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英语新闻中英对照 篇1

Shopping Season



By Brad Tuttle | @bradrtuttle | November 25, 2011 | 5

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作者:布拉德。塔特|@bradrtuttle| 2011年11月25日

Smartphones—and therefore, deals—are everywhere this holiday season.This means that shoppers should have an especially easy time getting the best price on gifts.Then again, it also means that retailers have an especially easy time reaching consumers and tempting them into making purchases.利用智能手机购物和团购的买卖正充斥着整个假期。这就意味着买方要能便捷地购得物美价廉的商品;而商家则要便捷地吸引顾客,并且和他们做成交易。

A New York Times story focuses on how all sorts of retailers—online and brick-and-mortar alike—are embracing mobile deals lately.On Black Friday especially, everybody from Best Buy to HSN, Amazon to Nordstrom, is expected to offer special mobile-only deals meant to appeal to shoppers, no matter if they’re lying on the couch at home, at work in an office cubicle, or waiting on lines inside physical stores at the mall.《纽约时报》最近刊发了一篇聚焦网店和实体店关于手机买卖的报道。尤其是在感恩节这天,所有从百思买到HSN,从亚马逊到诺德斯特姆的商家不论是躺在沙发上的还是呆在家里的,抑或是在办公室或是守在实体店里的,都盼望着消费者往自己的店里跑。

One reason the primarily brick-and-mortar stores are pushing mobile deals is because of the popularity of helpful shopping and price-comparison apps like those rounded up by Techland.These apps, which allow shoppers to scan items and check prices at a wide range of retailers, were already popular among consumers last holiday season, and it’s expected that more and more shoppers will be using them to ensure they’re getting good deals.Techland研制出了一种价格对比应用程序很受人们欢迎,而这也成了原来的那些实体店推出用手机购物的一大推动力。这些价格对比应用程序可以使消费者浏览很多商家的商品


Reuters reports how stores like Lowes are arming employees with smartphones of their own, to help workers make sales before a shopper leaves empty-handed:


When shoppers are in Lowes stores scanning bar codes with their phones, reading product reviews and checking prices, employees can engage them better using iPhones to track down similar information.当顾客在洛斯商店用手机浏览商品条纹码、阅读商品评论和核对价格的时候,店员们可以用iphone随时跟进了解相关商品信息。

Staff can also check quickly if products are in stock or if items are available on Lowes’ website or another store nearby, and can often match or beat a price a consumer finds elsewhere via a smart phone.店员们还可以快速核对商品库存是否有货,核实洛斯的网站是否有条款,或者是否可从临近的商店里获得;店员们甚至还可以利用智能手机跟进商品报价,及时调整商品价格。

Not only do brick-and-mortar stores have to compete on pricing with the likes of Amazon, they’re also facing competition from daily deal vendors such as Groupon and LivingSocial.The annual holiday survey from Discover shows that consumers are increasingly comfortable with the idea of giving gifts purchased via daily deals:


When asked if they would buy a gift through a group-buying site, more than half, 55 percent, of consumers gave a jolly nod to the idea, up from 22 percent who said the same last year.In 2010, just 6 percent of those surveyed said they had purchased a gift through a group-buying site, which more than tripled in 2011 to 20 percent.当被问及是否愿意通过团购网站购买商品时,相比去年22%的顾客数目而言,今年更有超过55%的顾客会高兴地表示赞同。2010年,仅有6%的受访者通过团购买过东西,到2011年,这个数字已是去年的三倍,达到了20%。

Increasingly, flash deal and group-buying sites aren’t conceding the idea that Black Friday craze is and will always be a primarily brick-and-mortar experience.The Times notes that the Gilt Groupe is going to offer mobile-exclusive deals on Friday, November

25, starting at 6 a.m.—about the same time that many shoppers will be elbowing for sale merchandise at malls.Normally, Gilt’s flash deals are available beginning at noon daily.渐渐地,flash deal和团购网站已经不承认感恩节的购物热是专属于实体店的了。《时代周刊》撰文写道Gilt Groupe(限时团购商)正准备推出感恩节手机专享购物活动,从顾客一般去商城购物的时间——六点开始。通常情况下,Gilt’s flash deals则在每天中午时分开始限时团购。

The Associated Press, meanwhile, reports that LivingSocial will offer a slew of national deals starting on Black Friday, and more becoming available on Cyber Monday.The deals include one-year magazine subscriptions for $5(normally $12)and discounts of 50% or more off products from the likes of Skechers, Verizon Wireless, and OfficeMax.与此同时,美联社报道说LivingSocial将会在感恩节那天提供很多全国性的团购活动,而且网络星期一那天会有更多。这些团购包括全年的杂志订购,原价12美元,团购仅需5美元。还有很多像斯凯奇、Verizon Wireless通讯公司和OfficeMax这样的商家都会把商品打五折或者更低。

What with all of these options, shoppers can have the surreal experience of browsing the offers and snatching up merchandise from the likes of Amazon, LivingSocial, and Best Buy … all while strolling the aisles of a Walmart.Due to the ubiquity of free-shipping promotions, it’s also quite easy to physically go out shopping, browse goods in person, and make purchases—and never actually have to schlep goods to the register, let alone your home.因为这些购物网站的发展,消费者可以感受一边在沃尔玛商场漫步,一边在用手机购买亚马逊、LivingSocial、和Best Buy等购物网站上的商品那种梦幻般的体验。由于到处都在搞免运费促销活动,实体店购物也是很便捷的,可以一个人选购商品、下单,甚至无须亲自把商品拖到购物车,只要呆在家等待送货上门即可。

Brad Tuttle is a reporter at TIME.Find him on Twitter at @bradrtuttle.You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.布拉德.塔特是《时代周刊》的新闻报道员。你可以到推特上去联系他,也可以到《时代周刊》的Facebook网页或者推特上参与互动。


英语新闻中英对照 篇2


在现代社会中,每个人都或多或少地会受到媒体的影响,媒体不仅会影响人们的思维和行动、社会的文化,而且会影响媒体的载体———语言。新闻英语作为英语的一种变体,有其独有的语言特征和文体特点。克里斯托和大卫(Crystal&Davy)认为新闻英语是多种不同新闻写作特点的综合和混合。新闻最基本的功能是及时地报道新闻事件。因此,张健认为一般来说新闻英语指在新闻报道中使用的具有新闻特征的英语, 符合新闻报道和新闻传播的要求(张健,1994:6)。



在词汇上,新闻英语多使用小词,如用“city”代替“metropo-lis”, 新造词如 :watergate ( 水门事件 );laid-off workers ( 下岗工人),借用语如:“get to first base”意思是“旗开得胜”,套语和陈俗语如:“rain cats and dogs”(瓢泼大雨)。

在语法上, 为了在有限的时间和空间里及时有效地报道有价值的新闻,做到简洁、清晰、信息丰富,记者在报道新闻时多使用前置定语。频繁地使用前置定语并不仅仅是为了满足新闻语体风格的特殊要求, 一些学者认为大量使用前置定语是构成新闻英语文体特征的语法手段之一。另外,在新闻英语中,作者常常会使用被动语态强调动作和事件的结果,尤其是在报道自然或人为的灾难的时候(地震,大洪灾和重大交通事故等)。为了使报道内容形象、生动,报道形式多样、新颖,更吸引读者的注意力,作者在采编新闻时多采用委婉语、拟人、借喻等修辞手法,如有的新闻使用委婉语“social security program”表示“社会保障计划”。



翻译既是一门科学,又是一种技巧,而作为技巧,必然会有一定的理论指导古今中外,某些学者提出过许多翻译理论,其中彼得纽马克是当代英国翻译理论界一位十分重要的人物,他对翻译理论作出重要贡献。在他的《翻译问题探讨》(Ap-proaches to Translation) 一书中 , 他提出了交际 翻译和语 义翻译。交际翻译首先忠于目标语和目标文本读者,即要求源语服从目标语言和文化,不给读者留下任何疑点与晦涩难懂之处;语义翻译则服从源语文化和原作者,翻译源文本的语义,只在源文本的内涵意义构成理解障碍时才加以解释。当信息内容和效果发生矛盾时,交际翻译重效果而不重内容,语义翻译则恰恰相反(谭载喜,2004:213)。

根据纽马克的分类,新闻英语属于信息文本,所以需要以交际翻译理论指导翻译,但是新闻英语中,特别是政治新闻英语中也有许多重要领导人的政治发言, 所以也需要语义翻译理论。在翻译新闻英语时,不能简单地只采用交际翻译或只采用语义翻译,这两种翻译方法是紧密联系、互相影响的。




奥运部分体育项目中英对照 篇3

acrobatic gymnastics技巧运动

athletics/track & field田径

beach volleyball沙滩排球

boat race赛艇

bobsleigh, bobsled雪橇


canoe slalom激流划船






downhill race速降滑雪赛,滑降

dragon-boat racing赛龙船




figure skating花样滑冰

football / soccer足球


gliding; sailplaning滑翔运动


Greece-Roman wrestling古典式摔跤

gymnastic apparatus体操器械




hold, lock揪扭

horizontal bar单杠

hurdles; hurdle race跨栏比赛

huttlecock kicking踢毽子

ice skating滑冰


item Archery箭术



mat exercises垫上运动

modern pentathlon现代五项运动

mountain bike山地车

parallel bars双杠


relative work造型跳伞

relay race; relay接力


roller skating滑旱冰




side horse, pommelled horse鞍马

ski jump跳高滑雪

ski jumping competition跳高滑雪比赛







table tennis乒乓球













walking; walking race竞走

wall bars肋木

water polo水球



winter sports冬季运动



Mens 10m Platform男子10米跳台

Womens Taekwondo Over 67kg女子67公斤级以上跆拳道

Womens Athletics 20km Walk女子20公里竞走

Mens Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard男子3米跳板

Womens Diving 3m Springboard女子3米跳板

英语面试常用短语(中英对照) 篇4


2. secretary (s) : yes, miss lin, mr. zhu is expecting you. go right in.


3.(a): have i the pleasure of speaking to mr.john zhu?


4.(z): yes, i am mr.zhu.miss lin, i have read your letter of application. you don't seem to have any working experience.

(朱):是的,我就是朱先生。林小姐,我已经看过你的 求职信 了。你似乎没有什么工作经验。

5.(a): yes and no. yes,i just left college and i don't have any working experience. however, the rigid training at my college should make up for my lack of working experience.


6.(z): what do you expect for a starting salary?


7.(a): i'll leave that to you,sir. i'm sure you know what is best for me.

(求):由阁下决定好了。我肯定您知道什么对我是最适合的。 ”

8.(z): miss lin, are you married?


9.(a): i can't say i am.i don't even have a steady boy friend.


10.(z):what are your future plans, if you don't mind my asking.


11.(a) :i'm a doer,not a day dreamer.


12.(z):okey, miss lin,we will let you know.


13.(a):thank you,sir for giving me the time.i hope to see you again and soon.


注:1.句1中,“excuse me.”不是做错事的对不起,而是一句开场白。请人家通报你来了,不要用“please tell him i am here。”,这是比较俗气的用法,应该用“would you mind…”来代替“please…”;用“announce”代替“tell”,这是比较高雅的语句。

2.要知道对方是不是某人,不可以用“are you mr.john zhu?”,应用句3。

3. 面试 时,最重要的就是要表现你的机智和应对能力.一般的雇主一定会因为你没有工作经验而给你较少的月薪,此时就像句5,你一方面承认没有工作经验,一方面说明学校的严格训练可以弥补这项不足,藉此让对方知道你是个机智的人。


5.句9.多数雇主都会同是否结婚。“若未婚,不要单用”no“,一个字回答,应说”i can't say i am.“,比较能表现你的风趣和幽默。


英语励志名言中英文对照 篇5


There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits


Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen


That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit——LWAkott


There is no such thing as genius; it is nothing but labour and diligence


Knowledge is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone——Emerson


Real knowledge, like everything else of value, is not to be obtained easily,it must be worked for, studied for, thought for, and more than all, must be prayed for——Thomas Arnold


Knowledge comes from experience alone


Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud


Knowledge is power——Bacon


Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it


Knowledge is the food of the soul——Plato


Knowledge, in truth, is the great sun in the firmament Life and power are scattered with all its beams——Daniel Webster

机械专业英语文章中英文对照 篇6


Numerical control(N/C)is a form of programmable automation in which the processing equipment is controlled by means of numbers, letters, and other symbols, The numbers, letters, and symbols are coded in an appropriate format to define a program of instructions for a particular work part or job.When the job changes, the program of instructions is changed.The capability to change the program is what makes N/C suitable for low-and medium-volume production.It is much easier to write programs than to make major alterations of the processing equipment.There are two basic types of numerically controlled machine tools:point—to—point and continuous—path(also called contouring).Point—to—point machines use unsynchronized motors, with the result that the position of the machining head Can be assured only upon completion of a movement, or while only one motor is running.Machines of this type are principally used for straight—line cuts or for drilling or boring.The N/C system consists of the following components:data input, the tape reader with the control unit, feedback devices, and the metal—cutting machine tool or other type of N/C equipment.Data input, also called “man—to—control link”, may be provided to the machine tool manually, or entirely by automatic means.Manual methods when used as the sole source of input data are restricted to a relatively small number of inputs.Examples of manually operated devices are keyboard dials, pushbuttons, switches, or thumbwheel selectors.These are located on a console near the machine.Dials ale analog devices usually connected to a syn-chro-type resolver or potentiometer.In most cases, pushbuttons, switches, and other similar types of selectors are digital input devices.Manual input requires that the operator set the controls for each operation.It is a slow and tedious process and is seldom justified except in elementary machining applications or in special cases.In practically all cases, information is automatically supplied to the control unit and the machine tool by cards, punched tapes, or by magnetic tape.Eight—channel punched paper tape is the most commonly used form of data input for conventional N/C systems.The coded instructions on the tape consist of sections of punched holes called blocks.Each block represents a machine function, a machining operation, or a combination of the two.The entire N/C program on a tape is made up of an accumulation of these successive data blocks.Programs resulting in long tapes all wound on reels like motion-picture film.Programs on relatively short tapes may be continuously repeated by joining the two ends of the tape to form a loop.Once installed, the tape is used again and again without further handling.In this case, the operator simply loads and1

unloads the parts.Punched tapes ale prepared on type writers with special tape—punching attachments or in tape punching units connected directly to a computer system.Tape production is rarely error-free.Errors may be initially caused by the part programmer, in card punching or compilation, or as a result of physical damage to the tape during handling, etc.Several trial runs are often necessary to remove all errors and produce an acceptable working tape.While the data on the tape is fed automatically, the actual programming steps ale done manually.Before the coded tape may be prepared, the programmer, often working with a planner or a process engineer, must select the appropriate N/C machine tool, determine the kind of material to be machined, calculate the speeds and feeds, and decide upon the type of tooling needed.The dimensions on the part print are closely examined to determine a suitable zero reference point from which to start the program.A program manuscript is then written which gives coded numerical instructions describing the sequence of operations that the machine tool is required to follow to cut the part to the drawing specifications.The control unit receives and stores all coded data until a complete block of information has been accumulated.It then interprets the coded instruction and directs the machine tool through the required motions.The function of the control unit may be better understood by comparing it to the action of a dial telephone, where, as each digit is dialed, it is stored.When the entire number has been dialed, the equipment becomes activated and the call is completed.Silicon photo diodes, located in the tape reader head on the control unit, detect light as it passes through the holes in the moving tape.The light beams are converted to electrical energy, which is amplified to further strengthen the signal.The signals are then sent to registers in the control unit, where actuation signals are relayed to the machine tool drives.Some photoelectric devices are capable of reading at rates up to 1000 characters per second.High reading rates are necessary to maintain continuous machine—tool motion;otherwise dwell marks may be generated by the cutter on the part during contouring operations.The reading device must be capable of reading data blocks at a rate faster than the control system can process the data.A feedback device is a safeguard used on some N/C installations to constantly compensate for errors between the commanded position and the actual location of the moving slides of the machine tool.An N/C machine equipped with this kind of a direct feedback checking device has what is known as a closed-loop system.Positioning control is accomplished by a sensor which, during the actual operation, records the position of the slides and relays this information back to the control unit.Signals thus received ale compared to input signals on the tape, and any discrepancy between them is automatically rectified.In an alternative system, called an open—loop system, the machine is positioned solely by stepping motor drives in response to commands by a controllers.There is one basic type of NC motions.Point-to-point or Positional Control In point-to-point control the machine tool elements(tools, table, etc.)are moved to programmed locations and the machining operations performed

after the motions are completed.The path or speed of movement between locations is unimportant;only the coordinates of the end points of the motions are accurately controlled.This type of control is suitable for drill presses and some boring machines, where drilling, tapping, or boring operations must be performed at various locations on the work piece.Straight-Line or Linear Control Straight-Line control systems are able to move the cutting tool parallel to one of the major axes of the machine tool at a controlled rate suitable for machining.It is normally only possible to move in one direction at a time, so angular cuts on the work piece are not possible, consequently, for milling machines, only rectangular configurations can be machined or for lathes only surfaces parallel or perpendicular to the spindle axis can be machined.This type of controlled motion is often referred to as linear control or a half-axis of control.Machines with this form of control are also capable of point-to-point control.The original N/C used the closed—loop system.Of the two systems, closed and open loop, closed loop is more accurate and, as a consequence, is generally more expensive.Initially, open—loop systems were used almost entirely for light-duty applications because of inherent power limitations previously associated with conventional electric stepping motors.Recent advances in the development of electro hydraulic stepping motors have led to increasingly heavier machine load applications.中文译文














在另一个称为开环的系统中,机床仅由响应控制器命令的步进电动机驱动定位,工件的精度几乎完全取决于丝杠的精度和机床结构的刚度。有几个理由可以说明步进电机是一个自动化申请的非常有用的驱动装置。对于一件事物,它被不连续直流电压脉冲驱使,是来自数传计算机和其他的自动化的非常方便的输出控制系统。当多数是索引或其他的自动化申请所必备者的时候,步进电机对运行一个精确的有角进步也是理想的。因为控制系统不需要监听就提供特定的输出指令而且期待系统适当地反应的公开-环操作造成一个回应环,步进电机是理想的。一些工业的机械手使用高抬腿运步的马乘汽车驾驶员,而且步进电机是有用的在数字受约束的工作母机中。这些申请的大部分是公开-环 ,但是雇用回应环检测受到驱策的成份位置是可能的。环的一个分析者把真实的位置与需要的位置作比较,而且不同是考虑过的错误。那然后驾驶员能发行对步进电机的电脉冲,直到错误被减少对准零位。在这个系统中,没有信息反馈到控制单元的自矫正过程。出现误动作时,控制单元继续发出电脉冲。比如,一台数控铣床的工作台突然过载,阻力矩超过电机转矩时,将没有响应信号送回到控制器。因为,步进电机对载荷变化不敏感,所以许多数控系统设计允许电机停转。然而,尽管有可能损坏机床结构或机械传动系统,也有使用带有特高转矩步进电机的其他系统,此时,电动机有足够能力来应付系统中任何偶然事故。

用C程序生成中英文字幕对照文件 篇7


2 用C程序实现中英文对照文件的生成












3 结束语






英语新闻中英对照 篇8







导语是新闻基本内容的概括,处于新闻开头以引导读者阅读新闻。导语多为一个句子,通常包括新闻五大要素who,what,when,where,why(或 how)。





Norway's prime minister cannot use his new bomb-proof car despite a threat of attack by al Qaeda because Norway's state road authority says it is too heavy,Reuters reported Monday.





The director general of the World Health Organization,Mr.Halfdan Mahler,yesterday predicted that up to 100 million people world-wide may become infected with the AIDS virus in the next four or five years and that by that time it would cost at least$115 billion a year to counteract the disease,when virus may vary as time goes and become harder to control.

世界卫生组织执行长官Halfdan Mahler先生,昨天预言在今后四、五年内全世界将可能有1亿人感染爱滋病;届时,由于爱滋病毒有可能变异,难控制,每年可能需要投入15亿美元来对付它。




Politicians are the least trusted people in Britain,with more faith placed in car salesmen,a survey released on Tuesday revealed.



Trying to pass another car while traveling at high speed brought serious injury to two men last night when their automobile overturned twice on Washington boulevard at Potter Avenue.







