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九年级人教版英语词汇 篇1

姓名: 1.With the _______(战士)help, the boy could go to school again.2.When they got there ,they found the old man had been _________(die)3..Mario used to be very short.对划线部提问

______ ______Mario ______ to be? 4.I went to sleep last night.the door was open..(合并为一句)I went to sleep ______ the door _______ last night.5.Don`t leave the room ____ the light on.(填介词)()6.His bike is broken.It needs___soon.A.be repair B.to mend C.to be repaired D.being mended()7.Sleeping with the lights on is a waste.You `d better ___ all the lights are off before you go to bed.A.look for B.try out C.make sure D.think hard()8 I must get my breakfast ___now.A.cook B.to cook C.cooked



① We all

(以….为骄傲)our great country.②Smoking is bad for your health.You`d better


(让它们感到惊讶的是),all of them passed the exam in the end.④He always ____________(与什么发生冲突)his parents.⑤You should ____________(更加注意)your pronunciation.⑥Worrying about things too much can make you ____________(感到有压力)。⑦He went on working __________(即使)it rained heavily.⑧Nothing can make him ____________(改变主意)。


①He worked for the 2008 Olympic Games as a __________(志愿者).②If you have an o_______ to go aborad to study , don`t miss it.③At p________, the students are under too much pressure.④What does it______ you _____(想起)

⑤The teenagers should be allowed to work for __________(当地的)villages.⑥I think this way is good for ________(设计)uniforms.⑦这些嗜好可能妨碍学校工作。These hobbies can ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ schoolwork.⑧刘雨热衷于跑步。Liu yu ______ ______

_______running.9.After lunch, I was beginning to feel _________(sleep)10.The apartment block is dangerous.It should be _______ _______(pull down)

11.We would have finished the work if we __________(have)time.12.What will happen if it rains tomorrow?(改为同义句)_______ _______it rains tomorrow?


()13.She coughed _____looked____ill.A.terrible;terrible

B.terribly;terribly C.terrible;terribly D.terribly;terrible()14.Please give me ______on how to learn English well.A.an advice

B.a advice C.advice D.some advice()15.It give advice _______what to do next.A.in

B.at C.of D.on()16____a cinema at the corner in King Street but it closed a few days ago.A.There used to be B.There used to have C.It used to be D.It used to have()They are the students who___from that country.A come B to come;C comes()18.He pretended____a book when his father came back.A.to read B.to be reading C.reading D.to be read

()19Though it was late ,___he went on with his work.A.but B.and C.so D./()20.Can you imagine what life will be like in ____ time ? A.20 years`

B.20 year`s C.20-years ` D.20-years

()21.This is the dictionary _____Mum gave me for my birthday





()22.The mother would like ___ her ___at home.A.keep;stay

B.to keep;to stay C.keep;staying D.to keep;staying

()23.I am considering ____aborad , I can`t decide which country is the best.A.studying

B.study C.to study

D.to studying

()24.We must ________a plan to improve your math.A.pick up B.catch up with C.come up with

D.make up

()25.My cousin read a history book _______.A.So John does B.So did John

C.So does John D.So John did

()26.I’d rather die than___him for help.A.ask;B.to ask;C.asking;D.will ask()27.A: Where do you work? B: I work for a company ____sells cars.A where

B what

c which

九年级人教版英语词汇 篇2

本单元以讨论允许和不允许做的事情而展开学习, 在不断深入讨论过程中又学习了表示同意和不同意的表达方法以及由情态动词should构成的被动语态。为了能够增强学生开口讲英语的自信心, 第一课时充分利用多媒体教学设备, 创设与本课话题相关的情景, 如谈论青少年日常行为规范、校规、家规等。围绕着教学目标, 设计一些贴近学生实际的教学任务, 让学生辩论一些学校规章制度。学生在使用所学目标语言进行辩论时, 教师要不断地鼓励学生, 让学生勇于发表自己的真实观点和想法, 同时学会关注日常生活和学习中的各种规章制度, 对周围世界进行比较客观地认识和评价, 养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯。


(一) 教学内容分析

学生在七年级下册第十二单元“Don’t eat in the classroom”中学过关于规章制度的讨论, 在八年级下册第二单元“what should I do?”中学过情态动词should的用法。本单元谈论的是学生非常熟悉又和生活、学习紧密相关的话题——家规、校规及其他规章制度, 能引起学生的共鸣 , 激起学习的兴趣。因此, 掌握“be (not) allowed to do/ Should (not) be allowed to do”难度不大。可以让学生结合生活实际自由谈论各种规章制度, 发表自己的观点, 并陈述同意或不同意的理由;还可以根据实际情况对各种家规、校规进行修改, 并为一些组织机构制定新的规章, 体现“为用而学、在用中学、学了就用”的新课程理念。

(二) 学生情况分析

笔者教学的对象是初三学生 (以中等生为主) , 他们具有较强的求知欲和表现欲, 所以对英语学习的模仿力很强, 但部分学生对英语学习没有自信, 害怕表现, 但又希望能得到大家的肯定。因此笔者在教学活动中尽量让这部分学生参与到课堂活动中来, 有更多的说英语的机会, 增强他们的自信心;还有一些学困生由于基础薄弱, 对完成某些任务有一定的难度, 教师可采取小组奖励的办法, 通过学生间的合作学习, 促进小组成员之间的互帮互学, 鼓励小组中的优秀成员主动帮助困难生学习, 培养学生的团队意识。提高他们综合运用语言的能力, 让他们都能体验到成功的喜悦, 使各层次的学生都有所收获。


(一) 语言知识目标

1. 掌握语言结构 should (not) be allowed to do, 学会表达 agree 和 disagree。

2. 对目标语言的听力训练。

(二) 情感态度目标

通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生日常行为准则、规范自己的言行, 养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯和优良品德; 正确看待“家规”“班规”“校规”等, 并能认真遵守;理解父母、教师的合理建议对自己成长的重要性。


(一) 教学重点

1. 词汇:teenager, choose, pierce

2. 词组:too wild, too silly, too young, not seriousenough, not old enough, not calm enough, get earspierced

(二) 教学难点

结构:should be allowed to,

should not be allowed to


(一) 步骤 1:导入 (5 分钟)

T: An exchange student comes to our classtoday. He wants to know some rules about ourschool.

通过投影展示以下活动名称, 学生以四人一组活动, 各自谈论在学校里能做哪些, 不能做哪些。

What rules do you have at our school?

We should sweep the floor every day.

We should not arrive school late.

We should not take mobile phones .


sweep the floor, clean the blackboard, fightw it hothers , arrive school late , take mobil ephones等等。

多媒体呈现表格, 小组讨论填表


( 二 ) 步骤 2:呈现 (25 分钟)

1.Introduce the new structure: allow sb. to dosth. / don’t allow sb. to do sth.

多媒体呈现 :

Teachers allow us to eat in the dinning hall.

Teachers don’t allow us to eat in the classroom.

2. 小组活动:

全班50人分成12组, 每组4人


(1) 用纸片做成12个签, (其中有2个签画有小红旗) , 由组长抽签, 抽到带有小红旗的签的两个组进行比赛。

(2) 第一轮用am/is/are allowed to结构说句子, 比赛小组每人2次机会, 但是不能重复出现句子, 否则为失败。第二轮用am/is/are not allowed to结构说句子, 规则同第一轮。获胜小组会得到一面红旗并在全班中挥舞以示胜利。

(3) 在重新抽签 (不含已参加过的小组) , 规则同2.

参考短语:sweep the floor, fight with others, eat in the dinning hall, eat in class, take mobilephones等, 可以自己自由发挥。

设计意图:由熟悉的结构引入新的结构, 并采用小组活动使每个学生能够参与其中熟练短语和句子结构, 达到开口说的目的, 有助于学生理解下一环节, 从而使新授课的内容达到高潮。

3. 被动语态:

(1) 定义 : 表示主语是动作的承受者 .

(2) 构成 : 助动词be+ 及物动词的过去分词。助动词有人称、时态和数的变化。

(3) 含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+ be +及物动词的过去分词。

(4) 用法:当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者, 或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者, 或者只强调动作的承受者时, 要用被动语态。

4.复习过去分词的构成 :

(1) 规则变化

watch---watched practice---practiced

study---studied stop---stopped

(2) 不规则动词的过去分词:

am/is /are---been have/has---had

write---written do---done go---gone

5. 教学1a

(1) 教师明确任务要求, 给出一定的指导。强调重点词汇:teenager, choose, pierce。

(2) 让—位学 生大声朗 读1a中的句子。 确定学生理解了每个句子之后, 让学生发表自己的看法:agree or disagree。

(3) 在学生掌握了结构be allowed to的基础上, 进—步介绍带有主观态度的新结构:

should (not) be allowed to, 告诉学生这—结构增加了情感态度, 表示应该被允许和不应该被允许。

(4) 学生完成1a之后, 让不同的学生发表意见:agree or disagree. Why?

6. 投影展示练习

我会做:这个环节要求学生快速抢答做4个转换句子, 将allow sb.to do变成be allowed to do并用投影展示答案。

1.They should allow us to have part-time jobs.


2.We should allow children to spend time with their friends.


3.The teacher should allow Anna to finish thepicture.


Parents should allow children to choose theirown friends.



1. We should be allowed to have part-time jobs.

2. Children should be allowed to spend timewith their friends.

3. Anna should be allowed to finish the picture.

4. Children should be allowed to choose theirown friends.

设计意图:帮助学生理解la中的句子, 投影展示练习这个环节巩固了学生allow的用法。

7. 教学 Section A - lb, 2a, 2b

利用多媒体课件中的Section A - 1b, 2a , 2b进行听力练习。

(1) 认识新词汇:teenager, earring, get their earpierced, do homework with friends

do part-time jobs, too wild / young / silly …, not serious / calm / old…enough

(2) 教师先帮助学生明确要求, 并且给出—定的指导。

(3) 让学生朗读其中的句子, 问题。

(4) 播放录音, 核对答案。


8. 练习


The telephone _____ (invent) by Bell in 1876.

The trees may _____ (plant) in spring.

Teenagers should not _____ (allow) to drive.

English _____ (speak) in Canada.

Math must _____ (study) well.


was invented , be planted , be allowed , is spoken, be studied


(三) 步骤 3:巩固和拓展

1. 学生列出青少年应该被允许做的和不应该被允许做的事情, 列表之后进行 free talk。

设计意图:要求学生重点结合Section A -1c和Section A - 2c的内容进行小组活动, 以便能更自然, 更正确地使用所学的语言。


结构:should be allowed to, should not be allowed to

词组:too wild, too silly, too young, not serious enough, not old enough, not calm enough

设计意图:创设贴近学生实际情况的情境, 真实而富有趣味, 激发了学生的参与意识, 巩固了本课的新知。

(四) 步骤 4. 小结

1. 利用媒体资源中课件中的内容复习Grammar Focus.

2. 总结并回顾本节课所学到的重点知识。

(五) 步骤 5:作业

1. 用结构 be (not) allowed to do 列出课堂上介绍的—些事情;

2. 用 should, must, may 等情态动词各写出 5 个被动语态的句子。

(六) 步骤 6:板书设计


(一) 评价内容

本节课通过展示练习, 巩固与拓展这两个环节, 如果全班80℅的学生能够按要求学习或完成句子, 那么就达到了预期的教学目的本课的教学难点即得到突破。这是评价本课是否成功的更重要的标准。

(二) 评价方法

小组活动汇报, 基本全体学生都能说出一个正确的句子即可符合标准;

九年级人教版英语词汇 篇3

一、 教材分析




本课教材的特点是语法项目和日常交际用语自然结合,内容形象直观。通过操练when 开头的特殊疑问句把学生引入话题(谈论重要发明的历史及用途)的语境中。


1. 知识目标



能运以下句型进行对话:When was the telephone invented ?

It was invented in 1876.

What was it used for ?

It was used for talking to people in other places.




(四) 教学重点和难点


When was the telephone invented ?

It was invented in 1876.

What was it used for ?

It was used for talking to people in other places.


二、 学习分析


1. 合作学习法。合作意识和合作能力是社会的需要,也是学习本身的需要,它有利于培养主动学习过程的合作性,以弥补独立学习之不足,增进学生之间情感沟通与智力互补。学生通过对所学内容进行讨论,刺激学生的交流欲望,达到相互启发,加深理解,提高课堂学习效率的目的。

2. 情景交际法。即学生通过交际活动理解和运用语言知识,用所学到的知识进行对话表演、问答,从而达到脱口而出的交流目的。

3. 联想法。看图联想,营造真实的语言运用氛围,以最佳的情景和语言效果刺激学生的感官引发学生联想,激活学生的思维和想象,达到发散创新的目的。

三、 教法分析


四、 教学程序设计


1. 激趣抢答,温故知新:告诉学生我们将玩一个游戏——考考你。


A. How many things have you seen ?

B. What are they?

C. What was invented before the car ?


2. 设问置疑,导入新课。


A. Do you like computers ?

B. If you want to know more information about the inventions, what will you do ?

C. So computer is very important for us to know more besides books, isn’t it ?


Do you know who invented the computer ?

When was it invented ? Now , let’s come to Unit 9 Section A to find out the answers.



1)What’s this in English ? Is it a computer ?

2)Who was the inventor of TV ?

3)Is this invention useful ?




What’s the most useful invention ?

Who invented it ?

When was it invented ?

What was it used for ?


活动设计意图:通过提问和抢答实现了两个教学目标—— 单词和句型的掌握和运用。

3. 视听联想,加深理解


The invention is …It was invented in…by… And it is used for…



4. 合作小结,拓展延伸


(1) 设置几个问题让学生分组讨论

A. If you are a scientist , what do you want to invent most ? Why ?

B. Who do you think is the greatest inventor in the world ? Why ?

C. What do you think is the most interesting invention ? Why ?

D. If you had money, what would you like to own ? Why ?


(2) 发明给我们带来了什么?



What do you think is the most helpful invention ?

What do you think is the most boring invention ?Why ?


5. 探究应用,练中巩固


(1) 听力练习

完成课本上Ib Listen and match the inventions with the date .

(2) 选择填空

1. The cup is used for _______ tea.

A. drinkB. drinks C. drinking D. to drink

2. The tall building near here _______ in 1987.

A. was put up B. was putting up C. is built D. has built

3. This kind of knife ______ for cutting paper many years ago.

A. is used B. were used C. was used D. will be used

4. —— Who ______ the electric light lamp ______ ?

—— It was invented by Edison.

A. was; invented B. is; invented C. did; invent D. was; invented by

5. —— ______was the telephone invented ?

—— I’m not sure. Maybe hundreds of years ago.

A. Where B. WhenC. How many D. How long

(3) 写作


What can you invent in the future ?

Have you ever invented something ?

九年级英语寒假作业答案人教版 篇4

Chapters 1-2基础知识归纳与练习Keys:

I. (One possible version)

1. glanced 2. impression 3. promise 4. remind 5. disappointed 6. lifestyle

7. appearance 8. afterwards 9. suits 10. wise 11. part-time 12. gesture 13. show

14. rest 15. hairdryer 16. miss

II. (One possible version)

1. beauty 2. invitation 3. communicate 4. advice 5. wonderful

III. (One possible version)

1. make an appointment 2. Without hesitation 3. on top of the world 4. broke down 5. on average 6. depends on 7. made a good impression on 8. looking forward to 9. By the way 10. free of charge 11. works as 12. instead of

IV. (One possible version)

1. What’s the matter with her grandmother?

2. I like this coat better than that one.

3. Simon made up his mind to make his body language better.

4. To have a good diet is important for us.

5. The bus didn’t work halfway.

6. Looking after your hair every day is necessary.

7. She advises us to keep our room clean.

8. It was surprising for me to hear the bad news.

9. You’re rude to use your hands to have meals in China.

V. (One possible version)

1. reminds; of 2. What kind of 3. get a chance to 4. enough not to; feel 5. persuade; to

VI. 1-5 CBADB 6-10 BABCA

VII. 1. /; / 2. The; the 3. The; a 4. an; a, an 5. /

VIII. (One possible version)

1. This road is not wide enough for three cars to move side by side.

2. It is impolite of him to lie to his parents.

3. Peter is too young to dress himself.

4. It is an easy job for me to learn English well.

5. I want to listen to some relaxing music to make myself relaxed.

Chapters 1-2 综合能力测试题Keys:

I. 1-5 BACCA 6-10 CDBCD 11-15 AACBA

II. 16-20 CAACB 21-25 DBCBA

III. 26-30 BDBCC 31-35 DACCA 36-40 BCBAC 41-45 BCADC 46-50 BCDDC

51-55 BDEAC 56-60 BFCDA

IV. (One possible version)

61. The policeman is very kind to send me home.

62. The stylist didn’t stop working before all the customers left.

63. She felt very happy when she won the first prize.

64. I would like to have a dinner with you when you are free.

65. The ice is so thin that we can’t skate on it.

V. (One possible version)

66. friend 67. Grade 68. habits 69. cheating 70. advice


Dear Fancy,

You are so kind to care and worry about your friend. I’d like to give you some advice. You can ask Paul to go to school together in the morning and he has to get up early. When you play with Paul, you can tell him that doing homework alone is very important for a student. And every student should get good marks through hard work. Besides, you should always encourage Paul, because it is not easy to give up all bad habits in a short time.

I believe you will deal with these problems very well.

Best regards!

Miss Green

Chapters 1-2完形填空训练Keys:

A) 1-5 CCDCB 6-10 CABDC

B) 1-5 BDBBC 6-10 ACDBC

C) 1-5 CADBB 6-10 ADBCD

Chapters 1-2阅读理解训练Keys:

A) 1-5 BBBCD B) 1-5 CBDDA C) 1-5 BAABD

D) 1-5 ABBDC E) 1-5 DBACB


Chapters 3-4基础知识归纳与练习Keys:

I. (One possible version)

1. top 2. direction 3. audience 4. hire 5. extra 6. path 7. note 8. nearby

9. appreciate 10. scenery

II. (One possible version)

Education; housing; medical 2. conclusion 3. behaviors 4. unhelpful 5. directly

6. communication 7. needed 8. based

III. (One possible version)

1. error 2. Cheating 3. ride 4. sign 5. violent 6. hurt 7. persuade 8. advised

IV. (One possible version)

1. look like 2. to take shape 3. a large number of 4. in advance 5. am attracted by

6. in memory of 7. places of interest 8. by accident 9. leave for 10. feel sorry for 11. none of our business 12. on business

V. (One possible version)

1. The hotel is not far.

2. Which way are you going?

3. I appreciate your help.

4. Send your parents my regards.

5. The museum finally began developing into a clear form three months after it was designed.

6. Smoking in the classroom is not allowed.

7. There are a lot of mistakes in the article.

8. It took them a long time to do their homework.

9. Mike is playing.

10. It has nothing to do with you.

VI. (One possible version)

1. It 2. It 3. This; that 4. that 5. It; he 6. It; she 7. It 8. It 9. It 10. it



Chapters 3-4 综合能力测试题Keys:

I. 1-5 CABBB 6-10 BABDD 11-15 DCACC

II. 16-20 BCACA 21-25 DAABC

III. 26-30 CDACB 31-35 DAABC 36-40 BADCC 41-45 DCDCA 46-50 DCBAB

51-55 DFAEC 56-60 ECFAB

IV. (One possible version)

61. There are a large number of people watching the film.

62. I thank you for what you have done for me.

63. Please contact me ahead of time.

64. We are given advice to leave at once.

65. You are wrong to cheat in the exam.

V. (One possible version)

66. writing 67. as much progress as 68. on 69. get along 70. dye


I like traveling for vacations. Next month I am going on vacation. This time I am going to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, because there are beautiful views everywhere ― bright sunshine, blue sky and clear air. I’m going with my parents. Of course, we are taking the train to get there. The new railway between Tibet and Qinghai has been built already. We are visiting many places of interest in Lhasa. We are going hiking and camping there, too. We are staying there for about a week. I think we are having a good time there.

Chapters 3-4完形填空训练Keys:

A) 1-5 BADDD 6-10 BACBC

B) 1-5 BDACC 6-10 ADABD

C) 1-5 CADBB 6-10 DCACA

Chapters 3-4阅读理解训练Keys:

A) 1-5 BCCAD B) 1-5 DBDBC C) 1-5 DBBDC D) 1-5 CAABB

E) 1-5 CCACC


Chapters 5-6基础知识归纳与练习Keys:

(One possible version)

I. 1. unprepared 2. calm 3. raise 4. dead 5. order 6. pity 7. vegetarian 8. director

9. nervous 10. since

II. 1. unprepared 2. industry 3. nervous 4. public 5. private 6. introduction 7. director

8. emergency 9. straight 10. space 11. cruel 12. pity 13. order 14. cameraman

15. bill 16. dead 17. vegetarian

III. 1. raised 2. clapping 3. influenced 4. ordered 5. director 6. unprepared 7. instruction 8. nearby 9. increase

IV. 1. ahead of 2. instead of 3. because of 4. agree with 5. cost of living 6. keep still

7. fell forward 8. raise your hand 9. at once 10. switched on 11. in order to 12. sounds good 13. is made of 14. had trouble with 15. In my opinion

V. 1. taken steps 2. control room 3. keep me awake 4. lose weight 5. put on weight

VI. 1. It’s time to have dinner.

2. Bob ate another six apples last night.

3. The boy was too young to wear clothes by himself.

4. The manager is responsible for the work in a company.

5. To do more exercise is good for our health every day.

6. We played football instead of playing basketball.

7. He didn’t remember to close the window last night.

8. She is only nine years old, but she can help her mother do some housework.

9. I don’t know what to do next.

10. You will not catch the early train if you don’t go now.

VII. 1. mind my smoking 2. good for your health 3. spend much time playing 4. advises; to 5. took; to 6. forget to 7. allowed to 8. argued about 9. for example 10. so; that

11. asked; to lend 12. sounds good 13. make; clean

VIII. 1. He said he had lunch at school.

2. He asked me if I went to school on foot.

3. My father told me when he was young, he had to help his father plant vegetables in the field.

4. Tom said what a clever girl she was.

5. He asked me whether I had been to the Great Wall or not.

6. The teacher told the students to clean the classroom.

7. His mother told him not to play computer games for a long time.

8. Peter asked me what I had eaten for breakfast the day before.

Chapters 5-6 综合能力测试题Keys:

I. 1-5 DABBA 6-10 DBABC 11-15 CBBBA

II. 16-20 CADBD 21-25 CADBA

III. 26-30 DBACA 31-35 DACCB 36-40 BABDB 41-45 DDCAB 46-50 ACDAB

51-55 CBAED 56-60 DEFAB

IV. (One possible version)

61. Angela was very young, but she was very smart.

62. The old man was too old to walk by himself.

63. It rained hard last night.

64. He went to the shop instead of going to work yesterday.

65. It’s time for class now, children.

V. (One possible version)

66. Class Two 67. meat 68. stronger 69. fat 70. agree with


Nowadays students are getting fatter and fatter. They don’t like eating vegetables. They like eating snacks very much.

I don’t think eating too much KFC or McDonald’s is good for health. In my opinion I think students shouldn’t eat too much meat; they should eat enough vegetables, fruits, tofu and some other healthy food. If they often eat fast food instead of healthy food, it is bad for their health. Students should keep balance of diet. They should do some exercise every day; they shouldn’t stay in the classroom all the time.

Chapters 5-6完形填空训练Keys:

A) 1-5 DAAAC 6-10 DCBBB

B) 1-5 BADAD 6-10 ACACB

C) 1-5 BDDCB 6-10 CCDBA

人教版九年级英语词组总结 篇5

1. be supposed to do sth 应该做…

2. be expected to do sth. 应该/被期望做…

3. shake hands (with…) (和…) 握手

4. bow to sb. 向某人鞠躬

5. for the first time 首次,第一次

6. people in Korea 韩国的人们

7. greet sb.( in) the wrong way以错误的方式问候某人

8. be invited to sw. 被邀请去…

9. be invited to do sth. 被邀请做…

10.welcome party 欢迎会

11. as soon as 一… 就…(引导时间状从)

12. as soon as sb can 尽可能快的

13.hold out (my hands) 伸出(我的手)

14. on both sides of my face在我的两个脸颊上

15. be from= come from 来自

16. be relaxed about 对…放松/随意

17. a bit/ little late 晚一点

18. value the time we spend with sb


19.in our everyday lives 在我们的日常生活中

20.20. drop by 顺便拜访,随便进入

21. make plans ( to do sth.) 计划做某事

22. plan to do sth.计划做某事

23. on the side of the face在脸的一侧

24. the town center 在城镇中心

25. as many as sb can = as many as possible


26. be on time 守时

27. the capital of clocks and watches钟表之都

28. after all 毕竟,终归

29. at noon 在中午

30. 15 minutes late 迟到15分钟

31. get / be mad (at sb) 生气,气愤

32.make an effort (to do sth) 努力做…

33.avoid heavy traffic 避免交通拥挤

34.keep sb waiting让某人一直等候

35.without calling first 没有事先打电话

36.go abroad 出国 at home 在国内

37. be important to 对…是重要的

38. bring your passport 带护照

39.clean … off 把…擦掉

40 clean the chalk off the blackboard


41.the northern coast of Norway 挪威的北海岸

42. during the winter season 在冬季

43. knock at/ on 敲(门,窗…)

44. take off 脱下,起飞

45. be worth doing sth. 值得做…

46. table manners 餐桌礼仪

47. mind your manners 注意你的礼仪

48. stick …into… 把... 插进…

49.hit an empty bowl 敲空碗

50. point at指着, point to指向 (侧重方向)

51. at the table 在餐桌旁

52 at table 在吃饭

53.basic table manners 基本的餐桌礼仪

54. my biggest challenge 我最大的挑战

55. on my student exchange program 在我的交换生生

56.there is no reason to do sth.没原因做

57. go out of one’s way (to do sth.)

特地做某事…, 格外努力做…

58.make sb feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归

59. a teenage granddaughter 一个十几岁的(外)孙女

60. talk to sb in French用法语和…交谈

61.be comfortable doing 舒服/轻松做某事

62.behave well/ badly/ politely举止好

63. behave oneself 举止规矩

64. as you can imagine 正如你想象的那样

65. be different from 与…不同

66.be / get used to sth习惯于某事 be / get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事

67. gradually get used to sth逐渐习惯某事

68. cut it up 把它切开

69. eat it with a fork 用叉子吃它

70.put your elbows on the table 把肘部放在桌子上

71. have a safe trip 一路平安,旅途愉快

人教版九年级英语教学案例 篇6



二、教材分析 Unit.1 该部分有4个模块: 第一模块围绕Have you packed the beach towels yet? 这一话题展开口语(1a,1c);听力(1b)训练;第二模块围绕 Talking about recent events 进行大量的听力(2a-2b),口语训练(2c);第三模块继续围绕 Talking about different chores这一话题展开口语(3b),和阅读(3a)训练;第四模块围绕the things you have to do this week进行列表并展开小组及个人活动.三、教学重点和难点:

(1)词汇:bathing;suit;bathing suit;towel;water;

guidebook;clean out;refrigerator;garage;suitcase;(2)句型:现在完成时的一般疑问句及其答语:Have you watered the plants? Yes, I have.Yes, have already watered them No , I haven’t.No.I haven’t watered them yet..Has he packed yet? Yes, he has.Yes.He has already packed./ No, he hasn’t.No.He hasn’t packed yet.(3)语法:现在完成时的一般疑问句;already和 yet在现在完成时中的用法。


五、教学步骤(teaching steps)Step1 Duty report Step2 1a Read the words and expressions of Unit 14 Step3 1a Play the PowerPoint and show the pictures of some things: the bathing suit;the beach towels;the guidebook;the umbrella;the suitcase;the street map.Then ask students “What are the three most important things to pack when you go on a beach vacation? A city vacation ? ” Finally, check the answers.Step4 1b Listening First, listen and check the

answers.Step5 Make conversations using the information from 1b ,according to the model conversation given in 1c or on the PowerPoint.Step6 2a and 2b The same way to 1b Step7 2c Read the conversation given in 2c and another conversation: Has he packed yet? Yes, he has.Yes.He has already packed./ No, he hasn’t.No.He hasn’t packed yet.Step8 Role play.Step9 Summary(小结)(1)现在完成时的一般疑问句及其答语:Have you watered the plants? No , I haven’t.No.I haven’t watered them yet./ Yes, I have.Yes, have already watered them.Has he packed yet? Yes, he has.Yes.He has already packed./ No, he hasn’t.No.He hasn’t packed yet.(2)already和 yet在现在完成时中的用法:already(已经)通常放在肯定句中,位于have/ has和过去分词之间; yet(还,仍然,已经)用于疑问句和否定句末。

Step10 Written exercises(书面练习)Choose the best answers(选择最佳答案).()1.Have you bought the camera ? A.already


C.either D.yet()2.-----Have you fed the dog?----.A.Not B.I haven’t C.No , I have D.Not yet()3.How long have you the car ? A.bought B.buy C.have D.had()4.I have seen the movie.A.often B.yet C.always D.already()5.----Has the bus left ?-----Yes, it has left.A.already


B.ever;already C.yet;already D.never;already


本节课学生学会询问别人的事情,能从会话中获取交流的信息,学会陈述所干的事,能正确运用现在完成时,掌握新的词汇,一般疑问句及其简略答语,already和yet 在现在完成时中的用法。

上课时,我首先让值日生做报告,创造英语会话的氛围,接下来通过多媒体课件播放一些景点,同时用现在完成时的句子询问学生们是否到过这些地方,以及到这些地方需要带的最重要的三样东西分别是什么。然后完成Section A1a 中的表格填写。

接下来进行听力练习,即1b,学生先听并写下答案,然后检查答案,同时运用1b 中提供的短语进行会话练习。先是师生,后是同桌之间,最后是角色表演。2a和2b 的做法同样。进行到2c 时,我引入第三人称单数,对现在完成的一般疑问句进行进一步的操练。这样一来,学生们对现在完成时的各种句型都有了充分的认识。最后,做一小结,使学生们对本节课的要点知识更清晰,并做一些巩固练习。

九年级人教版英语词汇 篇7

教师在教学过程中, 要逐步引导学生在对大量感性材料具体感知的基础上, 通过对感性材料特点和规律的综合归纳, 从中抽象出材料的本质, 使学生自然而然地得出概念, 最后再及时加以巩固练习, 使学生对概念的理解进一步深化.

例如, 在学习“化合反应、分解反应、置换反应、复分解反应”时, 教师可根据教材安排, 列举出一些具体的化学反应, 并用化学方程式表示出来, 然后引导学生找出这些实例的共同特征, 让学生经过讨论后, 指定学生用自己的话概括出来, 在学生不断补充、完善的基础上, 师生共同归纳总结.

通过这样的教学, 学生主动参与了概念的形成过程, 打破了对概念的畏难情绪, 学生不但对实际材料产生了兴趣, 还参与了对具体材料的抽象归纳, 使学习兴趣和对知识的理解得以延续和升华, 能力得以提升[1].

二、通过分析, 把握概念

分析能加深对概念的理解, 认清概念的本质特征, 是学习概念的有效方法. 通过归纳得出的概念, 如果不进行分析, 就会束缚学生的思想, 助长学生死记硬背的现象, 不利于学生学习能力的提高和智力的发展. 把概念分解为几个要点, 具有化难为易的作用, 有助于学生对概念的掌握.

例如, 对“元素”这一概念, 在学习中, 提出了这么几个问题让学生讨论、分析、判断: ( 1) 同一种元素核电荷数相同; ( 2) 具有相同核电荷数的粒子一定属同一种元素. 通过讨论分析后, 学生能把握住“元素”这一概念的三个要点: ( 1) 相同的核电荷数; ( 2) 一类原子; ( 3) 总称. 同理, “对固体物质的溶解度”需把握四个要点: ( 1) 一定温度; ( 2) 100克溶剂; ( 3) 溶液达到饱和状态; ( 4) 溶解的溶质的质量[2]. 学生通过分析, 领悟出要把握抽象的概念, 就要突出概念的要点. 他们对概念不再有畏难情绪, 增强了学习化学的信心.

三、深入剖析, 理解概念

如果不深入剖析, 学生对概念的理解就会片面和肤浅, 将概念层层分析, 能使学生全面理解概念的涵义, 避免对概念的认识产生歧义.

例如, 对分子是保持物质化学性质的最小粒子, 提出问题: 物质的性质包括物理性质和化学性质, 分子能否保持物理性质? “最小”怎么理解? 让学生在讨论和思考后, 体会到: 分子是保持物质的化学性质, 并不包括物理性质; 分子再分, 就发生了化学变化, 生成了新的物质, 而不同的物质具有不同的化学性质, 所以说最小[3]. 同样, 对分子是构成物质的一种粒子, 让学生思考“一种”表示什么意思, 能否用“最小”. 然后总结出: 构成物质的粒子有多种, 分子只是其中的一种粒子 ; 分子在化学变化中可以分化成原子, 所以分子是构成物质的一种粒子, 并不是最小粒子.

通过对概念的剖析, 对一些相关知识进行联系和解释, 学生头脑中一些模糊认识得到澄清, 加深了对概念的理解, 进一步增强了学习化学知识的信心.

四、进行比较, 掌握概念

对于易混淆的概念, 可采用比较的方法, 让学生把握不同概念间的区别和联系, 从而加深理解, 强化记忆.

例如, 让学生比较分子和原子、元素和原子、化合物和混合物等概念, 先找出概念间的本质区别和不同点, 再找出概念间是属平行关系、隶属关系或交叉关系等.

五、理解记忆, 巩固概念

对化学用语虽然需要较多的机械记忆, 但对某些化学用语在很大程度上也可发挥理解记忆的作用. 分析概念, 发现规律, 明确各部分知识间的内在联系, 可以更加巩固对这些知识的记忆.

例如, 把化学式和化合价结合起来, 运用化合价正确熟练的书写化学式. 把典型元素的化合价与原子结构初步知识结合起来, 通过原子最外层电子数识记元素常见化合价.

六、融会贯通, 应用概念

在化学概念教学中, 也要注重激发学生思维的灵活性, 引导学生在学习、生活中应用学过的概念, 以便不断提高学生运用化学知识的能力.

例如, 20℃某固体物质的溶解度为a克, 饱和溶液中溶质的质量分数为b%, 比较a、b的大小.

( 1) 启发学生先弄清、弄懂固体溶解度、溶质的质量分数的概念; ( 2) 引导学生通过固体溶解度的概念推算出溶质的质量分数, 表示为: a g/ ( a g +100 g) ×100%; ( 3) 比较. 启发学生根据化学知识可得出关系式a g/ ( a g + 100g) = b/100, 再通过数学知识分析、比较、判断出a大于b.

学生通过动手动脑, 在如何运用概念解决化学问题或解释化学现象中, 经教师的正确指点而豁然开朗, 体验出应用概念的无穷乐趣, 激发了学生的求知欲, 既有利于学生对概念的理解和巩固, 又有利于学生运用概念能力的提高, 使学生逐步对化学概念达到融会贯通的境界.


[1]吴臻儒.主体参与课堂实务[M].辽宁大学出版社, 2009 (4) .

[2]义务教育教科书化学九年级上下册.人民教育出版社, 2012 (6) .

“人教版”九年级物理教科书指瑕 篇8


























