Female, 30 years old,
Education: college
Expected salary: 3001-5000 yuan
Working years: 3 to 5 years
Working area: liaoning merchant
Working experience:
In December, - April in 1, glass fiber technology co., LTD., yingkou r&d center lab technicians work.
In October 2014 to March set up a file in the day force real estate development co., LTD. As a customer service job.
In April 2016, Kang Zi best sales work.
Education experience:
In September - July Jinzhou of finance and economics school of e-commerce
In September 2007 - July 2010 Shenyang vocational and technical college marketing
Introduce myself:
2 技术支持
3 软件的设计思路
4 软件的内容和技术实现
4.1 软件学习模块
4.2 软件关键代码实现
5 结束语
name: gender: female
age: 22 height: 160 cm
marital status: single host address: yucheng
job objective
recent work position: quality control
expect post properties: full-time
expected monthly salary: 1000 ~ 1500
expect engaged in post: production director, the director of human resources
expect engaged in industry: fast moving consumer goods (food/drink/wine and tobacco)
work experience
start-stop date: XX.11 to XX.2
enterprise name: jinan people day flourmill
in position: quality control
introduce yourself
school learning food inspection professional, colleagues won the computer secondary certificates and putonghua level 2 certificate. master office office software. to such as grain and oil food inspection technology is major in the university.
education experience
start-stop years: XX.9 to XX.7
the school name: texas vocational and technical college
professional name: food engineering
Telephone No:
Email id: /jianli
Director of Training, First Nationwide Bank
-Top-notch administrator with more than 15 years experience in finance.
-MBA and extensive training in seminars for working professionals.
-Outstanding productivity both as a loan officer and as a supervisor.
-Unique combination of expertise in mortgage banking, training, sales, and finance.
-Dynamic leader and team builder, consistently motivating others toward success.
MORTGAGE MADNESS, Pleasant Hill CA 1994-present
Director of Sales and Training
Managed eight loan officers, with responsibility for $288 million in production, plus full responsibility for all training.
-Designed and led seven monthly training sessions, including broker education and product knowledge seminars, sales strategy and training.
-Reported directly to the president of the company.
Rustic City CA 1990-1994
Loan Officer
Developed expertise in all areas of residential financing, including builder business, portfolio loans, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac investor loans.
-Top producing loan officer for Maudlin in 1992.
-Built a large client base by successfully implementing relationship selling.
COUNTY OF LEWIS, Alameda, CA 1987-90
Director, Administrative and Fiscal Services
DREYDEN BEVERAGES, Hayward, CA 1985-1987
Senior Internal Auditor
BLOUCHER MELON & CO., San Francisco, CA 1980-1985
Senior Accountant
-For this “Big Eight” accounting firm, consulted with CEOs and CFOs of diverse industries (computer services, construction, legal services, high tech) concerning auditing, tax accounting, and management.
A 57-year-old man from hebei province
Degree: bachelor
Working years: over 10 years
Expected salary: 5,000 to 8,000 yuan
Working place: guangzhou - unlimited
Be enthusiastic and rational
Work experience
(working for 36 years, 4 months, 4 jobs)
Hunan radio and television school
Working hours: January 1982 to May 1994 [12 years and 4 months]
Job title: trainer/lecturer
Job description: professor/middle school/middle school/college/higher vocational philosophy, political economy, social construction, thought, maki, law, etc., the director of the student department and the director of the department of science and education.
Chinese people/life, taikang, anbang, kunlun insurance company
Working hours: May 1994 to December 2012 [18 years and 7 months]
Position: sales manager
Job content: human resources/administrative management/training, sales management
Have a management consulting training company
Working hours: January to December [1 year 11 months]
Position: sales manager
Job description: sales, administration, training.
Environmental technical school, baiyun, hengqi, JF hotel
Working time: January 2014 to present [3 years and 6 months]
Job title: trainer/lecturer
Job content: the JF hotel sales manager, environmental protection technical school, constant enterprise education, Bai Yungao senior lecturer, wen-wei Chen, Denmark, jung China, overseas Chinese, bluestar international lecturer, new world, calligraphy, summer. Teach human resources management, business administration, economics, investment, secretarial, e-commerce, political history, Chinese, etc.
Education experience
December 1981 graduated from central south university, school of metallurgical philosophy - political teacher class
July 1987 law of hunan broadcasting and television university
In July , I graduated from the school of teaching and education of tsinghua university
In July 2017, sun yat-sen university continued its law and management of education college
近年来, 由于大学生毕业人数逐年增加, 就业竞争的压力也逐渐增大, 为了成功就业, 越来越多的大学生把求职目光投向了外资或合资企业。这样的企业对求职者的英语水平有一定要求, 求职者在应聘时一般也需要提交一份英文简历。递交简历是求职的第一步, 简历则是求职的敲门砖, 一份格式规范、语言正确、突出个人能力的简历能够帮助求职者赢得面试机会, 进而得到工作岗位, 所以对于大学生而言, 英文简历的写作不容忽视。好的简历能够帮助他们在众多竞争者中脱颖而出, 成为职场赢家。
1 格式规范
简历是一份书面的求职资料, 在简历中, 求职者将自己与应聘职位相关的个人信息经过整理后, 简要地介绍给招聘方。内容一般包括应聘者的受教育情况、工作经历或经验、技能、成就等内容。简历提供的信息应简明、真实。英文简历, 作为一种应用文体, 有其特殊的格式规范, 与中文简历有很多不同之处。许多大学毕业生在制作英文简历时, 照搬中文简历的格式, 使英文简历看起来不伦不类, 使招聘方对求职者的专业素养产生质疑。中文简历主要是表格样式, 大多还需要附上求职者的照片, 英文简历则没有这个要求。由于中西文化的差异, 中文简历中一般要求的“政治面貌”“性格特点”等内容, 在英文简历中是不需要的。
英文简历一般包括四个部分:求职者的个人信息、求职意向、求职者的受教育情况和个人经历。求职者的个人信息包括姓名、性别、地址、邮编、电话、电子信箱等内容。这部分内容通常置于简历顶部中间的突出位置, 以便对方与求职者联系。在求职意向的部分, 如果简历不是用于应聘某个具体岗位, 求职者可以表达一下对某个领域工作的兴趣, 描述不要过于宽泛, 越具体越好。如果是针对具体的岗位, 则应清楚地表示对该岗位的求职愿望。在求职者受教育情况的部分, 一般将最高级别的学历或学位放在最开头的地方, 然后由近至远往前推。对于初入社会的大学生, 建议在这个部分介绍一些大学所学的专业主干课程, 这些课程能够帮助招聘方了解你在校时是否有接受足够的专业培训, 从而确保你具备从事某项具体工作的能力。但是, 务必使所涉及课程与求职意向高度相关, 与职位无关的课程不要包括在内。假设是应聘英语教师岗位的英语专业毕业生, 在介绍相关课程时, 则应侧重英语基础技能相关课程, 如语法、听力、写作等。在个人经历的部分, 求职者应说明曾经供职的机构名称和地点, 以及服务的起止时间、岗位、岗位职责和工作业绩等。大学毕业生大多没有工作经历, 可在这个部分介绍自己在校期间的实习情况、志愿服务活动, 以及在学校社团组织或学生会等组织服务或参与的情况, 如果在校期间参加科研项目等也应包括在内。这些信息能够让招聘方了解你做事情的能力, 如执行力、组织能力、团队协作能力、管理能力、创造力等, 是不可或缺的部分。有些大学毕业因为缺乏工作经历, 在这个部分没有什么可写的, 就草草写几笔了事, 这是很不明智的, 实际上, 这个部分是整个简历中至关重要的内容, 招聘方感兴趣的正是你在经历中展现和培养的能力。比如作为社团负责人, 你参与策划并推动了某项活动的顺利开展;又比如在兼职从事家教的过程中, 所辅导的学生成绩取得巨大进步等, 这些细节能展示你的某种能力。能力才是招聘方真正关心的, 因为你有什么兴趣爱好, 与他们关系不大, 他们要找的是具备某种能力, 能够胜任某项工作的雇员。对个人经历的描述应尽量具体, 落实到行为上, 这样才能给对方留下深刻印象, 也更具真实性, 令人信服。除了以上四个部分的内容, 也可酌情增加技能及获奖或所获荣誉等内容, 例如你所掌握的计算机、外语等专门技能。
2 英文表达无误
外资企业有很严格的录用程序, 简历是求职者留下良好第一印象的重要机会, 而往往很多初入社会的大学生没有很好地利用这个机会, 以至于无法进一步地与招聘方面对面的交流, 展示自己的才华和能力。问题就出在英文简历的文字表达部分。一份英文表达、标点符号、拼写错误百出的英文简历不但会令对方对求职者的英语水平产生质疑, 而且会联想到求职者不严谨的工作态度。
英文简历的内容大多直接译自中文简历, 而由于中国特有的文化背景, 一些中文表达在英语里并没有合适的对应词, 比如“三好学生”, 很多人翻译成“three-good students”, 外国人根本无法理解。班团干部和奖学金的描述也是如此, 在翻译时很难用英文准确地表达, 只能选择语义接近, 外国人也容易理解的表达, 如“三好学生”比较被认可的译文是“top students”。
英文简历的格式有许多现成的模板, 大学生在制作简历时可以套用适合的模板, 但个人经历的描述是写作的难点。首先, 英文简历中个人经历的部分强调“经历”, 需要使用大量的动词, 这就要求准确选择合适的动词, 使用正确的时态。因为是过去的经历, 时态多为一般过去时。求职者在描述个人经历时, 由于语言水平有限, 害怕出现语法错误, 倾向于使用过于简单的句式, 使语言表达中国味很浓, 不符合英文表达习惯。这样的情况下, 可以向老师或英语较好的同学求助, 让他们帮忙修改简历中的英文表达, 尽量杜绝明显的语法、拼写、句法等错误。
[1]Ellis M&Johnson C:商务英语教学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.
[2]保罗·麦吉.如何写好英文简历[M].北京:商务印书馆, 2009.
[3]谢庆芳.英语求职信写作指南[M].北京:世界图书出版公司, 1996.
Personal Information
Name: xxx
Gender: male
Date of Birth: 1986/05/12
Residency: HuangShi
Zip Code: 435002
Career Objective:English Teacher
Mobile: xxxxxxxxxxx
Email: xxxxxxx
Political Background:probationary party member
Leadership Position:the chair of league member
Address: HuBei province HuangShi City Ma Fang village
Work Experience
/07-2005/9:commended by dean to be an English private tutor in BeiJing
/03--/05:QiHui private tutor Center as an English Tutor in XianNing
2007/06-/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in HuangShi
2007/10-2008/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies
2008/08-2008/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. Huang Shi Branch
/09--2007/06 XianNing University English Education Associate
2007/09--/06 HuBei Normal Univercity English Bachelor
2006/10--2006/12 No 14 Middle School in HuangShi city English cadet teacher
Language Skills
English excellent Japanese average
2008/03 TEM Level 8 EVIII 0810045236
2007/04 TEM Level 4 EIV 0710075088
2006/06 CET-6 061242066001800
2005/12 provincial Computer Level Test Band1 2005121141345
2004/12 Mandarin Chinese Rating Certificate X1140430787
2007/7 Teacher qualification certificate 20074210730000459
national scholarship
the first ranking scholarship
the second ranking scholarship
3 good’s student
outstanding student leader9 f2 m: # H,
excellent League Member
the second price in teacher skill competition in HuBei Normal University
the first price in normal students’ teaching lesson
the third price in students’acqierement
the outstanding price in first term in Telecommunications Cup Resume Competition
Self Assessment
self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion for education
Stating Your Job Objective
1、A responsible administrative position which will provide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play.
2、 An executive assistant position utilizing interests, training and experience in office administration.
3、A position in management training programs with the eventual goal of participating in the management rank of marketing.
4、An entry-level position in sales. Eventual goal; manager of marketing department.
5、A position requiring analytical skills in the financial or investment field.
6、To begin as an accounting trainee and eventually become a manager.
7、An entry-level position in an accounting environment, which ultimately leads to financial management.
8、A position as data-processing manager that will enable me to use my knowledge of computer systems.
9、An entry-level position responsible for computer programming.
10、 Administrative assistant to an executive where short-hand and typing skills will be assets.
current residence: guangzhou nationality: han
domicile: shaoguan height and weight: 160 cm kg
marital status: single age: 27 years old
job search intention and work experience
talent type: general job
position: human resources manager / director: manager, administrative / personnel category: manager, executive manager / director / head: head
work experience: 7 title: intermediate
job type: full-time date available: one month
salary: 5000―8000 hope that the working areas: guangzhou shaoguan, guangzhou
work experience: company name: guangzhou beginning and ending date of a electrical manufacturing firm :-01
company type: private enterprise industry:
positions: chief personnel manager
job description: 1, according to business development, the establishment of the companys human resources management and administrative systems, to develop and improve the corporate governance rules and regulations.
2, tissue preparation, review the functions of each department and job description manual, establish and improve the companys position system, and according to the different stages of business development, management recommended to the organization a reasonable proposal
3, development of recruitment reserve program, the establishment of senior recruitment pipeline and network support personnel supply, timely development of the company for the supply of talent
4, to help enterprises to establish a reasonable incentive system and performance appraisal system, oversee the companys departments, senior positions with the implementation of the implementation of assessment indicators, statistical evaluation of the results of the review and appraisal summary report to guide performance improvement and communication work.
5, formulate, oversee the implementation of staff training programs, assessment of training effectiveness, reasonable control of the training costs.
6, for more than managers of company executives career planning and design; ensure echelon personnel take over.
7, responsible for the overall planning, administration and human resources, performance evaluation, corporate culture and other aspects of system design and implementation, supervision, inspection, implementation of all the systems
8, reception of foreign visitors organize and related outreach; internal organization and coordination of different stages of development companies, departments and work in the affairs of the need for coordination of projects;
9, shaping, maintenance, development and dissemination of corporate culture, companies create a healthy human environment; according to the company at different stages of development, improve the organizational structure;
10, organization, coordination company annual meeting, staff activities, markets types of activities and meetings
reason for leaving:
company name: foshan, guangzhou branch of a ceramic chains beginning and ending date :-01 -12
company type: industry: real estate, construction, installation, decorating
positions: head of personnel
job description: 1. headquarters issued to convey a variety of documents, supervise the implementation of
2. the formulation and implementation of the system
3. offices, dormitories, the daily management of the warehouse
4. the payment of social insurance with policy implementation
5. the daily management of personnel work and feedback and the timely processing of
6. the labor contract signed with the management
7. to help control and reporting, general manager of recruitment needs, with the choice of effective hr recruitment channels
8. internal staff training and organization of work
reason for leaving:
company name: foshan ceramic production of a group (italian joint venture company) beginning and ending date :-01 2008-01
company type: industry: real estate, construction, installation, decorating
positions: president office of the chief, personnel assistant
job description: responsible for its three subsidiaries logistics personnel administration, internal staff mobility, enhance, entry, approval of leave and other work / department heads to assist the work of staff appraisal / development company human resource recruitment and management procedures / to establish corporate training plan, and supervise the implementation / set up the companys corporate culture / responsible for the re-education and retraining of staff
reason for leaving: personal reason
company name: garments co., ltd. shaoguan a beginning and ending date :-04 ~ -12
company type: industry:
positions: administration department administrative assistant
job description: responsible for more than 300 personnel administration, new employee orientation and induction training, during the period of good performance by the company designated as the internal auditors, and access to internal auditor certificate.
reason for leaving: institutional restructuring
school: guangdong baiyun vocational technical college
highest level of education: college graduation date: 2004-07-01
by major: computer network technology ii professional:
training: start date of termination date of schools (institutions) to obtain the certificate of professional certificate number
-092004-06 guangdong baiyun vocational technical college computer network
-032002-06 secretary of guangdong baiyun vocational technical college training
-102003-10 beijing jingwei founder national training center for registered auditors iso9000: quality management internal auditor
-082008-05 foshan productivity center human resources management iii
foreign language: english general
mandarin level: fluent cantonese level: expert
ability to work and other expertise
1, the development of human resources planning; first, human resources management to ensure that enterprises and business development consistent with the strategic direction and goals; the second is to ensure that the various human resources management process and links to each other consultations.
2, the preparation of human resource planning; the preparation of year (or six) degrees in human resources programs, such as the number of personnel, recruitment plan, a plan to cut labor costs and plans and training programs. to ensure reasonable economic use of human resources in production and operation activities, horse equipment and running.
3, job analysis and job design; enterprises in the development, according to job content, work number, so that both an employee or several employees, or the completion of the new job design, preparation of job description, job system.
4, recruitment; for the development of production and operation of enterprises select the most suitable staff.
5, evaluation and incentives; under evaluation staff performance indicators to evaluate the performance of work to develop methods and means of motivation, jiangqinfalan, jiangyoufalie, performance incentives for enterprises to make contributions.
6, improve the personnel system; enterprises in the development and expansion, level of management will be increasingly required, and the corresponding need for substantial improvement of personnel management system to ensure the orderly development of enterprises.
7, training and development; through various means of staff training, skills, work attitude training it to continuously improve the quality of staff, developing staff potential.
8, dealing with labor disputes; correctly handle the employees and the company on wages, benefits, social security, working conditions and other conflicts and disputes, according to relevant national policies and regulations to coordinate the relationship between the two sides, protecting the interests of both.
9, safety and security; to protect the safety of employees and reduce accidents by taking measures such as the system enter into, training and education, strengthen the protection facilities.
Gender: male
Education: college political landscape: 0
Birthday, the 1991-01-14 national: han
Marital status: single Native place: - xinxiang, henan
Height: 170 cm weight: 55 kg
Professional: marketing work experience: 4 years
Expect work location: xinxiang
Industry/position: travel/hotel/hotel/entertainment/catering chef anticipated salary: negotiable nature of work: full-time
Work experience
Company name: open restaurant
Working time: the -01-01-2016-01-01
Company size: keep it a secret
Department: after hutch
Job classification: tourism/hotel/hotel/entertainment/catering chef
Position monthly salary: keep it a secret
Job description:
Company name: zhengzhou Chiang big chicken
Working time: the -04-01-2014-04-01
Company size: keep it a secret
Department: after hutch
Job classification: tourism/hotel/hotel/entertainment/catering chef
Position monthly salary: keep it a secret
Job description:
Company name: zhengzhou gold Hans barbecue
Working time: the -01-01-2013-01-01
Company size: keep it a secret
Department: after hutch
Job classification: tourism/hotel/hotel/entertainment/catering chef
Position monthly salary: keep it a secret
Job description:
Company name: zhengzhou vermouth tonic stewed noodles
Working time: the 2008-07-06-2008-07-06
Company size: keep it a secret
Department: after hutch
Job classification: tourism/hotel/hotel/entertainment/catering chef
Position monthly salary: keep it a secret
Job description: in this from the kitchen staff to the chopping block to side dishes to stir-fry
Self assessment