
2024-09-22 版权声明 我要投稿


新目标七年级英语下册1-12单元全套教案 篇1

Unit1 好朋友 笔友 加拿大 法国 日本 美国

澳洲;澳大利亚 新加坡 英国 国家 悉尼 纽约 巴黎 多伦多 东京 居住 语言

日语;日本人 世界

法国人;法语 爱好

讨厌;不喜欢乔迪 安德鲁 露西 萨拉 金 萨姆 朱莉

Unit2 邮件;邮递 办公室;事务所 邮局 图书馆 餐馆;饭店 银行 超级市场 街;街道


投币式公用电话 公园

大街;林荫道 中央;中心 桥

邮件;邮政 在那里 在---近旁 横过;在对面 在---对面


紧靠---的旁边;贴近;最接近介于---之间 前面;前边 在---前面 在---之后 附近;邻近

直接地;就;只;仅仅 径直地,直接地 转弯;转变方向 向左;左边

向下;下去;沿着 向右;右边 在右边

开着的;营业中的 市场;市集 清洁的;干净的 宁静的 肮脏的 房子;住宅 欢迎

菜园;花园 区域;地方

享受---的乐趣;欣赏 散步;步行 散步

穿过;通过 开始

旅行;游历 参观;游览 地方;地点 愉快;开心 用心 爱心 专心 玩得开心 如果 饥饿的 到达;抵达 路;路线;路途 乘;坐;搭

出租车;的士;计程车 私人飞机;小型民用机场 通过




(澳洲)树袋熊 老虎;虎 大象 海豚 熊猫 狮子 企鹅 长颈鹿 动物园

可爱的;聪明的 地图;图

聪明的;漂亮的 动物

方格;方框 有几分

南;南方;在南方的;南部的;向南的;自南方的 非洲 宾戈

丑陋的;难看的 聪明的;机灵的 友好的美丽的;美好的 害羞的;怕羞的 其他的;另外的 草


在---期间 在晚上;在夜里 叶;树叶

懒惰的;懒散的 肉;肉类 放松;休息

朱莉娅 亨利 莫利 拉里 Unit4 商店;店铺 助手;助理 店员 医生

记者;通讯员 男警察

侍者;服务员 银行职员 医院

现在;此时 担任主角;主演 女警官;女警察 护士

钱;金钱;货币 给;授予

获得;得到;购买;拿来 穿;戴 制服


在---期间;在(一段时间)之内危险的 小偷;贼

晚;晚于通常时间 在外;向外 谈话;谈论

车站;政府机关的署;局 电视台 警方;警察 警察局 报纸

辛苦地;努力地 作为

按照;根据 夏季;夏天

故事;事迹;小说 杂志;期刊

年轻的,年纪小的 戏剧;剧本 新闻;消息 孩子(复数)国际的 教;讲授 技能;技巧 先生;阁下 女士;夫人苏珊 贝蒂 卡伦 弗兰克

Unit5 打扫;清除 读;阅读

通过;以---的方式 公寓;住宅 电视节目 当然;的确 等待;等候 等候;等待 玩具

西;西方;西方的;在西方的;向西方的 活动

买东西;购物 购物商场;商业街 水池;水塘 照像机 鸟


Unit6 下雨 用心 爱心 专心 有风的;多风的 多云的;阴天的 阳光充足的 下雪

天气;气候 莫斯科 波士顿 烹调;煮 学习

坏的;劣质的很糟的;极坏的;可怕的相当;很;颇 热的 寒冷的 凉爽的温暖的;暧和的 潮湿的;湿润的 假期;休假 在度假中 拍照平卧;躺 海滩

看;朝---看 团体;组

令人满意的;绝妙的 感到惊讶的 热;热度

放松的;得到休息的 冬季 围巾 每个人

玩得高兴;过得快乐 男人;人;人类

Review of units 1-6 描述;形容 寻找;寻求

谈论;讨论;议论 方向 单元 最

下列的;下述的 为了


Unit7 头发;毛发 卷曲的;卷毛的 直的;笔直的 高的 中等的 高度 瘦的 重的体格;体形 像;如同 总是;始终 队长;首领 队;组

受欢迎的;通俗的;流行的金黄色的 漂亮的一点儿;少许 一点儿;少许 笑话;玩笑 决不;从不 停止;终止 棕色的;褐色的 人;人物 胡须 眼镜

外表;外貌 牢记;记住 流行音乐 歌唱家;歌手 不再 讲

没有人;没人皮特 卡西 约翰尼 迪安 鲁思 格洛丽亚 小矮人 巨人 梦想家 智者


WILL的过去式(表示意愿)面条 牛肉 羊肉

洋白菜;卷心菜 土豆;马铃薯 特色菜 饮料

大的;宽广的 大小;尺寸 碗;一碗的容量 果汁;果汁饮料 饺子 粥;糊 茶;茶叶 绿茶

米;稻;米饭 汤;羹 洋葱 鱼;鱼肉 电话 人民币 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 原因;理由 菜单安妮


IS的过去式 DO的过去式 GO的过去式 用心 爱心 专心 拜访;访问 考试;测验

---?---怎么样? 停留;留下 在家

做;进行;从事 读;阅读 练习;实践

正常的;规则的;有规律的 动词

不规则的;无规律的现在时态的;现在的;目前的 过去时态的;以前的;过去的 山;山脉 地理学

花费;度过;过 昨天 编号;号 中等的 中学


HAVE的过去式 SEE的过去式

访谈节目;谈话;交谈;演讲 访谈节目

WRITE的过去式 歌;歌曲 去散步 坐


向下;在下面;下去;降下 猫

---该是---的时候了 没有的;极少的 任何事;无论何事 建议;意见



纽约市 野营;营地 夏令营 博物馆 向导

中心的;位于中心的 考试;检查

真的;是吗;真是的 下雨的;多雨的 ARE的过去式 极好的不友善的;不友好的 极坏的;极讨厌的 美味的昂贵的;价高的 拥挤的廉价的;便宜的思考;考虑;对—有特定的想法 水


角落;街角;墙角 使;促使;迫使 MAKE的过去式 感到;觉得 走;步行;散步 回原处;往回去 决定;下决心 墙壁;围墙;城墙 万里长城 宫殿 故宫 广场

天安门广场 胡同 做;制作 同班同学 讨论;议论 报告;汇报 性别

布拉德 凯文 Unit11 肥皂 肥皂剧 情景喜剧 情景;形势

没什么;一个都没有 哈 忍受 介意

君主;国王---怎么样? 事实;真实事情

实际上;其实;确切地说文化 主持人 同意;赞成赞同;持相同意见’ 太阳镜 皮带 钱包 钥匙链 由;被 时尚;潮流 SAY的过去式 文章 放;摆;装 主意;想法 色彩鲜艳的泰勒 赖斯

Unit12 规则

走廊;过道 教室

打架;争吵 女士

外面的;在外部的 进餐;吃饭 大厅;礼堂 不得不;必须

其他的;别的;另外的 运动鞋

用心 爱心 专心 体育馆 医生(缩写)

到---之前;不迟于 洗;洗涤 后来;以后 少年宫 不许讲话 大声地

亚历克斯 埃米莉

Review of units 7-12 配件;饰品 雪

预订;点 意见;看法

维克斯 里姆 苏

新目标七年级英语下册1-12单元全套教案 篇2

1. --- How do you usually come to school?

---___________ the school bus.

A. By B. With C. At D. On

2. ---Do you know ____________?

A. how old is Sam B. where he lives C. where is Tom D. how far does he live

3. The students in that village need to ________ a river to school.

A. across B. through C. cross D. crossing

4. We hope our dreams can ____________.

A. come out B. come true C. come up D. come through

5. ---________ does Cindy live from her offi ce?

--- Three kilometers.

A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How far

6. It takes him about 15 minutes _________ there.

A. walk B. walking C. to walk D. walks

7. James has ________ breakfast at home and play _____ guitar every day.

A. /, the B. the, / C. the, the D. a, the

8. We want people who are good _________ children.

A. at B. for C. in D. with

9. ---_________ do people usually eat dinner?

--- In the evening.

A. What time B. When C. What D. How

10. --- Can I borrow your bike?


A. I don’t have one. B. No, you can’t. C. Of course. D. Not at all.

11. Can you tell me what he _________ just now?

A. talked B. told C. spoke D. said

12. ---Must I do the dishes after dinner?

--No, you ______________.

A. can’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. have to

13. Please get up and ___________ your clothes.

A. dress B. put up C. wear D. get dressed

14. Either you or your brother __________ singing very much.

A. likes B. like C. don’t like D. dislike

15. ---How does Jack ___________ the museum?

---By bus.

A. get B. arrive C. arrive in D. reach

16. --- How far is your home from your uncle’s?


A. It’s 20 kilometers far. B. It’s 20 kilometers away.

C. It’s 20 minutes bus ride D. It takes 20 minutes.

17. He wants to fi nd a _______ in a music club.

A. jobs B. work C. works D. job

18. Lucy often ____________to the bus stop.

A. rides a bike B. rides bike C. by bike D. on her bike

19. Sally goes to the park after ________ her homework.

A. doing B. do C. does D. to do

20. ---_____________________?

--- It’s wonderful.

A. What do you think of the football game? B. Do you want to go on a trip?

C. Can you play chess D. What time do you go to bed

二、完形填空。 (10分)

21. A. and B. but C. or D. so

22. A. at B. in C. on D. to

23. A. with B. by C. of D. on

24. A. go B. get C. leave D. getting

25. A. in B. at C. about D. to

26. A. in B. at C. on D. of

27. A. his B. he C. he D. she

28.A. his B. he C. our D. their

29.A. look B. read C. watch D. look at

30. A. go to bed B. goes to bed C. sleeps D. get bed

三、阅读理解 (共20小题, 每小题2分, 共计40分)


I have a cousin. His name is Eric. He is 15. He likes music and he can play the guitar very well. But he doesn’t want to join the music club. He wants to join the art club. He wants to learn to paint. I don’t like music or art, I like sports. I can play tennis. I can also swim but I can’t swim well. I want to join the sports club. My friends are in that club. I want to play sports with them.

31. How old is the writer’s cousin?

A. Five B. Fifteen C. Fifty D. Fourteen

32. What does Eric like?

A. music B. art C. swim D. sports

33. What club does Eric want to join?

A. music club B. art club C. sports club D. chess club

34. What does the writer dislike?

A. sports B. tennis C. swim D. music

35.Why does the writer want to join the sports club?

A. He can play tennis. B. He can swim.

C. He doesn’t like music club. D. His friends are in that club, he wants to play with them.


Sue and Linda usually go to school by car. They drive past a cinema, a supermarket and a food shop. The food shop is next to the supermarket. Jack and Michael usually go to school by bus. They go past a bank and a post offi ce. The bank is next to the post offi ce. Mary usually goes to work by bike. She rides a bike past a police offi ce, a library and a swimming pool.

( ) 36. How many people are there in this passage?

A. Five B. Three C. Four D. Two

( ) 37. Where is the bank?

A. It’s next to a swimming pool. B. It’s on the right.

C. It’s next to a post offi ce. D. It’s on the left.

( ) 38. How does Linda go to school?

A. By bike B. By bus. C. By car. D. On foot.

( ) 39. Where does Sue drive past?

A. A cinema. B. A post offi ce. C. A park. D. A bank.

( ) 40. What do they do?

A. They are singers. B. They are football players.

C. They are students. D. They are reporters.


Hi! My name is Tom. I am a school boy. My school is far from school. I must get up early in the morning. I usually go to school by bus. It takes me half an hour to get there. I have no time to have breakfast at home. I often have some bread for breakfast on the bus. I don’t want to be late for the morning exercise. I have lunch at school. Sometimes I play football with my classmates after school. I often get home at half past six.

( ) 41. Tom lives______.

A. next to his school B. in his school

C. far from his school D. with his friends

( ) 42. Where does Tom eat breakfast?

A. In the school` B. At home C. on the bus D. near the school

( ) 43. Tom gets home______.

A. at 5:30 in the afternoon B. at noon

C. with his classmates D. at 6:30P.M

( ) 44. How long does it take Tom to go to school?

A. one hour B. 5.5 hours C. Half an hour D. A morning

( ) 45.What does Tom sometimes do after school?

A. Does morning exercise. B. Plays football with his classmates.

C. Plays the guitar. D. Does his homework.


Alex’s day

Hello! I’m Alex. I often get up at 6:30 a.m. Half an hour later I have my breakfast. At 7:30 a.m. I take a bus to school. We have Math, Chinese and English classes from 8.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. I have lunch and talk with my classmates at school. We have three classes from 1:40 to 4:10 in the afternoon. After school, I often play with my classmates. We often play soccer, tennis and ping-pong. I go home at about 5:00p.m. I usually have dinner at 6:00p.m. Then I do my homework and watch TV. At about 10:30, I go to bed.

( ) 46. Alex goes to school at half past six in the morning.

47. What time does Alex eat breakfast?


48. How long does it take Alex to have breakfast?


49. Where does Alex eat lunch?


50. Alex usually _______ before he goes to bed.

四、词汇 (10分)

51.There is no ___________ ( 桥梁 ) above the rive.

52. _________ the rive to school is dangerous for the students. (横过、越过)

53.What do you_______________ the school trip? (认为…怎么样)

54.The bus ride ___________me about 20 minutes every day. (花费)

55. He _________________ at seven o’clock. (刷牙)

56. Lisa is good at ______________________ ( 讲故事 ) .

57.Peter likes ___________________ ( 拉小提琴 ) .

58.He either does homework or________________ ( 散步 ) after lunch.

59.I want to be ____________________ when I grow up. (音乐家)

60. The school needs help to teach children______________ ( 游泳 ) .

五、连词成句 (10分)

61. does, you, get, how, it, long, take, to, school, to


62. is, a, river, between, there, home, her, and, hospital, the


63. far, he, live, the, how, does, library, from


64. I, take, to, the, usually, subway, park, the


65. club, want, what, to, do, you, join


66. he, play, can, the, or, drums, basketball


67. do, usually, time, get, what, you, up


68. they, bus, take, the, do, work, to


69. knows, she, it, not, is, her, for, good


70. I, clean, sometimes, an, for, my, half, hour, room


六、写作 (10分)


擅长打篮球, 会弹钢琴, 想加入了游泳俱乐部学习游泳。

每天早上7:00起床, 穿好衣服, 吃过早饭后7:45去上学, 下午4点放学回家。

通常花15分钟骑自行车上学, 如果下雨会乘公交车。





1-5 DBCBD 6-10 CADBC 11-15 DBBAD 16-20 BDAAA


21-25ABBCB 26-30AADCA


31-35 BABDC 36-40 ACCAC 41-45 CCDCB

46. F 47. At 7:00 48. 30 minutes

49. At school 50. Does homework and watches TV


51.Bridge 52.Crossing 53.think of 54.takes 55.brushes teeth

56.Telling stories 57.playing the violin 58.takes a walk 59.a musician 60.to swim


61.How long does it take you to get to school?

62.There is a river between her home and the hospital.

63.How far does he live from the library?

64.I usually take the subway to the park..

65.What club do you want to join?

66.Can he play the drums or basketball?

67.What time do you usually get up?

68.Do they take the bus to work?

69.She knows it is not good for her.

70. I sometimes clean my room for half and hour.


新目标七年级英语下册1-12单元全套教案 篇3


新目标英语七年级下册第十二单元第二课时教案 教学目标 1.知识目标: 单词:gym class, uniform, have to. 句型:John, you have to wear sports shoes for gym class. At school, we have to clean the classroom. 2.能力目标: 训练学生在文章中使用词语的能力。 训练学生的口语能力。 区别have to和can的用法。 教学重点 “have to”和“can”的用法。 教学难点 “have to”和“can”的用法。 教学过程 一、复习(Revision) T: Hello. What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? T: It is a good day today. Can we play pingpong outside? Can we run outside/in the hallways? Can we fight in the classrooms? Can we eat an apple in a dining hall? Do you like movies?Do you want to go to a movie? Today we are going to watch a short play about rules. It is made by our classmates. When you are watching the play, you should to remember what rules they are breaking. Use the sentence like : Don’t … S1: Don’t arrive late for school. S2: Don’t talk in class. S3: Don’t listen to music in class. S4:… 说明:让学生课前去准备一个校园小短剧,不能出现声音,只能运用一些手势,动作。然后让学生用祈使句说出那些rules. 可采用小组比赛的形式。 二、导入 T: Excuse me. What time does the school begin in the morning? S: It begins at … T: Yeh, so I have to arrive at school at ….What about you? What time do you have to arrive at school in the morning? S: I have to arrive at school at… T: As students, what do you have to do in the school?  S: We have to T: What can you do at school? S: I can   T: What can’t you do at school? S: We can’t   T: What can you do at home? S: I can play computer/watch TV/sleep/talk/…at home. T: What can’t you do at home? T: What you don’t have to do at home? S: I don’t have to wash…/have classes/… 说明:该部分主要是让学生发挥想象,充分运用自己所学的知识。同时也是在区分can和have to的用法。 三、操练 T: Where do you like to stay, at home or at school? Now I’ll give you 2 minutes to prepare for it. S1: At school, I can…. I don’t have to ….   At home, I can’t …. I have to…   So I like to stay at school. S2: At home, I can… I don’t have to…   At school, I can’t…  I have to …   So I like to stay at home. 说明:Can, can’t, have to, don’t have to的.综合运用.同时也是发表学生自己的看法。 四、教学sectiona-3a,3b 1. T: As you know, we have seven classes in a day. What can you do in an English class? S: We can speak English/learn English songs/… T: What can you do in the painting class? S: We can draw some pictures. T: What do you have to bring for the painting class? S: We have to bring our color pencils. T: What can you do in the PE class? Or we can say, what can you do in gym class? S: We can play …/run outside. T: What do you have to wear for gym class? S: We have to wear sports shoes for gym class. T: Do you have to wear a uniform for gym class? (T points at their uniforms to make sure they can understand the meaning of uniform.) S: Yes, we do. T: Do you have to wear a uniform at home? S: … T: Now, please open your books to 73. Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box as soon as possible. 2. Design your ideal school T: As you are students, you have to obey the rules. Now if you have the chance to be a headmaster, what kind of school do you want to make? Please tell us the rules of your ideal school. You can work with your group, ask and answer like: A: Can the students….? B: Yes, they can. / No, they can’t. Report:  In our school, the students can …。 They can’t ….  They have to ….  They don’t have to…. Do you like our school? 说明:让学生说出自己理想的学校规则,然后叫一些同学来投票,看谁心目中的学校最能吸引其它的同学。 五、教学4 关于学校规则,谈谈自己的看法,在纸条上写出六条,然后把纸条放在包里,拿出另外一张不同的照片,并找出拿着自己纸片的同学。 六、作业 1.记忆新单词。 2.设计自己理想的学校规则并写下来。  

新目标七年级英语上册三单元教案 篇4

《英语》(新目标)Go for it!七年级 上册

教学内容:Unit 3 This is my sister.Section A

教学目标 1,知识技能 words:Mother, father, parents, brother, grandmother,grandfather, grandparents, sister.Sentences: This is my friend.These are…Those are…Is this your friend?Is that…

Learn to make correct introductions using the expressions

above.2, 情感与价值观To love our families and our family members.Learn

to meet more friends in our lives.教学重难点 1,Correct reading and usingabout the new words

2,Introductions between new friends.教学教具准备A tape-recorder, a family photo of the teacher, family photos of the




Step1 Leading-in(导入)

The teacher shows a family photo to the students and tell them: “Do you want to know

my family members? Now, look at this photo of my

family.This is my….Can you guess? You can tell me

in Chinese.”…

Step 2.Presentation

目标 Learn the new words about the family members.Try to use this is/ these

are/those are…structures correctly when introducing.材料Family photo, pictures.活动形式 全班活动和小组活动


1,Talk about the family photo with the students.Write the new words on the

blackboard while the students are saying the words in Chinese.2,Teach reading then let the leader of each group teach reading.3,Have a reading competition in groups.To see which group read best of all.4,Talk about the family members again in English.Let the students complete the

introductions instead of the teacher.Step3 Practice.目标 Review the new words about family members learned just now.Try to use the

sentences, This is… Is this…?These are…Are these…?

材料:pictures,family photos of the students’



1,Look at the family photo of yourself and tell your partner who they are in your

family.2, Then change the photos with your partner.Ask them the members in the photos.(即

询问对方的家庭成员)E.g.Is this your mother? Are these your parents?

3, Talk about the pictures in the textbook(1a).Ask and answer in pairs.4, Have introductions about the family members in groups and then choose a best one.Let him or her go to the blackboard to introduce to the whole class.(可用投影器投影他的照片)Then choose the best reporter and reward them.Step4.Listening.目标:Practice listening and improve their listening abilities.材料:Textbook 1a,2a



1,Listen and look at the picture of 1a.Listen and give the right answers.2,Read the listening materials together.3,Listen to the materials 年2a first and then say the answers as fast as possible.4,Reward those who can give the right answers first.5,Listen and repeat after the tape.Then have them practice the dialogues in pairs.Step5 Writing

目标:Improve the students’ writing abilities and review the key words and sentences

what they learned in this unit.材料:Key words and useful sentences in this unit.活动形式:全班活动


1,Tell the students they will write a short composition about their family photos.(可以根据刚刚做的口头介绍来做,把它转换成书面形式)

2,They write the passages to describe the family photos.3,Each group choose one composition and analyze it with the others together.(可把


新目标七年级英语下册1-12单元全套教案 篇5

大坪中学 邹先珍

Unit 11 what do you think of game shows?

[设计思想] 本课的教学目标就是让学生能够运用目标语询问他人对人或事的看法,并能简单表达自己或听懂同伴对人、事的看法或观点。根据本课教学内容和教学对象年龄和心理特征,我采取了一种学生喜闻乐见的课堂活动形式——采访。采访的话题涵盖面广,如:clothes, movies, tv show, food, music, pop movie star, sport etc.学生可以根据自己的兴趣、爱好自选或自定采访话题,而且学生可以自己决定采访问题,这给了学生极大的活动空间。这样安排不仅将新、旧知识有机的结合起来,而且给每个学生提供了自主选择、自主决定学习内容的机会。


[课后反思] 成功完成本实施方案必须遵循以下原则: 1.课前安排要细致、到位。本节课的课堂容量比较大,如果学生课前准备或老师指导不到位,很难在一课时内完成,即使完成,效果也将很不理想。



新目标七年级英语下册1-12单元全套教案 篇6

本单元的核心教学项目是"语言",涉及到国家,国籍,所使用的语言等项内容,让学生通过学习和活动, 掌握交流个人基本信息的技能和知识。教学目标

1.话题:Countries, nationalities and languages 2.功能目标:1)学会向别人传递个人的基本信息 2)像别人介绍自己的笔友




老师在课前准备一些带有七大洲特色的照片和图案及特征颜色,贴在教室的不同地方,形成七个区域---即七大洲。上课后,老师站在不同的区域,让学生们猜出是哪个洲(汉语即可),然后教英语。之后学生自己选一个自己喜欢的洲,离开座位。老师在每个洲选两个人,试问:“Where are you from?”重复刚才教的七大洲名。重难点突破 1.一般现在时

该时态用于描述经常性的动作或者状态。谓语动词be有三种形式am,is,are,在使用时要根据主语,选择不同的形式。否定句中,直接在be后添加not,在疑问句中将be直接放在主语之前即可构成疑问形式;其他动词(主要包括行为动词和除be以外的系动词)在一般现在时中也因主语发生变化。当主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词的词尾要添加“s”,构词法与名词复数构词法基本一样;反之,谓语动词则以动词原形出现;如: They like to eat different kinds of food.They don’t like to eat different kinds of food.Do they like to eat different kinds of food? Yes, they do.No, they don’t.What do they like to eat? Li Shan likes rice a lot.2. come from„

来自于”,但是它们在句中的使用方式是不同的。在否定句中,我们直接将否定词加在助动词do或does后,因此出现该动词的缩写形式don’t或doesn’t。注意助动词do或does在使用时,受到主语人称的限制。在书写特殊疑问句时,在系动词be,助动词do或does前会出现特殊疑问词,句式结构与一般疑问句完全一致。如:Are you from the States? Yes, I am.No, I am not.I am not from the States.Where are you from? Do you come from the States? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.I don’t come from the States.Where do you come from? 活动一:获取对方信息 目 的:进行自然交流 材 料:两种不同的表格

A(for some of the students in the class)NAME AGE





Bob 12 3


Jo Hunt 15


long hair Jim


Jack Wilson


Nancy 13


round face

B(for the other students in the class)NAME AGE






British English

short hair

Jo Hunt

American English

Jim 12

British English

big eyes

Jack Wilson 15 4


thin and tall





(period 2)教材分析

让学生通过学习和活动, 掌握交流个人基本信息的技能和知识。教学目标 1.认知目标:

1)词汇Canada, South Korea, France, Japan, the United States, Brazil, Australia, the United

Kingdom, Mexico, Argentina, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean 2)语法项目:一般现在时的陈述句和疑问句形式。3)语言目标:Where is your pen pal from? She’s from Mexico.Where does she live? What language does she speak? She speaks English and Spanish.教学重点


当主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词的变化形式。重难点突破 1.一般现在时


Li Shan likes rice a lot.Li Shan doesn’t like rice at all.Does Li Shan like rice? Yes, she does.No, she doesn’t.What does Li Shan like? 2.be from„

“来自于”,但是它们在句中的使用方式是不同的。在一般疑问句中,be from中的系动词be可以直接提前构成一般疑问句,在否定句中可在系动词be后直接添加not表示否定;以come from作谓语构成的一般疑问句,由于come是行为动词,它的疑问形式是句首出现助动词do或does, come在句中的位置,形式与陈述句时是一样的,不发生任何变化。They like to eat different kinds of food.They don’t like to eat different kinds of food.Do they like to eat different kinds of food? Yes, they do.No, they don’t.What do they like to eat? Yes, I am.No, I am not.I am not from the States.Where are you from? Do you come from the States? 活动一:介绍笔友

目 的:在情景中运用本单元学过的词汇和句型。材 料:一张表格

语言技能:Speaking and listening 活动形式:group work 操作过程:1.教师提出语言任务:向同伴介绍自己的笔友


3.教师提供表格可能的话,可以包括对人的外貌的描述 NAME:









6.学生以小组的形式制作表格,填写自己笔友的基本情况 7.小组之间进行信息交流

8.教师对学生完成以上任务的情况做出评价 教后一得:

该教案设计灵活,方便实用,利用学生加强语言的交际能力,同时还为她们提供了大量的动手、动笔的能力。(period 3)


1.To talk about where people are from.2.To talk about countries , cities , and languages.3.To get some knowledge about geography in English.4.To get information about different cultures.语言目标:


1.Where is your pen pal from ? 你的笔友来自哪里?

2.She is from Mexico.她来自墨西哥。

3.Where does she live ? 她住在什么地方?

4.She lives in Mexico City.她住在墨西哥城。

5.What language does she speak ? 她讲什么语言?

6.She speaks English and Spanish.她讲英语和西班牙语。

7.Does she speak French ? 她讲法语吗?


Countries :

Brazil , South Korea , Japan , The United States , Canada , Australia ,Mexico , Argentina , China , The United Kingdom , France , Germany , New Zealand

Languages : Chinese , Japanese , German , French , English , Spanish , Portuguese , Korean

Other words : pal , pen pal , south , country , New York , Rio de Janeiro , Tokyo , live , language , easy , step , beginner , advanced , conversational , introduce , written , world , Ottawa , place , physics , enjoy , frequency , nationality , dislike 二.重点、难点:

1.To ask about where people are from.询问人们来自哪里。

a.be from “来自”

(1)Where is your pen pal from ? “你的笔友来自哪里?”(2)Mary and Tony are from the United States.“Mary 和Tony来自美国。”

(3)I’m / I am from China.“我来自中国。”

b.come from “来自”

(1)Where do you come from ? “你来自什么地方?”

(2)Where does your pen pal come from ? “你的笔友来自哪里?”(3)My pen pal comes from Korea.“我的笔友是韩国人。”(4)They come from Russia.“他们来自俄罗斯。”

2.To ask about what languages people speak.询问人们讲什么语言。

(1)What language do you speak ? 你讲什么语言?(2)I speak Chinese.我讲汉语。

(3)What language does your pen pal speak ? 你的笔友讲什么语言?

(4)He speaks Japanese and a little English.他讲日语,也讲一点英语。注意:“说”某种语言,要用“speak”.不能用其他的动词。

3.To ask about where people live.询问人们居住地。

(1)Where do you live ? 你住在哪里?

I live in Beijing.我住在北京。

(2)Where does your pen friend live ? 你的笔友住在什么地方?

She lives in Washington.她住在华盛顿。注意:表示在某个城市,介词用“in”

如:in New York

in Tokyo

in Mexico City

4.I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.like“喜欢”,后多跟动词ing形式。如:I like listening to music!

My father likes watching TV.Boys like playing balls.5.Can you write to me soon ? 你可以快些给我写信吗?

write to sb.“给某人写信”

I write to my pen pal twice(两次)a month.我每月给我的笔友写两次信。

Sometimes I write to my parents.6.To get to know some countries , their capitals and languages.CountryCapitalLanguage




MexicoMexico CitySpanish


BrazilRio de JaneiroPortuguese



7.I enjoy physics class at school.enjoy “非常喜欢”,指可以从中得到乐趣。

e.g.I enjoy listening to classical music.听古典音乐是种享受。

He enjoys his meals.他非常满意饭菜。

教学一得:本课设计合理,层次清晰;形式活泼多样,课件运用恰当;开始由chant导入新课,最后在歌声中结束,使整节课首尾呼应、气氛活跃,达到了学生掌握并灵活运用目标语言的教学目的。不足之处:在任务的设计和衔接上还不够精炼和流畅,有待在今后的教学中作进一步研究和探讨。period 4 单元目标:

1.To talk about where people are from.2.To talk about countries , cities , and languages.3.To get some knowledge about geography in English.4.To get information about different cultures.语言目标:


1.Where is your pen pal from ? 你的笔友来自哪里?

2.She is from Mexico.她来自墨西哥。

3.Where does she live ? 她住在什么地方?

4.She lives in Mexico City.她住在墨西哥城。

5.What language does she speak ? 她讲什么语言?

6.She speaks English and Spanish.她讲英语和西班牙语。

7.Does she speak French ? 她讲法语吗?


Countries :

Brazil , South Korea , Japan , The United States , Canada , Australia , Mexico , Argentina , China , The United Kingdom , France , Germany , New Zealand

Languages : Chinese , Japanese , German , French , English , Spanish , Portuguese , Korean

Other words : pal , pen pal , south , country , New York , Rio de Janeiro , Tokyo , live , language , easy , step , beginner , advanced , conversational , introduce , written , world , Ottawa , place , physics , enjoy , frequency , nationality , dislike


1.To ask about where people are from.询问人们来自哪里。

a.be from “来自”

(1)Where is your pen pal from ? “你的笔友来自哪里?”(2)Mary and Tony are from the United States.“Mary 和Tony来自美国。”

(3)I’m / I am from China.“我来自中国。”

b.come from “来自”

(1)Where do you come from ? “你来自什么地方?”

(2)Where does your pen pal come from ? “你的笔友来自哪里?”(3)My pen pal comes from Korea.“我的笔友是韩国人。”(4)They come from Russia.“他们来自俄罗斯。”

2.To ask about what languages people speak.询问人们讲什么语言。

(1)What language do you speak ? 你讲什么语言?(2)I speak Chinese.我讲汉语。

(3)What language does your pen pal speak ? 你的笔友讲什么语言?

(4)He speaks Japanese and a little English.他讲日语,也讲一点英语。注意:“说”某种语言,要用“speak”.不能用其他的动词。

3.To ask about where people live.询问人们居住地。

(1)Where do you live ? 你住在哪里?

I live in Beijing.我住在北京。

(2)Where does your pen friend live ? 你的笔友住在什么地方?

She lives in Washington.她住在华盛顿。注意:表示在某个城市,介词用“in”

如:in New York

in Tokyo

in Mexico City

4.I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.like“喜欢”,后多跟动词ing形式。如:I like listening to music!

My father likes watching TV.Boys like playing balls.5.Can you write to me soon ? 你可以快些给我写信吗?

write to sb.“给某人写信”

I write to my pen pal twice(两次)a month.我每月给我的笔友写两次信。

Sometimes I write to my parents.6.To get to know some countries , their capitals and languages.Country













Mexico City





Rio de Janeiro


France Paris





7.I enjoy physics class at school.enjoy “非常喜欢”,指可以从中得到乐趣。

e.g.I enjoy listening to classical music.听古典音乐是种享受。

He enjoys his meals.他非常满意饭菜。
