
2024-05-28 版权声明 我要投稿


农民工风采展开幕式致辞 篇1






农民工风采展开幕式致辞 篇2


Opening Remarks by Ambassador Li Baodong at the Year 2010 China Textile and Apparel Trade Show


Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我谨代表中国常驻联合国代表团,对2010年中国纺织品服装贸易展正式开幕表示热烈祝贺。

At the outset, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations, our warmest congratulations on the opening of the Year 2010 China Textile and Apparel Trade Show.中美纺织品服装贸易是过去31年中美经贸合作蓬勃发展的缩影和写照。31年中,中美贸易额从1979年的不足25亿美元,迅速增长到2009年的2982.6亿美元,增长近120倍。2009年中美纺织品服装贸易额达269.03亿美元,中国曾是美国纺织机械的主要进口国,目前仍是美国棉花的最大出口目的地。从最初的中国制造,到目前的中美联合设计制造,中国产品不仅丰富了美国消费者的选择,降低了美国的通胀压力,也为美国产业结构升级提供了更多空间。目前,中美经贸合作的规模迅速扩大,领域不断拓宽,内涵日益丰富,形式更加多样。两国经济高度互补,己形成你中有我、我中有你、利益交融的格局。

Textile and apparel trade between China and the US showcases the brisk growth of China-US economic cooperation over the past 31 years.Our two-way trade has skyrocketed from less than

2.5 billion US dollars in 1979 to 298.26 billion in 2009,almost a 120-fold increase.In 2009,textile and apparel trade between China and the US stood at 26.9 billion US dollars.China was

once a major importer of American textile machinery, and now remains the biggest importer of American cotton.Chinese products,initially made in China and now jointly designed and manufactured by China and the US,have not only increased the choices of American consumers and reduced America’s inflationary pressure,but also offered great space for upgrading the US industrial mix.At present, China-US economic cooperation is expanding in size,area, substance and form.Our economies are highly complementary, interlocked and interdependent.中美经贸合作已经超越了单纯的双边范畴。我通过在联合国中的工作经验深深地体会到,美国和中国分别是全球最大的发达国家和发展中国家,对推动世界经济发展和维护世界和平稳定,承担着不可推卸的重大责任,存在着日益宽广的合作空间。中美两国,合则两利,斗则互损。中美经贸合作做为中美关系发展的重要桥梁和推动力,不仅给两国人民带来实实在在的好处,也将对世界和平和发展产生积极影响。

China-US economic cooperation has gone beyond a mere bilateral dimension.My work experience in the United Nations has driven it home to me that the United States and China, the largest developed and developing countries respectively, shoulder major, unshirkable responsibilities for promoting world economic development and maintaining international peace and stability.Our potential for cooperation is ever expanding.A peaceful China-US relationship makes both countries winners while a confrontational one makes both losers.China-US economic cooperation has brought our two countries together and lent a great impetus to bilateral relations.It has not only brought real benefits to both Chinese and American people,but also contributed to world peace and development.


The distinguished guests present today have all worked vigorously to promote and engage in China-US economic cooperation, and have made great contributions to the sustained, healthy and steady development of China-US trade and economic relations.The development of economic ties between our countries is now faced with some difficulties and challenges,and calls for more care and support from all of you.I am convinced that complementarity is the basis of China-US economic relations,mutual benefit is the essence of our economic cooperation, and cooperation based on mutual trust represents the future of our bilateral relations.Let us work together to create a brighter future for China-US relations.


In closing, I wish the trade show a complete success.

农民工风采展开幕式致辞 篇3

Opening Remarks by Ambassador Li Baodong at the Year 2010 China Textile

and Apparel Trade Show


Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我谨代表中国常驻联合国代表团,对2010年中国纺织品服装贸易展正式开幕表示热烈祝贺。

At the outset, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations, our warmest congratulations on the opening of the Year 2010 China Textile and Apparel Trade Show.中美纺织品服装贸易是过去31年中美经贸合作蓬勃发展的缩影和写照。31年中,中美贸易额从1979年的不足25亿美元,迅速增长到2009年的2982.6亿美元,增长近120倍。2009年中美纺织品服装贸易额达269.03亿美元,中国曾是美国纺织机械的主要进口国,目前仍是美国棉花的最大出口目的地。从最初的中国制造,到目前的中美联合设计制造,中国产品不仅丰富了美国消费者的选择,降低了美国的通胀压力,也为美国产业结构升级提供了更多空间。目前,中美经贸合作的规模迅速扩大,领域不断拓宽,内涵日益丰富,形式更加多样。两国经济高度互补,己形成你中有我、我中有你、利益交融的格局。

Textile and apparel trade between China and the US showcases the brisk growth of China-US economic cooperation over the past 31 years.Our two-way trade has skyrocketed from less than 2.5 billion US dollars in 1979 to 298.26 billion in 2009,almost a 120-fold increase.In 2009,textile and apparel trade between China and the US stood at 26.9 billion US dollars.China was once a major importer of American textile machinery, and now remains the biggest importer of American cotton.Chinese products,initially made in China and now jointly designed and manufactured by China and the US,have not only increased the choices of American consumers and reduced America’s inflationary pressure,but also offered great space for upgrading the US industrial mix.At present, China-US economic cooperation is expanding in size,area, substance and form.Our economies are highly complementary, interlocked and interdependent.中美经贸合作已经超越了单纯的双边范畴。我通过在联合国中的工作经验深深地体会到,美国和中国分别是全球最大的发达国家和发展中国家,对推动世界经济发展和维护世界和平稳定,承担着不可推卸的重大责任,存在着日益宽广的合作空间。中美两国,合则两利,斗则互损。中美经贸合作做为中美关系发展的重要桥梁和推动力,不仅给两国人民带来实实在在的好处,也将对世界和平和发展产生积极影响。

China-US economic cooperation has gone beyond a mere bilateral

dimension.My work experience in the United Nations has driven it home to me that the United States and China, the largest developed and developing countries respectively, shoulder major, unshirkable responsibilities for promoting world economic development and maintaining international peace and stability.Our potential for

cooperation is ever expanding.A peaceful China-US relationship makes both countries winners while a confrontational one makes both losers.China-US economic cooperation has brought our two countries together and lent a great impetus to bilateral relations.It has not only brought real benefits

to both Chinese and American people,but also contributed to world peace and development.


The distinguished guests present today have all worked vigorously to promote and engage in China-US economic cooperation, and have made great contributions to the sustained, healthy and steady development of

China-US trade and economic relations.The development of economic ties between our countries is now faced with some difficulties and challenges,and calls for more care and support from all of you.I am convinced that complementarity is the basis of China-US economic relations,mutual benefit is the essence of our economic cooperation, and cooperation based on mutual trust represents the future of our bilateral relations.Let us work together to create a brighter future for China-US relations.

