1. compete 比赛,竞争
2. take part in 参加,参与
3. stand for 代表,象征,表示
4. admit 容许,接纳,承认
5. as well 也,又,还
6. host 做东,招待,主人
7. replace 代替
8. charge 收费,控诉
in charge 主管,看管
9. advertise I做广告,登广告
10. bargain 讨价还价,讲条件,便宜货
11. one after another 一个接一个地
12. deserve 应受(报答或惩罚)
13. deserve的用法
deserve to do sth 应该做/值得做
deserve doing = deserve to be done 值得… (doing 表被动意义)
Your suggestion deserves to be considered = deserves considering.
( 用法相似的动词:need/want/require doing= need/want/require to be done 需要….)
14. take part in : 参加有组织的、重大的活动
join in 参加正在进行的活动
join: 参加团体,党派和组织,成为其中的一员(join the army; join the party)
attend: 出席,参加,后跟 meeting,wedding,class, course等
1. nor/neither + 助动词/be/情态动词 + 主语:表示“…也不这样”
I have never been abroad, and neither/nor has he.
If you don’t go to the party, nor will I.
2. So+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语 :表示“...也是的一样的”, 强调后者同前者肯定情况一样。
3. So+主语+情态动词/助动词/be动词:表示 “的确如此”,对前面情况的肯定。
4. not only…but (also)… 不但...而且...
Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics.
(1) 引导并列结构:引导主语时,谓语动词 就近原则。
(2) 引导并列句时,not only句倒装,即前倒后不倒。
本套书每单元的热身这一部分意在通过问卷调查、看图讨论、情境听说、思考问题等各种形式的活动, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 激活其已有的知识, 使学生能运用已有的知识和经验思考该单元的中心话题。毕竟这套教材的推行到现在已经有十几年的时间了, 很多话题人们照样谈起, 但相关话题的素材却可以由教师再去整合、更新, 使得教学体现明晰的时代特征, 更贴近学生的生活, 便于激活其已有的知识和经验, 能找到切入口, 积极参与, 达到这一部分的教学目的。
例如模块一第四单元的话题是“地震”, 在热身部分提供了唐山和旧金山两个城市的图片, 要求学生描述地震对这两个城市造成的危害, 并展开讨论。与其讨论这两个地方的地震情况, 还不如讨论2008年的“5.12”汶川大地震, 因为这次地震是这一代学生耳闻目睹甚至亲自经历过的, 是他们已有的知识和经验, 更利于他们容易积极参与。所以, 在这一部分教学时, 笔者先给出了几张汶川地震的相关图片, 学生一眼就辨别出了事件并能简单介绍这次地震。随后当笔者再提出一些关于地震灾情的描述、灾后救援情况、全国人民的反应及面临地震时如何自救等问题时, 学生也不觉得十分空洞, 总是能积极思考并给出满意的答案。当过渡到唐山地震时, 学生已经完全进入了状态。在这个过程中, 看似简单的整合, 却给学生留下了巨大的发挥空间。所以, 在实际教学中教师要善于把握教材, 在明确教学目标的同时又不囿于课本, 去选择贴近学生实际生活又体现语言的时代性的材料, 这样更有利于实现教学目标。
教材每个单元的语言使用这一部分提供了围绕中心话题的听、说、读、写的综合性练习。这一部分的写的任务一方面检测了本单元的话题是否有效输入, 另一方面为学生提供了综合运用语言的空间, 对提高学生的写作能力有很大的帮助。例如模块一第一单元的语言运用围绕友谊这一话题, 把阅读和写作结合起来, 有效实现了阅读和写作技能的整合。阅读部分内容是萧东就自己不擅长交友这一问题向王女士写信寻求建议, 写作部分则要求学生以此为任务来解决这个难题, 帮助萧东写一封回信。这一部分对学生来讲没有太大的压力, 他们结合语言运用板块的读和听所获取的语言材料, 很好地完成了这一任务。
在此基础上, 笔者又把2012年四川高考卷的作文稍加改动, 作为课外延伸和拓展。“假如你是高一年级新生李华。开学之初, 你的英语老师Ms Wang希望了解每位同学的英语学习情况, 并征求教学建议, 请你按照以下要点用英语给她写封信。 (1) 对英语学习的认识, (2) 自己目前的英语水平, (3) 自己英语学习存在的主要问题, (4) 对英语教学的两点建议。”这样做的目的有三个:练习提建议这一功能的写作运用、检测新生的英语综合运用能力以及调查学生对笔者的教学接受情况。后两个目的在高一新生入学之初能更快地帮助教师了解学生, 对实际教学有很好的促进作用, 更有利于教师因材施教。
本套教材对学生综合运用语言能力的培养是建立在情感态度、文化意识等素养基础之上的, 因此在学习者学习语言的同时, 也要注重文化积累。任何语言的学习都不能脱离其语言的文化背景, 不同的文化背景下的人都有不同的思维模式, 并由此产生不同的语言表达方式。因此, 在课程学习的过程中, 教师应当避免语言学习与文化理解剥离的倾向, 有意识地将语言学习和文化理解巧妙地融合在一起, 指导学生理解英语国家人们的思维模式, 接受他们的表达方式并正确使用英语。如在教模块三第一单元“Festivals around the world”时, 笔者除了和学生一起理解并掌握了课文中提到的节日如墨西哥的鬼节、万圣节、端午节、中秋节、春节、狂欢节、复活节等, 还设计了探索圣诞节、情人节和英美国家的新年这三个节日的活动。通过搜集整理资料, 学生知道了英美国家的人们是如何度过以上节日及这些节日的重要性和对他们文化的影响, 了解了为什么近些年圣诞节和情人节在国内也不断被模仿, 并能进一步对比中国的传统节日和这些节日的异同, 在加深跨文化理解的同时增强了民族自豪感。
八(上)第23课魏学洢的《核舟记》中“其船背稍夷,则题名其上”,“船背”该如何解释?在课本P180的课下注解⒄中,它的意思为“船的顶部”。但在商务印书馆出版《古汉语常用字字典》(第4版)中标注的义项为“脊背,泛指物体的背面,反面”。针对此种义项,有很多人认为船的背面就是船的顶部。看起来似乎有道理,但实际上又不经推敲。它的义项中除了“泛指物体的背面”外,还有“反面”之意。船的反面应该是哪里?我认为船的反面不是船的顶部,而应该是船的底部。在外语教学与研究出版社出版的《古汉语词典》中,“背”的义项为“物体的反面或物体朝后、朝下的一面”,并且后面附着“其船背稍夷,则题名其上”这个示例。那么在此文中,这个“背”的义项就应该是“船的反面”或者“船的底部”。按正常的逻辑来判断,船的正面应该是人们第一眼就能看到的船身和船顶,而船的反面就是船的底部。除词典上的释义外,我们再结合语境来分析:如果按照“船的顶部”来解释,那么船的顶部应该为船舱的顶部。如果船舱的顶部不算高,在高度上来讲,苏东坡在上面题字还是有可能的。但是本文中的“中轩敞者为舱”的意思却为“中间高起而宽敞的部分是船舱”,有“高”和“宽敞”,想必苏轼在上面题字还是比较困难的。除了高度外,还有一句“箬篷覆之”,意思是“用箬竹叶做的船篷”。既然已经有船篷了,就说明船舱的顶部已经雕刻了箬竹叶。把箬竹叶和题名刻在一起, 题名如何能达到文中所说的“细若蚊足,勾画了了”的效果?从美观上来看,古人的文章、画等作品题目落款时往往都会选择左下角,避免冲淡作品的主题。魏学洢在雕刻这幅图景时应该会考虑苏轼的题名放在船的底部更合适,若苏轼题在船舱顶部就有喧宾夺主之嫌了。所以结合语境来看,“背”应该解释为“底部”。
八(上)第29课张岱的《湖心亭看雪》,“更定”释为“指初更以后,晚上八点左右”。就目前来看,杭州西湖冬天在晚上六点左右天黑。在崇祯五年即1632年,晚上八点左右就是初更,而“更”是夜里的计时单位。这说明此时已经天黑。既然已经天黑,如何能看到“雾凇沆砀,天与云与山与水,上下一白;湖上影子,惟长堤一痕、湖心亭一点、与余舟一芥、舟中人两三粒而已”的景象?特别是在古代野外的夜晚,没有照明的情况下,作者如何能看到“上下一白”的效果?另外,本文中的 “更定”是《现代汉语词典》中提到的“定更”吗?是否是译者将二者混为一谈了?“定更”在《现代汉语词典》中的解释为“旧时晚上八点钟左右,打鼓报告初更开始”。而在依据最新中学语文教材编写的《古汉语词典》中查到了“更定”,它的义项为“更深夜静”,而且举的例子就是本文中的“是日更定矣”。《古汉语词典》中“更”的义项为“夜里的计时单位,一夜分为五更,每更约两小时(后起意义)”。《中学文言文多用词典》中“定”的义项为“人声静谧”,针对此义项所举的例子也是此文中的“是日更定矣”。“矣”的义项为“语气词,相当于现代汉语的‘了”。综合上面各个义项,先从“人声静谧”入手去分析,虽然深夜比较安静,但是古代晚上还是有打更的人出来打更,有打更的声音和打更人提醒大家防范的喊声。每两小时一次,还无法达到人声静谧,只有当五更都打完了,即到了早上五六点那样才真正的安静下来。再加之“矣”是“了”之意,表完成时态。“更”可以理解为“打更”,“矣”修饰“更”,意为“打更完毕”。那么“更定矣”的意思就是“所有的打更声结束后,人声静谧”。这时大概是早上五六点,而在杭州冬天日出的时间也刚好是五六点左右。在日出之后,作者出门才有可能看到“雾凇沆砀,天与云与山与水,上下一白;湖上影子,惟长堤一痕、湖心亭一点、与余舟一芥、舟中人两三粒而已”这些景象。
八(下)第27课范仲淹的《岳阳楼记》中 “北通巫峡,南极潇湘”,意思为“北面通向巫峡,南面直到潇湘”。 从修辞角度分析,应该是对偶句,即“通”与“极”的词性一致,都是动词。课本的课下注解“极” 被解释为“尽”,那么“尽”作为动词时有三个义项:①完,消失;②竭尽;③结束,完成。把这三个义项都带入原句中进行翻译,明显不合语法规范。“极”作为动词时有一个义项是“至,到达”。我认为此处的“极”翻译成“至,到达”或“到,到了”更合适。
1.To be, or not to be -that is the question.
这句话是莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的一个名句。意为“To live or not to live-that is the question.对于这种名句名言类的,在平时写作中可以采用仿似的修辞手法,给人印象深刻。根据家喻户晓的成语或谚语,临时更换其中的某个部分,造成新的成语或谚语;或者根据古今名言警句,在保持其原句不变的情况下,更换其中部分词语,这种修辞方式叫仿似。
eg. To lie or not to lie-the doctor’s dilemma.
To do it or not to do it is not the only question.
2.Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
eg. Gone are the days when we used “foreign oil”.
Present at the meeting were the scientists, who came from different countries.
②(lie在此用作系动词,表示“处于某种状态”,它的过去式和过去分词分别为lay, lain.)
eg. The machine lay idle all week.这机器整整一周没有开动。
The dust has lain undisturbed for years. 尘土积在那儿很多年了。
eg. He’s wearing a new coat. 他穿着一件新大衣。
Does your brother wear glasses?你的弟弟戴眼镜吗?
He wears his hair very short.他留着短发。
She wears a string of pearls around her neck.
eg. She wore an angry expression.她面带笑容。
I have worn my socks into holes.我的袜子已磨出洞来了。
3. “Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your name”
deny(denied, denied, denying)作为及物动词,表示“否认,不承认;不给,不准;(正式)抛弃,背弃”讲。它后面可接名词,动名词和宾语从句。
eg. Can you deny the truth of his statement?
He denied telling me/that he had told me.
I was denied the chance of going to college.
He has denied his country and his principles!
4.What must Antonio give Shylock if he can’t pay back the debt?
Pay back意为“还钱给某人”,主要句型有pay sb. back(sth) 和pay sth back.例如:
I’ll pay him back with all my heart. 我将用我的生命向他偿还。
Have you paid me back the money you owe me yet?
Pay back还表示“惩罚,报复”。例如:
I’ll pay him back for the trick he played on me.
pay for sth.为某事吃苦头或受惩罚
pay off带来好结果
pay sb off付清工资予以解雇;贿赂某人
pay sth. off全部偿还
pay sth. out(按时)为某事付巨款
pay up付清全部欠款
eg. The home team paid dearly for their defensive errors.
The gamble paid off.赌赢了。
pay off the crew of a ship 付清全部船员工资并予以解雇
pay off one’s debts, a loan, a mortgage还清债务、贷款、抵押款
I had to pay out £200 to get my car repaired!
We’re paying out £300 a month on our mortgage.
I’ll take you to court unless you pay up immediately.
5.What makes a play a masterpiece is that the ideas behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.
②people of different ages 表示所属关系“属于的”;
a girl of ten十岁的女孩儿
a child of strange appearance 外貌奇特的孩子
an item of value一件值钱的物品
③in modern times指“当代”。time 表示“时期,时代”常用复数。
in ancient times 在古代;in the time of Queen Victoria 在维多利亚女王时代
6.But when the roles are turned around, it is Shylock who must beg the Duke to save his life.
①turn around在这里指“(方针、立场等)转变”。
②“it is shylock who”为强调句式,本句强调的是主语部分。注意强调句的特点是去掉It is/was和that,剩余部分经过整理后整个句子仍然成立。
③beg sb. to do sth.意为“恳求或祈求某人做某事物”。例如:
I beg you not to take any risks.我恳求你不要冒险。
7.What would you do if you had your worst enemy in your power?
②in one’s power意为“在某人的掌握之中,任由某人摆布”
The enemy is in our power.
8.We can find several such ideas in Shakespeare’s play.
在ideas这个中心名词前有两个限定词修饰。限定词是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、泛指、类指以及表示确定数量和非确定数量等限定作用的词类。限定词包括:①冠词 ②形容词性物主代词 ③名词所有格 ④形容词性指示代词 ⑤所有格关系代词 ⑥所有格疑问代词 ⑦形容词性不定代词 ⑧基数词和序数词 ⑨倍数词和分数词 ⑩量词。限定词可分为:①前位限定词②中位限定词 ③后位限定词。个别限定词有跨类现象,如本句such既属予前位限定词,又可归入后位限定词。当与冠词a, an连用时属于前位限定词,例如:such a suit; 当与some, any, all, few, another, other, many, several, one, two等词搭配时属于后位限定词,即such要放在这些词之后,例如:many such books, no such car。
9.Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock.
①have mercy on/upon sb./sth.=show mercy to sb/sth表示“对表示同情;对有怜悯之心”
②at the mercy of sb./sth任由某人或某事摆布
③throw oneself on sb’s mercy恳求某人宽恕/善待
eg. She has mercy on little animals. 她怜悯小动物。
They showed little mercy to their enemies.他们对敌人毫不仁慈。
His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke.
The ship was at the mercy of the storm.
He threw himself on my mercy.他求我宽恕他。
10.I’ve promised to take my pound of flesh.
①promise作为及物动词,常接的结构有promise to do sth; promise sb. to do sth; promise后接双宾语和promise接从句。
eg. I never promised to obey her commands.
His pareats promised him to buy a new bike.
She promised me a gift for my birthday.
He promised that he would come.
flesh通常指人或动物身上的肉,也可指供食用的兽类的肉(区别于鱼或禽的肉)。meat 指供食用的肉类的总称,通常不包括鱼和家禽的肉。
eg. You’re losing flesh.你瘦了。
Lions are flesh-eating animals. 狮子是肉食动物。
I like meat while my sister likes fish.
注意:meat 是供食用的肉类的总称,猪肉、牛肉、羊肉等各有其专门名称,即pork, beef, mutton
11. It’s useless trying to argue with Shylock.
It’s useless doing= It’s no use doing表示“做没有用处”
It is no use learning without thinking.学而不思则罔。
It’s no good crying over spilt mick.覆水难收。
12.You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.
①might as well表示给人提出建议时的常见的短语,意为“不妨好,还是好。”
I might as well tell you the truth.
②go stand upon sth.表示“去站在上面”。例如:
Would you please go stand upon that board?
He dare not go stand upon that high tower.
13. Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants.
pass judgment on sb.表示“对某人宣判”。
eg. When will the judge pass judgement on that woman?
The court will not pass judgement on him until next Sunday.
14. If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh.
eg. The young man offered the old man his own seat.(offer sb. sth.)
I offered him fifty thousand dollars for the house.(offer sb. money for sth.)
He offered to lend me some books.(offer to do)
A is three times the size(height, length, width, etc) of the old one.
The new building is four times the size(the height) of the old one.
This street is four times the length(the width) of that one.
The size(The height) of the new building is four times that of the old one.
这座新楼的大小(高度)是那座旧楼的四倍。(由于句首已用了the size, the height, 所以在four times后面用代词that来代替,以避免重复。)
(2)A is three times as big(high, long, wide, etc) as B
Asia is four times as large as Europe.
This box is three times as heavy as that one.
(3)A is three times bigger (higher, longer, wider)than B
The meeting-room is three times bigger than our office.
The room is twice the size of that one.= This room is twice as big as that one.
Our total income of 2004 was double of 2000.
15.How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?
①when 在此处引导一个条件状语从句
eg. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
We are hoping for better weather soon.
16.I desire my pound of flesh.
desire 是及物动词,意为“渴望,要求,期望”。后面可接名词(代词)、动词不定式及从句作宾语。
eg. All of us desire better life and more education.
We always desire to live in peace with our neighbour.
Mr Wang desires that you should go to the teacher’s office at once.
eg. At the desire of the teacher, we should finish our homework on time.按照老师的要求,我们应该准时完成作业。
17. I do not envy you your job. This is a most troublesome case.
①envy sb. sth表示“羡慕某人,嫉妒某人”。
I envy you very much.我真羡慕你。
She envies me my good health.她羡慕我身体好。
②a most+adj.= a very + adj.表示“一个很的”。
the most+形容词最高级表示“最之意”,这时句末一定要有表达范围的介词of或in.
eg. Dalian is a most beautiful coastal city.
This is a most enjoyable party.这是一次令人极为愉快的晚会。
She worked out the most difficult problem of the three.
Mary is the most beautiful girl in our class.
18.What are you accused of ?你因什么而受到起诉?
accuse sb. of sth. 意为“因控告人,告发,指责人”
eg. The police accused him of theft.警方控告他偷窃。
He was accused of murder. 他被控谋杀。
She accused him of being late.她指责他迟到。
19.Let me tear up this paper.让我们这张借条撕了吧。
句中的tear up的意思是“撕毁”
eg. She tore up all the letters he had seut her.
tear up可以引申为“不履行”。
eg. He accused his secretary of tearing up the agreement.
tear down意为“弄倒,拆除”。
eg. They are tearing down those old house to build a new office block.
20.Antonio, get ready and offer up your breast.
offer up 在本句中意为“奉献”,主要用于表示向上帝或神祭献某人或某物。例如:
She offered up a prayer to God for her husband’s safe return.
21.I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you.
eg. America declared war on Iraq last year.
They declared him(to be) the winner.
He declared that he had nothing to do with the matter.
She was declared(to be) guilty. 已宣判她有罪。
22.He agreed to lend Antonio the money on one condition.
on this/that condition在这种或那种情况下
on what condition 在什么情况下
on no condition无论什么情况都不
in condition健康良好
out of condition身体不佳
on condition that是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,意为“只有在条件下”(=only if),“条件是”。
eg. You may borrow this book on condition that you do not lend it to anyone else.你可以借这本书,条件是不能再借给别人。
Ability and effort are conditions of success.
On this condition you may go home earlier.
On what condition will you agree with me?
He can’t climb the mountain because he is out of condition.
23.He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.他很年轻,但是我过
在一个名词词组中,不定冠词a/an通常用在形容词的前面。如a serious mistake。但是,如果形容词前面有so, too, how时,a/an 就该放在形容词后面,其结构是“so/too/how+adj+a/an+n.”。能够构成这种结构的名词必须是单数可数名词。
eg. Did you notice that you have made so serious a mistake?
It’s too difficult a book for beginners.
How wonder ful a plan it would be! 那该是一个多么好的计划啊。
试比较:He is so good a teacher that we all like him.= He is such a good student that we all like him.
练一练:用so, such填空
1.__________ big a city 2._____________ a pretty girl
3.__________ good students 4._____________fine weather
5.__________many books 6._____________much water
7.__________ little food 8._____________ few oranges
1. so 2. such 3. such 4. such 5. so 6. so 7.so 8. so
24.You want justice, so you get justice, more than you wanted.
shall 在此处用于第二人称,表示说话人的允诺,意思是“可以”。
在本剧的最后还有:everything that he owns shall be taken away from him. One half of his money and his goods shall be givenand the other half shall be given两句中的shall用于第三人称,表示法令、规章等中的规定,意思是“必须”。shall 用于第二、三人称,还表示决心、命令、警告、要求、义务等。
eg. He shall answer for his misdeeds.他应当为他的错误行为负责。
You shall have a nice present for your birthday.
Nothing shall stop us from carrying out this plan.
eg. Shall we go now?我们现在走可以吗?
She he come in?可以让他进来吗?
25.Therefore, go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy.
①go down on one’s knees 的意思是“跪下”、“屈膝”。
They will never go down on their knees before the oppressors.
②beg for意为“乞求,请求”
He went down on his knees and begged for forgiveness.
26.My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.
dear 在此处的意思是“珍贵的”
He lost everything that was dear to him.
27.Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.
①句中的upon 等于on,表示“就在某时或某场合之后。”例如:
Upon my arrival home I found there was something strange.
On asking for information I was told I must wait.
②leave sth. to sb.表示“将某事物遗赠给某人;死后留下某物给某人”
leave all one’s money to charity把所有的钱遗赠给慈善事业。
★ Unit 15 The necklace单元教案(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)
★ NSEFC2B Unit 14 全单元教案4(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)
★ Unit 19 必会习语(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)
★ 高二英语第三单元教案 (新课标版高二英语上册教案教学设计)
★ 长恨歌(高二选修) 教案教学设计
★ 玉堂春(高二选修) 教案教学设计
★ 《论语》选修(高二选修) 教案教学设计
★ 高二上册全册听力原文(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)
★ 人教版高一下英语教案高一第二十一单元(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)
本单元教学内容复杂, 史实密集, 头绪多, 史与论混合, 教学难度颇大。对于学生来说, 初中阶段中国古代史基础知识相对薄弱, 加之经济史内容相对枯燥乏味, 因此教学难度更大。倘若教学中完全依赖教材叙述, 按部就班、一点一滴地施教和学习, 其结果学生仍是学得一塌糊涂, 很难达到良好的教学效果。那么, 如何做才能有效地实现本单元知识教学目标呢?笔者在教学实践中进行了反复思考和探究, 以课程标准中对本单元知识目标要求为纲领, 以教材内容为依托, 采取优化教学内容, 细化知识要点的措施, 宏观梳理古代中国三大行业经济发展概貌及其特点, 微观剖析重要历史现象和概念的教学方法, 取得了较好的教学效果。在此加以论述, 以期与同仁们共同探讨。
一、列表归纳, 系统直观梳理古代中国三大行业经济发展概貌
“知道古代中国农业、手工业、商业经济发展概貌”是课标的基本要求之一。虽然教材对古代中国三大行业经济的发展分别做了大篇幅叙述, 但教材叙述较分散, 学生难以系统把握和对比性地掌握。因此, 笔者在教学中采用列表归纳的方式, 横向突出要点, 纵向进行比较, 系统直观地梳理古代中国三大行业经济发展概貌。
1. 古代中国农业发展概貌
2. 古代中国手工业三种经营形态
3. 古代中国商业发展概貌
二、由此及彼, 多角度全方位梳理古代三大行业经济发展特点
“了解古代中国三大行业经济发展特点”是课标的另一基本要求, 目的在于让学生对古代中国三大行业经济的起源、生产组织、经营方式、技术水平、行业门类、世界地位等方面有宏观认识和整体把握。教材对这部分知识没有具体文字, 这就要求教师在教学中要善于引导学生概括总结, 从而解决问题, 并训练能力。
(1) 古代中国农业经济发展的特点。 (1) 中国是世界农业起源地之一, 培育和种植的农作物种类繁多, 农耕文明长期居于世界先进水平。 (2) 古代中国农业独立发展, 自成体系。种植业和家畜饲养业相结合, 种植业为主, 家畜饲养业为辅。 (3) 古代中国传统农业耕作方式为铁犁牛耕, 实行精耕细作的耕作方法, 不断改进生产工具和生产技术。 (4) 男耕女织的小农经济是中国传统农业社会生产的基本模式。以家庭为生产生活单位, 农业和家庭手工业相结合, 是男耕女织, 自给自足的自然经济。
(2) 古代中国手工业发展的特点。 (1) 历史悠久, 源远流长。原始社会晚期, 手工业脱离农业, 形成独立的生产部门。 (2) 夏商周时期, 手工业由官府垄断。春秋战国时期, 逐步形成官营手工业、民营手工业、家庭手工业三种经营形态。 (3) 手工业部门不断增加, 手工业技术不断进步, 劳动分工不断细密。 (4) 手工业生产规模不断扩大。明朝中后期, 民营手工业中产生了资本主义萌芽, 出现了手工工场。 (5) 手工业地域分布广泛, 随着经济重心南移, 地域分布重心也发生相应变化。 (6) 中国古代手工业技术长期领先于世界, 产品远销亚、欧、非地区, 广受赞誉。
(3) 古代中国商业发展的特点。 (1) 我国商业起源早, 逐步发展繁荣。古代商业产生于先秦时期, 初步发展于秦汉时期, 隋唐时期有了进一步发展, 到宋元时期商业经济达到空前繁荣。 (2) 中国古代商业是在历代政府重农抑商政策的压制下求得生存和发展的, 商人社会政治地位低下, 商业作为自然经济的补充而存在。 (3) 国内贸易、边境贸易和对外贸易等全面发展。商业发展促使都市、城镇大量兴起。 (4) 古代金融发达, 类似于银行的柜房、类似于汇票的飞钱和纸币很早就出现。 (5) 古代对外贸易以朝贡贸易为主, “厚往薄来”。 (6) 古代商人组织历经宗族亲缘组织和业缘组织到地缘组织的发展变化, 明清时期地域性的商人群体——“商帮”出现。
三、由表及里, 全面准确剖析重要历史现象和历史概念
本单元涉及许多重大历史现象和历史概念, 例如男耕女织的小农经济、资本主义萌芽、土地兼并、重农抑商、“海禁”与“闭关锁国”政策等等。这些知识不仅是教学的重点难点问题, 而且也是高考命题的热点问题, 因此教学意义重大。对于这些历史现象和历史概念的教学, 应从原因、内容、实质和影响等方面由表及里、全面准确地剖析, 最好选择典型例题强化训练。
关于小农经济。 (1) 全面分析形成原因:根本原因——生产力的发展 (铁犁牛耕的出现) ;直接原因——封建土地私有制的确立。 (2) 从生产单位、生产结构、生产目的等角度掌握其特点。 (3) 强调性质——自给自足的自然经济, 中国传统农业社会生产的基本模式。 (4) 从生产力与生产关系、个体农民处境等角度对其进行认识、评价。
关于资本主义萌芽。 (1) 分析出现的原因。 (2) 知道出现的时间、地点、部门、标志。 (3) 重点剖析缓慢发展的原因:根本原因——腐朽的专制制度, 自然经济的封闭性。其他原因:农民贫困, 国内市场狭小;重农抑商政策、闭关锁国等政策的阻碍和影响等。
关于土地兼并现象。 (1) 分析根源———土地私有和土地买卖制度。 (2) 了解表现, 分析影响。 (3) 知道北魏至唐朝前期、明朝等时期政府抑制土地兼并的典型措施。 (4) 本质上认识:土地兼并是我国封建社会普遍存在的现象, 是客观经济规律的必然结果。封建国家在不触动地主土地私有制的前提下不可能从根本上抑制土地兼并。
关于“重农抑商”政策。 (1) 知道其含义、原因、目的及商鞅最早提出。 (2) 掌握西汉武帝、明清时期重农抑商的措施, 并触类旁通, 概括封建社会重农抑商的基本措施。 (3) 运用两点论, 从封建社会的早晚期以及客观经济发展规律等方法全面剖析其影响。
关于清代“闭关锁国”政策。 (1) 全面剖析实施原因:根本原因——自给自足的自然经济的特点决定, 客观原因——西方殖民者向东方殖民扩张, 直接原因——对付东南沿海的抗清斗争, 主观原因——“天朝上国”思想。 (2) 准确把握含义:严格限制海外贸易, 并不是禁绝海外贸易。 (3) 运用两点论全面分析其影响。
总之, 教的目的是为了学生的学, 教学的成败取决于学生对教学内容学习掌握的效果。针对不同的教学内容采取适当的教学方法, 是收获良好的教学效果的捷径。只要我们善于思考, 勇于探索, 我们就会如鱼得水, 灵活驾驭教学内容, 收获良好的教学效果。
摘要:新课标人教版高中历史必修②第一单元教学内容知识点复杂, 头绪零乱, 教学难度颇大。为了有效地实现本单元知识教学目标, 可以采取优化教学内容, 细化知识要点的措施, 宏观梳理古代中国三大行业经济发展概貌及其特点, 微观剖析重要历史现象和概念的教学方法, 以取得良好的教学效果。
教 学 目 标 1. Train the Ss’ listening ability by doing some listening.
2. Master the expression for agreement and disagreement.
3. Get the Ss to learn about the UK and Ireland.
教学重、难点 Master the expressions for agreement and disagreement.
Improve the students’ listening ability.
教、 学 具 A tape-recorder, a projector and some slides
预习要 求 Search as much information as possible about the UK and Ireland
教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注
Step1: Greeting
Step2: Warming-up
1.Show the Ss a world map and ask the following questions:
a. Where is Europe?
b. Where is the British Isles?
c. What do you know about the British Isles?
2.Ask the Ss to look at the four pictures and guess where they were taken.
3. Work in groups having a discussion and try to find out as much as you can about the geography, history, culture, famous people, building and other things in the UK.
Step3: Listening
1.Get the Ss to discuss the following questions:
a. What subject do you learn at school?
b. What is your timetable like?
c. How do you learn English?
2.Make the Ss read the requirements to know what they should do .
4. Play the tape for the first time to get the general idea, then play the tape three times for the Ss to do exercises 1,2 and 3.Replay some parts of the tape if necessary
5. Check the answers with the whole class.
Step 4: Speaking
1. Get the Ss to answer the following questions:
a. Is English easy for Chinese people to learn? Or is Chinese easy for English people to learn?
b. Do you agree that we can learn the geography of the UK more easily by going there?
c. Which countries have better chances to become rich, small countries, big countries or island countries?
2. Make the Ss have a discussion about the three statements in the books in three groups. For each group, talk about one and make up a dialogue to express themselves.
Useful expressions:
Don’t you think that …?
I don’t think that’s right …
I don’t think so.
You must be mistaken …
Step 5: Summary and Homework
Summarize the knowledge learnt in this period. Then ask the Ss to do vocabulary exercises in the workbooks.
Ss answer the questions
Look at the pictures
Discuss and answer
Listen to the tape
Listen to the tape and do exercises
Answer the questions
Discuss about the three statements. For each group, talk about one and make up a dialogue.
Finish vocabulary exercises in the workbooks.
课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 5 课 时 6-2 授 课 时 间 2004.
教 学 目 标 1. Get the Ss to know about the British Isles.
2. Develop the Ss’ reading ability by reading a passage “The British Isles”
教学重、难点 Train the students’ reading ability and develop their reading skill
How to help the Ss to grasp the main idea of the text
教、 学 具 A tape-recorder, a projector and some slides
预习要 求 Scan the illustrations and the contents above them
教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注
Step1: Greeting and Revision
Ask the questions about the British Isles:
What do you know about the United Kingdom?
How many countries make up the British Isles?
What do you know about Ireland?
Step2: Pre-reading
1. Show the Ss a map of the British Isles on the Bb. Ask the Ss to speak out the names of some places on the map.
2. Make the Ss answer the following questions according to the map
a. What is the British Isles made up of?
b. Where is the British Isles?
c. Which is the largest island?
Step3: Fast-reading
Now read the text as fast as possible and try to decide whether the following statements are true or not.
⒈ The British Isles is made of 3 parts.
⒉ The British Isles lies off the west of Europe.
⒊ The English Channel is only 20 miles wide.
⒋ The British Isles is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the British Isles.
⒌ There’s much rain in the British Isles.
⒍ Ireland is part of the United Kingdom.
⒎ There’s 6 languages that are considered to be native to the British Isles.
Step4:Careful- reading
1. Read the passage carefully to find out some details to fill in the chart.
Answer the questions
Look at the map and name the places on the map
Ss read the text as fast as possible and try to decide whether the following statements are true or not.
Scan the text to judge
Check answers with the whole class.
Items Details
2. Read the text carefully and try to sum up the main idea of each paragraph.
Para 1 General idea about England.
Para 2 Position of the British Isles.
Para 3 The climate of the British Isles.
Para 4 The culture of the people in the British Isles.
Para 5 The language spoken in Great Britain and Ireland.
Para 6 The history of the United Kingdom.
Para 7 The language spoken throughout the British Isles.
Step5: Post-reading
1. Listen to the tape to do exercise1 and check the answers.
2. Get them to finish exercises 2, 3 and 4
and check the answers.
Step6: Summary and Homework
Do reading comprehension in workbooks.
Bb design:
Read the ext carefully to fill in the chart
Read the passage to get the main idea
Listen to the tape to finish excises
Finish Wb exercises.
课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 5 课 时 6-3 授 课 时 间 2004.
教 学 目 标 1. Deepen the Ss’ understanding of the passage
2. Get the Ss to master some important words and expressions
3. Enable the Ss to use the words and expressions correctly
教学重、难点 The usages of some important words and expressions.
How to help the Ss to master them.
教、 学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Go through the text to find out some difficult sentences
教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注
Step1: Greeting and Revision
Ask some Ss to spell some new words and expressions learnt in the last period.
Step2: Language points
1.The idea that England stands for Fish & Chips, Speakers’ corner, Big Ben and the Tower of London is past.
⑴that引导的是一个同位语从句,用于说明idea的内容 。同位语从句常用于说明idea, news, hope, wish, fact, suggestion等抽象名词的具体内容,连词that 没有词义,不充当句子成份,但不可省略 。
⑵stand for
a. 代表,象征,意味着
e.g What principles do you stand for?⒉ …their view of British culture is sometimes narrow.
narrow 狭窄的,狭隘的,险胜的
⒊ The fact that the mainland of Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.
⑴ be made up of =consist of 由…组成
⑵ be unknown to sb.不为人所知道
⒋ …there has been a growing movement to make the most of its cultural diversity-to see it as it really is, a nation of different countries held together by a common language and culture.
⑴make the most of充分利用,也可以说make the best of
⑵ diversity 多种多样,多样性
Mary has a great diversity of hobbies such as stamp collecting, traveling.
⑶as it is 以现在的样子,根据下面的情况看
⑷ hold together 使不分开或团结一致
⒌ The largest island is called Britain, which is separated from France by the English Channel, which at one point is only 20 miles wide.
⑴separate A from B 把A与B分隔开,指:把放在一起的或连在一快的分开
e.g. A year is divided into twelve months.
⑵at one point在某一地点;一度
⒍ In general, Scotland is colder throughout the year, and receives more rain.
⑴ in general总的说来,大体上,通常
e.g. In general, people like her.
⑵ throughout the year 整年,一年到头throughout 贯穿,介词
e.g. He worked hard throughout the year to support his family.
⑶ receive 动词,收到,接到
⒎ In the summer months the difference in temperature between London and north can be as much as nine degree.
英语中在表示数量的词语前习惯上加as much as ,as many as等来加强语气。as much as用与表示 “雨(水)量”,时间 ,金钱,重量,钱数,价格等方面。表示 “总量”和“单位量”的大小,as many as用于人或者物的具体数量前,as much as从总的角度出发,侧重于“总量”,as many as从个体出发,侧重于具体数目。
as far as 远到;尽…程度
e.g. They walked as far as the seaside.
Don’t worry. I’ll help you as far as I can.
as long as 长达;只要
She spends as long as three hours on English study every day.
⒏ The culture of the people in the British Isles was influenced by the culture of the people on the European mainland.
influence 指不易察觉到的,潜移默化的影响
influence 影响力,支配力
⒐ ……Their languages formed the basis for English.
⑴ form the basis for 构成/形成…的基础
⑵ 为…⑶打下基础,lay foundations for
e.g. Four –year college life laid solid basis for his further improvement.
⑶provide a basis for 为…⑶提供依据
e.g. The result provided a sound basis for further research.
⒑ The result of this French influence was that the English language ended up with many French words such as table, animal and age.
end up with以…结束,通常是 最后接受某东西,其意思为receive sth. in the end
⒒ …but it was not only 250 years later that they formed a single state.
是一个强调句,有原句They didn’t formed a single state until 250 years later变化而来,此类句子需强调状语until时候,应将否定句not… 与状语until…一起作为强调部分,构成it was not until… that …的巨型
⒓…While the southern part of England was only part of the UK for some time…
⒔ There are six spoken languages that are considered to be native to the British Isles as well as two local accents.
⑴ be considered to be (consider sth/sb.to be+形容词或名词)的被动式,
⑵ be native to本土的,本国的,土生的
e.g. Panda is native to China.
⒂ They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation.
Be of great value=be very valuable非常有价值的,可用于此类型的词有:use ,help, importance, help etc.
E.g. We consider their works of be of great value.
The invention is of great value. =The invention is very useful.
Step3: Summary and Homework
Do some exercises on the screen.
Revising some words and expressions
Write notes and make sentences
The news that team has won the game is exciting.
WTO stands for World Health Organization.
A narrow river/street a narrow idea about relics a narrow escape(九死一生)
The group is made up of five members. = The group consists of five members.
The cause of the delay is still unknown to us.
He wished to make the most of his chance.
a wide diversity of opinions看法上的众说纷纭
Give as many as examples
I’ll send it to you as it is, (我就照现在的样子卖给你,) but don’t complain, if it doesn’t work.
The needs of the children held their marriage together.
She separated the good apples from the bad ones.
divide …into 指把整体分成部分
A traffic accident happened at one point yesterday.
At one point, he was very weak.
The rain is plentiful, often as much as seventy inches every year.
At the job, she could earn as many as eighty dollars every week.
The civil war in that country lasted as much as eighty 16 years.
We must learn as many as 300 English words.
The kind of English built as many as 50 pyramids.
Probably we influenced each other.
Parents have a great influence on Children.
This idea formed the basis for Theory of Relativity.
We ended the supper up with fruit and coffee.
It was not until 1969 that man set his first step on the moon.
原句:Man didn’t set his first step on the moon until 1969.
We considered this (to be) very important.
Write down notes and make some examples
Look at the examples
The party was ended up with a pop song.
He is considered to be the best student.
The machine is of use.= The machine is useful.
课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 9
Grammar 课 时 6-4 授 课 时 间 2004.
教 学 目 标 Make the Ss know more about some words learn in this period
Enable the Ss to master noun as the Subject, the Object, the Predicative
教学重、难点 Master the usages of the noun clauses
How to master the differences between the Appositive clause and the Attrib Master the usages of the noun clause
教、 学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Find out the noun clauses as many as possible in the text
教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注
Step1: Greeting and Revision
Revise the uses of some words and expressions learnt in the last period by doing some excises on the screen.(略)
Step2: Word Study
1.Look at the words in the box and try to think of their meanings. Then complete the sentences with the proper words.
2.Check the answers with the whole class and ask the Ss to translate into Chinese.
Keys: union, Republic, upper, consists, mistaken, narrow, influence, basis.
Step3: Grammar
1.Ask the Ss to look at the sentences on the screen.
a. That they carry their conversation
in French is suggested. (Subject Clause)
b. He made a suggestion that they carry on their conversation in French
(Appositive Clause)
c. His suggestion was that they carry on their conversation in French. (Predicate Clause)
d. This is the suggestion that he made last week. (Attributive Clause)
名词性从句包括:主语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,多由连词that, wh-疑问词或由what, whatever等关系代词引导。
⒈ 主语从句
⑴ 主语从句在句子中充当主语
E.g. Why he refused to work with you is still a mystery.
Whatever comes is welcome.
⑵ 主语从句前的that不能省略,仅仅起连接作用,有时候为保持句子平衡,that从句后置,而由it作形式主语。
E.g. That he became a lawyer may have been due to his mother’s influence.
It is not true that he has moved to New York.
⒉ 宾语从句在句子中充当宾语
E.g. I don’t know where the sound came from.
Don’t be satisfied with what you have achieved.
⒊ 当从句放在系动词be, look, remain, seem等后构成表语从句。
E.g. The trouble is that I have lost his address.
It seemed that the night would never end.
⒋ 同位语从句
⑴同位语从句是对与之同位的名词中心词作进一步解释,能接同位语从句的常见名词有: idea, news, fact, problem, belief, opinion, hope, understanding…
⒌ whether与if 在名词性从句中的用法区别
if 一般 指用于引导从句,而whether可引导包括宾语从句在内的其他名词性从句。
⑵宾语从句中,whether常与or not搭配,也可以说 whether or not, 而不说if or not.
E.g. I don’t care whether or not she will attend the meeting.
⑶whether也可用在介词 后,或带to 不定式前,if or not.
E.g. She doesn’t know whether to get married now or wait.
I haven’t settled the question of whether I’ll go back home.
⑷ 某些动词后面(如discuss)只能用whether, 不用if .
E.g. We discussed whether we should go on climbing.
在句子中做主语的从句叫主语从句,是一种 重要的名词性从句。
⒉ 由that 引导的主语从句
⒊ 由whether, if等引导的主语从句,句
⒋ 由whoever. whatever等引导的主语从句
whoever=the person who或anyone who. who 也可以引导主语从句,但只能表示“谁”
Anyone 与the person皆不能引导从句。
⒌ 由it 作形式主语引起的主语 从句
⑴位于是seem,appear,be(im)possible,be a pity,be a wonder,be likely等。
E.g. It seemed certain that this would win the prize.
It appeared that he was right.
⑵在It is known…; It is said…;It is hoped…; It is believed…等句型中。
注意:有时候在“It is necessary(important. suggested等)+that clause”结构中, that从句常用“should+动词原形” 形式来表示虚拟语气, 其中should常可省去.
Step4: Practice
Ask the Ss to do grammar exercises in the Ss’ book or workbooks. Then check the answers with the whole class.
Step5: Summary and Homework Ss do excises on the screen and check the answers.
Ss fill in the blanks
Do some translation
Ss speak out the usages of the that clauses
Ss think of the usages
The fact that we talked about is very important.(定语从句)
The fact that he succeed in the experiment pleased everybody. (同位语从句)
Whether he will attend the meeting is uncertain.
The question is whether he will come.
Ss make some examples
What you have done might do harm to other people.
It worried her a bit that her hair was turning gray.
That you don’t like him is none of my business.
Whether we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.
Who will win is not important.
Whoever leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.
It is still a question when we shall have our sports meet.
It doesn’t matter what you say.
E.g. is necessary that a college student should master at least a foreign language.
课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 5 课 时 6-5 授 课 时 间 2004.
教 学 目 标 ⒈ Enable the Ss to learn how to describe a place in its landscape, culture, relics, the people, their life, economy and etc.
⒉ More practice at Noun Clauses.
教学重、难点 Improve the Ss’ integrating skills-reading and writing
How to train the Ss’ writing skill
教、 学 具 A tape recorder and some slides
预习要 求 Scan the text and search more information about England
教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注
Step1: Greeting and Revision
Ask the Ss to open their books to page 40 and look at the exercise in Checkpoint5.Make them complete the sentences by using the noun clauses. ( after a while)Check the answers with the class.
Step2: Reading
Get the students to read the passage quickly and ask some questions about it.
⒈ What can be seen across the fields of Salisbury?
Sheep can be seen everywhere.
⒉ What’s the cathedral famous for?
The cathedral is famous for the height of its tower. It’s 404 feet high. Daniel thinks the tower is the highest and the most handsome in England.
⒊ How many important kinds of produce and trade are there in the city of Salisbury? What are they?
There’re two important kinds of produce and trade in Salisbury. They’re making cloth and sheets called Salisbury whites.
⒋ How about the hills and fields there?
The hill and fields are most beautiful with many small and clear rivers and rich fields bearing fruit and grain.
⒌ Say something about the hills of Salisbury(The last paragraph)
Step3: Retelling
Get the students to read the text once again and have them retell the text.
Step4: Language points
⒈ …the great number of them is very wonderful.
The number of +复数名词(谓语动词用单数) a number of + 复数名词(谓语动词用复数)
E.g. A number of students were studying in the reading-room.
⒉ All around the city of Salisbury, as far as twenty-two miles to the west, and six miles south, down to the coast, farmers raise sheep.(此句子中farmers raise sheep是句子的主干,前面均是表示方位, 距离的短语做状语. 其中south前面省略to the .由于coast是地势较低处,所以用down to the coast.
⒊ There could be as many as six hundred thousand sheep fed within six miles of Salisbury, measuring every way round and the town in the centre.
⑴句中fed within six miles of Salisbury是一个过去分词短语修饰sheep,measuring…是一个V-ing短语,修饰six miles of Salisbury。
⒋ The cathedral is famous for the height of its tower, which is without doubt the highest and the most handsome in England, being from the ground 410 feet.
⑴without doubt=certainly无疑地;确定地
e.g. Without doubt, our team will win the game.
⑵ being from the ground 404 feet在此句中做状语,用语说明tower的高度。
⒌ Neither of them is very big, but they become a larger river when joined together, and yet larger when joined by a third river.
⑴ a third river又一条河流,不定冠词a 用在序数词之前,表示“再一次, 又一”。
E .g. You can have a second try if you fail the first time.
⑵Neither of the books is interesting.(这2本书都没意思。)表示“两者都”,用both of+复数名词,表复数概念。
E.g. Both of you have to go there.
⒍ …, which employ the poor of a great part of the country round-namely, making cloth and sheets,
namely 副词,即,就是,用以补充或具体说明前面已提到的事物
e.g. Two boys are late for school today-namely, Tom and Jim.
⒎ …with many small and clear rivers, and rich fields bearing fruit and grain.
⑴bearing fruit and grain做宾语补足语,bear“结果实”,产生,长出
e.g. The tree is bearing a lot of apples this year.
⑵ with +宾语+v-ing,在此做状语。
E.g. With you standing here, we can’t work.
⒏ …, village and houses, and among them(指代houses) many(后省略了are) of good size.
Of good size= have good size
E.g. The cellphone is of great high quality.
=The cellphone has high quality.
Step6: Writing
Ask the Ss to look at the main ideas in the boxes and try to write a composition to describe their hometowns. The teacher can show them a simple composition on the screen.
Step7: Summary and Homework
Make the Ss speak out the way of writing a descriptive composition. Ask them to write a composition after class.
Ss do the excises in Checkpoint5 and check the answer
Ss read the passage to answer the questions
Retell the passage
Find out some difficult sentences
Make some sentences according to the usages.
Make notes and listen
Try to write down some key words
Ss speak out the way of writing a descriptive composition,then write one composition.
课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 5 课 时 6-6 授 课 时 间 2004.
教 学 目 标 1. Get the Ss to master some important language points in Unit5.
2. Help the Ss to learn the way of dealing with problems.
3. Improve the Ss’ reading and writing ability.
教学重、难点 The important language in Unit5
How to help the Ss master them and deal with problems easily and correctly.
教、 学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Scan the whole paper and try correcting the mistakes
教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注
Step1: Greeting and Analysis
Analyze the whole paper and praise some Ss. At the same time, encourage some Ss who failed to pass the exam.
Step2: Single choice
Check the answers with the whole class, then choose some difficult ones to explain to the Ss.
1. In general, the northerners are keen on dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.
此句中in common即共同的与句意不符合,in total为总共,总计,而in particular为特别的,也不对。只有表示大体上一般的in general 才正确。
2. The news has spread all the country that the spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth.
The news that为同位语从句,对news进一步说明解释。
3.Scoland lies to the north of England; it is part of Britain.
表示位置的词to可接壤可不接壤,不在一个范围内,on表示两地接壤或者在河岸上,off表示远离,in表示在范围内。England和Scotland不在一个范围内用to,而它是属于Britain的一部分,所以用part。而be part of表示前者是后者的一部分。
4.run over 表示从。。。上碾过或者水满溢出,the cup was full and the water in it was running over
5. ---What made her so sad?
. ---That she failed in the examination.
此句中that引导一个主语从句,that 只起连接作用,没有实际意义。而because 和 as ,since都是回答why的问题。
6. Oh, please don’t. He is now seriously ill. Just look at the state he is in.
这里state 表示状况,它现在的情况,用in。e. g in a poor state of health。健康状况不好。同时state 有国家。州。政府的意思。
6. With the approach of Christmas the weather turned colder.
在这里approach 指的是名词来临。同时它还有动词的性质,临近,靠近等。还有做事的方法,途径,入门等名词性质。
7.We saw a big black bear coming up on us from the woods.
选择come up 表示熊向我们靠近过来,come up 有靠近,走近,发生的意思。而come out表示出版,出现;come back 表示恢复的意思。故选择come up。
Step 3: Cloze Test
Ask some students to report their answers and choose some difficult ones to explain.
40. in the way she liked best.表示她最喜欢的方式,下面进行了介绍。
50. never miss it.
55. being persuaded .
她担心会被劝服去买东西,persuade 表示说服去做某事。
Step4: Reading Comprehension
1. Make the Ss report the main idea of each paragraph, then ask some students to speak out their answers.
2. Choose the most difficult ones to explain.
Step5: Correcting
Ask some Ss to correct the mistakes. Then check the right answers with the whole class. Choose some difficult ones to explain.
(1) be mending be mended
(2) feet foot
(3) in such a long time after such a long time
Step6: Writing
1. Ask someone to read his or her composition before the whole class. Make others correct it.
2. Get all the Ss to write down the key words.
3. Show a sample composition on the screen and ask the Ss to read it .
Step7: Homework
Read all the items in this unit. Ss check the answers with the teacher
Ss make some sentences
Ss speak out the usages of the noun clause
Ss report their answers and try to correct the mistakes
Some one report the main idea of each paragraph
Ss find out some difficult ones
Report the answers and try to look for the right answers in the passages
Write down some key words
Check answers.
Ss correct the answers.
Check answers with the whole class.
高二上学期教学总结 (人教版英语高二)01-11
Unit19 词汇(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)06-27
人教版高考第一轮复习高二英语:Unit 3-Unit07-10
人教版 高二Unit 3 词组,句子10-11