
2024-08-20 版权声明 我要投稿


六年级新路径英语教案上 篇1




五、听句子,选择正确的答语。(10分)()1、A、Water ,please.B、Bread, please.()2、A、Tingting is playing the piano.B、He is playing the piano.()3、A、Yes, it is.B、Yes, they are.()4、A、Merry Christmas!B、Happy New Year!()5、A、I’m in Class 1,Grade 6.B、I’m in class 1, grade 6.笔试部分(50分)六、选出下列单词画线部分读音不同的一项。(5分)()1、A、knee B、knife C、kite()2、A、yellow B、coat C、paw()3、A、class B、game C、name()4、A、floor B、room C、fork()5、A、count B、mouse C、would 七、选择题。(10分)()1、What ____ he doing? A、is B、are C、am()2、Who are they? A、They are bats.B、They are ghosts.C、These are ghosts.()3、How are you? A、I’m fine.B、I’m nine.C、I’m Tingting.()4、What are you doing?__________ A、They are practicing English.B、I’m practicing English.C、I’m practiceing English.()5、The toilet is ____ the third floor.A、in B、on C、at()6、What would you like____ drink? A、to B、on C、for()7、May I___________? A、haveing a look B、having a look C、have a look()8、Sit down, please._________ A、Thank you.B、Stand up.C、Yes, of course.()9、Those are potatoes.____ potatoes____ big.A、Those , is B、Those ,are C、The ,are()10、_____ a pretty Christmas card!A、How B、What C、what 八、找出下列句子中的错误,并改正。(10分)()1、It’s very hot in nanjing in July.________ A B C()2、I’m runing on the playground.________ A B C()3、Where is he doing? He is reading in the study._______ A B C()4、What would you like drink?_______ A B C()5、Lele is on Class1,Grade 6._______ A B C 九、看一看,连一连。(5分)1、Let me show you around.A、They are roses.2、What would you like to drink? B、Thank you.3、Please sweep the floor.C、No problem.4、What are these? D、It’s on September 1st.5、When is your birthday? E、Milk,please.十、连词成句。(10分)1、do flowers you send usually what(?)2、is study the bedroom the opposite(?)3、tell please something me Mid-autumn Festival about(.)4、class are in what you(?)5、our third teachers’ office is on the floor(.)十一、阅读并回答问题。(10分)Tomorrow is Wednesday.It’s New Year’s Day.Look at Sam’s classmates.Everyone is busy this morning.Sam’s good friend Peter is cleaning the blackboard.Sam’s sister, Mary is sweeping the floor.Mr.Black is Sam’s English teacher.He is cleaning the windows.And three boys are helping him.Five girls are setting the desks and chairs.()1、Today is ________.A、Wednesday B、Thursday C、Tuesday()2、Everyone in Sam’s class is _______.A、busy B、free C、sad()3、Mr.Black is Sam’s________ teacher.A、PE B、English C、art()4、_________ is sweeping the floor.A、Peter B、Sam C、Mary()5、_________ boys are helping Mr.Black clean the windows.A、Three B、Five C、Six 部编版三年级语文(上)期末精选卷 姓名 班级___________ 座位号 ………………………装…………订…………线…………内…………不…………要…………答…………题………………………(四)(时间:90分钟 满分:100分)题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 一、读拼音,写词语。(8分)chì bǎng yǎn zòu nǎo dai shì xiàn shuǐ ní chí dào yáo huàng cōng míng 二、我能给加点的字选择正确读音,用“√”标出。(6分)钥匙(shi chì)喇叭(lǎ cì)海滨(bīn bīng)钓鱼(diào gōu)凑近(còu chòu)战斗(dǒu dòu)三、比一比,再组词。你一定行!(4分)搭()泡()洁()猜()答()跑()结()清()四、仿照例子写词语。(6分)风尘仆仆(ABCC式)飘飘摇摇(AABB式)又松又软(ABAC式)五、选词填空。(4分)继续 连续 陆续 持续 观众们()走进体育馆观看乒乓球比赛。在男子单打比赛决定胜负的最后一分钟,两个运动员()打了十几个回合才见分晓。接着,()进行女子双打比赛。运动员们高超精湛的球技,博得观众一片喝彩,掌声()了整整一分钟。

六、按要求写句子。(8分)1.可怜的红头和草一起被大黄牛卷到嘴里了。(改为“把”字句。)2.树叶落下来。(把句子写具体,至少要扩两个地方)3.难道科学家的实验没有获得成功吗?(改变句子的说法,但意思不变。)4.我们全校师生和王老师都参加了这次运动会。(修改病句)七、选择正确的关联词填在括号里。(4分)不但……而且…… 因为……所以…… 虽然……但是…… 如果……就…… 1.()海底高低不平,海水有深有浅,()色彩就不同了。






。这首诗的作者是 朝的诗人。

3.《夜书所见》的作者是宋朝诗人 ,从诗句“ ”可以看出是“夜”书。


1.“鞠”用音序查字法应查音序(),用部首查字法应先查(),再查()画。(3分)2.短文中讲了教室里共响起两次掌声。从两次的掌声中,我体会到:第一次掌声是同学们对英子的,第二次掌声是同学们对英子的。(2分)3.文中最让“我”感动的句子是 “我”感动的原因是(4分)(二)阅读短文,回答问题。(13分)一只(zhī zhǐ)蚂蚁偶然爬上了一幅地图。一位男孩看见了,惊喜地欢呼:“哈!小蚂蚁登上了珠穆朗玛峰!”“哟!小蚂蚁越过太平洋啦!”            小蚂蚁听了很(满意 得意),心想:“啊!地球上最高的山和最大的洋都被我(征服 打败)了,我多伟大!得(dé děi)赶快回去,向伙伴们(荣耀 炫耀)一番!”于是,他调(tiáo diào)头向大树下的巢里爬去。

不想,归途中他不知被什么挡住了去路,好不容易爬到一半,一阵风又吹得他腾空而起,飘荡在一片汪洋之中。幸好,又被那位男孩看见了,那孩子一面伸过一根枯枝,带他脱险,一面叹息道:“唉,真可怜,连这么个小土堆和小水洼都过不去!”小蚂蚁一面喘气,一面疑惑不解:“什么?连小土堆和小水洼都过不去?我不是战胜过最高的山和最大的洋么?”       面对赞颂,需要的不是陶醉,而是深思:自己是否名副其实? 1.给带点的多音字选择正确的读音,打“√”。(3分)2.读第2自然段,在括号里选择恰当的词语,打“√”。(3分)3.按照短文内容填空。(5分)小蚂蚁以为自己登上了,越过了,结果自己连 和 都过不去,这个故事告诉我们。



2.语句通顺,将内容写具 体,字数在250字左右;


[来源:Zxxk.Com] 100 [来源:学科网ZXXK] 200 [来源:学科网] 300 参考答案 一、翅膀 演奏 脑袋 视线 水泥 迟到 摇晃 聪明 二、shi lǎ bīn diào còu dòu 三、搭船 回答 气泡 跑步 洁白 结果 猜测 清水 四、示例:文质彬彬 小心翼翼 世世代代 郁郁葱葱 又白又嫩 又香又脆 五、陆续 连续 继续 持续 六、1.大黄牛把可怜的红头和草一起卷到嘴里了。




七、1.因为……所以…… 2.虽然……但是…… 3.如果……就…… 4.不但……而且…… 八、1.美丽的大花园 巨大的宝库 2.两岸青山相对出 孤帆一片日边来 唐 李白 3.叶绍翁 夜深篱落一灯明 九、(一)1.J 革 八 2.鼓励 肯定和赞赏 3.英子犹豫了一会儿,慢吞吞地站了起来,眼圈红红的。在全班同学的注视下,她终于一摇一晃地走上了讲台。


六年级新路径英语教案上 篇2

一、阅读习惯:阅读文字时, 要做到两动三不动:


眼球要迅速随着文字移动, 要做到不经过英汉互译的程序, 往下接着阅读下去。


1. 阅读速度是1 分钟60 词





6.理解作者的意图, 观点和态度


1. 迅速阅读问题并做出仔细审题, 并在问题中获取问题关键点。搜索题干中的时间地点人物概念, 然后去原文中对照找出相应的地方。

2. 返回原文找到所问问题中的关键词, 如人名、地点、时间等。

3. 在选项中确定最佳答案。浅层的问题可迅速选定, 对于较深层次的问题, 一定要将相关原文找到, 并结合上下文语境进行分析、推理, 然后再确定。


This is a Chinese boy. His name is Ling Feng. He’s thirteen. He is in No.5 Middle School. He is in Class One, Grade Two. Ling Feng is in Row Four. He is Number 20. Miss Zhang is his English teacher. They love her very much.

( ) 1.Ling Feng is a (n) ______ boy.


( ) 2.He is in ______.

A.row FourB.row 4C.Four RowD.Row Four

( ) 3.______ is his English teacher.

A.Miss ZhangB.Mr. Zhang

C.Mrs.ZhangD.Teacher Wang

( ) 4.He is in ______.

A.Class 1, Grade 2B.class 1, grade 2

C.Class 2, Grade 1D.Class 2, Grade 2

() 5.He is______years old.


My name is Tom. I’m nine. This is my mother ( 母亲) .Her name’s Linda Johnson. Her telephone number is 13052864515.And this is my father ( 父亲) .His name is Mike Johnson. His phone number is13120884699.And this is my sister ( 姐妹) .What’s her name?Her name is Mary. Look!The boy is my brother ( 兄弟) Nick. Mary is eight and Nick is six.

( ) 1. Mother is ______.

A.Mary JohnsonB.Mike Johnson

C.Linda JohnsonD.Nick Johnson

( ) 2. Father’s telephone number is ______.



( ) 3. Mary is______.


( ) 4. My brother is ______.


( ) 5. My family name is ______.


看下面的卡片, 然后根据卡片中的信息以及相关提示写出句子或回答问题。

First name:Tony

Last name:White

Class:3, Grade:7

Tel:287—0837 Home 398—6160 School

1. ____________ (boy)

2. What’s Tony’s last name?


3.What class ( 班) is Tony in?


4.Tony is at home ( 在家) .

What’s his telephone number?


5.Tony is at school.

What’s his telephone number?


根据所给的家谱图, 完成选项。

( ) 1.John Brown and Anna Smith are Sally’s ______.


C.brother and sisterD.uncle and aunt

( ) 2.Mary is Sally’s ______.


( ) 3.Ann is John Brown’s ______.



( ) 4.Tom and Kate are Ann’s ______.

A. cousinsB. uncle and aunt

C. brother and sisterD. father and mother

( ) 5. From the family tree, Sally has ( 有) ______ cousins.

A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five

Hello, I’m Kate. This is a photo of my aunt’s family. The woman in the photo is my aunt, Jane. She is a teacher and she is very kind ( 善良) . These are my cousins, Jeff and Jack. They are seven and they are twins ( 双胞胎) .Look!That lovely ( 可爱的) baby is my aunt’s little daughter, Rose. I love them very much.

( ) 1. There are ( 有) ______ people in the photo.


( ) 2. My aunt has ______.

A.two daughtersB.two sons and a daughter

C.two daughters and a sonD.only one son

( ) 3. Rose is my aunt’s ______.


( ) 4. Jeff and Jack are______.

A.elevenB.brother and sister

C.mother and sonD.twins

() 5.Rose is Kate’s______.


Come and look at the picture. It is a picture of an American family.The man in the hat ( 戴着帽子) is John White. He is a teacher. He teaches (教) English in a middle school in China. You can see Mrs. White, too. She is Dora White. She’s from Canada ( 加拿大) .She’s a doctor. Mr. and Mrs.White have two children, Tom and Mary. Tom is ten and Mary is six. They love them very much.

根据短文内容, 判断正 (T) 误 (F) 。

() 1.Tom’s father in the picture is in the hat.

() 2.Mary’s father is Canadian and her mother is American.

() 3.Mrs.White is a teacher, too.

() 4.Tom, Mary and their father and mother are in China.

() 5.Tom is eight and Mary is eight, too.



My school ID card

Its number is 2007712.

My name is Mary Brown.

Please call 695—6385.


Is this your schoolbag?

It's black and white.

My name is Tony Green.



Your red notebook is in the lost and found box.


( ) 1.Mary’s school ID card number is ______.


() 2.The schoolbag is______.

A.greenB.whiteC.redD.black and white

() 3.Mary’s phone number is______.


() 4.Tony’s last name is______.


() 5.Cindy’s______is in the lost and found box.

A.school ID cardB.schoolbag


Hello!I’m Ren Lijuan. Lijuan. I’m ten and I’m a student. I’m in Class 6, Grade 4. Lei Hao is my classmate ( 同班同学) .He likes baseball. Miss Niu is my English teacher. She is a good teacher and we all like her.

( ) 1.Can you spell the name Ren Lijuan?

A.Yes, I am.B.Yes, I can’t.

C.No, she can’t.D.Yes, I can.

() 2.How old is Ren Lijuan?

A.It is ten.B.I'm ten.C.She is ten.D.You’re ten.

() 3.What class is she in?

A.She is Class 4.B.She is in Class 6.

C.She is in Grade 6.D.She is in Grade 4.

() 4.Is Miss Niu her English teacher?

A.She is her teacher.B.Yes, he is.

C.Yes, she is.D.No, she isn’t.

() 5.Does Lei Hao like baseball?

A.Yes, he does.B.No, he doesn’t.

C.I don’t know.D.No, he does.

Wang Hua is a Chinese boy. He is twelve. He is in Class Two, Grade One. This is his cat. I don’t know its name. I think it is three. That is his schoolbag. You can see a pencil box, an English textbook ( 英语教科书) two Chinese textbooks, some exercise books and an English Chinese dictionary ( 英汉字典) in it. His good friend is Peter. Peter is an English boy.He is twelve, too.

根据短文内容, 判断下列句子正 (T) 误 (F) 。

() 1.Wang Hua is a Chinese boy.

() 2.He is in Class One, Grade Two.

() 3.I know his cat is Mimi.

() 4.You can’t see a ball in his schoolbag.

() 5.Peter is Chinese, too.

This is Jim’s room. It’s a nice room. There are some pictures on the wall ( 墙) .There’s a desk and a chair in his room. There is a sofa and a bookcase, too. The desk is between ( 在……之间) the bed and the bookcase.His schoolbag and pencil box are on the desk. There are some pencils, a pen and a ruler in the pencil box. Jim’s sofa is near the bookcase. His baseball is under the bed.

() 1.There is______in his room.

A.a desk and a chair B.a desk and some chairs

C.a chair and some desks D.some desks and a chair

() 2.The desk is between the______and the______.

A.sofa;bookcase B.bed;bookcase

C.bed;sofa D.sofa;bed

() 3.Jim’s pencil box is______.

A.on the desk B.next to the desk

C.under the bed D.in the desk

() 4.Jim’s bed is near the______.

A.sofa B.plants

C.desk D.bookcase

() 5.Jim’s______is under the bed.

A.pen B.baseball C.ruler D.watch


答案:1.C点拨:细节理解题。由文中第一句“This is a Chinese boy. ( 这是一个中国男孩。) ”可知。

2.D点拨:细节理解题。由文中第六句“Ling Feng is in Row Four. ( 凌风在第四排。) ”可知。

3.A点拨:细节理解题。由文中倒数第二句“Miss Zhang is his English teacher. ( 张女士是他的英语老师。) ”可知。

4.A点拨: 细节理解题。 由文中第五句“He is in Class One, Grade Two. ( 他在二年级一班。) ”可知。

5.C点拨:细节理解题。由文中第三句“He's thirteen. ( 他十三岁了。) ”可知。

答案:1.C点拨:细节理解题。由文中第三、四句“This is my mother ( 母亲) .Her name’s Linda Johnson. ( 这是我的母亲, 她的名字是琳达·约翰逊。) ”可知。

2. A点拨:细节理解题。由文中第八句“His phone number is13120884699. ( 他的电话号码是13120884699。) ”可知。

3.C点拨:细节理解题。由文中倒数第一句“Mary is eight and Nick is six. ( 玛丽八岁, 尼克六岁。) ”可知。

4.C点拨:细节理解题。由文中倒数第二句“The boy is my brother ( 兄弟) Nick.”可知。

5.A点拨:细节理解题。family name是“姓”, 而且英美人的姓通常放在后面, 故由“And this is my father ( 父亲) .His name is Mike Johnson.”可知“我”应该姓约翰逊。

答案:1.His name is Tony./He is Tony.

2.Tony’s last name is White./White.

3.Tony is in Class 3./Class 3.

4.His telephone number is 287 0837./287 0837.

5.His telephone number is 398 6160./398 6160.

1.B点拨: 细节理解题。 由家谱可知, Sally的妈妈是Kate, Kate是John Brown和Anna Smith的女儿, 故John Brown和Anna Smith是Sally的外祖父母。故选B项。

2.A点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知, Kate (Sally的妈妈) 与Tom是兄妹或姐弟关系, 自然Tom是Sally的舅舅, 而Tom和Mary是夫妻关系, 故Mary是Sally的舅母。故选A项。

3.C点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知, Ann是John Brown和Anna Smith的女儿。故选C项。

4.C点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知, Ann, Kate和Tom都是John Brown和Anna Smith的子女, 故他们是兄妹或姐弟关系, 所以Tom和Kate是Ann的brother and sister。选C项。

5.B点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知, Sally的舅舅家有三个孩子, 故她有三个表兄妹。选B项。

1.B点拨:细节理解题。由短文内容可知, 照片中有my aunt (Jane) , Jeff, Jack and Rose四个人。

2.A点拨:细节理解题。由句子“These are my cousins, Jeffand Jack. (这些是我的表兄弟杰夫和杰克。) ”和“Look!That lovely (可爱的) baby is my aunt’s little daughter, Rose. (看, 那个可爱的婴儿是我姑姑的小女儿, 罗丝。) ”可知, 我姑姑有三个孩子, 两个儿子和一个女儿。故选B项。

3.D点拨:细节理解题。由句子“ Look!That lovely ( 可爱的) baby is my aunt’s little daughter, Rose.”可知。

4.D点拨:细节理解题。由句子“They are seven and they are twins ( 双胞胎) .”可知。

5.C点拨: 推理判断题。 因为Rose是Kate’s aunt’s daughter ( 凯特的姑姑的女儿) , 所以Rose应是Kate的cousin (表妹) 。故选C项。

答案:1.T点拨: 细节理解题。 由句子“The man in the hat ( 戴着帽子) is Mr. John White. ( 戴着帽子的那个人是约翰·怀特先生。) ”和“Mr. and Mrs. White have two children, Tom and Mary. (怀特先生和夫人有两个孩子, 汤姆和玛丽。) ”可知。

2.F点拨:细节理解题。由句子“She’s from Canada ( 加拿大) .”可知, 玛丽的妈妈是加拿大人, 而不是美国人。

3.F点拨:细节理解题。由句子“She is a doctor. ( 她是一个医生。) ”可知。

4.F点拨:细节理解题。通读全文我们只知道“Mr.White teaches ( 教) English in a middle school in China.”, 但并不知道其他人是否在中国。故题目错误。

4.F点拨:细节理解题。由短文倒数第二句“Tom is ten and Mary is six. ( 汤姆十岁, 而玛丽六岁。) ”可知。

答案:1.C点拨:细节理解题。根据Lost栏中“Its number is2007712.”可知, 其中Its即指school ID card。故选C项。

2.D点拨:细节理解题。根据Found栏“It’s black and white. (它是黑白相间的。) ”可知。故选D项。

3.A点拨:细节理解题。根据Lost栏中“My name is Mary Brown. Please call 695 6385.”可知。

4.B点拨:细节理解题。因为他叫Tony Green, 故Green是他的姓。

5.C点拨:细节理解题。根据最后一篇中red notebook可知。

答案:1.D点拨:细节理解题。以can开头的一般疑问句, 应用can或can’t回答, 先排除A项。B项本身前后矛盾;C项不合题意, 故选D项。

2.C点拨:细节理解题。由“I’m ten...”可知。A、B、D三项均为人称与题意不符, 故排除。选C项。

3.B点拨:细节理解题。由“I’m in Class 6...”可知“任丽娟在六班”。故选B项。

4.C点拨: 细节理解题。 由文中“Miss Niu is my English teacher.”可知本题应作肯定回答。选C项。

5.A点拨:细节理解题。由“He likes baseball.”可知。选A项。

答案:1.T点拨:细节理解题。由第一句“Wang Hua is a Chinese boy.”可知。

2.F点拨:细节理解题。由“He is in Class Two, Grade One. ( 他在一年级二班。) ”可知题目错误。

3.F点拨:细节理解题。由“This is his cat. I don’t know its name. ( 这是他的猫, 我不知道它的名字。) ”可知“我”不知道它的名字, 故题目错误。

4.T点拨:细节理解题。由“That is his schoolbag. You can see a pencil box, an English textbook ( 课本) , two Chinese textbooks, some exercise books and an English Chinese dictionary (英汉词典) in it.”可知:他的书包里没有球, 故题目“在他的书包里, 你看不到球”是对的。

5.F点拨:细节理解题。由“His good friend is Peter. Peter is an English boy.”可知“彼得是一个英国男孩”, 故题目错误。

答案:1.A点拨:细节理解题。根据句子“There’s a desk and a chair in his room.”可知。

2.B点拨: 细节理解题。 根据句子“The desk is between ( 在……之间) the bed and the bookcase.”可知。

3.A点拨:细节理解题。根据句子“His schoolbag and pencil box are on the desk. ( 他的书包和铅笔盒在课桌上。) ”可知。

4.C点拨: 细节理解题。 根据句子“The desk is between ( 在……之间) the bed and the bookcase. ( 课桌在床和书橱之间。) ”可知床在课桌附近。

新目标英语七年级(上)词汇专练 篇3

1. p_______ (father and mother)

My p_______are English teachers.

2. a_______ (one’s father or mother’s sister)

Does your a_______like French fries?

3. l_______ (not found)

I’m sorry to tell you my bike is l_______ .

4. b_______ (not interesting)

I don’t like this book. It’s b_______ .

5. f_______ (something to eat)

Do you like the f_______on the table?

6. m_______ (lots of)

He has m_______friends.

7. a_______ (too)

His mother is a_______a teacher.

8. s_______ (not big)

I have a s_______room.

9. s_______ (not long)

This shirt is too s_______ . I don’t want it.

10. w_______ (what time)

W_______is your birthday?

11. j_______ (become a member of)

Do you want to j_______the League?

12. d_______ (move with music)

Can you d_______ ?

13. s_______ (let sb see)

Please s_______us your photos.

14. S_______ (the first day of a week)

What time do you usually get up on S_______ ?

15. b_______ (having much work to do)

I’m very b_______on Monday.

B) 用括號中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.Her cat_______(be) black and white.

2.Does this girl_______(has) any brothers?

3. I have two new_______(watch).

4. It_______(sound) good.

5._______(she) brother is twelve.

6. Where_______(be) the tomatoes?

7. Let’s_______(play) volleyball.

8. I have two sisters. I love_______(they) very much.

9. My brother_______(want) two red apples.

10. Come to the shop and see for_______(you).

11. There are three_______(knife) on the desk.

12. It is a_______(fun) movie.

13. Are there any_______(orange) on the table?

14. How many_______(brush) do you have?

15. Are the twins in different_______(class)?

16. Sunday is the_______(one) day of a week?

17. I think the_______(four) lesson is the most difficult in this book.

18. Can you take_______(photo) for us?

19. Would you like some_______(potato)?

20. Look! There are a lot of horses, cows and_______(sheep) over there.

21. Let_______(he) have a look.

22. Andy Liu is a_______(China) movie star.

23. There is_______(a) “h” in the word “home”.

24. Liu Xiang is a famous_______(run) star.

25. —Do you like_______(comedy)?

—Yes, I like them very much.

26._______(he) e-mail address is alangreen@163.com.

27. This is_______(Lily and Lucy) bedroom. It’s a nice room.

28. Do you think it’s a_______(success) movie?

29. David and Peter join a_______(swim) club. They are good_______(swim).

30. I like music. I want to be a_______(music).

31. Some young_______(child) like ice cream?熏 but old people don’t like it.

32. Today is Tony’s_______(nine) birthday.

33. My parents often have two_______(tomato) after dinner.

34. There are two_______(piano) in the music classroom.

35. Gina has a great balls_______(collect).

36. Maria likes to listen to music because she thinks it’s_______ (relax).

37. The_______(one) lesson is very easy.

38. I’m_______(real) sorry for that.

小学四年级新路径英语教案 篇4

Unit1 our school day Lessen 1

what time is it 教学目标:




教学重难点 :



课时 : 一课时



二、教学句型“what time is it ?”及其回答“It is„„”



四、Listen,circle and say

五、Let’s talk 朗读课文并进行角色扮演。

六、Let’s read 学习自然拼读法

1、把字母Bb写在黑板上,然后指着bed 说 B b bed 强调第一个字母的发音,学生重复,用同方的方法介绍bee等词语



Lessen2 Where are you from 教学目标:


2、通过歌曲、游戏等巩固以前所学习的见面用语,自我介绍用语,掌握询问对方来自何处的表达法及其回答。教学重难点 :



课时 : 一课时



二、教学句型“where are you from ?”及其回答“I’m from”



四、Listen,circle and say

五、Let’s talk 朗读课文并进行角色扮演。


Lessen 3 Happy Teatcher’s Day 教学目标 :




教学重难点 :


2、喜欢某物的表达法 I like 及其应用。



教学过程 :


二、Magic box单词教学

三、句型教学 I like „ 并进行练习

四、Listen,match and say

五、Let’s talk 朗读课文并进行角色扮演。




Lessen 4 what is the game 教学目标 :


2、能够通过自然拼读法了解字母Ii ,Jj,Kk,Pp在单词中的发音。



2、通过自然拼读法了解字母Ii ,Jj,Kk,Pp在单词中的发音。





二、Magic box单词教学






四、Listen,tick and say

五、Let’s talk 朗读课文并进行角色扮演。




Lessen 5 I don’t like coffee 教学目标





2、能正确使用句型“I don’t like”。





二、Magic box单词教学




三、句型教学“I don’t like”

四、Let’s talk 朗读课文并进行角色扮演。





Unit2 things around us Lessen 1 It’s windy and cool



2、通过学习自然拼读法,初步感知字母Hh , Ll, Mm,Nn在单词中的发音。教学重难点










五、教读句子。1.老师示范读,解释句子的意思。2.学生跟读重点句子。3.掌握重点句子How’s the weather?以及其回答。4.掌握天气的单词。


Lessen What season is it now









1、出示单词卡片,巩固学过的单词和“I like„”的表达法。




2、通过游戏引出新句型“I like„„”。



2、鼓励学生自己识字,看本课尝试读出小诗“I like Coffee”


1、教师示范,用所学句型“I like„”“I don’t like „”进行仿编



Lesson 3 What’s your favourite season? 教学目标:

1.能听懂,会说本课单词,做到发音准确语调自然。2.掌握4个短语 教学重难点:

1. 本课时的短语较复杂,学生学习有难度。2. 练习重点句型。3. 能用英语进行交流。课时:1课时 教学过程: 1.板书短语进行教学。2.老师范读,学生跟读。3.学生自由读,抓准读音。

4.教习重点句子。What’s your favourite season? I like„„ 5.掌握What about you?这个句子。6.接着学习I like sth/doing sth.7.布置作业。

Lesson4 What for your breakfast 教学目标:

1.能听懂,会说本课单词,做到发音准确语调自然。2.掌握单词potato ,tomato,candy,noodles 教学重难点: 1学习单词。

2练习重点句型。3能用英语进行交流。课时:1课时 教学过程:


教习重点句子。What’s for your breakfast? 接着掌握What about you?这个句子。接着学习I like sth/doing sth.布置作业。

Lesson5 Making a spinner 教学目标:

1.能听懂,会说本课单词,做到发音准确语调自然。2.掌握单词house,window,door,wall 教学重难点: 1学习单词。

2练习重点句型I like doing sth。3能用英语进行交流。课时:1课时 教学过程:

1.板书短语进行教学。2.老师范读,学生跟读。3.学生自由读,抓准读音。4.教习重点句子。I like doing sth 5.接着掌握What about you?这个句子。6.接着学习I like sth/doing sth.7.布置作业。

Unit 3 About me Lesson 1 this is me 教学目标:

1.能听懂,会说本课单词,做到发音准确语调自然。2.掌握单词schoolgirl,schoolboy,long hair,big face 教学重难点: 1学习单词。

2练习用英语描写自己的外貌。3能用英语进行交流。课时:2课时 教学过程:


4.教习重点句子。提示重点语法以及单词发音 布置作业


Lesson 2 My good friends 教学目标:

1.能基本掌握外貌的描写方法。2.掌握单词quiet,young,old,head.教学重难点: 1学习单词。

2练习用英语描写自己的好朋友的外貌。3 掌握本课时的重点句型:who have a +n.3能用英语进行交流。课时:2课时 教学过程:


4教习重点句子。提示重点语法以及单词发音。把不同的词语带入句子描写好朋友的外貌和性格。并让其他同学猜猜是谁。6 教习英语小诗She has,She can 布置作业


2.按书上例句的样子,改写下面的句子:(1)I have a big face.(2)I have long hair.(3)I have a small mouth.Lesson 3 My favourite colour 教学目标:

1.掌握描写颜色的单词。2.掌握本课时的单词 教学重难点: 1学习着装用语。

2练习用英语交流自己喜欢的颜色和穿着。3能用英语进行交流。课时:2课时 教学过程:


8.教习重点句子。提示重点语法以及单词发音 布置作业


Lesson 4 My favourite toy 教学目标:

1.掌握描写交通工具的单词ship,taxi,plane,bus,car,train。2.掌握本课时的单词ship,taxi,plane,bus,car,train 教学重难点:

1学习重点句子Do you have a„„以及回答YES,I do/NO,I don’t。2练习重点句子Do you have a„„以及回答YES,I do/NO,I don’t。3能用英语进行交流。课时:2课时 教学过程:


4教习重点句子Do you have a„„以及回答YES,I do/NO,I don’t。提示重点语法以及单词发音 布置作业


Lesson 4 My pet dog 教学目标:



1学习重点句子Can it/he/she swim?以及回答YES,it/he/she can/ NO,it/he/she can。2练习重点句子Can it/he/she swim?以及回答YES,it/he/she can/ NO,it/he/she can。3知道用不同的人称问时,用不同的人称回答。课时:2课时 教学过程:


4教习重点句子Can it/he/she swim?以及回答YES,it/he/she can/ NO,it/he/she can。提示重点语法以及单词发音。布置作业


Unit 4 Our lessons

Lesson 1 Let’s do sums 教学目标:


1学习用英语说2位数。2练习用英语做加法。3能用英语进行交流。课时:2课时 教学过程:




Lesson 2 What’s the missing number 教学目标:


1学习用英语说2位数。2练习用英语做减法。3能用英语进行交流。课时:2课时 教学过程:




Lesson 3 Talking about animals 教学目标:


1学习用英语说不同的部位。2练习用英语描写动物的样子。3能用英语进行交流。课时:2课时 教学过程:


4教习改写句子。Eg.Its arms are long------It has long arms.5 教习英语小诗《elephant》 布置作业


Lesson 4 Do you like swimming? 教学目标:

1.能听懂,会说本课单词,做到发音准确语调自然。2.掌握swimming,play basketball,ball,play ping-pong。教学重难点:

1学习swimming,play basketball,ball,play ping-pong。2练习用英语问“你喜欢做什么”并能正确回答。3能用英语进行交流。课时:2课时 教学过程:

1板书单词进行教学,练习swimming,play basketball,ball,play ping-pong。2老师范读,学生跟读。3学生自由读,抓准读音。

4教习Do you like swimming?以及回答YES,I do./NO,I don’t.布置作业


Lesson 5 Where ‘s the spider? 教学目标:



2练习重点句子的问答Where ‘s the spider?---It’s on the pencil-box。3能用英语进行交流。课时:2课时 教学过程:


4教习Where ‘s the spider?---It’s on the pencil-box。布置作业


六年级新路径英语教案上 篇5


“银河”又是中央电视台少儿合唱团的名称它老翁每位合唱队员就像王-顾闪亮的小星星‘这首歌曲就是“银河如妞声合用团的团歌所以欣曲中的解银河.并不是真正的银河争而是指银河合唱团但在这里费用借用了“银河”并把它引中开来,征得调作家竹林的同意,部分欣词也作了修改,以引起学生锋家里空奥秘的兴趣合唱艺术强调队员间的合作,特别讲究声音的统一、和谐,合唱队表现的不是某个人的水平,而是整体的水平,收词中用“一起闪烁”“一起唱欧”来表现这一点.教唱时需加以抓调.歌曲为二段作(单二部曲式〕,第一乐段旋律在较低的音区盘旋,表现了少年儿童对银河的向往、热爱之消.第二乐段在全歌的最高点“。一开始,逐步下降并以第一乐段的见后一个乐句结束.表现了少年儿童欢乐之情和青春的朝气。【课时数】 1 【课型】综合 【教学目标】




【教具使用】 【学具使用】音乐书

课件、录音机 【教学过程】






师:本单元的标题是“星空畅想”。星空能引起人无数的遐想。自古到今,关于星空有着很多美丽的神话故事。例如“天上一颗星,地上一个人”,还有牛郎与织女的故事等,同学们还知道哪些有关星空的美丽传说? 生答。








四、学习八六拍的指挥图示 [设计意图]为欣赏做铺垫 ★、欣赏《啊,高山》。




[设计意图] 发挥学生的想象力,学生努力学习科学知识的热情。


新目标七年级英语上册六单元教案 篇6

课题:Do you like bananas ? 教学目标(知识目标、能力目标、德育目标)






在教学时老师能够使用实物进行教学,增强学生的学习兴趣和学习效果。在传授新知识时,为了为学生创设真实的,贴近生活的情境,可以设计一些游戏,即根据不同人对食物的不同喜好,自配营养餐和填写购物清单等,这样不但激发了学生学习的热情,也达到了练习重点句型的目的。教学向导 语言功能




* 动词like的用法

* 一般疑问句的肯定、否定回答 * 名词复数的使用

* 动词like的肯定、否定句的用法

* 动词like的一般疑问句的肯定、否定回答




hamburgers, tomatoes, broccoli, French fries, oranges, ice cream, carrots, apples, chicken, breakfast, lunch, dinner, fruit, vegetable.* 培养学生对同一事物要有不同的看法。* 培养学生对所学知识进行分类的能力。

* 艺术:画画 * 数学:数数

* 社会实践:制作购物单;制作调查表。


主题思维及任务型活动 教学重点及难点

1.教学重点:词汇:有关食物名称的单词。句型:Do you like „ ? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.2.教学难点:创设语言交际情景,操练句型。


Unit 6 Do you like bananas ? 课时安排:四课时




第四课时:P36 第一课时:P31—P32 Step 1 讲授1A中的新单词

通过用“What’s this in English ?”句型询问一些具体的食物或图片,如:apple, orange, meat, rice 等,让学生通过直观回忆以前所学过的食物名称。

呈现新的食物或食物幻灯片,激发学生的求知欲,从而引出本课的新单词。朗读P31—1a 中的新单词。(先全班,再小组,然后到个人,层层检查、补漏。)将学生分成两大组,以竞赛的方式让各组派一名学生,将食物的单词贴到挂图相对应的食物上,看哪组贴得最多,最准。Step 2 Presentation 通过吃的动作和高兴的表情来展现“like”一词的意思,并将“like”板书在黑板上;通过摇头的动作和皱眉的表情展现“don’t like”一词的含义,并将“don’t like”板书在黑板上。通过动作及表情引出I like bananas, I don’t like broccoli.然后过渡到Do you like bananas / broccoli ? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.选择不同的食物,向学生提问:Do you like „ ? 让学生根据自己的实际情况回答:Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.Step 3 Listening 看P31—1b的对话,听录音,完成书上要求标号的任务。订正答案。跟读对话,以小组为单位朗读对话。

进行小组对话练习,可以更改有关的食物名词,编出自己的对话。Step 4 Listening 大声朗读P32—2a中的单词,让学生先认真听,然后模仿重复两遍。让学生听一遍录音,了解大意,抓住关键词。

让学生第二次听录音,在表格中圈出所听到的单词。订正答案。P32—2b 听录音,要求学生将听到的单词填入横线上。订正答案。再听录音,跟读1—2遍,分角色进行对话。Step 5 Practice 让学生两人一组进行对话操练:Do you like „ ? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.通过句型的操练,增进学生之间的相互了解。Step 6 Homework Step 7教学后记 学生反应: 总结得失: 教法改进:

第二课时:P33—P34 Step 1 Revision 以对话的形式复习上一节课的新单词和句型,让学生拿着食物询问自己的partner: Do you like „ ? 回答:Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.让学生拿着食物或图片向全班同学发问:What’s this in English ? 或What’re these in English ? 回答:It’s a/an „./ They’re „.然后完成P34—1a中的单词与食物的搭配。让学生将P34—1a中的食物分类,完成P34—1b中的表格。Step 2 Pairwork 让学生两人一组进行操练。每一个学生拥有一半信息,然后通过提问的方式补全各自所缺的内容。订正答案。Step 3 Food Survey 先让学生根据图片写出食物的名称,然后通过询问句型Do you like „.?的形式调查其他同学喜欢或不喜欢的食物,然后根据调查的情况进行总结:„ likes „.;„ doesn’t like „.Step 4 Listening 听对话,在P34—1a中圈出所听到的食物。再听录音,写出单词,完成P34—2b的表格。Step 5 Pairwork 让学生根据P34—2b的表格提示进行对话练习。所用的句型:Does Tom / Katrina like „ ? Yes, he / she does./ No, he / she doesn’t.用英文解释breakfast, lunch, dinner的含义。根据1a和2b的表格提示,让学生写出Katrina 和Tom所喜欢的食物分别属于哪一餐,完成P34—2c的练习。Step 6 Games 让学生将学过的食物名词分类。Healthy


让学生从健康的角度出发,给自己配制一份营养午餐,使学生学会均衡饮食。汇报配餐情况,评选出学生喜爱的配餐。所用的句型:I like „.for lunch.Step 7 Homework Step 8教学后记 学生反应: 总结得失: 教法改进:

第三课时:P35 Step 1 Revision 复习前边所学的单词及句型,可以采取实物或游戏的形式,然后可以适当进行笔头检查。如:听写或补全对话。Step 2 Reading 让学生快速阅读短文,并用不同的标记标出水果和食物的名称。订正答案。朗读短文两遍。Step 3 Look and write 根据图片,让学生写出Which one is lunch and which one is dinner.根据图片,分别写出Tom午餐和晚餐喜欢吃的食物名称。让学生下位分别调查三位同学三餐喜欢吃的食物,完成下列表格。所用句型:What do you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? I like „for breakfast / lunch /dinner ? Name




4.让学生汇报调查结果。所用句型:xxx likes „ for „.Step 4 Groupwork 假设同学们将进行一次野炊活动。让学生分组调查出各自喜欢与不喜欢的食物,然后根据调查的结果列一份购物清单。

调查本组同学喜欢和不喜欢的食物。所用句型:Do you like „ ? Yes, I do./ I don’t.Name like


统计并汇报本组成员喜爱与不喜爱的食物。所用句型:We like „./ We don’t like „ ? Group like




Step 5 Homework 收集一些生活中常见的食物。Step 6教学后记 学生反应: 总结得失: 教法改进:

第四课时:P36 Step 1 Revision 复习整个单元的单词和句型。Step 2 Self Check 检测学生所学的单词。让学生勾出P36—1中认识的单词,圈出不认识的单词。让学生在P108补充5个新的食物名称,扩大学生的知识面。


六年级新路径英语教案上 篇7

1. —________are my English books?

—They’re on the desk.

A. What B. Which C. Where D. When

2. She is a student and________ name is Kate.

A. she B. her C. hers D. his

3. —What’s that________ the bed?

—It’s a soccer ball.

A. of B. for C. under D. at

4. —Thank you very much.


A. That’s nice of you B. Nice to meet you

C. Yes, all right D. You are welcome

5. —Is he Jack Brown?


A. Yes, he is B. Yes, he’s

C. Yes, it is D. No, it isn’t

6. Your apples are here,________.

A. in this drawer B. at this

C. in these drawer D. in this drawers

7. Can I________ your ID card?

A. have a look B. have a look at

C. have look D. have look at

8. Mr Brown is Tom’s father. Tom is his________.

A. sister B. daughter C. brother D. son

9. —What are these?


A. It’s a notebook B. It’s an egg

C. They’re bananas D. They’re ice cream

10. —What do you have for lunch?


A. Chicken and vegetable B. Chicken and vegetables

C. Chickens and vegetableD. Chickens and vegetables

11. —How much________ the salad?


A. is B. are C. can D. want

12. —Hello! Are you his mother?


A. Yes, he is B. Yes, he’s

C. Yes, I am D. No, I am

13. —________

—It doesn’t matter.

A. Sorry. I’m late. B. How do you do?

C. What are you? D. Where is she?

14. —Hi, I am Pingping.


A. This is Jack B. That’s Jack

C. I’m Jack D. You are Jack

15. There________ two erasers on the desk.

A. is B. are C. has D. have

16. —Let’s play soccer.

—That________ good.

A. sound B. listen C. sounds D. listens

17. Your oranges are here________.

A. in this box B. in this boxes

C. on these box D. on that boxes

18. —Is this your ruler?


—Here you are.


A. this is; Thank you B. it’s; Thanks

C. it is; Thanks D. it is; Thanks you

19. I have a good friend.________ name is Gina.

A. Her B. His C. She D. It

20. —Is this________ bird?

—No, it’s________ egg.

A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)

Hi, my name is Cindy. I 1 a student at No. 7 Middle School. I like 2 sports. I like 3 tennis and soccer.

I have a new tennis racket. 4 is on the table. And I have five 5. They are 6 the bed. I think playing sports is very 7, so I like it. I

8 like eating fruits, especially(尤其) 9. I don’t like meat very much. But mom tells me to eat 10 food——not just fruits and vegetables!

1. A. am B. is C. are D. do

2. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to playing

3. A. a B. an C. the D. ×

4. A. They B. It C. Its D. Their

5. A. basketball B. volleyball C. soccer D. soccer balls

6. A. under B. to C. at D. over

7. A. interesting B. difficult C. boring D. hard

8. A. too B. also C. either D. yet

9. A. carrots B. bananas C. orange D. ice cream

10. A. bad B. relaxing C. healthy D. unhealthy

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(30分)


My name is Gina. I’m a student. I’m twelve. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. Tom is my brother. We are all here today. The man wearing(穿着) a black coat is my father and the woman wearing a red shirt is my mother. The boy under the tree is Tom. We are a happy family.


1. Gina is a________.

A. student B. teacher C. boy D. doctor

2. Gina is________.

A. ten B. eleven C. thirteen D. twelve

3. Gina’s father is wearing a________.

A. black coat B. red shirt

C. blue shirt D. yellow hat

4. Gina’s mother is a________.

A. student B. sister C. teacher D. worker

5. Tom is Gina’s________.

A. brother B. sister C. friend D. classmate


M: What are you going to do after school, Ellen?

W: I don’t know, Jack.

M: Would you like to play basketball with me?

W: Sorry, I don’t like basketball.

M: What’s your favorite sport?

W: Tennis.

M: I like tennis, but I’m not good at it.

W: It’s easy. Let’s go to the playground after school. I can help you.

M: That’s very nice of you.


6. Ellen likes basketball.

7. Ellen’s favorite sport is tennis.

8. Jack is not good at tennis.

9. Ellen would like to help Jack tomorrow.

10. They are going to play tennis after school.


11. Jim has________.

A. a soccer B. a volleyball

C. a tennis racket D. a baseball bat

12.________ has a soccer.

A. Mike and Jeff B. Jim

C. Jeff D. Mike, Jim and Jeff

13.________ has a tennis racket.

A. Mike B. Jim

C. Jeff D. Mike, Jim and Jeff

14.________ doesn’t have a volleyball.

A. MikeB. Jim

C. Jeff and Jim D. Mike, Jim and Jeff

15.________ doesn’t have a baseball bat.

A. Mike B. Jim

C. Jeff D. All of them

Ⅳ. 词汇(10分)

A) 英汉互译(5分)

1. a computer game 6. 每天

2. on the table 7. 打排球

3. an alarm clock 8. 一本有趣的书

4. French fries 9. 在地板上

5. play soccer10. 一张我家的全家福照片

B) 根据括号内所给的汉语提示填空,完成英语句子。(2.5分)

1. The ruler is________(白色的).

2. Is this your________(手表)?

3. My mother and my father are my________(父母亲).

4. Do you like________(足球)?

5. My uncle is a________(老师).

C) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(2.5分)

1. Are these your________(box)?

2. This is________(he) book.

3. I’m a boy.________(I) mother likes me very much.

4. Tom and Peter________(be)brothers.

5. They’re________(computer).

Ⅴ. 情景对话(5分)用特殊疑问词填空,完成对话。

1. —________are his tennis rackets?

—On the chair.

2. —________is that in English?

—Sorry, I don’t know.

3. —________is Tom’s phone number?


4. —________is your key?

—It’s in the drawer.

5. —________is her grandfather’s name?


6. —________do you spell “pants”?


7. —________is this?

—It’s a ball.

8. —________are those?

—They’re rulers.

9. —________do you usually have for breakfast?


10. —________are you?

—Fine, thank you.

Ⅵ. 句型转换(10分)按括号内的要求改写下列句子,每空限填一词。

1. My phone number is 2974823. (对画线部分提问)

________________your phone number?

2. This baseball is $10. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________is this baseball?

3. My shoes are under the chair. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________your shoes?

4. Her name is Linda. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________her name?

5. —Is Guo Feng your brother? (作否定回答)

—No,________ ________.

6. —Do you have a basketball? (作肯定回答)

—Yes,________ ________.

7. My grandmother likes strawberries. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

—________your grandmother________ strawberries?

—Yes,______ __________.

8. My pen is red. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________is your pen?

9. Lucy’s quilt is yellow. (改为否定句)

Lucy’s_________ _______ yellow.

10. The policeman is Jack’s uncle. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________the policeman?

Ⅶ. 连词成句(5分)根据下面横线后的标点符号,连词成句。

1. much, are, pants, black, these, how


2. is, the, where, book


3. TV, on, my, is, the, desk, set


4. family, of, the, for, thanks, photo, your


5. do, Jim, his, does, homework, in, evening, the


Ⅷ. 汉译英(5分)根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空限填一词。

1. 他有网球拍吗?

________he________ a tennis racket?

2. 下周咱们去野餐吧!

________ ________on a picnic next week.

3. 详情请致电10010咨询中国联通。

Please________ China Unicom________ 10010 for more information.

4. 我不认识那个戴眼镜的男生。

I don’t________ the boy________ glasses.

5. 谢谢你来参加我们的会议.

Thanks_________ _______ to our meeting.

Ⅸ. 两栏匹配(10分)从B栏中找出能回答A栏问题的答语。


1. What’s your phone number? A. They’re in the dresser.

2. What’s this in English? B. No, they aren’t.

3. Where are my keys? C. No, he doesn’t.

4. Is this your backpack? D. They’re two dollars.

5. Are those his English books? E. Sorry, I don’t know.

6. Do you like football?F. Yes, it is.

7. Does he like ice cream?G. Yes, please. I want an eraser.

8. How much are the carrots?H. 6538918.

9. How do you spell “which”?I. Yes, I do.

10. Can I help you? J. W-H-I-C-H.

Ⅹ. 看图填空(5分)根据图片回答问题。

(1)(2)(3) (4)________(5)

Cindy SmithauntparentsAnn’s unclecousin

1. —Is this Cindy Smith?


2. —Is she your mother, Cindy?

—No,________. She is my aunt.

3. —Are they your parents?


4. —Is the man Ann’s father?

—No, he isn’t. He is________.

5. —Is the boy in the picture your brother, Anna?

—________, he’s my________.

Ⅺ. 书面表达(10分)


要求: 60个词左右


Ⅰ. 1-5 CBCDA6-10 ABDCB11-15 ACACB16-20 CACAC

Ⅱ. 1-5 ACDBD6-10 AABBC

Ⅲ. 1-5 ADACA6-10 FTTFT11-15 BCCAB

Ⅳ. A) 1. 电子游戏2. 在桌子上3. 一个闹钟4. 薯条5. 踢足球

6. every day7. play volleyball8. an interesting book

9. on the floor10. a photo of my family

B) 1. white2. watch3. parents4. football5. teacher

C) 1. boxes2. his3. My4. are5. computers

Ⅴ. 1. Where2. What3. What4. Where5. What6. How7. What

8. What9. What10. How

Ⅵ. 1. What, is2. How, much3. Where, are4. What, is

5. he, isn’t6. I, do7. Does, like; she, does8. What, color

9. quilt, isn’t10. Who, is

Ⅶ. 1. How much are these black pants?

2. Where is the book?

3. My TV set is on the desk. /The TV set is on my desk.

4. Thanks for the photo of your family.

5. Does Jim do his homework in the evening?

Ⅷ. 1. Does, have2. Let’s, go3. call, at4. know, with

5. for, coming

Ⅸ. 1. H2. E3. A4. F5. B6. I7. C8. D9. J10. G

Ⅹ. 1. she is2. she isn’t3. they are4. Ann’s uncle5. No; cousin

Ⅺ. One possible version:
