
2024-09-10 版权声明 我要投稿


介词but的常见用法和常用短语 篇1

介词but表示“除……外”,与except,other than或not including的意思相近。主要出现在以下场合:

① 与no,no one,none,nobody,nothing,nowhere等词连用。例如:

No one can do it but him. 只有他才能担当此任。

None but him knows this plant. 只有他认识这种植物。

I heard nothing but the wind. 除了风声,我什么也没听到。

② 与all,anything,anywhere,every,everybody,everyone等词连用。例如:

We were all here but Tom. 除汤姆以外,我们来了。

Everybody arrived on time but yourself. 大家都按时到达,就是你自己没有。

Have you ever been to anywhere else but Beijing?除了北京之外你还去过别的什么地方吗?

③ 与who,what,where及形容词最高级等连用。例如:

Who but a fool would do such a thing?除傻瓜外,谁还会干这样的事情?

What is she but my wife?她不是我的妻子还会是别的什么人?

He is the thinnest man in our school but Mr He. 除何先生外,他是我们学校里最瘦的人。

④ but后面常跟名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、介词短语或名词性从句作宾语。例如:

None but his dog saved him. 除了他的狗以外,谁也救不了他。

I have written all my letters but one. 我只差一封信就写完了。

He felt all but dead with fatigue. 他感到累得要死。

She was anything but mad. 她一点也不疯。

I remember I put it nowhere but in desk. 我记得我只是把它放在书桌里了。

I believe all but what he said. 我根本不相信他说的话。

⑤ but后面常跟带to的动词不定式作宾语。例如:

She had no choice but to wait. 除了等待,她别无选择。

⑥ but前的谓语动词是do时,其后跟省略“to”的动词不定式作宾语。例如:

He did nothing but read a novel yesterday. 除了看小说,他昨天什么也没干。

What can you do but take back what you said. 除了收回你的话外,你还能做什么呢?

⑦ but前面的非谓语动词是to do或doing时,but后面动词不定式的符号“to”可以省略也可以不省略。例如:

I had nothing to do but (to) watch TV yesterday evening. 除了看电视,昨晚我无事可做。

There was nothing left to do but (to) take a rest. 没有什么事情要做,只好休息了。

⑧ but前面的谓语动词或短语动词后要求接动名词时,在but后面应接动名词。例如:

He thinks of nothing but making money. 除了赚钱,他什么也不想。

That official was afraid of nothing but eating pork. 那位官员只是怕吃猪肉。

He could bear anything but hearing such bad news. 他听到这样的坏消息确实会忍受不了的。

⑨ but不能置于句首,也不能与other连用。例如:

Everyone but me was tired. (= Except for me,everyone was tired.) 除了我,大家都累了。

Mr An has no girl-friends but her. (= Mr An has no other girl-friend besides/except her.) 除了她外,安先生没有别的女朋友。

⑩ but后面的代词,可用主格也可用宾格;但处于主语位置时,用主格代词显得更自然,谓语动词的形式应与but前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。例如:

No one but we (us) is able to do it. 只有我们能当此任。

Nobody but we (us) knows of it. 除了我们外,没有人知道这件事。

You are all wrong but I (me). 除我以外,你们都错了。

I told her that I had never loved anyone but her. 我告诉她,除她以外我没有爱过任何人。


1. all but除……外全都;几乎

All but mother in my family can speak English. 除母亲外,我一家人都会说英语。

They have all but finished the task. 他们几乎完成了任务。

You are all but a doctor. 你简直是个博士。

His theory is all but correct. 他的理论几乎是正确的。

2. anything but不见得;决不

He is anything but a good headmaster. 他不见得是个好校长。

His composition is anything but correct. 他的作文错误百出。

I was anything but angry. 我一点也不生气。

This car is anything but beautiful. 这小汽车根本不漂亮。

3. but for除……外;要不是

The purse is empty but for a few coins. 除了几枚硬币外,钱包里面是空空的。

She could have remarried but for her little daughter. 要不是因为她的小女儿,她早就再婚了。

4. but now刚刚,适才

I saw him in the office but now. 我刚刚看见他在办公室里。

I heard the commander talk about you but now. 适才我听得司令讲到您。

5. but that要不是,若非

But that I saw it,I could not have believed it. 要不是我亲眼所见,我决不会相信这件事。

But that you helped us,we could not have been rich. 要不是你的帮助,我们不会富裕起来。

6. can (or could) but只能,只好

His father can but know a few letters. 他的父亲只能认识几个字母。

The old lady could but walk slowly with a stick. 那位老太太只能拄着拐杖慢慢地走。

7. can (or could) not but不得不,忍不住

I could not but tell him about it. 我不得不告诉他这件事。

She could not help but leave there. 她只好离开那里。

Seeing her husband’s funny face,she could not but laugh. 看见丈夫的滑稽面孔,她忍不住笑了。

8. cannot (or could) choose but不得不,必须

They could not choose but obey. 他们除了服从外别无选择。

9. cannot (or couldn’t) help but不能不,不得不

I cannot help but be sorry. 我不能不感到遗憾。

10. first but one (two ...) 顺数第二 (三……)

In the brothers Mr Kong was the first but one. 孔先生在众弟兄中排行老二。

11. last but one (two ...) 倒数第二(三……)

We sat in the last row but four. 我们坐在倒数第五排。

12. never ... but每当……就……

He never sees Miss Wo but he thinks of his friend,Xiao Ya. 每当见到沃女士时,他就想起他的朋友小雅来。

Her brother never comes,but he asks her for money. 她兄弟来时,总是向她要钱。

13. next but one再下一个

They used to live in the next house but one to me. 他们住在我隔壁的隔壁。

14. no one but除了……外,谁也不

No one but a bedlamite would say such words. 除了疯子,谁也不会说这样的话。

15. not ... but不(是)……而(是)……

They were not the bones of an animal,but of a human being! 他们不是动物的骨头,而是人的骨头。

We do not study Russian but English. 我们不学俄语,而学英语。

16. not (no such a) so ... but不是如此……以至于不……

There is no such a fool but he can see it. 没有愚蠢到连这都看不懂的人。

His English is not so bad but he can make himself understood. 他的英语还不至于差到不能把自己的意思讲清楚的地步。

17. nothing but只不过,仅仅(不以为然,厌烦之语气)

She is nothing but a housewife. 她只不过是个家庭主妇。

There is nothing but water in the bottle. 那瓶子里只有水。

His theory is nothing but correct. 他的理论只是不错而已。

18. nothing ... but除非

through常用的短语 篇2

I am not an expat, but I come to China so often I feel like one. My mission is to build UKChinese links in innovation.

It is recognized that innovation flowers at the intersection of cultures either in time or space. For me the differences in culture between Europe and China are amazing and cover almost every area of life but they promise the most dynamic and fertile basis for innovation and creativity. In my view, they greatly surpass what either could do alone. China and Europe both wish to raise the standard of living of our peoples and we see innovation as the route to that goal. Together we can do it better.

We both wish to escape the race to the bottom with manufacturing, service industries and even agriculture exporting their jobs to the places with the lowest costs and driving down wages.

Innovation has to be at the heart of all commercial activity. In a competitive world industry dies without innovation and creativity, but it is not good enough to only have innovation to reduce costs. Kodak probably had the lowest costs of any photographic company but their management failed to change their business model until it was too late. Rapidly accelerating technologies from all the sciences present a vast canvas for innovation. Innovation needs people to innovate, which requires education to introduce a curriculum of innovation and creativity.

Four hundred years ago China was far in advance of anything in Europe and yet the industrial revolution took place in Europe. Europeans then had the secret to innovation. What is that secret today?

Practical science is regarded as the best educational route toward technological innovation and creativity. Practical science presents the student with a problem and the challenge to produce an explanation and then test out the explanation to see if it is correct. At the University of Bradford, we developed a completely robotic route into practical science which is widely used in the UK. It challenges and inspires our students and they can use it from school or from home. It is completely delivered on the Internet.

In the UK we have a long tradition of teach- ing practical science in schools. I am deeply concerned with bringing practical science into China but for cultural reasons —especially the examination system—I feel that it is unlikely that there will be much change in developing innovation and creative skills in Chinese children until practical science is included in the examination system. Perhaps Tsinghua University and South China Technology University, both of whom I work with, can be persuaded to pilot a program of practical science for the entrance examinations in their provinces. If it is successful, schools will then take up the teaching of practical science which, to date, is just an extra-curricular activity at a few schools.endprint

But practical science is only half the answer. In Europe we are blighted by large companies that are unable to innovate outside their business model. Microsoft is almost a corpse kept alive by its sales of Windows and Office. Nokia completely missed the development of smart phones. Driverless cars would dramatically reduce the number of deaths on our roads and completely change the relationship between private and public transport through reducing the congestion and pollution on our roads, but they conflict strongly with the car marketing business model. There are many ways of generating nuclear power but the industry is stuck in the route with the business model that governments funded to make nuclear weapons. There are many more examples of a failure to innovate in large companies.

In the West, large companies lock themselves into their business model. The cost of influencing decision makers and newspapers to support and re-enforce their business model is trivial and easy to do. For example, the imperative to move away from burning fossil fuels will harm the profits of big oil companies. What could they do? Why not set up a charity to dispute the human cause of global warming? There is no need to declare who funds the charity and the charity can easily pay experts and consultants with influence to “advise” it. These experts only continue to be paid if their advice and general statements are in forms that the oil companies wish to hear. Equally, newspapers which agree that global warming is a result of burning fossil fuels will find advertising and other revenues decline, but if they change their policy they will not be surprised if their advertising income starts growing. Nothing needs to be said —just a nod and a wink.

Such corruption is trivial in cost compared to opening up a new oil field and effectively locks the large company into their old business model.

Innovation requires smaller companies that have many competitors, forcing them to think to stay alive. Four hundred years ago, when the industrial revolution propelled Europe into a world lead, there were no large companies. Size does matter and to have a degree of control over large companies is just as important as teaching innovation.

证券交易常用的短语 篇3

“不公平损害”补救 “unfair prejudice” remedy

不公平竞争 uneven playing field

不可抗力 force majeure

不定额供款 variable contribution

不活跃公司 dormant company

不派息欧式认沽期权 non-dividend paying European put option

不派息欧式认购期权 non-dividend paying European call option

不限量发行 tap issue

不记名式国库券(中国内地)Bearer Treasury(Mainland China)

不记名证券 bearer securities

不停电电源装置;不间断电源装置 uninterrupted power supply(ups)

不动盘 inactive order

不当行为 misconduct

中小企业板块(深圳证券交易所)SME Board(Shenzhen Stock Exchange)

关于常用的英语句子或短语 篇4

2.He’s the youngest in the family 他是一家中最小的。

3.He looks much younger than he is 他看起来比他实际上年轻得多。

4.I came here when I was 我二十岁来这儿。

5.I started school at the age of 我六岁开始上学。

6.My father is over years old 我父亲已年过六十了。

7.Most of them are less than 他们中大多数不到岁。

8.I guess he’s about 我猜他大概岁。

9.She’s going to be next month 下个月她就满了。

10.They’ll have a party for their th wedding anniversary 他们将为结婚十周年开个晚会。

11.He’s still a boy after all 他毕竟还只是个孩子。

12.When do you get up everyday? 每天你几点起床?

13.I usually get up at o’clock 我通常点起床。

14.Where do you have your lunch? 你在哪儿吃午饭?

15.I have my lunch in a snack bar nearby 我在附近一家快餐店吃午饭。

16.What did you have for lunch? 你中午吃些什么?

17.I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg 我吃一个汉堡包,一个炸鸡腿。

18.What time do you start work? 你什么时候开始工作?

19.I start work at o’clock 我八点开始工作。

20.What do you do at work? 你上班干些什么?

21.I answer telephones and do some typing 我接电话和打字。

22.What time do you finish your work? 你什么时候下班?

23.At o’clock sharp 点。

24.What do you do in your spare time? 闲暇时,你干些什么?

25.I like listening to pop music 我喜欢听流行音乐。

26.I like playing football 我喜欢踢足球。

27.When did you get up yesterday morning? 你昨天早上几点起床?

28.At about seven 七点左右。

29.I heard the alarm clock, but I didn’t get up until 我听见闹钟了,但我捱到九点才起。

30.I woke up seven and got up right away 我七点醒了,然后马上起床了。

31.I hurried to my office 我匆忙赶到办公室。

32.I had my breakfast on the way 我在路上吃的早饭。

33.I was just on time 我刚好赶上。

34.I was minutes late 我迟到了五分钟。

35.I had lunch with a friend of mine 我和我的一个朋友一块吃了午饭。

36.I finished my work at pm 下午点我下班了。

37.I stayed and did some extra work 我留下加了一会儿班。

38.The TV programs were really boring, so I went to bed very early 电视节目很无聊,所以我早早睡了。

39.I read a magazine in bed 我躺在床上看杂志。

40.I didn’t sleep well 我没睡好。

41.I slept soundly all night 我整夜睡的很熟。

42.Hi, Joe, is it really you? 乔,你好,真是你吗?

43.Hi, Ann Nice to see you again 安,你好。真高兴再次见到你。

44.It’s been a whole year since I last saw you 我整整一年没见你了。

45.Yes, but you look as pretty now, as you did then 但你看起来还是那么漂亮。

46.Oh, thank you How have you been these days? 欧,谢谢。这段时间你好吗?

47.Not too bad 不太糟。

48.But you sound so sad 但听起来你很悲伤。

49.Yes, I lost my pet cat yesterday 是啊,昨天我的宠物猫丢了。

through常用的短语 篇5

Chinas economic transformation is at a pivotal juncture. On one hand, a slow economic shift would intensify downward pressures. China registered a GDP growth of 6.9 percent in 2015—but even though the economy is stable—growth suppression has been increasing. If the pace of the economic transformation were to decelerate, it would not only intensify negative effects in the short term, but also raise concerns on Chinas mid- and long-term economic prospects.

On the other hand, investment-driven growth has reached the end of its line. China is now facing severe challenges with regards to cutting excessive industrial capacity, destocking and de-leveraging. The formation of excessive production capacity, unsold homes and high leverages were inevitable outcomes of the investment-driven era, and also highlights the unsustainable nature of the investment-led growth pattern.

Whether or not cutting excessive industrial capacity, destocking and de-leveraging will be effective depends on the success of the planned breakthroughs in readjusting the industrial structure. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period weve just entered, and especially throughout the coming two years, if the government leads China toward the appropriate path, the downward pressures of economic growth in the short term will be alleviated. If this is the case, the country would unleash its significant potential for economic growth in the middle and long term. Otherwise, the country might lose the initiative in terms of economic growth, thereby arousing systemic economic and social risks.

Why is the 13th Five-Year Plan period crucial for the structural reform?

First of all, economic transformation faces obstruction from a variety of structural problems. An outstanding example of such an issue is that the current structures of supply and demand dont complement each other. The demands role in guiding the supply has not been developed to its full, and at the same time, the supply has not met demand effectively. Therefore, while expanding the total demand appropriately, the government should intensify the supply-side reform in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the supply system.

Second, there are serious structural problems between consumption and investment. Since the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15) period, the imbalance between the two has been improved, with consumptions contribution to GDP rising. However, since the investment-driven growth pattern hasnt been fundamentally changed, those two factors have yet to find equilibrium. Also, problems featuring inadequate supplies to bolster consumption have become increasingly prominent.

Third, there are inherent issues in the policy being made and the institutions driving them forward. To alleviate the economic stresses, we shouldnt rely solely on policy stimulus, but on institutional arrangement and innovation, too. For instance, stimulus policies, especially macro financial control measures, should be the last resort to prevent systemic risks by cutting excessive capacity. Institutional problems causing surplus capacity should be eliminated through a change in the administrative approval system, a market-oriented adaptation to production factors, the improvement of the taxation system and the revision of the financial system.

Facing these problems, the government should be more committed to advancing structural reform and exploring new paths to clear its obstacles.

To begin with, the reform should be adopted in order to advance industrial restructuring. After China entered the middle and late stages of industrialization, the emphasis in market resource allocation was transferred from the industrial sector to the service sector. The market should therefore be relied on to develop mainly modern producer services and advance the transformation of the manufacturing industry.

Next, all economic restructuring should be oriented with the revamping of urbanization policies. China will enter a new stage in its plans to urbanize its population during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. The government must consequently seed the household registration system with new ideas, aiming to accelerate the process and unleash the biggest dividends in the future.

Furthermore, structural reform should push forward consumption restructuring. The key to realize the major breakthroughs needed for a consumption-driven growth pattern is to innovate in terms of supply, satisfy the increasingly diversified and individualized demands of consumers, and accelerate the transformation of investments.

The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee held in November 2013 put forth a master plan for bolstering economic reform. The achievements in the last two years have showed that reform in some fields has been progressing at a rapid pace, grasping real breakthroughs. But in other sectors, the reform has been carried out slowly.

常用英语六级短语 篇6

1.Above all:最重要的是

2.Account for:解释。说明

3.After all:终究,毕竟

4.Air /car crash:空难,车祸

5.Allergic to:过敏

6.Appeal to:吸引,呼吁。

7.Apply for/to, application letter 申请,求职信

8.At ease:安逸,自由自在9.Back up:支持,援助。

10.Beat the crowd :避开人群,避开高峰

11.Be aware of:意识到

12.Behind the schedule/late晚场,迟到

13.Be in charge of:负责,照顾,经管 be responsible for

14.Be in the charge of:下级+be in the charge of+上级

15.Be in season:应季的,当令的16.Be supposed to do:应该,被期望

17.Break down机器出故障,崩溃,分解,强拆

18.Bring up:教育,培养,提出

19.Build up积累,增强,树立

20.By chance/run into:偶然

21.By no means :绝不 /anything but

22.Check in/out签到、报道/检查,核对

23.Come up:发生,出现,提出

24.Come up with:针对问题,挑战等提出,想出,赶上

25.Concentrate on/focuson 集中

26.Deal with /cope with 处理

27.Drop in :顺便拜访

28.Drop out of:不参与,退出

29.Eat one’s words 食言

30.Fall short of:达不到,不符合31.Figure out :搞清楚,弄明白

32.Find out找出,查明

33.Fit one’s need;满足某人需要

34.For ages/a long time很久,很长一段时间

35.Get along with:进展

36.Get around;避开

37.Get used to习惯于。使适应、38.Use to do:过去常常

39.Go Dutch/split the bill/fifty-fifty/separate the bill各付各的40.Go sightseeing去观光旅游

41.Go/keep on a diet

42.Have a hard/difficult time with sth.43.Have a temperature/fever

44.Have the final say:有决定权

45.Hold up:堵塞i,持枪拦截,举起,拦截

46.In a good/terribly /mood

47.In the long run:长期来看

48.Join in:参与

49.Keep between the two of us:/keep a secret.保守秘密

50.Keep fit保持身体健康

51.Keep in touch with与…保持联系

52.Knock it off/1.少来这一套 2.停止 3.停下 4.住手!不要吵 5.少来了

53.Lay off/fire解雇

54.Let out:放走,泄露

55.Look for a needle in a haystack:大海捞针

56.Make a hit:获得成功

57.Make ends meet:使收支相抵

58.Make sense:有意义

59.Make up;补偿,化妆,补考

60.Meet each other half way: make an agreement 相互妥协,各让一步)将就着

61.Move on:/go on/continue/keep on继续

62.Nothing but:只有

63Anything but:绝不

64.Now that:既然

65.On earth:究竟

66.On purposes :有意,故意

67.Out of the world:/wonderful/amazing十全十美的, 极其动人的, 无比优秀的, 无比精彩的68.Pull in;进站,靠岸

69.Pull through:痊愈,恢复健康

70.Put off/delay/

71.Put through:接通电话

72.Reach the bottom of the barrel: use up/run out of用光,用完

73.Resign one’s post:/quit;辞职

74.Ring a bell:听起来很熟

75.Run off复印,打印)逃跑,跑掉

76.Sign up for/join in/register等级

77.Sneak up on sb.头头接近,靠近

78.Take …for granted:相当然地认为

79.Take one’s time;从容不迫

80.Take one’s word:./believe in sb./trust sb.信任某人

81.The reverse is also true:反之亦然

82.Tie up with/busy with对…很忙

83.Tired of/get bored of对…厌烦

84.Under the weather:身体不舒服

85.Well-off/rich people富人

86.White elephant:无价值的东西,废物

口译常用短语 篇7

中国国际旅行社 China International Travel Service 旅游管理局

tourist administration bureau 旅行社

travel service/agency 旅游公司 tourism company 春/秋游

spring/autumn outing 假日旅行 vocation tour 自然景观 natural scenery/attraction

人文景观 places of historic figures and cultural heritage 名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites 佛教名山 famous Buddhist mountains 五岳

the five great mountains 避暑山庄 resort, mountain resort 度假胜地 summer resort 自然保护区 nature reserve 国家公园

national park 旅游景点

tourist attraction 古建筑群 ancient architectural complex 园林建筑 garden architectural 山水风光 scenery with mountains and river 诱人景色 inviting views 湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills 青山绿水 green hills and clear waters 景色如画 pictures views 石舫

stone pond 水榭

waterside house 莲花池 lotus pond


traditional Chinese painting 山水/水墨画 landscape /ink painting 手工艺品

artifact 联合国科教文组织 United Nations Educational ,Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)


World Tourism Organization 登机牌

boarding pass 办理登机手续

check in 候机室

departure lounge 航班号

flight number 行李牌

handbag tag 旅行指南 itinerary 旅行路线



GNP gross national product 国内生产总值

GDP gross domestic product First tier 一线城市 Pillar 支柱,栋梁 Outbound 出境游 Inbound 入境游

Double-digit growth 双位数的增幅 Tourism Commission(TC)香港旅游事务所 World-class 世界顶级的

Hong Kong Tourism Board(HKTB)香港旅游发展局 Guard against


Nomadic tribes from the north 北方游牧民族 Beacon-fire tower 烽火台 Spaced at equal distances 均匀分布 Reign 统治时期

Threw oneself into the sea 投海自尽 Leading tourism country 旅游大国

Tourism operation and management 旅游经营管理上 Tourism revenue 旅游业收入

Image of an international metropolis 国际化大都市形象

Improve and renovate the existing facilities 改进和修缮现有的公共设施

Face a financial loss 亏损

Increased awareness of 提高了知名度

Hardly known to the outside world 鲜为人知 Four ancient civilizations 四大文明古国 Cultural waves 文化潮流


annual average growth ,average…increase annually 带动


战略提升期 strategic period for upgrading 面对

be faced with


opportunities and challenges 小康社会

well-off society 扩大内需

expand domestic demand 拉动投资

attract investment 带动脱贫

helping shake of the poverty 城镇化建设

urbanization development 综合发挥

give full play 好客的文化

hospitality culture

International Business 进出口贸易总额 total import and export trade volume 发展潜力

potential for development 经济互补

economically complementary 富有成果的会谈

fruitful discussions 互利共赢

mutual benefit and win-win outcome 自由贸易区 free trade area(FTA)贸易伙伴

trading partner 外国直接投资 foreign direct investment(FDI)管理经验

managerial expertise 势头

momentum 亚太地区

Asia-Pacific region 《财富》全球论坛

Fortune Global Forum 时代华纳集团

Time Warner Inc.经济全球化

economic globalization 前景

prospects 互相依存

interdependence 外资企业

foreign-funded enterprises 研发中心

research an develop center(R&D center)技术升级

technological upgrading 中国人民政治协商会议

Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)香港特别行政区行政长官

Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR)中国的南大门

the southern gateway to China 珠江三角洲

the Pearl River Delta(the PRD)珠江三角

the Pan-Pearl River Delta(香港)立法会

Legislative Council(LegCo)物流

logistics 八国工业集团

G Eight(Group of Eight)欧盟

EU(European Union)研讨会

symposium 区域内贸易

intra-regional trade 谅解备忘录

Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)贵宾

distinguished guests 中国改革开放的试验田

the pioneer of China’s reform and opening-up 最活跃的地区

the most dynamic region 累计吸收外资

total foreign investment attracted 国外直接投资的热土

a magnet for Foreign Direct Investment 直接投资项目

direct investment projects 实际投资金额

actual investment amounting 代表处

representative offices 双向投资

two-way investment 优秀企业

well-performing enterprises 生产和销售网络

production and sales network 2005港澳——加拿大经济技术贸易合作交流会

Hong Kong-Guangdong-Canadian Business Forum 2005 盛会

grand event 中国的腾飞

the rise of China 有着

enjoy 丰富的资源

rich resources 发达的经济

developed economy 先进的技术

advanced technology 众多的人口

large population 巨大的市场

huge market 巨大的发展潜力

tremendous potential for development 长期稳定的经贸关系

a long-term and stable business cooperation 符合serve 根本利益

fundamental interests 总理

Prime Minister 达成广泛共识

reach broad agreement 加快

accelerate 最大外资来源地

the top source of FDI 带来巨大实惠

delivery enormous tangible benefits 促进世界经济增长

boost economic growth across the world 廉价物美的产品

products of good quality and low prices 缓解通胀压力

alleviate the inflation pressure 资金



instilled vitality into 摩托罗拉

Motorola 康柏笔记本

Compaq laptops 星巴克

through常用的短语 篇8

At the opening plenary of the BFA Annual Conference 2016, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang called for a dialogue among Asian civilizations and welcomed every country and region to participate. “The more challenging the task of development is in the region, the more imperative it is for us to join hands, build on our traditional friendship and pool our collective wisdom, so as to carry forward the Asian Consensus and achieve our common pursuit for development,” he noted in his speech.

When addressing the Dialogue of Asian Civilizations, Jiang Jianguo, minister of the State Council Information Office, stressed that promoting dialogue and communication in mutual learning is a major undertaking for Asian civilizations. He also called for the strengthening of communication among youth in Asia to consoli- date the foundations of friendship.

As per China’s suggestions regarding this issue, Jiang made three proposals: establish a routine mechanism for the dialogue of Asian civilizations, shape diversified channels to create an environment for this dialogue to take place, and broaden the dialogue to multiple platforms.

Other guest speakers showed their agreement and remarked that equality and mutual respect are important for the cohesion of the greater Asian civilization, which consists of various sub-level civilizations in different countries. They also said that economic difficulties and security concerns are still pressing issues faced by most countries in Asia, and called for cooperation between all countries in Asia to achieve everlasting peace and prosperity in the region.

At the Dialogue of Asian Civilizations, Shaukat Aziz, former prime minister of Pakistan, highlighted the cooperation opportunities the Belt and Road Initiative had brought to his country and to regions along the routes. He added that trade and investment should also be enhanced via local mechanisms including the As- sociation of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Ahmad Jalali, ambassador and permanent representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to UNESCO, remarked that communication between civilizations is based on listening rather than debating, and that dialogue between civilizations isn’t political negotiation. It’s not about trying to persuade or defeat others. He added that doctrines of Confucianism, Taoism, and Islam all stress mutual learning and promoting communication by listening to each other.

Justin Lin Yifu, professor and honorary dean of the National School of Development at Peking University, pointed out that dialogue between two different civilizations is not one side wagging a finger at the other, but both seeking commonalities while maintaining their uniqueness, thus making contributions to world peace.

上一篇:初一新学期家长寄语下一篇:继承儒学文化 弘扬民族文化