
2024-08-19 版权声明 我要投稿


雅思口语part2话题库 篇1

You should say:

Who he/she is

what he/she did

When you first knew him or her

and why you are interested in him/her




The United States of America is a land of historical events. Besides, the country is also famous for some of its heroic sons. Abraham Lincoln is one of them. I am really glad that I got the opportunity to talk about him for the next few minutes.

I knew about Lincoln from the history class when I was in high school . Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the USA. During his reign, the situations were unusual. The country went under some serious critical moments and the Civil War was one of them. Besides, there were some political and constitutional crises as well. But Lincoln controlled the situations in an efficient manner. It is Abraham Lincoln who abolished the slavery. Before the abolition of this system, racism was at its peak. Lincoln also did some other notable activities. He is the man who also made the federal government system stronger. The modern economy actually started its journey with the association of this President. In fact, many of the facilities we are enjoying today are the gift of this smart man.

Yes, I like him much. He is a historical figure in the history of the USA. He served the country as a great guardian and wanted to improve the existing norms and rules. Accordingly, a good number of changes took place in the country and we are bearing the legacy in the present days. It is really a matter of courage indeed to rule a nation during a bloody war and provide the right directives, working amid internal crisis and more. He also supervised and set strategies during the war so that the losses are minimal. All of his attempts were humane and he dreamt of a modern America. He emancipated the slavery in the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution for the USA. In fact, this the greatest tasks he has ever done and for this reason, a majority of the US citizens like me hail him.

雅思口语题库话题范文之:想认识的人(a person that you want to know more about)

Describe a person that you want to know more about

Who is he or she?

When did you meet this person?

Where have you met?

What did you do?

Why do you want to know more about him or her?

返回查看:口语话题之想认识的人(person that you want to know more about)更多版本范文




I love to meet new people. Today, I would like to talk about a charismatic person I met a year ago.

Last year I was going to Mumbai by train for an official meeting. On the way, a young lady boarded the train from a small railway station. She occupied the seat in front of me. Very soon we started talking about our hobbies, studies and work etc. Her name was Sukriti Singh. She was a second-year student of the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai.

One particular thing which made her quite special was her high confidence level. Normally, girls don’t travel alone in my country. In most cases, they are accompanied by their parents or some other family member. But, since she was on her own, that clearly reflected her boldness.

I found this girl very interesting. Her in-depth knowledge of latest technology and space science made me re-think about my opinion about females. I used to think that Indian women are only interested in fashion. Science is not their cup of tea. But, this meeting was a real mind-changer. She helped open my eyes towards the common attitude of ignorance males have towards females regarding their intelligence. Now, I fully understand that women have the potential to succeed in any field.


An introvert.

An extrovert.

An ambivert.

A misanthrope.

A misogynist.

A misogamist.

An introvert:

A person who always worried about what people might think about him. They follow leave me alone attitude. They always worried about people around them. Do they like it?, did I made any mistakes? and How do I look like?. In reality, people won’t care much. They have enough problems. But still, some people worried about people around them. They turn thoughts inwards and not outwards.

An extrovert:

Its an opposite character of introverts. They sincerely interspersed in others problems. They have habits of ” Let’s solve it together” or “Let’s do it”. In this case, your whole thoughts and your interest are not turned inwards but they all are turned outwards.

An ambivert:

A normal people. Neither introvert nor extrovert. A person with both character. Your character depends on time and situation and opportunities. Most of the people belong to this characters. They follow the characteristic of the society they live. So you could say it is equally inwards and outwards.

A misanthrope:

This kind of people doesn’t like other people. they always say people are good for nothing. They hate everyone. They are not very common, but still, you could see this kind of people around you.

A misogynist:

They are very similar to a misanthrope. They hate people but only women. They say “women are no damn good”. This also not a common character, but still, in your life, you might have an experience with this character. They always complainant about women. They might say they don’t know how to drive or how to manage.

A misogamist:

They don’t like marriage. They always try to avoid marriage. But I don’t think you will find many such people. There are few people who hate marriage and we could say they are misogamist. That’s it.


So if you are planning to attend any English test like IELTS or Toefl and if you want to improve your vocabularies systematically and the more natural way I would recommend one book, that is “Word Power Made Easy”. I have this book. I always read it. It is very helpful. So now you must know the most common vocabularies for describing personality.

雅思口语题库Part2范文之:a favorite sport which you watched(观看体育节目)

Describe a favorite sport which you watched

You should say:

What it is

When you watch it

Who you watch it with

And explain why you like watching it





Cricket is a globally popular sport and is played usually between two teams. I also like the watching very much.

Cricket once was considered as the sport for the rich. But with the change of time, it has become common for all and even the poorest country of the world may have a cricket team of their own. In cricket, usually 11 players are in each of the sides. After tossing, the winning team usually decides to bat first or allows the opposition to bat and continues the sport. The batsmen try to hit the ball and run between the bowling lines to make runs. When the ball reaches the boundary line be getting in touch with the field, it is considered as four runs and if the ball crosses the boundary line from above the head, then it is considered as six runs. The game ends either when the bowling is finished or when the batsmen are made out by the fielding team. When one team is made all out or the bowling times are over, then the other team comes to the batting and tries to make upper score than the previous team. The team who makes highest score turns the winner.

Usually, I prefer to watch the sport on a television but when I get free moments in my college I play cricket with my college friends. I prefer to watch the sports on television as it is easier to watch by sitting on a sofa or chair or sometimes by lying in bed.

I love cricket much. Firstly, this is an international sport and allows several players to participate in it. When cricket is played, all the players including the batsmen and fielders are to run to catch the ball. Their purposes are different but the running makes them fit. It is a kind of great exercise. Besides, when I go to play cricket, we are to participate in various exercises to keep us fit and there is no physical trouble during the matches. Besides, cricket players are globally famous in some cases and more influential comparing the television stars which is another positive impact.

雅思口语题库Part2话题参考范文之:Describe an activity near the sea

Describe an activity near the sea

you should say:

What it is

What you should prepare

And explain how you feel about it






雅思口语part2话题:名人 篇2

You should say:

Who is s/ he?

What is so appealing about him?

What type of leader is he/ she

and explain why do you admire him /her.

I’d like to talk about Steve Jobs. I think he is a very important leader for this time in history. Like many famous leaders in the past he changed the way we see things and do things through his innovation and creativity.

Some people may think he just invented the Apple Mac computer and a phone, but the inventon or device which really changed everything was the iPhone. It made people rethink what a phone could be and should be and as we can now see it has been the catalyst behind much of the smartphone technology and developments since it was first launched. Current smartphone technology now makes online

shopping even easier and accessing any kind of information online which has fundamentally transformed our daily bahavior.

Maybe if he hadn’t launched the iPhone, someone lese would have done something similar evetually, but he had the vision and the creativiuty to do it first and that always makes a difference. I don’t think he planned to become a world influencer or business leader, he simply had a company which innovated something that impacted on the daily lives of many people in a big way.

What qualities do (all or most or many) famous people have in common?

雅思口语part2话题:婚礼 篇3

You should say:

whose wedding it was

who was there

what happened

and explain how you felt.

Today, I’m going to share with you a wedding of my friend that I attended. Last month, I received a wedding invitation from my old friend from primary school. The wedding was held at the beginning of April. We have been close to each other for over 15 years, therefore, I definitely wanted to attend at all costs, due to the fact that we hadn’t had a chance to get together for ages.


Her wedding ceremony took place at The Sum Villa, located near West Lake. It was decorated impressively with a lot of lights, candles and flowers around the room. There were three glamorous wedding photo albums, showing tables right at the center of the official gate. The principal colors were likely to be white and violet, so all the guests were requested to wear clothes with one or both of these colors. Personally, I wore a white dress with small accessories.


It was meant to be a casual wedding, which I had never attended before. It turned out to be refreshingly informal. One of the best moments that really touched me was when the bridegroom sang a song for the bride and all the guests sang along with him. Also, he made a photo clip by himself marking their 4-year romance, to show to everyone in the room. It was no surprise that everyone clapped their hands and cheered them. Of course, I was no exception.


It was also a good chance to catch up with my old friends and we all had a great time. We definitely made the most of the occasion and took a lot of pictures with the bride and the bridegroom. I gave my friend a gift to celebrate her wedding day. I had given much thought to my wedding present when I was choosing it, and I wished her lots of happiness for the future.

雅思口语题库part2话题参考 篇4

Describe an activity near the sea

you should say:

What it is

What you should prepare

And explain how you feel about it


该题目只有一个信息点special cake特殊的蛋糕。拓展方向有两个,一是蛋糕本身真的很特殊。小编上次逛商场的时候就看到一个高半米、城堡造型、工艺无比细致的海洋蛋糕,售价高达5999。也见识过西瓜做的或者冰淇淋做的原材料奇异的蛋糕。大家吃过的话,完全可以朝这方面努力。如果大家像小编一样,吃的蛋糕都比较普通,那么我们还有第二个拓展方向:吃蛋糕的场景比较特殊。比如这是自己吃的第一个蛋糕,这是和女朋友周年纪念日的蛋糕,这是陌生人给的蛋糕等。



The occasion that I had a special cake was two years ago. It was the last few months of my university. I had completed my dissertation and the job I had found did not start yet. So to kill the spare time, my best friend and I decided to have a travel to Tsingtao, a famous tourist city, with yummy seafood and mild climate.


One day, after we finished the tour to the undersea world, it was already 6 o’clock in the afternoon, a time for dinner. We randomly picked a restaurant on the street and ordered some local dishes. Then he said he would go out for a moment to make a phone call, as the restaurant was very noisy. I said ‘fine, I will just wait here’. It was a long wait, and he did not return until the dishes were served. In his hand, I found a cake. That was when I suddenly realized that that day was my birthday and he had not been out to make a phone call, but to look for a cake shop.


It was just a normal cake, with some cream and cereal crisps, and did not have any delicate decorations. But it was the most special and delicious cake I had ever had. We were in a foreign city, exhausted from the trip, but he still remembered my birthday which I had already forgotten. The cake was the symbol of our friendship.

雅思口语题库话题part2高分范文:a place where people listen to music (听音乐的场所)

Describe a place where people listen to music

Where is it?

How do you know this place?

How does it look like?

And explain how do you feel about this place?





I often go to a place called “Mao Live”.

Most of the time punk-rock live shows from local bands are performed there, but sometimes they have world-wide known bands perform there as well. Whenever a famous band comes to play, the place is always jam-packed with people. In case you don’t know, punk-rock music is very rebellious in its style and has a strong sense of individuality. Fans of punk-rock are full of energy and very highly Spirited. These kids know how to party and won’t take ”no” for an answer.

Now that more and more teenagers enjoy punk-rock music and more teens are starting to build their own bands and want to make music as their career, this venue is becoming increasingly popular. They make their own music and need somewhere to perform, and Mao Live has become the best place for those kids to show off their talent.

If you need to chill out after a hard day at work and you need some music to relax yourself, then Mao Live is totally the place that you want to go. People sing and dance together; they make new friends and generally let their hair down. Of course, the music they play there is simply amazing. Sometimes it can be a little loud but that’s the point of punk-rock! It’s got a good atmosphere because everyone who goes there shares the same musical tastes and. sense of style so everyone feels right at home. You can really be yourself.

雅思口语题库话题part2参考范文之:you received something but not pay it

You should say:

When did you have this gift

Where did you have it

What was the gift

How did you feel about it





A couple of months ago I went to the supermarket to buy some seeds, because I wanted to plant a tree in the garden and help with the process of reforesting my hometown. I chose the appropriate tree for my home, a small one with tiny roots and good for the summer, because the space where I will plant it is narrow and very hot.

The lady in the shop told me that the brand had a campaign supporting the care and promotion of home-grown plantations. She was giving away some extra seeds for the purchase of a tree, so she gave me some other seeds as a gift, which I could choose from a long list of possibilities. And I thought that it would be a good idea to accompany the tree with some flowers.

The gift package had fewer seeds than the one I had bought; however, there were enough to plant some beautiful flowers in the garden. I started to read the instructions and put water and the necessary elements for planting as well as making the land fertile to plant the seeds correctly.

I thought that the gift was very useful and complemented my purchase very well, because the flowers I planted grew before the tree, decorating the garden quickly while the tree grew. I decided to plant the flowers around the tree and that was a good decision because finally when both were fully grown, the garden looked very colourful.

This whole process helped me to understand the planting procedure and the care that plants require.

Receiving this gift made me feel good for two reasons: first, because I really like the campaigns which endorse care and consciousness about the environment, promoting reforestation.

All this helps people and encourages them to plant and be more aware of being committed to improving the planet. Second, I was happy with the idea of buying a tree, planting it with some flowers and growing a beautiful garden in my home.

雅思口语part2话题库 篇5


My hometown is Hangzhou, the capital/provincial city and biggest city in Zhejiang province. It’s situated in the lower reaches of Qiantang River, the best position in Yangtz Delta. It has a population of about 5 million, but in recent years, more and more immigrants settle down here. Hangzhou is especially famous/noted for the west lake, which has breath-taking sunrise and sunset.


provincial city


settle down

be noted for


1. Developed/developing city /Booming economy /Abundant job opportunities

2. Places for entertainment/amusement

Pubs, cinemas, theaters, clubs of various themes

3. Make friends with people having different culture backgrounds

Enrich the knowledge

Broaden the horizons

1. Living environment

Fresh air




2. City facilities made for the senior/elderly

Welfare system

Guarantee of retirement life

Advanced medical service


Compared to the past years, my hometown has become more and more polluted and congested. It has paid too much to gain the fast rapid of economic development. In the future, I’d rather live in the countryside with good environment and fresh air. Besides, I can also plant some organic food for the family.




fast rapid of economic development

good environment/fresh air

organic food



I live in Beijing, a typical metropolis with booming economy, a dense population and various places for entertainment. People can choose different life styles here. For instance, the city could be fashionable for the large-scaled shopping malls; it could also be cultural for the ancient buildings and museums.

My hometown is a middle-scaled city with a small population, developing economy and limited places for entertainment. Life of the local people is quite routine. They work, study and enjoy the leisure time. Thanks to the relatively low living cost and peaceful environment, living here is relaxing and less competitive.


1. 地理位置得表达:

A在B的东方/西方/南方/北方,A is/lies/is located/is situated in/on/to the east/west/south/north of B.

A在B内部的某个部位,A is in the eastern/southern/western/northern part of B.

A在B……角落,A is at/in the south-eastern corner of B.


2. 家乡类型的表达方式

An industrial city 工业城市

A coastal city沿海城市

An inland city内陆城市

A tourist city旅游城市

A capital city首都

Metropolis 大都市

3. 家乡交通(需要特别注意,这些范畴,也可能会出现在单独的交通话题中)

基础设施:public transport公共交通; Train火车; plane飞机; bus公交; taxi出租车; subway地铁; ferry渡船; mini-bus面包车。

其他设施:shopping mall购物中心;entertainment places娱乐场所;sport facilities 体育设施;high-rise buildings高楼; skyscraper摩天大厦。

4. 名胜古迹特点表述

Cultural diversity多元文化


Numerous historical sites许多历史遗址

Tourist attractions旅游景点

Pleasant climate宜人的气候

Gorgeous landscape华丽的景观

5. 食物描述

Delicacy 精美的

Snack 小吃





Where is your hometown?

Do you like your hometown?

What is famous about your hometown?

What are the biggest changes in your hometown in the past decade?

雅思口语part2话题库 篇6

Are people watching the American balls game in your country, like the baseball

Do you think that there are too many sports programmes in the TV?

Why do you think many companies use the athletes to advertisement?

Do you think instead of watching sports games, many people are too lazy to do

How you feel about the advertising that use the sports stars




怎样能够听出这些发音的区别呢?一种方法就是对广播或电视节目(如:新闻)录音30秒。 然后自己重述,以此来对比自己的发音与广播电视节目里发音的不同。


当你练习发音时,学习怎样连读尤其困难。当一个单词是以辅音结束而下一个单词是以元音开始的时候,这时两个单词可以连读。 在“jumps over”中,第一个单词的结尾辅音应与下一个单词的元音连读。 例如,“She works in an old office”听起来的发音应该是“She work-si-na-nol-doffice.”













雅思口语part2话题库 篇7

You should say:

what it was

how you made this mistake

when it was

and explain how it affected you.

雅思口语part2话题答案:Describe a mistake you once made.

Describe a mistake that you once made.

You should say:

What the mistake was

When, where you made it

Who was with you

and how the mistake affected you.


Well, I’d like to talk about a small but embarrassing mistake I made a few days ago. Um, I have two friends who were born on the same day, so we usually celebrate their birthday together. One of them is a big foodie, and a huge fan of green tea flavored stuff. And the other girl is a bookworm. She always has her head in all kinds of novels. Anyway, I spent a whole afternoon shopping for their gifts. I bought a whole bag of snacks, like puddings, cupcakes, instant milk tea, and something like that, and of course all of them are green tea flavored. And as for the other gift, I remember the other day, she mentioned that the lamp on her nightstand stopped working, so I thought it would be a good idea to buy her a new one. After that, I went to the customer service center to have them wrapped, but unfortunately they only have one kind of gift wrap left. And the worst part was, the two boxes were about the same size and weight, so it’s a little difficult to tell these two gifts apart.And that actually explains why I made the mistake I mentioned earlier. I sent each gift to the wrong person, and I didn’t realize it until one of them came up to me the next day, asking me why on earth I would buy her a full box of snacks.

So that is the embarrassing mistake I’ve ever made so far, but I guess the service center and I should share the blame for this.








四、改进发音 我的发音标准吗?





1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!

2. You make me sick! 你真让我惭愧!

3. What‘s wrong with you- 你怎么啦-

4. You shouldn‘t have done that! 你真不应该那样做!

5. You‘re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!

6. Don‘t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!

7. Who do you think you are- 你以为你是谁-

8. What‘s your problem- 你怎么回事啊-

9. I hate you! 我很烦(讨厌)你!

10. I don‘t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!

11. You‘re crazy! 你疯了!

12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind- 你疯了吗-(对美国人的专用语)

13. Don‘t bother me. 别烦我。

14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。

15. Get out of my face. 离我远点儿!

16. Leave me alone. 走开。

17. Get lost.滚开!

18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。

19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。

20. It‘s none of your business. 你真让我气愤!

21. What‘s the meaning of this- 这是什么意思-

22. How dare you! 你敢!

23. Cut it out. 省省吧。

24. You stupid jerk! 你太不配合了!

25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。

26. I‘m fed up. 我厌倦了。

27. I can‘t take it anymore. 我受不了了!

28. I‘ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了(你的胡说)。

29. Shut up! 闭嘴!

雅思口语part2话题库 篇8

Establishing a kid’s playground adjacent to a club for grown-up people would not be an easy task. I will need to manage the necessary budget, manpower and financial support to actually do that. I will have to be financially rich and connected with the local authority and political leaders to start the plan I have. Honestly, I have this plan for a very long. When I got admitted in my high school, the realization started popping up in my mind that these are two things that our community is missing although they are very important. I knew that was something pretty tough to achieve, but yet I started fostering this tough plan in my mind.

As I already said, that would be pretty tough as it involves money, space, power, and people’s involvements. There would be lots of obstacles and I would have to face and resolve in order to fulfill the plan I have. The determination and good will along with the prudent decision would be required. If I do not possess a great enthusiasm and strength of mind, it would become almost impossible to achieve it.

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue Cards as well:

Describe a desire you wish to fulfill in future.

Describe something you have planned to do in the future.

Describe a dream you have.

Describe something you want to change about your hometown.

Describe a change you would like to bring in your town.

















三。千万千万不要捂住嘴巴。有些人习惯在思考时托着下巴,又手指遮住了嘴巴,这样会让老外觉得很郁闷的,因为说说口语考试中要的是eye contact,但事实上他们还是很习惯的把眼神停留在你的mouth上的,所以说,女生去考试那天可以稍稍涂点口红,不过切记不要很红的那种,血盆大口是超恐怖的。

个人建议用red earth 或 opera 的淡色唇彩比较好!




六。不要突然提高语调,切记,口语考试不是朗诵比赛,有些人认为在阐述中突然提高语调会加大效果,那么你便错了,试想,考官在面对了无数个考生后已经很昏昏欲睡了,虽然看起来他在听你讲话,说不定自己早在什么day dreaming 了,所以如果你突然提高音调,怎么会不吓着他呢。



