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高中英语作文高分句式 篇1

英语作文与中文作文一样, 想要获得高分有两个关键:语法正确,以及用词新颖。想要语法正确,固定句式的正确使用就是一大保障;而想要用词新颖,就需要多储备一些精彩的词和句,以便随时使用。本篇文章,就给大家总结了英语作文中的16个高逼格句式:

1. So + 形容词+ be + 主词+ that + 句子(如此...以致于...)

例句: So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.


2. Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be, S + V~~~ (虽然...)

例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfact-

ory. {by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不}


3. The + ~er + S + V,

~~~the + ~er + S + V ~~~

The + more + Adj + S + V,

~~~the + more + Adj + S + V~~~(愈...愈...)

例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make.


The more books we read, the more learned we become.


4. By +Ving, ~~ can ~~ (借着...,..能够..)

例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy.


5. ~~~ enable + Object(受词)+ to + V (..使..能够..)

例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.


6. On no account can we + V ~~~ (我们绝对不能...)

例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.


7. Those who ~~~ (...的.人...)

例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.


8. There is no one but ~~~ (没有人不...)

例句:There is no one but longs to go to college.


9. be + forced/compelled/obliged + to + V (不得不...)

例句:Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports.


10. It is conceivable that + 句子(可想而知的)

It is obvious that + 句子(明显的)

It is apparent that + 句子(显然的)

例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.


11. That is the reason why ~~~ (那就是...的原因)

例句:Summer is sultry. That is the reason why I don’t like it.


12. For the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式...(过去...年来,...一直...)

例句:For the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examination.


13. Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式。

例句:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.


14. It pays to + V ~~~ (...是值得的。)

例句:It pays to help others.


15. be based on (以...为基础)

例句:The progress of thee society is based on harmony.


16. Spare no effort to + V (不遗余力的)

例句:We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.

高中英语作文高分句式 篇2

一、要点全面, 构思合理

建议学生在动笔写作前, 认真看清题目, 包括提示, 全面了解写作的要求, 要理清写作思路。确定是用什么体裁来写, 全文的框架和结构是什么等等。这样就要有个brainstorm的过程。做这些的前提就是, 让学生在第一时间内用红笔把作文应当包括的要点勾画出来, 这样做主要是防止要点遗漏。因为许多学生在写作最初还记得要点, 写到中间或最后就会完全脱离题目, 从而导致要点不全。在高考中作文要点不全会针对遗漏情况酌情扣分。所以, 不能忽略这个很简单的环节。其次, 构思合理, 就是指在合乎情理、合乎规范、力所能及的前提下添加一些要点中没有提及的信息。紧扣主题适当发挥, 需要生活阅历和思维能力作为后盾, 否则, 就可能成为不切实际的空话、不合逻辑的胡话。所以, 高分作文第一步显得格外重要。

二、审清要点, 分清层次

根据题目, 确定文章中心, 列出表达要点, 理顺思路, 分清层次和表达逻辑关系。其实英语作文的提高除了平时多写, 多积累以外, 拿到题目后解读和审题也很重要, 只有审题准确, 才能打好优秀作文的基础。英语作文的审题走三步, 人称、时态和结构。根据题目要点, 仔细斟酌分析, 深入到题目当中, 把这三个审题的关键点把握好, 这样才能为作文打好基础。高考作文常见的人称是一二人称, 时态是现在时, 而结构通常是三段论, 对于常见的点要把握好, 以备考试当中用到。


这是写作的第一步, 但也是必需的步骤。打草稿最多三分钟, 草稿应该是作文的大概行文结构, 并非是一篇完整的作文。这个环节需要做的就是把要点先用简单的英语表达出来, 做到人称时态和结构的正确。许多学生存在两个误区, 一个就是打了草稿, 就把作文从草稿本上直接抄到试卷上, 没有任何的补充和修改。另外一个误区就是有的学生觉得打草稿就是浪费时间, 直接在试卷上无所顾忌地去写, 结果句不成句, 文不成文, 而且书写更是让人无法辨别, 这样的作文能拿到高分吗?


高考书面表达已不只局限于把话说清楚, 把意思表达完整, 而是要给句子润色, 让句子靓起来。如何让英语句子靓起来呢?

我觉得通过对低级句型的改造, 可以迅速达到这一目的。可以用到强调句, 将时间、地点、原因、方式等类型的状语从句转变为强调句, 还可以用倒装句和with引导的伴随结构, 巧妙地使用非谓语动词, 可以将状语从句或并列的动词简化为非谓语动词。恰到好处的被动句, 适合应用于较简短的句子, 这样显得语言简洁生动, 宾语一般是nothing、anything、everything等不定代词。感叹句, 通常用于开头结尾活跃文章气氛, 凡是“I feel...”之类表达感情的句子皆可如此改造。高级定语从句:若定语从句中的动词带有介词, 只需将介词移至先行词后等等。这是好作文产生的必备环节, 通过添加信息, 可以采用一些语法句式或者固定句式将句子写得更加有层次性, 通过添加固定短语和过渡语, 使文章行文连贯流畅, 更加符合英语写作的习惯。

对于修改, 一定要避免基本和常见错误, 比如拼写错误, 标点符号不清楚, 断句不明, 主谓不一致, 句子层次不清楚, 或语义不符合文章语境等等问题。就润色而言, 需要注意写出的文章符合英语语境和表达法, 切记不要出现汉语式英语, 表达明确, 简洁明了, 不要过于繁琐。


如果卷面凌乱, 字迹潦草, 书写过小、过密, 字母连写严重, 标点不清, 教师首先会觉得该考生不认真。在高强度阅卷过程中, 没有谁愿意逐字辨认写作内容, 况且, 评分标准中规定书写不清以致影响判卷的, 评卷教师有权降档处理 (扣5—6分左右) 。经过上一环接, 此时就可以把作文很整齐地誊写到试卷上了, 一定要注意到书写整齐美观, 这样再加上上一环节的添加修改润色, 相信学生的作文一定会很精彩。

另外, 对于作文中的常见句型和表达, 也要有意识进行积累, 不积跬步, 无以至千里;不积小流, 无以成江海。


1.What is known to all is that...众所周知的是

As is known to all, ...

It is known to all that...

2.The reason why...is that...原因是

3.On no account/Under no circumstances can we...决不

4.What impresses me most is that...让我印象最深刻的是

5.It’s generally acknowledged that...普遍认为

6.There is an old saying going like this…俗话说

7.It can be said with certainty that…确切的说

8.When it comes to sth, some people think....However, others believe...当说到……人们认为

9.It is commonplace to do sth.……很普遍

10.It is more advisable to do.……更可取。

11.From my point of view, it would be bet-ter if...我认为, ……会更好

12.From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably come to the conclusionthat...综上所述, 我们会合理的得出这样的结论……

13.be doing/be on the point of doing...when当做……的时候, 突然

14.I’ll appreciate it if...如果……我会不胜感激

15.I didn’t realize its importance until I...直到……我才意识到他的重要性

16.No matter how+adj it is, we can...无论多……我都能

17.So useful is it that we had better...如此的有用, 以至于我们最好

18.Should/were it rain/to rain, we would...如果下雨, 我们会 (if省略, should, were提前)

19.With sth/sb doing/done/to do, we should…


Time permits, and we will go out.

If Time permits, we will go out.


Time permitting, we will...


1.be faced with new opportunities and challenges.面临新的挑战和机遇

2.arouse wide public concern引起广泛关注

3.be supported by sound reasons有充分利用支持

4.be no exception也不列外

5.the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages利大于弊

6.broaden one’s horison开阔视野

7.take many factors into accout考略到诸多因素

8.make joint efforts做出共同努力

9.lay a solid foundation for打下坚实的基础

10.meet the needs of满足需求

11.attach great importance to重视

12.give rise to引起

be conductive to对……有益

13.be of use/value有用或价值

14.long to do渴望做

15.have a great effect/influence on对……有重大影响

16.do one’s utmost/best to do尽力做

17.spare no effort to do不遗余力做

18.manage to do设法

equip sb with (e.g.equip ourselves with knowledge) 用…武装

19.be beneficial to sb对某人有益

20.appeal for sb to do呼吁某人做某事appeal to doing呼吁做

21.do all/everything one can to do尽力做

22.have no choice but to do别无选择只能做……

23.would like to do/feel like doing想做……

24.do good to/do harm to对……有益或有害


1.owing to/due to/thanks to/because of因为

2.now that既然

3.to begin with/at the first place/most of all首先

4.moreover/furthermore/what’s more.what’s better/worse.另外

5.Meanwhile/at the meantime.同时

6.Last but not least最后但也很重要的是

7.As for me./From my point of view./from where I stand就某人而言

8.As a matter of fact实际上

9.Nevertheless, however, in contrast然而

10.Hence, therefore, thus.因此

11.for one thing...for another/also首先……其次

12.on the one hand...on the other hand一方面……另一方面

13.generally speaking一般地说

14.in other words换句话说

15..in particular/particularly特别地

雅思口语高分句式 篇3

1. 当你想说but来转折语气,不妨忍一下,然后在句子后面加个though,立马瞬间洋气了许多!例如:

Our team lost. It was a good game, though,

Middle-aged people like to cook at home, young adults are a bit different, though。

2. 多用副词,例如exactly, basically, really这些副词可以加强或者缓和语气,更准确的表达我们的真实想法。比如:

That’s exactly what I want!

Where are you going exactly?

So basically, there’s not a lot I can do about it。

The more expensive articles are not necessarily better。

3. 简单不易出错的同位语从句可以为你的语言增色不少哦!例如:

People are now aware of the fact that many restaurants are not that hygienic。

Despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt, she was thrown sharply forward。

4. 强调句式用起来,也会增加语法的广度哦,例如礼物类话题的万年句式:

It doesn’t matter how expensive the gift is, it’s the thought that matters。

5. 当你想说most of… 的时候,不妨改口成tend to,词汇量有没有显得多一些!例如:

Most Chinese people cook at home instead of dining out. 就可以说成Chinese people tend to cook at home。

6. 口语答案里面呢,要有意识的尽可能抛弃very,一种方法是用pretty替代,另一种就直接用个更高级的形容词。例如:

That performance was pretty impressive。

I’m pretty sure about that。

还有instead of saying “very angry”, you can use the word “furious”。

那同理,如果我们想表达a little + adj.,也可以找到相应的更传神的形容词,例如:

tipsy = a little drunk

7. 提到形容词,我们可以先把他们分成两类:褒义贬义。






8. 形容词前加副词,也是不错的应急措施哦,如果实在想不到高大上的形容词了,就用一个副词来加强一下情感吧,例如:

She’s shockingly beautiful。

It’s an outrageously expensive meal。

9. 同学们在回答考官问题的时候,其实自己也觉得说个No很伤感情,那怎么能用比较不伤感情的语言表达同样的意思呢,下面的几句可以记一下:

-Does your school have diving classes?

-Not that I’m aware of, no。


-Have you ever had the experience when you watched the sky for a long time?

-Not that I can think of, no。


-Do you love nature?

-Well, not really. I’m more of an indoor person。

注意,每一个yes or no之后,一定要加原因哦!

10. 考场上“mean”要用起来。

“I mean”可以用来解释刚刚自己抛出去的话,比如,在解释自己最不喜欢的电影的时候可以说:

That movie was so boring, I mean, nothing happened for the first hour!

这个也可以有很灵活的变体:and by… I mean…,比如:

He has a gorgeous wife, and by wife I mean mistress. (此例子完全为了解释用法…)

“You mean…?”该句式是为了跟考官check information,如果你不想用“I’m sorry?”来让考官重复问题,你完全可以用它来确定一下自己的理解是否跟考官的问题吻合。


Sorry, I didn’t quite catch it. 不好意思没听清,能在重复一下子不?

Sorry, could you slow down, please? 不好意思您能把语速放慢点儿不?

托福综合写作高分句式有哪些 篇4

The lecture apparently disproves what is argued in the reading material. According to the passage … However the professor asserts that a closer scrutiny of this argument would reveal how flimsy it is. He then presents several evidences to demonstrate his statement.


To start with, the professor claims that the reading passage fails to take into account that…

Therefore, the assertion of the author seems too absolute since other possibilities could not be eliminated by any current evidence.


Furthermore, the passage assumes that…. The professor, however, suggests that this assumption may not be merited by the evidence. Say, ….. The contradiction is obvious here when … . On the basis of this point the lecture explicitly refutes the passage.


Last but not the least, the passage may be right about …., but one critical fact is being left out of consideration. Pointed out by the professor, the author totally neglects the truth that… On account of above-mentioned grave mistakes, the author’s assertion turned out to be a preposterous idea.


In conclusion, based on the arguments offered above, the professor clearly identifies the defects in the reading passage and forcefully shows that…


文中至少有一个举例形式,如果实在用不到上面句型,可以用转述凑字数:In other words, that is to say, …


The reading assumes that…, a situation that seems to be at odds with … 与…是矛盾的


One of the best ways for parents to help their teenage children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take the part-time job. 父母帮助青少年为成人生活做好准备的最好方式之一是鼓励他们做兼职,是否认同? (2009年10月24日)

托福写作立场 鼓励成长中的年轻人从事兼职工作是帮助学生为成人生活做好准备的有效方式之一。



1. 鼓励年轻人做兼职,在教育方面,最直接的利好就是年轻人体味经济独立的成就感,同时,懂得赚钱很辛苦,懂得谋生的的坚辛。

2. 做兼职的经历可以帮助年轻人扩大交友圈。例如,叔叔保罗在大学期间做了很多份兼职,这帮助他建立了良好的人脉资源,工作中结实的好友为他后来克服事业中遇到的障碍提供了帮助。

3. 年轻人做兼职可以加深他们对于社会的洞察,提高他们的社会意识,使他们明确人生奋斗的目标,当他们回归校园的时候,他们会加倍努力学习。以我为例,我在暑假的时候曾经为旅行社做兼职导游,工作中的辛苦使我懂得只有精进专业才华才能为未来的竞争增加砝码,因此,在我回到课堂的时候,我更加勤奋学习。


1. 兼职工作可能占用宝贵的时间,这些时间可以用来学习或者健身。

2. 年轻人不成熟,没有经验,不能抵御成人世界的诱惑,因此,他们可能被引入迷途。

3. 就学生的能力而言,学生们很难满足相关企业的要求,因此,难以找到合适的工作。





1. take up part-time jobs = engage in part-time jobs = embark on part-time jobs = work as a part-timer v 从事兼职

2. ready oneself for future career challenges yet not come v 为没有到来的未来挑战做好准备

解析:ready v 做好准备

3. get to know the hardship of earning a living v懂得谋生的艰辛

4. to be economically independent v经济独立

5. to make some pocket money v 赚零花钱

6. serves a valuable educational function v 在教育方面有积极的作用

7. can easily lose enthusiasm for their studies v 失去学习的兴趣

8. have deeper insight into the society v对于社会有更加深刻的洞察

9. know what they desire to achieve in life v 懂得生活的目标

10. lighten the financial burden of the family v缓解家庭的财政负担

解析:reduce = lighten v缓解

11. strengthen the awareness of self-protection v 增强自我保护意识

12. Teenagers can acquire the growth experience by having light and paid part-time work 通过做简单的付费的工作,青少年可以获得成长的经验。


1. The most important educational benefit of encouraging students to work as part-t timer is that it could enable the young to recognize that money doesn’t grow on trees and thus foster their thriftiness. 鼓励学生做兼职的最重要的教育方面的利好在于这使年轻人懂得赚钱很辛苦,进而培养节俭的美德。

解析:money doesn’t grow on trees v赚钱辛苦

2. The experience of working as part-timers could help the youngsters to enlarge their circle of friends. 兼职的经历可以帮助年轻人扩大交友圈。

解析:enlarge one’s circle of friends v扩大交友圈

3. My uncle had established well-connected interpersonal network via taking up part-time jobs, therefore,he had many friends to help him tear down the barriers on the career road. 叔叔通过兼职,建立了良好的人脉资源,因此,很多朋友帮助叔叔克服事业中遇到的困难。

4. Taking up some part-time jobs helped me foster the sense of independence and learn to resolve unexpected crisis. They are important for my future life. 兼职培养了我的独立性,使我学会危机处理,这些对于我的未来很重要。

5. I mastered more interpersonal skills, improved the social awareness and made a lot of new friends. 我更多地掌握了人际沟通技巧,提高了社会意识,也结交了很多好友。

6. After I have returned to my class,I studied even harder. 在我回到课堂以后,我更加勤奋学习。

7. Part-time job experience might take up too much precious time, which can otherwise be used to serve the academic purpose or build up one’s physique. 兼职的经历也许占用了宝贵的时间,这些时间可以用来学习或者健身。

8. The study will be delayed and disadvantaged. As for students, the priority should be given to the knowledge acquisition. 学业会被耽误, 对于学生而言,主要的任务还是学习。

解析:disadvantage v 使处于不利地位


9. So immature and inexperienced are the youngsters that they cannot resist the temptation of the adult world, in this sense, it is highly possible for them to be led astray. 年轻人不成熟,没有经验,不能抵御成人世界的诱惑,因此,他们可能被引入迷途。

解析:so …… that …… 如此 …… 以至于 ……

10. As far as the student’ competence is concerned, it is extremely challenging for them to meet the requirement of the relevant enterprises 就学生的能力而言,学生们很难满足相关企业的要求。

11. As for those who are in the formative years,it is unwise to deny the merits of embarking on occasional jobs, however,this growth should be acquired during the summer or winner vacations. 对于成长中的年轻人而言, 否定做兼职的利好是不明智的,但是学生们可以在在寒暑假获得这种成长的经历。

12. It is preferable to strike a proper balance between academic study and part-time jobs. 在学习和兼职工作之间寻求一种平衡是可取的。


Some people think that it is better to finish a project completely and then do another project than do two or more projects at the same time,do you agree or disagree? 有人认为优先完成一项任务要比同时完成两项或者多项任务要好,是否认同?


解析:A is superior B ……优越于……



1. 人的精力和时间是有限的,无论学习和工作,我们追求应该是勤奋高效。广泛涉猎,难免蜻蜓点水,集中优势的精力,完成一项手边的任务,才能提高工作的效率,增加内心的成就感。例如,很多创业企业家的事业都是靠着点滴积累,将企业发展的宏观战略分解成为一个个小的目标,慢慢实现了企业的持续发展和盈利。

2. 当完美地完成一项工作的时候,心灵的成就感同时可以增强做接下来的工作的信心,这种信心会帮助形一种在工作方面良性的循环,进而激发一个人做其他事情的热情。对比的是,如果两项或者多项的工作一起来做的,难免会降低效率,或互相影响, 尤其是两项工作没有必然的相互的联系的时候。例如,我在复习托福考试的过程中,我的感受是单项学习要比多项学习的效果更佳。




1. What we should pursue is industriousness and efficiency 我们应该追求的是勤奋和高效。

拓展:industrious = diligent = hard-working adj 勤奋的

解析:pursue v追求(抽象名词)

2. with macro and strategic foresight 具有宏观和战略眼光

拓展:foresight = vision n眼光

3. find it hard to do sth v 发现做……是很难的事情

4. it is no easy task to do sth 做……绝非容易的事情

解析:task n 任务(强调艰巨性)

5. doing sth is never without its reasons 做……并非没有理由

解析:is never without= have v拥有

6. concentrate on one single task v集中精力完成一项工作任务

7. zero in on one thing v专注于一件事情

8. complete a task at one time = finish a task at one time= fulfill a task at one time v一次完成一项工作

解析:at one time 一次

9. …… can greatly enhance the efficiency of working …… 可以提高工作的效率

10. only apply oneself to one task v仅仅专注于一项工作

11. instill confidence into one’s heart = indoctrinate confidence into one’s heat = boost one’s self-confidence v帮助一个人树立自信

解析:indoctrinate v灌输……

12. kindle one’s interest of doing sth v激发某人做……的兴趣

拓展:kindle = ignite = generate v点燃(激发)

13. stimulate one’s motivation of doing sth v激发某人做……的动力

14. form a kind of benign cycle v形成一种良性的循环

15. in most cases 多数情况下

16. under some special circumstances 在一些特殊情况下

17. proceed to undertake the next task v继续做下一个工作

18. strengthen one’s inner sense of fulfillment v增强内心的职业成功感

拓展:strengthen = enhance = intensify v增强

19. it is a must to do sth 做……是必须的事情

解析:must n 必须要做的事情

20. at times = sometimes adv 有时候

解析:at times 有时候为个性表达,词汇亮点

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高中英语作文高分句式 篇5


2.Providing more parking areas, in the long run, has proved to be apractical way out in many large cities in the world.


3.Observing local culture, consciously and unconsciously, can reducethe chance of offending the locals, or it will lead to the embarrassment andeven conflict.


4.Space exploration, some people believe, will bring some unexpecteddiscoveries.

浅谈高中作文高分的教学技巧 篇6




写作是学生进行自我内心思想和对外界主观认知的表达,是对自身体会的再现和总结。在教学活动中,写作能力的提高不是一蹴而就的,需要进行长时间的积累和学习。学生可以对生活中的见闻进行自我积累,并通过日记或是其他形式,经内容记录下来。我国的知名大家叶圣陶先生指出,课文教材是学生学习的引子。用于教学的教材不能过长,不能太难,需要学生进行仔细的推敲和揣测得到自己的感悟和体会。提高语文素养必须要对教材进行重复的推敲和认真的学习,但是这并不代表着教材可以教会学生运用语言,在写作中文思泉涌。因此,学生应该多看些除去教材之外的书籍,进行国内精美文章的品读,可以看一些文学名著,或是报刊杂志。好的文章可以进行反复的学习和阅读,甚至达到背诵的效果。文章精美可能是文采非凡,恰当的运用了名词佳句,或是结构巧妙,读来思思如理,爱不释手。对于其中的经典句子进行学习和模仿。长久如此,学生的阅读量大,知识就会十分丰富,一个人的素质也会提高,眼界就会更广。古语云: “读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”也就是说只有多读书,才能写出好文章。








1. 注意语言表达


2. 准确使用标点符号


3. 书写清楚工整,不写错别字


4. 注意掌握时间,限制字数

在写作的过程中,需要将写作的时间分为三个阶段。首先,确定自己进行写作的时间还有多长,确定自己的写作速度; 然后,进行行文思路的思考,找出文章的写作方向和写作顺序; 最后,在写作进行到一半的时候,查看时间还有多少,确定自己是否可以在规定的时间内完成写作,选择是否加快时间。


英语作文万能句式 篇7

第一段:谈利1)Nowadays, __ is playing an increasingly significant role /part in our lives/society.2)Since its appearance, it has brought much benefit.3)For example, ……4)In addition, ……5)Furthermore, ……6)In fact, it’s difficult to imagine what modern life would be like if there were no __.第二段:谈弊1)However, __ can also generate some plaguing(令人苦恼的)problems as well.2)For instance, … 3)Besides, …… 4)To make things worse, ……

第三段:结论1)Nothing can be perfect and everything has two sides.__ is no exception.2)Despite these problems, __ is nevertheless mankind’s benefactor---its advantages still outweigh its disadvantages.3)We’re confident that we can overcome all the difficulties we might meet and the future of mankind will be brighter.Problems(问题类)

第一段:提现象,列问题1)Nowadays, _____ has become one of the most serious problems /hottest issues confronting us.2)For example, ……3)In addition, ……4)Furthermore, ……5)In a word, ……

第二段:列危害1)The problems brought about by--------shouldn’t be neglected.2)For instance, ……3)Besides, ……4)To make things worse, …… 5)There is no doubt that it is high time we took actions and launched a battle against __.第三段:谈解决措施1)To our relief, people have become conscious of the problems and many effective measures have been taken to solve it.2)For example, …….3)However, __ is an endless fight.There is still a long way to go to conquer the problem.Opinions(观点类)

第一段:提论题1)The recent years have seen /witnessed more and more college students taking 2)Whether has become one of the hottest/ controversial issues.3)People are sharply divided on this topic.第二段:谈论点 1)Some people hold the opinion that ……2)They argue that only by __, can we __.3)It not only …, but also….4)While some others take an opposing view.5)They maintain that if one __, he could not__ 6)They believe ……

第三段:我的看法1)As far as I’m concerned, nothing can be perfect and everything has two sides.__ is no exception.2)Obviously, both __ and __ have their own virtues and shortcomings.3)Everyone can judge them in a particular way and make his choice accordingly.3)The most important thing is to make full use of its benefits and try to avoid/minimize(缩小).its disadvantages.Reasons(原因类)


1)The recent years have seen __.2)Many factors contribute to this.3)On the one hand, …… 4)

On the other hand,…… 3)Furthermore, ……


1.The more, the more.(平行句)

2.Only in this way/by doing so, can we…(倒装句)

3.It is __ that …(强调句)

4.What would happen, if there were no power?(虚拟语气)
