
2024-10-05 版权声明 我要投稿


物联网文献外文翻译 篇1

摘要:物联网支持广泛的包含潜在驱动和传感任务的应用场景,例如,在电子健康领域。为了在应用层通信,资源受限的设备要能够使用资源受限的应用协议(CoAP),目前互联网工程组正在使这项协议标准化。为了保护感知信息的传送,安全的资源受限协议授权使用数据报传输层安全协议(DTLS)作为底层安全协议来进行身份认证和保密通信。然而,数据包传输层安全协议最初是用在比较强大的设备上的,这些设备通过可靠的高带宽的链路来进行通信。在这篇论文中我们提出了Lithe——物联网中数据报传输层安全协议和资源受限的应用协议的集成协议。通过Lithe,另外我们利用低功率无线个人区域网络IPV6协议(6 LoWPAN),提出了一个新颖的DTLS头压缩计划,旨在显著降低能源消耗。最重要的是我们提出的DTLS头压缩方案不威协DTLS提供的端到端的安全属性。同时,它在保持DTLS标准性的情况下,大大降低了传播的数量字节。我们在Contiki操作系统下基于DTLS来评估了我们的方法。评估结果表明该方案在包的大小,能量消耗,处理时间方面有了显著改善,而且能够在压缩DTLS时得到全网响应。



低功率无线个人区域网络IPV6协议(6 LowPAN)允许使用低功耗的IP网络和有损耗的无线传感器网络,例如无线传感网(WSNs)。这样的IP连接的智能设备正成为互联网的一部分,因此形成了物联网或者严格来说形成了IP连接的物联网。然而由于TCP的拥塞控制算法,使得它在无线网络中的性能很差,低功率无线电和传感网络中的损耗进一步恶化了它的性能。因此物联网中主要使用无连接的UDP。此外。HTTP主要是在TCP基础上运行,它在损耗和受限环境下效率低下。IETF工作在无连接的轻量级的CoAP上,CoAP是物联网中新提出的协议。它是为了满足特定需求,如在资源受限下支持简单,低开销,多播传输。当物体连接到不可信的网络时,安全就尤其重要了。例如,医疗监测代表一个典型的对安全敏感的应用场景。这里,一种智能装置,例如,如胰岛素,可能被附加到病人的身体并向后端服务互联网定期报告病人的情况。在紧急情况下,医生还可以向病人的身体即时注射治疗药物。

为了实现自动键管理、数据加密、完整性保护和身份验证,CoAP提出使用数据报传输层安全(DTLS)作为安全协议。DPLS支持的CoAP被称为安全CoAP(CoAPs)。DTLS是一个健壮的协议,它需要大量的信息交流来建立一个安全的会话。虽然DTLS支持多种对等认证的加密原语和负载保护,但它最初用于长度不是一个关键因素的网络场景。因此,它限制物联网设备,使用DTLS协议就会很低效。为应对资源约束和基于网络的IEEE 802.15.4的大小限制,定义了6 LoWPAN头压缩机制。6 LoWPAN标准已经定义了IP报头的标题压缩格式,IP扩展报头和UDP报头。我们相信把6 LoWPAN报头压缩机制应用于压缩其他有明确的头字段的协议非常有益。

在这篇文章中我们通过用6 LoWPAN报头压缩机制来压缩底层DTLS协议并提出了轻量级 CoAPs。我们命名轻量级6 LoWPAN为压缩的CoAPs Lithe。DTLS头的目的是双重压缩。

首先,由于通信比计算需要更多的能量,所以可以通过减少消息大小来提高能源效率。第二,当数据报大小大于链路层MTU时,避免应用6 LoWPAN碎片。从安全角度来看,由于6 LoWPAN禁不住碎片攻击,所以只要有可能,避免碎片是非常重要的。压缩的DTLS保证了Lithe中的6 LoWPAN主机和典型的应用未压缩的CoAPs网络主机之间的端到端安全。图1显示了一个典型的物联网设备,包含了应用CoAPs的节点的6 LoWPAN网络通过6LowPAN边界路由器(6BR)与互联网连接。








6LowPAN压缩的IPsec可以用来在网络层提供轻量级的E2E安全,但它最初不是为像HTTP和CoAP这样的网络协议设计的。TLS或DTLS web协议是常见的安全解决方案。TLS运行在TCP上,而在UDP基础上


Brachmann提出了TLS-DTLS映射来保障物联网安全。然而,这需要有可靠的6BR和在6BR间歇时的端到端安全。Kothmayr调查了在可信平台模块上用DTLS来获得对RSA算法的硬件支持。然而,他们利用了DTLS,而没有用任何压缩方法,这会造成DTLS消息中的冗余位缩短整个网络的生命周期。Granjal评估了带有CoAP的DTLS在安全通信中的性能。他们注意到稀缺性负载空间在需要更大的有效载荷的应用程序中会有问题。作为一种替代方法,他们建议在其他层使用像IPsec这样的压缩形式来保证安全。在最近的研究中,Keoh 讨论了保护以IP连接并使用DTLS协议的物联网的安全的意义,并提出了一个安全的网络架构,用延长的DTLS对单播和多播密钥进行访问和管理。








A、CoAP和DTLS CoAP是运行在不可靠UDP协议上的网络协议,它最初是为物联网设计的。CoAP是最常用的同步Web协议的变种,如HTTP,是专为受限制的设备和机器与机器之间的沟通设计的。

然而,尽管CoAP提供了与HTTP类似的REST接口,但与现在物联网中它的变体相比,CoAP更注重轻量级和成本效益。为了保护CoAP传输,建议数据报TLS(DTLS)作为主要的安全协议,类似于TLS保护HTTP(HTTPs),安全的DTLS CoAP协议称为CoAPs。然后就可以通过如下的CoAPs协议安全地访问物联网设备中的web资源:

coaps://myIPv6Address:port/MyResource 我们给出了DTLS协议的简要概述来作为DTLS压缩机制的基础。





B、6LoWPAN 6LoWPAN标准定义了与IPv6相关的WSNs中的IPv6数据报的标题压缩和分化机制的,也称为6LowPAN网络。压缩机制包括IP头压缩(IPHC)和下一个头压缩(NHC)。IPHC加密可以在单跳网络中将IPv6头长度压缩至2字节,在多跳网络中压缩至7字节(1字节IPHC、1字节发送、1字节跳限制,2字节源地址,2字节目的地地址)。在IPHC中的其他加密比特是NH比特,它在设置时显示下一个头是用NHC压缩。NHC是用来加密IPv6的扩展头和UDP头。

NHC的大小是一个多重的八位字节(主要是一个八位字节),它包含可变长度ID比特和一个特定的头编码比特。有些协议是UDP负载的一部分,有着类似于IP和UDP 的头结构。例如DTLS,IKE。因此,值得推广6LowPAN头压缩机制来压缩这些协议头。6LowPAN标准的定义了NHC编码,可用于UDP头压缩,但不能用于上层。需要一个新的NHC,因为在NHC中没有给UDP的NH位,这表明UDP负载也压缩了。在第四部分,我们提供了6LowPAN-DTLS的集合和6LowPAN NHCs来压缩DTLS。



DTLS头压缩类似于IPHC,仅在6LowPAN网络中应用,如在传感器节点和6BR中使用。这是因为DTLS报头是UDP负载的一部分,而且路由所需的所有信息已经在IP层提取。在本章中除了描述DTLS的6LowPAN头压缩,我们详细介绍了如何以符合标准的方式将压缩的DTLS连接到6 LowPAN。

A、DTLS-6LowPAN 为了将6LowPAN头压缩机制应用于压缩UDP负载中的头,我们要么需要在6LowPAN协议中修改当前UDP中的NHC编码,要么需要给UDP定义一个不同于ID位的新的NHC。第一个解决方案需在当前标准中修改,因此不是一个有


B、用于记录头和握手头的6LowPAN-NHC记录协议 在使用DTLS的设备的生命周期中,给发送的每个数据包增加了13个字节长的头字段,另一方面,握手协议,在握手消息中增加了12字节的头。我们提出6LowPAN-NHC来压缩记录协议和握手协议,并分别把头长度减少到3~5个字节。在所有情况下,记录头仍是未加密的。因此,总是用在这章中解释的机制来压缩。


我们成功实现了在DTLS握手后应用6LowPAN-NHC-R,并且对随后的消息进行加密和完整性保护。图2a给出了记录+握手头和记录头的6LowPAN-NHC加密。加密为有以下功能:前4位代表的ID字段用来区分 6LowPAN-NHC-RHS和其他编码,而且符合 6LowPAN-NHC编码方案。在 6LoWPAN-NHC-RHS情况下我们把ID位设置到了1000,在 6LoWPAN-NHC-R情况下ID位设置到了1001。



序列号(SN):序列号包含48位,有些事前导0。如果序列号设为0,就用了16位的序列号,并且左边的32位省略了。如果是1,所有的48位用于内联。如图5a所示,在 6LoWPAN-NHC-R情况下,我们的SN设为2位,这样可以更高效的压缩序列号字段。如果SN=00,就用了16位的序列号,并且左边的32位省略了。如果SN=01,就用了32位的序列号并且最左边的32位省略。如果SN=01,就用了32位的序列号,并且最左边的16位省略了。如果SN=10,就用了24位的序列号,并且最左边的24位省略了。如果SN=11,所有的48位序列号用于内联。

片段(F):如果F=0,则握手消息没有片段化,并且省略了fragment_offset 和 fragment_length字段。这是常见的情况,如果握手消息短于最大记录长度时就会发生。如果F=1,fragment_offset 和 fragment_length字段用于互联。

在记录头上,content_ type字段总是用于内联。记录头中的长度字段总是省略,因为可以从较低层推算出:或者从 6LoWPAN的头,或者从 IEEE 802.15.4的头。我们必须从低层到高层解压layer-wise,直到完全解压出UDP报头。然后就可以知道UDP有效负载的长度并可以计算出DTLS负载长度。由于我们希望在受限的环境中每个UDP包只有一个DTLS记录头,所以记录头的长度字段也省略了。当 6LoWPAN中的源装置在每个UDP包中发送一个DTLS记录时,传统网络侧会有典型的目的装置在一个UDP包中传送多个DTLS记录头。然而,当6BR对传入的包执行压缩/解压时,有可能在6LoWPAN网络中给出这些包的路由之前,对每个UDP包执行一个DTLS记录。

C、6LoWPAN-NHC for ClientHello 我们提出了客户端友好型的消息6LoWPAN-NHC(6LoWPAN-NHC-C)。在握手过程中会发送两次客户端友好型消息,第一次没有cookie而第二次有服务器的cookie。图5b给出了用6LoWPAN-NHC对客户端友好型消息进行加密的过程。

每一个压缩头字段的功能描述如下: 6LoWPAN-NHC-CH中前四位设为1010用来表示ID字段。



密码套件(CS): 如果CS=0,使用了CoAP默认的(强制性)支持自动的键管理的密码套件,并且这个字段和前缀16位被省略了。在当前的CoAP草稿中,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8是一个强制性的密码套件。真正的密码套件字段包含2-2^16−1字节。并且在前缀中包含16字节来表示 cIPher_suites的大小。如果C=1,cipher_suites用于内线互联。



在ClientHello中随机字段总是用于内线互联并且总是省略版本字段。版本字段包含的值与DTLS记录头中的值一样。在TLS/SSL情况下,定义版本字段来让一个TLS的客户指定一个旧版本以兼容SSL客户机,而这在实际中很少用到。当前所有的Web浏览器在记录和ClientHello中使用相同的TLS版本。DTLS1.2(改编自TLS 1.2)提到客户在ClientHello消息中发送最新的支持版本。所有DTLS版本(1.0和1.2)的ClientHello消息相兼容。如果客户机不兼容这种版本,那么ServerHello消息将包含支持的版本。如果客户不能够处理服务器的版本,它将给出终止与协议版本连接的警报。

使用 6LoWPAN-NHC-CH,通常只传送 ClientHello消息中的随机字段,而省略所有其他字段。同时,cookie会包含可压缩的字段。图6给出了一个包含ClientHello且未压缩的IP/UDP数据报。图7给出了我们提出的压缩DTLS,它包含ClientHello消息。在应用IPHC和 6LoWPAN-NHC头压缩后,数据报的尺寸是显著降低了。

D、服务器友好型 6LoWPAN-NHC 我们提出了SeverHello消息的 6LoWPAN-NHC(6LoWPAN-NHC-SH)。SeverHello与ClientHello除了密码套件和压缩方法字段分别位16和8位外,它们非常相似。图5给出了用 6LoWPAN-NHC 加密的ServerHello消息。每个压缩头的功能描述如下:前6 LoWPAN-NHC-SH中前四位设置为1011代表ID字段。版本(V):为了在最初版本的握手中避免谈判,DTLS 1.2标准表明服务器的实现应该使用DTLS 1.0版本。如果V设为0,就使用DTLS1.0版本并省略版本字段。尽管DTLS1.2客户端不能假定服务器不支持更高的版本,否则它最终将使用DTLS1.0而非DTLS1.2。如果V设为1,那么版本字段用于内线互联。


E、其他握手消息中的 6LoWPAN-NHC 剩下的强制性握手消息ServerHelloDone ClientKeyExchange,和Finish没有可以压缩的字段,因此所有字段进行内联。包含了证书链的可选的握手消息和包含了握手消息的数字签名的 CertificateVerify,也用来内线互联。然而,压缩一些证书中的字段也是可能的,但超出了本文的范围。Pritikin提出了X.509的压缩计划。

大多数时候不传送ServerKeyExchange消息,要么由于加密的出口限制要么因为服务器的证书消息包含足够的信息来承认客户端交换premaster secret。然而,如果传送了这一消息,那么所有的字段都用于内线互联。在可选的消息CertificateRequest的情况下所有的字段都可以省略。这是可能实现的,因为certificate_types,supported_signature_algorith和 certificate_authorities字段可以在6LoWPAN网络的一组支持的和优先的值之前定义,并且所有的网络中的节点使用相同的设置值。在传统的互联网中,在将消息发送到目的地之前,6 BR可以通过缺省设置值来填充空CertificateRequest消息。如果 6LoWPAN网络中没有定义缺省的设置值,那么所有字段用于内线互联。



然而,我们建议的报头压缩机制可以在任何支持6LowPAN的操作系统中实现。Lithe的实现包含4个部分(1)DTLS(2)CoAP(3)CoAP和DTLS的集合模型。(4)DTLS头压缩。DTLS部分,我们使用了开放源代码的微型DTLS,它支持基于pre-shared键的基本的密码套件:TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8。我们使得微型DTLS适用于WiSMote平台和支持 msp430-gcc的20位地址。(版本4.7.0)。CoAP部分,我们在Contiki操作系统中实现缺省的CoAP。我们开发出了连接CoAP和DTLS的集成模型,并可以使用CoAPs协议。这种集成允许应用程序独立访问CoAPs,在这里CoAP消息都是透明的传送给能够传输保护信息到目的地DTLS。所有的传入消息都通过DTLS来保护,因此在DTLS层首先处理并透明传送给驻留在应用层的CoAP。

第四节我们实现提出的头压缩作为在Contiki操作系统中实现的6LoWPAN 的扩展。6LoWPAN 层在IP层和MAC层之间。IP层的数据包可以从节点传出来作为输出数据包。MAC层节点接受到的数据包被看做输入包。6LoWPAN层从两个方向处理所有UDP包。因此,我们使用两种方法来从其他UDP包中区分携带DTLS消息的UDP包做为有效载荷。在输入包情况下,预配置的默认DTLS端口用于识别CoAPs消息。在第二种情况下,包从MAC层接受,NHC-for-UDP和DTLS头的NHC中的DTLS端口和ID位用来区分压缩头和未压缩的头。第四节中给出了细节。



我们在运行Contiki操作系统的真正的传感器节点上评估Lithe。我们用 WiSMote作为硬件平台。该平台的配置有(1)16兆赫,MSP430 5系列、16位RISC微控制器,(2)128/16 kB的 ROM/RAM,(3)一个IEEE 802.15.4(CC2520)收发器。我们选择WiSMotes是因为由于RAM和ROM的需要DTLS实现,这会在第六章B部分详细讨论。网络设备包括两个直接通过无线电通信的WiSMotes。CC2520收发器提供了一个AES-128安全模块。然而,对我们不使用AES硬件支持而依靠软件AES来评估。利用涉及DTLS的AES硬件支持的加密计算得到了更高的性能。我们的评价关注的是DTLS报头压缩对响应时间和能源消耗节点的影响。因此,由于软件AES造成的性能损失不会影响我们的评估。此外,为了能够分析单独压缩的处理开销,我们不支持链路层安全。在先前的工作中,我们已经用AES支持的硬件来评估性能增益。在那里,我们实施和评估了IEEE802.15.4链路层安全。






DTLS的实现包括密码功能并且DTLS状态机需要16.8 kB的ROM和3.7 kB的 RAM。

这使得DTLS对ROM来说是仅次于操作系统的主要贡献者。The CoAP-Server 需要8 kB的ROM 和.5 kB 的RAM.我们的CoAP-Server提供单个的资源,这基于CoAP GET请求,把可变负载长度的响应消息发送回来。我们的评价中用这个来分析压缩对不同负载长度的CoAPs消息的影响。COAP得以实现的脚本取决于提供的资源。DTLS头实现了对ROM压缩2820字节,对静态RAB

压缩一个字节。一个字节的静态RAM对UDP报头的压缩。在Contiki中 6LoWPAN使用的用来压缩和片段化的(没有DTLS压缩)全部ROM是3782字节。这验证了压缩的DTLS使用相同的ROM顺序作为标准的6LoWPAN。如今的感知节点,例如带有128K字节的WiSMote一定能满足压缩的CoAPs和其他操作系统的组件,而且还可以提供为其他应用提供重要的空间。


我观察当使用压缩的DTLS时的运行时间性能,并把它与使用为经压缩的DTLS做比较。我们分别在一个具有 Radio Duty Cycling(RDC)和没有RDC的6LoW-PAN网络中进行这个实验。当使用RDC时,收音机在大部分时间是关闭的,并且要么在特定的间隔打开来检查传入数据包的媒介,要么在传送包是打开。我们使用在Contiki操作系统中提供的duty cycled MAC协议,有着默认设置的X-MAC。在我们对运行时间进行评估时,我们关注的是传感器节点的能量消耗和网络范围的执行时间。为评估能量消耗,我们使用Contiki操作系统提供的能量估计模块。这个模块提供CPU的使用时间,LPM,特定函数收发器。每个这些组件的绝对计时器值可以使用以下方程转换成能源:





为了测量记录头的压缩性能,我们在CoAP请求-应答消息过程中测量能量消耗和往返时间(RTT)。当客户准备CoAP请求时我们开始测量,并在收到服务器应答和处理后结束。相应的CoAP响应包含不同的负载长度。更精确来说,在0-48字节范围中使用了8种不同的负载大小。我们选择了48是因为在CoAPs情况下,48字节的CoAP负载 中6LoWPAN 片段发挥了作用。然而,Lithe不会导致碎片,因为通过压缩减少了比特。可以在图9a中看出这种作用,该图表明了CoAP的客户端,以及传送压缩和未压缩的CoAPs的请求和应答(不带RDC且长度不一样)的客户机的平均内部节点损耗。由于应答消息总是一个常量,所以传送CoAP GET应答消息所需的能量一样。因此,CoAP应答的能量消耗可以通过压缩来降低10%。因此,减少的能量范围在4-26%,其中最大可以节省48字节的能量。




能够应用COAP的主机将会成为物联网不可分割的一部分。此外,现实中使用COAP的装置需要安全解决方案。为此,DTLS是使CoAP(CoAPs)安全的标准协议。在这篇论文中我们调查了通过 6LoWPAN头压缩来减少DTLS开销的可能性,并且给出了6LoWPAN第一个DTLS报头压缩规范。结果定量的表明可以压缩DTLS并且可以使用6LoWPAN标准压缩机制来大大减少它的开销。我们对压缩的DTLS的实现结果和评估表明,与CoAPs相比,由于从能量消耗和网络响应时间方面来看,DTLS压缩具有高效性,这使得可以减少CoAP的开销。如果使用未压缩的DTLS导致了6LoWPAN的碎片,那么压缩的DTLS与未压缩的DTLS有着显著的不同。

物联网文献外文翻译 篇2

物联网是继计算机、互联网之后世界信息产业发展的第三次浪潮。物联网被认为是下一个推动世界高速发展的重要生产力, 在我国物联网被列为国家“十二五”期间重点发展的战略性新兴产业。2012年2月14日, 中国的第一个物联网五年规划——《物联网“十二五”发展规 划》由工信部颁布。我国正大力推动物联网关键技术研发和在重点领域的应用示范, 力求“十二五”期间实现物联网核心技术的重大突破。本文将围绕物联网在电子商务方面的应用问题展开分析, 总结学者的不同观点, 追溯物联网的本质和主要技术, 分析其在电子商务中产生的巨大影响及作用机制, 并做出简要评论。

2 国外相关研究综述

2. 1 物联网内涵方面的研究

目前, 国外业界比较有代表性的物联网的定义有以下几种:

(1) 美国麻省理工学院Auto -ID研究中心1999年最早提出的物联网 ( Internet of Things) 定义为: 把所有物品通过射频识别 ( RFID) 和条码等信息传感设备与互联网连接起来, 实现智能化识别和管理功能的网络。RFID标签可谓是早期物联网最为关键的技术与产品环节, 利用RFID技术, 通过计算机互联网实现物品或商品的自动识别和信息的互联与共享。

(2) 欧盟第七框架下RFID和物联网研究项目簇 ( Cluster of European Research Projects on The Internet Of Things: CERP - IoT) 于2009年9月发布的《物联网战略研究路线图》研究报告认为, 物联网是未来互联网的一个组成部分, 可以被定义为动态的基于标准的和可互操作的通信协议且具有自配置能力的全球化网络基础架构。

(3) 按照国际电信联盟 ( ITU) 的定义, 物联网主要解决物品与物品, 人与物品, 人与人之间的互联。但是与传统互联网不同的是, H2T是指人利用通用装置与物品之间的连接, 从而使得物品连接更加的简化, 而H2H是指人之间不依赖于PC而进行的互联。

2. 2 物联网技术方面的研究

美国很多大学在无线传感器网络方面开展了大量工作。如加州大学洛杉矶分校的CENS实验室、WINS实验室、NESL实验室等。麻省理工学院获得了DARPA的支持, 从事着极低功耗的无线传感器网络方面的研究。奥本大学也获得DARPA支持, 从事了大量关于自组织传感器网络方面的研究, 并完成了一些试验系统的研制。宾汉顿大学计算机系统研究实验室在移动自组织网络协议、传感器网络系统的应用层设计等方面做了很多研究工作。

除了高校和科研研究所之外, 国外的各大知名企业也都先后参与开展了无线传感器网络的研究。克尔斯博公司是国际上率先进行无线传感器网络研究的先驱之一, 旗下的无线传感器网络硬件产品众多 ( 包括IRIS, MicaZ, Imote2等) , 为全球超过2000所高校以及上千家大型公司提供无线传感器解决方案。目前Crossbow公司与软件巨头微软、传感器设备巨头霍尼韦尔、硬件设备制造商英特尔等都建立了合作关系。这些都为无线传感器网络进一步的发展以及最终的商业化奠定了坚实的基础。

3 国内相关研究综述

3. 1 物联网含义方面的研究

我国在2010年3月的政府工作报告中对物联网有如下的说明: ( 物联网) 是指通过信息传感设备, 按照约定的协议, 把任何物品与互联网连接起来, 进行信息交换和通讯, 以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。它是在互联网基础上延伸和扩展的网络。

石亚萍 ( 2011) 将物联网定义为通过各种信息传感设备, 如传感器、射频识别 ( RFID) 技术、全球定位系统、红外线感应器、激光扫描器、气体感应器等各种装置与技术, 实时采集任何需要监控、连接、互动的物体或过程, 采集其声、光、热、电、力学、化学、生物、位置等各种需要的信息, 与互联网结合形成的一个巨大网络。

我比较倾向于张立志 ( 2012) 对物联网的定义: 通过射频识别装置、无线传感器、全球定位系统、地理信息系统等信息传感设备, 按约定的协议, 把任何物品与互联网连接起来, 进行信息交换和通讯, 以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。

3. 2 物联网对电子商务发展的影响研究

孙玮 ( 2011) 从企业库存管理、支付环节、物流方面等方面阐述了物联网对电子商务的推动作用。在电子商务企业仓库管理中, 物联网技术可以通过对库存物品信息的实时感知, 形成自动化库存, 实现整个网上零售营销体系信息共享的目的; 在支付环节中, 网上零售商可以加强与电信运营商之间的合作, 探索比较合理的新商业模式, 发展多样化的手机支付业务; 在物流方面, 通过物联网和GPS技术相结合的方式, 将配送包裹模块化, 让消费者、网上零售客户和物流公司三方实时获悉货物的路线。孙玮认为电子商务在发展中遇到了瓶颈, 而物联网的兴起会使问题得到妥善解决, 促使电子商务更好更快发展。

4 结 论

从现有研究来看, 有关物联网对电子商务发展的影响研究成果较多, 研究方法相对比较成熟。目前关于物联网对我国电子商务发展的影响比较一致的结论有: 物联网能够提升库存管理效率、优化网络营销环境、改善物流质量、提高售后服务、提升客户满意度等。进一步考察不难发现, 已有的研究也存在一些不足: 如在研究框架上, 国内学者对物联网影响电子商务发展的作用机制的分析极为少见。而要应用物联网相关技术作用于电子商务, 使电子商务更好更快发展又必须清楚其影响机理, 因而这方面的研究亟待加强。

在今后一段时间内, 国内的研究应从以下几个方面进行深入: 首先, 强化物联网影响电子商务发展的理论机制分析; 其次, 创新物联网影响电子商务发展的相关分析方法; 再次, 拓宽分析范围, 即分析物联网对电子商务不同模式发展的影响, 以期为指导实践提供有价值的参考。

摘要:物联网被认为是继计算机、互联网、移动通信网之后信息产业的又一重大里程碑, 无疑对电子商务的发展起到了至关重要的作用。有关的代表性文献主要从物联网的内涵、物联网环境下电子商务的发展以及电子商务环境下物联网的应用等方面进行了阐述与分析, 认为物联网本质上是互联网的应用拓展, 核心是应用创新, 物联网技术的日趋成熟必定会解决电子商务中的瓶颈问题, 使电子商务得到更深远长足的发展。



[1]国务院.中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要[R].2011 (3) .

[2]工业和信息化部.物联网“十二五”发展规划[R].2012 (11) .

[3]石亚萍.物联网现状分析与发展探讨[J].商场现代化, 2011 (7) .

[4]张立志.物联网环境下的供应链库存管理研究[N].武汉理工大学, 2012 (6) .

[5]王大文.电子商务下的物流配送问题分析[J].中国市场, 2007 (15) .

[6]许忠.我国中小企业电子商务发展存在问题分析[J].中国市场, 2009 (41) .

[7]European Research Projects on the Internet of Things (CERPIoT) Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) [J].Internet of Things-Strategic Research Roadmap, 15 September, 2009.

内部控制外文文献翻译 篇3

文献出处: Lakis V, Giriūnas L. THE CONCEPT OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM: THEORETICAL ASPECT[J]. Ekonomika/Economics, 2012, 91(2).




Vaclovas Lakis, Lukas Giriūnas*

Vilnius University, Lithuania


One of the basic instruments of enterprise control, whose implementation in modern economic conditions provide conditions for achieving a competitive advantage over other enterprises is the creation of an effective internal control system. In the industry sector, the market is constantly changing, and this requires changing the attitude to internal control from treating it only in the financial aspect to the management of the control process. Internal control as such becomes an instrument and means of risk control, which helps the enterprise to achieve its goals and to perform its tasks. Only an effective internal control in the enterprise is able to help objectively assessing the potential development and tendencies of enterprise performance and thus to detect and eliminate the threats and risks in due time as well as to maintain a particular fixed level of risk and to provide for its reasonable

security .

The increasing variety of concepts of internal control systems requires their detailed analysis. A detailed analysis of the conceptions might help find the main reasons for their increasing number. It may also help to elaborate a structural scheme of the generalized concept of internal control. Consequently, it may help decrease the number of mistakes and frauds in enterprises and to offer the precautionary means that might help to avoid mistakes and build an effective internal control system.

The purpose of the study: to compile the definition of the concept of internal control system and to elaborate the structural scheme of the generalized conception for Lithuanian industrial enterprises.

The object of the research: internal control.

To achieve the aim, the following tasks were carried out:

to examine the definitions of internal control;?

to design a flowchart for the existing definitions of internal control;?

to formulate a new internal control system definition;?

to identify the place of the internal control system in a company’s objectives and ? its management activities.

Study methods: for the analysis of the conceptions of control, internal control, the concept of internal control system, systematic and comparative means of scietific methods of analysis were used.

1. Research of control conception

According to J. Walsh, J. Seward (1990), H. K. Chung, H. Lee Chong, H. K.

Jung (1997), control may be divided into two types C internal and external controls those might help to equalize authority or concerned party‘s attitudes to some certain organization control. Internal control involves the supreme enterprise control apparatus and enterprise shareholders, whereas external control might be defined as the power in the market or branch, competitive environment or state business regulation. Such analytical division is essential when analysing industrial or other enterprises, because this attitude to control makes it more specific and properly defined.

The identification of an appropriate primary theoretical base is an important task in forming the structure of knowledge about the study subject. Appropriately selected conceptions enable to elucidate the essence of the processes, to characterize them and to realize their interplays and interaction principles. Conceptions may be defined as a summation of empirical cognition which transforms practically achieved results into conceptions. The above ideas might be taken as abstractions and lead to an ungrounded conclusion, and through conceptions the reality might be lost. Operating with more than one conceptions allows to form a universal opinion about the reality. Noteworthy, when operating with conceptions an optimal agreement might be found between theory and practice: using the common point of contact C conceptions C a theorist and a practician will always find the way and understand one another.

The main problem of internal control is related to the definition of control conception and the identification of the place of internal control in an organization. Constant changes of the extent, functions and roles of internal control enable to form a

common definition of internal control and to identify its place in an organization.

Analysis of the concept of internal control and its interpretation are essential for assessing the internal control system, because the conception of control is widely used not only in scientific research, but also in the daily activities of an enterprise; therefore the same conception might have a lot of various meanings and interpretations. Analysis of the concept provides conditions for the further research, because it is impossible to form a model of internal control assessment if the research object is unknown. A lot of definitions and variations of control can be found in the publications by Lithuanian and foreign scientists and in public information sources. For example, in the Dictionary of International Words (2002), control is defined as:

supervision, inspection of something; comparison of actual and required ? conditions;

an enterprise or a group of people that control the work and responsibility of other ? enterprises or groups of people;

maintenance of something.?

On the other hand, in the specialized Dictionary of Economic Terms (2005), control is defined as a performance with a definite influence on the management of an enterprise, as rights based on laws and contracts that involve proprietary rights to the whole property or its part, or any other rights that enable to exert a significant influence on the management and performance of an enterprise, or state supervision. Even in common information sources the definitions of control are formulated differently, although the common meaning is quite similar. Analysis and practical

studies of Lithuanian scientists’ works enable to state that there is no one solid concept, definition or description of control. For example, E. Bu?kevi?iūt? (2008) says that when control is more particularly defined, its rules and requirements are described in more detail, it becomes more effective, more specific, more psychologically suggestive, it gives more freedom limits of choice for supervisors and less possibilities of lawlessness for people under control when. Identifying the object of the research, it should be noted that different definitions of control are given in scientific studies by Sakalas, 2000; Navickas, 2011; Katkus, 1997; Bu?kevi?iūt?, 2008; Drury, 2012; Bi?iulaitis, 2001; Lee Summers, 1991; Patrick, Fardo, 2009; Spencer, Pickett, 2010; Gupta, 2010 and other Lithuanian and foreign scientists (see Fig. 1).

The different conceptions and their interpretations indicate that there is no solid opinion about how to define control, and even scientists and practicians themselves do not agree upon a unified definition or description of control or the conception of internal control and its interpretations. In scientific literature, different interpretations of control conceptions are usually related to different aspects of this conception, and their meaning in different situations may be defined in different ways depending on the situation and other external factors. According to A. Katkus (1997), C. Drury (2009), R. Bi?iulaitis (2001), D. R. Patrick, S. W. Fardo (2009), K. H. S. Pickett (2010), during a long-term period control is usually related to achieving the already settled goals, their improvement and insurance. In other information sources (Dictionary of International Words, 2002; Sakalas, 2000; Bu?kevi?iūt?, 2008; Lee Summers, 1991) control is emphasized as a certain means of inspection which

provides a possibility to regulate the planned and actual states and their performance. Despite these different opinions, control might be reasoned and revealed as a traditional function of any object of control, emphasized as one of the main self-defence means from the possible threats in the daily performance of an org第一文库网anization. There is also a more modern approach. For example, V. Navickas (2011) and P. Gupta (2010), presenting the concept of control, name it not only as one of the main factors that influence the organization’s performance and influences its management, but also as one of the assessment means of the taken decisions and achieved values. Such interpretation of the conception of control shows the main role of control. For example, R. Kanapickien? (2008) has analysed a big number of control definitions and says that only an effective and useful control should exist in an enterprise because each enterprise tries to implement its purposes and avoid the possible losses, i.e. mistakes and frauds. According to J.A. Pfister (2009), there are several types of control, and they can be grouped into strategic, management, and internal control. Thus, different researchers give different definitions of control, their descriptions have different goals, but different control definitions lead to numerous variations in the analysis of the conception of control. Thus, to create an effective control, the presence of its unified concept becomes a necessity and the basis for ensuring an effective control of the organization’s performance. The existence of different conceptions of control also indicates that there might be different types or kinds of control.

2. The conception of internal control

Historical development of internal control as individual enterprise system is not as broad as other management spheres in science directions. The definition of internal control was presented for the first time in 1949 by the American Institute of Certificated Accountants (AICPA). It defined internal control as a plan and other coordinated means and ways by the enterprise to keep safe its assets, check the covertness and reliability of data, to increase its effectiveness and to ensure the settled management politics. However, the presented definition of control concept has been constantly improved, and nowadays there is quite an extensive set of conceptions that indicates the system of internal control as one of the means of leadership to ensure safety of enterprise assets and its regular development. In 1992, the COSOmodel appeared; its analysis distinguished the concepts of risk and internal control. Nnow, the concept of internal control involved not only accounting mistakes and implementing means of their prevention, but also a modern attitude that might identify the spheres of control management and processes, and also a motivated development of their detailed analysis. The Worldwide known collapses of such companies as Enron, Worldcom, Ahold, Parmalat and others determined to issue in 2002 the Law of SarbanesCOxley in the USA, in which attention is focused on the effectiveness of the enterprise internal control system and its assessment. Such a significant law as that of SarbanesCOxley has dearly show that not only the internal control system must be concretized and clearly defined, but also the means of implementing the internal control system and assessing their effectiveness must be covered. The concept of internal control was further improved by such Lithuanian and foreign scientists as A.

Сонин (2000), D. Robertson (1993), M.R. Simmons (1995), I. Toliatien? (2002), V. Lakis (2007), R. Bi?iulaitis (2001), J. Mackevi?ius (2001) and the international scientific organizations COSO, INTOSAI, CICA, IT Governance Institute.

A comparative analysis of the introduced concepts of internal control shows that the usage of the concept of internal control is quite broad as it is supposed to involve the performance not only of the state, but also of the private sector. Although the conception of internal control is defined in different ways emphasizing its different aspects, the essential term still remains the same in all authors’ definitions: internal control is the inspection, observation, maintenance and regulation of the enterprise’s work (see Fig. 3.).

It should be also be mentioned that the system of internal control may be defined in different ways every time. For example, R. T. Yeh and S. H. Yeh (2007) pay attention to the fact that usually such values as honesty, trust, respect, openness, skills, courage, economy, initiative, etc. are not pointed out, although they definitely can influence not only the understanding of the concept of internal control, but also its definition, because in different periods of time and in different situations it can obtain slightly different shades of meaning. Control and people, and values produced by people or their performance are tightly connected; consequently, internal control must be also oriented to the enterprise’s values, mission and vision; it does not matter how differently authors define the conception assessment limits: significant attention must be paid not to internal control itself, but to the identification of its functions and evaluation. Mostly internal control is concerned with authority management tools that help to control processes and achieve enterprise goals (COSO, 1992; Сонин, 2000; INTOSAI, 2004; CobiT, 2007; Toliatien?, 2002; Coco, 1995).

C.J. Buck, J.B. Breuker (2008) declare internal control as a mistake detecting and correcting

system; although J. Mackevi?ius (2001) and R. Bi?iulaitis (2001a) state that internal control is defined as a summation of certain rules, norms and means, actually such definitions are identical, but internal control must be related to safety, the rational use of property and the reliability of financial accounting.

Results of a comprehensive analysis of internal control enable to state that, although different authors give different definitions of internal control, there are still some general purposes of the system of internal control, aimed, to ensure reliable and comprehensive information, to protect the property and documents, to enssure an effective economic performance, observation of accounting principles and presentation of reliable financial records, obeying laws and executive acts, enterprise rules and the effective control of risk. Analysis of concept of internal control, presented in both foreign and Lithuanian literature enables to formulate its generalized definition: the system of internal control is part of enterprise management system, which ensures the implementation of its goals, effective economic and commercial performance, observance of accounting principles and an effective control of risks, which enables to minimize the number of intentional and unintentional mistakes and to avoid frauds in the process of enterprise performance, made by its authority or employees.

The internal control system in a company must cover and help to properly organize and control the entire activity of the company; thus, according to majority of authors, internal control is all-inclusive activity in financial and management accounting, as well as in the strategic management of projects, operations, personnel

and the total quality management. However, the most important thing is that internal control should not only cover the entire activity of the company, but also take into account its objectives, goals and tasks in order to make its economic-commercial activity as effective as possible. Analysis of scientific literature in the field shows that it is important not only to predict the particular areas of internal control and interrelate them, but also to stress that the most important objective of internal control is the effective management of risk by identifying and eliminating errors and frauds inside the company. Therefore, the concept of internal control offered by the authors covers a company’s areas of activities, its tasks and objectives; also, it provides for the main goal C an effective risk management.

Despite the quantitative indicators used for goal assessment, each enterprise and especially extractive industry enterprises where attention should be focused on avoiding mistakes and fraud should elaborate and introduce a really effective and optimal system of internal control and accounting so as to strengthen its position in the market and optimize profitability.


The analysis of control definitions has shown that rather wide variations of definitions and their interpretations prove control to be a wide concept, mainly due to the fact that control has quite many different aspects and its meaning in different situations may be also defined differently.

Nevertheless, there are still some general aspects of the system of internal control, which include ensuring reliable and comprehensive information, protecting the

property and documents, to ensure an effective economic performance, keeping to the principles of accounting and presenting reliable financial records, obeying laws and executive acts, enterprise rules and ensuring an effective control of risk.

As a result of the study, the authors present an inclusive and generalizing definition of internal control: the system of internal control is part of the enterprise management system that ensures the implementation of the enterprise’s goals, its effective economic-commercial performance, observance of accounting principles and an effective control of work risks, which enables to minimize the number of intentional and unintentional mistakes, and to avoid frauds in the process of enterprise performance, made by its authority or employees.



























有确切影响的行为,根据法律和合同的权限,涉及整个或其部分财产所有权,或任何其他权利,能对企业绩效与管理或者国家监督产生重要影响。即使在公共信息资源下,控制的定义也有一定的差异,尽管公共信息资源非常相似。立陶宛科学家的分析和实际研究表明,对于控制定义的阐述,目前还没有一个固定的概念。例如,Bu?kevi?iūt?(2008)认为,当控制被赋予特别的定义时,就要更详细的描述它的规则和要求,它也会变得更有效、更具体、更具有心理暗示,它给予监督者更多的自由选择限制,处于控制之下的人们违法的可能性也大大降低。确定研究的对象,应该注意的是,关于控制的不同定义,Sakalas,2000;Navickas,2011;Katkus,1997;Bu?kevi?iūt?,2008;Drury,2012; Bi?iulaitis,2001;Lee Summers ,1991;Patrick, Fardo,2009;Spencer, Pickett,2010;Gupta ,2010以及立陶宛和外国其他科学家作出了不同的描述(见图1)。

不同的.观念以及他们的解释表明,对于控制的定义没有一个固定的观点,甚至科学家与专家对于控制的概念、内部控制的概念解释没有达成统一意见。在科学文献中,对于控制概念的不同解释通常与这个概念的不同方面相关,根据现状与其他外部因素,在不同情况下他们的含义可能会以不同的形式来定义。根据A. Katkus(1997),C. Drury (2009),R. Bi?iulaitis(2001),D.R. Patrick・S.W. Fardo(2009),K.H.S・ Pickett (2010),长期控制通常与完善与稳固已达到的目标相关。其他信息来源(国际词汇字典,2002;Sakalas,2000;Bu?kevi?iūt?,2008;李萨默斯,1991)控制被强调作为一个特定的检查手段提供了控制调节计划、发展现状以及绩效的可能性。尽管有这些不同的观点,控制的存在应当是合理的,对于控制对象的监督,其强调作为一个重要的正当防卫,对组织绩效和日常运转起一个重要的监督作用。(完整译文请到百度文库)还有一个更具现代化

的方式。例如,V. Navickas(2011)和P. Gupta (2010)认为,控制不仅是影响组织绩效和管理一个主要因素,而且能作为评估决策和实现价值的手段。这样的解释控制的概念显示了控制的主要作用。例如,R. Kanapickien?(2008)对控制的许多种概念作了分析,认为,一个企业应当具备一个有效的和有用的控制,因为每个企业都试图实现它的目标,避免可能的损失,如错误和欺诈。根据J.A. Pfister (2009)的观点,控制的类型有很多种,可分为战略、管理和内部控制。因此,不同的研究人员对于控制的定义不同,它们的解释有不同的标准,但是,控制的不同定义致使对于控制概念分析的多重变化。因此,创建一个有效的控制,统一其概念十分必要,他是确保有效控制组织绩效的基础。不同控制概念的存在也标志着可能有不同的类型或种类的控制。



度的概念必须得到清晰地界定,同样也意味着实施内部控制制度和评估其有效性的方式必须有所转变。内部控制的含义通过立陶宛和外国科学家Сонин(2000),D・罗伯逊(1993),M.R.西蒙斯(1995),I.Toliatien?(2002),V. Lakis(2007),R. Bi?iulaitis(2001),J. Mackevi?ius(2001)和《国际科学组织COSO,国际最高审计机关组织,亚信论坛,IT治理研究所的研究变得更加完善。




物联网文献外文翻译 篇4










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财务风险 外文文献 篇5

The Important Of Financial Risk

Sohnke M.Bartram Gregory W.Brown and Murat Atamer

Abstract:This paper examines the determinants of equity price risk for a largesample of non-financial corporations in the United States from 1964 to 2008.Weestimate both structural and reduced form models to examine the endogenous natureof corporate financial characteristics such as total debt debt maturity cash holdingsand dividend policy.We find that the observed levels of equity price risk areexplained primarily by operating and asset characteristics such as firm age size assettangibility as well as operating cash flow levels and volatility.In contrast impliedmeasures of financial risk are generally low and more stable than debt-to-equity ratios.Our measures of financial risk have declined over the last 30 years even as measuresof equity volatility e.g.idiosyncratic risk have tended to increase.Consequentlydocumented trends in equity price risk are more than fully accounted for by trends inthe riskiness of firms’ assets.Taken together the results suggest that the typical U.S.firm substantially reduces financial risk by carefully managing financial policies.As aresult residual financial risk now appears negligible relative to underlying economicrisk for a typical non-financial firm.Keywords:Capital structure; financial risk; risk management;corporate finance1


The financial crisis of 2008 has brought significant attention to the effects offinancial leverage.There is no doubt that the high levels of debt financing by financialinstitutions and households significantly contributed to the crisis.Indeed evidenceindicates that excessive leverage orchestrated by major global banks e.g.through themortgage lending and collateralized debt obligations and the so-called “shadowbanking system” may be the underlying cause of the recent economic and financialdislocation.Less obvious is the role of financial leverage among nonfinancial firms.To date problems in the U.S.non-financial sector have been minor compared to thedistress in the financial sector despite the seizing of capital markets during the crisis.For example non-financial bankruptcies have been limited given that the economicdecline is the largest since the great depression of the 1930s.In fact bankruptcyfilings of non-financial firms have occurred mostly in U.S.industries e.g.automotive manufacturing newspapers and real estate that faced fundamentaleconomic pressures prior to the financial crisis.This surprising fact begs the question“How important is financial risk for non-financial firms” At the heart of this issue isthe uncertainty about the determinants of total firm risk as well as components of firmrisk.Recent academic research in both asset pricing and corporate finance hasrekindled an interest in analyzing equity price risk.A current strand of the assetpricing literature examines the finding of Campbell et al.2001 that

firm-specificidiosyncratic risk has tended to increase over the last 40 years.Other work suggeststhat idiosyncratic risk may be a priced risk factor see Goyal and Santa-Clara 2003among others.Also related to these studies is work by Pástor and Veronesi 2003showing how investor uncertainty about firm profitability is an important determinantof idiosyncratic risk and firm value.Other research has examined the role of equityvolatility in bond pricing e.g.Dichev 1998 Campbell Hilscher and Szilagyi2008.However much of the empirical work examining equity price risk takes the riskof assets as given or tries to explain the trend in idiosyncratic risk.In contrast thispaper takes a different tack in the investigation of equity price risk.First we seek tounderstand the determinants of equity price risk at the firm level by considering totalrisk as the product of risks inherent in the firms operations i.e.economic or businessrisks and risks associated with financing the firms operations i.e.financial risks.Second we attempt to assess the relative importance of economic and financial risksand the implications for financial policy.Early research by Modigliani and Miller 1958 suggests that financial policymay be largely irrelevant for firm value because investors can replicate manyfinancial decisions by the firm at a low cost i.e.via homemade leverage andwell-functioning capital markets should be able to distinguish between financial andeconomic distress.Nonetheless financial policies such as adding debt to the capitalstructure can magnify the risk of equity.In contrast recent research on corporate riskmanagement suggests that firms may also be able to reduce risks and increase valuewith financial policies such as hedging with financial derivatives.However thisresearch is often motivated by substantial deadweight costs associated with financialdistress or other market imperfections associated with financial leverage.Empiricalresearch provides conflicting accounts of how costly financial distress can be for atypical publicly traded firm.We attempt to directly address the roles of economic and financial risk byexamining determinants of total firm risk.In our analysis we utilize a large sample ofnon-financial firms in the United States.Our goal of identifying the most importantdeterminants of equity price risk volatility relies on viewing financial policy astransforming asset volatility into equity volatility via financial leverage.Thusthroughout the paper we consider financial leverage as the wedge between assetvolatility and equity volatility.For example in a static setting debt provides financialleverage that magnifies operating cash flow volatility.Because financial policy isdetermined by owners and managers we are careful to examine the effects of firms’asset and operating characteristics on financial policy.Specifically we examine avariety of characteristics suggested by previous research and as clearly as possibledistinguish between those associated of the company(i.e.factors determining economic risk)and those associated with financing the firm(i.e.factors determining financial risk).We then allow economic risk to be a determinant of financial policy in the structural framework of Leland and Toft(1996),or alternatively, in a reduced form model of financial leverage.An advantage of the structural model approach is that we are able to account for both the possibility of financial and operatingimplciations of

some factors(e.g.dividends),as well as the endogenous nature of the bankruptcy decision andfinancialpolicy in general.Our proxy for firm risk is the volantility if commonstock returns derived from calculating the standard deviation of daliyequity returns.Our proxies for econmic risk are designed to capture the essentialcharactersiticsof the firm’s operations and assets that determine the cash flow generating process for the firm.For example,firm size and age provide measures of line of –businessmaturity;tangible assets(plant,property,and equipment)serve as a proxy for the ‘hardness’of a firm’s assets;capital expenditures measure captial intensity as well as growth potential.Operatingprofitability and operatingprofit volatilityserve as measures of the timeliness and riskiness of cash flows.To understand how financial factors affect firm risk,we examinetotal debt,debtmaturity,dividend payouts,and holdings of cash and short-term investments.The primary resuit or our analysis is surpriing:factors determining economic risk for a typical company exlain the vast majority of the varation in equity volatility.Correspondingly,measures of implied financial leverage are much lower than observed debt ratios.Specifically, in our sample covering 1964-2008 average actual net financial(market)leverage is 1.50 compared to our estimates of between 1.03 and 1.11(depending on model specification and estimation technique).This suggests that firms may undertake other financial policise to manage financial risk and thus lower effective leverage to nearly negligible levels.These policies might include dynamically adjusting financial variables such as debt levels,debt maturity,or cash holdings(see,for example , Acharya,Almeida,and Campello,2007).In addition,many firms also utilize explicit financial risk management techniques such as the use of financial dervatives,contractual arrangements with investors(e.g.lines of credit,call provisions in debt contracts ,or contingencies in supplier contracts),spcial purpose vehicles(SPVs),or other alternative risk transfer techniques.The effects of our ecnomic risk factors on equity volatility are generally highly statiscally significant, with predicted size and age of the firm.This is intuitive since large and mature firms typically have more stable lines of business,which shoule be reflected in the volatility.This suggests that companties with higher and more stable operating cash flows are less likely to go bankrupt, and therefore are potentially less risky.Among economic risk variables,the effects of firm size ,prfit volatility,and dividend policy on equity volatility stand out.Unlike some previous studies,our careful treatment of the endogeneity of financial policy confirms that leveage increases total firm risk.Otherwise,fiancial risk factors are not reliably to total risk.Given the large literature on financial policy , it is no surprise that financial variables are , at least in part , determined by the econmic risks frims take.However, some of the specific findings are unexpected.For example , in a simple model of capital structure ,dividend payouts should increase financial leverage since they represent an outflow of cash from the firm(i.e.,increase net debt).We find that dividends are associated with lower risk.This suggests that paying dividends is not as much a product of financial policy as a characteristic of a firm’s operations(e.g.,a mature company with limited growth opportunities).We also estimate how
