计算机软件 Computers,Software 计算机硬件 Computers, Hardware
计算机服务(系统、数据服务,维修)Computer Services 通信/电信/网络设备 Telecom & Network Equipment
通信/电信运营、增值服务 Telecom Operators/Service Providers 互联网/电子商务 Internet/E-commerce 网络游戏 Online Game
电子技术/半导体/集成电路 Electronics/Semiconductor/IC 仪器仪表/工业自动化 Instrument/Industry Automation 会计/审计 Accounting, Auditing
金融/投资/证券 Finance/Investments/Securities 银行 Banking 保险 Insurance
贸易/进出口 Trading/Import & Export 批发/零售 Wholesale/Retail
快速消费品(食品,饮料,化妆品)FMCG(Food,Beverage,Cosmetics)服装/纺织/皮革 Apparel/Textiles/Leather Goods
家具/家电/工艺品/玩具 Furniture/Home Appliances/Arts & Craft/Toys 办公用品及设备 Office Supplies & Equipment
机械/设备/重工 Machinery, Equipment, Heavy Industries 汽车及零配件 Automobile & Components 制药/生物工程 Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology
医疗/护理/保健/卫生 Healthcare/Medicine/Public Health 医疗设备/器械 Medical Facilities/Equipment 广告 Advertising
公关/市场推广/会展 Public Relations/Marketing/Exhibitions 影视/媒体/艺术 Films/Media/Arts 文字媒体/出版 Print Media/Publishing 印刷/包装/造纸 Printing/Packaging/Paper 房地产开发 Real Estate Development
建筑与工程 Architectural Services/Construction 家居/室内设计/装潢 Interior Design/Decoration 物业管理/商业中心 Property Management 中介服务 Agency
专业服务(咨询,人力资源)Professional Services(Consulting, Human Resources, etc.)检测,认证 Testing, Certification 法律 Legal
教育/培训 Education/Training 学术/科研 Science/Research 餐饮业 Restaurant & Food Services 酒店/旅游 Hospitality/Tourism
娱乐/休闲/体育 Entertainment/Leisure/Sports & Fitness 美容/保健 Beauty/Health
生活服务 Personal Care & Services
交通/运输/物流 Transportation/Logistic/Distribution 航天/航空 Aerospace/Aviation/Airlines
石油/化工/矿产/地质 Oils/Chemicals/Mines/Geology 采掘业/冶炼 Mining/Metallurgy 电力/水利 Utilities/Energy
原材料和加工 Raw Materials & Processing 政府 Government
非盈利机构 Non-Profit organizations 环保 Environmental Protection
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这篇用词铿锵、掷地有声的演说辞,是3个人的心血结晶。其中,有记者出身的戈尔本人,有戈尔的策略顾问罗伯特·索伦,但人们都把目光放在戈尔的首席演说撰稿人艾里·阿提(Elli Attie身上。阿提是哈佛大学毕业生,长期以来是克林顿、民主党众议院领袖格普哈特等重量级政治人物的一级“写手”。及后选战起风云,戈尔将他拉到麾下,声势立时不同凡响。本刊在此独家刊登戈尔这篇将千古不朽的“认输讲话”(原载于港报),读者可从这中英文对照的精彩文章中细细领略英文写作的典范笔法,包括其整个运筹帷幄的立意、精妙的造词用句等。
good evening.
just moments agoi spoke with george .w.bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the united statesand i promised him that i wouldn't call him back this time.
i offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisons of the campaign and the contest through which we just passed.
almost a century and a half ago senator stephen douglas told abraham lincolnwho had just defeated him for the presidency“partisan feeling must yield to patriotismi’m with you mr.president and god bless you.”
well in that same spirit i say to president-elect bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside and may god bless his stewardship of this country.
neither he nor i anticipated this long and difficult road. Certainly neither of us wanted it to happen. Yet it cameand now it has ended resolved as it must be resolvedthrough the honored institutions of our democracy.
over the library of one of our great law schools is inscribed the motto “not under man but under god and law.”that’s the ruling principle of american freedomthe source of our democratic liberties. I’ve tried to make it my guide throughout this contest as it has guided america’s deliberations of all the complex issues of the past five weeks.
now the u.s supreme court has spoken. Let there be no doubt while i strongly disagree with the court's decision i accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next monday in the electoral college and tonight for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy i offer my concession.
i also accept my responsibilitywhich i will discharge unconditionally to honor the new president-elect and do everything possible to help him bring americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our declaration of independence defines and that our constitution affirms and defends.
let me say how grateful i am to all those who supported me and supported the cause for which we have fought.tipper and i feel a deep gratitude to joe and hadassah lieberman who brought passion and high purpose to our partnership and opened new doorsnot just for our campaign but for our country.
this has been an extraordinary election. But in one of god’s unforeseen paths this belatedly broken impasse can point us all to a new common ground for its very closeness can serve to remind us that we are one people with a shared history and a shared destiny.
indeed that history gives us many examples of contests as hotly debatedas fiercely fought with their own challenges to the popular will.
other disputes have dragged on for weeks before reaching resolution.and each time both the victor and the vanquished have accepted the result peacefully and in the spirit of reconciliation.
so let it be with us.
i know that many of my supporters are disappointed.i am too . But our disappointment must be overcome by our love of country.
and i say to our fellow members of the world community let no one see this contest as a sign of american weaknessthe strength of american democracy is shown most clearly through the difficulties it can overcome.
some have expressed concern that the unusual nature of this election might hamper the next president in the conduct of his office. I do not believe it need be so.
president-elect bush inherits a nation whose citizens will be ready to assist him in the conduct of his large responsibilities.
i personally will be at his disposaland i call on all americans -i particularly urge all who stood with us to unite being our next president. This is america. Just as we fight hard when the stakes are highwe close ranks and come together when the contest is done.
and while there will be time enough to debate our continuing differencesnow is the time to recognize that that which unites us is greater than that which divides us.
while we yet hold and do not yield our opposing beliefsthere is a higher duty than the one we owe to political party.this is america and we put country before party.we will stand together behind our new president.
as for what i’ll do nexti don’t know the answer to that one yet . Like many of you i’m looking forward to spending the holidays with family and old friends.i know i’ll spend time in tennessee and mend some fencesliterally and figuratively.
some have asked whether i have any regrets and i do have one regret that i didn’t get the chance to stay and fight for the american people over the next four years especially for those who need burdens lifted and barriers removedespecially for those who feel their voices have not been heard i heard you and i will not forget.
i’ve seen america in this campaign and i like what i see. It’s worth fighting for and that’s a fight i’ll never stop.
as for the battle that ends tonight i do believe as my father once said that on matter how hard the lossdefeat might serve as well as victory to shape the soul and let the glory out.
so for me this campaign ends as it beganwith the love of tipper and our family with faith in god and in the country i have been so proud to servefrom vietnam to the vice presidencyand with gratitude to our truly tireless campaign staff and volunteersincluding all those who worked so hard in florida for the last 36 days.
now the political struggle is over and we turn again to the unending struggle for the common good of all americans and for those multitudes around the world who look to us for leadership in the cause of freedom.
in the words of our great hymn“america america”“let us crown thy good with brotherhoodfrom sea to shining sea.”
and now my friends in a phrase i once addressed to othersit’s time for me to go.
1.公司概况 company profile 2.主要/主营业务 main business 3.业务范围 business scope 4.核心价值 core value 5.核心竞争力 core competence/competitiveness 6.核心应用系统 core application system 7.成功案例 success story/case 8.典型案例 typical case 9.案例研究/分析 case study 10.汽车配件/备件/零件 automotive(spare)parts 11.汽车附件 automotive accessories 12.部件/元件/组件 components 13.汽车后市场 aftermarket 14.配件市场 parts market 15.经销商管理系统 Dealer Management System(DMS)16.英孚思为经销商协同管理系统 Infoservice Dealer Collaboration Management System(INFODCS)17.英孚思为整车销售管理系统 Infoservice Vehicle Sales Management System(INFOVSM)18.英孚思为配件运作管理系统 Infoservice Spare/Service Parts Management System(INFOSPM)19.英孚思为索赔管理系统
Infoservice Warranty Management System(INFOWS)20.英孚思为技术资料发布系统 Infoservice Technical –data Viewer((INFOTDV)
(INFOX)Infoservice B2B Data Exchange Platform 22.经销商订单管理系统 dealer order management system 23.售后配件管理系统 Spare/Service Parts management system(SPM)24.集成管理系统 integrated management system 25.数据分析系统 data analysis system 26.销售配额 sales quota 27.配额管理 quota management 28.配额式订单管理系统 quota-based order management system 29.配额式订单管理模式 quota-based order management mode 30.主数据管理 master data management(MDM)31.操作系统 operating system(OS)32.应用系统 application system 33.实施服务 implementation service 34.一站式服务 one-stop shop/one-stop services 35.综合性的一揽子服务(方案)a comprehensive package of services 36.现场服务 on-site service 37.现场培训 on-site training
38.现场实施 on-site implementation 39.现场分析 on-site analysis 40.现场管理 field/on-site management
41.车厂/主机厂/整车制造商/车辆制造厂 OEM/automaker 42.整车物流(finished)vehicle logistics(FVL)/outbound logistics(注:整车以后可以一致翻为vehicle,如前加finished也可以)43.先进的整车物流 advanced(finished)vehicle logistics(AFVL)44.整车配送 vehicle delivery 45.整车/车辆匹配 vehicle matching 46.4S-整车销售(Sale),零配件(Spare part),售后服务(Service),信息反馈等(Survey)
47.线上车辆状态跟踪 online vehicle status tracking 48.线上预配车模块 online vehicle pre-allocation module 49.车辆滞留时间 vehicle holdup period 50.配车冻结 vehicle allocation freezing 51.生产冻结期 production freezing time 52.提前分销/分配 pre-distribution 53.生产周排产计划 weekly production schedule 54.管线内车辆 vehicles in the pipeline 55.(车辆)下线时间
offline time/ off-production-line time 56.(车辆)上线时间
online time 57.系统上线 system go-live 58.资源配置/分配 resources allocation/distribution 59.产品推广 products deployment(注:本行业产品推广一般是系统推广部署之意,区别与一般产品的推广促销products promotion)60.业务流程 business process 61.持续支持 on-going/continuous support 62.长期支持long-term support 63.订单查询 order inquiry/query(注:前者一般电话查询等,后者一般网上查询)64.签收 •sign-in 65.软件外包 software outsourcing 66.服务站 service station 67.服务中心service centre 68.功能模块 function/functional module 69.召回 recall
70.无缝连接 seamless connection/joint 71.J2EE架构 J2EE architecture 72.J2EE 框架 J2EE framework 73.展厅管理showroom management 74.备件库存 spare parts inventory/stock 75.物料出入库 material issuing and receiving 76.出库/仓库交货 goods issuing/delivery/ex-warehouse 77.叉车厂 forklift truck works 78.库存深度 stock depth 79.库存积压/压库 overstock 80.汽车配件厂 auto parts plant 81.汽车维修厂 automotive service shop 82.汽车修理厂 automotive repair shop
83.汽车维修工程有限公司 Auto maintenance engineering Co.Ltd 84.汽车养护有限公司 car maintenance Co.Ltd 85.汽车美容护理中心 Auto care centre 86.大客户销售经理 Fleet Sales/Key Account Manager 87.订单处理 order processing/handling 88.延期交货订单/欠货订单 back order 89.实时客户订单 real-time customer order 90.客户名单 customer list 91.客户跟进 customer follow-up 92.潜在客户 potential customer/prospect 93.客户服务满意(度)customer service satisfaction 94.客户满意度(指标)customer satisfaction index(CSI)95.客户关怀 customer care
96.客户忠诚度 customer loyalty
97.授权及审批 authorization and approval 98.保修/索赔申请 warranty claim 99.回运件/返修件/旧件 return parts 100.最佳实践 best practice 101.同步传输 synchronous transmission 102.异步传输 asynchronous transmission 103.消息组播
message multicast 104.安全密码认证 Security Password Authentication 105.日志管理 log management 106.多重组网 domain based routing rules
107.批量数据上传 batch data upload 108.电子数据交换 electronic data interchange(EDI)109.数据库连接池 database pool 110..数据源 data source 111.线形图 linear chart 112.柱形/条形图 /直方图bar chart/histogram 113.饼图 pie chart 114.托管/寄存 服务
hosting service 115.绩效考核指标体系设计
performance index design 116.绩效评价体系设计 performance evaluation system design 117.绩效管理体系
performance management system 118.关键业绩指标 key performance index(KPI)119.应用编程接口 application programming interface(API)120.系统部署 system deployment 121.试运行 pilot/ trial/test running(注:本行业常用pilot)122.集中培训 centralized training 123.系统切换system cutover 124.无线接入 wireless access 125.办公自动化 office automation(OA)126.虚拟专用网 virtual private network(VPN)
127.故障管理 fault management(FM)128.故障模式与结果分析 Fault Modes and Effect Analysis(FMEA)129.故障率Failure Rate
130.故障记录Failure Record
131.三包服务 three-guarantee service/sanbao service 132.集中构架技术 integrated architecture technology 133.分布式构架技术 distributed architecture technology 134.集中式服务组合 centralized architecture 135.分布式服务组合 decentralized architecture 136.国际商用机器公司International Business Machines Corporation(IBM)137.硬件及安全网络中心 system support and network security centre 138.物流规划 logistics planning 139.数据转换 data conversion 140.数据移植/迁移 data migration 141.双边/双方承诺 bilateral /mutual commitment 142.项目启动会 project kickoff meeting 143.售后服务after-sale service(ASS)/after service/service 144.质控 quality control(QC)145.质量保证 quality assurance(QA)146.价格管理 pricing management 147.终端市场 end-market 148.横向协作 horizontal collaboration 149.纵向支持 vertical support 150.综合实力 comprehensive strength 151.良性循环 benign/virtuous cycle/circulation 152.前后台运作 front and back-end operation 153.大/关键客户销售经理: Fleet Sales/Key Account Manager 154.产品责任 product liability 155.订单完成率 order fulfillment/completion rate 156.汇报会 report/review meeting 157.双周总结/汇报会bi-weekly review meeting 158.根源分析 root cause analysis 159.滚动需求 rolling demand 160.产供销链 production, supply & sales chain 161.供应链战略
supply chain strategy 162.供应链管理 supply chain management 163.连锁店管理 chain store management 164.经销商销售预测 dealer sales forecast 165.销售支持与费用结算 sales support & expense settlement 166.订单交付 Order to Delivery(OTD)167.刚性生产计划 rigid production plan 168.订单管理流程 order management process 169.营销总部sales & marketing headquarter 170.量化管理 quantitative management
171.项目管理办公室 project management office(PMO)172.灾难恢复计划 disaster recovery plan(DRP)173.电子配件目录 electronic parts catalogue(EPC)174.企业资源计/规划enterprise resource Planning(ERP)175.客户关系管理 customer relationship management(CRM)176.业务流程重组/再造
中文名 英文名
Mac OS 华文细黑 华文黑体 华文楷体 华文宋体 华文仿宋 丽黑 Pro 丽宋 Pro 标楷体 STHeiti Light [STXihei] STHeiti STKaiti STSong STFangsong LiHei Pro Medium LiSong Pro Light BiauKai
534E65877EC69ED1 534E65879ED14F53 534E658769774F53 534E65875B8B4F53 534E65874EFF5B8B
4E3D9ED1 Pro 4E3D5B8B Pro 680769774F53
华文细黑 华文黑体 华文楷体 华文宋体 华文仿宋 丽黑 Pro 丽宋 Pro 标楷体 苹果丽中黑 苹果丽细宋
Unicode 2 苹果丽中黑 Apple LiGothic Medium 82F9679C4E3D4E2D9ED1 苹果丽细宋 Apple LiSung Light
82F9679C4E3D7EC65B8B Windows 新细明体 细明体 标楷体 黑体 宋体 新宋体 仿宋 楷体 仿宋_GB2312 楷体_GB2312 微软正黑体 微软雅黑 PMingLiU MingLiU DFKai-SB SimHei SimSun NSimSun FangSong KaiTi FangSong_GB2312 KaiTi_GB2312 Microsoft JhengHei Microsoft YaHei
7EC6660E4F53 680769774F53 9ED14F53 5B8B4F53 65B05B8B4F53
4EFF5B8B 69774F53 4EFF5B8B_GB2312 69774F53_GB2312 5FAEx8F6F6B639ED14F53
5FAE8F6F96C59ED1 Office 隶书 LiSu
新细明体 细明体 标楷体 黑体 宋体 新宋体 仿宋 楷体 仿宋_GB2312 楷体_GB2312 微软正黑体 微软雅黑
隶书 中文名 幼圆 华文细黑 华文楷体 华文宋体 华文中宋 华文仿宋 方正舒体 方正姚体 华文彩云 华文琥珀 华文隶书 华文行楷 华文新魏
英文名 YouYuan STXihei STKaiti STSong STZhongsong STFangsong FZShuTi FZYaoti STCaiyun STHupo STLiti STXingkai STXinwei
Unicode 5E7C5706
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Unicode 2
总书记:general secretary
(副)局长:(vice-)bureau director
(副)县长:(vice-)head of a county
(副)处长:(deputy)section chief,head of a depart.(副)科长:(deputy)section chief/manager
助教:assistant teacher 研究员:research fellow
助理研究员:assistant research fellow
(副)编审:(associate)professor of editorship
助理编辑:assistant editor
主任医师:professor of medicine
高级经济师:senior business engineer
高级会计师:senior accountant
高级统计师:senior statistician
计算机硬件 Computer, Hardware
高级硬件工程师 Senior Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师 Hardware Engineer 其他 Others
计算机软件 Computer, Software
高级软件工程师 Senior Software Engineer
软件工程师 Software Engineer
ERP技术/开发应用 ERP Application R&D/Implementation 系统集成工程师 System Integration Engineer 系统分析员 System Analyst 系统工程师 System Engineer 数据库工程师/管理员 Database Engineer/Administrator 计算机辅助设计工程师 Computer Aided Design Engineer 其他 Others
互联网开发及应用 Internet
互联网软件开发工程师 Internet/E-Commerce Software Engineer 多媒体/游戏开发工程师 Multimedia/Game Development Engineer 网站营运经理/主管 Web Operations Manager/Supervisor 网络工程师 Network Engineer
系统管理员/网络管理员 System Manager/Webmaster 网站策划 Web Producer 网站编辑 Web Editor
网页设计/制作/美工 Web Designer/Production/Creative 网络信息安全工程师 Information Security Engineer 智能大厦/综合布线 Intelligent Building/Structure Cabling 其他 Others
IT-管理 IT-Management
首席技术执行官CTO/首席信息官CIO Chief Technology Officer CTO/Chief Information Officer CIO
技术总监/经理 Technical Director/Manager 信息技术经理/主管 IT Manager/Supervisor 信息技术专员 IT Specialist 项目总监 Project Director 项目经理 Project Manager
项目主管 Project Supervisor
项目执行/协调人员 Project Specialist / Coordinator 其他 Others
IT-品管、技术支持及其它 IT-QA, Technical Support...技术支持经理 Technical Support Manager 技术支持工程师 Technical Support Engineer 计量工程师 Measure Engineer
标准化工程师 Standardization Engineer 品质经理 Quality Assurance QA Manager 系统测试 Systems Testing QA
软件测试 Software Testing QA
硬件测试 Hardware Testing QA
测试员 Test Engineer /Tester
技术文员/助理 Technical Clerk/Assistant 其他 Others
通信技术 Communication Technology 通信技术工程师 Communication Engineer 有线传输工程师 Wired Transmission Engineer 无线通信工程师 Wireless Communication Engineer
电信交换工程师 Telecommunication Exchange Engineer 数据通信工程师 Data Communication Engineer 移动通信工程师 Mobile Communication Engineer
电信网络工程师 Telecommunication Network Engineer 通信电源工程师 Communication Power Supply Engineer
其他 Others
电子/电器/半导体/仪器仪表 Electronics/Wiring/Semiconductor/Instrument/Industry 集成电路IC设计/应用工程师 IC Design/Application Engineer IC验证工程师 IC Verification Engineer 电子工程师/技术员 Electronics Engineer 电气工程师/技术员 Electrical Engineer
电路工程师/技术员 Electronic Circuit Engineer 电声/音响工程师/技术员 Electroacoustics Engineer
半导体技术 Semiconductor Technology
自动控制工程师/技术员 Autocontrol Engineer/Technician
电子软件开发(ARM/MCU...)Electronics Software(ARM/MCU…)
嵌入式软件开发(Linux/单片机/DLC/DSP…)Embedded Software(Linux/SCM/DLC/DSP…)
电池/电源开发 Battery/Power Engineer
FAE 现场应用工程师 Field Application Engineer(FAE)
家用电器/数码产品研发 Household Electronics/Digital Products Development 仪器/仪表/计量 Instrument/Measurement 测试工程师 Quality Testing Engineer 其他 Others
销售管理 Sales Management 销售总监 Sales Director 销售经理 Sales Manager 销售主管 Sales Supervisor
渠道/分销经理 Channel/Distribution Manager 渠道/分销主管 Channel/Distribution Supervisor 客户经理 Sales Account Manager
区域销售总监 Regional Sales Director 区域销售经理 Regional Sales Manager 其他 Others
销售人员 Salespersons
销售代表 Sales Representative / Executive 渠道/分销专员 Channel/Distribution Representative 客户代表 Sales Account Representative 销售工程师 Sales Engineer
Engineer 电话销售 Telesales 经销商 Distributor 其他 Others
销售行政及商务 Sales Administration
销售行政经理/主管 Sales Admin.Manager/Supervisor 销售行政专员/助理 Sales Admin.Executive/Assistant 商务经理 Business Manager
商务主管/专员 Business Supervisor/Executive 商务助理 Business Assistant 销售助理 Sales Assistant / Trainee 其他 Others
客服及技术支持 Customer Service and Technical Support 客服总监(非技术)Customer Service Director 客服经理(非技术)Customer Service Manager
客服主管(非技术)Customer Service Supervisor
客服专员/助理(非技术)Customer Service Executive/Assistant 售前/售后技术支持经理 Technical Support Manager 售前/售后技术支持主管 Technical Support Supervisor 售前/售后技术支持工程师 Technical Support Engineer
咨询热线/呼叫中心服务人员 Customer Hot Line/Call Center Staff 其他 Others
财务/审计/税务 Finance/Accounting/Audit/Tax 首席财务官 CFO Chief Financial Officer CFO 财务总监 Finance Director
财务经理 Finance Manager 财务顾问 Finance Consultant
财务主管/总帐主管 Finance Supervisor
会计经理/会计主管 Accounting Manager/Supervisor 会计 Accountant / Accounting Trainee 出纳员 Cashier
财务/会计助理 Finance/Accounting Assistant
财务分析经理/主管 Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor 财务分析员 Financial Analyst
成本经理/成本主管 Cost Accounting Manager/Supervisor 成本管理员 Cost Accounting Specialist 审计经理/主管 Audit Manager/Supervisor 审计专员/助理 Audit Executive/Assistant 税务经理/税务主管 Tax Manager/Supervisor 税务专员/助理 Tax Executive/Assistant 统计员 Statistician 其他 Others
证券/金融/投资 Securities/Finance/Investment 证券/期货/外汇经纪人 Securities Broker 证券分析师 Securities Analyst
股票/期货操盘手 Stocks/Futures Operator
金融/经济研究员 Financial Analyst/Economist
投资/基金项目经理 Investment Manager/Fund Manager 投资/理财顾问 Investment/Financial Management Advisor 投资银行业务 Investment Banking Specialist 融资经理/融资主管 Treasury Manager/Supervisor 融资专员 Treasury Specialist 拍卖师 Auction
其他 Others
银行 Banks
行长/副行长 President/Vice-President/Branch Manager 资产评估/分析 Assets Valuation/Analyst 风险控制 Risk Management
信贷管理/信用调查/分析人员 Loan/Credit Officer 进出口/信用证结算 Trading / LC Officer 外汇交易 Foreign Exchange
清算人员 Settlement Officer
高级客户经理/客户经理 Senior Relationship Manager 客户主管/专员 Relationship Supervisor/Executive 银行柜员 Bank Teller
银行卡、电子银行业务推广 Credit Card/E-banking business Develop 其他 Others
保险 Insurance
保险精算师 Actuary
保险产品开发/项目策划 Product Development/Planner 保险业务经理/主管 Business Manager/Supervisor
保险代理/经纪人/客户经理 Agent/Broker/Account Manager 理财顾问/财务规划师 Financial Advisor/Financial Planner 储备经理人 Agency Management Associate 保险核保 Underwriting 保险理赔 Claim Management
保险客户服务/续期管理 Customer Service 保险培训师 Trainer 保险内勤 Staff 其他 Others
生产/营运 Manufacturing/Operation 工厂经理/厂长 Plant/Factory Manager 总工程师/副总工程师 Chief Engineer 项目经理/主管 Project Manager/Supervisor 项目工程师 Project Engineer 营运经理 Operations Manager 营运主管 Operations Supervisor
生产经理/车间主任 Production Manager/Workshop Supervisor 生产计划协调员 Production Planning Executive/Officer 生产主管/督导/领班 Production Supervisor/Team Leader 化验员 Laboratory Technician 其他 Others
质量/安全管理 Quality/Safety Management
质量管理/测试经理(QA/QC经理)QA/QC Manager 质量管理/测试主管(QA/QC主管)QA/QC Supervisor 质量管理/测试工程师(QA/QC工程师)QA/QC Engineer 质量检验员/测试员 Quality Inspector/Tester 可靠度工程师 Reliability Engineer
故障分析工程师 Failure Analysis Engineer
认证工程师/审核员 Certification Engineer/Auditor
体系工程师/审核员 Systems Engineer/Auditor
安全/健康/环境经理/主管 Safety/Health/Environmental Manager/Supervisor 安全/健康/环境工程师 Safety/Health/Environmental Engineer 供应商管理 Supplier/Vendor Management
采购材料、设备质量管理 Supplies & Equipment Quality Management 其他 Others
工程/机械/能源 Engineering/Mechanical/Energy 技术研发经理/主管 Technical Design Mgr./Spvr.技术研发工程师 Technical Design Engineer 产品工艺/制程工程师 Process Engineer 产品规划工程师 Product Planing Engineer 实验室负责人/工程师 Lab Manager/Engineer 工程/设备经理 Engineering/Facility Manager 工程/设备主管 Engineering/Facility Supervisor
工程/设备工程师 Engineering/Facility Engineer
工程/机械绘图员 Project Drafting Specialist/Mechanical Drawing 工业工程师 Industrial Engineer 机械工程师 Mechanical Engineer 结构工程师 Structrual Engineer
模具工程师 Tooling Engineer
机电工程师 Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 维修工程师 Maintenance Engineer
铸造/锻造工程师 Casting/Forging Engineer 注塑工程师 Injection Engineer 焊接工程师 Welding Engineer 夹具工程师 Clamp Engineer CNC工程师 CNC Engineer 冲压工程师 Punch Engineer 锅炉工程师 Boiler Engineer
电力工程师/技术员 Electric Power Engineer 光源与照明工程 Lighting Engineer 汽车/摩托车工程师 Automotive Engineer 船舶工程师 Shipping Engineer
飞行器设计与制造 Aircraft Design & Manufacture 其他 Others
技工 Technician / Engineer Trainee 技工 Technician / Engineer Trainee
钳工/机修工/钣金工 Locksmith/Mechanic/Repairer 电焊工/铆焊工 Electric Welding Worker
车工/磨工/铣工/冲压工/锣工 Latheman/Grinder/Miller/Puncher/Turner 模具工 Mould Worker 电工 Electrician
叉车工 Forklift Worker
空调工/电梯工/锅炉工 Air-Condition Worker/Lift Worker/Steam Worker 水工/木工/油漆工 Plumber/Carpenter/Painter 普工 General Worker 裁剪车缝熨烫 Tailor
汽车修理工 Auto Repairing 其他 Others
服装/纺织/皮革 Apparels/Textiles/Leather Goods 服装/纺织设计 Fashion/Textiles Designer
面料辅料开发 Fabric/Accessories Development
面料辅料采购 Fabric/Accessories Purchasing
服装/纺织/皮革跟单 Apparels/Textiles/Leather Goods Merchandiser 质量管理/验货员(QA/QC)Quality Management QA/QC 板房/楦头/底格出格师 Shoe Tree Design 服装打样/制版 Apparels Sample Production 纸样师/车板工 Paper Sample 裁床 Cut Bed
其他 Others
采购 Purchasing
采购总监 Purchasing Director 采购经理 Purchasing Manager 采购主管 Purchasing Supervisor 采购员 Purchasing Specialist/Staff 采购助理 Purchasing Assistant 选址拓展 Location Development 其他 Others
贸易 Trading
外贸/贸易经理/主管 International Trade Manager/Supervisor 外贸/贸易专员/助理 International Trade Specialist/Assistant 国内贸易人员 Domestic Trade Specialist 业务跟单经理 Merchandising Manager 高级业务跟单 Senior Merchandiser 业务跟单 Merchandiser
助理业务跟单 Assistant Merchandiser 其他 Others
物流/仓储 Logistics/Warehouse 物流总监 Logistics Director
物流经理 Logistics Manager 物流主管 Logistics Supervisor
物流专员/助理 Logistics Specialist/Assistant 供应链总监 Supply Chain Director 供应链经理 Supply Chain Manager
供应链主管/专员 Supply Chain Supervisor/Specialist 物料经理 Materials Manager
物料主管/专员 Materials Supervisor/Specialist 仓库经理/主管 Warehouse Manager
仓库管理员 Warehouse Specialist
运输经理/主管 Distribution Manager/Supervisor 货运代理 Traffic Agent
集装箱业务 Container Operator 报关员 Customs Specialist
单证员 Documentation Specialist
船务/空运陆运操作 Shipping Specialist 快递员 Courier 调度员 Dispatcher
理货员 Warehouse Stock Management 其他 Others
生物/化工/制药/医疗器械 Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals/Medical Equipment 生物工程/生物制药 Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals
化工技术应用 Chemical Technical Application
医药技术研发管理人员 Pharmaceutical Technology R&D Management 医药技术研发人员 Pharmaceutical Technology R&D Specialist 临床研究员 Clinical Researcher 临床协调员 Clinical Coodinator 药品注册 Pharmaceuticals Register Specialist
药品生产/质量管理 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing/Quality Management 药品市场推广经理 Pharmaceutical Marketing Manager
药品市场推广主管/专员 Pharmaceutical Marketing Supervisor/Specialist 医药销售经理/主管 Pharmaceutical Sales Manager 医药销售代表 Pharmaceutical Sales Representative 医疗器械市场推广 Medical Equipment Marketing 医疗器械销售 Medical Equipment Sales 其他 Others
医院/医疗/护理 Hospital/Medicine/Nursing 医院管理人员 Hospital Management 内科医生 Doctor, Internal Medicine 外科医生 Doctor, Surgeial 专科医生 Doctor, Specialist 牙科医生 Dentist
麻醉医生 Anesthesiologist 美容整形师 Plastic Surgeon 理疗师 Physical Therapist
中医科医生 Chinese Medicine Practioners 针灸、推拿 Acupuncturist 心理医生 Psychologist/Psychiatrist 营养师 Dietitian
药库主任/药剂师 Pharmacist 医药学检验 Clinical Laboratory
公共卫生/疾病控制 Public Sanitation/Disease Control 护士/护理人员 Nurse/Medical Assistant 兽医 Veterinarian 其他 Others
广告 Advertising
广告客户总监/副总监 Advertising Account Director/Associate Director 广告客户经理 Advertising Account Manager
广告客户主管/专员 Advertising Account Supervisor/Executive 广告创意/设计经理 Advertising Creative/Design Manager 广告创意总监 Advertising Creative Director
广告创意/设计主管/专员 Advertising Creative/Design Supervisor/Executive 文案 Copywriter
企业/业务发展经理 Business Development Manager 企业策划人员 Business Planning Staff 其他 Others
公关/媒介 Public Relations/Media 公关经理 Public Relations Manager 公关主管 Public Relations Supervisor 公关专员 会务经理 会务主管 会务专员 Public Relations Executive Exhibition/Event Manager Exhibition/Event Supervisor Exhibition/Event Executive
媒介经理 Media Manager 媒介主管 Media Supervisor
媒介专员 Media Specialist
公关/媒介助理 Public Relations/Media Assistant 其他 Others
市场/营销 Marketing
市场/营销总监 Marketing Director/VP 市场/营销经理 Marketing Manager
市场/营销主管 Marketing Supervisor
市场/营销专员 Marketing Executive/Communication 市场助理 Marketing Assistant / Trainee
市场分析/调研人员 Market Analyst/ Research Analyst 产品/品牌经理 Product/Brand Manager 产品/品牌主管 Product/Brand Supervisor 产品/品牌专员 Product/Brand Executive
市场通路经理/主管 Trade Marketing Manager/Supervisor 市场通路专员 Trade Marketing Specialist
市场企划经理/主管 Marketing Planning Manager/Supervisor 市场企划专员 Marketing Planning Executive 促销经理 Promotion Manager
促销主管/督导 Promotion Supervisor 促销员/导购 Promotion Specialist 其他 Others
影视/媒体 Film Entertainment/Media
影视策划/制作人员 Entertainment /Produer 导演/编导 Director
艺术/设计总监 Artistic/Design Director 经纪人/星探 Entertainment Agent
演员/模特/主持人 Actor/Actress/Model/MC 摄影师 Photographer
音效师 Recording / Sounds Specialist 配音员 Dubbing Speicalist
化妆师/造型师 Makeup Artist/Image Designer 其他 Others
文字媒体/写作 Print Media/Jornalism 总编/副总编 Chief Editor 编辑/作家/撰稿人 Editor/Writer 记者 Journalist / Reporter 美术编辑 Art Editor
排版设计 Layout Designer
校对/录入 Proofreader/Data Entry Staff 出版/发行 Publishing/Distribution 其他 Others
艺术/设计 Artist/Designer 平面设计 Graphic Artist/Designer 动画/3D设计 Animation/3D Design
陈列设计/展览设计 Display/Exhibition Design 多媒体设计 Multimedia Design 包装设计 Package Design
工业/产品设计 Industrial Designer
工艺品/珠宝设计鉴定 Artwork/Jewelry Design and Appraisal 家具/家居用品设计 Furniture/Household Product Design 玩具设计 Toy Design 其他 Others
建筑工程 Architectural Services/Construction
建筑工程师 Architect
结构/土木/土建工程师 Structural Engineer
公路/桥梁/港口/隧道工程 Road/Bridge/Port/Tunnel Project Engineer 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineer
电气工程 Electrical Engineer
给排水/暖通工程 Drainage/HVAC Project Engineer 城市规划与设计 Urban Design/Planning 室内外装潢设计 Interial Design/Decorator 园艺/园林/景观设计 Gardenning Designer 测绘/测量 Mapping/Surveyor 建筑制图 CAD Drafter
工程造价师/预结算 Project Estimator 建筑工程管理 Construction Management 建筑工程验收 Construction Project Inspector 工程监理 Engineering Project Supervisor 施工员 Construction Crew
其他 Others
房地产 Real Estate
房地产开发/策划经理 Real Estate Development/Planning Manager
房地产开发/策划主管/专员 Real Estate Development/Planning Supervisor/Specialist 房产项目配套工程师 Conveyance System Engineer 房地产评估 Real Estate Appraisal 房地产中介/交易 Real Estate Agent/Broker 房地产销售人员 Real Estate Sales 其他 Others
物业管理 Property Management
高级物业顾问/物业顾问 Senior Property Advisor/Property Advisor 物业管理经理/主管 Property Management Manager/Supervisor 物业管理专员/助理 Property Management 物业招商/租赁/租售 Property Lease/Rent
物业设施管理人员 Property Establishment Management 物业维修人员 Property Maintainence Staff 其他 Others
人力资源 Human Resources 人事总监 Human Resources Director 人事经理 Human Resources Manager 人事主管 Human Resources Supervisor 人事专员 Human Resources Specialist 人事助理 Human Resources Assistant 招聘经理/主管 Recruiting Manager/Supervisor 招聘专员/助理 Recruiting Specialist/Assistant 薪资福利经理/主管 薪资福利专员/助理 绩效考核经理/主管 绩效考核专员/助理 Compensation & Benefits Mgr./Supervisor Compensation & Benefits Specialist/Assistant Performance Assessment Manager/Supervisor Performance Assessment Specialist/Assistant
培训经理/主管 Training Manager/Supervisor
培训专员/助理/培训师 Training Specialist/Assistant/Trainer 员工关系 Employee Relationship 其他 Others
高级管理 Senior Management
首席执行官CEO/总裁/总经理 CEO/President/General Manager 首席运营官COO COO
副总经理/副总裁 Deputy GM/Vice President 合伙人 Partner 总监 Director
办事处首席代表 Chief Representative
办事处/分公司/分支机构经理 Branch Office Manager 总裁助理/总经理助理 CEO/GM/President Assistant 其他 Others
行政/后勤 Admin./Support Services 行政总监 Admin Director
行政经理/主管/办公室主任 Admin Manager/Supervisor/Office Manager 行政专员/助理 Admin Staff/Assistant
经理助理/秘书 Executive Assistant/Secretary 前台接待/总机/接待生 Receptionist 后勤 Office Support
图书管理员/资料管理员 Librarian / Information/Data Management Specialist 电脑操作员/打字员 Computer Operator/Typist 其他 Others
咨询/顾问 Consultant 专业顾问 Senior Consultant
咨询总监 Consulting Director / Partner 咨询经理 Consulting Manager 专业培训师 Professional Trainer 咨询员 Consultant
情报信息分析人员 Market Intelligence Analyst 其他 Others
律师/法务 Legal
律师/法律顾问 Lawyer/Counsel
律师助理 Paralegal
法务经理 Corporate Counsel/Compliance Officer
法务主管/专员 Legal Supervisor/Specialist 法务助理 Legal Assistant
知识产权/专利顾问/专员 Intellectual Property/Patent Advisor/Specialist 其他 Others
教师 Professor/Teacher
大学教授 Professor
讲师/助教 Lecturer/Teaching Assistant 中学教师 High School Teacher 小学教师 Grade School Teacher 幼教 Preschool Education
院校教务管理人员 Educational Facility Management 兼职教师 Part-time Teacher 家教 Tutor 其他 Others
科研人员 Research Specialist Staff 科研管理人员 Research Management 科研人员 Research Specialist Staff
餐饮/娱乐 Restaurant & Food / Entertainment
餐饮/娱乐管理 Restaurant & Food / Entertainment Services Management 餐饮/娱乐领班 Restaurant & Food / Entertainment Services Supervisor 餐饮/娱乐服务员 Restaurant & Food / Entertainment Services Waiter 礼仪/迎宾 Reception 司仪 Event Host
行政主厨/厨师长 Executive Chef 厨师 Chef/Cook 调酒师 Bartender 茶艺师 Tea Specialist 其他 Others
酒店/旅游 Hospitality/Tourism 酒店/宾馆经理 Hotel Manager 酒店/宾馆营销 Hotel Sales 大堂经理 Hall Manager 楼面经理 Floor Manager
前厅接待 Reception
客房服务员/楼面服务员 Room Service 行李员 Bellperson
清洁服务人员 Housekeeeping Staff
导游/旅行顾问 Tour Guide/Travel Consultant 订票/订房服务 Reservation Service 其他 Others
美容/保健 Beauty/Health
美容顾问/化妆 Beauty Advisor/Makeup 美容助理/见席美容师 Beautician Assistant 瘦身顾问 Slimming/Weight Loss Conunselor 发型师 Hair Stylist
发型助理/学徒 Hair Stylist Assistant 美甲师 Nail Specialist
按摩/足疗 Spa/Massage/Foot Care 健身顾问/教练 Fitness Trainer
瑜伽/舞蹈老师 Yoga/Dance Instructor 宠物护理/美容 Pet Care 其他 Others
百货/连锁/零售服务 Department Store/Chain Shops/Retail 店长/卖场经理 Store Manager
店员/营业员 Store Manager Trainee/Salesperson 收银员 Cashier
理货员/陈列员 Inventory Management/Display 导购员 Sales
兼职店员 Part-time Salesperson 其他 Others 交通运输服务 Traffic Service 飞机机长/副机长 Airplane Captain 空乘人员 Airhostess
地勤人员 Ground Service 列车车长 Train Conductor 列车司机 Train Driver 乘务员 Train Attendant 船长/副船长 Fleet Captain 船员 Sailor
司机 Chauffeur/Driver 其他 Others
保安/家政/其他服务 Security/Housekeeping/Other Service 保安人员 Security
保镖 Bodyguard
寻呼员/话务员 Paging Operator 搬运工 Mover
清洁工 Cleaning Staff
家政服务/保姆 Housekeeping/Nanny 其他 Others
公务员 Official 公务员 Official
翻译 Translator
英语翻译 English Translator 日语翻译 Japanese Translator 德语翻译 German Translator 法语翻译 French Translator 俄语翻译 Russian Translator 意大利语翻译 Italian Translator 西班牙语翻译 Spanish Translator 葡萄牙语翻译 Portuguese Translator 阿拉伯语翻译 Arabic Translator 韩语翻译 Korean Translator 泰语翻译 Thai Translator
中国方言翻译 Chinese Dialect Translator 其他语种翻译 Other Language Translator
在校学生 Student
研究生 Graduate Student
大学/大专应届毕业生 University/College Graduating Student 中专/职校生 Technical/Vocational School Student 其他 Others
储备干部/培训生/实习生 Trainee/Intern 储备干部 Associate Trainee 培训生 Trainee 实习生 Intern
茶叶是世界三大饮料产品之一, 不仅在中国有着悠久的饮茶历史, 而且世界各国都对饮茶这一独特休闲方式情有独钟。茶叶在公元9世纪传入日本, 在16世纪传入欧洲, 成为风靡世界的饮品;品茶在日本已经形成茶道文化, 说明其兼具商业属性和文化属性。因此茶文化景区中英文茶叶名称翻译就成为传播茶文化的主要途径之一, 茶叶名称翻译需要遵守很多规则, 不仅要结合中文语境翻译, 更要考虑英语母语国家语言习惯, 才能使翻译清楚明了的传达。
1 茶文化的语境概念
茶文化语境不是指语言使用环境, 而是以茶叶本身作为符号进行茶文化翻译的研究。不仅是茶文化, 各种文化都有着各自的语境, “语境翻译”是德国语言学家Wegener于1885年提出的。他指出不同的语言在进行转化和翻译的时候, 要充分的考虑其母语中语境因素, 语境因素为母语文化的精华, 应该予以保留。这是继“情景语境” (Context of Situation) 之后, Wegener提出的又一语境, “文化语境” (Context of Culture) , 文化语境对语言翻译研究提出苛刻的标准。“情景语境”为一种文化在外在的具体表现, 也就是文化的起源、发展、具体特征等一系列能够感知和记录的东西, 情景语境为文化的外在载体;“文化语境”为“情景语境”的升华, 也就是文化语境摆脱情景语境的具体形象和外在感知, 而转变为一种玄妙不可感知的文化符号, 这种符号是一种象征, 一种信仰, 指引着人们去探索和发掘。情景语境与文化语境其实属于同一种事物, 都是文化的载体。只不过情景语境属于近距离的观察, 能触摸到实实在在的文化现象;而文化语境属于整体的文化感知, 不属于具体可感的文化物象, 而演变为一种符号, 文化的信仰。而我们的茶叶名称翻译, 就是在茶文化语境的基础上进行的翻译, 既要保存茶文化的韵味和特征, 又要做到翻译的形象具体和可感。
2 文化语境对翻译的启示
语言的相似性促进文化的学习和传播, 语言的沟通促进不同文化的交融与理解。但语言本体的独特性, 比如语言思维方式, 形象意义的独特性, 会造成文化交流的隔阂, 所以我们在进行不同文化翻译时需要综合多方面的因素进行转换。茶文化翻译, 也就是我们所说茶叶名称翻译, 需要考虑茶文化语境和英文文化语境两方面因素。中国的茶文化具有3000多年的悠久历史, 陆羽的《茶经》为我国茶文化的经典著作, 《茶经》中详细讲述茶文化的起源, 采茶用具, 制作方式, 煮茶用具, 饮茶方式和有关茶的典故, 是我国关于茶叶和茶道文化最详细著作。因此在涉及到茶叶名称翻译问题的时候, 需要时常查找古代茶叶发展的相关资料, 才能翻译出茶文化的真正韵味;另一方面要了解英文有关茶叶翻译的相关资料, 英文文献的茶叶名称翻译大多按照英文习惯进行翻译, 因此他们完成保留英文文化的语言方式, 但同时却丢失很多传统茶文化的韵味, 甚至有些翻译严重偏离茶文化的本意, 导致错误百出。所以茶文化翻译最重要是结合茶文化语境的前提下, 进行相关翻译工作。
3 文化语境与茶叶名称翻译
茶叶不仅具有其商业属性, 进行茶叶相关产品的售卖;同时也具有文化属性, 满足顾客是审美要求, 启迪游客的身心。茶文化景区宣传不仅为出售茶叶获得利益, 更重要作用是带给人美得享受, 使人陶醉在优美的风景和传统文化当中, 因此茶叶名称翻译就成为茶文化景区面临的主要问题之一。茶文化名称翻译面对的主要对象为英语母语地区人群, 翻译要在传统文化的前提下, 争取通俗易懂, 使人能够容易理解其中要表达的意义。我们可以对翻译过的茶叶名称再一次用英文相关词语对他们进行解释, 使其理解其中含义, 从而达到售卖商品和观光游览的目的。茶叶名称翻译主要有直译和意译两种方式, 具体内容如下:
3.1 茶叶名称直译翻译
茶叶名称翻译中只涉及字面意思, 不带有任何的历史文化和茶叶特征的茶叶名称, 可以采用直接翻译的方式翻译。这种方式更能翻译出茶叶本身的特性和茶叶生产制作的方式, 使英语母语地区的消费者能够很容易的理解翻译过去的意义, 目前的很多茶叶名称都采用直译的方式进行翻译。
例1.通常情况, 按照发酵程度和方法的不同茶叶主要分为以下几种:小发酵茶、后发酵茶、部分发酵茶和全发酵茶。在进行茶叶名称直译的时候, “小发酵茶”翻译为Non-fermented, “后发酵茶”被直译为Post-fermented, Partially fermented和Completely fermented则是“部分发酵茶”“全发酵茶”的直译。
例2.在乌龙茶介绍方面, 基本上也是采用直译的方式进行翻译茶叶品名的:“白茶乌龙”直译为White Oolong;CTwistod Oolong意思是“条型乌龙”, “球形乌龙”泽被直译为Pelletod Oolong。这几种茶采用直接翻译方法, 这样的翻译能够更加准确传达茶文化语境中茶的意义。
由此可知, 茶叶名称翻译时候多采用直译的方法进行茶叶品名和种类等类别名称的翻译。由于以上茶叶名称不含有太多茶文化色彩, 因此直译能达到很好的效果, 在原有文化基础上的直译能够有效的传达茶文化的精髓, 这些直译不含有文化语病问题。但有些茶叶名称含有极其浓重的文化意蕴, 采用直译的方式不能达到很好的效果, 因此必须在结合文化语境的情况下, 进行适当的改编和翻译, 才能使翻译更加完整和准确。例如“洞顶茶”直译的时候“洞顶”二字直接采用拼音, 后面加上“茶”字的英文翻译, 洞顶茶直译后显示为Dongding Tea;另外一例子进行对比分析, 我们便可看出茶叶翻译时候采用直译的效果。比如, “龙井茶”有些地方被翻译成The Dragon Well Tea。虽然看起来并没有较大的差错, 但这种翻译严重曲解茶名本身的意义。洞顶茶产自台湾鹿谷附近的冻顶山, 由于山多雾而且路陡滑, 上山采茶都要将脚尖“冻”起来, 因此得名叫洞顶茶;龙井位于西湖之西翁家山的西北麓, 也就是现在的龙井村, 龙井村所产的茶也为龙井茶。以上两种茶都根据中国古代的地名而来, 但国外的翻译显然没有表达出古代中国的文化意蕴, “Dongding”和“The Dragon Well”翻译曲解茶叶本身的意蕴, 使国外的消费者产生疑惑。白毫乌龙 (White Tipped Oolong) 也叫“着延茶”, 英语翻译为“Bitten Tea”, 它以鲜嫩的叶、轻柔的炒茶方式和多重的发酵等优点被称为最高级的乌龙茶, 而“Bitten Tea”只翻译出茶的形态, 没有翻译出茶的历史文化意蕴, 翻译的效果很差。
3.2 茶叶名称意译翻译
英语母语地区消费者的历史政治和文化与华语地区有很大的不同, 这就导致茶叶翻译存在着重重困难。因此我们需要运用意译的方式, 对那些涉及文化意蕴的茶叶名称进行翻译。意译的翻译也就是通过保留传统的文化部分, 删去不符合英文语境的部分, 通过两者结合达到的翻译效果。
例3.“红茶”被翻译为“Black Tea”。这种茶叶名称就是采用意译的方式翻译的, 它和中国茶叶名称有着字面上的区别。中国的红茶就是乌龙茶, 红茶因为它的茶汤颜色是红的, 因此叫做红茶;而国外的翻译“Black Tea”指的是茶叶的颜色, 茶叶颜色是黑的, 这样翻译更容易让国外的消费者理解。而且乌龙本身也是黑色的意思, 所以这样翻译能更好的传达茶文化意蕴。有些茶叶名称有更为具体细致的区分, 比如“红茶”除是“Black Tea”以外, 又被人们细分为Unshredded Black Tea和Shredded Black Tea, 其意思分别是“工夫红茶”和“碎型红茶”。“工夫红茶”原料细嫩, 制工精细, 外形条索紧直匀齐, 色泽乌润, 香气浓郁, 滋味醇和而甘浓, 汤色叶底红艳明亮, 具有形质兼优的品质特征。以上翻译在保存传统茶文化, 形象表明茶叶的颜色和特征。
与上面红茶细分同理, 普洱茶又被人们细分为“陈放普洱”和“渥堆普洱”两者普洱茶叶, 两者茶叶的翻译为Age-fermented Puer和Pile-Fermented Puer, 这两种翻译均是采用意译的方式进行茶叶名称翻译的。“陈放普洱”指的是生茶, 也就是上面英文所说的自然发酵, 它采用云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料, 经过加工处理成饼状, 于空气中自然氧化而成;“渥堆普洱”指的是熟茶, 但并不仅仅是熟茶。它是将炒制揉捻后的茶青堆在一起, 随着热度的增加和微生物发酵作用, 茶会产生微妙的改变。茶的形态会更加纤细柔软, 颜色变得深红, 茶的口感会更加甘甜柔和, 含水量会大大降低, 茶汤的香气也会更加浓郁。除此之外还有很多意译的例子, 例如:“碧螺春”为“Green Spiral”, “大红袍”为“Robe Tea”。或者为增加茶叶的文化意蕴还可以增加字面的形容词翻译, 例如:“青沱”为“Age Bowl Puer”, “青饼”为“Age Cake Puer”。
4 结语
以上就是茶叶名称翻译的具体内容和策略研究, 不论是直译还是意译的翻译方式, 都不能有效解决茶叶翻译的问题, 最好的解决方式是直译和意义互相结合, 互为补充, 才能很好诠释茶叶名称翻译的意蕴, 以及使英语母语地区消费者清楚了解茶叶的特性和文化。茶叶翻译具有极强的地域属性特征, 翻译要结合具体文化语境来进行, 需要分析茶叶的起源、历史典故、特性甚至有关茶叶特征的诗句, 进行翻译的指导。茶叶翻译传播和交流应该在传统文化语境的前提下进行, 否则茶叶名称翻译将成为空中楼阁, 失去其本身意义和文化价值。
[3]黄剑, 戴丽华.茶的多维意义及中英茶文化比较[J].农业考古.2013 (2) :310-312.