What’s your name教学反思(共12篇)
接下来的新授环节中,为了导入所学的新单词(水果复数),我又采取了Do a survey的形式,问学生What do you like?学生回答:I like…, 让学生利用like后面的名词要用复数这一规则,说出了各种水果的复数形式,最后还导入了葡萄的读音。接着,我用让学生猜近处和远处的两个袋子里的东西是什么这一游戏,导入了新句型What are these/those?这一游戏又一次激起了学生的学习兴趣,在活跃的课堂气氛中,学生感受到了学习英语的快乐,他们的学习积极性也再一次调动了起来,从而有效促使他们形成积极的学习态度,养成良好的学习习惯。
单词教学上我通过将图片的一部分遮住让学生来猜What’s this?来提高学生的积极参与性。事实在课堂上学生一开始的积极性比较高,而且回答的正确率也高,可以说目标已经达成。但过程频乏,单调,稍后的过程,学生的积极性有点退下来。在上完课后,我回想其实可以让学生带水果来,让学生通过Touch and guess,想必课堂气氛会更加活跃,也不至于死气沉沉,用学生喜欢的东西和形式去吸引学生,实物的运用相信会更加让学生印象深刻。同时我应将单词的呈现用两种不同的方法来吸引学生的注意力,使学生保持强烈的好奇心和旺盛的求知欲。如何做到这一点,在今后的教学中我将采用灵活多样的`教学法,激发学生的学习兴趣,充分调动他们学习的积极性。
这是本学期英语研究课的第一次试讲,我选择了课堂纪律最好的一个班。这个班级不仅纪律不错,积极发言的人也多,虽然有的人回答问题不着调,但是表现出的那股对英语的热情着实让笔者肯定。“在这个比较活跃的班试讲, 效果一定不错”。带着这样的想法,笔者开始了她的第一次试讲。在上课的过程中,学生一直表现得很出色,但是每当以小组合作的形式进行句子操练的时候,总是时不时有学生不能完全按照老师所给的句子模式来进行问答对话,自己添字,漏词,每当这个时候,笔者都不急着给出正确答案,而是耐心的听学生说完。学生在教师的鼓励下,小手越举越高,就连平时不发言的同学也纷纷举起了手……
T:Good morning,boys and girls,today.We’ll learn “Unit3 What’s your job?”(板书)
T show the word“job”
T : I am a teacher.What ’ s your job?( 指向一生 )
S1 : I am student( 漏了一个“ a ”,语法有错 )
T:Good,you are a “student”(教师不急着纠错,而是在复述生的话时重音强调了“a ”)
T : I am a teacher.I am not a student.What ’ s your job?
S2 : I am a student.
(更多的学生急切地)S345:I am a student.
( 简短的句子,明了的意思,学生很容易就能说出来。 笔者没有刻意制止,而是通过自身的示范让学生自己体会。)
T:I am not a teacher.I am a cook(动作)
T:What’s my job?Use sentence“What’s your job?”to ask me,care about me.
S:What’s your job,Miss Zan.
T:I am a cook( 动作)
S1:What’s your job?(job发音不对,只发了半个音。)
T : I am a cook ( 扮演厨师的摸样 ) , pay attention to “job” The pronounciaton is “j---o---b”(示范)
S1 say it again( 学生自主地又说了一次,这遍说对了。 )
T teach the sentence “ How old are you ? ”
Ss repeat
Ss say the sentence one by one提出问题,开展互动。)
( 四五个学生都在“I am 10/11” 年龄的前面加上a造成语法错误,但是学生已经能正确的说出句子结构,笔者注意到在大部分的发音错误后学生都能及时给自己纠错。)
T give the sentence patterns,hope the students to use the sentences to make dialogues
Teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard
“ What ’ s your name?My name is … ?
“ How old are you?I am ……”
“What’s your job?I am a ……”
T:Come on!I’m sure you will make progress.(老师期许的目光无疑为学生增添了动力。)
T:Now time is up.Which group would like to give a report first?
T asks a pair of good students to try( 虽然这两名学生说得不流畅,并出现错误,但是笔者没有急忙纠正,而是耐心得听完后给出肯定,指出改进之处。)
2.善待口语错误,营造宽松氛围。犯错误是语言学习过程中必然的现象,学生进行口头和书面表达时常常会出现语言错误,这是正常的。有的人认为应该有错必纠,否则不正确的语言习惯一旦得到强化,会导致积重难返,甚至会激活更多的差错反应。但是多年的实践证明:有错必纠的做法对小学生乃至中学生在口语水平达到很该程度之前是没有什么帮助的,时时提醒他们在犯错,只会让他们产横畏惧心理, 进而不断地退缩。有些错误是语言学习中的必经阶段,语言教育学家杜雷说过:“不犯错误是学不会语言的”,“没有失误的言语并不等于正常的言语”。
正确描述人物的外貌,掌握描述外貌的形容词:short, tall, thin, heavy, long, curly, straight.
句型: What do you look like? I’m..., and I have...What does he/she look like? He/She is... , and he/she has...
难点:能区别be和 have/has的用法。
Step I Lead-in
T: Here is a person, she is of medium height, she is of medium build, and she has long curly hair. Who is she?
Ss: You.
(Show the picture on the screen.)
T: Yes, today we’ll learn Unit 9 What does he look like? please read after me “What does he look like”...
(Write the title on the blackboard.)
T: How to describe people’s looks? We talk about people’s looks from three parts: height, build, and hair. Now please read after me “looks” “height”...
(Put the cards on the blackboard.)
Step II New Words
T: Is he tall or short?
Ss: He is tall. He is short.
T: Please read after me “tall”...
T: Is he tall or short?
Ss: He isn’t tall or short. He is of medium height.
T: Pay attention to “of”, be of + n.
(Present the new words “heavy”“thin”“be of medium build” like this.)
T: Does he have long hair or short hair?
Ss: He has long hair.
T: 我们想说“他留着短直发”, we can say, he has short straight hair.我们想说“他留着长卷发”, we can say, he has long curly hair. Please read after me “long curly hair”... So how to describe people’s hair? We can say “先长短后曲直”, please read together.
Step III Practice the new words
T: Now put these new words into English“高的”...and then put these words into Chinese.
(Show all the pictures about new words on the screen.)
T: Now check your words according to the paper.
T: Please turn to page 49. Look at 1a. Match the words with the people in the picture. You can use some letters more than once. Now, stop. Who can give us the right answer? OK, you please.
Ss: Short hair is e...
Step IV Present the new drill
T: Now look at me. I’m of medium height, I’m of medium build, and I have long straight hair. So the order to describe people’s looks is “height”“build”, and “hair”. We can say:身高, 身材加发型. Please read together.
Ss:身高, 身材加发型。
T: When we talk about “height”, we can say, I’m tall, I’m of medium height, and I’m short. Now please read together.
(Present the new words “build”“hair” like this.)
T: Pay attention, when we talk about “height” and “build”, we use the verb “be”, and when we talk about “hair”, we use “have/has”. So here we can say “高矮胖瘦be动词, 长在身上have/has.” Please read together.
Step V Practice the drill
T: What do you look like?
Ss: I’m short and thin. I have short curly hair.
T: Give you one minute, practice in pairs like this.
Step VI Present the new drill
T: What do you look like?
S1: I’m tall and heavy. I have long straight hair.
T: What does he look like?
Ss: He’s tall and heavy. He has long straight hair.
(Ask two students to practice like this.)
Step VII Practice the drill
T: Work in pairs, ask each other “What does he/she look like?”
Step VIII Group work
Talk about the pictures in group of four. Ask each student to talk about one person.
Step IX Listening
T: Amy can’t find her friend, let’s help her find him/her. First look at the picture of 1a, tell me where they are, what they are doing.
Ss: They are at the subway station...
T: Now listen and fill in the blanks in the picture above. Find out who is Amy’s friend.
Step X Task
Task 1: Practice in pairs. Talk about the people in the picture of 1a, and find his/her friend, using the drill “What does your friend look like?”
Task 2: Make a survey, talk about your parents’ looks in group of four.
(The leader of each group writes all the parents’ looks, and then gives a report.)
Step XI Summary and Homework
T: Who can sum up what we’ve learned in this class?
S: ...
(Look at the words and sentences on the blackboard to sum up this lesson.)
T: In this class, we’ve learned how to describe people’s looks. Today’s homework, describe your favorite person’s looks. Thank you, goodbye!
Ss: Goodbye!
这是一节典型的听说课。本课的教学重点是掌握描述人物外貌的词汇和句型。难点是学生在运用功能句型描述人物外貌时,须要分清何时用is, 何时用has。
1. 图片导入,生动理解
从描述个人外貌导入到今天的词汇学习。把外貌描写分为三方面:身高、身材和头发来讲授。每一部分相关的形容词,通过图片和数字来直观展现身高、体重等。学习过程由多媒体呈现,便于学生理解和掌握。其中有口诀提示,如:描述外貌顺序: 身高身材加发型;描述头发顺序: 先长短后曲直;为了区分be动词和have/has用法,引入口诀: 身高体重be动词,长在身上have/has.
2. 单词巩固,为“说”铺垫
本课难点是学生在运用功能句型描述人物外貌时,须要分清何时用is, 何时用have/has。突破这一难点由句型练习来呈现。在句型练习上,先要让学生清楚说什么,怎么说。在这个环节中,我以自身外貌为例进行描述,同时把之前描述人物外貌特征三方面的相关词汇、句型进行媒体呈现,让学生在练习对话时有参考,能模仿。在练习描述其他人的外貌特征时,教师询问一名学生的外貌,同时让全班学生复述这名学生的长相。自然地由第一人称描述转换到第三人称描述。再由两人一组进行对话练习。另外,在句型巩固上,提供一组生活中的明星照片,学生通过描述他们的外貌特征,进一步巩固第三人称单数描述外貌的句型,为接下来的1c对话做铺垫。
在难点提升上,通过Task 2让学生设计小组调查报告,以小组合作的形式,完成对该组其他成员家人外貌的描述,同时以报告的形式呈现给全班学生。这样就把该堂课所学的词汇、句型又进行了巩固和加强。
2、能够指认或说出动物,食物和颜色的英文名称。It’s a dog. 3、尝试应用句型进行交流:What do you like? I like...
1、能够主动使用英文进行表述;I like ice cream.
歌曲Do You Like Ice Cream,Clean Up Song,动物卡片、颜色卡片、食物卡片、sticker小贴纸,积分挂卡。
1、问候、热身Greetings and Warm Up:T(teacher): Hello. Good morning.
K(Kids): Hello,teacher. T: How are you, today?
K: I’m fine, thank you. I’m OK.
T: Can you show me your happy/sad/super face? Are you happy? K: Yes, I am happy. No, I am sad.
T: Good. Let’s Sing a song. Are you ready?
K: Yes, I am ready.
2、复习,评估Assessment 1:
Animals—cover and find
T: What is this? Is this a/an…? K: It’s a cat. No. It’s a dog.
T: Wee wee wee. I can’t find my dog? Do you know where is it? Can you find it? Please pat and say.
K: It’s a dog.
T: Good job. Give me five.
Colors—point and find
T: What color is it?
K: It’s red. It’s blue.
T: Can you point to the yellow card? K: It’s yellow.
T: Who can find a pink toy and put it on the card.
K: let me try. Food—yes or no T: What is this?
K: This is a hamburger. T: Do you like…?
K: Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 3、游戏Stickers Time说明Explain:
kids answer the questions and get a sticker each time.每次主动回答对问题小朋友都能得到一个sticker。
T: What do you like? K: I like ...
foodanimalscolors 4、练习Practice:
助教分别摆放三处桌子,上面摆放食物、动物和颜色图卡,提问幼儿:What do you like?回答对了,直接将sticker贴到孩子的挂卡上,并鼓励孩子尽量多回答。
T: What do you like? K: I like red.
T: What do you like? K: I like hamburger. T: What do you like? K: I like cat.
5、评估小结 Assessment 2:
T: Wow. You’re so great. Raise your cards,please.let’s count how many stickers do you have.
K: one, tow, three, four, five, six...
T: That’s wonderful. Everybody gives me a high five.
T: let’s sing a song to end our class.
-Clean up, clean up. Everybody! Let’s clean
up.Clean up, clean up. Put your things away.
2012年9月, 我有幸参加了四川省民族地区小学语文骨干教师培训, 聆听了一些教育教学专家的讲座, 使我的教育教学观念得到进一步更新, 受益匪浅。尤其是特级教师于永正老师的精彩讲座, 让我茅塞顿开, 解开了我从事小学语文教学10多年来的三个“What”, 即“语文教学应该为学生留下什么?”“语文教学要教什么?”和“怎样教语文?”三个问题。现将我对这三个问题的肤浅认识和看法整理出来, 权当此次培训的总结。如有不当之处, 望各位同仁批评指正。
著名科学家爱因斯坦说:“一个人把在学校里学习的东西全部忘了以后, 剩下来的才是素质。”这话我一直在思考, 的确, 我忘掉了很多, 忘掉了课文内容, 忘掉了曾背得滚瓜烂熟的古文, 忘掉了很多课文题目, 忘掉了语文教师的精彩讲解和透彻分析。难道读了那么多年的书, 什么都没有学到吗?不是的, 我学会了字、词、能力、兴趣和习惯, 留下了最基本的素质。那么语文教学应该为孩子留下什么?
1. 留下语言。
什么是语言, 首先要识字, 3500字是保底的, 教师要鼓励学生识字。其次要积累词语。词语是语言的最小单位, 记得越多越好, 词汇量越丰富智商越高。再次要培养语感。一个人必须有好的语感, 在丰富词语的基础上, 有好的语感, 就会出口成章, 下笔成文。
2. 留下能力。
课程标准指出小学语文教育的任务就是指导学生写好字, 读好书, 作好文。这实质上道出了语文教育的真谛就是要培养学生的书写能力、阅读能力 (包括朗读能力) 和表达能力。
3. 留下情感。
课程标准要求:小学语文教学要重视情感、态度、价值观的正确导向。小学语文教学, 应从语文学科的特点出发, 把教学生正确理解祖国语言文字和进行情感教育统一起来, 激发学生情感的浪花, 培养他们理解美、欣赏美、创造美的能力。这就明确要求小学语文教师要培养学生正确的情感、态度、价值观。
4. 留下兴趣和习惯。
小学语文教育是重要的启蒙教育, 是能够让孩子们更好地接受高一级教育的重要铺垫。小学时代对一个人的影响是长远的甚至是一辈子的。小学语文教学必须培养学生积极的兴趣和良好的习惯。
5. 留下自主发展的时间和空间。
小学语文教学要给孩子留下自主发展的空间和时间, 让孩子们有读书的时间, 多读书, 读好书, 博采众长, 有充分的发展空间, 积蓄力量, 厚积薄发。
1. 教字词。
识字、写字是小学语文教学的重要目标。写好字, 是小学生的重要标志。小学阶段认识3500字是学生的保底要求, 小学阶段是识字最佳期, 一个有远见的教师一定很重视识字, 鼓励学生识字并正确地书写汉字。
2. 教朗读。
教会学生朗读是一种能力的培养, 通过朗读训练, 理解文本, 感受文本。语文教师“要让学生充分地读, 在读中整体感知, 在读中有所感悟, 在读中培养语感, 在读中受到情感的熏陶。”
3. 教语言表达。
语言表达分口头表达和书面表达 (写作) 两种。教会语言表达也是一种能力的培养, 它需要教师教会学生形成健康的交际心理, 养成良好的语文阅读习惯、认真倾听的习惯, 表达前要做好概括主题、组织语言等准备工作。
1. 改变单一的教材形态。
语文怎样教?一个优秀的老师应该有课程意识。要明确语文教什么, 要有自己的课程。语文教师千万要精简作业, 摒弃学生繁琐的作业负担, 把时间还给学生。让学生少做题, 多读书, 读好书, 好读书, 读整本的书。
2. 改变语文教学的形态。
有人说, 语文能力不是讲出来的, 不是教出来的, 是在读写的语文实践中逐步形成的。语文教师要合理分配好课堂教学中读、讲、练时间, 教学中要管住老师的嘴巴, 把时间留给学生。作业设置要以写字、读书、习作为主。
3. 语文教学要遵循学习语文的规律。
通过语文实践培养学生的语文能力, 提高人文素养, 是语文教育的客观规律。语文实践, 说得明确一点, 就是听、说、读、写的实践。因此在语文教学中教师要引导学生熟读、精思、博览、多作, 大量读写, 读写结合。
4. 教师要做好示范。
朗读和书写需要教师的示范与点拨。每个字的横、竖、撇、捺的写法、特点要通过老师的操作、示范, 让学生去模仿, 学生才会正确书写。朗读时, 老师要大胆说:“跟我读。”用心教会学怎样读, 同时还可以因地制宜地引导学生跟录音读, 跟学生读。
5. 教育需要“三心”即细心、耐心、爱心。
1.知识目标:通过本课的学习,学生能听懂、会说有关教室的单词:blackboard, book, chair, desk, door;能理解并能口头问答句型:What′s this? It′s a „„
1.关于教室的五个单词:blackboard, book, chair, desk, door;2.标准问答:What is this? It is a „„
七、教学流程: Step1: Warm-up 1.Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Are you happy? Ss: Yes.I am happy.T: I am happy, too.(say with body language)2.TPR 活动:Chant: “数字早操” T: Let′s chant: “数字早操”OK? Ss: OK.Then Ss call out the numbers from one to ten.Ten Ss to be the number babies and stand in a circle, then they say the chant and do actions together.设计意图:Chant能使学生感到轻松,愉快,满足,产生兴奋情绪,在明快优美的旋律中,不仅复习了上节课的内容,又调动了学生的学习兴趣,为下一步教学做好准备。
Step2: New Concepts 1.Introduce: T:(Turn on the computer.This is a picture of Jenny’s classroom.)Boys and girls , what′s this? Ss: This is a classroom.T: Yes.Today we will visit Jenny′s classroom and learn some new words with Jenny: What′s in my classroom? 边说边板书。点击课件中的“book”图片,出现单词和读音,学生跟读,个别读,分男女生读,并把单词卡片依次贴在黑板上。其他单词教法同上。
设计意图:这样利用多媒体课件创设情境,学生探索新知的欲望非常强烈,他们带着强烈的好奇心和浓厚的学习兴趣,积极主动地开始新知识的学习。2.Listen to the tape and follow.3.Practice:Play “High and Low” game.T:Now let us play a game “High(高声说)and Low(低声说)”OK? Ss: OK.Good T: book(high voice)Ss: book(low voice)(设计意图:通过此游戏让学生对所学单词的发音更清楚,更准确。同时也训练学生的注意力和反应能力。)Step3: Drill and Production 1.Touching Game: The rabbits jump.今天森林里要举行运动会,你们想不想和小动物们一起参加呢?(举起旗子)我们分成三组:Red Group ,Blue Group, Yellow Group;每组出一名选手,谁最先拿到指定的卡片就是胜利者,有奖品并为本队得一朵小红花。比一比看哪队得的红花多?
(设计意图:激发兴趣,在玩中学,学中乐,培养学生的集体荣誉感。)2.ALittle Teacher′s game.找几个“小老师”领读单词。由点带面,用榜样的力量既激发学生的学习兴趣,调动了学生的积极性,又巩固了知识。3.Guess: “What′s this?”
规则:每组出一名选手,面向大家,猜一猜老师手中的卡片是什么?其他的学生要大声的问: What′s this? 选手要用:It′s a „„来回答。可连续猜三次。猜对有奖,给本队加一朵小红花,多者为胜。(设计意图:通过此次活动又掀起一次学习的高潮,利用游戏练习本课句型,分组表演,给刚才没表演的学生一个机会。让每一位学生都能展示自己,表现自己。)
Step4: Listening exercises.(设计意图:运用多媒体教学系统,使学生通过视听感知英语语言素材,发展视听能力。同时充分发挥教师的主导作用,学生的主体性和创造性,为实现英语交际打下坚实的基础。)Step5: Let’s Chant: 教室里面有什么?大家快来说一说:book, book, It′s a book(晃动书);desk, desk, It′s a desk(拍桌子);chair, chair, It′s a chair(拍凳子);door, door, It′s a door(指着门); blackboard ,It′s a blackboard(指黑板)。
(七)比较法:在学习”i am helpful”这个新句型时,我出示几幅图片,让他们判断”are they helpful?”,通过此来培养学生的质疑意识,分析问题、解决问题、综合问题的能力和创造性思维能力。
教学内容教学环节活动时间(大约)教学活动设计意图 教师活动 学生活动
回答复习前一单元所学的知识,为新内容的学习做铺垫 录象激起好奇心,激发探求新知识的欲望。带出新知识
2、呈现五个新的动词短语卡片5分钟引导学生学习新短语学习新短语配合动作,小调学习新短语,提高记忆的质量。学习与运用新句型“i am helpful”1、由短片引出“helpful”1分钟引导学生自我理解让学生自主分析理解获得知识。
2、呈现图片2分钟提问回答问题对比教学,并进行适时的思想渗透。3、师生对话 4、生生互动5分钟和一个学生对话同桌间的对话比赛的形式让学生更有兴趣投入运用所学。2、呈现图片1分钟提问回答示范引导学生理解
3、完成调查表4分钟提问小组活动 创设了较真实的语境 教学内容教学环节活动时间教学活动设计意图 教师活动学生活动
英语学习情况评价表 每周一评表
姓名:_________ 周次:第 ____周 组长:_____________ 项目
(句型学习)小组活动参与积极性课堂表现 其 它 小组评自评互评 monday tuesday thursday friday 每月一评表
姓名:______________ ___________年_________月 评价方式
评价指标学生自评小组评家长评教师评 课 堂 表
现上课非常认真 基本认真听课 有进步 不够专心 违反了纪律 单词 掌握
情况会听写单词 会默写单词 会读单词 有进步 不会写单词
课文掌握情况会背诵 读得非常流利 读得一般 有进步 不会读
作业完成情 况作业优秀 完成作业,已改正错题 有进步
做错的没认真改正 没有完成作业 备注
本节课设计两条主线。一条是任务主线。围绕学生侦破案件, 以找到罪犯这个大任务为主线展开, 其中贯穿以描述人物外貌为主的小任务。先播放动画片《名侦探柯南》的音乐视频短片激起学生的兴趣, 接着以一桩案件的出现引出侦破案件的大任务。然后设置看照片寻找罪犯, 去车站接大侦探Amy’s friend, Tony, 小组合作推理想象描述罪犯相貌, 根据材料给罪犯画像, 最后识别罪犯, 侦破案件等小任务。而另一条知识主线也同时展开。在活动中, 学生由词到句, 由句到文, 逐步掌握描述人物外表的表达方式, 其听说读写能力得到全面锻炼, 其想象推理能力得到发展, 并让其体会到了侦破案件的刺激和破案成功后的满足。
1. The language target:
(1) the vocabulary:like, look like, short/long/straight//black/curly/blonde hair, straight, tall, height, medium height, thin, heavy, build, medium build, good-looking.
(2) The useful expressions:
What do you look like?I’m thin...
What do they look like?They are medium height.
What does he/she look like?He/She has straight hair/medium build...
2. The ability target:
(1) The students can listen and understand what the person look like.
(2) The students can describe people’s appearance using the words and phrases above.
(3) The students can read and understand the passage about people’s appearance.
(4) The students can write the passage about people’s appearance.
3. The moral goal:
(1) Through the activities of talking about people’s looks, the students can learn to respect and understand others and not to judge the person from their appearance.
(2) The students can have good teamwork.
4. The culture awareness:
To knowthe westerners like to describe people’s appearance straight, but Chinese like todescribe people’s look implicitly.
1. To master the vocabulary about people’s looks.
2. To describe people’s looks:
Whatdoyou look like?I’mthin...
What do they look like?They are medium height.
What does he/she look like?He/She has straight hair/medium build...
To know the differences between“is”and“has”.
1. The Task-based teaching approach.
2. The cooperative-learning.
The CAI teaching approach.
S te p1:wa rming-up
T:Hello, boys and girls!Nowlet’s enjoy a piece of wonderful music.
(说明:用多媒体放映一段动画片《名侦探柯南》的片头曲, 让学生在欣赏歌曲放松自己的同时, 更能激起其学习兴趣。)
S te p2:Le a ding in
T:What nice music!Do you like it?
S s:yeah, very much.
T:Do you know the boy in the cartoon movie?
S s:Yes, he is Conan.
T:Oh, most of you know him very well, right?Could you tell me what he looks like?
(Help Ss try to answer:“He is short and thin, he has black short hair and a round face.He always wears blue suit and a pair of big glasses.”Then write down these words on the blackboard in order, teach and get the students to read them out.)
T:As we know, Conan is a very clever detective, he can always find out the truth.Do you want to be such a great detective in the future.Today I’ll give you a chance to be a detective.Let’s find out who can be the best detectives in our class.I hope all of you can do as well as Conan. (Write the word“detective”on
the blackboard.)
(说明:由描述柯南的外貌导入本课主题, 并引导学生进入争当侦探的情境。)
S te p3:P re s e nta tion
T:Now let’s look at some pictures, please tell me what is happening in the pictures? (展示几张有关偷窃和蒙面窃贼的图片。)
S s:Someone is stealing in the room.
T:Yes, but when the police came to the scene, the thief has gone.Luckily, there is some pictures left.Maybe they are helpful.Who can be the thief?Here are some photos, let’s try to find out if the thief is one of them.
(Show some photos of different people while asking:“What does he/she wear?What does he/she look like?”to revise the color words, clothing words and face words learned before and get the students try to say some new words about height/built/hair, then list the words on the blackboard.)
(目的:呈现并教学新词句, 同时复习以往学过的有关人物外貌的词句。)
S te p4:P ra ctice
1. Conclude the words about people’s looks, teach and get the Ss to read them out.
2. Play a word game to review the new words about people’s looks.
(遮住图片的一大半, 让学生猜猜图中人物的外表, 并用新词描述。)
3. Finish 1a, Section A.
(说明:通过归纳和游戏, 巩固练习上一步所学的新词句。)
S te p5:Ta s k One (Pair work)
T:As we are young, we need a professional detective to help us.Amy’s good friend who is a famous detective will come here.Now let’s go to the train station to meet him/her.
1.Show the main picture of the lesson and get the students to discuss who can be Amy’s friend in pairs. (同桌互相讨论图中人物外貌, 猜测Amy的朋友是哪位。)
S A:What does Amy’s friend look like?S B:I think he/she is tall...
T:Now let’s listen to Amy’s words, she will tell us the answer.
2.Finish 1b. (练习听力, 同时找到Amy的朋友。)
(说明:设置车站接侦探朋友这个任务, 使学生能初步运用所学的词句对图中人物外表进行描述。)
S te p6:Lis te ning
T:Amy’s friend, Tony, brought us some tape records about some people’s look.Now let’s us listen carefully to find out whether they are thieves or not. (Get the Ss to listen to the tape and finish the listening exercises 2a and 2b, then check the answers.)
(说明:练习学生听力, 使其能听懂描绘人物外貌的词句。)
S te p7:Ta s k Two (Group work)
T:Although we haven’t find the thief yet, We can imagine what the thief looks like according to the video.Now work in groups to write down what the thief looks like in your mind.Then report it to the class.
Man/womanHeight BuiltHair faceClothing…
In my group, I think he is a.He isand.He hasand.He wears.But B thinks she is a, she isand, she hasand, she wears...C thinks...but D thinks...
(说明:培养学生合作学习能力, 同时使其进一步学会运用新词句描述人物外貌。)
S te p8:Ta s k Thre e (R eading)
T:Ok, Now listen, I have good news to tell you.Just now Amy’s friend gave me some material about the thief’s look.Now read it carefully and choose someone to draw his look on the black board.Let’s see who draws best and exactly. (Get the student to read the passage and ask someone to draw the picture on the blackboard.)
(The passage:After check out the video carefully, we find the thief is a young man who is about twenty years old.He is medium-height and a little heavy.He has short brown hair and small eyes.He wears black jacket and a pair of black pants.)
(说明:训练学生的阅读能力, 同时增加课堂的趣味性。)
S te p9:Ta s k four (Memory challenge)
T:Now we have almost got the photos of the thief.Let’s watch these photos bellow to find the real thief. (Show many photos quickly in five seconds, then get the Ss to remember which one is the thief’s picture and describe the one that they chose.)
(说明:通过游戏结束任务学习。学生在讨论照片的过程中, 巩固运用所学的词句来描述人物的外表。)
S te p10:S umma ry a nd home work
T:Congratulations!All of you did a very good job.You see, we have learned how to describe people’s look today.And we understand whatever you look like, you can be useful to the world.So don’t judge the person from his/her look.The Good-looking means nothing, the hard-working is the most important. (Show some sentences on the screen to encourage the students.)
T:Amy’s friend, Tony, will go back home tomorrow.But he doesn’t know you well, please write an e-mail to him to introduce your family members.And if you want to learn more knowledge about the lesson, you can search on the Internet. (Get the students to write an e-mail to the detective.)
What is __ doing? —— He/She is __ing …
What are you doing? —— I’m __ing …
What are they doing? – They’re __ing …
一、Greetings and review
可以做动作,让学生 猜词语,如hungry, thirsty, sleep, draw 等。然后出示卡片,复习这些词。
二、Leading—in and listen
Show some pictures to the class by ppt。(幻灯片)and present the sentences:What is he doing? He is running。/ What is she doing? She is singing。/ What are they doing? They’re playing。
(To the class) What are you doing?
C: We’re looking and listening。
T: Good! Then do you know “ What are Jenny,Li Ming and Danny doing on the train?” What are they doing?
( Write the question on the blackboard)领学生多读几遍。 Ok, let’s listen and find the answer。 What are Jenny,Li Ming and Danny doing on the train?”
播放录音,第一遍听,第二遍跟读,之后让学生回答问题。What are Jenny,Li
Do “ask and answer” in pairs like this:(利用书中的图画。) What’s the baby doing? – He is___ing。
句型 : What is __ doing? —— He/She is __ing …
What are you doing? —— I’m __ing …
1. New words: stay、 someday 、check 、prediction 、yearbook、ambition
2. Li Ming’prediction
3. How to make a yearbook
Teaching goals
1. After this, students should be able to understand the meaning of the text
2. Remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some words .
3. Understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts.
Key points: predict your own future and write down your prediction
Difficult points: how to make a yearbook
Teaching resources: pictures, flash cards 、yearbook
Teaching period: one
Teaching procedure
1. Opening class
1). Greeting : hello, class. How are you doing today? Are you ready for the class?
2) Sing a song.
3) Ask Ss students to say their ambition .
2 . New lesson
Step 1: lead in
Talk about the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”
(1)Do you want to be an English teacher ?Why or why not?
(2)Why does Li Ming want to be an English teacher ?
Encourage them to express themselves. Gather the different answers.
1) Show a picture of mine
2) Introduce this photo
3) Make a yearbook on the blackboard and write such sentences: I predict I will have a good future .I want to be a good people in the future . I hope to -----
4) Let students make their own yearbook.
Step3 presentation: students show their yearbook in the class.
Step 4 practice
What’s your ambition?
My ambition is __.
Why do you want to be a __? (teacher、doctor、singer )
Step5:students read the text quickly.
Four students a group to dicuss the following question:
(1) Why does LiMing want to be an English teacher?
(2) Why does LiMing want to stay in Shijiazhuang?
(3) What’s LiMing’ prediction ?
Homework :1.Finish off the activity book.
2.Make a yearbook!Predict your future!
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