

A.them B.her C.itself D.herself (安徽2011高考英语单选题)

在此题中大部分学生仅凭语感选D。可是我们通过基本句型分析得知, 此题是and连接的并列句, and后面的句型结构属于“主—动—宾—补” (svoc) 结构。Susan’s beautiful hair做主语省略。完整的结构就是:Susan’s beautiful hair made itself almost an overcoat for her.这样分析下去选D.herself显然不通顺。又如:

The limits of a person’s intelligence, generally speaking, arefixed at birth, but_he reaches these limits will depend on his envi-ronment..

A.where B.whether C.that D.why (2012安徽高考英语单选题) 此题解题思路为首先考虑此句话是but连接的并列句, 在but后的句子里又包含一个主语从句, but_he reaches these limits will depend on his environment.此主语从句中, 主谓宾, 主语是he, 谓语是reaches, 宾语是these limits.句型结构为主谓宾结构, 结合句意及主语从句知识, 我们选不参与句子成分的却有一定意义的B.whether。

其次, 在高中写作中, 很多学生写作的时候存在缺失成分现象, 比如, 有的学生写We can not negative the importance of English.此句中学生把形容词“negative”当成谓语, 应该为We can not deny the importanc of English.学生写不出正确的句子, 极大地干扰了他们的解题及得分.加上有些老师平常不重视英语写作, 只在高考前匆匆让学生背几篇范文。学生的基本功根本没有有效加强, 在高考英语作文中失分不少, 真所谓失作文者, 失英语.因此, 在日常的教学中, 笔者从英语五种基本句型教起, 先给他们讲解句子成分, 然后结合课文进行的疑难长句句子分析。学生们很有兴趣。比如, 在讲解北师大英语必修4第八页的课文时, 笔者把面一个句子拿出来让他们分析, “She also believes that, in the future, we will get entertainment from the Net and that television will probably disappear.”本句中she做主语, believes做谓语, and连接两个宾语从句。分析句型结构可以增加并巩固他们的句型知识, 另一方面学生耳濡目染, 如果再进行一些巩固仿写练习, 他们就会不知不觉中掌握句子的写法, 在英语写作中就不再会写出一些低级错误的句子来。然后在此基础上再教以一些文法技巧, 学生们受益匪浅, 在高考中也取得相应很好的成绩。不仅如此, 克服写作困难, 也会对他们将来的英语学习大有裨益。

总之, 进行英语句子分析课有降低学生的畏难心里, 搭好英语学习的框架, 使学生心里有个清晰的结构, 学习英语不再单纯依靠语感, 而要进行分析, 有理有据, 从而游刃有余, 学好高中英语。

摘要:高中英语学习中很多学生花了很多的时间在英语学习上却不尽如人意, 主要因他们对于英语句型没有很好掌握, 该文就此问题进行了探索, 希望能很好帮助他们解决这个问题。

高中英语作文常用句型 篇8

1) It is usually the case that ……

2) It is plain common sense——the more/less……the more/less……

3) The serious reality had taught us a lesson: not being environment friendly will be avenged mercilessly.

4) As a proverb says/as is known to all/as a popular saying goes,……

5) I can think of no better illustration than an English poem/adage which goes like this:……

高中英语作文常用句型介绍 篇9


1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation.

A number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the phenomenon(problem).

2. The answer to this problem involves many factors.

3. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...

4. The factors that contribute to this situation include...

5. The change in ...largely results from the fact that...

6. We may blame ...,but the real causes are...

7. Part of the explanations for it is that ...

8.One of the most common factors (causes ) is that ...

9.Another contributing factor (cause ) is ...

10.Perhaps the primary factor is that …

11.But the fundamental cause is that ...


1.The advantage far outweigh the disadvantages.

2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.

3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that...

4.It is reasonable to maintain that ...but it would be foolish to claim that...

5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages.

6.Like anything else, it has its faults.

7.A and B has several points in common.

8.A bears some resemblances to B.

9.However, the same is not applicable to B.

10. A and B differ in several ways.

11. Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.

12. People used to think ..., but things are different now.

13. The same is true of B.

14. Wondering as A is ,it has its drawbacks.

15. It is true that A ... , but the chief faults (obvious defects )are ...


1)It is true that ..., but one vital point is being left out.

2) There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.

3) Some people say ..., but it does not hold water.

4) Many of us have been under the illusion that...

5) A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.

6) It makes no sense to argue for ...

7) Too much stress placed on ... may lead to ...

8) Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that ...

9) Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that ...


1. It may give rise to a host of problems.

2. The immediate result it produces is ...

3. It will exercise a profound influence upon...

4. Its consequence can be so great that...


1) A good case in point is ...

2) As an illustration, we may take ...

3) Such examples might be given easily.

4) ...is often cited as an example.


1) No one can deny the fact that ...

2) The idea is hardly supported by facts.

3) Unfortunately, none of the available data shows ...

4) Recent studies indicate that ...

5) There is sufficient evidence to show that ...

6) According to statistics proved by ..., it can be seen that ...


1) Many nations have been faced with the problem of ...

2) Recently the problem has been brought into focus.

3) Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.

4) Recently the issue has aroused great concern among ...

5) Nowadays there is a growing concern over ...

6) Never in our history has the idea that ... been so popular.

7) Faced with ..., quite a few people argue that ...

8) According to a recent survey, ...

9) With the rapid development of ..., ...


1) From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ...

2) It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop ...

3) It is necessary that steps should be taken to ...

4) In conclusion, it is imperative that ...

5) There is no easy method, but ...might be of some help.

6) To solve the above-mentioned problem, we must ...

7) In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.

8) With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.

9) We might do more than identify the cause ; it is important to take actions to ...

10) Taking all these into account, we ...
