
2024-10-14 版权声明 我要投稿


托福写作话题分析:个人理财 篇1

determination 决心

motto 座右铭

established 确定的

a household name, glorious 人尽皆知的人;光荣的

fame, prestige, reputation 名气;威望;名声

misfortune, despair 不幸;绝望

attitude, tenacity/perseverance 态度;毅力;坚持不懈

commitment/undertaking/endeavor 承诺;事业;努力,尽力

highly-?sought-afte 被高度追求的

have a yearning/longing/craving for sth 对某事有很大期许

remarkable/excellent/outstanding/distinguished 杰出的,优秀的

willpower 意志力

setback 挫折

rugged 崎岖的

insurmountable 无法超越的

be adept in/be skilled in/be good at 在某方面很擅长

adhere to(principles, rules, a diet) 坚守

indispensable 不可或缺的

be a flash in the pan 昙花一现

clear-?cut/specific goals 明确的目标

accomplished 成功的

excel in 在某个方面优于别人

industrious, conscientious, constructive 勤奋的;认真的;有建设性的

stressful, exhausting 压力大的;疲倦的

colleague, co-worker 同事

feasible 可行的

recruit, layoff/downsizing 招募;裁人

stiff/fierce competition 激烈的竞争

high?‐caliber, enthusiastic 高素质的;热情的

self-?expression/self-?image/self-?esteem 自我表达;自我认知;自尊

assessment/evaluation 评估,评价

profession/occupation 职业

daunting/formidable 可怕的

significant/essential/vital 非常重要的

devoted/fervent/ardent 在某方面很热情,很投入

job satisfaction 工作满意度

stress?‐induced diseases 压力诱导的疾病

exert oneself in doing sth 强迫自己做某事

interpersonal skills 人际交往技能

freelancer 自由职业者

work overtime 加班

workaholic 工作狂

incentive/reward 动机;奖赏

solidarity, unity 团结一致

demanding 需求高的

compensation, income, salary 收入;工资

话题写作:个人情感 篇2











Friday May 13th 2011 sunny



Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind. According to a recent survey, 60% to 70% of Americans consider themselves to be quite happy and one in twenty persons feels very unhappy. Psychologists have been studying the factors that contribute to happiness. It is not predictable nor is a person in an apparently ideal situation necessarily happy. The ideal situation may have little to do with his actual feelings.

A good education and income are usually considered necessary for happiness. People with college education are somewhat happier than those who did not graduate from high school, and it is believed that this is mainly because they have more opportunity to control their lives.

Poor health does not exclude happiness except for the severely weak or those in pain. Learning to cope with a health problem can contribute to happiness. And love has a high connection with happiness than any other factor.

The best formula for happiness is to be able to develop the ability to tolerate disappointment, to have a personal involvement and commitment, and to develop self-confidence and self-respect.


1. 以约30个词概括这篇短文的主要内容;

2. 然后以约120个词就“快乐”的话题进行论述,内容包括:





1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。





Friday May.13th 2011sunny

The day before yesterday, I was told by my teacher that I had a chance to participate in an English speech contest, I immediately jumped with great joy. Therefore, I tried every effort to prepare for the speech and made full use of the time to practise it for fear that I would let my teacher down. Today before the contest began, I waited nervously trembling. But I gradually became confident when thinking of my teacher’s and my parents’encouragement and support. Surprisingly, when it was announced that I was among the top ten winners, I was calm enough.


A recent survey shows that over a half of Americans feel happy and the factors resulting in happiness include a good education and income, good health and love. Besides, the passage also tells us how to be happy.

There is no doubt that different people have different opinions about happiness. Some hold the view that happiness means they can do whatever they want to, like having big meals, going travelling and so on. They think life is short and limited, so they should enjoy happiness timely without taking up any responsibilitiy. On the other hand, others believe that happiness doesn’t equal a fun-filled, pain-free life. We will inevitably have to take up the commitment and responsibilities in daily life, because happiness is a journey for us to enjoy ourselves.

As for me, happiness is something that I long and struggle for and I can be happy every minute if I lead a meaningful life. When I make a little progress, I will be happy. When I get over the obstacles, I will be happy, too.

Therefore, in order to gain the happiness in life, I will have a clear goal, make my plans well and make every effort to accomplish everything. Whatever problems Imeet with, I will always have an optimistic attitude!



分享新托福独立写作话题范围 篇3




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People work because they need money to live.题目翻译:你同意与否?人们工作往往由于他们需要钱生活。

解析:对很多同学来说,第一反应可能就是金钱是工作的第一驱动力(the primary motivation),这也很符合马斯洛的人类需求原理(theory of Maslow),马斯洛认为人们最基本的需求是钱、睡眠和住所(Maslow theorized that people have the basic needs such as money, sleep and shelter.),但是仔细去想人除了为钱工作或者满足了生活基本需求之后的工作都有其他含义在里面的,比如说,满足感(satisfaction),对工作的喜爱(passionate toward work)都能是人们工作的原因。这时候你就可以实时地用上几句非常优美地道的名言妙语:

1.The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of people who have become wealthy have become so thanks to work they found profoundly absorbing.The long term study of people who eventually became wealthy clearly reveals that their “luck” arose from accidental dedication they had to an arena they enjoyed.事实仍旧是,绝大多数已变得富有的人要归功于他们认为具有巨大吸引力的工作。对最终成为富人的人进行长期研究后清楚地发现,他们的“运气”来自于他们偶然投入自己所热衷的领域。

--史·布洛特,美国作家、记者Srully Blotnick(1941-2004)

2.Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.工作中的快乐使工作完美。

--亚里士多德,古希腊哲学家Aristotle(384 BC-322 BC)

3.It has been my experience that one cannot, in any shape or form, depend on human relations for lasting reward.It is only work that truly satisfies.我的经验是,一个人不能,以任何形式或方式,依赖人际关系取得永久的回报。只有工作才能带来真正的满足。

--贝特 戴维斯,美国演员Bette Davis(1908-1989), The Lonely Life

4.Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it.不要雇佣因为钱而为你工作的人,应雇佣因为热爱你的工作而为你工作的人。

--亨利·戴维·梭罗Herry David Thoreau(1817-1862),美国作家、社会批评家



Which of the following would you change to improve your health: 1.the kind of food you eat 2.the amount of exercise 3.The amount of stress


解析:同学们看到这个觉得好难抉择啊,好像通过改变这三项都可以达到提升自己的健康,比如说日常的锻炼防止了很多疾病的产生,例如高血压、心脏病、中风、心血管等危险疾病(Daily physical activity can help prevent heart disease and stroke by strengthening your heart muscle, lowering your blood pressure, raising your high-density, improving blood flow, decreasing the risk for peripheral vascular disease, and increasing your heart’s working capacity.还有很多类似的好处如:减肥,糖尿病等。It can also reduce body fat, which is associated with high blood pressure.By reducing body fat, physical activity can help to prevent and control this type of diabetes.)

再比如说改变饮食方式,如多吃素食,如坚果、全麦食品,也可以给人们的健康带来很多益处,例如降低心血管、肥胖等危险疾病发生几率,预防癌症等。(Maintaining a well-balanced vegetarian diet is healthy and can be beneficial by reducing the risk of diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases and obesity.Eating variety of soy, nut, or wheat based products can substitute for certain meat dishes and dairy products by providing the needed nutrients those normally provide.)



1.Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.那些认为自己没有时间锻炼的人迟早会为疾病寻找治疗的时间。

--爱德华·利,英国诺维奇主教Edward Stanley(1779-18949)

2.Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.没有什么能够比弘扬素食更有益于人类,更能增加我们在地球上的生存机会。

--艾伯特·爱因斯坦Albert Einstein(1879-1955),德裔美籍著名理论物理学家、20世纪最伟大的科学家之



托福写作热点话题词句类素材 篇4

指定地点 designated place

出租车司机罢工 taxi driver strike

手机叫车应用 cellphone car-hailing application

危害了某人利益 damage one’s interest

烧钱 to burn cash

抢占市场份额 to grab market share

提供高额补贴 to provide massive subsidies

大打价格战 to wage a fierce price war

新商业模式 novel business mode

使得传统的出租车行业处于劣势 to put the traditional taxi business at a disadvantage

风险资本公司 venture capital firm

私募公司 private equity firm

营销策略 market strategy

可行的商业模式 viable business model

起着决定性作用 to play a defining role

破产 to go bankrupt/go out of business

预示着互联网泡沫快胀到头了 to heralds the top of an internet bubble

公布财务报表 not publish financial statement

受到了审视 be subject to scrutiny

硅谷 silicon valley



1. Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?(小孩应该在很小的时候接受正规教育并花费大量时间在学校学习上,还是应该玩耍?)

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.(孩子应该在可能的时候帮助做家务。同意与否?)

3. A gift (such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to a child’s development. What gift would you give to help a child develop? Why? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.(一个礼品比如照相机,足球,或动物可以对小孩的成长有帮助,你愿意给小孩什么礼物帮助他成长?)

4. Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.(很小的小孩花费太多时间从事体育的好处和坏处?)

5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.(游戏对成年人和小孩子同样重要,同意与否?)

托福写作话题分析:个人理财 篇5

I succeeded because I willed it ;I never hesitated .(Bonaparte Napoleon , French emperor )

我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇。(法国皇帝 拿破仑. B .)

If you wish to succeed , you should use persistence as your good friend , experience as your reference , prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. (Thomas Edison , American inventor )

如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友、以经验为参谋、以谨慎为兄弟、以希望为哨兵。(美国发明家 爱迪生. T.)

Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life .( Thomas Edison , American inventor)

有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。(美国发明家 爱迪生. T. )

But has the last word been said ? Is all hope to be lost ? Is the defeat final No !(Charles De Gaulle , French president )

但是难道败局已定,胜利已经无望?不,不能这样说! (法国总统 戴高乐. C.)

Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily . (Friedrich Schiller , German Dramatist and poet).

只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人,才能够轻而易举地完成困难的事。(德国剧作家、诗人 席勒. F.)

The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want , and if they cannot find them .they make them. (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist )

在这个世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力寻找他们想要机会的人,如果找不到机会,他们就去创造机会。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.)

You have to believe in yourself . That’s the secret of success .(Charles Chaplin , American actor )

人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。(美国演员 卓别林. C.)

Power invariably means both responsibility and danger .(Theodore Roosevelt , American president)

实力永远意味着责任和危险。(美国总统 罗斯福. T.)

Success covers a multitude of blunders .(George Bernard Shaw , British Dramatist)

成功由大量的失望铸就。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.)


In times of an economic crisis, in which area should governments reduce its spending? 1. Arts 2. Scientific research 3. Parks and public gardens.


During an economic crisis, governments face difficult choices of monetary allocation with reduced budgets. In this challenging time, it is of vital importance for policy-makers to recognize the effectiveness of policy-making on certain social services or programs such as arts, scientific research and park and public gardens. If a choice has to be made, in my opinion, the government should reduce its spending on arts.

To begin with, in times of an economic crisis, it is significant for policy-makers to recognize the necessity of investing in scientific research because it exerts a far-reaching effect. If the financial crisis leads to substantial cuts in funding for scientific research by governments, it will be difficult to muster investment for a public good, like clean air, or for extremely risky initiatives, such as novel approaches to new antibiotic drugs, or in areas where the outcome is uncertain. As a matter of fact, technological innovation, biomedical breakthroughs, and tackling pressing environmental issues all require sustained scientific development, from basic discovery to final application. Investing in research is investing in the future, and it requires a long-term commitment to the accumulation of knowledge, the testing of basic principles, and the translation of these discoveries into practical applications that impact everyday life. Consequently, governments ought to attach more importance to the scientific studies so as to develop world class research base and conduct crucial scientific projects.

Furthermore, funding for parks and public gardens provides an opportunity for people to engage in physical activities, which is considerably beneficial to health. Nowadays, due to the sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating diet, overweight and obesity are epidemic problems across the world, and related conditions are on the rise. A primary focus of attention is providing environment where people can be physically active. Parks offer such an opportunity. In addition, health studies have shown that people who do regular exercise get a range of benefits when they are in natural settings, like parks and public gardens. These benefits include reduced risk of premature death; reduced risk of heart disease, hypertension, cancer; improved maintenance of muscle strength; weight loss and favorable redistribution of body fat; improved physical functioning. Therefore, when governments allocate fiscal spending on parks such as well-designed and well-maintained paths as well as attractive scenery, people can substantially improve their health and quality of life by doing moderate amounts of physical activity in their daily lives.

Undeniably, if governments pay more attention to investment in art, people can enrich inner world as a diverse and productive cultural environment can provide the spirit and important intangible values. However, in times of crisis, people usually lay emphasis on basic needs instead of spiritual needs. As a result, the importance of material comforts outweighs that of nourishment for the mind and it does not mean that people’s quality of life will be dramatically affected if governments cut budget on art and provide less financial support on art institutions. In a sense, it will not directly influence people’s life at least in a short term because people rarely need to satisfy their aesthetic needs everyday. Therefore, compared with scientific research and park and public gardens, art is least associated with people’s daily life and it needs less concern.

From what has been discussed above, scientific studies serve the common interest of the entire human race and doing exercise in parks and public gardens constitutes an indispensable part of daily life. It is more applicable and reasonable to cut down spending on art in the times of an economic crisis.


In a word, studying only limited courses will be supportive for students’ physical and mental growth as well as their future careers.

2月27日: High school students are required to study many different subjects at same time or they should study only three or four subject at a time, which do you agree?


As for me, studying only three or four subjects appears to be a better choice and the listed reasons and examples will support what I believe.

To begin with, current young students have been under enormous pressure, doing great harm to their growth, and there is no need to impose too much pressure on them. To be more specific, to strengthen students’ future competitiveness in the society, most schools have expected to forge students’ various capacities since they were young by arranging a huge number of curriculums. What an ordinary high school student has to experience in his one-day school life can demonstrate how depressed and exhausted present high school students are. Getting up as early as 6AM has become common in recent two decades. Afterwards, a whole-day study will include various compulsory and optional courses like Mathematics that leads to intellectual stimulation or History that demands students to attempt to memorize historic events and relative effects as many as possible. When class is over, it is still far away from ending one-day study since lots of assignments such as the short essays or scientific researches need to be finished. Evidently, students suffer from the huge pressure from study, leading many of them to wear glasses at a young age and to be drained physically and mentally everyday. Thus, students are not supposed to be ordered to study many courses at a time.

To be followed, the inadequacy of enough leisure time will contribute students to have no chances to engage in what they interested in. High school students are still involved in an age during which they should exploit their own interests to decide which area they will choose when going to college in their near future. However, like I mentioned in the previous statement, to meet the requirements set by school; students have no option but to immerse themselves in a number of assignments and the freedom to pursue their own hobbies has been deprived. It is known to all that interest plays a leading role in assisting people to choose their future career and a recent released statistic in a survey conducted by Beijing Human Resource General Bureau indicates that approximately 67 percent of college undergraduates switch their professions from their major-related areas to what they are truly interested in their third year after graduation. In addition, many of the respondents claim that they are not satisfied with the current educational system, requiring students to study a wide range of curriculums, because it entirely downplays the importance of cultivating students’ hobbies and they believe that the earlier students can discover their interest, the more setbacks they can avoid when choosing future majors in the university and upcoming professors after graduation. A friend I know named Andy refused to become a mechanical engineer since he was bored to stay in the office building and finally chose to become a teacher in a educational institute since he can apply his passion and extrovert personality into the profession. Accordingly, student should be given more opportunities to develop their own hobbies to explore what they love.


Do you agree or disagree high-school students are required to study many different subjects at same time or they should study only three or four subjects at a time.

Teenagers are in the prime time of their life. What they learn in this period is a huge factor in determining their whole life. To make better use of this valuable time, some educators advocate that students are supposed to study as many subjects as possible at a time. However, I don’t think it is a smart move. Instead, studying three or four subjects at a time would serve them better.

To begin with, only three or four subjects at a time ensure that students have enough time and energy to make further research in each of these fields. It allows them to bite deeply into these subjects, thus gaining the whole picture of a certain field in their mind rather than just a smattering of knowledge. It is not hard to imagine what they would suffer when they have too many things in their plate. They would find themselves wrestling with complex chemical formulas, intertwined history events and distinctions between invertebrates and amphibians on the same very day. In consequence, they would end up with spreading themselves too thin and cannot gain a deeper understanding in any of the fields.

Besides, when students are allowed to choose three or four subjects at a time based on their own interest, they would performer better without under a huge amount of mental pressure. As an old saying goes, interest is the best teacher. When what they learn really appeal to them, they are more keen on their school work. On the contrary, if they are forced to learn too many subjects at a time, chances are that they not only cannot be guaranteed with good grade but also get upset and frustrated. Things may get even worse when they find some of these subjects are extremely bothersome and annoying. I have experienced the suffering. When I was in high school, history was the most difficult one for me. Those intertwined history events, exact dates of those events, and various complex names of important figures involved in them just drove me crazy. When the finals were just around the corner, I always burnt mid-night oil to hit history books, feeling so tense and stressed up. So only when students spend their time on just three or four subjects that truly attractive to them can they get good grade on each subject and enjoy their high-school time happily.

What cannot be denied is that there are such versatile brainiacs who can handle with so many subjects at the same time without any difficulty. However, only a small fraction of students are in this line. For most of the students in high school, three or four subjects at a time are more acceptable and effective for their study.

To sum up, I am on the board with the idea that students will benefit more from taking just three or four subjects at a time.

托福写作话题分析:个人理财 篇6

Some argue that we should use cleaner energy sources to protect the environment, while others believe traditional energy sources like coal and oil are better because they are less expensive. What is your opinion?


Energy lies the foundation of the modern society. As the rapid development of our society, the demand for energy has reached an unprecedented level. However, when it comes to the discussion whether people should use cleaner energy sources instead of traditional energy sources, people have different responses. As far as I am concerned, it is more advisable for people to use cleaner energy sources in order to protect our environment and guarantee the economy thrive(, even though the traditional energy sources seem to be less costly).



To begin with, it is necessary for modern people to explore and use cleaner energy sources to protect the environment, since the environment is very critical for us to survive and maintain healthy. The past few decades have witnessed the great damage on the environment that exceeding use of traditional energy sources have brought. For example, the widely use of coal and oil has generated a huge number of harmful gas, such as SO2, which contributes primarily to the acid rain. The acid rain could destroy numerous crops and also heavily damage historical architectures, leading to enormous loss both in economic and cultural aspects. In this way, we are supposed to reduce the use of traditional energy sources and enhance the application of cleaner energy, such as solar, wind and tidal energy, all of which bring little impact on our environment. Widely use of cleaner energy will definitely improve our environment and thus benefit our economic development as well as culture prosperity.



In addition, using cleaner energy sources will entitle people more chances to earn more profits in the long run, while relying on traditional energy sources could increase the risk of profit reduction and even bankrupt. Since the traditional energy sources, like coal and oil, are limited on earth and they usually require centuries to regenerate, the traditional energy sources cannot satisfy our use as the society develops rapidly. In this way, the traditional energy could become more and more expensive if our most industries keep depending on them. It is conceivable that the industries would be hard to advance because of the lack of traditional energy sources. Only when companies or industries are able to take advantage of cleaner energy sources, such as solar, wind, and tide, which can supply energy constantly,can they develop and achieve booming in the future.


On the basis of the above discussion, using cleaner energy is a feasible and favorable(压头韵哦~) strategy for people to survive and thrive in the future as the traditional energy sources gradually become depleted and protecting environment become more and more important.


托福写作低分原因分析 篇7



3)着重具体性:评价事物的好坏是具体的指出怎么号,怎么坏,而不是仅适用good or bad笼统的叙述;


5)时间的具体性:使用较小的时间单位而不是大的时间单位,如摈弃大家常用的nowadays, 他们更多使用these years/days, the decade, at the historical moment/point, the year, the month/moment.





托福写作8类常见错误分析 篇8

例如:There are many ways we get to know the outside world.

剖析:这个句子包含了两层完整的意思:“There are many ways。” 以及 “We get to know the outside world.” 但简单地把它们连在一起就不太妥当了。

改为:There are many ways for us to learn about the outside world.

托福写作话题分析:个人理财 篇9



1. Firstly,the wide application of the Internet dramatically boosts the convenience and efficiency of acquiring knowledge for people.(中心句)2.In the times without the Internet,the main way to be well-educated was attending schools.3.But the scarcity of educational resources enabled only a few elites to do it.4.Thanks to the Internet technology,the knowledge gets across among people regardless of time and space.5.For example,Khan Academy,an innovative online educational company,offers high-quality and free-of-charge cramming courses involving mathematics,physics and other high school subjects.6.Another renowned program called “Coursera” cooperates with top universities and puts online real lectures of top-notch professors for people to learn from at no cost.




1.In the first place,job satisfaction is becoming increasingly important in contemporary society.2.Due to the fierce competition and social pressure,whether workers can attain satisfaction in their positions determines how hardly they work,which also determines how many profits the company will get.3.My brother can be cited as a good example.4.At first,he worked in an international company which cared nothing for its employees but profits.5.He was forced to work for extra hours without extra salary in regular working time, which generated extreme tiredness and dissatisfaction.6.As a result,he soon changed the job into a more satisfying one which has more vacation,better working environment and more friendly relationships between colleagues.7.Now,my brother enjoys his job which creates great job satisfaction for him and works more assiduously.


因此,当中心句写完之后,到底写点什么来支撑一个段落的字数,考生可以从论证方法这个概念去思考。例如Body 1中心句之后可以先用因果论证,带一下原因,再将结果层层递进写几句话,结束之后字数肯定不够,那就想一下还有一种论证方法叫举例论证,能不能编一个例子出来。同理,Body 2还是先写中心句,接下来写一句因果,写一句对比(正反假设),最后再来一组例子。简而言之,我们在思考的时候从论证方法出发,但是呈献给考官看的还是内容。论证方法只是便于我们快速想到写的内容的方向,总比绞尽脑汁直接想内容要简单得多。






University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.


(9月29日 = 6月13日)



1. 阅读本身就是快乐的,学习本身就是一种成长。阅读经典史书,无论是典故,传记,还是语录,都是一种开拓视野,丰富知识,增加文化底蕴的过程。

2. 很多精英,无论是文体明星,还是商业巨子,他们的成功的重要因素之一就是大学期间博览群书,钻研历史。学习历史不仅增强了他们的文化底蕴,更加教会他们以史为鉴,理性思考。换言之,他们不断借鉴史书,积累成功的方法,学习失败的经验。当他们走出校园,搏击商海,拓展事业的时候,从历史学习中汲取精神力量帮助他们避免犯类似的错误,危机中做出明智选择。






1. instill confidence into oneself


解析:instill v灌输……

2. foster one’s rational thinking and critical thought


3. get a clear perspective of oneself


4. make sound judgment on


解析:sound adj理性的;健康的

5. enhance one’s literacy


6. avoid making similar mistakes


7. enlarge one’s scope of knowledge


8. broaden one’s mental horizons


拓展: expand one’s mind v开拓视野(口语推荐)

9. exert a positive impact on the future


10. learn the relevant experiences from the historical events


11. learn the methods of addressing the problems


12. if one’s major is totally irrelevant to history


解析:such as botany or zoology 例如动物学和动物性

13. to learn history will distract one’s energy and waster one’s time


14. take history as a mirror


15. foster one’s analytical, creative and rational thinking



16. mature one’s thought


17. reflect on oneself


18. deepen one’s insight into life

v 加深对于生活的洞察

解析:insight into = understanding about v对于……的洞察

19. brings about a great many benefits to one’s spiritual growth


20. have nothing to do with our current life


解析:is irrelevant to v和……的关系不大



1. People have been debating for many years whether or not the college students as a whole should be required to study history without reaching any consensus


2. All university students, regardless of their majors,are supposed to spend some time learning history-related courses.


3. College students of all fields ought to know some common sense about the past.


4. The pleasure of acquiring history knowledge lies in the process of reading itself.


5. To travel in the ocean of history-related books, no matter what one reads such as stories, biographies or analects,is a good way to expand one’s mental horizons,enlarge one’s scope of knowledge and strengthen one’s cultural deposits.


6. Examples from many fields could be quoted to justify my stand. A lot of social elites ranging from top stars to eminent entrepreneurs all take a keen interest in studying history-related courses and reading extensively, which conduces to their later achievements in personal career.

很多精英,无论是文体明星,还是商业巨子,他们的成功的重要因素之一就是大学期间,钻研历史, 博览群书。

7. The acquisition of history knowledge not only strengthens their cultural deposits, but also fosters their rational mode of thinking, for they have learnt to take history as a mirror.


8. In other words, they constantly benefit form the past histories by means of learning successful figures and mirroring the experiences of failure.


解析:mirror = reflect v反思

9. After finishing university life, they dived into bossiness world or expanded personal career, what they spiritually gained from history learning helps them avoid committing blunders and make sound judgment.


10. Admittedly, some people might take skeptical attitude towards my standpoint.


11. Someone might argue that it is not feasible to inspire students of all fields to study history because not every individual can be attracted by the idea of knowing the past and the energy spent in history might fail to benefit their future directly.


12. Confronted with the tremendous pressure of academic study , only few students will allocate energies and time to history learning


解析:allocate to v分配……

解析:allocate time to doing sth = is unwilling to do sth = is reluctant to do sth v不愿意做……

13. One’s interest in history can be cultivated


14. The mental pleasure and dialectical thinking deriving from history learning could impose a proud influence on one’s future.
