
2025-03-12 版权声明 我要投稿


高一下化学教案 篇1











本章内容的知识网络图。这是学生学习的第一个金属元素族,关键是熟悉自然族的学习方法。每一族重点掌握代表物质的性质,其他元素的性质可以利用相似性和递变性的规律加以掌握。培养学生良好的学习习惯是很重要的。形成知识结构的网络可以把分散的内容统一起来。为以后学习典型的非金属元素族 卤族铺平道路,使得元素周期表和元素周期律的学习“水到渠成”。













接着指导学生阅读课本第36页[表 2—l],碱金属的主要物理物质并加以总结。①色状:银白色金属(铯略带金色光泽)②柔软、密度小,熔点低 ③有较强的导电导热性。














浦东中学是一所历史文化底蕴深厚的学校,我在化学课上选择性地穿插一点校史,学生颇感意外的同时,也会对学生有很强的感染力和吸引力。比如1945年毛泽东与浦东中学第一任校长黄炎培作了一次关于“历史周期律” 的著名谈话。毛泽东说:“我们已经找到了新路,我们能跳出这‘周期律’。这条新路,就是民主”。这时,我就问:“同学们,你们认为我们能跳出这历史的‘周期律’吗?”










高一下化学教案 篇2


实施新课改, 要重视激发学生的学习积极性。古人云:“亲其师, 则信其道, 乐其学。”师生之间只有建立起和谐、良好的关系, 才会产生良好的课堂氛围;只有学生喜爱老师, 才会自觉地遵守纪律, 主动地去学习。著名教育心理学家皮尔逊说过:“为了得到老师的爱, 学生可以去做各种老师喜爱的事, 甚至去学习他最不感兴趣的科目。”这句话有力地证明了良好的师生关系对学生的学习有着很强的推动作用。

二、认真解读新课标和新教材, 把握好教材内涵

作为化学教师, 首先, 在教学中要善于发现知识间的逻辑联系, 通过一定方式来整合知识;其次, 要循序渐进, 根据学生的知识基础和接受能力来有效地处理教材;再次, 在备课时, 一定要严格对照《普通高中化学课程标准》, 明确哪些知识该讲, 哪些不该讲, 讲到何种深度, 不随意拓展教学内容, 加深教学的难度。

此外, 化学教师还要充分应用新课程教材资源, 挖掘教材内涵, 巧妙设计能引发学生强烈学习兴趣和求知欲的问题, 以激发学生的学习动机。在教学中, 教师应当注重以科学探究作为“课程改革的突破口”, 改变课程实施过程中过于强调死记硬背、机械训练的现状, 倡导学生主动参与, 乐于探究, 勤于动手, 培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力以及交流与合作的能力。

三、加强学法指导, 提高学习潜能

新课程的学习方法与以往的要求有所不同, 为了使学生学习好新教材, 教师要注意学习方法的指导。 (1) 从预习、听课、提问、观察、实验、练习、作业等多个方面对学生进行指导, 使他们有明确的学习方向和目标, 并朝着这个方向不断努力。 (2) 引导学生进行自我反省。在教学中, 化学教师可以引导和要求学生及时对自己的学习过程和学习行为进行反思和总结。比如, 教师可以让每位学生都准备一个“错题集”, 记下平时练习或者测试及考试中的错题, 并要求他们分析错误原因, 改正过来, 经常拿出来看看。学生每天对自己的学习活动进行回顾与反思, 及时纠正自己学习中的问题, 就能形成良好的学习习惯与学习能力。 (3) 知识建构要网络化、类比化, 提高记忆效率。化学知识是零散的, 只有多整理建构有效的网络, 才能使知识活化为自己的内存, 而且记忆更加牢固。类比不但可以在知识系统内部进行, 还可以将许多化学知识与其他知识如数学知识、物理知识、哲学知识、生活常识等进行类比, 常能起到点化疑难、开拓思路的作用。 (4) 知识联系社会, 提高解决问题的效率。首先要重视实验现象、方法、装置、原理等知识的积累;其次要求学生注意观察生活中的各种现象, 并争取用学到的知识予以初步解释;再次提倡学生通过课外书、电视、科教电影的观看来学习、应用。


应用多媒体教学可扩大课堂教学容量, 使课堂内容丰富起来, 而且教学手段多样化, 能显著提高课堂效率, 调动学生主动学习的积极性。例如, 讲高一化学教材中的“离子反应”时, 可用多媒体演示: (1) 干燥的NaCl固体、NaOH固体、磷酸固体 (不能导电) ; (2) 蔗糖固体、蔗糖溶液、无水酒精、酒精溶液、蒸馏水 (不能导电) ; (3) 石墨、铜 (能导电) ; (4) 盐酸溶液、硫酸溶液、NaOH溶液、NaCl溶液、K2SO4溶液 (能导电) 的导电性实验, 使学生清楚地看到实验现象。然后提出问题, 让学生思考发生以上现象的原因。接着演示NaCl固体在通电前后离子的运动情况, 以及NaCl溶液在通电前后离子的运动情况, 使学生得出NaCl溶液导电的根本原因是溶液中自由离子作定向移动, 再指出在熔融状态下NaCl也能导电。这时, 我们就很自然地就得出电解质的概念, 而且学生比较容易掌握电解质这个概念。

信息技术背景下的高一化学教学 篇3






















高一下化学教案 篇4

Teaching procedures:

Period 1. Warming up, listening and speaking

New words: mystery, mysterious, footprint, ladder scary, dormitory

Teaching process:

Step 1:leading and lead-in

T: Morning class!

Ss: Morning, Miss Liang, (zhang)

T: What do you like doing in your spare time?

Ss: Playing computer games, seeing a film, watching TV/play?

T: Where do you watch a play?

S1: At the theatre.

T: What do e call the person who writes a play?

S: A playwright.

T: Do you like to be a playwright?

S2: Yes.

T: A playwright must be good at making up stories, is that so?

Ss: Yes.

T: Do you like making up a story?

S3: Yes, I do.

T: If you want to make up a story, what will you tell others?

S4: Who are the hero and heroine.

T: Yeah, so you mean the main character. Anything else?

S5: When and where does the story take place.

T: Good, time and place belong to the setting. Others?

S6: Why does the story happen?

T: You’re right. And the last point is the most attractive. So do you know what it is?

S7: How does the story come about?

T: Yeah, clever! This is about the plot, ××, why do you think plot is the most attractive?

S8: Exciting and interesting.

T: What’s your opinion?

S9: Mysterious.

T: Great, so if you want to be a good story teller, your story should include who--character, when, where--setting, why, how--plot. Besides, the plot ought to be mysterious. Would you please turn to page 15, look at these three pictures and use them to write a good story. You can work in group of four.

T: What can you see in picture1? Can you guess what the old man told the two to do?

What do the two young meet? What happened at last?

Step 2: Warming-up

T: Who will be willing to share your story? ××, will you have a try?

S10: ……

S11: ……

S12: ……

T: which group give us the best story? Why?

S13: ××’s group, because the story made up by them is mysterious.

T: I do agree. If you want to solve the mystery, what is the most important the to you?

S14: Clues.

T: Clues are important, especially to policemen and detectives.

Step 3: Listening

T: So let’s listen to the tape. Try to find out the mysteries and the clues.

T: Listen again and finish the exercises.

1. What is missing? (B)

A. A necklace and some money

B. A necklace and a cellphone

C. A necklace and a wallet

2. What did they find? (A)

A. footprints B. shoe prints C. fingerprints D. A shoe

1. What did John and Mary discover? (D)

A. The door is open B. The window is broken

C. The door is broken D. The window is open

2. What did John and Mary find on the floor? (C)

A. A shoe B. A key C. Some hair D. Broken glass

1.What did John and Mary find in the garden?

A. A ladder B. A banana peel C. A knife D. A necklace

2. Can you solve the mystery?

……….It’s monkey.

T: Suppose you’re the detective, a report from cow is going to interiors you. Could you show us the dialogue?

Ss: Well done. It seems that you’re not only good at telling stories but also excellent Performa. Just now we’ve mentioned that a playwright must be a good story teller. A play also indwells who, when, where, why .But is there anything difference between the story and play?

S15: Play is in the form of dialogue, but story is not.

T: Yes, story is usually narrated. Play has something with dialogue and also has several scenes.

Step 4: Speaking

T: Cat’s move to speaking on page16, first, we’ll have a look at situations. Find out who, when, where or ever why, how.

Character: three pieces

Time: dark night in April

Place: in the mountain


S17: Character: Four classmates


Place: in the dormitory

S18: Character: Four students


Place: on the way to school.

T: Adorning to the situations and the information given above, four in one group, try to create a short play. It can be more than one scene if necessary. Then act it out.

Step 5: homework

T: Time is up. So this is as your homework. Tomorrow we will hold a competition and see who will be the best playwright, who will be the best cotter and actress.

Period 2 Reading

The necklace

New words: Jeanne Mathilde Loisel, recognise, surely, diamond, explain. Pierre, ball, jewellery, franc, continue, call, lovely, being back, day and night, pay off, debt, precious, at most.

Teaching Process

Step1: Check the homework and lead-in

T: Yesterday, I asked you to create a play, would you please share your play with us?

Ss: ……

T: Well done. ××, what do you think of the role you’re played.

S1: ……

T: Next group.

Ss: ……

T: Great. The whole clan, what kind of play do you like: funny plays, serious plays or sad plays?

Ss: ……

T: Yes, I think so. Last chance, who will catch the last chance?

Ss: ……

T: Wonderful! ××, which script is the best one?

S2: I think ……

T: Who is the best actor and actress in your opinion?

Ss: ……

T: You think ×× and ×× performed really well. The same goes for me. And it seems that you know a lot about plays. Do you know any play in and out of China? Who is the playwright?

Ss: ……

T: Today, we are going to read a story written by Maupassant. Who was Maupassant? Was he an English writer or a French writer?

S3: A French writer.

T: Yes. He was a famous French short-story write in the 19th century-born in 1850 and died in 1893. Most of his works were about the everyday life of the simple people. His style was direct and simple with attention is realistic detail. All these can be seen from the story we are going to learn. What’s the title?

Ss: The Necklace.

T: Can you guess why the playwright chose. The Necklace as title?

S4: The play must talk about it.

T: I’m sure you will get a better understanding after reading it. Anyhow, let me introduce you the characters.

Pierre Loisel: a government worker (P)

Mathilde Loisel: P’s wife (M)

Jeanne: M’s good friend (J)

But ten years later, J couldn’t recognize her good friend M, why?

Please read the story quickly and see if you can tell me why.

Ss: She looked much older.

Step 2: Reading

T: Why did M look older than her age? What had happened to the couple? Let’s read the play carefully and then I’ll give you some information about it.

1. One day J was sitting at home and M went to see her. (F)

T: Where did they meet each other?

S4: In a park.

2. J didn’t recognize M because she was ill. (F)

T: Why did she look older than her age? What kind of life did she live?

S5: She looked older than her age because of ten years of hard work. Times were hard for M-Years of hard work, very little food, only a small cold room to live in and never, never a moment’s rest.

3. M married a man with a lot of money. (F)

T: Where did M’s husband work?

S6: He worked in a government office.

4. Ten years ago, the couple were invited to an important meeting.(F)

T: What were they invited to do?

S7: They were invited to a ball.

T: Did they accept the incitation? Why?

S8: Yes, they did. Because P was the only person in his office who was invited.

5. M didn’t think they could go because she had no evening dress or jewellery. (T)

6. P decided to buy some jewellery for his wife. (F)

T: What did he decide to buy for his wife?

S9: An evening dress.

T: How much was it?

S10: Four hundred francs.

T: Why did he decide to spend so much money on an evening dress?

S11: After all, the ball was very important.

7. At last, M decided to go to the ball with a flower. (F)

T: Why couldn’t she do that?

S12: Everybody else would be wearing jewellery. She couldn’t be the only woman who wasn’t wearing jewellery.

8. M would go to see J on Friday. (T)

T: Why did she want to see J on Friday after she got a new dress?

S13: Because J married a man with a lot of money. She could lend M some jewellery.

9. M called J and asked if she could borrow some jewellery. (F)

T: Was J kind?

S14: Yes.

T: How do you know?

S15: She brought out all her jewellery and she told M that she could take anything she liked.

T: What kind of necklace did M choose?

S16: She chose a lovely diamond necklace with a big blue store in the center.

10. M looked pretty and happy. (T)

11. M and P have been happy since the ball. (F)

T: What made their life change?

S17: They lost the necklace.

12. M and P bought a new necklace. (T)

T: How can they afford it?

S18: They borrowed the money. During the next ten years they both worked day and night to pay for it. At last, they paid off all their debts.

T: How much did the necklace they bought cost?

S19: It cost them thirty-six thousand francs.

T: Was J’s necklace as precious as this one?

S20: No, it was made of glass. It was worth five hundred francs at most.

Step 3: Task

1. If only M and P had found the necklace.

Can you imagine what happened when they returned to the ball and tried to find the necklace?

2. What would M do after she returned home from the park. Would she tell her about the real story? What would P say?

So would you please work with your group members, choose one of them and write a short play, then act it out.

* Post reading for reference.

Sample of task 2

M=Mathilde P=Pierre

M: You’ll never guess whom I met today in the park.

P: Oh, was it some important?

M: Why , yes, you could certainly say that. (looking at him.) I met Jeanne.

P: No, you don’t say!

M: Yes, she was sitting there when I walked by but she didn’t know it was me.

P: How could she forget? ( He sees his wife putting her hands to her face.) Oh, I’m sorry.

M: That’s all right. Anyway, we both know I did it to myself.

P: Did what, dear?

M: Made a fool of myself. I simply to be the lowest lady at the ball and look what it cost me -and you, I’m sorry.

P: Forget it, dear. What’s past is past. You mustn’t keep blaming yourself.

M: But you don’t know the worst part. Oh, I still can’t believe it! She told me that the diamond necklace wasn’t real!

P: What do you mean?

M: It wasn’t real. I was only worth a few hundred francs.

P: Oh, my goodness! And we worked so hard to pay for that necklace. Our whole life. But as least we did the right thing. We must forget about the past. At least we still have each other.

M: (not listening.) And to think she gets to keep the necklace now! (She shakes her head many times.)

P: Forget the necklace. It can only bring you as much as trouble as the old one.

Step 4: Homework

I’m for know a lot about M, P and J. Can you use one adj to describe each of them?

M: Pretty, vain.


J: Vain, honest.

1.Rewrite the whole play in the time order. From boring the necklace. Losing the necklace looking for necklace, returning the necklace to knowing the tooth. Then act it out.

II. Discursion

1. Why did M have to borrow a necklace from Jeanne?

If you’re M, will you wear the flower instead?

2. What would Jeanne do after she met M in the park? Would that change M and P’s life?

3. Why did the another chose “The necklace” as title?

4. What do you think of M’s life? In your opinion, what made her life like that?

Period 3

Step 1. Check the homework

T: Today, we’ll go on to talk about=The necklace. What quarters did M, J and P have?

Ss: ……

T: So let’s have some discussion. I’m sure you can have better understanding of M, J and P, the title, or even the society after discussion.

1. Why did M have to borrow a necklace from Jeanne? If you’re M, will you wear the flower instead? Why or why not?

2. What would J do after she met M in the park? Would that change M’s life again?

3. Would M’s life be happy again? What do you think M’s life? In your opinion, what made M’s life miserable?

Step 2: Act out the play

T: You know better about M, J and P, and I asked you to retort the whole play, I have faith in you and you can do well. Any volunteer to have a performance?

Ss: ……

Step 3: Comment on the play

T: Which group give us the best performance? Which group has the best script? Who is the best actor? Who is the best actress?

Ss: ……

T: How to create a successful play?

Step 4: Homework

T: 1. I’m afraid time’s up, let’s leave it until tomorrow. Think over how to create a successful play? You can have a look at learning to act on page 86, it will help you. So will integrating skills on page 20.

2. Tomorrow we will have the programme “the life of Art”. One acts as Mr. ZhuJun. ×× and ×× are the best actor and actress we’ve chosen, so they will invited to the programme as distinguished guest. Others are the audience live. The main topic is “How do you two become famous actor and actress.”

Period 4

Step 1. Greeting and lead-in

T: Morning class. It’s time for us to entertain ourselves. The like of Art will begin soon. Who will be Zhujun? You can begin like this________ Hello, everybody, I’m your old friend Zhujun. Welcom to …… our programme______The life of Art. Today we’re lucky enough to invite the best acter and actress ×× and ××. Welcome! ……

S1: ……

S2 &S3:

Ss: ……

Step 2: Presentation (Fast reading)

T: Wonderful! They talked a lot about how to act well, how to be a successful performer. Do you want to know more?

Ss: Yes.

T: So let’s turn to page 86 skills “learning to act”. Look through the whole passage and find out: What is the first thing an actor or actress should do?

Ss: The first thing an actor must have is the desire to become an actor and the belief that he or she can act well.

Step 3: careful reading

T: Self-confidence, self-determination are of great important. But many skills need learning. Read carefully and tell me how do actors prepare for a performance besides self-confidence.

I. Learning how to act

1. The teacher asks students to image that they are a certain thing, close their eyes, concentrate on the object they have chosen and use their both to show their feelings.

2. The teacher may also ask student to think about a general topic and list situation or actions that belong to the topic.

eg: If the topic is friendship, students may list “a handshake”, “laughter”, “meeting” and so on.

II. trust each other and communicate

eg: one stud it may close his or her eyes and have another student lead him or her around.

III. learn the lines of the play, how to move, where to stand or walk and what expressions to us.

IV. understand the character they pay.

1. from appearance

2. from quality and character.


Remember lives

speak clearly

understanding feelings

Team work On stage

Remember what to say

Speak to the audience

Playing a character

Act together with other actor In real life

Study, take exams

Give a speech, read poetry

Understanding our selves and our friends

Study together, work together

Step 4: Reading and writing (page 20)

T: The actors themselves are the most important. But if an actor wants to perfume successfully, what else will be needed?

Ss: A good director.

A good script.

T: Yeah, a good script plays an important in a successful play. So let’s learn to write and perform a short play. Would you please turn to page 21, and read the tips together?

Ss: ……

Step 5: listening

T: So I’d like you to listen to the tape, follow it and finish exercises on page 21.

1. The teacher says that TV shows and computer games are a bit like plays. Can you think of more similarities? What are the differences?

2. The text above has several roles in it --the teacher and the students. What other “roles” in real life can you think of? Do you “act” in different ways when you’re a “student” and when you are a “son or daughter” or a friend?

3. Life is like theatre, and theatre is like life. Do you agree? Compare life and theatre and try to think of similarities and differences.

Step 6: homework

1. Find out five beautiful sentences in this unit.

高一化学下学期教学工作计划 篇5















高一化学下学期教学工作计划 篇6

三、课堂、课后有分别 不管是难度和广度的调节,还是学习方法的指导,主要通过课堂教学来完成,教师的教法直接影响学生的学法,课堂教学是完成教学中心任务的主战场,是减轻学生负担、提高学生学习效率的主渠道,所以提高课堂效率也就显得尤为重要,教学工作计划《高一化学下学期教学工作计划》。在备课时坚持启发性和因材施教的原则,根据化学学科的待点,联系生活,从各方面激发学生的学习兴趣,有时候适当利用课件加强教学直观性。注重课堂的节奏、容量大小,充分发挥教师语言的特点,形成以教师为主导,以学生为主体的教学模式,课后对不同的学生采取培优补差的方式。

四、积极抓好日常的教学工作程序,使教学工作有效开展 按照学校的要求,我积极认真地做好课前的备课资料的搜集工作,按时按量的布置了学生作业,全批全改,发现问题及时解决,及时在班上评讲,及时反馈。

高一化学学习的小窍门 篇7

第一步, 明晰初中化学知识与高一化学知识的联系是基础。

第二步, 建构高一化学知识体系是重点。

第三步, 掌握科学的学习方法是关键。

1.抓住化学基本概念与原理, 明晰知识节点, 建构知识网络。化学概念与原理都是抽象概括的知识, 是比较难理解和不易掌握的, 才是化学知识的重要组成部分, 在化学体系中它们充当着知识网络中的“节点”。这部分知识的学习方法是理解概念的核心内涵, 理清概念间的相互联系, 透析基本原理的实质。

2.以化学基本概念和原理作为指导, 重视实验, 掌握元素化合物的知识。

(1) 将各章内、各章间知识点横向比较、纵向联系, 联线结网。

高一化学按教材顺序, 以第五章为界, 碱金属、卤素的学习是将元素性质的理解向原子结构、元素性质递变规律的方向归纳;而氧族、碳族的学习, 是用元素周期表的理论知识指导各主族具体的元素性质学习。掌握“结构———位置———性质”的关系是重点。

(2) 要以元素性质为核心, 掌握“相似性”、“递变性”的同时注意“特殊性”, 再跟物质的用途、存在、制法密切联系。

(3) 重视教师演示和学生分组实验的实验原理、设计、操作, 重视实验习题探讨与处理, 加强定量实验的误差分析。

(4) 元素化合物学习要尽可能紧密地联系社会、联系实际。

3.掌握基本概念 (物质的量、阿伏伽德罗常数、摩尔质量、物质的量浓度、气体摩尔体积) 的内容及概念间的联系;理解重要定律 (阿伏伽德罗定律及其推论) 的内容是增强计算能力的基础。同时还要学习例题的解题方法, 规范化学用语及解题格式;总结不同题型的解题规律;进行一题多解的训练;纠正每一道错题。

高一下化学教案 篇8

关键词:思维导图 化学教学 化学学习 应用

中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2013)04(c)-0118-01


如何解决这些问题呢?基于思维导图的学习过程很好地体现了建构主义学习理论的理念和灵活交互的特征。本人针对以上学生在化学学习中的问题,在教学中适时的引入思维导图的教学方法会收到不错的效果。同学们参与教与学的热情高涨,重新点燃了学习化学的激情,也体现了新课改中“自主、合作、探究”的理念。“思维导图(Mind Mapping)”是英国著名脑思维学者、堪称世界记忆之父的东尼·博赞(Tony Buzan)在20世纪70年代初期创立的一种新型笔记方法,它以放射性思考为基础,是一个简单、高效、放射性、形象化的思维工具。 运用思维导图在教学时主要从以下几个方面进行了尝试。

1 运用思维导图预习,提高预习效果



2 运用思维导图记笔记,提高听课的效率




3 运用思维导图进行总结,提高综合能力











