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英文名著英文读书笔记 篇1


>is considered as one of the classics of English literature, which is set in the eighteenth to nineteenth century’s English countryside which the great writer Jane Austen is familiar with.Because it has reversed the rhetoric writing style and deeply influenced the inclination of the late writing and the standards of appreciation.Based on the famous book, it is shot not only for recreation, but also to show the respect to the great writer and be honest to the masterpiece.The film mainly concentrates on the tortuous love between Mr.Darcy and Elizabeth Benet.Of course it also reveals the social life in the early eighteenth century in Britain.It also paid attention to convey the writer’s belief that a man in good fortune must be in want of a women and the highest value is love.The Benet family has five daughters, Jane, Elizabeth, Lydia, kitty, Mary.Jane is the eldest and the most beautiful according to the review around, tending to be quiet and self-strained, reflecting the most appreciated kind of women valued in tradition.Elizabeth is in fact high-spirited, outgoing and is well raised.Lydia and Kitty are some kind not as mature as her two elder sisters, and Lydia run away with Mr.Wickham, the wrecked person as the father Mr.Benet has called, which has in fact brought shame on her family.Mary is quite self-conscious and has her unique taste.They are all raise with no governess and in fact their mother has not bothered so much to educate or to bring them up.All the basic merits of Elizabeth and Jane maybe self-attained.The basic tune of the movie is sorrow, which can not be suppressed.Love is about happiness but sometimes is more about sadness.But the ending is happy;Mr.Bingly proposed Jane and Jane accepted.Mr.Darcy got Elizabeth forgive his prejudice for her family and Elizabeth finally realized how much Mr.Darcy loves her and in verse how much she loves Mr.Darcy.Mr.Darcy is handsome, tender, dignified.But he is also very tacit, not so willing to speak to strangers, and when he came to Elizabeth’s town, he hadn’t danced with any lady even there are women had no companions at all.He is from the higher status and was in fact too proud of himself.He has his own social rules and a series of standards to judge what is appropriate and what is not which is self-concerned and inappropriate itself.Ms Benet and Elizabeth’s three young sisters’ even her beloved father’s behavior has rebelled against his appreciation.He has no opinion of her family and to save his best friend from getting into the imprudent marriage with such a bad family he even suggested Mr.Bingly leave Jane.It has triggered Elizabeth, and separated the doomed couple.On this, the two of them had a serious argue.All it happened just because Darcy has not got used to the temporal social life which is not so trimmed, he is in fact very friendly and amiable.Finally he has to a lot of things to remedy for what he has done.Besides the love story we can also see the social life at that time.We can see some old fashioned houses which were carefully picked out.We can also know how the culture is in Britain in the early nineteenth century.For example, only men are qualified to inherit the estate.It is in fact a meaningful movie and worth watching.It is very educational.It is different and will help us better know the literature.But what is the default of the movie.I think the movie is too literature like and formal and lack of innovation.And what’s more, it deals with no body contact, which has eliminated the value of the film.Love is not only spiritual, it is not more or at least the to same extent physical, which completes a true love.I am here formally recommending his movie to you.Don’t be so serious with the sarcasm which I

英文名著英文读书笔记 篇2

1 Theory and Methodology

When it comes to the writer determinism theory, it is quite necessary for us to mention George Louis Leclerc de Buffon, who is a French naturalist and theoretical biologist.He has proposed his views on how to perceive styles, which are the reflection of narrators or writers’thoughts.He has put his emphasis on the authors themselves.He holds the idea that stylistic styles are determined by the authors.What is more specifically is that it is the author’s subjective world that determines the stylistic style.He has confirmed the existence of personal parole, which means each individual owns his unique feature of language use.By analyzing the author’s stylistic feature in his works, we can obtain his distinct ways of writing and then make further evaluation of his literary achievement.

2 Absolute Order

Buffon considers styles as the orders and arrangement of transference of narrators’thoughts.The real eloquence is not just a kind of skill or a language gift or playing with words.It comes from the reasonable arrangement of one’s own thoughts.Knowing how to use words only is far from the possession of styles, but merely a shadow of them.The writer should first of all keep a more general and absolute order in his mind before writing.As for the absolute order of the thought, it must take some components as prerequisite, which are all semantic components.In The Notebook, Nicolas Sparks has a clear understanding of his writing order, which has reflected his experienced writing skill.

2.1 The manipulation of semantic roles and points of view

Semantic roles are of great importance in a literary work.Both the narrator and characters in the work are the reflection of the author’s thoughts.The author usually makes a choice of a certain role structure to illustrate a certain world view.The analysis of these role structures could contribute us to learn about the narrator and how the characters in the work see the world from their perspectives.

From The Notebook, we can find out the author’s subtle arrangement.The narrative structure of the novel is not stereotypical and unchanged.The fact is, it is changing in a natural way based on the flow of thoughts.The first chapter of this novel“Miracles”is narrated by the male protagonist when he is quite old and in the first person point of view.The first person narrator is usually the main character of the work.The author’s choice of the first person point of view could narrow the gap between the readers and establish a closer friendship with them.“Who am I?And how, I wonder, will this story end?The sun has come up and I am sitting by a window that is foggy with the breath of a life, gone by.” (The Notebook, P.1) In a special nursing home by the lake, as“I”grow into my twilight years, I keep telling“our”stories to my companion and“I”eagerly hope that a miracle would happen.The author has left the readers suspense at the beginning of the novel in order to arouse the interest of them and allures them to read on and to find what will happen in the end.Who is this male protagonist anyway?Why does he insist of reading the notebook year after year?When we read on, we find a sudden change of narration in chapter two“Coast”with a third person point of view.

This employment of point of view has a wider scope and is suitable for describing objective details step by step.That is the way the author adopts to present the whole story vividly and to make comments to it.At the same time, the time has come to the past, right before her wedding.“It was early October 1946, and Noah Calhoun watched the fading sun sink lower from the wraparound porch of his plantation-style home.” (The Notebook, P.7) In this chapter, the author first narrates the male protagonist’s condition from his perspective and we can have an insight into his behavior and thinking.Then the author has shifted the narrative point of view to the female protagonist’s.Her mixed feelings are presented vividly on paper.We may read these lines excerpted from The Notebook, P.15.“Earlier that evening and a hundred miles away, she sat alone on the porch swing of her parents’home, one leg crossed beneath her.The seat had been slightly damp when she sat down;rain had fallen earlier, hard and stinging, but the clouds were fading now and she looked past them, toward the stars, wondering if she’d made the right decision.”The world is different in the eyes of different people.The author is intended to make a change, which not only has strengthened the artistic expressive force, but also has shown his profound writing skills.

We may notice that not until we turn to page 22 of this novel can we first find the female protagonist’s name, “Allie.His Allie.”, which is purposefully arranged by the author.Before that, the author always uses“she”instead of her real name.It has created a sense of mysteriousness of her.We also know that“she”must be the very important person to him who has taken his breath away.Beside the subtle workings of semantic roles, the author has used juxtaposition skillfully to portray the images of the two main characters vividly.In the end of the novel, the author has adopted the old protagonist’s tone to narrate again and returned to the first person point of view.From“my”narration, we are completely touched by this ordinary people’s extraordinary and moving love story.We are so indulged in it due to the author’s natural and nearly perfect arrangement of his thoughts which reflects his talented narrative techniques.

After reading the whole story, we may find out that excerpt for the first half and the last part of the book, the main body is narrated from the third person point of view.The narrative structure remains almost unchanged and the story is told in the most straightforward manner in plain language.As for some scenes, the author goes into too many details.For instance, he has written as long as 40 pages telling the readers of what has happened within just several hours Allie spent in Noah’s house right before her wedding.The narrative structure is too plain and lack of originality.It sounds like a long boring story.This is what one of the shortcomings of this novel lies.

2.2 The manipulation of ideational function of language

Having read up the sentences of the text carefully, we may find out that the writer has succeeded in applying ideational function of language to portray the characters in his novel.When Allie ended her visit and decided to go back home, Noah was very sad and his heart was broken.As for this, the author has deliberately employed a series of free indirect thoughts and the perfect tense to show Noah’s sadness.It seems that Noah had done nothing, but actually he was filled with deep sorrow.“And sometime after midnight on that clear October evening, it all rushed inward and Noah was overcome with longing.And if anyone had seen him, they would have seen what looked like an old man, someone who’d aged a lifetime in just a couple of hours.Someone bent over in his rocker with his face in his hands and tears in his eyes.He didn’t know how to stop them.” (The Notebook, P.71) He felt as if there were a knife piercing his heart.Undoubtedly, he is not only experiencer but also patient of the whole thing.The author does this to keep us from losing sympathy with him.

3 Sublime

Buffon’s so-called permanent personal style which takes description as a whole is the sublime style.Only the“sublime”style could express the noblest and the most significant titles.In his view, if a writer intends to write a good work, he must choose a sublime title, not a vulgar one.And for Nicholas Sparks, he is skilled in writing love stories.No matter how time changes, love is always an eternal topic.Is love sublime?Definitely it is.But some people may think that love stories will always fall into stereotypes that the two protagonists finally get married and live happily ever after.The earthly vulgarness does harm to the nobleness of love.But on this point, Nicholas Sparks has won again.The plot of The Notebook becomes more revealing and moving as we read on.It is like a miracle out of ordinariness.

3.1 The subtle workings of authorial tone

A great classic should be soul-revealing and capable of touching the emotions of its readers.In this regard, Nicholas Sparks is a total experienced master hand.The reputation of the king of American pure love novels is the best proof of that.When we read his words, we will be immersed in a simple, bright, light yet dense emotion immediately.He is like a knight wandering about the world of vast and numerous words.He gives live expressions of unspeakable feelings between countryside and mind, romance and life and death through an easy and relaxed way.The readers will be fascinated by his words that give out a fresh smell of the rural earth, and the everlasting love between Noah and Allie in complete harmony, and be entangled with Allie’s choice in dilemma, and be greatly moved by Noah’s deed of year after year’s telling his Allie their love diaries until she occasionally recovers her lost memory.

The author has attached a storm of affection when creating this novel.We may feel the strong emotional power of it after analyzing its authorial tone.It can not be denied that all the characters and events in it are coined by the author.But he has succeeded in keeping the authorial tone accord with the content.We may not help doubting the truth of the story sometimes;however, it could be proven true.Through the process of reading, we are unconsciously affected by the subtle authorial tone.We gradually draw closer to the author’s world view and value.Why are we touched?It is because we accept his attitude and stand for his view point.In the end of the novel, when Noah stumblingly climbs Allie’s sickbed, the author writes:“I feel the warmth of her body, and as our tongues meet, I allow myself to slip away, as I had so many years ago.I close my eyes and become a mighty ship in churning waters, strong and fearless, and she is my sails.I gently trace the outline of her cheek, and then take her hand in mine.I kiss her lips, her cheeks, and listen as she takes a breath.She murmurs softly, “Oh, Noah...I’ve missed you.”Another miracle—the greatest of all!And there’s no way I can stop the tears as we begin to slip toward heaven itself.For at that moment, the world is full of wonder as I feel her fingers reach for the buttons on my shirt and slowly, even so slowly, she begins to undo them one by one.” (The Notebook, P.199) When reading these lines, we are all deeply moved by the author’s subtle workings of authorial tone.How delicate and touching his words are!Whether they are exaggerated or not, we tend to believe the story to be true, and that is the great power of true love.We are so engaged in reading this novel that we are reluctant to put down the book even we have finished reading it.It is not a simple love story anymore, but it turns to be an extraordinary unforgettable experience.This is the effect that the author is trying to achieve, and he did it.

However, we should also notice that the love described in the novel is confined between two people who have spent their whole lives in fulfilling love obligations.It is a pity that the author does not extend the love to a height of the love of a nation or even the love of universal people.From this perspective, the vision of the author is not broadened enough, and which can be attributed as one limitation that hinders his work from becoming a world classic.

3.2 The author’s preference in diction

The great and classic works can only be found under noble titles, such as“law of nature, general creatures, space, substance movement and time, soul, thinking, sentiment and lust”.One must have a thorough understanding of the theme and clear view of the interrelation of his own thoughts if he wishes to speak well and write well.

A good writing involves the process of contemplation, experience and most of all, his preference in diction.

In The Notebook, several of subjects that Buffon has mentioned can be seen.Its style is fresh and clean.It seems that we are walking in a charming painting as we read this novel.The long-waited breath from the countryside, the everlasting sun, the moon and the stars, the idyllic sceneries, beautiful lakes and mountains, going boating to watch the sunrise in the early morning, playing with water in a river in a rainy day, listening to the insects flicking in the evening, and all those lively and vivid sceneries among lines have given out a smell of freshness and are closely connected with the author’s sensibility to his hometown When it comes to lust, many people are inclined to avoid it.But in the eyes of the author, it is a normal phenomenon.Lust is indispensable even in the noblest love.The author extols the passionate love without any hesitation in his novel.“They gave in then to everything they had fought the last fourteen years.Allie lifted her head off his shoulder, looked at him with hazy eyes and Noah kissed her softly on the lips.She brought her hand to his face and touched his cheek, brushing it softly with her fingers.He leaned in slowly and kissed her again, still soft and tender, and she kissed back, feeling the years of separating dissolve into passion.” (The Notebook, P.114) The seemingly vulgar lus becomes quite natural and is full of passion under the author’s pen, and this is also one of the reasons why his novels are bestsellers.

Reading Nicholas’words, we may find them contracted bu meaningful in style.Different writers have diverse preference in diction.As for him, he favors concrete nouns and adjectives.A few words, just like a sketch, and the character is portrayed vividly on paper.The few use of abstract words makes his work easy to follow and more readable.“With his shirt tucked loosely into old faded jeans, she could see the same broad shoulders she remembered, tapering down to narrow hips and a flat stomach.He was tan, too, as if he’d worked outside all summer, and though his hair was a little thinner and lighter than she remembered, he looked the same as he had when she’d known him last.” (The Notebook, P.33) The author does this to keep us from perceiving characters to be untouchable.

From the syntactical perspective, Nicholas has a preference in using loose sentences.We can read on his words smoothly without any difficulty.This also contributes to one of the reasons why his works are popular around the world.“She found her pocketbook and car keys, and then picked up the room key.She turned it over in her hand a couple of times, thinking, you’ve come this far, don’t give up now, and almost left then, but instead sat on the bed again.She checked her watch.Almost six o’clock.She knew she had to leave in a few minutes--she didn’t want to arrive after dark, but she needed a little more time.” (The Notebook, P.19)

We must aware that Nicholas’literature is a kind of popular literature.Since his words are faithful in meaning, vivid in description and plain in style, it is suitable for the public and tends to be very popular.If compared to those masterpieces for appreciation from the view of literature and art, his works are of less perfection and a little“immature”.

4 Contrast

It is a way to highlight the expression of one aspect of a subject and take the rest as less important and thus give less prominence to it.As for this aspect, the author has made great efforts.In his mind, he knows that if he wants to emphasize the greatness of Allie and Noah’s love, he must create certain things which are evocative in order to resonate people’s emotions.As Allie and Noah are both ordinary people, too many descriptions of their daily trifles do more harm than good to the revelation of the theme.When Allie’s wedding is approaching, she goes to Noah’s house alone.Her action has forever changed all people’s fates.This is the turning point of their lives.Thus, the author has written more words to describe the situation in great details.Beside, there is also an exclusive form of expression which is originated by the author.In the novel, the author has frequently used the letter style to convey messages, and sometimes it has even replaced common narration.It seems to be more sincere in emotion and has added solemnness to the protagonists’love.The author has successfully proven the greatness of their love by highlighting the twists and turns of it.Other information of their lives which is less significant thus can only be found in the letters or it is just omitted.We may read something about their marriage life from the excerpt of the letters.For example, in one paragraph of their letters for their first wedding anniversary, it reads:“When I see you now--moving slowly with new life growing inside you--I hope you know how much you mean to me, and how special this year has been.No man is more blessed then me, and I love you with all my heart.” (The Notebook, P.158) Another paragraph in another letter goes that“In times of grief and sorrow, I will hold you and rock you, and take your grief and make it my own.When you cry I cry, and when you hurt, I hurt.And together we will try to hold back the floods of tears and despair and make it through the potholed streets of life.” (The Notebook, P.159) Even though these are not the main aspect of the story, we may strongly feel the details of their existence and their prominent personalities.It is not a easy job to do that.

But it is unwise to over-emphasize one aspect of the subject and ignore other aspects, which will result a disjoint of narration and lack of coherence.What’s more, too much description of the twists and turns of the feelings between Allie and Noah may make the readers feel heavy-hearted and lose positive attitude.It is important for the author to know how to balance each aspect in a reasonable way.

5 Conclusion

There are many ways of interpreting a certain work of a certain writer.It is undoubtedly feasible to analyze the bestselling novelist Nicholas Sparks’representative The Notebook under the framework of writer determinism theory according to the English of fiction.By analyzing both the author and the text, we may have an insight into the author’s writing style, and are capable of explaining the reasons why his works are bestsellers around the world.At the same time, we may reveal some shortcomings which hinder his works from becoming world classics.Though it is not a classic, it stays“classic”to some extent.Its brilliance will leave in the innermost heart of each one who reads it.We may quote a sentence from the novel:“I once have loved one person, with my heart and soul.For me, that’s enough.”And I would like to pu it this way:I once have read a book, with my heart and soul.As


[1]Bradford R.Stylistics[M].London:Routledge, 1997.

[2]Crystal D, Davy D.Investigating English Style[M].London:Long man, 1969.

[3]Leech G N, Short M H.Style in Fiction[M].London:Longman, 1981.

[4]Nicholas Sparks.The Notebook[M].Warner Books, 2004.

[5]Wright L, Jonathan Hope.Stylistics:A Practical Coursebook[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.

[6]胡壮麟.理论文体学[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2000.

[7]秦秀白.英语语体和文体要略[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.

[8]钱瑗.实用英语文体学[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2011.

英文名著英文读书笔记 篇3

【关键词】新标准 高中英语 英文名家名篇 课外阅读







从一些经过改编的文学名著入手,采取由浅入深、逐步深入的方式进行阅读,是切实可行的。如牛津大学出版社出版的“书虫系列”,经简化或改编的《双城记》、《雾都孤儿》、《傲慢与偏见》、《简·爱》等名著。使用的高中英语教材也有一些课文是由英美文学名著改编的。例如,北京师范大学出版社出版的Senior High English1-10模块中都包含了Literature Spot,十篇文章均为略有改编的英美文学作品。在模块3中还选入了改编自美国著名作家爱德加·爱伦·坡的小说A Descent into the Maelstrom的课文Sea Stories,以及美国作家桑德拉·希斯内罗丝的作品The House on Mango Street等。




教师可结合学生的兴趣特点、接受能力,广泛开拓题材范围,引导学生阅读文学作品,报纸杂志,从中了解英美国家的社会生活和人们的情感世界,这种材料是真实而且鲜活的。在教师的指导下,学生不但理解了故事情节,还分析社会现象,激起心灵共鸣。我给学生推荐的阅读材料有《英语周报》、《21世纪报》,部分网络或者杂志上的英文明星介绍等学生感兴趣的话题。我还给学生推荐了两类书,如:如牛津大学出版社出版的“书虫系列”,《双城记》、《雾都孤儿》、《傲慢与偏见》、《简·爱》等名著。这些简易版的书故事性强,能够引起学生的阅读兴趣。第二类书是英文原本书,如:《老人与海》、《汤姆· 索亚历险记》、《黑美人》、《小妇人》等。






Step 1. Lead-in

Play a guessing game with the students to arouse their interest.

Step 2. Introduction

Give a brief introduction on Hemingways life, main characters in his works, writing styles and representative works.

Step 3. Question and answering

Give students 11 questions to check whether they are familiar with the content after the first reading.

Step 4. Analyzing the characters

Analyze the characters of the little boy and his father.

Emphasize the importance of strong will.

Step 5. Plot

Divide the story into three parts.

Find that misunderstanding is the main thread in the story.

Step 6. Theme

The students summarize the theme of the story in group of four.

Give the students some tips like questions and sen?鄄tence structures to help them.

Step 7. Introduce one famous saying of Hemingway to the class.

“A man may be destroyed, but not defeated.”

Step 8. Homework

Write the reading notes. It should consist three parts: useful expressions, main idea and feeling after reading.








[1]陈琳,王蔷,程晓棠主编.普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) 解读. 南京: 江苏教育出版社,2004.

[2]束定芳. 上海教育往事谈. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社,2005.

[3]梁亚平. 高中英语新课标与英美文学名著欣赏课的开设[J]. 课程.教材.教法, 2004,24(6): 49- 51.

简爱读书笔记的英文 篇4


This is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life. The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.

It seems to me that many readers’ English www.duhougan.com reading experience starts with Jane Eyer. I am of no exception. As we refer to the movie “Jane Eyer”, it is not surprising to find some differences because of its being filmized and retold in a new way, but the spirit of the novel remains----to be an independent person, both physically and mentally.

Jane Eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag. Since Jane’s education in Lowwood Orphanage began, she didn’t get what she had been expecting——simply being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around. The suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach Jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.As a reward of revolting the ruthless oppression, Jane got a chance to be a tutor in Thornfield Garden. There she made the acquaintance of lovely Adele and that garden’s owner, Rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside. Jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: After Jane and Rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact Rochester had got a legal wife, who seemed to be the shadow following Rochester and led to his moodiness all the time ----Rochester was also a despairing person in need of salvation. Jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didn’t want to betray her own principles, because she was Jane Eyer. The film has finally got a symbolist end: Jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned. After finding Rochester’s misfortune brought by his original mad wife, Jane chose to stay with him forever.

I don’t know what others feel, but frankly speaking, I would rather regard the section that Jane began her teaching job in Thornfield as the film’s end----especially when I heard Jane’s words “Never in my life have I been awaken so happily.” For one thing, this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what Jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person; for another, this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get. But the professional judgment of producing films reminded me to wait for a totally different result: There must be something wrong coming with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story, but also we may see from the next transition of Jane’s life that “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you would get.” (By Forrest Gump’s mother, in the film “Forrest Gump”)

What’s more, this film didn’t end when Jane left Thornfield. For Jane Eyer herself, there should always be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independent considering her fortitude, but for Rochester, how he can get salvation? The film gives the answer tentatively: Jane eventually got back to Rochester. In fact, when Jane met Rochester for the first time, she scared his horse and made his heel strained, to a certain extent, which meant Rochester would get retrieval because of Jane. We can consider Rochester’s experiences as that of religion meaning. The fire by his frantic wife was the punishment for the cynicism early in his life. After it, Rochester got the mercy of the God and the love of the woman whom he loved. Here we can say: human nature and divinity get united perfectly in order to let such a story accord with the requirements of both two sides. The value of this film may be due to its efforts to explore a new way for the development of humanism under the faith of religion.

Life is ceaselessly changing, but our living principles remain. Firmly persisting for the rights of being independent gives us enough confidence and courage, which is like the beacon over the capriccioso sea of life. In the world of the film, we have found the stories of ourselves, which makes us so concerned about the fate of the dramatis personae.

In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both physical and mental effects on us call for a balance. We are likely to find ourselves bogged down in the Sargasso Sea of information overload and living unconsciousness. It’s our spirit that makes the life meaningful.

长腿叔叔 英文读书笔记 篇5


The novel written by Jean Webster was published in 1912.Jean Webster was born in America in 1876.In her works, Jean·Webster usually used orphan as theme.She finished 8 novels many unpublished stories movie scripts and works which are famous for their features of plain and witty.Daddy-Long-Legs as her magnum opus established her stable status in literrature.Daddy-long-legs is a good book which can not be met in 100 years, it got thousands of readers and applauses.The theme is full of love and legend.The novel is made up with 84 pieces of letters.All the letters were written by Judy, a girl form orphanage.She couldn’t enjoy the happiness with her family just as an ordinary child.But one day, her fate was changed.After a councilman reading her essay-Blue Wedneday, he thought she can be a famous writer, so he decided to sent her to a university.But his only requirement was that she must write him a piece of letter to report her study every month.She called him daddy-long-legs.She just regarded the daddy long legs as her only listener.We can learn a lot from Judy.she left the orphanage went to school when the world around her was full of curiosity.However, slowly, she found that those who have families are different from her, because conditions are different, they know a lot, she did not even know who is the Michelangelo, she did not know Jane Eyre either.Her classmates thought she is very ugly, and ridiculed she ereryday.But she did not so depressed, she used an positive attitude to deal with problems, she discovered that the inadequacy of their own after reading every day, and actively make up that missed lessons.When I closed the book slightly, I felt very happy.Fortunately, it had a happy ending.And I thought the most lucky people in this novel was not Judy but daddy long legs.Who can be happier than the people who read this lovely character.Seeing her humorous and sapiential letter which attached some simplified pictures, Then, I found Judy is a pretty, pure and capricious girl.She knew she has got a lot from daddy long leg , she should not ask any more, though she likes pretty skirt, beautiful stockings… She is a very strong-minded girl, she knew what she wanted, and step by step achieved her dream.And what the most important is that she told me that never forget how to be thanksgiving.“Live in the now, face the reality bravely” are what I have learned from this novel.After reading this novel, I benefited a lot, learned a lot.

格列夫游记英文读书笔记 篇6











